¥ * ¥ Wi NE ER aR Appreciate a Shoe that fits, and that Is the corner- stone on which we have built our business. We have a wide range of up-to-date models, all leathers, all but every one a tter. Jennings, RR Yo WE HAVE PLACED Electric Light IN MANY HOMES THIS SPRING, In every case our have been pleased with fixtures. work and prices, Let us wire your homé and do your repairs. e patrons the " iW. Newnan Bectric Co, 79 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 441. Try our Electric Irons. § FINKLE'S LIVERY AND STABLES purchased, _ wr - & sham, & having added and Clar~ pa hger si hts are prepar 0 I Veith 2 Tirst-olass any kind upon rte e have & man at the of- night, »o that cally may be at- wded to promptly. Bullol{ing & share of your patronage, "Tem at Respectfully ours, JOLIVES " QUEEN, MANZANTLLA. ffed Nut, Celery, Ripe Lyvola Pimento. iu tins, COUPER'S, ' tary Dolivery. Ng Waggons, Any em. condition. Waggon. aggons, every description. a tnlty, we are prepared to put on your Baby Carriage our Sarriige along. ' and Painting of all kinds oun Acall . ae AN LATURNEY, ¢ 3 Maker, Pa NE STREET i kind soll de . Tog 1 tor 1 § Scranton Coal ro ogg gene "fhe manently benefits the in. At your Druggist's, 25¢ NOT a useless intoxicant, but a liquid food of a palatable and enjoyable kind. India Pale Ale A comparatively light bever- age, made from barley malt, selected hops and pure spring water, NOT charged artificially with gas, but allowed to mature naturally, ' NOT pasteurized, but retaining the delicate flavor and aroma of hops and malt. BE NOT MISLED by New Brands, New Ways of Brew- ing, Cheap Methods of Cork- ing or Sealing. LABATT'S is to-day the Most Palatable of Ales and at. the same time the Most Whole- some of Beverages. 13 Aun, JAMES McPARLAND, 389-341 King St. E., Kingston. RE Heart Trouble Cured. 'rarough one cause or another a large majority of the pecple are troubled with some form of heart trouble. The system becomes rum down, the ate orate. look sia say , & ng hands ard feet, shortness of sensation > pins and needles, + A , Ont, writes. + "Itia with the groat- est of pleasure I write medicines but re. a or roa ile. hich Fad and a your ills, whic id, a found great nr lief. ly recom. these pills to anyone suffering from trouble." 50 cents p r box or 3 boxes for all dealers or mailed direct on price by The T. Milours Co. -- YOUR GROCER FOR The housewife"s delight. It you'll use it once, you will use it always. MANUFACTURED BY Maple Lea illng Co. ONTARIO ST. 'Phone 886. Highest Grades GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. 1 W. F. KELLY, | Toye's BuiMing. i ¥ " THINGS ACTIVE AT CAMP AT BARRIEFIELD, About Ready Lor Goreral French's Inspection--A Tattoo Will be Held Some Evening Next Week. Wednesday was a busy day in camp for everyone, from the officer com- manding down to the servants. All day Jong, the sun shone down on the heights, and all day long the men drilled in the heat, scaltered in com- panies all over the hill, from Barrie tield village fully three miles down the Gananoque road. Wednemlay was the third day in camp, and every one had wottled down to good hard work, the rough corpers had been knocked off, the new ones had been initiated and everything was running smoothly. piery day now, from early morning until late at wight, one ean hear the men shooting at the ranges. Every man in camp, of every corps must shoot and according to the score he makes, #0 will he be paid by the gov. ernment ut the end of camp. Captain Pawson and Captain Campbell have a very busy time of it, as musketry in- struetors, but are doing good work. While one company of one regiment is shooting at the butts, the remaind er are out drilling on the green, under capable instructors from headquarters. It is really remarkable to see the great difierence one day makes in camp, to see how much better these fellows drill to-day than they did yesterday and every day they will keep on improv- ing, until the last day of camp, when they will be quite capable. The men ave all taking a great in- terest in the visit of General French, on Saturday morning and all want to bo in the best condition. The troops will all He dimwn up on the heizhts, facing camp for the inspection and march past, and here also any drilling that is necessary will He done. Major Mundell has an extra large signalling class this season, but as he has good ingtructors, every member is making excellent headway. Cadet Mun® dell, is in charge of one squad, Ser geant O'Leary, of another, Sergeant Crowley, of another, and the genial doctor looks after all. The men all take a great interest iy signalling 'and are willing to work at it early 'and late. It is certainly am inleresting study, and the men will learn its im- portance on the day of the sham fight when messages will be carried from all otor the camp to the commandant's office. 3 The night has not yet Heen chosen for the tattoo, but will be soon and élaborate preparations will be for it. There ghould be about twelve bands in line, and a massed hand of this size should turn out some music. There will likely be a big display of fireworks during the evening. The eiti- zens are eagerly awaiting the evening of the tattoo as it is always a great drawing card. The army medical 'corps has not had a very hard time of it so far, very few casds being reported and then only for minor ailments, cramps, rheumatism, ete. There has been no accidents, probably Mecause there are very few horses in camp with the ex- ception. of those of the a gervice corps. The medical corps this year number shout 100 men, the largest corps that has ever been in line in camp here, and they are all fine fel lows, officers and men. The army service corps is kept quite busy, especially the bakers, who have a great many loaves to turn out every day, and they have to turn out good ones, This year there has not been. gu single complaint about any- thing served By the service corps. The early morning ride of Col. Hughes and his staff through the lines, makes the men sit up and take notive. The ride takes place at 7.50 o'clock, aml everything mast be spick and span by that time, and everyone must be ready for a hard days work, The different. reftiments are becoming very keen on baseball, and some fine games are expected before camp closes. Teams are practising every spare mia ute of time at all parts of the grounds. Captain Thomas Healey, of the 47th regiment is again under canvas, and once again his company promises to be about the finest in line. Every year Captain Healey has a fine company and this year it is better tham ever. The Y.M.C.A. tent is always in great demand, asthe boys all know they are welcome and can always have a good time there. Secretary Tremble and nia large corps of assistant are quite pleased with cainp life, and take a great interest in all that is done. Manioba Elections in July. Toronto, Junp 16.--~A long special denpateh to the News says : ere is little doubt that the Mani- toba elections will be held in July, There are ramors that they will be held before the arrival of Laurier on July 7th, but the lists can scarcely be in shave by that time. The liberal leader, T. C. Norris, has laced the date at July Mek, but the {inni exhibition "is in full swing then. The last week in July is con- sidered to be the probable date. Business Men Added. Montreal, Jupe 16.--The names of Messrs. J. W. Ross, George F. Drum. mond aud William M. Birks, all prom- ninent Canadian business nen, of Mcntreal, have ixen added to the list of governors of McGill University. The corporation of the university have au- origed .a change in the statutes by which number of governors will he increased from fifteen to twenty ve. Summons have been issued for the arrest of two residents of Smith's Falls, named b made | "| by her companion of 1908. A eHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1010. WAR A FACTOR. | Has Boosted Several Into Presiden-| tial Chair. West Point, N. Y., June 16. The ex- | ample of Col. Theod ir: Roosevelt, as | mk 6° the several . presidents whom | the fortunes of war had boosted into | the White house, was held up to - the | graduating class of the military acad- emy by Secretary of War Dickenson in in his commencement address. i "The war of the revolution," hel said, "elevated to the presidency Washington: that of 1¥12, Jackson, | that with Mexico, Taylor; that be | tween the states, Grant, and that | with Spain, Roosevelt, Although | their ascension to the presidency did | not follow hmmediately upon their mil- tary service, there can he no daubt that the reputations gained in arms by the two Harrisons and Hay wore! potent factors in raising them to that | high office. The navy ts behind mits | quota. Doubtless the secretary of the | navy can satisfactorily explain. It may follow the army. "Where will vou find fn the history | of any people such a record of private and public virtue as has beep shown by our military men who have held the chief magistracy? Their fortune was exceptional, byt not their quali ties, among the soldiers of whom they were exponents. There must be an a- nex on every pyramid, but because it is highest it doesn't necessarily differ | in essentials from that by which it is sustained." : } In concluding, he said that the sy« | tem of military edueation in this} country is unsurpassed anywhere in the world, COCKTAILS AND WOMEN, Julia Ward Howe Shocked at Habit 3 Among Sex. : ! Boston, Mass., June 06.--Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, the grand old woman of | America, authoress of "The tattle | Hymn of the Republic," who recently | passed her ninety-first birthday, di cussed the part Ameriean &omanhood | is playing in twentieth century life. { Mrs. Howe believes that other wo- | men could live to he ninety-one easily : if they would shun the fast life of so- | ciety and look with old-fashioned hor ror on the insidious and invidious -- OOOO SOOO 00TO0VVC00000C OOPOOCO0O OOOO OCC FOOCOOOCOOODOOO0 Elliott Bros, Telephone 35. --~---- 77 Princess Street. Give us acall when you require 8 Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Refrigerators, Gas Stoves, Coal Oil Stoves, etc. We carry a full line of the above goods at the lowest prices. Tile Sewer Pipe and Fittings Constantly On Hand. OOOO00 OCO00 OOOO OO00000000000LC OOOO } JL A) 4 SPECIAL--JUST ARRIY®D--$2.00-$2.50.. SPLENDID VA LUE AT $4.50 | and $5.50. : SPRINGS AND MATRESSES FROM $2.50 UP. R. J. 'REID, LEADING UNDERTAKER. Phone B77. OOOO CO0 OOO 8 600000600000000000 IRON BEDS, i { RAILWAY HDRES "Dominion Day" Friday, July 1st. SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE } tor the round trip, good going June { 20th and July 1st, and good to return until Monday, July 4th, 5 . Tokets issned at Kingston to inter | mediate points between Montreal and | Tororto will not be good on trains 1 fand 9. i . Homeseekers'" Excursions {TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST. ! June 14th and 28th. July 12th and 26th. August 0th and 23rd. Tickets good to return within 60 days. { Por full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts RGEC OE SRE ELT SEV In Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RATLWAY. DOMINION DAY Round Trip Tickets will be sold at | *' SINGLE FARE {to all points in Canada, Good going June 30th and July 1st. Good for re- { turn until July 4th, 1910. 'HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To Canadian North-West. June 14 and 28. July 12 and 26. Aug. 9th and 23rd, Good for 60 days. KINGSTON--OTTAWA. Leave Kingston 12.01 p.m, arrive (ts. tawa 5 pm 10.45 leave Ottawa Kingston $56 pm Full information at K. & P. and {| C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. ¥. CONWAY, General Passenger Agent. | | am, arrive cocktail. 2 Mrs. Howe's fashioned as her ideas are not so old precepts for living. For instance, she hopes to live lows | enough to see the enfranchisement of women throughout the United States. Insofar as the right of equality goes, Mrs. Howe believes that American wo- men are just beginning to attain their i lane. y Hight» been shocked to hear of the prevalence of drinking among society women, to-day." said Mrs, Howe, "The cocktail habit, as 1 helieve it is called, is the curse of modern society. It is alarming." mere STABBED WITH HATPIN. Jubbed Oficer in the Stomach. Globe, Ariz., June 16.--Althor igh De- puty Marshal G. W. Morris was dan- gerously wounded by a hatpin which penetrated his abdomen while attempt- ing to arrest a woman on Nonday. he dd not realize the fact until to-day. The woman fought desperately, beat- ing the officer over the head with a bottle, and he did not notice the tiny Woman PASEEAAESSELALEEM0L00400000000000000000000¢ Our Specialty FROCK SUITS «: FOR.... JUNE WEDDINGS CRAWFORD Leading Tailors, Princess and Bagot Sts SOLL00000884006004808 a a" SPFIIIIPIIIII FIP III IIIIIIIIINIINNINIIY wotnd in which the steel had broken off until examined by & 'physician to day. Morris will probably die. Tried Suicide in 1008, 21 Viartford, Conn. June 16.1t is, said that Mrs. Mary Scott Charlton attempted suicide here after her de- sertion by a man named Betts, in 1908. The manager of the hotel, where they stopped claims she jumped into the Par river, The trunk in which the body was found in Lake Como hore the name of "W. C. Betts, and is thought to have been given her woman was of nature and that Belts ai i It is said the highly jealous was afraid of her. At Brockville county court the failed to materialize. Robins is charged with indecent assault, alleged | to have been committed upon his daughter in Gananoque over one voarin ago. At the Decdmber sittings we latter was ill at the general hospi- tal. Upon recovering she removed (to! Alexandria Bay,'N.Y., where she is still residing. The crown informed tho court of its inability to procure; her attendance and the case was fur ther enlarged. | When tired and thirsty these warm days remember the soda founthin, where the most tempting drinks are served, at Gibson's Red Cross drug' store. Owing to the growing trade rela tions between Canada and Germany, ] the Emery Wheel Manufacturing com- pany, Smith's Falls, are making up an | order of over 500 wheels to be ship to that country as a sample or: LT. We carry a full line of mineral wit- crs, all sizes, perfectly fresh, at Gib-| son's Red Cross drug store. : Way Proparatiots the UPR. to erect a new station! this summer at Kemptville. Now Sold In Canada There is a reason for on nal sale of Parisian Sage in Canada! the past threc years. Parisi es on 1s in ian J what it is advertised to do. na) . Ask G. W. Mahood about .it, he will g cosessnvissene 1] g t i criminal ease of tne King vs. Robins | 2 MONUMENTS : '& WALSH, } 3 { 3 : : BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train leaves Union Station, Ontario Btreet, 4 p.m. dally (Bunday ex: od) tor Tweed, Sxden am, Napan nto, Bannockburn and ail n To secure quick despatch to purn, Maynooth, and points on {Ontario 'route your shipments via {9f Quinte Rallway., For further partis culars, apply R. DICKSON, nt. | Phone, No. 3. I STEAMER "TORONTO" "KINGSTON." Eastbound leaves Kingston .. 6.00 am, Westbound " . . 5.00 pam. Daily, except Monday, during June and dally after July Ist, between Toronto, Charlotte, N.Y. 1,000 Islands, Montreal, Quebec and Saguenay River, STEAMER "BELLEVILLE"Y Eastbound, leaves Kingston 6.30 pm, Wednesdays. Westbound, leaves Kingston 10.80 p.m. Eaturdayw, Between Hamilton, Toronto, Mont- real, and intermediate ports, For tickets and berth. ressrvations apply to-J. PP. Hanley, Agent, Kingston, or write IH, Foster Chaffee, AGP.A., Toronto, AND ' Granite and Marble Memorial 'Work, or Marble. nishing first-class work. S.J. KILPATRICK & C0. Cor, Clergy and Princess Streets. Kingston, Ont. Sm---- EE ---- Latest Designs and highest Class of We have modern equipment for manufacture of anything in Granite Our business success is due to fur- Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. Str. Caspian 1000 Islands-Rochester Commencing May 20th, steamer leaves Kingston on Sundays at 10.16 a.m, for Alexandria Bay, Gananoque, and Rockport, Returning, leaves at 5 p.m., for Rochester, N.Y., calling at Bay of Quinte ports. Str. Aletha Leaves Kingston dally, except SBun- day, at 3 p.m., for Picton and inter- mediate Bay of Quinte ports, Full information from James Swift & Co., J. P. Hailey, Freight Agents. Ticket Agent. The Crimp In the Zinc Is theeffective partof a Washboard EDDY'S 3IN 1 AND 2 IN 1 WASHBOARDS Are so named because the Good Featuresof the Crimpingofall others are Combined, consequently are the MOST IMPROVED AND UP-TO-DATE. Ask for them. Give them a trial, Also EDDY'S FIBREWARE Tubs, Pails, Handy Dishes, Etc. JAS. MULLEN, Importer and Manufacturer of all kinds of Cemelery Memorial First-class Work Guaranteed. A call of inspection solicited. j S02 Exincess SL S800 0000GSROIRIBIORIRNROS > " DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Fi FAN policy contract that is simplicity itself, then THE DOMINION is the ghie you are Jooking for. : . J. K. CARROLL, 14 Market St. ~the man who wants a squarede al and a Thousand Island and SL. Lawrence River Sicambia Compas. Connection With the New York Central and Hudson Hiver RR. R. Co. Commencing Sunday, June 19, Leave Kingston dally, day, 5.96 am AUVe and 200 pm Making direct connections at Cape Vincent to and from all points in New York State. Through sleeper Cape Vin- cent to New York Week-end round trip rate, Kingston to Watertown, good golng Saturday or Sunday, returning Monday, 1.65 For excursions to Brofkville and Ogdensburg and the Thousand Islands fee Bir. america Bulletin Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED. River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes. HR "Cascapedia" 1.900 tens, recently fitted out on the Clyde, specially for this service, with all modern comforts. SAILE FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS, at 4 pan. 20th June, 4th and 18th Jpiy Iet, 16th snd 29th August, and 12th and 26th September, and from Quebec the foliowing day at noon for Pictou, NB, Gaspe, Mal s Perce, Grand River, Summerside, P.E I, and Charlotigtown, PV. EL NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC except Sun- and 2.00 pm. Kingston, Sunday, 7.30 am, i {88 Trinilad, 2600 tons ssils from Juche Sth and 22nd July, Sth apd 19Lh, i ugust, and 2nd September at § p.m. { i i ! { BERMUDA Summer Excursions, $20 to $40, ithe Twin > "Hermudian" §.- {505 tons, asf and 25th June, §th 27th July and every 10 Boerew sailing 16th and {days thereufter from New ori. ! Temperature cooled by ses breeges sel- I The finest trips of the season for | health and comfort, o , FP. HANLEY, or C. 8 ¥ FA - RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston, QUEBEC, id sin rises above BO degrees. i For tickets and staterooms, QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY, 2 Yin the far-fomed WNiver Saguenay, tealling at Charlottetown and alifax, »