8 CRAND TRUNK E¥s7Em 'Dominion Day" Friday, Jul 2:L SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE for the Yonnd trip, good going June 20th and July 18t, and good to return "until Mol July 4th. Tickets fssued at Kingston to inter- mediate-points between Montreal and Toronto will not. be good on trains 1 and 4. ri Homaseekers" Excursions TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST June 14th and 28th, duly 12th and 26th. August 9th and 23rd. cketa good to return within 69 Yor full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner A and Ontario Sts Tr A FTA RS A In Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. DOMINION DAY Round Trip Tickets will be sold at SINGLE FARE to all points IW Canada. Good golug June 30th and July 1st. Good for re iarn antl July 4th, 1910. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS : To Canadian North-West. - June 14 and 28, July 12 and 26. Aug. Sth and 23rd. Good for 60 "days. GSTON--OTTAWA. Kingston 12. 01 pom, arrive Ot ~ i oe e Sutaws 10.45 Im "information at Kk & P. and O.P.R Ticket Office, Ontario Street CONWAY, General Passenger Agent. tava a.m, arrive Y oF aviNyR RAILWAY. Station, Ontarie sunday excepted) leaves Uni 4 pm, Tay sed, and afi 'point Dreser: ura and points north nick to Bannock: yh oth, an Ponta on Central ro! te hour shipments via Bay A. For further DICKSON, Sey = arth gent "TORONTO" "KINGSTON." hd leaves Kingston AND 359 nm, " " 500 pom, pair xcent Monday, during, June and after July lst, between Tora o, Charlotte, N.Y. THAMER "BELLEVILLE dd leaves Kingston 06.20 p.m, wind, loaves: Kingston 10.30 pan, Mont 1,000 Island senay Bix Toronto, nd intermediate ports, tickets and berth reservations to J. P. Hanley, Agent, Kingston, ite IH. Foster Chaffee, A.G.P. A, PR - Ontario and Day of Quinte Steamboat Co. Limited, dtr. Caspian cing May 20th, steamer 'Kingston on Sundays at 10.15 for Alexandria Bay, Sanapogpe, kport. Retumnipg, leaves at , for Rochester, N.Y., calling y of Quinte ports. = Str, Aletha Lawes Kingston daily, except Sun- duy; at 3 p.n., for Picton and inter- mediate Bay of Quinte ports, Pull information from James Swift & Co, J. P. Hanley, jg Fretght Agents. Ticket Agent. Thousand [stand and St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies. in thaueetion With the New York "7 Hoentral snd Hudson Wiver - Commencing Sunday, June 10, BR Ar 5 xcept Sun- {ngxion, Sunday, 7.30 am, + direct. connections at Cape net from ail pints ln New Re. A hbovish plyeper Cape Vins New York. found trip rate, Kingston own, good going Saturday or returning Monday, 31.65 dxcarsions to Brockville and Mh the Theveand Islands tr. America's Dulletin." fa." 1.900 tons, recently ° Syd specinily for ith all medern comforts MONTR ON MON- 5 Ath and 15th July, 1st, Adgust, and 12h and . for Plotou, N.8, calling 3 TR Ba FLT hoe BERL D, PR athe from Ques e1 % fallowing at mood. ETN TN = { l i f | Whatever the | | » zema On Head And- Am Four doctors failed after fale trink--| Core tog oy PIL CUA OINTMENE. Ted | he average the soma smd salt rheum. Some thy mistake of treating eczema 8% blood d sease and advisd internal treat ment, Oth think only, relief is gitl: and Weommend a lotion to of for! reliel from the itching. may De To all to heal up the pos cause {trcatment 18 peccssary sare body and produces {ins imagine, | far the most sucesssful | me at for eczema is the use of Dr. iW. Chase's Omtment. You can Phas statement by enguiring of | de gist. This letter is a fair what we receiving about | day : : Wr. Peterson, South Bay, writes :--'l wish to communic you the great benefit 1 receive usiog Dr. Chase's Ointment. For years | suffers with a skin disease on m bead, a sort of eczema. 1 tried' four Loctors, aiving each a fair trial, but J got no belter, Iu act, the diseas i spiead to my arm. {| '} saw Dy 's Ointment adver- j tied and bogani using He Persistent i i the greatest sufier- treat A. any of are Geo. to } left on of this treatment has entively el me ond 1 give vou a statement ease With pleasure. as 1 ope these to in luce rome other sufferer to tie Dr. Chase's Ointment." There is a womderful satisfaction in using Pr. Chase' s from dav.te dav just what arg fing necomyp lished, 60 eonts a box nH deslers, Edmanson, Toronto. >. cur i my TAO or ARI RRRREEL GEORGE WASHINGTON'S QUEUE It Hid a Luxuriant Sait of Straiy ht and Very Dark Hair. The Father of his Country goncealed a luxuriant suit of hair beneath (queue wig. Many now wish the fashion werg;- in vogue, thinned hair or baldoess. need have thinf hair nor be bald, if he cure the dandruff that causes both, Dandruff can be cured by scouring the scalp, bee: it is a germ disegse, and the germ has to b6 killed. New- bro's Herpicide kills the dandeuff germ other hair preparation will. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." There's no eure for dandroff but to kill the germ. druggists, Send 10, in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich, One G. -W. Ms ahood, special agent, Pal pitation 'of the fim -H ear t t als thai old to conceal Yet no one 26 no One of the first danger ol announce something wroflig wit Is the irregular or ot throb. Often thers i ia only a fluttering sensation, or an "all gone' 7 akg feeling; or, again, there may be a most violent beating, with flushings of the skin, and visable pulsa- | tions of the arteries. There may also be experienced a smothering sensation, gasping for breath, and feeling as though about to die. In all such eases the action of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills in quieting the heart and restoring it to its normal beat, is, beyond all question marvellous; as our thousands of testimonials will show. ---- Mrs, Martha Mason, Marfbank, Ont. wnited:--" Just a few lines to let you know what Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have done for me. I have Leen troubled with weakness and palpitation pi orgie id ha soars choking could sca ie down at all. I tried many remedies but got none to answer my case like your pillsdid. lean recommend them highly to all with heart eve radi cents per box, or 3 boxes for sL aot of Qealors, of mailed direct on recei prices by Milburs Ceo. Limited, Toronto, Ont. | THE GLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS. There are other hotels, but none approach the Club for homelike sur roundings. Located In centre of city and close to principal stores and theatre. Charges are moderate, Special rates by the week P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. pia sent to #17 Albert Street or or iit at BW: a or J. Stores receive gut a attention. - OUR SALT IS ALL sSavw, A sn { RU NAW AY HORROR yaician . is "helpless in! presence. of skir diseases such as | make | o! i miles an hour two cars on the i tiie ers' Ride , whieh otherwise spréad over the | fre verify | sample | every | Ont, ! from | of | 5 Ointment for you can | results | Bates & Co, ! his Sold by leading' Dollar Bottles 'guaranteed. | the heart. | want that bar relf, Th, Su Ihat Xin, bau or & al AN AWFUL PLUNGE FOR THE PLEAS" RE SEEKERS. { Vietims Crushed Under Overturned i Cars--Lights Were Turned Out in Excitement That Followed and Work of Rescue Was Delayed. | New York, i merry mak ors oan 23.4 of JArry bg seventy switche Rough 'jumped Sixteen June a speed at rk known as the at Coney Island the track early, on Tuesday. {persons were hurled to the "a a beight of sixty feet, of the vietims ave dying {slan hospital. Miunie Cobalt, Brooklyn, N.Y. Pessie Ericson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Richard Buddermacher, Brooklyn, N, railway and six ad The fatally injured : Rose Wilson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Manuel de Colo, Brooklyn, N. Y. Harry Fletcher, Los" AunPeies, Cal. AR of the of the sixteen were seriol The others sly injured, Roush Riders' running from bench. The highest feet and it victims were hurled, to the intense heat a large number of persons spent the night the gands of Comey Taland. at time of the accident there was a ings crowd at the resort. Two '« fed together, sack containing law zhing persons, started from first incline. They were in charge { Cyrus Pinto of Coney . Island. After Heaving the first incline and making a wit descent. the cars shot up again to the top of the sixty foot incline and began to rish down it: At this point Pinto lost control of the bmakes and could not check fe speald. On the first turn the cars swung partly around the curve when the first car jumped ithe track and pulled the second with it, #1 Ten of the passengers were hurled from. the cars and plunged through the mass of painted scenery and whout the inclines. road below The other fears and j wreckage. jured. | After the accident {surrounded by a imob, In the excitement some {turnéd off all. the lights of the traction and the place was in Policemen nearby hearing erash sent for the reserves in Coney Island station and also put | ambulance calls. When Capt. Michael Galvin reached {the scene of the accident he found the lights still shut off. For. a time his | work of rescue was delayed while 'policeman looked for an electrician. [When the lights flared up again the {police saw the mass of wreckage and {the unconscious and injured persons. {The = victims were quickly transferred in' ambulances to the hospital, The police 'lifted the wrecked cars out of the way und got-te- these pinned he- neath: Pinto was taken Ride the of has Yowes seven to these is ne Phe sixty the Owin ~N I's Coun é props They landed in the in an unconscious heap. six went down with the were pinoed beneath. the These were the fatally in: the place was screaming hysterical one at- dark- the the in ness. a te the police sta- dion. He declared that the accident was unavoidable. He could not ex- { plain how he alone of all those in the car had been unhurt. DEM: ANDS , APOLOGY For Attack Made Upon Roumanian Mail Boat. Paris, June 23.--A despatch from Athens says Roumania has delivered an ultimatum to Greece in reg: ard to the attack on a Roumania mail boat at Piraeus, about a week ago, On that occasion a mob boarded the Roumanian boat and looted all the valuables of the passengers, among | whom were a prince and princess. Rou- {mania insists that Greeeg shall make an othicial expression of regret; shall make compensation to those injured during the looting of the vessel; shall dismiss the prefect of the fort, before whom the captain of the Roumanian ship was summoned, and shall punish the guilty looters, AN HEROI¢ MOTORMAN. Gave His Life to Save His Passeng- ers. Washington, June 22. <Charles Div- er, a streel car motorman, died from the shock and burns of 7,000 volts of electricity which charged through his body when he heroically dragged a Jive wire away from passengers who were threatened. Two persons and probably more were saved from death by his act, when his body burst into flames as the powerful current surged to the ground. He lived through the might in agony. He leaves a wife and | ywo-freeks- old baby. Posed as Horsethief. Deadwood, 8.0, June 2.--As far back as 1864, when he was raw newspaper correspondent at Care son City, the humor that afterward was to be the dominant characteristic of his He, The story of how he as horse thief, and the photograph i used for that purpose, have never heen published. They are in the session of Maj. A. J. Simmons, of ood former chum of Clemens, and ose he a tonabitaton in the joke, . Simmons, Ulemens, and the late aa: William BH. Claggett, of Dead- wood, were. intimate friends ia Carson City in 1864, just at the time when three horse thieves were being sought by the vigilantes, Twain conceived the idea of posing as the criminals and took Simmons and Claggett to the photographers, = where the trio had their pictures taken i in Carson hy to Manch good ob effect that many who did s in the photo- the hanged men. assembled, on ground | the Coney | wns from this that | eirht | a Nev., Mark Twain showed | LOVE FOR PAT MAN. Schroeder Thought W Widow Did, Lu she Dide't. June 23.--=Nohady lore iat o nought Willinm Schroeder, salosmgu from Milwaitkee, forty years old and fat. A: short time ago hi received auth oritative juformation frop: a comely Mrs. Coleng Maclvot, who ha a delicatessen store at 3,025 Cottag Grove avenue, that the saving not wiiversally true. The revelation led { him into indiscretions which culminat ed in his appearance ian the poli court yesterday. A So deeply did the love of the { dow touch him. that he consinied ! accept 85 from her. Later the Chicago, SE a flour is wi Le widow realized that it was } not Sehroeder's personal girth that {had won her affections, but the sup- | posed extent of his possessions. Whe | she discovered he was not o wealthy | bachelor brewer, but an impecuniu } flour salesman with a family, she hae | him arrested for obtaining money or false pretences. Just how the love afinir resulted i the transfer of the 35 was a mystery that Muncipal Judge Gemmill was | not able to solve. Mrs. Maclvor said Schroeder got it from her after 1we dnye' courtship by pretending that k wanted to buy her a $25 skirt, bu a ad only 820 in ready money. Schroe der said he understood the 83 io beg | wift. "Jadge," he sail, "1 was foolish. thought | loved this woman for jus The firs said sh ! one little remark she made. day 1 went to her slore she | love, 1 fat men. "Yeu she told 'me she loved fu men, and 1 began to boast and mak out I was wealthy, She gave me' ¥ to buy myself a present. I never pro mised to buy her a skirt. "I am a flour salesman and have a family in Milwaukee. 1f you let me go I will pay her the money right home' ' Mrs. Maclvor said her large woo entranced her with his stories of i great estate in Wisconsin, purchase from the profits of his brewery. "He pictured his mansion to be ev er so large," she said. "He describe st as on top of a beautiful hil sar rounded by a chyin of lakes." We wer to be married in a few wes and g¢ there to live. But now | will be sat isfied i and ge Stole Picnickers Eatables, Murvale, June 22.-0On Saturday last the young people of this place spent an enjoyable lime picnicking on Syden bam Lake. The. festal proceeding - © the day did not turn out quite as expected, for, when the pienickers re turned from. a tour of the lake, the found, to their great that some of the youths of Sydenham hat tested the saying of Ladworth "Stolen fniits are always Sweetest,' and made. the same, pringinle apply te the ice cream as well. The young men played a left-handed game of hal against the voung ladies on Tuesday evening, which resulted in a win for the left:handers. Lakins i putting on some steel roofing for D J. Murton. The K. & P. Railway company has moved ity pang from Murvale after being stationed herve for two months. Mrs. Hamilton, Napanee is at Miss E. J. Hamilton's. « Yonvieted for Selling Ores, Toronto, June 22.-The of George Barber, aling Neilson, Co balt saloon keeper, for selling ore, was upheld by the court of appeal. > This decision is very fmportant mine owners, who have ly from the depredations' of thieves. This was the first conviction under an amendment of the code, intended to af ford protection to mine owners, who have been for seme time anxigusly a waiting the decision of the court appeal, The cases of a number of oth er men have been awaiting the ion in. the Barber case. BOLTOW, George conviction to suffered hoavi- dees A. Gordon lee, Hamilton, and brid arrived in Smith's Falls, on Saturda and are spending part of their honey moon the guests of Mr. Leels parents Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lee. The young comple were united in marriage June 15th. Farmers' on J ot prints or creamery butter Se. J. Crawford. : Mrs. Edward P. dav night, at the ends, Mr. and Brockville, after manths. Dec township of ago. "Abby's Salt" cools the blood. Vu it at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Elmer French, "assistant superinten dent of the Lehigh cement mills, and Miss Lena Hayes, daughter of Joh Hayes, chief engineer at the same plant, were married in Belleville Wednestlay. UNBURN. BLISTERS, SORE FEET. Enright died, residence of her Mrs. Mcliuire an illness of ed was born in Bedford thirty-two ye Tues par Bedour Bix the ATE oF Our large experience, skilled Wat peopl ple and splendidiy vguip= ped assure Saiistaction with a finest fabric. We elean i hr by almost anything in ladies' : or A 3 Jasttastentedeesseters yy I --- - " Coffee § fs one. oki nature's Best aifts to mankind. Daily it brings comfort and solace .to Millions without any injurious effects. Sea Trond Coffee the prosduct of the best upiand plantations. E 3 a natural, pure, undoctored Coffee. The kind that is good to drink. Sold in 1 and 2 Ib, Cans only. 118 __ CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. _----T MENS' High Grade Shoes Shoes that are distinctive gance. Shoes of quality, ing. gtyle Shoes of luxury and that are examples of excellence in Shoe $4, £3, or $6. These choice Shoes were made by as Howard & Foster and Thompson Bros, The best selected leathers. The most skilled shoemaking. Perfection in style. No detzil overlooked that could improve the Shoes, sich high-class Shoe world's the These high-grade Shoes are builders, and are made for the manufactured J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO, THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. by who made man the wants best best cle build- Makers shoe shoes Brains and High Grade Plumbing ro hand in hand, They're peactitally synonymons. "Tisn't always just matter of labor---it's matter of thought. Madern ideas necessitate and ingenuity; both of which we try to infuse into our work, DAVID HALL, 66 Brock St. "Phones, Residence, 806 a "a care Store, 335 : Women's Oxfords Oxfords in. Tan, Brown and Black. Light or heavy sole. Lots of style and good wear. Big range and little prices. o + $2.00 a Pair H. Jennings, KING STREET. s0000000000vrerestsree WE HAVE PLACED THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts like a Charm in DIARRHOEA ..... a0 ou specie in. (SHOLERA ... DVYSENTERY. Checks and arrests those foo often fatal diseases-- FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. The best Remedy kaowa for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effecteally cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. Is the oaly palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE Chlorodyne is a liguid taken in drops. graduated according to the malady, It invariably relieves pawn of whatever kind ; creates a calm refreshing sievh : alliays trritation of the nervous system when all other vemedics fail. leaves no effects i and can be taken when no other medicine can be tolerated. INSIST ON HAVING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by ali Chemists. Prices in England : Wis, 209, 4). The immense success of this Remedy has given rise to maay imitations. N.B.--~Every bottle of Genuine Chlorodyne bears on the stamp the same gof the investor, Dr. J, Collis Browse. Sole Manufacturers: J. T. DAVENPORT, Lid, LONDON, SE ---------------- A ------------ » Wholesale Agents, Lyman Bt os. & Co, Liruted, Toronto. {fesstaeetastentasnesetasetiesnrisentome i Warm Weather SUITINGS Large Selection Prices Reasonable. $CRAWFORD & WALSH, ; Leading Tailors, Princess and Bagot Sts "oe VOSS ISIN IAIN DAVIS ENGINES The DAVIR® Gasoline Pagines are always found where streagth and durability are required, arp -disired. Davis engines always run smoothly weather and in any sea, Pul one in sults. «Jo mot fenget that we carry a romplete line of Gasaline Plttings . Supplies, ang cin; make FEompt delivery. and where pleasure, satisfaction asd comfort wader all conditions. in soy your boat and we guarantee re: Electric Light IN MANY HOMES THIS SPRING, In every case our patrons have been .pleased with the fixtures. work and prices. Let us wire your home and do your repairs. HW. --n 79 PRINCESS STREFT, "Phone 441. j Try our Electric Irons, vOP P0000 0000000009000 | | -- -- ------ fo -------------- 'SPECIAL <¢ Bargain Sale of Waggons, reasonable offer takes them 1 Bling Waggon in guod condition ¥ fy Milk Delivery Waggon. #2 or Delivery Waggons, 1d-hand Buggles ond hand Runabout. Also New Waggons of every description, Mubber Tires a Specialty. { Mothers Rubber | on Any 2 3 3 we are prepared Tires on your Baby shorts #t notice wr carriage alor and Painting to put Carriage ot all kinds ° Give us a call JAMES LATURNEY, The Carriage Maker, 890 PRINCESS STREET, GEILE III EEE EL 0 i Ice Cream Take some delicious Ice Cream home with you 40c qt., 20c pt., 10c } pt. GRIMM'S Agent for Kingston, Pe ePe ede FINKLE'S LIVERY AND SALES STABLES Having purchased the live { good-will of A. Mcllqubam, 1 {ence Btreet, and having added a num- | ber of new and up-to-date Yuhisies and | fresh horses, also a 20-passenger te {'secing Motor Car, we are prepared to furnish the publfe with a pravared to | turnout of almost any Kind wpon short. {ert notice. We bawe a man at the of {fice at night, so that calls may be 8t- i tended fo promptly. Soliciting a share of your patron We remain, 4 a age, Respectfully yours, THE VIN -- | 3 and Clare KLE Co. PISS, Seer ® Sowards Keeps Coal Coal K ceps Sowards. HAVE YOU TRIED HIM?