"| their merits have been tested. May 31... Ju 4 god 28. Jus ET) wt' A 9th and 23rd. N--OTTAWA. Lenya Kingéton 12.01 pm. arrive Ot he vor Ottawa 10.46 am. arrive Kingston 3.56 p.m. Full information at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. , CONWAY, ih Géeihl Passenger Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves Unlon Pp. LES " Commencing May 29th, steamer jeaves Kingston on Sundays at 10.15 a.m. for Alexandria Bay, Gananoque, Returning, leaves at and kpo 5 8 Reo for Rochester, N.Y., calling at Bay of Quinte ports. 4 Str. Aletha Lea a rot Quint ports. information from Co. LP. Hanley, Agents. Ticket Agent. : LIMITED. River and Gulf of SL. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes, 8.8. "Casca * 1,900 tons, recently fied gut he his service, with all modern comforts. LB FROM MONTREAL ON MON- Fat 4 pi 20th June, 4th Y v $th July 1st, 15th and 29th and 17th and 26th September, ou, N.S, ealling at' Quebec, a Perce, Grand River, .. and Charlottetown, the Tuesdays al tia , oR! 3 ng, PEI e s from Quebec oilow BL BOOB. 4 NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC collin tr _ dad, 2,600 tons, sails from 3 Que Sth ana 32nd July, 5th and and; 2nd September at 5. p. BERMUDA "tons, th, 16th s th ow n pmudian, Bi «uth an t une, a Hn "Tuly and ever: erealter from Now h rature cool y. sen breezes Sel- om Fises above MN degrees. : health and oti TN EASE or 0 8 KIR RICK, Ticket A Kingsto QUEBEC PAT nt. A only out of work him tg ¥ Get the Poisons By the definite and certain action' of suited to your '| kidneys will join in thoroughly clean- n Sing: the aystem of poisotious impuri- J etipation, Kingston daily, except Sun- Picton and inter- A Company Clyde, specially for 'River Jagusua tetown and ara 19th, . Jn. ursio 20 to $40. by lone, 20 to 3 10 ark, of the sensgn for iy to STRANAN COMPANY, ME en, ¥ Out of the Body DR. A. W. CHASE'S KIDNEY and LIVER PILLS, Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills you capnot kiow ° the satisigctiqn = that comes with the use of this direct and certain regulator 'of the liver and kidneys. Once you have found out the dose system, you can de pend on getting just the right results every time, without increase of quan- tity taken. : You ean be sure that the action of the bowels will be prompt, that the liver will be awakened, and that the Beentise of this dependability, Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney apd Liver Pills are certain to make fast friends wherever Stomach troubles arising from con- torpid liver and deranged kidneys soon disappear, as do also hiliousness, backache, . headache and general depression. The portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.D), on the box stands for the best there is in medicines. One! Il a dose, 25c. a box, all dealers, or nson, Bates & Co., Toronto. -------------- BARGAINS Used Five Octave and Plano Cased Organs ranging all the way from $20.00 up. -- Hasy" "terms of payment can be ar- ranged. Purchaser. of any organ will be allowed full value within two years' time should they decide to purchase a plano. We also have a full line of musical instruments, including: Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Strings, ete. No trouble to show goods. Kindly call and in- spect our stock, Wormwith Piano Company, Limited RETAIL DEPT. 282 PRINCESS STRE VIOTIM OF DRINK NEEDS ORRINE Drink cunningly destroys the will ower, and while the drunkard wants o do what you tell him, he wants a thousand times more the drink that he craves. Medical treatment Is neces- sary. Orrine will destroy the desire for Hy or, 80 that the drink will not be missed and restores the patient to is thoroughly scientific is so uniformily successful that it FRcbind SU oy IF BANA Lb oEiass one, 0 Bai Fat halite © rine Co, 967 Orrine wailing: Wi ington, D.C. Sold in this city by G. Mahood, Cor. Bagot and Princess Sts. KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 3 (LIMITED), HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenty-Sixth oar, Fall Term begins August 30th. Courses in Boo eeping, Shorthand, Tele- RY: vil forvich and ur graduates eo positions. Within a t Lime over Mxty secured positions with one of the largest railway corporations in Canada. Enterany time. Call or write for informa- tion. H. F. METCALFE, hn bes SEPP PP PEP IPR PPP PDIP OPD Statistics prove indis- putably that the increased use of such a pure and wholesome beverage as Regal Lagar ensures a de- crease in any community's record of intemperance. That alone suggests the truth that Regal is NOT an intoxicant, THE GLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS, There are other hotels, but nous I a. suntv of city and slow to principal stores and theatre. lrel. ad by i} x 0 ORONO 3 3 Castaways. impieinn, By PHILIP KEAN, ROCF There was no sign of a storm when, peoply asked Captain Green to them over to the island. \ "I've got to tow some barges up the river to-morrow," the captain said, "but | ain't got nothin' on to-day." The little tug boat plowed through water that was as smooth as a mir- ror. Captain Green, at the wheel, Jhrew occasional vematks to his young passengers, "There ain't much to see on the is land," he obsei seems to want to go there, Bala Cg wr Man rewster 0 i that « Spanish vessel sailed through the bay up the river and buried treasure on this very island. And it's he oe langhed. 1 e captain lang! "1 guess avery inch of that island has been dug up and nobody ain't ever found any gold." , it's lun to see the place and dream of what we might do if we should find it." The young man looked at her gloomily, "You are always thinki of whet we would do ¥ we kh money, Helen." She flushed. "That's unkind," Her voice was low so that the captain did net catch her words. "Are you going to stay ?"' he asked, us they neared the shore. "Some folks line to eat lunch and have me come back for them." "'We didn't bring any lunch," Kirk stated, : "You'll find an old lady up there in a little house, the captain told them. "She keeps milk and gingerbread and thinge." With this promise for future re freshment his passengers decided to stay over. "What time will you come for us 7" Kirk asked, as they landed. "About '8 o'clock." With a snort and much puffing and blowing the little boat was off. ir The island was a place of pines and rocks and loneliness. They hinted for the little house, and found the old woman gone. A note stuck in the old- fashioned knocker told them that she would not be back until dark. "And there goes our lunch," "Would it be stealing," Kirk ¢ques- tioned, "if we-broke in and took what we wanted and left the money on the table ?" "We'll starve if we don't," was Hel en's answer, The door was unlocked and in the little kitchen they found eggs and bread, spice cake and buttermilk. "If you build a fire I'll make you an omelet," said the girl. old," Helen "If we could find the said, "what a wonderful thing it would be! Think what we ow do with it, Kirk?" Again her lover looked gloomy. "The gokd of this omelet suffices for me," said, "With you as my wife I should be contented to live the simple fite, Helen. 1t. would be love in a cottage, but it would be love." "Of corese." Her eyes flashed. "You always tike me so seriously, Kirk." His voice was very low as he an gwered her. "I can never forget that you gave up the spect of riches whén vou consen to marry me, Helen," "] gave up nothing." "But wou love beautiful things--1 am afraid that my poverty will bring you unhappiness.' Jt was an old argument out of which had come many disagreemants. And now it degenerated ito & quar- She accused him of distrusting her, he retgliated that it was not dis- trust . but Jack of in his ability to make her happy. : A quarrel is never a pleasant thing, but it reaches the climax of the un- pleasant when two persons are in & place where they cannot get away from each other, and where there 1s no one to relieve the strain of the situation. The captain had said that he could not get back until ev- ening. Kirk suggested coldly that they go down tos the beach and watch for the boat. Helen agreed, and they went knowing well their watch would ex- tend through the whole afternoon. The bay was ruffled by Waves ihat were tipped with white caps. ong the papel wag a dull bank of clouds. Helen shivered. "I wish the tain would come," she said. "i you are cold you may have my coat," Kirk's vote was cold. Helen refused, but preseufly as the storm increased suggested that they ¢o back to the house. The sky was dark wih the gathering clouds, the pines best and moaued and the birds aw in for shtlter. Helen | fromplained. cap- and cold. Kirk lighted the logs in the fireplace, and Helen, warmed _ the glow, offered overtures. of 5 ow silly we are 10 get angry over. a little thing ?" Kirk on that July morning, the twu young take rved, "but_everybody fire. i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY. JUNE 10, 1910. y 450 we are castaways," Kirk mur- 34 - "He told me you two was engaged," the old lady remarked. "We are not," Helen said. Kirk flashed a surprised glance her. "1 thought we were." "When we came over bere to-day," Helen told the old lady, "I expected to marry him. in a year--now 1 shall never marry him." "Sakes alive !" the old lady ex- . "You have been quarreling." "He thinks I care only for money," Helen explained. "He underestimates mes And I won't marry a man who thinks I am just made for luxury." "Well," you just let me make you a ¢up of tea and after that I'll tell you something," the old lady said: After a hearty supper the three sat once mote in front of the glowing "You see; I live here alone, the little old lady told them, "and folks wonder. But I have memories to live with and I don't want anything else. 1 have had a hard life, and 1 wasn't raised to it. My father was a sea eaptain and while we didn't have much education we had plenty of money, and I never did any work until I married. But 1 never mi the money. My husband loved me, and 1 loved him, and we lived here in this little house, and I used to watch for his boat at night, and send him awav in the morning happy, because I loved him. And one day he never came back, and now I hane only my thoughts of him. But I live here where the waves that he loved can sing a song to me. That's whai makes life worth while to a woman, a love to live with and a love to remember." She paused and Helen stole a glance at Kirk. He had squared his shoul ders, and there was a look in his eves of hopeful expectancy. The little old woman glanced at the two, then rase and went into the kitchen. Kirk went over and stood by the lady of his heart. "Is that what life would mean to you, Helen?" he ask- ed. "A love to live with and a love to remember 7" Her eyes answered him. As he bent over her, the little old lady came back. "The storm is over," she said and went to the window, Far in the distance they heard the faint whistle and snort of' the tug- boat. "The captain's signal)" said Kirk and bidding the old lady "Good-bye" they hastened down to the landing. "Yon did not find the gold," the captain chuckled as be-started back to the mainland. "No, but we found something bet- ter," Kirk murmured enigmatically, but Helen answered, "The storm is over and I am glad." at Burnt Money for Rubbish. A nurse in a Vienna hospital admin- istered by nuns was observed burning up a bunch of paper money which she had found in the bed of a deceased patient. She thought the bank notes were rubbish, and it took the author- ity of the mother superior to £onvince her that the rubbish represented a small fortune. Subsequently it turned out that the sister, who had lived in the nunnery since het third year, never went outside and kad nothing to do with the administration or with worldly things whatsoever, had never heard of the existence or use of money in any shape or form. At Crystal Rock, on Wednesday, twa. popular young residents of Brockville vere united in marriage, the contract- ing parties being Robert George Ja: cobs and Miss Ida Isabella King. Inquisitive acyulre a lot of ie 80. | The fit, SOME NEW PATENTS. . -- Stomach Telescope is One of Most ; Wonderful. A Californian has been granted a patent upon tongs for use in comnee- ti ith a derrick in lifting heavy objects, the points of which carry wheels, automatically with ratchets when a load is raised. Somewhat in line with the electric: ally lighted searfpin in one devised by a French jeweller in which images of animals are made to move by motors supplied with power from a pocket battery. : A stomach telescope, invented by a London surgeon and in constant use in an hospital in that city, enables a doctor to see the exact condition of the entire interior of a patient's stom- ach. A Frenchman has invented a'process for distilling gutta percha from the leaves of the Malay tree of that mame, saving the trees from the damage eaused by tapping the trunks for the sap. For mixing concrete a spade has been invented with long, oval holes in the blade, the perforations allowing the finer cement to flow through and give the face a finer finish. It is a Kansas woman who has been granted a patent upon a fan provided with a sheet of absorbant material to hold water to cool the air which it agitates. A CANADIAN PRODUCT Wins out in Australia--A Record Shipment. On May 22nd tho S.S. Rakai sailed from Montreal for Aucklahd, New Zea- land, this being the first sailing of the recently subsidized C.P.R. line from Montreal to Australia and New Zea and. Part of the Rakal's cargd consisted of two carloads of "2 in 1" Shoe Polish, made in Hamilton, by F. I. Dalley Co. This is the third ship ment of "2 in 1" sent to Australia by the Dalley people within the last year. sent June Sth last, ~con- sisted of 1,000 gross, the second sent Nov. 2nd contained 1,500 gross, while the shipment just sent amounted to 1,540 gross, or 221,760 boxes. This brings the total of "2 in 1" sent to Australia within the year up to 581, 760 boxes. It would be hard to find a stronger recommendation for "2 in 1" Shoe Polish than that it should thus force ite way to the ends of the earth, past almost prohibitive tariffs, against the strongest kind of competition from Britirh ahd other firms, Booming the Boy Scouts. Montreal Witness, Sir Robert Baden-Powell's name has been placed on the retired list of the British army, as it is the intention of the hero of Mafeking to devote him- self in the future entirely to the Boy Scout movement, for which he has done so much in the past. The Boy Scout movement has already proved itself of value to the individual wand the community wherever it has been established throughout the empire, as it embraces all sections of the popu- lation and all creeds on a thoroughly democratic basis, and is in the begt sense a school of patriotism. Ove of its great adventages is found in the fact that it is much less expensive and is more elastic than Cadet or Boys" Brigade organizations, sad can be established in small villages and isolated districts, as well %s in cities, It is characteristic of the Boy Scouts that they can get along perfectly well by themselves, move out for a , field day, provide their own transport in light hand-carts and drag it along io any kind of country, independent of outside aid. The greatest achieve information - » Signals of Distress Kingston People Should Know How to Read and Hold Then. Sick kidneys give many signals distress, The secretions ara dark, contain a sediment. a are frequent, scanty, pain- ful. Backache is constant day and night, Headaches and dizzy speels are fre- quent. : The weakened kidneys need quick kidney of won't delay! Use a special remedy. Booth's Kidney Pills cure sick hid- peys, backache, aai urinary disorders. Kingston evidence proves this state ment. Mrs. M. O'Neill, 263 Sydenham St., Kingston, Ont., says: "A constaat, beuring down pain had settled acrns th: small of my back 1 was weak and languid and coyld not stoop over, to lacs my shoes without much suffering, 'Within the little house the air was | ne y ernment ment of the author of the movement is, however, the conscious and direct fostering of patriotism . along with the true spirit of knight-errantry; without, as some one has well said, a trace of that priggishness and goody- goodyism from which manly boys fly as from the plague. Canadian Soldiers for India? Weekly Sun. A war correspondent, in a lecture delivered at Vancouver last week, in- timated that Canada may, in the event of relations between Great Bri- tain and Russia again becoming strained, be called upon to provide 30,000 men for the defence of India. How _do_ Canadian farmers and ar- tisans like the prospect thus present. od? What do they think of the pro- posal to take the 30th Wellington, the 34th Ontario, 35th Simcoe, 30th Peel 'and other volunteer reg ments, and to stretch these mlong the north- ern frontier of India with a Russian army in front and an India seething with sedition in rear ? What interest have Canadians in India that they should shed their blood and their treasure in the burning sands of that country ? Why should they spend tl ves either to keep Russia out of India or to keep Hindus in unwill- ing subjection to British rule? Bismark once expressed the opinion that the whole eastern question was pay towards tion, in which she has not one atom of material interest. e-------- Planning for the Fall. Montreal Gazette. 3 "An autumn session of parliament for the House of Commons to pass a bill iting the power of the House of ds, which tha lords will reject, and ¥ Asquith government. : omrried out would give the coun- vest from heated political talk few months, which might be an tage to the government. t also give the pone a to arrantre its affairs which should be an ad vantage to EE5ESE 1 ; go. The last cam: 'those who think the gov-| { & heated ome. The next will loss exci ; by ers of Warner's Safe Cure ney trouble; same man a short time thing---it Is curing me Go ahead with disease you can't be too careful Warner's Bafe Cure is and blood. It Is made from and medicinat roots, gathered various quarters of the globe chemistry compound it. Put up in sold hy druggists everywhere. the at Warner's Safe Pills, Sample Bottle and diseases 8 Good Shoe SHOES at this Store, than we. Shoe Trade of Kingston. combines the rich gluten of Manitoba Spring wheat and the lighter, but equally im- portant, properties of Ontario Fall wheat. * The two com- bined form a perfectly blended flour that makes bread light, white, nutritious and extreme- ly palatable, while pastry made with Beaver Flour has crisp, "flaky remture that brings many a compliment to cook. eT -------------------------- CURED LIKE MAGIC ee a a St - WARNER'S 5AFE The World's Hest Remedy for the Kiduess, Liver, Risdder and Blood, "1 can give nothing but the highest praise "I have been in five different hoaptials But Warner's Safe Cure I shall continue Its use, rheumatism is mwouch improved, and 1 can walk a mile your good work"---John- Starr, kidneys, fresh the Men skilled in botany and Bl . Constipation and Biliousness. purely vegetable from injurious substances, a perfect laxative gripe or leave any bad after effects. To convince every sufferer from - of Box of Pills Free. viadder ana NERS SAFE CURE will absolutely cure, a sample bottle and a sample box of Warner's Bafe Pills will be sent PREE OF CHARGE, post-paid, to any one who will write WAR- NER SAFE CURE CO. Toronto, Ont., and mention having seen this liberal offer in the Kingston Whig. The genuine- ness of this offer is guaranteed by the publisher. After Three Years' Suffering and Having Been in Vive Different Hospit- als for Treatment Without Receiving Any Permanent Benefits, Mr. John Starr, ax Od. Soldier, WasCured of Kid cy and Bladder Trouble CURE to the wonderful curative pow- it is a boon to all sufferers from bladder or kid- and has in my case acted like magic what I have suffered in the last three years, 1 can hardly believe I am the When 1 look back and think and at best was only relieved for has done and is still doing the right trusting in a lasting cure. My without much trouble, National Soldiers' Home, Maine, If at any time in your family history there has been any trace of kidney You should test for yourself if there I8 any trace of the dis 3 other disease thal causes as many complicat your kidneys and find out ¢ In your system, as there is no ons and as much suffering as dis- eased kidneys, because the blood Is filtered and purified through the Rid Heys. an absolutely ent remedy for all diseases of the safe and perman- liver, bladder juices of plants proper season in and $1.00 sizes and absolutely free They do not 26 cents a package. the kidneys, blood that liver, WAR- Makers And Scientific Lasts Are Behind Us The result is that you can always find the very best in GOOD : Not at extreme prices either, store In Canada sells GOOD SHOES on a more reasonable In fact, no basis That's why we have such a large portion of the fine We were never better prepared to serve your wants than now, Sole Agency for PLA-MATE CHILDREN SHOES, The Best by Test, J. H, SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. ORANCE This new pack age of Toasted Corn Flakes is the talk of the town, Order to-day and try it, Each package contains one high grade glass tumbler, elegant in design, and similar to those In use at the House of Commons, King Edward Hotel, Toroato. Ottawa, and the You don't need to be an expert in baking to attain the best results with BEAVER FLOUR. Bot if you sre an expert, you will readily recognize its Your grocer has BEAVER FLOUR, and will recom. mend it. | DEALERS~Write Feed, Coutse owed aan