es ITISH. WHIG, FRIDAY. JUNE 17, 1910. pi CL SE Ta tin of ahh at ALL WORKING HARD Jos. B. Abramson, : " FRE 306-3 and sold as slaves. These women ac COLBORY 3 - a NE STREET. oe ve a. tually purchased five girls to make| AT THE MILITARY CAMP AT ph S00 20 kigde of Boy Goofs Se | " : BER, WHIO 18.7625 | their evidence complete. BARRIEFIELD. Boos Se ie Easy e . 1 by Co Bites . Te a year. "And when Mr. Eockafeller was ready EE Sn blan. Call and sce my » - in - -- or oo 5 The are of x ou cannot find as low prices to price of Dally #3 | to 10 tbe OF Lines are Models pf Cleanliness Z| ¥ ho £ ett opiart Be yes Jugs The Tattoo Will Likely: Take COMB--SEE--COMPARE. The Big Store With Little Prices. + ty iieh, Ty The judge would not bear him. He| Camp was s "msy place, on Thurs- The British Whig Publishing Co., i. had procgeded in some irregular way' day afternoon, and it was hot, too, : ; b as Old Bol was not at all stingy wilh TORONTO OFFICE. He had not confined Wimeelf to the] "0 Lan iments were all Out ET od Gam: | matters referred to by the judge in the{ for drill, drilling iu half company, phases of the work, he was stopped. Place Next Wednesday Evening. AT THE SEASIDE. EE I =p BEIETEIE EW ESB 7 1 fi li i __ We hear this every day, and we just want to say that we Are showing the handsomest Summer Suits we've ever shown, and that's certainly SAYING SOMETHING! : The New Summer Sults are so splendidly cut and taflored, and the new materials are so beautiful that these words of pralsg are not out of place. HANDSOME BLUE SUITS $12.30, $15, $18.00 FANCY ENGLISH WORSTEDS, fn New Greys, Dronte, Greens nnd Browns. ... $12.50, $15, $18 ! NEW TWEEDS, in rich colorings ... ...... . 810, B12, $15 TWO-PIECE SUITS, in Fancy Worsteds, Homespuns, otf. ...',.. rsa ey serena aaa oo SikE0, G1 S18 BIB NEW TROUSERS. --New pattérns are very handsome, and we can away from the routine prescribed by | improyement was noticed over the dav MR. DOHERTY, THE PURIST, | realize. He ouly knew that be had and after walking around Borden, not as the Quebec leader of | the bench was inclined he would listen body of mea go by been formally deposed--but as s typi- The question became one, not of| The ranges are in use from early . some fine shots in the regiments, and purist, 'ae one who is suxious fog offend bench does not figure very high | all ranks, and a certain number of in his own party which was supposed 3 A thing about camp that many have Wigson--Indeed! membered, demanded that certain al-| oo knew that importent dis- | bit of refuse is burned, in the incivera- on the beach he found that she was a ie e------------ dens success. They resemble the little | be concer ned about the sup- | pad no serious cases to attend to, Clean and Dirty Dirt. A ing, going, but never g The great jury at that time and consulted with there has no accident of any ac-| There is such a thing as clean dirt cause this year only the officers ao |jarger quantities than your natural himself, however, as sa judicial tyrant. frodesnise your office work | jou of sight for any ove. It may be attended some of the commandant's year," says Dr. R. G. Eocles in an wi i ha Should have situation, now that it has transpired It is remarkable how thoughtful The army service corps bovs can feel dirt according to this authority only made or handed out by the corps. The ] Mr. Dohert 1d to be less | tion of all the 'towers now standing has a fine corps which handle food and cooking uten- fit perfectly men of any proportion $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5.00 Mr. erty would appear to ; . esting for visitors to the camp, who as a cook 'was traced from family to a.m. 6, ponss, tempt to adopt them in his own par- | easily of accomplishment than the cir- | stunts. a trail of disease and death. Rather a ipeice, J.P. opening charge, or he had broken | company and sections, and a great} Daily Wiig. the usual red tape. Just where he previous i many quarters, ust shout bad lost his connection he did not Br Yddote. Col. 'Bx- Judge Doherty, of Montreal, is been waived aside and been given to un- gnét, Went ascund agoin, and did it i ighti order, General Frehch hav being introdused in Ontario by Mr. derstand that when his mightiness on o ond will have : him on Saturday morniig, when be the party--for Mr. Monk has not yet and even then on suflerence, comes to inspect camp. cal representative of the Quebec peo: what the leis meant and-how 1b a this year ete oh ; : . might be checked, but what it was to ple. The ex-judge, too, poses as a . d s fussy little fudge and how | 41] are getting a chance, ' Every one sweetness m public life, Unfortunately could be placated. The man on} has te shoot, from all brigades and 5f he is not in favour of the house cleaning estimation of the 'individual | points have to be scored or some of| Jigson--Henpeck matle an awful A pen va oh wants to see morality rather the pay is docked. hpistake yesterday. Two or three papers, it will be. re than pride prosper in the land. The | noticed this is that it is kept ex:| Jigson--VYes; he Fescued a woman : X j ¢ Mr. Rotkafeller was| eeptionally clesn, in all parts. Everv|from drowning and when he got her leged leaders should go at gnee, as od. He was sup-] 1088 stationed around the camp. . his mother-in-law. they were barripg the is, Mr. Bor- sup The army medical corps has so far 8 . a few being in hospital with mi ror } distinguish 1 toe Toutes wou 4 ie 40 a i i a hm ey ch be Foster was one of the men referred to |}. i i i count, Of rge a few have fallen off | dirt that" won't hurt you, even aks by the critics. He needed fumigation, Nish Putting hi sight_yben hu at their' horses, not many of course, be-|{hough you have it about you in AVE you examined the metaphorically speaking, and should avy things to elevate himscld in "the mounted, but one or two have man: {;, 1} : Id i f. Under | cedsive it in some registered place. lavour of the people, He advertised aged to have the road come wp and earner things ar prompt ail: ol nderwoo | Biting But Mr. Foster does not realize his i I meet them half way, and it is also}g,q¢ and ashes, paint or varnish, are : and he, is welcome to all the glory | pred that a f thers, who hav Typewriter? If you would unfortunate position and will not sink | he can get out of his performance. al a Tew. of » Who have 1.04t as harmless as the clothes we TRRITION OF long rides, are eating off a mantle |, Tae ne » Tm ! i : A QUESTION OF FAITH. . Oh article on "Dirty Hands," appearing that he will think seriously upon the 9 piave. in a scientific journal. Dirt is really 3 i i i i 1 | proud of themselves as not one com- ied ss we y your immediate inspection. thik Gdldwin Smith regar him as | SOME people have become with regard | pro R when it is unhygienic, that &, when Ask for the book A it an "impossible," but what would par- to water towers and their safoty. In plaist has been made about anything it Hains the germ of disease. As a about it. lisment do without him, snd what Montreal and Ottawa the building in- hroad is fine, the best. in years, and horrible example ol thw huvos hidh would he do without parliament? | spectors will make a special examina- everything else accordingly: Captain | 88 be wrought by utes ; A i : s x i 1 i > : ils the article in question relates the { x personal if he said less about the and detéfmine, if they oan, whether The signalling is always most inter- ee of "Typhoid Mary," whose career ¢ UNITED TYPEWRITER 0. LTD. ideals .he desired in political life until | these sre a menace to life and pro- | siwaye crowd around and watch the A 4 i Kft behind he . " » at least there is some honest at. | perty. The service may seem more | boys with the flags go through their family, where she had left behind her .. " '» rewsome tale, to be sure, and one KINGSTON. : ty. Then, and only then, will jt be | cumstances will permit, for it is. not at aot, i be lid at sat a calculated to add to the peace of RTE EE I TIA ITI ITNT TN TERT ORT ye ve in" order fo reflect upon his oppon- | everyone, though skilfed as a mathe likely that the tattoo will be held on | mind of the 'poor housewife who finds ina ents, ; matician, who can figure the problem | Wednesday night next. it, beyond the limits of human possi- Jas rere EN [LY Roe ffl, provi on [WY 0 vr tn ot ; 3 : ' MCA. ig | C00 lly she Woes be o VED 1 Xe Te Biidge'. compahy Wide i ad with the Say preriden has cleaned her hands before putting 8 ! of Educatioh and the | took the construction of a work which | 4re going. He has an able corps of as- | them into the bread dough or hand- | Faculty of Education have entered | was to be one of the world's wonders. | sistants, Perey Gifiord, Trenton, look- ling vegetables. ft seems that the | Mito an agreement with regard to the | ft was to be a unique afiair, and: it | ig alter hs athletic ond, and R. Sum- op jn question, leeauae of enrtain bserv : LN ilton, i slovenly reona abits, was a ty- use of the schools, for o ation snd | challenged attention as beyond the ma us un dnsing care o. the phoid ear: for in home after home practice purposes, and the Superin- | Jast abutment it projected over the | tent every evening, and are exception: where she worked the disease broke tendent of Education has given it his | river for hundreds of feet. Men had | ally well attended. On Sunday service: lout,-in many cases, resulting iar death. approval. There are some who do not | calculated the strength of each part will also be held, the chaplains of the "How many "Pyphoid Marys' - there appreciate the = relations bétween the | and proceeded under the unfortunate Miflerents Rogiments in camp taking happen. to be among the servaute _ of 3 : charge . hose v e. § ne, PY Rehaol of Education.and the high and | delusion that all would come out The boys are anxiously awaiting the | the scientist, "it would be inpossible public schools. They associate certain right. Alas !| when no one expected it day for the sports, when they can all [to guess, but this much can be said, failures of pupils in the examination | there was a crash and the great show 'what is in them. A fing long!that a careful watch of their habits tests 'with the work of the school of truct t down" to wreck = and programme will be arranged embracing | by the mistress ~of the howse, will education, and they have i. mre Went Cown the branches of sport, and. besides {soon tell whether they wash their pol crowns of various heights, right to "io 'thi no more | ruin, The engineers were not con- | the $100 donated by the city council, |luted hands in the dish water or the : Split Straws, Leghorns, Mildn . is than to eonnect any | scious of certain flaws and they real- | more will likely be put up by|wash basin." And this is not a ; Braids, Sennets, eto. Some snappy failures in the public school classes | ised, too late, just what they meant. 6 themsolves and so need be [pretty thought, perhaps, but one iy Fancy Band Numbers for swell with the presence and work of the] j : M real he of the i ogi . Th ill &1-|which it behooves every housekeeper ) " young fellows who want the thing. Model school : in Nom ' owners 80 be some exciting baseédall games |who has the welfare of ber family at - : Herald had resorted to every expe before camp closes, nearly every regi-|heart to give some attention to. £ y $ by The student-graduates visit the ment havi nine out, ov t 8 ; 48 3 : i , every team schools under a plan which guarantees a order "to assure themselves practices fasthfully every day. Busy Building. A ot . ) 15 A 2. 1 250 erarowdi that in erecting the water tower that |" p : . \ 20 a i i y or duty today the 6th brigade; + ] Bo . They i ug» ang * | collapsed they had omitted othing next for duty the 7th brigade. ySushendalls Jane 13. rvs Sige \ . . TR ai o no any class work ey | ame modal officer Andy, Tor the)'t Joung man have gone CZ SHE OUR SPECTAL $2 SAILORS. while 'they are observiag- that guara security. ! Y, 10 he | camp at Petawawa. . Henderson, the work of 1... of experts may now, as in the 6th and Tth brigades, was Captain |carpenter, is getting along rapidly in the » teachers. They see differ: : ¥ : M. Currie, 16th regiment, with Lieut. i of John Hyland' or Quebee bridge case, 'detect the cause of + Ly the construction ol ohn yland 8 I using different methods, and : Wilson, 47th regiment, next for duty.| ew house. Rev. Mr. McAndrew and have : the accident, and with this knowledge | The medical officer for the 8th brigade | wife have tak house keepi i * ¢ ample opportunity to realize «Y " > : wife have taken up use Keeping In : ] men the utiously | was Major J. P. Maloney, 59th regi- | ¢}, tory. Th friend { 1 which are the mont sective, No. lay | 200 Way. procesd. the more cautiously | W0, MUL v6 FL fr pte SaC gif {the Storr. To NY wear of bis er... i $4 g i> erecting water towers hereafter, can be injured i 8 next for duty. i i a Jardiner' ka usd that Saja 1. te ii But 'the chances are that 8s soon as. | "The men received the pleasant news leave wo Huevos oy Dr. Goines » WE SELL SUIT CASES, TRUNKS AND HAND HAGA. © which are followed in all the educa- the slam joned by this last | on Thursday, that owing to an acci-\Rev. Mr. McConnell is attending con- ares TY: atria Lional tren horror in Montreal passes away the dent there would be no straw hats | ference at Brockville. James Gordon en where therp are Normal blic's attitude will become one of available for the men this year. has gond to Toronto on a business schools and their students dre under |¥ s The orders of Thursday contained | trip. Recent visitors: Mrs. P. Shor- yes HOES Seaining: ; gg be id the oration Mg Danmaster tal od little daughter, Front Road, . v 0 in whi Roenick, \ r , Wwas|at A. Martin's; Mrs. Carley and fam- iP Jour 'money here than. , the practice teaching there iy the so many ns lost hei lives, detailed as divisional i dur- | ily, St. Paul, at A, Germain's; fame possibility of some loss, educationally ¥ * | ing camp. and Mrs. W. Curtis, Willetsholme, at ISAAC Z ACKS, soaking. The lessons are only taught,' sartled the world, and everywhere | Serguuni- Major Instructor James B. |). Hyland's; Miss Wilkinson, Napanee, 00 971 PRINCESS STREET. a Seée Our Display of Real Panamas." {520,500 MD 70 There's great satisfaction in buying your Straw Hat here. You'll be sure of the style, sure of the quality, and sure of the price. '* We've shapes adapted to.all ages of men, brims of various widths and ot ae br acres Surbap Bie 8 88 8 np 8 SE se the SARLRL tt te esp tlt Pot tt ttt tilt Reeteatentenfent: ITI TIT TAIT ey % a I 8 & a i i: Bh E } 4 i 1 hs RAR ARRRERS LONE mbt ahisr 'varefol preparation, and they are | 1172. a4 8 searching examination of | MeGowsn (W.0.) will inspect the sig. rs. Ward's; Miss M. Whitney, i », i ' i ' r jaod the the theatres. There would be no more | nallers in camp on the 20th and 21st Portsmouth, at W. Hyland's; Miss ww igen hy hr. Te casualties of this kind if prudence and | "8% Shannon, Sunbury, at Mrs. J, Gor ABERN ETHY S . General Sir John French and hisidon's Mr. and Mrs. C. Ti son, is practice. lassons are hurtful. "The loe-§ 10"? 1ought could prevent. them. The | staff will arrive in the city at mid-| Willetsholme, at Mrs. W. Ar a SEER te tures or talky by the heads of the de- fire escapes and exits would have 10 | night, tonight, and on Saturday A summer clothes i ts dre ai "whelly out el be ample in every case. How miany Song | =i Shaper Barriefield samp Some Paper Surpluses. "Season's © : y $s § + aghes, camp commandan » oronto St : and. pressing I'school hours. These ' impose some reforms actually occurred ? How is it has mapped out extensive field man-| Of oar One municipally owned n tasks upon the teachers which are |. Kingstolh'? In Quebec the greal | aeuvres, which will prove very inter- waterworks plants reporting their onerous enough, but: there i. Ne. ve bridge is being again erected, under | esting to all. The three brigades are! year's operations, twenty-three have a bird the of the direction of some of the greatest supposed .to have arrived King- | deficit, but the total of these deficits - from School of Pedagogy in engineers. There is to be no miscaleu ston from the west, and driven a sup-|is less than $52,000, as compared with payment of 'supplementary salar- | jation this time, no poive however in- posed stony from the city, over tola gross surplus of $369,000 piled up ies, which, added to the scheduled sal- [significant, overlooked. Yet there Heights, where it is making |by the others. Forty-eight municipal aries, should secure competent and [must be faith in men and material, a last stand. The attacking forces electric light plants report a surplus, wilicient tench + |'These must be trusted. The deficits of the thirteen others re- ¥ . \ rting aggregate less than $7,500. \ oe : There is a phase of the question ¥ i Of half » 4 ivi lants, two ZN which cannot be overlooked--the" decid EDITOR{AL NOTES. y road. Every detail bas Spon deficits. totalling a little er ee S. od gain the school of education must Mr, orden is again readiog ti r $1,200. The other four have a surplus i be to Queen's University. ~ Her stu- signs the times and prediing the + of $31,000. i ' , Lents at the ra coma | Party's - swocss. Ho ought 10 hava | al' morning, leaving | Funan 8 compl Trivsiely owned plate, with ol % . i % H oh thejr" record of inferior service, .could and. completing their education hare, | 2% in Paloustry, wot politics. thu one o'clock train. hardly make a better showin and their presence and the 3 jos Johmeon 1 ro deld dav at camp will be on y Adonai ke. " - The Jeffries-Johnson party arc in| Tuesday," when a fine programme of Latest in Aviation. an expenditure in the city becay Sports will be out, and on ; -- {oe | Wednesday svening them will be the! "ie late is » biplsne flight by : tattoo, weather' permitting. Lieut. .T. W. Dunne, who passed over Now that the hot weather is here we are a Ets Sheppey, England, without making any we i rou val WANTED Bn Back. Shoppey, England. yitheos' ssking any Il prepared to relieve your foot troubles. Xf a Clara Says She Will Soon Marry |"®ing sutomati heally _dfected. yes New Barefoot Sandals-- og i Again. prevail To te ae oe The for children, boys, girls, women and men. . = Ena arts for hin Canvas Shoe for everybody. AA 5 tainty reached by thy navigators ofl White Shoes for men, women and' children. an cosas, gteyhoun Bathiug Shoes. Yachting Shoes, Tennis Shoes. Straw Slippers--30¢ for men, boys and women : Fancy Patent Strap Boots; « .« "for children, girls and {women Ofords for everybody. $ Tog it 1 fie. --