We carry in stock a full range of such well known brands as Fine, Soft Underwear, made from the best Cotton Lisle Yarns by very latest elastic process, ensuring greatest possible strength and comfort. Ladies' Fine Vests. half and no sleeves, . .. Extra Fine, very elastic, 1-1 ribb, only ... Pine Lisle, Jersey ribb, big sizes, speefal . . Special Values in Lisle Thread, beautifully finished, full Press Vents, half long and no sleeves, Vests. Ex 0.L. Vests a Specialty . . Ladies' Fine Drawers AA tA ANI I Nt NP Piri, + $ We take great pleasure la prize winners:- 1st 12.49.11. 2nd 3 00, 49 The ir topped 12.35.4 urs, P. ve What time will the clock stop this week? announcing -$2.00. Mrs. M, 8 Bushey, 265 Johnson Street. J. Murphy, 2 -- v 12¢, 2 for 25¢ . 25¢, 33¢, and 50c¢ «« « 25¢, 35¢c, BOC. . 25ec, 35¢, B0c, Black or White, last Saturday's Time. Enterprise. Time, 12 To see a bargain you must use both Keep one on quality, the other on the price ticket. - Big Basket At Manutact urers' Cost Price. Bee them in McIntosh's Window. Mcintosh Bros. Sywenli uf Cuuttan Nurth=West Yan Regulations, person who ia the sole head tal. omestend a guarter-section avsab Dominlon tana in ewan or Alberta. cant must appear in person at' the minion Lands for the distriet, ntry be made at an Agency, or any male over 18 years 0d of apt: Po- Agency or Bub-Agency proxy may on certain con- tions, by father, mother, son, daugh- her-or sister of intending home- utiles --8ix months' nd Suitivation of the land in to earn homest nt) and Cultivate fifty acres extra. residence upon Pt pe pat homant der ma. hve thin ihe oils of \s hom rm of at least or a lt wolely pi and occupied by him or » his fath mother, son, d aghter, brother or sist me! certain districts a homesteader standing de hus ha empt a quarter tion alongside 00 per Kore. months in SHE us si te of homestead entry hom Ww ie homestead, Pri ties--M er, er. in ce, ust reside years from cluding th exha Yate te SIE, ae acres and erect a house Ww. W. Deputy of the {hy intator Inte of N. Rolinauthorised erior. ublicatio this advertisement wil Bublication not be paid 1, of or, Put A Stove sendBn and bulld a cracking good "in it ou a day lke to-day, would you enjoy doing your work? We _only cite this fustance to give you some idea of the heat your wife has to put up with in pre- paring your meals, GET BUSY ~-BUY A GAS STOVE. COOK WITH GAS. Department of Railways and Canals, Canada. ST. LAWRENCE CANALS, CORNWALL CANALS, SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for dredging Cornwall Canal," will be received at: this eitice until 16 o'clock on Thursday the 30th June, 1910, Specifications and form of tender can be -obtained on and after this date at the office of the Chief Engineer of the Departinent of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, and at the office of the Resi- dent Engineer of the Ontario St. Law- rence Canals, Cornwall, Ont. Parties tendering will be required to accept the fair wages Schedule prepar- ed or to he prepared by the Department of Labor, which schedule will form part of the coatract. Contractors are requésted to bear in mind that tenders will not be consider- ed unless made strictly i accordance xih the printed forms, and in the case of firms, unless there are attached the actual signature, the nature of the oc- cupation, and place of residency of each member of the firm. An. accepted a sum of $1,000.00 made order of the Minister of Canals must accom and each tender, which sum will be forfeited if the party rave 1 declines entering into con- tratt the work, at the rates he offer submitted. oh ihe thus sent in will be re- turned to the respective contractors whose tenders are not accepted. The Sheque of the successful tenderer will be held as security, or part se- curity, fort e due folfilment of the contract to bo entered Into. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accept By order cheque for the FoZahle to the Rallways and J. K. JONES De Becretary. partment of Rallways and Ottawa June 17, 1910 > nq Coansie, this advertise- Newspapers insert ment without auth ¥ from the 'De- partment will not be pald for it, EN AT ROBERT iis pays * RESIDENCE, WEDNESDAY, a NE 22ad. ah = Boman Tabi rid Table, Tatar new), oy Kitchen Jed, directed, THE DAILY BRITEH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE Lh 1010. FORTUNE FOR CHILD/ ROMANTIC STORY OF LITTLE GIRL REVEALED, t Heir to Wealth From the U.S. Trea sury---Now Cared for by Rich Fos. ter Parents, Chieago, June 21. Somewhere in Chicago, cared for by wealthy foster, parents, six-year-old Mildten Souligny pursues ber way sublimely ignorant af the search being made for her by her natural parents amd detectives in their employ. She is ignorant of the fact that "she is the daughter of an Osage Indian squaw, amd as such is entitled t6 an petate in money and lands which by the time she attains legal age, will be worth upward of £175,000, Mildred was born in St. Mary's hos pital, Chiengo, January 18th, 1904, the offspring of a clandestine marriage which both parties wished Kept secret. In the face of existing circamstances the mother agreed to abandon the child before returbing to the Usage re servation in Oklahoma. A prominent Chicago physician then attached to the hospital promised to find a home for the baby. Mildred was adopted by a wealthy, childless couple, whose identity was known only to the head of the institution apd the physician who arranged the adoption. Before the adoption the foster par- ents insisted that neither the real par ents gor the child should be allowed to know the true status of the case. This was agreed to, and all parties were satisfied, But the entire aspeet of the case was changed two vears later when congress enacted a law requiring the enrolment of all members of the Osage nation, the richest tribe in North America per capita, and the apportionment of tribal lands and money. Immediately Mildred's parents requested her en- rolment, furnishing the office of the commissioner: of Indian affairs in this city with the required proof of her birth and existence. The necessary evi- dence was furnished by the Chicago physitian, who, however, refused to di vulge her whereabouts, The stumbling block, and the fea ture that brought the Indign commis- sioner into the case, appeared when the Indian agent for the Osage tribe insisted that the mother show proof that the chifd would be benefited by the annuities from the estate, which the mother wished to draw. At the same time local attorneys, acting for the Osage tribe, on the assumption that the child for which annuities were claimed, was=nothing more material than the offépring of a pliant imag- imation, asked the interior department for proof that the little girl existed. Again the Chiongo physician was ap- penled to. He ealled in the foiter par ents. They refused absolutely to al low their identities to be divulged, the foster father declaring that by the terms of his will, he had made Mil dred heiress to a far greater estate than she ever would acquire from the Osage nation, and that, as she was ignorant of her mixed lineage, and would be happier in that ignorance, he would insist" that the original in- Ltentions of the contract be adhered to. There this strange case rests, so far hag the federal authorities are eoncern- ed. The estate continues to pile up money in Mildred's name in the Unit- od States treasury, and will continue to, so fur as the authorities are con- corned, until the Osage nation proves not only that Mildred is depd but that she died without heirs, SOUTHERN CIRCUS KING Canada--Will North. E. Hang, proprietor of the Haag Shows, which exhibit if Kings- ton on July 1st. is considered Yhe Cir- cus King below the Mason and Dixon line; has decided. in his sixteenth trammcontinental tour to come nirth of the Mason and Dixon line, being the first time the big southern circus has ever been out of 1's awn 1m 1itary, The invasion will he watched by jea- lous eves by the big northern kings of ereusdom, and a big novelty is in store for the northern people as they will have a chante to see the southern er as he really and truly is in all pha- ses of his life, ad the show is manag- owned and all depart- ments are peopled by southerners only. There will be real southern beauties riding: blue ribboned Kentucky bred horses: the southern colonels will he in evidence, with a. wide brimmed white hat, together with the "yes sah' that has made the southerner famous, Mr. Haag also claims to have the finest sixteen head of Kentucky mules, which are world wide renowned, and will be of great interest. to horsemen of this section. Taking it all in all a great treat is in store for the public wherever the Mighty Haag Shows ex- hinit. To Invade Come Mighty A Crazy Proposition Surely. Toronto Telegram. Cana might extend to the John son-Jefiries fight the Lospitality of some of the yvankee:owned sites of horse racing as a bua nose. A prea fight for the citertainmen: of American thugs could be justified on account of its financial advantages to Canada--also Hecause of its alleved tendency to encourage farmers to im- prove the breed of horses and to raise cavalry remounts for the British army. A Johnson-lefivies prize fight in Canfida would do nothing to stimulate the raising of eavalry remounts to improve the Greed of horses. / And horse ra at a business no more for Candida in these respects than the prize fight would do. -------------- No Revision of Election bists. Amusements. Lake Ontario Park To-Night BIG FREE SHOW POLITE VAUDEVILLE. New Moving Pictures LATEST ILLUSTRATED St SONGS. 'GRIFFIN'S ORPHEUM THEATRE H. H. Morgan, Mgr. - Phone 942 SRE -- and every Night at 8.30, _ THE Special Attraction ORPHEUM June 20, 21, 22nd 18 John Perry & Chas. Edwards Presenting their new musi- cal comedy ThevlIsle of Gazook Gazee. TEN DERS. SEALED TENDERS WILL BE R cetved at the Office of the undersigned ip till 'noon on Thursday, July 30th, for the collection and removal of Garb: age. Collections to be made tri-weekly during the months of July and August All "other information ean be obtain- ed at my office. The est or sarily accepted, WwW. Ww. tender not neces- SANDS, City Clerk. 218t, 1910, any Kingston, June 3 SEALED TENDERS, ADDRESSED te I. F. Elltott, Ksq., Chalrman, Light, Heat and Power Committee, and -mark- : "TENDERS FOR COAL" will be received at the Work's Office, Jueen Street, up till 12 p.m. noon, Mon- fay, June 27th, for the year's supply of Fuel for Light, Heat and Power De- partment. Specifications for same may ve had at the Office of the Works, Queen Street. C. C. FOLGER, General Manager. Dissolution of Partnership. The business heretofore éarried on ander the name of The Kingston Mat- tress Company by R, G. Armstrong and W. C. Gardiner will hereafter be car- ried on by R. G. Armstrong, who has assumed all Habiiities, and to whom all the firm's debts are now payable. W. *. Gardiner has retired from the firm. SEARCHING FOR PAIR Who Are Concerned in Murder. Portland, Oregon, Juhe 21.--A state wide starch for A. CU. Powers and Mrs, William A. Johnson, was begun, to- ay, following the discovery of the soman's husband in a trunk at the Union Station here. The trupk had been seit to the statiom from the Grand Central hotel. Detective wept to the hotel and discovered that Yohn- son and his wife and their little girl had been registered there from Seattle wit had disappeared. There was blood in th: roomeand it is oelieved that the murder was committed there. At the same time the police learned'tlian A. O Powers, who had rogictired at toe hotel from Nome, Alaska, was nizenw. The police say they have roi dence that Jou won snd Powe s fled together," The awrunk was ehexsed to North Puyallop, Washimeton, ani the authorities these have bren told to wnich for the pa 2 Mig de [DEATH OF J. B, THORN. Horse atted on "oh Daring a Pageant' Toronto, Sine oe Wc orn, son of Sergedts Thorn, 632 Davenport Road, ated re bed 'oer 5 EAL of Bie mj sariy. this?mor ning. Me, Phorm wal a private id the Queen's VUwn' andl ae such was taking part in the pager: when he wet with Vie acc'dent wiih pins ogi fatally. He was only twenty a student ' al the Pechuical p< h Husband's inald At Jackson, Kv. who was concerned in the Hargis feud, shot and killed Judge Fugate and Fa jwounded Fugsate's mother. The Ea -were tenants' on the: Spices Asbury Spicer, ! mito PAGE THREE. > --, - | = People's Forum PARCEL BOY.. APPLY, MAHOOD'S Drug Store. NURSE FOR BABY: REFERENCES req Muired. App AY, between § and 8 to 141 King treet < » ENT LADY'S MAID FOR STR - OM King. Apply to J. Tilten Chief Steward, on board. CAPABLE GIRL, IMMEDIATELY. A references 'required, Apply, Mrs. Scott, Queen's University. A MAID FOR GENERAL WORK; RE- ferences required. Apply, Miss Ferguson, 191 King Street, GENTLEMAN OR LADY BOOKKEEP- or nnd Stenographer, with experi- ence; must be good writer and eor- rect at figures. Apply, Box 65; this office. J A QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 88. No 14, Keelerville, after mid-sum holidays, State salary when b- ving, J. BE. Angling Secy.- Treas. lattersea, Ont. IMMEDIATELY, COMPETENT WOMAN to go to country for 2 or J months best réferences required; must be able to cook and wash; wages, $20, Apply to Mre. Knight, Alice Street A YOUNGUGIRL, ABOUT SIXTEEN OR seven fi vears old to go to coun- try Po assist in care of baby and do light housework Apply. be- tween 6 and 7, at 25 Johmsen St. rs INTELLIGENT PERSON" MAY earn $109 monthly © corresponding for newspapers. No Canvassing: Bend for particuiars, Press Synd cate, 3,969 Lockport, NX. A FEW BMART GIRLS TO OPERATE sewing machines for the finishin of men's kultted underweir; goo ages paid to Joexpeeienced tie earning; steady jo ply, at ance, to Kingston Hontary ok fad, King Street West. . BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE. ANYWHE CAN BT a mall order business at home. Sanvamsing our own boss Send for et oo let. Tells how Heacock, 2.989 rt, NY PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMAR warts, etc, removed permanentlh without scar. Twenty years ex Sristice.. Dr. Elmer Lake, [ye ar, Throat and Blin Ble f=he Anectatist 258 Bagnt strat OSTEOPATHY. A "HEALTH WITHOUT JRUGS, "--R. G Asheroft, DO, Edna E. ot. D.O., Graduates LR Dr. Still the Founder of Osteopathy, 438 Princess Street, . corner Division 'Phone 447... No charge for con- sultation and literature. hours, 10 to 12 2t0 §, 6 LOST. A BUNCH OF KEYS, BETWEEN WHIG office and Queen Street, on King Finder kindly return to 317 King Street, SAFETY PIN BROOCH, MOUNTED with two officer's stars, on Mon- day, In RM C. grounds. Reward on return to Mrs. de Bury, RM.C. PAIR OF NOSE-GLASSES, IN A CASE. bearing name of "Rodger & Wright, at 'Barriefield, on Sunday. Finder kindly return to this office und receive reward. { SATURDAY NIGHT, IN BLIOU OR on Princess or West Clergy Streets a shiver waich and chain, with "May" engraved. Reward for its return to 186 University FOUND. ANY ONE HAVING LOST BICYCLE may have information eof same by applying to Police Station, City PATENTS. FOR = FULL INFORMATION, OK patents, send 10¢ for booklet and magazine. Ben B. Pannett, Patent! Attorney, Ottawa, Ont. SUMMER BOARDERS. ACC OMMODATION BY THE WEBK Brophy's Point; good bass fishin 18 steamboat connection; enquire by mail, J. J. Brophy, Kingston, Ont Rodger & Wright ARE OFFERING EXCEHP- TIONAL VALUES IN SINGLE STONE DIAMOND RINGS AT $25.00. $50.00, $75.00. $100.00. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IT WiLL PAY YOU TO SEB THEM. (Formerly Spangenberg's), Marriage Licenses Issued, Office Ww. = ONTARIO-AND SA. VETERAN SCRII to buy for cash. J. 8. R. McCann, §1 Brock Street FOR v Bis ia EDE, SBECOND<-H SND, WW, Apply 14 or 15 years of age. Ne xX 2066, W hig office TO RENT. FROM OCTOBER, A LARGE residence in West End, Apply to J 8B. BR. MeCann, 51 Brook Street. AT ONCE, A GOOD SBECOND-HANI Skiff, 16 feet long: varnished: state » price. Apply to F. Gratton, Ganon- oque, Ont 3 HORSES TO PURCHASE... 1 WILL BUY ull kinds of horses.' Will be in Ki ton all summer. I. A. Jenkins +H ritrcess Street. Telephone No SOUTH AFRICAN AND ONTARIC Veterans' Scripts, Cobalt Stocks Bonds and Debentures, Apply te J. ©. Hutton, 18 Market St, hings- ton, v ------ GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up into up- to-date saits. Price and workman ship gharanteed to please. Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brook St. next Bibby's Livery. § NGER STEAMER FOR SEASON to ply between Toronto and Long Branch; 'capacity about four hun dred; good docks; lots of walter and a good paying proposition fo a hustler. Address all communi- cations to C. B. Mills, Roller Boller Coaster Co., Long Branch. Ont FINANCE AND INSURANCE. C. 8 KIRKPATRICK, GENERAL IN: surance Agent and Ocean Steamshiy Ticket Agent, 42 Clarence Btreet Lingston." Telephone 668. J. K._ CARROLL, DISTRICT LZ AGENT Dominion Life Assurance Company also Fire, Accident, Sickness anc Plate Glass Insurance, 14 Marke Street, Kingston, GEO. A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK or. Put your invoices in an envel- ope with a one eent stamp on | and drop in the nearest letter box We do the rest. Al kinds of Fire Insurance placed on short notice Chena 396. 67 Clarence St, Kings- on. LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOB¥ Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187 215 In addition which the policyholders have security the unlimited liability all the stockholders. Farm and city property insured' at lowes! possible rates. Before rene wing eld or giving new business get rate: Jom Strange & Strange, Agents home, T0 LEI. A PARLOR FLOOR, modern, with board. King Street, FURNISHED Apply, 62 HOURE., NO. 330 SARL brick Xepesred, 8 re for cooking. opty 8 Ban FURNISHED HOUBE, NICE LOCAL- ity; local improvements, with gar den. . Apply, Box 186, Whig office FIRST-CLASS ROOMS AND. BOARD all modern improvements; nice location. Apply, 176 Clergy Street SUMMER COTTAGE AND DWELLING. furnished and unfurnished, Stores ete MoCann's, Brock, Cer, King Street. GASOLINE YACHT, A GOOD FAMILY boat, to rent by day, week, month or season. Apply to A. Tryon, 48 Wellington Street, COMFORTABLE BRICK DWELLING 205 Wallington Street, next Croth- 4d Bakery, Apply, Mr. C. R Webster, 81 Princess Street, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN v, alry rooms, absolutely moth proof; your own lock and key Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen St "hone (26h, THAT SPLENDID RESIDENCE, No. 15 Montreal Street, formerly occupied by the late Dr. McCammon; con- venient location; modern improve- ments. Apply on the premises. TO LET, UNPURNISHED, THAT charming property on the St. Law- rence River, "Glen Lawrence," on Pitishurg Road, less than three miles from city hall. has a quarter of a mile of beautWul water front on 81. Lawrence; about thirty acres woods and forty acres cujtivated; tenant weotild have use of house stable, tce house, shed and garden but not of farm land nor of or- chard, except for family use; will be leased from July ist, slither for summer or until May, 1811, or for term of years. Apply to CC. Ab- bott. Stratford. Opt BOARD AND ROOMS. COMFORTABLE ROOMS, WITH hoard, 'or table board, at YW.CA For terms, etc, apply to the Becre- tary at the Home, 196 Johnson St. FIRSTCLASS BOARD AND LODGING either together or separate may be had at 221 University Avenue, eon- venient te cars; bright, airy rooms, ga% and modern conveniences. BOAT LIVERY, ©. KNAPP, BOAT BUILDER Cataraqgul Briage, Kingston: a first class oat livery; fittings of all kinds furnished: gasoline and motor supplies for sale; tents for hire. "Phone 767 DENTAL. SPARKS AND SBPARKRE DENTISTS 2390 1-3 Princess Btreet, Kingston "Phone 346. DR CC NASH DENTIST: J. Gibson, assistant, 18 Breet. 'Phone 735. DR. Princess i FOR BALE, N TWO Shon SECON AND A Muchines SONTSYANT oy Clarence Streel. RATTAN VERANDAH ROCKER, worth $3.50, to sisar at $2.50; a few in stock, at Turk's. 'Phone 706 A x D GASOLINE BOATS ¥ BR AN lars at Godwin's i surance Emporium, Market Square ARM, KNOWN AS McINTYRE FARM, situated on Diviston Street, Apply to John Elliott, Outer Junes tion. BUY A COAL HEATING large enough for an of tich #5 it taken at once. Apply, Box Whig office. TWO MEDIUM FRAME. Houses poth on one lot: new barn stable. Apply. 149 Rugian Road, or Sidney Brown, Albton Hotel Ww X11 8 1 LOV ix 16 ON QUEBEC modern; ready 1st. Particulars 15% Wellington NEW FRAME HOUSE Street; seven rooms; for occupation July from T. J. Boen, Streel MOTOR BOAT, IN years old; 2% ft Al CONDITION: Ty x 4 feet; 2 extindee, § hop: Barker eugine: speed, 12 mies an hour, for sale. Address, Box 620, Whig office. SUMMER RESIDENCE ON BAY OF Quinte; fine location; eight rooms. verandah and barn, ou main road Kingston to Bath, Apply. John A. Gardiner, 151, Wellington Street, Kingston. SAC RIFICE SE BAL B FURNITURE, a cluding quarter-cat * table, $ookense, hall mirror, rock- ing chairs, beds springs and ma ressos; also roll top desk and chair, stoves, etc. . 51 Frontenac Street. ORY BUILDING LOTS 8 7. AND & DIVE sion Street, south-emst corner of ussell Street; water and drains pass the lots; also Lot §47 Alfred Street Apply to 164 I FONTONAC, or Macdonuell & Farrell Clarence Street, NEW TEN-ROOM RESIDENCE AT 187 Alfred Street, veneer front, all modern improvements: also new house on corner Johason. and Aberdeen Streets, all atest ime provements Apply, W. Bnowden, 203 Alfred Street, between 6 and i pm, SCHOLARSHIP (ANY SUBJECT) IN International Carre ndence Schools of Beranton, would make a handsome & ofitable gift for any young man or woman; will dispose of at reasonable price f taken at ence. Apply, Box 48 Whig office. ' GASOLINE LAUNCH COMPLETE, and boathouse, for $80; boathouse fs 30 by 10 and 4 1. doep water] launch is 20 by 4 ft.; boathouse an lauhch may be bought separately; also a reverse clutch, which is new and guaranteed. App 4. Mageau 29 Charles Street, Ribkston POOL TABLE, IN GOOD CONDITION, cheap for cash sale; an improved Baskatchewan Farm, cheap for gulck turn: tracts of land in the. Last Mountain Valley district of Saskatchewan; Cobalt Blocks Bonds and Debentures; Houses nud Lots any part of Kings on] Pire, © Life, Accident an? Slekness, Auto mablle and Motor Hoat Insurance, Apply, J. ©. Hutton, Market Street, FOR SALE OR TO LET. NEW SUMMER COTTAGES AND Bungalows at Bast View Park, on the Bt. Lawreuce, 6 miles from Kingston: all furnished and from 6 to 8 rooms; terms easy; alse several fine lots for sale Apply, Rev. J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine Street. MEDICAL. IBAAC WOOD, MA M.D, om. MRO 4 By .). F.O&™ (Bdfn. Sut a surgeon office hgiura, To 2 to 4 263 King St. P J, F. BPARKS, BA, M.D, PHYBICL and Surgeon, 100 Yeliington | w Uftfice doyra: 0 to 12 am, Tto9 pm 'Phone 356. hon: HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO re opposite G.T.R. station, one bloe from CP.R. on street car To. hotel lately remodelled; charges moderate; special rates by | week. John Cousineau, Prop. LIMESTONE Princess ' door from King 3 : hot lunches, 160; dinners, 28¢; oysters in season; ice cream; soft drinks; private parties catered for: upstairs sitting rooms. CL & D. May, Props. Your patrons age solicited RESTAURANT, one NO. 51 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, 2 Ci DROP A CARD TO CHAB. W Carpenter and Builder Bt, for TaRBOLAb le kinds of Jobbing. promptly. ERNEST R. BECKWITH, CONTRACT. ing Engineer und Architect, Agent fur Builders' Boecialition, 14 Sydenham Street and 293 Earl Street Plans "prepared and esti- mates given for all classes of work. ARCHITECTS. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, § King street. "Phone, 346. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE residence, 181 University Ave. WM NEWLAND: ARCHI- tects, etc. 8 +4 cor 36 3 Bagot street, han nk ng. eorh and Wellingion a on A] & MUDIE B '- RL Pd POWER & Re: JITBCTS, ranton, P There i is alot in getting col direct fresh from the ines. Our genuine Scranton Coal comes that way.