- -- - wh Wa Wo Sn 'and a. DIARETES 1 RED sevENTEEN! fo de) I TRUNK Sa "Dominion Day" Friday, Joby 1st. SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FAR for the round trip, good going June 30th and July 1st, and good to return untill Monday, July 4th. Tickets Issued at Kingston to inter- edlate points between Montreal and 0 will uot be good on trains. 1 7 TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST. June 14th and 28th, July 12th and 26th. : August 9th and 23d. Tickets good to return within 60 days. For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. ARTES R700 IVI EL NG CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. DOMINION DA Round Trip Tickets will be # SINGLE FAR to 'all poinis in Canada. Good going June S0ih apd July 1st. Good for re- thrn until July 400, 1910. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS | To Canadian X.. . heWest, June 14 and 28 July 1% and 24, Aug. 9th and 23rd. Good for 60 days. KINGSTON-~OTTAWA. Leave Kingston 1501 pm, arrive Ot. thwa b Hoa Lea tawe 10.45 Kin 8 oh 3 ull information at K. & P. and C. R. R, Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWA General Passenger Agent. id_at am, arrive hy or I RAL WAY. geront. 4 21 ERY asity yA RL ospied Rotate north. Ei Ds i and Lali Ea ye fit 5 "PORONTO" "KINGSTON." £- : Bakwiuna Ton ven K "ston .. 6.00 am. Veatbound » 5:00 | pm, ally, oxen mt Mond: iv, durihig June and Ra (Charlotte, £.Y., ELE TW AND July Ist, between 1.000 Islaian, EL Quebec anit Saguenay River, STE AMER "BELLEVILLE" leaves Kingston 5.36 pm, fg lenves Kingston 10.20 pom 5, Framilton, Tarento, Mont rmoediate ports, Kets and beiih reservations ap te J. ¥. Hanley, Agent, Kingston, E Nrite H. Foster Chaffee, AGP.A, Bake Ontario and a BOY Suinte Str. Caspian p= Islands- r § May 29th, steamer on Sundays at 10.16 Leaves Kingston dally, except Sun- day, at 3 pm., for Picton and inter- of Quinte ports. on from Co., J. P. Hanley, Agents, Ticket RT Thousand Itand and SL. Lawrenee 3 In Connection With the New York Central and Hudson River RR, Co. Po Sompinitns Sanday, June 19. Salty. ad % any Len Sun- Leave ag Boe 7.30 am, rect con donnuptiona at Cal ape sen Sh points in New LH ough leeper Capa Vine w ee in tein rate, Kingston | Cur tert going Baturday or! Bplay rolueilne | BE Minds $1.65, she eiirsions kville and d. the Patusand, Islands Ste merien's. Bu tetin." Quebec Steamship Company td a 0 1. Lowa YEARS. The Case of Mis. Thos. Donohue Ii iustrates the Marvelous Cara- tive Qualiiss of Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure. | | Aa she states in ber own letter, Mrs, Thos. Donohue, of Red Lodge, uted from diabetes and was y her physicians that she could +A over three mouths. This seventeen yesrs ago. Wagner's Safe Disbetes Cure made a permanent cure, and Mrs. Donohue says she is stronger mow than she was for ten years prior to taking this great medicine. Her gratitnde ox- tolling the victues of Warner's Sale Diabetes Cure is given in her own words : i "Seventeen years ago 1 was suffer ing from disbetes, which had troubled me for over ten years, §ind was given up by my doctors, wholsaid 1 could not live over three moths. I started to. take Warner's Safe/ Diabetes Cure, and today I am a stronger and healthier woman than J was for ten years before 1 took the medicine." There is no disease more dreaded than diabetes, for the reason that the supposition is that it eannot be cured, and it ix most remarkable the letters recived from men and woman who say they bad diabetes in its worst form and weré completely cured and restoved to health by Warner's Rafe Diabetes Cure, which is one of the Warner's Safe Remedies, among has done so much good the past them Warner's Safe Cure for the kid- liver, bladder and blood, which has done so. much good the past thirty years, and Warner's Safe Pills for con- stipation and biliousness. These reme- dies are sold by druggists every where. it vou have any of the symptoms of i diabetes send at once for a free sam ple bottle of the Diabetes Cure, or if you have kidney trouble ask for War- ner's Safe Cure for the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood. State your case fully, mentioning having seen this libe- ral offer in the Whig, and our doctor will send you UD and full direc tions how to treat yourself, free. All communications treated in strict con- fidence. Letters from women are an swered by a woman doctor. WAR- NER'S BAFE CURE COMPANY, To- routo, Ont. The genuineness of this offer is fully guaranteed by the pub- lisher. Mond. told not was i Highest Grades GASOLINE. COAL Off. LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. PROMPT DELIVERY. W.F. KELLY, Clasence afd Ontario Streets. Togs Building. 'Government statistics fur- nish ample evidence that local option and reduction of licenses does not curtail drunkenness. Why not ad- vocate the drinking of Regal Lager and promote true temperance. a is Scraniou Coal : ana Con An rer tee BOOTH & cO., We are honestly desirous of turin all who are addicted to drink, an are interested in any one Die rrine we invite you to write us. Our correspondence is confidential, and our replies are sent in fiain sealed envel- opes. Orrine No. 1 is the secret treat. ment and No. 2 for those who wish the voluntar: rreatment $1 per box. ree Booklet Haw to n The Co, Shr Washington, D.C. ts endorse Orrine. SW. Ww. aneod, rite f ure rank 867 Orrine Id in Chis Bagot A Pr ieens OLIVES QUEEN, on cor. PLAX, SARL spar nd 841-3 Princess Street. 'Phone 76. Prompt Delivery. Fig Pills will fix you up again. They are a splendid Kidney and Liver Tonle, and just what YOU need if you are all run down, spiritless and discouraged. 25¢ a box, or five boxes for $1.00. For sale at all drug stores, D. Eee | ORDERS ARE ISSUE ED BY GOV ER-, NOR GILLETT. California's Executive Takes Steps to Prevent Meeting Between Jeffries and Johnson mm San Francisco on | July 4. San Francisco, June 15.-- Stirred to | sctioh by protests from all parts of | the. state aud country, Governor James N. Gillett, today, took steps to prevent 'the championship fight be- | tween James J. Jefiries and "Jack" Johnson, scheduled to be held in San In a letter to Attorney-General U, 8S Webb, the governor, to-day, expressed his disapproval of prize fighting and directed that the courts be invoked to prevent the match. He concluded with a positive order that, in case the plea general prosecute those interested in | the fight for violation of the penal code of the state, The letter declares that the supreme portunity be given it to do so. Thus is taken to indicate the governor's in- tention Lo press his opposition to the end, While" the status of the fight is un- settled to-night, the sporting fraterni- ty is much east down, and it is gen erally believed that the death knell of prize fighting in California has been 80 This belief is borne out by the fact that the governor telegraphed to At- torney-General Webb later in the day to take wimilar sction as to the fight scheduled for June 18th, in San Fran- cisco, between Sam Langford and Al Kaufman, Promoters Tex Rickard and John Gleason had heard no whisper of the governor's intended action. When the néws reached him, Rickard rushed to the office of Attorney-General Webb and asked what that officer proposed to do. After a conference with Webb, Rick- ard' said he believed that the fight would be held in San Francisco on the advertised date, despite the gov- ernor's orders. Rickard would not say what his course would be until Webb handed down an opinion, but he has no in- tention of abandoning the effort to hold the fight here. Both he and lileason devoted much time to-day to a conference with their attorney. The course of legal defense decided on probably will not be given out until sr. Webb has made a statement. Rickard said Webb had promised him, because of the great expense of erecting the arena and other matters connected with the fight, that his opinion would be forthcoming without delay. Rickard expects it within two 'days. In the meantime, Rickard says he will prepare. to take the fight to Nevada or Utah if compelled to leave California. Just what will be the nature of the legal proceedings to be instituted by the attorney general is not known. The governor's letter positive in di- recting that "the courts be asked to intervene and urging a definition, of prize fighting by supreme co For this reason, it is believed that Mr. Webb will apply for a writ bring- ing all parties before that court for a hearing and procuring a temporary in- junction, pending a decision, By this step he would po delay, since 'the omoters would have to appeal if judgment were rendered against them, When word of the governor's order reached Benjamin Lomond, Jeffries re fused to believe it. The camp was thrown into an uproar by the message but Jeffries, after declaring his disbe- lief, retired to his cottage and was found there later sound asleep. Rickard estimates that he will lose $30,000 if he is forced to take the fight elsewhere. Ile said he would consider Reno and Ely, Nevada, and Salt Lake City. He is said to favor the Utah capital. Work on the arena, which has pro- grossed rapidly since it was started about two weeks ago, was ordered sus- pended temporarily when the action of the governor became known. Legal proceedings, it is believed, will make no difference at the fighters' eamps. It is probable they will go on with their training as though no- thing had happened. District Attorney Fickert, mention of whom is made by the governor in hig letter to the atiorney-general, dis played some bitterness when asked for a statement. He said that the governor had "heeded the clamor of the mob," and made satirical reference to "political capital." "However," he concluded, "I still believe that the fight will be held here, as the courts are more powerful than the Seeking a reason for the action of jovernor Gillett, following his re peated declarations, that he did not believe the fight could be prevented land that he did nol pmrpose to begin useless opposition, many think that re was brought to on him shes ay that the stalg's. re tatives at the national capital hove itlarmed Wim that the holding of fie : I i if TE it B fa il i rE Pa of the | ment. i | i i i { Francisco on July 4th. | ow for a restraining order be not grant- | ed, and the fight be held, the attorney- | { i court of California has never defined a | prize fight, and suggests that an op- | i Noniils J Soles Adan ose « ELABORATE BATHING daily dip in the salt sea and keep its every woman likes to own one attract mohair for ordinary occasions. This a rich shade of blue, and the tucked while the sleeves protect the upper ar ang parasol all match the material of HERE'S CERTAINTY, We Will Cre You of Kidney Disease | "or Furnish Xou Medicine Free. We know we ean furnish medicine | that will almost always eliect easy and positive refiel ' for - kidney ail ments. - We are so certain of this that we sell every bottle with our printed | guarantee that the medicine shall cost the purchaser nothing should it fail to do as we claim. We have been recommending and selling this medicine to a considerable | extent, and ave receiving the best kind of evidence that it is doing exactly as | we said it would, That's why we can safely and truthfully ask all our] neighbors to try it at our risk. Our 'treatment consists of Kidney Remedy, which ie one of the | finest 'Pharmaceutical preparations we | know of for overcoming kidney, blad- | der 'and 'Wrinary derangements, and] associate ailments, I We want everyone who suffers any kidney or urinary dizease to come to our store and pet a bottle of Rex>J all" Kidhey Remedy They can try as as many as three large bottles with | the distinct understanding that we! will return every: permy paid us for the medicine at the mere hint of dis satisfaction, Certainly we know of | no stronger realon as to why vou should at least: give Rexall Kinney | make AHS offer were we not positive | Remedy a trial. We would not dare! that the result wifl be as we pro- claim. Rexall - Kidney Remedy comes | in two sizes, SOc. and 81 per botile, | Sold only' at our _.store--The Rexall store. GG. W. Mahood. Rexall | In No Hurry, "Tob many. people," said a clergy- man, "régard their religion as did the little hoy.» in the jam closet. His mother pounced on him sulidenly. He | stood on tiptoe, ladling jam with | both hands from the jam pot to his mouth, "Oh, Jacky !" his mother cried. | 'And only last night you prayed to be made "a "saint 1* "His face, an expressionless mask of | jam, turned toward her. " "Yes, but not till after I'm dead,' he explained." Our. mottos, "a little better for your! money than you get elsewhere." Wo men's Patent Gibson 81.75: men's Pat ent Oxfords, Goodyear Welt, $3.75 worth #5. Diiton's Shoe Store, 209] Princess street. By man mav retair his good name if | Ee wal begin to a tongue often Setienten No More. Torture From Eczema Relief quick and cure certain when WR. CHASI'S GINTMENT is weed. Dens a ai oa of of itching skin di can defy dhe teenies A a al Sr IAN Such a bathing suit as the one illustrated is made of Dresden silk in a rose pattern. iroundings in which a show 1} from | Hawn, | which {that yon are in prison, jean see the show. j out soon. { over {were to the prisoners. {and evening immense crowds went Bak is now the most { unknown a i j gether diffirent ) mama SUITS ARE THE RULE. would, scarcely stand a festive appearance all summer; but ive suit, keeping a simpler model of preity suit is made of moire silk in bodice gives length to the waist, m from tan and freckles, The yoke Shoes, cap, handkerchief bag the suit. GAVE THEM A TREAT STATE PRISON INMATES SEE WILD WEST SHOW. Colonel Cody's "Glad Here" Amuses 1,500 Prisoners-- He Corrects Break. Auburn, N.Y., to See You Buffalo Bill's [Wild West a performance to-day, which was not on the season's schedule, and to perhaps the strangest audience and in the most unique June 15. shi Wo gave sur. as over fbhean given. The performance was pre sented. inside the state prison walls to the keen enjoyment of the 1,500 in mates, 'who for more than sn hour { paid. the strictest attention. and {ously applaaded. The entertainment was arranged by James J. Hennessey, of this city, and when the matter was presented Lo Col, ody, this morning, be gladly con- T Within an hour 2005 of the gener ented. oxlonel's performers and the prancing were on, their way to the pri The inmates taken from the and arranged the prison horses son. were shops on In opening the colonel made a break amused his audience and so en {barvassed him that for & moment he {was unable to find words to proceed am wlad to A roar {He said: "Gentlemen, | see you all here to-day." of | applause greeted the slip. "1 am not glad bat that you I ho pe You will get While you are here think it and make up vour mind that God is our instructor. I you put yow Htruat in Him He will help you, and Continuing, he said : 1 when you get out you will make good, law-abiding citizens." The audience was as much a curios. ity to the as the latter This performers afternoon to the regular show. Have you a Bad Sore? these facts widely used balm I remember Zam- a0, vet four years Why has it become so "it heals and dees what is not let it heal iin Car ALO 1 Was popular ? Becanse BOTes, cures skin diseases, claimed for it. Why ir sore 9 Remember that Zam-Dek is alto to the ordinary oint ments. Most of these consial of animal ats, Zam-Buk contain no trace of any animal fat, or any mineral mat- ter. It is absolutely herbal. Remember that Zam-lluk is at the same time healing, soothing, and anti seplic. Rills poison instantly, and all harmful germs. NH ix suitable alike for mocent injuries and diseases, and chronic , ulcers, oe. Test difierent and saperior Zam-Buk really is. All druggists and stores at She, hor. Yow mre warned against harmful substitutes and imitations. sores -------------------- FASHIONS WAYS, Here's a toast to, fashion And her furbslows! Changing hats sand turbans, Changing shoes and hose, Changing stralght-front corsets For the other kind, Taking curves from forward, Putting surves behind, Throwing Psychs knots off, Cailing out for rats, Molding roiv-polys Into merely slats, Moving waist lines upward aving walst lines down! Yesterday your dictum Was ihe empire gown, Now you are pncerisin; Probably next week You'll prescribe a garment Which is purely Oreek Fashion, you're 1 wonder, Changing walk and pose, And a very juggler When ft comes to clothes! Here is to Lou. fashion, In 5 halting rhyme, For you leave sweet woman Woman all the time. I never want for a friend and confi dent the man wie has a batred for do Sonstov, oF She aupecied, doo noi happen we do You are the Man we Want to Shoe Some men, who don't know. have an idea that all Shoes are alike. They think that when pay $3, $1; or $5 for a pair of Shoes that it doesnt make mach difference where they buy them, that a Shoe Is a Shoe and that's all there is to iL THESE MEN ARE MISTAKEN. it's true that all Shoe prices ind 8 much difference in the Shoes « them Our Men's Shoes are the products of THE WORLD'S BEST SHOE MARKERS, We select the best Shoes t} Makers ture uo better Sho than ours anywhere IT you've never worn our us. this season We'll promis that ever covered your feet J. H, SUTHERLAND i BRD, THE HOME OF GOOD __SHOFS. Laey pout the sam re is In the . , but there is f Men who wear erick he hest I had thoes r, Dibnose + best Shoes for the Thare are ® vou teat money how | ORANGE Try a package of these delicious Toasted Corn Flakes aml enjoy the taste that lingers, Each package contains one hig grade glass' tumbler, elegant in design, and similar to those in use at the House of Commons, Ottawa, and the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, MAIZE 0000000000000 00000000000000000 CHOCOLATES = Stewart's and Webb's fancy boxes, H0c¢, 60c and Toc boxes "Only 40 cents. GANONG'S Almontinoss, Nougatines, Ginger, Crisps, Peppermints, ete. 50c per pound. Pose 5 A.J. REES', 166 Princess §t FEIIOI0000400000009000000000000044000 000004 SE regular Carmencitas, | Tr -- _-- - a ---- i . 0000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000 Last Week of Chocolate Sale. This will be the last week of our Sale of Fanty Boxes of Chocolates. Only a few left. T Chocoliites © are all the very best makes, includingGanong's, Moir's and Stewart's Regular 60c Boxes for Regular J0e Boxes for Re eguls ar 40¢ Boxes for "502 King § . R. H. TOYE, 2 King St. VJ20000000000000000000 S000 00OROOOIOGIRIIOOOOORDY eRe ol eseesssseccoeanes 00000000 ROITOONOI00S POON PIOOOEPOOOOSROOSOONS Davis Gasoline Engines Don't buy a Gasoline Motor Boat and Engine Catalogue Our Motor Boats have obtained an enviable liability, Power and Economy Our Engines are made rig ht Place your orders with us When in the market for © plies try us. We can give you sa unti! you have seen our Motor reputation for Re- ind are adapted for all purposes now and get vrompt delivery ne Engine Fittings and sup sfaction, THE DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. - - 'Phone 420. DO00000000000000000000000S0000SO0NONO0GROeS 0000000000 OCROIOIODS [i ®acsconcencoceese Constipation Vanishes Forever Pineapples «$1.20 por doz. Creamery Butter i 27%¢ per Ib. le per Ih, Pure Fruits; smorted, in seal ers, regular 15¢ gize 2 for Farmers' Butter, Ss. T. KIRK, 277-281 Princess Street. 'Phone 417 Be sure you get & coupon with every cash Se ------