Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jun 1910, p. 8

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Stepping Stones That Lead to Weallh Every Deposit you make In™ this strong. progressive Bank Is 'as ing stone $0 greater ! Bons E oaoeity. YOU will * be surprised to see how much § money you can accumulate by , making regular deposits in ! One Dollar opens an account fn our SAVINGS DEPART- M INTEREST 1S ADDED to all balances every six months. Steamboat and Yacht Supplies AWNINGS AND TENTS, All sizes, Manilla and Cotton Rope. FLAGS AND LIFE BELTS. BRASS CHOCKS AND CLEATS, : STEERING WHEELS. Everything in Stock for a complete . Ontfit in Brass or Galvanized. HULL WHITE PAINT, BOAT VARNISH, All of the very best the markets can produce. W. A Mitchell's Hardware, | 85 and 87 Princess St _ Agent for the only Jap-a-lac sold in Kingston. : » a A HACKMAN INJURED i. THROUGH THE UPSETTING OF HIS CARRIAGE. Horses Shied at Street Oar on King Street--Got Too Close to Sidewalk and Collided With a Tree--Driver Fell Under he Overturned Hack. Edward Eves, hackman, was slightly injured about 9:30 o'clock, Satundny morning, by the overturning of is cab on King street, in front of the re- sidence of H. A. Calvin, and is in the Hotel Dieu for treatment. He was driving out King sireel in response to a call, When near Mr. Calvin's resi dence he met a wireet car, und his team of greys shied, jumping towards the sidewalk. All would have been well, only that a large tree bappened to be in the way, and the hag col lided with this, overturning and throwing the driver and two compan- ions off the seat. One of the latter rose quickly and grabbed the horses before they could break away. Mr. Eves was on the right side of the seat, and in the upset, he fell pactially under the cab, The street car was stopped and persons aboard assisted in raising the cab and lifting the young driver out. The latter was found to be quite severely hurt, and a telephone call was sent for Corbett's ambulance, which soon arrived and conveyed the injured hackman to the Hotel Dien, where, after an examina: tion, it was found that no bobes were broken, and that the young man suf- fered more from shock and a few bruises, The cab was somewhat broken by the collision and overturn- ing. 7e~Table Pineapples----7ec. Nice table pineapples, Tc; large for preserving, 12je. J. ford. extra Craw- Sale to-day 38c. silk lisle stockings, all' colors, 25¢., tan and black cash- mere hose, special, 206c. Extra strong hose supporters, 25e¢. Dutton's, 208 Princess street. Another row hay developed in Al berta polities over the omission of Hon. Mr. Cushing from the Sifton cabinet. "Ice cream bricks," Neilson's, Toronto, . Sold in Kingston only uUibson's Red Cross drug store. A runaway team at Arnprior col lided with a | moving freight train, throwing it off the track, and block- ing the line for some hours. Special sale to-day, women's $3 pa- tent Oxfords, $2.25; men's $5 patent shoes, Goodyear welt, $3.75. Dutton's Shoe Store, 209 Princess street. » from at TO-NIGHT, 7.30 O'CLOCK. 290 Yards All Wool Black . Voile Regular value 75¢, 90c, for 49¢ Yard. . This material is made by one of the best French manufacturers. Color is absolute- ly perfect, and if not satisfactory in every way, we shall be purchase price. » pleased to refund the Limit to each customer. | Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Knitted Drawers {at the © ry weak \ MAY EXTEND TERM. Earl Grey May Be Asked to Stay ADMITS THE FACT BRITISH EMPIRE BEST MARKET OF THE STATES. Bought $275,000,000 of American Goods Last Year---Britain Took 132 Millions and Canada Ninety. Seven Millions of Manufactured Articles. Washington, June 4.--British terri tory is the world's greatest market for American manufacturers. In the face of the fact that Great Pritain is Europe's greatest manufac turer. and the world's greatest expor- ter of manafacturers, nearly one-half of all the exported manufactured pro- ducts of the United States goes to British territory of all the exports to tistics of the Department of Commerie and Labor, By the term British territory is meant the United Kingdom, Canada, and all other lands which float the Union Jack, even to the district at Hong-Kong and the British islands in Ocennia, British territory in Burope in 1900 took $132,000,000 of American manu- facturers : -- EARL GREY, Special to the Whig. » s Ottawa, June 4. --Whereas a week ago there was no talk of Earl Grey going back to England hurriedly, on busi- nese, he is to return at once and fin- ish out his period as governorieneral until the auinmu. His excellency, it is ire . ' announced, is to xail "on Tuesday. | British North America, $07,000,000. There 1s u rumor that the: king has' British Asia, $13,000,000, and even sent for him, and that the special British Affica took $7,000,000. pressure keing biought to bear way Thus Great Britain buys forty per result in his term as governor-general ont. of all American manufactures of Canada being extended for a sixth sent to Europe; forty-six per cent. of vear, The people of Canada very much all those exported on the North Am- desire this, and. it is stated, that this erican continent; one per cent, of those direct hint hus reached the-eer of his to South Africa; seventy-four per majesty, the King, and others in the cont. of those to Oceania, and sixty- Ji whest official British circles. Cana- eight per cent. of all sent to Asia. dians are anxiously anticipating the british territory, then, is & pretty result of the hurried trip to England good customer, All in all, it bought and asking what the result will be. 75,000,000 of Yankee goods in 1909, The composing staff of the Citize®t, | & the unmanufactured produtts of yesterday afternoon, surprised two of! Liu United _ States, British territory its members, Messrs "Eddie" Ball and {a es forty-eight per cent. Horaca Butler, by presenting each with | ER a beautiful cabinet of cutlery. Mr. | THE DIVER'S DRESS. Butler was wedded on wn od to Miss Laura McPhersoifrwand Mr. Pal' will, on Thursday next, lead to! ' _ marine Work. the altar Miss Margaret A. Calton. | Among pioneer inventors to whom Mr. Ball is a Kigstonian, who has the diving dress in its present per- dono well hers, aud who was for fected form owes so much was William ment years a member of the Whig Taylor patent of June 20th, 1838, in staff. : | Hannis Taylor. The previous hit or { miss attempts were superseded by the { which the essential feature was {valve allowing the emission of con- Shown in Moving Picture at the sumed air without gn influx of water. Bijou. Previous to this there had been the ] , 2 i i diving chests and the diving bell, of King Edward's funeral in moving | wyich the latter, introduced by Smea- pictures, the much-heralded film which 'y.p 1 1778. was the safest: and most every theatre has been struggling Yo practical device for submarine explo- obtain, has been eaptu hy be ration. The diving bell nas been de Bijou, and this enterprising house will voloped alongside of 'the diving dress have the honor of presenting it to',nd is still in use. the people of Kingston, on Monday, | The general appearance of Taylor's uext, May 6th. ooo diving armor was like that of a Ths great pageant, which signalized knignt's suit of mail, except for a the burial of tbe late king, is describ.' prominent bulge in the body piece. el as the most magnificent in the his- iaxgo pipe coming down fram the sur- tory of England, and one never sur- faep penetrating the y piece at passed in the history of modern €ivil- | the buige supplied the fresh air, while tzation. Behind the coffin marched nine ' a short piece entered the body piece on reigminiy kings, eleven sover- i the other side and was provided with «igns of lesser raifk and seven crown a valve which carried off the exhaust. princes, and in carriages were four | Although diving armor has now reach- quetns. Ten millions of ple were ed its Rien y state, this valve has crowded along the line of march and never been materially improved upon. in the crush six thousand persons were | --Scientific. American. injured. It is probable that never be- | ------------ A HEN WITH A GUARD. fore was there such o concourse of peg; gl. since Europe efflecgee from Ua barism. The patrons of the Bijou will | Fowl Valued at $10,000 to Be Ex. see the Suis fo hotter advantage | hibited. thar most of thes: millions who risk- 5 od lite: and limb to behokl it. Toforma-| hans' ayes Sie owner values at tion has not yet been received as tog of lt ; he . ig Jeature of - the exactly what parts of the pageant are Ne. er IY Joe Wo RYE ae pictured, but it is safe to say that er i Jus Sun Joauin Poulisy the people alive in Kingston to day will | already commenced the hi in os pever again have the opportunity of |, 0 gevect hold th WTC nnaTicy seeing so many worldrenowned men | pitiar § ooo, pa hold the Liggess exhi- a8 will be seen in motion at The Bijou | Thr fame, hoempted in the West. on this oconsion. The life guards, the | io. % ov ge jen is the Peoperty of a yeomen of the Tower of London, and | the Tore naan Uity and 1s of ull the pepsovages who officiate on Beal White Orpington breed. such occasions will be here seén. | oor Shown ohied load heation wher. films were photographed two woeks | Jiveried aunrde wherover she 3 A Sd age yesterday in the streets of Lon- | At the last exhibition she w . a Hebe don, and the same night they were on ' from the showro a a8. ordered view in British theatres. To-day the | pisles. She NEOGNI. foe Diack ating She films are ved; shown in Bennett's | window and was ee onl ph Shentte, Ottawa, and Monday they | city where exhibited, as the crowds The Bi ou deserves great credit tor] SO the Window hindered the traffic its enterprise in securing them so of the streets. soon, This s only done at consider able expense, the film costing a rental price 600 per cent. six hundred yer cent in extess of the usual rental rate, As many as possible are urged to ses the performance in the afternoon in order to avoid the evening rush. The film will also be on view on Tuesday. Two High Court Cases. Justice Latchiord will preside at, the non-jury sittings of the high court ete on Honday | ternoon. There are only two cases for hearing, both of, 1. | k rge le was captured by H. Mar- thick wero on the docket of The lott in, A number of summer cottages 4 ez : Une is that ,.. being erected. on the islands here. Good Evidence. Jape 34The Bi tak reteipts of the Grand | Canadian Pacific railways, for May, the Ta The ba additional x i ill 4 . . an evi- to Jul in ba dence "of the commercial and og i in progress. . Ma -$8,215,000 ; 000, rand Trunk, $3,- Evolution of Devices Used for Saub- THE Ki NG'S FUNERAL At Sharbot Lake. Sharbot Lake, June 4.--Rev. J. €. {Case is attending conference. Mrs. { Taylor, Regina, Sask., is visiting her parents, "Mr. and Mra. J, Thomsoy. 'Miss B. Scott, Zealand, has taken a position in J. Collins' general store, Mrs. T. B. Campbell, 1s visiting at | Verona. Miss Morrison, Mal fs. 18 visiting at Mrs, Deyo's. A. Elliott, Montreal, is visiting at Dr. Kilbown's, Mrs. 8. Gordon has returned home af- ter spending a few hays in Kingston. interprotation of an Arden will, Settled Three Cases. Kingston's popular just ve of peace, G.. H. Hunter, ness, having decided tion to Montreal, i fie i and forms . more The tho! Althe world.--E. J. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1910. --- -------- ---------- ------------ i LOOKING FOR A MAN Spa Who Swindled a Windsor Man Out of] Cash. Windsor, Ont, June 1.--A man, who repreieted himself a althy resi St. Tou Yo, Lr an in vesttent, recent to Ald, Trumble eight thousand do . {for the latter's bakery business, irtipulated that Trumble should remain in the store three months to teach |the new owner the business im. return for which the latter voluntosily agreed {to present Trumble with an expensive {atta Malters Coreen so far active agement of the store while Trum- ble attended to the bakery end. Tues- day night the supposed purchaser dis- ap: with two days receipts of the store amounting to over $100. provincial police, have been asked to investigate. bid it . The Billet Doux. New York Sun An actor, named Smith for the pur pose of this story, went to the club recently and found aletfer for amolh- er actor of the same name. The let ter was from a tailor and read as follows : "Dear Sir: Your account is cighteen montns overdue now unless | mn the lection. i. The first Smith knéw the letter was- n't for him and he put it in enother envelope, addressed it to the Smitn for whom it was intended mt (down to his own mail. { In a few minutes the other Smith jeame along. He took the letter from {the tailor, tore it open and read it, whi'e leaning aint 'the mantel. { Then, smiling tenderly, he tore it into {little serapé, and, as he threw scraps into the fireplace, said so everybody in the room could hear him: Silly little gixl ! How she loves muh !" A Dutch Fishing Fleet. I the traveler wants to get a veal glimpse of pict ue Holland, =» glimpse which shall long be a happy memory, let him journey to the old fishing village of Schevemingen, not far from the Hague. Its fishing fleet 15 an imposing ono and is best seen at mght, when the boats are drawn up on the beach. ¥ has a number, and | these are pated on the sides in such {large figures that they can be read at a considerable distance. At night {when the fishermen begin to come to land, the women of the village walk jdown to the beach with their knitting in 'their hands to meet them. They wear their wooden shoes, some of which "are made to look especially clean by an application of whiting, and they made a merty clatter as they go. Industry is characteristic of the women of Holland in all walks of life. They must always be at work of tome kind and it would seem as if more knitting needles must be used in {Holland than in any other country in Farrington in In- hands of our altorney for ced terior. A Famous Story Re-told. Lloyd's News. King Edward's personal courage was illuminated by no 'less an authority than Lyon (afterwards Lord) Play- fair, who had him among his stu. dents "at Edinburgh in 1859. Playfair was explaining the immunity of Al- gerian conjurers who apply hot irons to their bodies. This can be done if the metal be raised to a sufficient temperature, "Now, sir," said? the professor to the prince, "if have faith in science you will plunge your right hand into that cauldron of boiling lead, and ladle it out into the cold water which is standing by." "Are you serious !" asked the royal pupil. "Perfectly," was the reply. "If you tell me to do it, I will,' said the prince, quietly. "I do tell you," rejoined Playfair, and the prince imme- diately ladled out the burning liquid with perfect immunity. Woman's Rights. London Argonaut. Midnight raids upom masculine pockets have long been winked at as among the rightful perquisites of wo- man; henceforth those pursuits in quest of wealth need not be followed under cover of night to the accom- paniment of reassuring snores. A Chicago judge has decided that a wife is within her rights if she enlists the aid of the boarder to imprison her nusband's hamde while she explores his pockets. "A plain case of rob Sery," so the epurt decided, "bit per- fectly justifiable under the eciroum- stances." Certainly the circumstances were aggravat ng; the hu nad not given his wilo a cont for over a "ear, and vet he had as much wealth as eleven dollars on hws person at the time of the hold-up. Not in the Family, Literary Digest. Michael McCarthy was suing ge Swift © Packing company in a Kailas city court. A negra witness was ealled. you work at the plant?" he asked "Did was anni. "Do you know the foreman and the other officials "What - were your relations them . "Now, look vere" said the, wit- ness, "I'm black and they's white. They ain't no relations of mine." -------------- Sank in Manila Bay. Manila, June 4-The U. 8. transport, Ind; i with you pay at once we shall put. itl. 00090000000000000000000000000000000000 7.50 TO 30. . 2.30 TO 10. TO-NIGHT Our After Supper Sale Will be unusually attractive, as we have secured a number of really ex- ceptional bargains. Read each item 'advertised, and consider the saving. 125 Good White Cotton Sheets . Size 85 inches long by 72 inches wide, properly hemmed. These are usually sold at 90c each or $1.75 a pair. --- Yours To=Night 59¢ Each. 150 Turkish Bath Towels AlN samples. ure white, others in the Natural Linen Shades. Some plain, others with pretty stripes. Note the saving : ' All the 26¢ Towels for 15¢. All the 80c Towels for 20c. All the 3bc Towels for 23c. All the 50¢ Towels for 35¢. And so on through the entire lot. 200 Ladies' Fancy Elastic Belts All the hew and stylish shades and ina great choice of Fancy Buckles. These range in value from 50c, 60c, 75c. Yours To~Night 25¢ Each. 400 Pairs Men's Fine Lisle Thread and Cotton Sox All the latest spring shades, Tans, Greens, Greys, etc., and in fancy stripes. These range in value from 256c to 40c each. Your Choice To-Night 15¢ Pair New Lace Jabots Many extremely pretty designs, 25¢, 36c, 39%¢. New Net Jabots, stylish ideas just in. New Dutch Collars, 26¢ to 76c. New Vassar Collars, 35¢ to 75c. New Embroidered Collars, 20c, 25¢, 15¢. in Cloves in Lisle Thread, A great variety. GLOVES IN BILK, Black, White, Colors. Hl oct rl # e ' ---- G000000000000000000000 0000000000000 00000O0STS uecs SATURDAY Some Splendid Bargains in Shoes just for SATURDAY, Hercare a few: Women's Chocolate Pump. Shoes, gew, just in, going at ... $2.00 Women's Fine Dongola Blucher Boot, stylish and new $2 for $1.50 's Barefoot Sandals, sizes 5 to 10, regular 85e,, $1.00. . 68¢ Boots. solid, sizes 11. 12, 13, regular $1.25, for. . .. ... Boys Boots, Western Grain, solid leather, 8, 9, 10 . omen's House Slippers 50c, 680¢, $1.00, $1.25 The best stock of Trunks and Suit Cases

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