Mss. R_ Smith, of an interesting story of relief from almost "Heating of Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, I thought they trial. My i From the very first I Contint ag with them les were slowly but surely leaving me, ore long I once more knew whit it was to be free from the harassing ef- fects of ihe ailments that Jad long sick. ened me, is m in Dr. Morse's Indian Fills that 1 never on any account be without "» Pills cure as Liver troub- 25¢ a box i" 1 od my it at meal times. Pure, sparkling, appetizing and * full of life Salvador aids digestion and nourishes the whole system. Spe- cially recommended for family use. Brewed, ma- tured and bottled by | REINHARDTS' | OF TORONTO : Sold at all liquor stores eto., are in Say on bad forif the no at J, wie from lach WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELA Un. --mdnion, Man. tells ! The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are "Joing And What They Are Saying. Hartington Service. Hartington, Jove T-World's day School Children's Day will ooserved here, on Sunday, 2.30 p.m. A chorus of fifty voices consisting of the combined Sunday schools, of Hart ington and Holleford, will furnish the singing, Fdvard Challes is suffering from pn severs attack of measles. Rev. J. Medeof, Holleford, conducted the service last Sunday evening, Sune be Died at Westport, Westport, June 7.--R. W.. Leech, of this place, died this morning. W. I. Mitchell has purchased the interest of M. P. Adams in the liverv business. Mrs. Thomas Egan, of Smith's Falls, is the guest of Mr: and Mrs, M. J. Mel ann. Mrs. J. Mchherson, oi Buhl, Minu., is the guest of her moth- er, Mrs. James Speagle. Mrs. HH Gifford, of Watertown, N.Y. is the jiuest of her widther, Mrs. O"Glenn, Philipsville Items. Philipeviile, June J. ~Miles Lock: hart visited friends m Smith's Falls and Frankville for a few days.' Many of the farmers have had to plant their corn the second time and others have fitted their ground several times to plant but have not planted yet ow- ine {0 the cold and wet weather, A, Brown has retuned from Detroit, where he visited his brother and sis for a week. He also wikited friends in Toronto. At Walnut Grove, Walnut Grove, June 8.~Mr and Mrs, . Pell have taker a trip to Oswego, to attend the wedding of their --gphew, Mi: Fraser. Miss Ethel: Thompson 1 spent Wednesday, with her aunt, at Link's Mills. Miss Husband, the popu ilar school teactm, was summoned kome, on Saturday last, to the bLed- side of her mother, who is now much better. Master D. Bell is putting a splendid eoat of ballast on his™ lang, 'which - he procured dt D. Thompson's pi. Bell Rock Budget. 'Bell Rock, June 7.--Dr. Spankie, I. P.S., called on the school here re cently. Miss Stella Timmons has re tursed home from FErinsville. Mrs. M. Bell, of Verona, is the guest of Miss Grace Pomeroy. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. . L. H. Bauder, Desert Lake, at W. F. Pomeroy's; Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Timmons at J. Timmons'; Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Percy and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Amey, Moscow, at J, Yorke's; E. L. Amey, Desmond, at J, Pomeroy's. Se -- Selby 'Statements. Sclby, June 9.--Rev., Mr. Thompson retoned home, on Wednesday, afte attending conference at Trenton. Mra, Quigley ig very low with not "muh hopes of recovery, A young daughter has come to stay with Rev. Dr: nad Mrs Purdy. Mr McGuiness is oat agin, after hi recent illness. Mes, ompson is visiting friends, at King- {ston and Picton. The boys are organ. lizing u baseball team here. Visitors: { Mas. Martin and daughter, at H. Mar- itin's: Mrs. Tullock, at E. G. Ander son's; Mrs. Yeoman's and Mrs. Reed, Quiziey's. Lavant Station Death. Lavant Station, June 7.---On Tues- day afternoon, of last week, the fun- eral was 'held of Mrs. Henry Elliott, who passed: away after a month's ill- ness. Mrs, Elliott was the daughter of James Moore, of Ompah. The re mains were placed in the Ompah ceme- tery. J. Thomas and T. Campbell have been busyfor a few days loading ties. A meeting was held Monday | evening to arrange for the church pie- nie. Work is pssing on A. E. Jackson's new stables, J. E. Lee and W. Browning attended the shooting match at Poland on Saturday. The wople to learn that the teacher, Miss 'rood, is somewhat better. Barricfield Briefs. Rarciohield, June 8.--This is a { busy time at the Ordnance stores as 'they are preparing for camp. Miss Belle Hutton, trained nurse, is here visiting her mother. Miss B. Allan has returned home Arom Toronto, Some of the young ladies of Bérriefield held a picnic at the Mills a fow days ago. Archibald Rickey has gone to Toron- to. Miss Etta Dowler, has recovered from her illness. Miss Corkey is hav- ing her home repaired. Mrs. James Douny was homa visiting her mother. Ui. Leader, will goon take possession of his new house. Major Wood is hav ing bis house repaired. W. Connell, is occupying - one of Mrs, Hutton's houses. Robert Gray has gone to Petawawa camp. ; very Tamworth Tidings. Tamworth, June 9.--Jobn Kilpat and son retusmed Monday from the west. Rev, Mr. Prooler, of Chicago, proached in the Methodist church morning and evening on Sunday after vn absence of forty-three years, H. A. Baker, Moscow, spent Sunday with Daniel M. Dymond. Mrs, Miles Wa- ughter, Mrs. H. Lockrage, Wednesdav morning for Buffalo to visit Mrs. Henrv Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. , of Flinton, visited MM. [ston last week: HS ------ -------- J. Baxter, who re ceived injuries to his hand ast week, ia 1apidly improving. A. Medley's new house is gearing completion and will ada greatly to the many handsome residences on the road. Allisonville Personals, Alsonville, June 8.--~Mr. and Mrs. Royal Hicks spent Sunday the guests of N. Parliament. James Pine' and daughter, Mrs. Fulford, of Brighton, spent a few days with E. Pine. Mrs. W. Belnap, of Melville, visited Mrs. li. Forshea a few days of last week. Mrs. James Boyd is visiting in Belle ville, Mrs, Elias Pine and Mrs. Ful ford visited Mrs. A. Murphy at Wel ington, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks and Robért Irwin and wife visited at R. Hicks' recently. S. isteed, of Wellington, spent a few days at her home here. Mrs. {(Rev.) Marvin had been visiting in this viein- ity this week. Mr. and Mrs. 8B. Pine, of Belleville, spent over Sunday with E. Pine and wife. Mrs. Lewis McFaul left for Detroit lat weck. Mrs. Mat thew Chase, of Consecon, spent a few days with Mrs. Grant Valleau. Death at Lyndhurst. Lyndhurst, June 7.-Melvia ¢ passed away on '1 hursday, after a lin gering illness of Bright's disease. He leaves a widow and a family. Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Seott arrived on Saturday from the far west to visit their old home. Charles Rooney, of Montreal, ic a visitor gt his mother's, Mrs. G. S. Rooney's. Nr. and Mrs. Delmer Kilborn and Me. and Mrs. Olander Chapman, all of Plum Hollow, werd at R. R. Tate's om Thursday, I vudhurst is swarmed with gypsies over Sunday. Ziba Jackson is very sick with measles. " Mrs. J. M. Som- erville and little son," Bryan, are also df with measles. Miss Mary Stewart, of Morton, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. KH. R. Tate. Born to Mr, and Mrs, BB. A. White, a son. Mr, and Mes. Rov Hollister arrived home after spending the spring in Ogdensburg, N. Sweet Caintown News. June 7.~Miss C. Tennent is home from Gananoque, ill with rheumatism. Miss Myrtle Powell spent part of her holidays at her home here. Mrs. M. Ferguson is spending a few days in Brockville. Mrs. James Len- der is some better and Dr. Judson noved her to Mallorytown, to her daughter's, Mrs. Ira Andress'. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church met last week at the home of Mrs, Chick: All spent an enjoyable time. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Don- nelly, of Kingston, and Mrs. Trickey ave this week guests of Mrs. James Zeott. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodge were one day last week out at Athens. Mrs. George Buell is spending a cou- ple of weeks visiting 'at her old home. Mrs. Nancy Tennant and Miss Emma Tennant spent Saturday last in Brock- ville. Caintown, Wedding at Yarker. Yarker, June 8.--A quiet ceremony took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Emberley, Yarker, June #th,; at seven o'clock, when their only daughter, Miss J. A. Bernice Ember- ¢y was: united in marriage to Max- well Monighton MeDonald, second son of Mr. and Mrs. P. McDonald, { amden East, The ecremony was per formed by Rev. James Batstone and the wedding mach was played by Mrs. Batstome. The ceremony was performed under an arch of Royal Canadian maples, trimmed with white ribbon bows a white flowers. The bride's gown wad cream cashmere skirg with an over-lace waist. Her travel- ling suit was navy blue serge with navy blues taffeta waist and a white picture hat. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald left on. a western trip.' They will re sido on the groom's farm, pear Cam- den Kast. ------ A Junetown Wedding. Junetown., Juns S8.--~Thomas Frank- lin, retyrned yesterday, after pending several days in @ottendance at the Methodist confeence, in Brockville. At 6.30 on Wednesday morning, June 1st, took place the marriage of John Herbison and Miss Edna Summers, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Summers. After ga dainty luncheon, the happy couple left on the 8.20 train west. They will re sido at the groom's home, here. Ken neth Blancher, Athens, and Stanley Geddes, Winnipoz, were guests of H. Franklin, on Surfday last. Mr. Newens Irish Creek, spent Thursday last with his niece, Mrs. Duncan Warren. Mrs, Margaret Ferguson, Caintown, visited Mrs. M. (i. Hechison, on Friday. Miss Cassie Tennant is quite ill with in- flammatory rheumatism. The hay; crop promises to be abundant. Notes From Kaladar, . Kaladar, June 8.--~M. R. Reid, LP. S., of Sydenham, paid the school a visit to-day. W. G. Righy, of Tweed, called on friends here on Friday last. Reeve R. Campbell was in town on Monday on business. Messrs. B. Banker and R. Beatty loft last week for North Bay, where they have se cured positions. Miss Mabel Parks, of Elm Tree, is spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carman Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Tryons saent Thursday and - Friday in Arded? with Mrs. Teyon's sister, Mrs. Williams: 0. H. Dunn, station agent, is off on his holidays. He is relieved by Mr. Me- . Mr. Dunn and family in- i : Smith's Herel. i § i Ey : Br Hi h xith an antomobile. Ernest Cooper and wile, of Chicago, are visiting R. J. Way. Carpenters ave at work on Mra. E. Vancleaf's housd | James Pur telle has been making improvements to his hose by painting and building « verandah, - 4. T, Andrews, Flinton, Dead. Flinton, June 7.~On the 4th, there was on heavy fros: that cat the corn ini potatoes terrily. It will be some time Seforg the crops will renew their [rowth. About fifty-five years ago there And un gomet and on the 9th of June { that year there was a frost that roze to the thickness of window glass. There wus 8 scarcity of crops that yenr a% far as potatoes and corn were eon vrned as the weather was so cold the crop vould not grow Harvey Champagne. had a bee to raise a ritehen. Deer seem fo be plenty around bare, John T. Andrews Wied; June 4th. He has ben ailing for a long time. He was 'the people's warden of the Eng- Ash whurch, for several years. Mr: An- divws Jeaves a widow and a large rows up family, six sons and four "unghters to mourn the loss of a kim! father and good husband, A datighter has comd today at the Tic me of Frederick Bluber, Mrs. Harvey Champagne. seriously sprained. her ankle while gGing to feed her chickens, Drovers are here buying up cows, rice being £8 and $40 a piece. Westbrook Wafts. Westhrooke, June 8.~There was no service in the Methodist church on Sunday on sccount of Rev. JZ Cas sidy attending eonference, A meeting of the Woman's Institute was held in the church on May 30th and was largely attended, The next meeting will be held on June 30th. This vicin- ity was visited by a heavy frost Thursday and Friday night of last week and much damagp is reported. Mrs. Jemima Gates spent Thursday last with Mes, B. Rose, "Cluster Cot- tage." Mis, Sarah Macdonald, of Col- line Pay, spent a few days lakt week with Mrs, Charles Redden, Miss Flors Island. Rev. J. Aylesworth, of Turin, N.Y., and Miss I. Marshall, of Kingston, were recent visitors at J, L. F. Sproule's. Mrs. R. Aiken, of Kingston, and Mrs, Allen, of Toronto, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Smith. The Misses Edna and Very Wartman and Master Kenneth, of Col- lins Bay, spent Saturday last with Mrs, P. M, Gras#® Mr. and Mrs. Ru- pert Smith spent Tuesday evening with friends at Collins Bay. on News From Moscow. Moscow, June 7.--~The heavy frost of Friday night did a great deal of dam- age to the gardens and early potatoes. The junior football team paid a visit to Centreville, on Saturday, and play- al a friendly mateh with the boys of that place. The result was 1 to 0 in favor of Moscow. The new telephone line is nearly - completed. There was no service in the Methodist churgh, of Sunday, as -the (pastor, MP. Bat- stone, 'is attending conference at Tren- ton. F. P. Johnston is also in at- tendance at conference, © Mrs. Johns- ton spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Sproule, at = Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Baker spent the week-end at Tamworth, with their daughter, Mrs, F. Diamond. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pat- terson. -were visiting sister, Mrs, Parks, in Frederator, Mr, and Mrs. W. Wagar were guests at W. A.' Martin's, on. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lampkin were at Morven a few days last «Lumen Anderson, of Rochester, N.Y., is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Wellington Benn, who has been very sick with measels, is some what better. ' Crow Lake Tidings, Crow Lake, June 6.--~There was no service on Sunday. Mr. Stewart * is attending ° conference." Two young men from Sherbrooke went out for a sail 'on Bobs' Lake, and got lost, and when they found themselves they were at the head of Crow Lake. They re- turned home safely. Mr. .and Mrs. John Redour's infant child is in Kingston general hospital to undergo an operation for a hair lip. The cheese factory is mot running this summer. It leaves the farmers with a lot of hard work taking care of their milk. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Munro, of Maberly, purchased a cow from 8. Jones, paying a high price. Johnson Armstrong bought one from John Knapp for $42. The farmers are re- joieing over their hay crop. Grain is looking fine, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Shell Barr, of Burridge, at William Anderson's; Murdoch McCharles and his brothery John McCharles, at James Hawley's; Miss Sarah Barr, of, Parham, at W. L. Barker's; H. R. Me- Charles, of Maberly, 'at Joseph Bain's; Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton, at her brother's, "Bert." Cornwall, Long Lake; Mrs. 8. Dowdell and son, Rob- ert, of Bolingbrooke, at Mrs. John Mahon's; Joseph McVeigh spent Sun- day with friends at Oso; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kennedy, of Bobs' Lake, at her father's, J. W. Knapp; William Gamble, of Monteith, at J. W. Knapp's. Chronic borrowers have a fully de veloped sense of touch. SAVED FROM SUFFERING Learn the Difference. does this. ood Make The After devotingthe necessary time and energy to develop special cooking fitness, to become the envied home- maker,-- Don't you owe it te your: self to get the best possible results ? Why, Madam, *"twould be almost a crime to use cheap common flour then; and" failure is at least a venial For, you see, if you are bound to get "oven conse. quences" that are poor and mediocre, better by far con- serve your energy and time Madam. CH " Buy the Best Chocolates at 20c Ib. Chocolates at 25c 1h. Chocolates at 35c Ib. Po $3 A.J. REES', G0G000000000000000OC0O0 OORIOIPOIOROS The Davis Engine takes you out end brings you 'want fo come, before you get it. If you are looking for the best Every Engine guaranteed to give satisfaction. How about your MUTOR BOAT? the boat as well as the engine. your money. When you require: Gasoline FITTINGS and 8 ¢ THE DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. . on eboeencesessee e060 00000 Cake. You will find us above the » : " 4 Qo " E g 2 £ Mr. Morton was Methodist church, & eonsevvative. Alexander Morton, Melville, died Wednesday. Deceased, was 76 years' of aire, was born in Belleville, but lofg when a boy, sine which time he bad OCOLATE Every part of the engine is thoroughly tested Do not forget toat we build And can give you good value for . . . ° * ° ° * ® ° 4 * . ® # " * » ° * ° * ® . ® ® * . ° * * . ® ° i" ° ® ° ° . » o Now is the time to order your June Wedd $ AFULL LINE OF FANCYCHOCOLATES ALWAYSIN STOCK & i R. H. TOYE, 53, Jog st | VIG00000000000000000000000000000000000008000 Try Mooney's Biscuits with all the rest. See how much more flavory, crisper Mooney's are, ' Their superiority is due to our painstaking % methods--our modern facilities and using the cost- | liest materials. We get the finest cream and butter from the famous Western Ontario farms because we pay tap prices. Our flour is a special blend. Yet they cost no more than commen kinds. 5 d Try them today. - At your grocer's, The Mooney Biscuit & Most of Your TI---- | WTS G---- WI (unt nan Cooking Skill Nobody, Madam, really works se hard as she who works badly. Since you must use GOOD flour, use FIVE ROSES, Makes the most of - your real abilities, gives better ROSES FLOUR S ~~ 4 $Ganong's ~ 50c per Ib 166 Princess. St ~ DAVIS GASOLINE MOTQRS you back when get a DAVIS. UPPLIES try us. "Phone 420. to Order average for$ * ® a member of the and in polities was Surviving his the widow and one sou, W. H. Norton, Beilville, : 5 Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas "Canada's Standard Soda Crackers ~ ! { Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas are made in our large sanitary factory amid a flood of sunshine. Here in this splen- did building with its hundreds of skilled employees--c2ch un expert in his line--we create this delicious and nourishing biscuit, After these biscuits leave the ovens and while they are still piping hot, with all their oven aroma, they are packed 2 in dust and damp-proof packages, . We even ship them our own private cars, . No other biscuit ate) So they reach your table--whole, flaky, and fresh. ww Candy Co., Ltd., Stratford, Canada results from yowr day's work. least try a floor which pro- mises so much. And you will we FIVE ROSES soon. Does the heat cause your feet to swell and so become painful and uncomfortable? If they do you need Invictus Oxfords. Invictus Oxfords are made y to fit every line of your foot easily and snugly. Made in all shapes and sizes. & $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00, The Sawyer Shoe. Store Sole Agent for Kingston.