Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jun 1910, p. 7

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Gin Pllis Sent Free © Yes, we send Gin Pills free to every - pufferer from Kidney and Bladder Trou- bles, Rienmatism and Lame Beck, We want all sufférers to test Gin Pills, and see for tves tint these pills scv tually eure all such diseases, No matter experience has heen with $s medicine and advertised feme- we want you to try Gia Pills. And you see how much good they will you by sending you a free sa : Te think your expericnce be exactly Be ht of Mr, Webster's, Skipness, Out, Dee, 10th, #1 have fised Lhe sample box of Gin Pills sent me and have receives! great re. 1 enclose you P. O; Order lor 32.50 half a dozen boxes, a RICHARD WERSTER, You see, Mr. Webster first wrote for a Je of Gin Pills, He tricd them, him so much good that he was to send the money for 6 hdl sive because he felt that hie had foungl a cure for his trouble, - Do the fame, Write the National & Chem, Co. Limited Dept. B, oronto, for a free savmple. 'Then you be a ition to decide whether Pills ar right remedy for you. 27 BARGAINS Used Five Octave and Plano Cased Organs ranging all the way from $20.00 up. Easy terms of payment can be ar ranged. Purchaser of any organ will be allowed value within two years' time should they decide to purchase _ 8 plano. We also have a full " Hine of musical Instruments, including Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Strings, ete. No trouble to show goods. Kindly eall and in- spect our stock. Wormwith Piano Company, Limited : BETAIL DEPT, INJUSTICE CLAIMED [Olject oni : Those who had money invested in THE DAILY BRITISH Ten, ITXE 17, 1910. BUT THE COUNTY 'NTY COUNCIL TOOK NO ACTION sn---- On Cheese Board's Second Plea Grant Asked for During Convene tionw=Raps for the Pedillérs, The county countil was addressed, on Thursday afternoon fay. Bryon Gots don, Joseph McGrath aad Frederick Vv alleny, of the Frontenne cheese board who asked the council to make go grant towards securing the meeting in Kingston next winter of the Eastern Untario Dsirymen's Association. The place that granted the most money to the sssoviation to pay its expenses and was satisfactory got the conven- tion. The holding of the convention in Kingston would be a great thing for Frontenie," Councillor Rankin moved, seconded by Councillor Gordon that a grant of $200 De made towards the convention, if such be held in King ston. Councillor Kennedy opposed the grant, as he dida't think ghe county's finances warranted special grants of the kind. Councillor Hamiiltos wanted the matter laid over till Friduy to see how the finances of the county stood, Councillors Trousdale and Miler mov- ed in amendment that the matter be held "over till Friday's session. amendment was carried. Mr. Gordon, on hehall of the cheese board, stated that the council had misunderstood the resolution of the board regurding the dairy school, The of the resolution was to ask the council to call the attention of the injustice done to the cheese factories around Kingston Hy operating a creamery in connection with the school, Mr, Valleau stated that he had word from the department at Toronto that the government did not inténd to op- erate a crémmnery as a business enter. prise, but to only operate it for, experi mental purposes. He claimed that the present operation of the dairy school Cronmery was an injustice, For experi niental purposes, 1.500 t6.2,000 pounds of milk was sufficient, yot the school was taking 15,000 pounds of milk day. Comneillor, Sleeth said he did not likg to turn down thirty or forty farm ern who were getting the benefit of the dairy school eregmery for the sake of one or two factory owwers. Mr. MeGrath said that what the cheese board held was that it was un to conduet the dairy school sreamery a8 a commercial enterprise. ® a Evry Thought : She Was Going You have all Er the story a about Government on went Evers ihtng | ho nh oryth he net, Reyne Gas him to ol oir "a one aliright, ut re of should eas ih ina that "the duty of avery A A ad Th ter a ny hat | ups and robberies weekly just before] be. .| county factory did not want to be forced to compete with a government creamery, which is paying one dollar for milk, when the highest the factor: ies are paying is ninety cents. The government has placed restrictions on factories, and it costs money to keep them up. The council passed a resolution at its Wednesday mourning session, and no move was made to rescind it. On motion of Councillors Trousdale and Miller, it was decided to pay twelve dollars a year towards lighting the two new electric lamps in front of the court house, the city to make con nection with. its own wires. Council lot Foley the grant, saying that he Was not going to spend county {money to benefit the city. The committes oh printing recom mended that the tender of the Jackson Press for printing be accepted, it be ing the lowest. Adopted. Counsillor Faweett asked for infor mation regarding peddlers' licenses. Treasurer Pardy replied that for ped dlers, residents of the county, twen dollars was charged for a foot ol dler 'or for a peddle with one horse, and twenty-five dollars for two horses. Two dollars was charged for a license for each township. Here was where the trouble came in. A Idler would take out a license in e of two or three of the best townships. Council: lor Fawcett said that on Wolle Island the merchants were protesting,-for ped. dlers were doing them an injustice, for which the county council was responsi- ble. Councillor Purdy said that the souncil should levy a high tax on the peddler, but make just one hoense, a licanse. The township license should be wiped out. Councillor Salmond delivered strong speech against the and favored a high license, It was agreed that the peddlers' by- law should be amended, and this will be done. MENARD'S CONFESSION. A Long Series of Robberies at Co- balt, 2 peddlers, Cobalt, June 16.~John Menard, who confessed to several highway robberies in Cobalt, was sentenced to four years in penitentiary, He implicated Frank Dunn as his ec He stated in detail that he, oan Dunn and a third man went into the store of Chatles Aug, assaulted him, and book away a sam of money. Dunn will be fry on Friday. There had been hold- the arrest of these two men. . ---------------- Must Pay For Reservation. Montreal, June 17.~Announcement is made that, taking effect June 19th, all the railways in Can will a coment in regard to the res sleeping, and parlor car : That no reservation will or cars un: paid for ! reservation. When reservations are har mar ie from cities, they may be of the ear 'Torogto, tral Nov 3, at 10.15 Ne he Tome. 0 Kinguton, in Re. The | home last Sorackpo for a few weeks' visit. FOUND DEAN TNSIEIDP Alfred Guiry, Long ong Totus, Long. Point, June H,~The road com GRAND missioners are improving m! | roads. There. will be a good road pow clear through to Ellisville, from the sthoolhouss vormer. Isaac Larose returned home last week from the Hotel Diem hospital, Kingston; where he bad been for the past few weeks, having undergone two critical operations, Alired Gadbury died suddenly, ves: terday afternoon, at W. Johnston's, Sweet's Comers. He was an man snd had been a resident here fo n couple of Years, following the oe- cupation ' of gardener. He only been at work for a short time when Mr. Johnston found him dead in field. His funeral takes place to-day at Lyndhurst, The measies are still in' this neigh: borhool. =~ Messrs. McKenney and Slack 'are rushing Arthur Slack's new house. Joseph Bevins ix at Sand Bay pusisting sl i Te with a new harn and = iss Yo spent the week-end at . McDonald's: Sand Bay, the guest of iis Madeline O'Connor, Dr. and Mpe. A. B. Chapman, of Res: ton, Man,, are visiting relatives here. D. Slack, who spent the past mix months at Brockport, NY arrived The baseball team went to Datter- sea on Wednesday, June Sth, and played a matched game with the Bat tersea team, defeating them by small 'score. There is talk of a wchisol picnic being held hare' on the 25th of June, in Warren's grove. William Warren and J, T. Moorhead left for the North-West a few days ago. Word has heen received of their safe arrival at Moosejaw. James Townsend's little son, Howard, is quite ill, Miss J. Laf* fin, of. Brockport, N.Y,, is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs, T. B. Bryan and nephew, Master Elmer, took in the excursion to Ottawa on the 3rd inst, The stone crusher, which has been in operation here for the past ten days, limished to-day, and has gone to Beeley's Ray. R. Purfch and family have moved from Sand Bay, to this heighborhood, he having purchased F. Shurtlifie's property. STORRINGTON COUNCIL. Nsxessments Altered, Accounts Passe ed and Grants Made, | The court of revision met at Sun bury on Monday, May "30th, at 1] wm. Members nll present. On motion, Ritchie-Taylor, John Green's wssoss- ment reduced 825: John Jackson's Husiness assessment struck off, he hav- ng no business; John and Michael liernev's assessment on 33 and 34, Con. 12, reduced $100; J. Gilbert and 1. Ferris' assessment on lot 16; Con. 10, reduced 850; Alexander Darling's assessment on lots 15 and 16, Con, 15, reduced $50; business assessment on the Perfect Brick and Tile plant placed at $250, and that of William MeHroom ht 8500, Assessment roll adopted with hbove alterations. The council met at 2 pm, with embers all present, Minutes of the foe meeting adopted. Communications were read from the British Whig Pub- Fishing company, and from the i lor of public charities regarding Wes. Cornell. On motion, Taylor: Shanherd, lved that Councillors Hanley and Ritchie examinecthe culverts on Shan. Jon and Seeley's Bay roads and repair f necessary, On motion, Ritchie Shepherd, resolved' that the clerk jommunicate with the inspector - of sharities for full particulars regarding Mrs. Mary Cornell, with power to make a settlement for the same. Bills ordered paid : Reuben Clark, 11.80, drawing plank for Milburn bridge; Thomas Gordon, $5, buildin mlvert on 2nd Con. and $3 for build: ing and keeping pound; Robert Lucy, $46, assessing township, and $1 for postage and stationery in connection with the same. On motion, Ritchie Hanley, resolved that taxes charged against John Randall be struck off and that the collector's time be ex- tended (0 May 10th. On motion, Han- ley-Shey herd, ihe following, grants will be ma Division, No. 6, #25; divie sion, No. 19, $25; division, No. 43, 125; division, No. 25, 875; also 225 towards building sidewalks in village of Battersea. Council adjourned to meet again on last Monday in Au gust, =Famous Expert Tells: flow on Mash, Regiovet Rugitis 1 Sauna Wrinkles, Diwturbing the Diet or Neceasity for Exercise. "Pat fs nothi but unused ene says a prominent physician. and ® nan or woman who is burdened with 1 can easily met rid of It if they wish. Al they need is 1-2 ounce of Marmola, fd ounce of Fuld Extract Cascara Aromatic and 4] ounces of - mint Water: all of which they can get | it any good drug store for a Then let them take one teaspoonful | P ter meals and at bedtime until they ire dows to the weight they want fo This simple home receipt is far and way Fi than any or ai the Patent . os, 4 Sox | * reduyss the Na a i ay it cause: ire Can = Tasuits and an ake his Just what" wives and and TR or nota in a od pw og fe get Marmola and sa that ou not a sul stitute: 5 Fla Ee TaFiifs i stone | he | #xports, This Montreal, June I5-t was stated todsy by Charles M. Hays, president of the (rand Trouk and Grand Trunk Yaeific raw 8, that bY this fall there would be a the head of the t . with St. Joba and Halifax, furnishing a third throush line for Atlantic ¢onst wheat and oth Tine "will as yet be a one bat' ir wil hen ire earrying 9 Teaus ports at t ge foot of the the up of through Tot gh 3 to the Atlantic ports. Yncluded in this plan ave the use of the Grand Trunk boats on the great lakes, thé Grand Trunk svstem to Levis, the use of the completed Grank Trunk Pacific to Moreton and the Intercolonial from Moncton lo Halifax and St. John. 'According the statement of My. Hays, this wil le in operation this fail, "probably be- fore the close of lake navigation, so that the new through sys! from the lakes to the Atldnti¢ will be an ac complished fact in time to take part in the transportation of wheat. At he same time the completion of the fira Tionk Pacific rom Fort William: 10 Wrpipeg, where it conneets' with ite western system to Edmonton, will prova a great factor in getting the ordp out, so that by this fall the new Transcontinental will a very important factor in' the transporta- fion system of the dominion, Mr. Hays stated that negotiations wer: now in progress betaeen th: government and the Grand Trumx Pacifie lookin towards the accom plishment of this programme. BISHOP AND LORDS. "ul Frank and Straight Words on Very Important Issue. Toronto Globe, Bishop Mills in his annual address to the diocese of (Ontario at Kimgston, on Tuesday, dealt with the situation in Britain, and spoke frank and straight words on the réation of hereditary privileges to social. injus- tice. His lordship, like every. intelli: gent and unprejudiced Canadian who efdied the British situstion at close range, was impressed by the reality of the crisis and the ineviableness of re. organization, He evidently does not agree with the radical wing of the present government, but his owa sym- pathies are just as plainly with the radicals in the House of Lords rather than with the reactionaries. In the report of Bishop Mills' ad- dress it is made plain that his lord: ship sees clearly enough, even as the radical land reformers among the liberals sce, that there can be no per: manent averting of the crisis and ne cure for the agedong injustices unless the land question is solved. he sees, as all open-eyed students see; that no solution of the land the root of the trouble; He would ask, with as much directness as Wins- ton Churchill and with as much ear: nestness as Lleyd-George, not only the land assessor's question, What have vou got ? but also the land reformer's question, How did you get it? In his review, Bishop Mills 'goes' to the root of Britain's vexed question the land monopoly. The facts he pre- sents are ofthe essence of the unrest. The depopulation of the country dis tricts and the congestion and degene racy of the city slums are the in evitable results of unjust and cruel landlordism. Other factors contribute, but hereditary land monopoly is the cardinal cause of Britain, to-day. When the thought of it moves a Canadian bishop to take up the refrain of the radical campaign song, "God Made The Land For The People," what won- der is it that the constant pressure of it, the gnawing of it int6 the' very lives of millions. of people in Britain, makes many Englishmen radicals and some revolutionists. The Archbishop of York told the House of Lords that it was this merciless injustice which gave socialism its plea and "power. A Barriefield Wedding. Barriofield, June 16:--~A pretty wed- ding took place at seven o'clock last evening in St. Mark's church, Barrie field, when Miss Olive Rosina, daugh- ter of Mrs. Phoobe Salsbury; and FEY | Nathaniel Robert, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Rathaniel Richard Stanton, Barriefield, were united in matrimony by the rector, Rev. Arthur McGreer. The beautiful edifice was made still more beautiful with floral decorations placed by friends of the voung cou: h bride entered the church leaning - on 'the arm of her brother, Frank Salsbury, who gave her away. N.Y., was "a Instead of spending nothing but the best hours over a hot stove preparing dessert, Sugar Wafers. ES ver oa Tt tows pep please the w It cost us thousands of dollars and took years to perfect this dainty. it once and you will say that both time and money were well spent. Here are just threeof many reasons why you should at least try Mooney's Sugar Wafers. First--their delicious spicy and oti taste. Second to serve them--they are always Moc pb ; ney s Madam--This Delicious Dessert Saves Time Whol a, Taste --it takes no time Third--they cost but little. Sugar Wafers Mooney's Sugar Walers are made in the finest Bakery ff the country. We use ingredients. Our flour is aspecial blend. Our butter-and cream in Western Ontario. We get the best because we pay bh EER TS i he incomparalie Mooney the Dominion, Method--the Method that Perfection Cream Sodas -- the standard soda cracker. high quality standard that has made ours the fastest Canada goes into our greatest creation--Mooney's Sugar Wafers. At your grocer's, in dainty, dust and dampsproof tins. 10-and 25 cents. Try them today. The Mooney Biscuit and Candy Company, Ltd. . . Steatfued, Canada growing business will be' adequate that does not go to | ---- Nowe on Baseball and Other Field Events. The Pittsburg ball club is for pitchers and an outfielder, It is now whispered that the Mon treal baseball club will engage a new manager, Ottawa Pastimes will likely play an exhibition = game of baseball at Og-| donsburg. July 4th, At Winnipeg William Turner, = one time prominent athlete of Cornwall, is dead, aged thirty-seven, There will be wigs om the green when: Toronto and Nationals lacrosse toams clash on Dominion day. Al Wolgast's arm is not broken ai- fer all. The injury will only keep him out of the game for a week or iwo. : The Toronto ball team is now in second place in the Eastern with for in first. Only seven points separate the first thice br. M. W. Harrison, of Bovill, Ida: ho, killed a 250-pound 'black bear re ently with a revolver.. The doctor, who is one of the best revolver shots in the north-west, was riding when the dogs started the 'hear. John 1. Sullivan is on his way to "Frisco to report the big fight for a Chicago paper: after breaking all reo cords by staying on the water wag- for two whole years. Jawn says Fhe sees any ou of faking i. will thre ropes and crac the Jou and boilermaker"s heafls to gether and stop the mil A Canadian girl from Montreal is to be the first lady passenger in the Dominion to make an asoent in an} airship at the International Aviation meet, to be held there from the 25th inst. to the" 4th of July, She is Mise Veneta yhirdale, a atizactive wi or parents Soups Donvard. This Indy hud" to GC, W. Bennett, mana the Iuternationsl Aviation meet, 10 be allowed to go up in A flying machine as a passenger. hunting on St. has Comet Stories. New York Evening Post. Stories about the woming in, The idea that it was a local phenomenon rs to in some minds. us, . We comet are shill' What is more enjoyablé than a bottle of sparkling, delicious Salvador Beer with your meals? Brewed and properly aged im wood by . Reinhardts' of Toronto | EE With Backache For if i i £ : Bz io ah | i SOLD EVERYWHERE I Shoes: for Summer Comfort nn Does the heat cause your feet to swell and so become painful and uncomfortable? ; If they do you need Invictus Oxfords. Invictus Oxfords are made to fit every line of your foot easily and snugly. Made in all shapes and sizes. Bui I can" Supply Ready Roofhig, Wall Plaster, Lime ad Portland Cement P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. $1.00; $4.50 and $5.00, The Sawyer Shoe Store Sole Agent for Kingston. DON'T FORGET TO TRY M. NOLAN FOR YOUR GROUERIES, 558 PRINCESS ST. Our Colfee at 25¢ and 360 cannot be beaten. THE GOLUB HOTEL

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