SPECIALS «+ FOR... We have Just botight the complete sample line of INFANTS id CHILDREN'S COATS, CAPES and ROBES at big reductions, } will offer game for SALE SATURDAY MORNING AT LESS AN WHOLESALE COST. ~. BVERY GARMENT 1S A MODEL OF PERFECTION, is trim- med with 8ilk Braid and richly embroidered in silk on (Cgshmere, Bedtord Cord, Poplin, Taffeta Cloth. and. Sicilian. BIG SALE OF PRINTS---GREAT VALUES, 9l4¢c yd. SALE OF OILCLOTH REMNANTS LESS THAN COST. a ys RU MLEY BROS LIMITED. y for our Comet Booklet. "W, FREE. This book will sell ped ws YOUR 3 bee yr. COMPANY, QUEBEC. 3+ suf A Conduct our Business on an Economica I Basis--Our Custsmors Reap the Benefit. WARM WEATHER WANTS AT EASY PRICES. and Children's Hose, In Tan and Black . 'Hose, Plain Lisle Thread or Lace, Black, Whe, Tan, Pink and superior guality. The best line of Hose we ever handled at Ge ® iy re. » * EER + +c Tey 86, and 10c +10c, 3 for 25, 20, "ap to Joc a cw. en shee suas Famer Ginga ot Ls au vm Sale ok <2. 32 le Yas ack Cotton SOX. ..... ..: +s. svar 10c and 15¢ UDAEPWORT, o visswm ss oss on iisse.s BOC the Suit Raa Ceerires BOC and T3¢ ERE OF Xe, HANOCRS YON 100 son. hes smea .s ee eo TAYLOR'S FINE GIFT] 6. THE DAILY BRITISH wie, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1910. Amusements. FOUNTAIN FOR . GANANOQUE BELLEVUE PARK. And a Cash Donation Besides--Gan- anoque Places a Tax of Twenty Dollars on the Town Laundries; Gananoque, Juné 10.~Georgé Tay- lor, MP., has. displayed his public spirit this ~ week in a most generous offer of a fountain for Bellevue park, a donation of $200 to help beautify the grounds and 850 a year for three years 10 help defray 'expenses of a carctaker. He also recommends re- moving the fences, making a cinder driveway, levelling the grounds and providing chairs and tables, also lay- ing out a number of plots of flowers. The manufacturers' and merchants are to be canvassed for assistance in this work. Gananoqueans have learned with pleasure of the marriage at Colborne on Tuesday ,of one of her highly re- spected sons, Dr. C. C. McCullough, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Me Cullough, King street) to Miss Grace McTavish, davghter of D. McTavish, Colborne. Dr. MeCullough has been located for the practice of his pro- fession fof some time past at Fort William. Mrs. D. Spence, Glenarm, engagement of her daughter, Miss Maud nee, to Dr. Frederick J. Donovalh, of Seeley's Bay, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Donevan, Vie toria avenue, the marriage to take place the latter part of this month. St. Andrew's anniversary, celebrated last Sunday with Dr. Meldrum in the pulpit, was a most satisfactory one, the collections for the day netting $271.10, considerably in excess of last year, At the town council session, Tues- day evening, a by-law was passed im- posing a tax of 320 annually, payable in advance, on all laundrymen con- ducting business in town. The town council has made its usual grant of $100 towards the Dominion day celebration fund. The committees in charge of the cele bration are reporting progress. Besides horse races a ten-mile Marathon race will be run in the forenoon, under the sanction of the C.A.A.U., and the day's events will close with a band concert and big pyrotechnic display. Four bande will be present. The first of the geason's band con: certs at Bellevue park last evening at- tracted a largd numbed. This was the first public appearance of the band under its new conductor, Prof. Col- line, Capt. and Mrs. F. W. Richardson, formerly in charge of the local Salva- tion Army corps, spending a few days with the latter's mother, Mrs. Liddell, John street, left on Wednesday for Montreal, whence they will take pass- age for a six weeks' vacation in Eng. land. Mrs. W. K. T. Smellie, Kingston, and Mrs. Davidson, Toronto, were guests of their sister, Mrs, (Rev.) H, Gracey, at the manse, for a few days this week. Dr, James White, of Florida, N.Y., came over during: the past week for a short visit with Mrs. White's pa- vents, Mr. and Mrs. William McLellan, First street, he and Mrs, White re turning home. Miss Florence Reid, nurse-in-training in New York Uity hospital, is spending a furlough with her mother, Mrs. D. J. Reid, Tanner street. Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Robinson, Ottawa, recently married, are spending part of their honeymoon in town. announces KINRADE MURDER. Authorities Think it May Yet Be Solved, Provincial Detective Johm Miller, whe has been in London investigating poe- ket-picking cases, which, it is said, will result in the arrest of a number of crooks of wide repute in police cir- cles, was interviewed about the cele brated Kinrade case, "Still holding to the original the ot of the murder ?"" the officer was "There has been nothing to disturb that theory," he replied. Recently the Hamilton newspap- ors published an alleged interview with Mr. Wright, the husband of Florence Kinrade, in which Wright was muoted as saying the police made one great mitstake in not having searched the house the dav of the murder. The detentive refused to discuss the case, other than to intimate that the crown had not dropped the matter from view. The prosecution have left the way open to unravel the mystery Mf opportunity offers, and have not despaired of discovering evidence that will prove either the truth or falsity of their theories. A CANFIELD MONTE CARLO. sep-- Saratoga Wizard Said to Have a : Concession. Mexico City, June 10.--M:n represon- ting themselves as agents for Rishard Canfield ave given out a statement 'here to the effect that he will open a pambling establishment at Tee .narga, a few miles from the capital, designed to outrival Monte . Canfield, it is said, has a cones Para greater than Monte years and will have government pro- ORPHEUM THEATRE NE 9th, 10th aad i Thursday, Friday and Saturday By special request, we have arranged to show Moving Pictures OF THE King's Funeral For the remainder of the week. W. 5. Wilco, Character er Singer. The Eckarts, Sap Dancers. fl Morgan, EXTRA SPECIAL: The 4 Polo Players Novelty Polo Act. PRINCESS THEATRE ey LLOYD AND CASTANO and Comedy. This act is a scream. song, 'Make a Ring- by Edmund T. High-class Singiig Talking. [Hlustrated Round Resie," Shields. Our Pictures to-day are exception- ally. good. A Yeteran of the GAR, a story of the lapse of memory onthe part of an-old soldier, Roosevelt in Paris, : The Subiterfuge, a fine drama. 1,000 Ibs, Cholce Roast Beef .... 700 Ibs. Chuck Roast Beef .. 12 I-3e Ib, Round Steak, any quantity 15¢ Ih, Best Fat Veal Ass ahaa Loins . «12 1-2 Ib, Stewing Cuts va Sa Seb. Stewing Beet . Re Ih, Yorned Béef ..... .. .. «1. Ne to 10e Ib. Salt Beef Tongue Pure Lard, our own Dripping Fresh Pork Salt Pork for Bolling ... « Fresh-made Sausage Pickled Hocks 7¢ 1b. Smoked and Cooked Meats, home made: "hoicgButter for table use 20e Ih. Pineapples Try our 40c Black Ten, Spring Lamb, a ver 18¢ db, 12 1-2 1b, 12 1-2e to 15e Ib, «12 1-3e th bin Anderson Bros. 'Phone 458. COUGHED UP THE BEAN. Lad's Case Was a Puzzler at the Hospital. Cecil Clapp, the young lad from Baneroft; who has been ill in the gen- eral hospital, is now on.a fair way to recovery. It will be remembered; that he swallowed a bean, which could not be located. On Thursday afternoon he was seized with a fit of coughing, when 'he' brought up the troublesome bean, He is now doing nicely, and it is expeeted that hé will make a rapid recovery. The Tad entered the hospital on June Ist, but he swallowed the bean about a week before this time, When he en- tered the hospital, the doctors did ev- erything possible to locdtée the bean, but had no success. They were very much puzzled to know where it was lo- cated, and their surprise, u ing that the boy had cou can well be imagined, | wilslaholon, Junie 9.<0n Thursday morning, at 9.30 o'clock, th called to rest one of 'Willetsholmie's most re spected the 18e 1b. | 12 2<Be thy [ie LOST, A PARCEL, CONTAINING A NAVY blue Dress, between the Rifle Ranges, Barriefield, and Division Street. Return to Jas. Crawford Grocer, and receive reward . FOUND. People's Forum TWO LADIES WHEELS: ALSO POUR Refrigerators, at Turk's. Phone 105. TWO GOOD SECOND-HAND MOWING Machines. Apply, D. J. Hay, 128 Clarence Street. YOUNG LADY FOR OFFICE WORK; state experience and apply in en handwriting. Apply: Box 88, Whig fiice. a de -- a ------------ A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT FROM duly 1st; must have references. Ap- Mrs Arthur Matheson, 23% Al- a Btreet. HOUSEMAID, WHO WILL Apply, between § Robertson, 44 5 YOUNG si eep at home. nd eo My Frontenac Street. EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GENERAL housework; no washing; reference required: ta--evening, Mrs. J. F. Lesslie, 47 'William Street, INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. No rosa Brndl. Send for particulars, Press Synd cate, 8,969 Lockport, N.Y. AN. \ ne TEACHE R FOR SCHOOL SECTION No. 3, Kennebee, holding second class certificate; must. be Protestant: duties to commence August 15th. Apply to Wilson Parks, Sec.-Treas., Arden, Ont, A FEW SMART GIRLS TO OPERATE sewing machines for the finishin of men's knitted underwear; goo wages paid to inexperienced wale learning; steady job. Apply, at once, to Kingston Hoslery Co., Ltd, King Street West. A MAN OF GOO ADDRESS AND ability to repreBent us in Kingston to sell our high-class ornamental stock and fruit specialties; a per- manent position for the right man on liberal terms. Apply, Stone & WV etijngian, Fonthill Nurseries, To- ronto t WANTED--GENERAL, ONTARIO AND B.A. VETERAN SCRIP to buy for cash. J. 8. R, McCann, 51 Brock Street. AN OAR PLOATING IN THE HARBOR Finder can seduré same by paying I this advertisement. ON PRINCESS STREET. A PAIR oF Gold-rimmed Spectacles. Owner cah secure same by paying for this advertisement, FINANCE AND INSURANCE. C 8 KIRKPATRICK, GENE RAL IN- surance Agent and Ocean RAL 1 hip Ticket Agent. 42 Clarence Streel Kingston. Telephone 568. a FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT A Liberal policies and m in first-class companies. T Boon, Agent, 159 Wellington Street. HEALTH erate fares J. K. CARROLL, DISTRICT AGENT, Dominion Life Assurance Company, also Fire, Accident, Sickiess and Plate Glass Insurance, 14 Market Btreet, Kingston, @ p. GEO. A; BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK - er. Put your fiivoices in an envel- ope with & one cent stamp on it and drop in the nearest letter box. We do the rest. All kinds of Fire Insurance placed on short notice, 'Phone 396." 67 Clarence St, Kings- ton. a 'ERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Flre Insurance FOMpany. Available assets $61,187,215 In additim which the policyholders have security the unlimited liability all the stockholders, Farm and eity property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents, "Phone, 325. for of TO LEX. BARN IN, GC >» CONDITION, APPLY at 106 B psd Street A BKIFF BOATHOUSE, FACING Mos Donald Park. For particulars, ap- ply dt this office. A CANOE; MUST BE LARGE, SAFE. and in good condition, : State full particulars to Box 86, Whig office. A GOOD YOUNG DRIVING hands; bay or chestnut Apply, W. H. Spence, Montreal Street, MARE, 16 preferred. Grocer, 308 Fu RN DWELLINGS, FROM $18 00 per month. J. 8. R. McCann, i$ Brock Street, House. NO. 280 EARL STRBET. brick veneered; 6 room ae for cooking. Apply/at robe Ba AUTOMOBILE, IN GOOD RUNNING ofder. cheap for quick sale, Ap- ply, King¥ton Foundry, Ontario St. SKIFFg AND GASOLINE BOATS FOR ale. Particulars at Godwin's In- | surance Emporitm, Market Square. SUMMER RESIPENC E ON BAY OF Quinte! fine location; elght rooms; verandah and barn; on main road on ston to Bath, Apply, John A. iner, 151, Wellington Street, Kirasion LARG R SUMMER COTTAGE. ¥UR- nished, containing 12 rooms and ex- jentlon kitchen and ice house and i Bulceny, « opposite CPR. station, Sharbott Lake. For harticulan apply M. Doyle, St. Lawrence Ha Quyon, Que. SCHOLARSHIP (ANY BUBJECT) IN International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Pa would make a handsome and profitable gift for any young man or woman; aa Qisposs of at Fesaonable price £ taken at once. ply, Box 48 Whig office. poy POOL TABLE, IN GOOD CONDITION, cheap for cash sale; 14 shares 'Frontenac Loan and Investment Boolety," yielding 4 3-4 per cent.; an improved Saskatchewan Farm; chea or quick turn; tracts of land in the Last Mountain Valley dis. triet of Saskatchewan: Cobalt stocks, bonds and debentures; houses and lots any part of Kings= ton; fire, life and accident insur- gnee Apply, J. O. Hutton, Market MEDICAL. BAAC WOOD M.A, MD, CM, MRCS. (Bng.), F.0.8.' (Bdin.), econsuitant and surgeon, office hours, 10 to 13, te 3 King St. BE. 'Phone 12. J. PF. SPARKS, BA. MD PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, 100 Wellington St. Uffice hours: 10 to 12 am, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. 'Phone 35. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. FURNISHED HOUSE, STABLE, AND automobile barn, 805 Princess St, Apply, C. W, Grass, 621 Princess. 1 WILL BUY Will be in «A. Jenkins, FAR No. HORSES TO PURCHASE.. all kinds 'of horses. Kingston all summer. n. Princess Street. SOUTH AFRICAN AND ONTARIO Veteran Appiy t 3 .. Hutton, 18 Market St. Rin on. aid wiki TO . BRING THEIR oth and Wave it made up into up- La date suits, Price and workman- silp guaranteed to please, Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock St, next Bibby's Livery. BOAT LIVERY, 3 C. KNAPP, "BOAT BUILDER, Cataragui Bridge, Jah ston; a first class boat livery; fittings of all kinds furnished; gaseline and motor supplies for sale; tents for hire. "Phone 767. Dutch Silver for the Bride HAND-WROUGHT STERLING SILVER FLOWER BASKETS OF EXQUISITE WORKMAN- SHIP DIRECT FROM THE SILVER BAZAAR OF HOL- LAND, RANGING IN PRICE! © FROM $2800 TO $80.00 EACH. NO TWO BASKETS ALIKE Rodger & Wright (Formerly Spangenberg's), a Sem, LET us DO YOUR 2 Dur work is positively guaran. | w. Sasriens SPRI : 1 4 Ll FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all modern JY nents) nice location." Apply, 176 Clergy Street. DWELLING, FURNISHED "AND UN- tarnished, Stores, Storage for Fur- giture, ete. MceCaun's, 'Brock, Cor, WATH ALL Ring Street. FO AR central) n oar line. Apply, Bex 96, Whig office. 417 'PRINCESS STREET, BRICK, 1 rooms, . & ¢., gas, with fine gar- den, fruit trees and large stable, J. BE. McCann, 161 Brock Street. DWELLING, next Croth- Mr. C. R Street. COMFORTA BLE BRICK 205 Wellington Btreet, er's Baker Apply. Webster, §1 Y Princess COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WITH board, or table board at YW.C.A For terms, ete, apply 10 the Secre- tary at the Home, 106 Johnson St. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, dry, alry rooms, absolutely moth proof; your own lock and key Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen St. Phone 526h, CLEAN, THAT SPLENDID RESIDENCE, Montreal Street, by the late Dr. venient loeation; ments, No. 15 formerly occupied MeCammon; con- modern improve. Apply on the premises. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, T.R. station, one block fRposits QO G. . ON street car line; be] Ite remodelled; charges moderate; special rates by the week. John Cousineau, Prop. 'LIMESTONE RESTAURANT, NO. 61 Princess Street, one door from King" Street; hot lunches, 16c; dinners, 26¢; vysters In season; ice cream; soft drinks; private parties ol tered or: npatairs sling rooms. ax. Props. Tour patron- ake i PATENTS. oR FULL INFORMATION. ON patents, send. 10c for booklet and magazine. Ben, B. Pannelt, Patent Attorney, Ottawa, Ont CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. pROP A SARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR, Qarpe nter and Builder, 265 Division seh or reasonable Hons on all nds promptly. 3 Jobbing. All work done BECKW] H & GODWIN, CONTRACT- ng Engineers and Architects, Kifonts for Bullders' Bpacialties, 14 Sydenham Street and 292 Earl Street, Plans prepared and esti- mates given for all classes of work, a ARCHITECTS. FURNISHED, FROM MAY 15, UNTIL September roa or for shorter term, Y P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, 'Phone, 345. HENR 268 King street. dient, 58 Alfred Btreet, or eleven-r Lr n im- nts ne oR, ARTHUR E LIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE and resi ence, 151 University Ave, fovemaer electric BOARD-AND ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND LODGING either to roe had at 321 University Avenue, con- venient to cars; bright, airy rooms; gas and modern conveniences. OSTEOPATHY. Sm LTH WITHOUT DRUGS"--R. G. croft, D.O, Edna E.° Ashcroft, DO, Grad ares under Dr. the Founder ebpathy, 4 Erinves tregt. corner Division. No charge for con- uit and Miekature. Office ullas 9) to 12, 2 to §, FOR BALE OR TO LET. "HE NEW SUMMER COTTA AND Sungalews at at Kast View's Park. on the Law 6 miles from furisished and from ' also several fine lots for sale. i Rev 3. boyd 108 pine a AA . NEWLANDS & BON, ARCHI- tects, ete. Office, 208 Bagot street. Phone, $08. or separate may be POWER & BON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants' Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. DENTAL. 8p. ARKS AND BPARKS, DENTISTS, 2 Princess Street, Kingston, Aone 846. DR. C. €C. NABH. DENTIST; J. Gibmon. assistant, 153 Street. "Phone 736. PR MM Princess LEGAL. ors sad Bouisars' Law Otfice, tH OR BUSINESS CHANCES, 4 ANTONE. ANTY ANYWHERE, can business at Yassing: Be fond for free boo eacock, 2.969 Leckport, Direct - Shipments Our Coal is mined and ship- 1 to us direct. This means 1b, uew coal for our cus-