J PAGES 9 TO i YEAR 77. xo. 147. 1 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SECOND ' SEC TION -- i ------ PE-RU-NA PROMPTLY RELIEVES A Case of Dreadful Suffering Which Had Continued For Months. dn decount of a Remarkable Recovery Given By Mr. Alfred Wood, Teacher of a Private School at Zauncatn, Tasmania. Jessi EaTs FE MR. AND nD ALFRED WOOD, Mr. Alfred Wood, who has a private school at 22 Frederick street, Laun- cebton, Tasmania (Australia), has been a teacher for 87 yoars under the Educational Department of Tasmania, He writes, concerning his wile's case, as follows: "My wife was suffering for months from gastro-enteriils, and was given up by her medical attendant, "By good fortune I was induced to try Peruna in her case, and I can truth- fully state that from the first dose her dreagfe] suffering ceased; and after taking five bottles she is permanently cured.' INNA OW does Peruna make such extra- | As a remedy for stomach sad bowel ordinary cures as above recited ? disease, tho | insta undonhts By simply arousing the forces of ®4ly destined by 10 greater th an Nature to throw off the diseased action. | that of any other rmadial ipein the world, Peruna contains no magic and does! A great many cases like that above re- mot operate in any mysterious way; but ferred to have fonnd Peruna of-untoid it does belp Nature fo combat disease, | YEIUE Whol io Glhier hislp soemed of any and thus many times comes to the res | avail. Le -- FESS ; a - ; cue of the patient in some important Pe-ru-na For Indigestion. Mr. Donald Robb, Jr, 16 Wrights -- a 3 o ! o y a crisis. ita : : The afdvantages of 'a "short and | owimp Bes SCH 3 3 po e There is always a time in the eourse Ave, Halifax, Nova Scotia, member strenuous training TRTeer. us oppiased j ET Dereon of any disease when a little Lelp goes s Inde pendent Order of Forresters, writes to a longer and more Jeisurely ans : : o " great way. . Wille on & gs to Boston, 1 muss ? ; : X Ais State . { have eaten something of REiLing Jute . perfte k wattle nul camp followers to bed, sore and wes v sparring phrtiiers; and their instruc.' Just as the seiles ate) inning w BE Lh my ston a8 ry STs nafs fie b the pid a. Pe '3 oh FEL Teach night. [tithe are to reat ohdsbn jist is . . scend, when one ounce more would de- indigestion followed: case Jack one o hy hy wh ht A play of training outlined by John { though bi¢' were in a ring amd they a . . i termine the fue of the pat t, 8 little! weperuna was recommended to me champion of the world, * and who [808 SIX months ago ig being adh 1 H were strugglisg for a degision. = : « lft will turn the scales in faver of the | and after using three bottlés 1 was shares 'with James Jollrios tha divided | 1° reliciously., No exerci beyond | ' } went ter be put into shape by big 4 ) 3 patient. | entirely cured. attention of the entire sporting world, that necessary for proper hea W 15 | husky fighters who can give puisish- . 5 : ; A A a iw Peruna is a handy medicine to have | "I thersfore recommend Peruna tosny , At Ocean Beach, Cal. with the big undertaken up to a time eight weeks Pmert and who are ready to take it, we x 1 J ey £ in the household. one suftering with stomaah trouble." fight in which the. noghd will §tasid before the fight, which will be Tai and | anitl the fighter. "lL don't want te KY ob . 4 Ithelps many diseases by imparting | Mr. Chas, Brow u, Rogersville, Tean,, against a man who never has heen de- | WAY the event of greatost general in { box. I'want to fight, and these men 1 1 : g.4 | SER % | aatural vigor « th whois system, | writes: feated in the ' ring, only two weeks | 'PTOSt on July ath, {who go into the ring with' ee are Hii 3 24 i) a y | Asatonio or eatarrh remedy, ite repu- | "A friend advised mo to fake Peruns away, Jokinson is working hard, run- Eight weeks before the fight the ac- | able to stand ie. It, they tet a whases i | RL J L 2 tation is well established sll over'the | for indigestion sad i8 cured me in a ning several miles daily, boxing big, [tu al working out began. For threo) to got a good, solid wa op. ome t J 3 world. ahior: Unio h-and-tumble fighters and, ac | WC Johnson eticed the Dirhtest while wo are boxing, I want them to cording to those who are with him, is | kind of trai . Handball for less |do it, and sometimes they do. 1 want gaining strength and ease with each [than hall an hour at a time, and [to be ready to take a beating and day. hardly severe enough to cause porspie- et stand ap. and fight. Contrary to the general belief and | ation, and accompanied by equal per- | Fach of the three lighters stands up contrary to the. custom of a good |iods of complete rest, served to work | io Johnson for several Sounds oath share of fighters, Johnson is not giv- | the giant's muscles into condition. lay. They fight hard and put the en to dissipation. Hig time between | Former fighters, sporting writers, | Th™0RIOR 2 all a Ingen to his fights is not devoted to'carousals, nnd [doctors and physical experts say the Jape punishment. lh adc tion to a he does not go off into a vun-down | results have justified Johnsod's faith | 20X18 he puta, in a" pst. twelve and unfit condition. in his system. His muscles dre lit} wo | miles on the roar oh B15 ay =H Conserpuently his strength is conserv- {and powerful, and unless sofething | ohnson now weight 215 Houtng s. oe od, and when he gets at his setive unforeseen happens he will entd the | 2XPeCts to enter the ring at from 2 i 3 o 210 and declures he can make this training, working himsell into shape ring on July 4th more than ready for ta ,- 1 . 1 for the ringside, the process is nod ac | the most noted ring battle ever under- weight within two days' notice, anc { 8 p ke the weight companied by the heart-wearying = ef- | taken. | furthermore, c: ells si i & h forts of many other fighters. At present Johnson is working hard. without any grue ng B38, O strengt "At Ocean Bench | he now ia in the [Monte Cutler, Joe Cottoh, Watson f which SOMighin Aesompmnies 2 ug midst of preparations and the train-! Burns and Sailor Burke, all heavy: gle to a an Jhiinlura Jose fing, called mild to the negra, is auflici- weight fighters and men who attained | weight. The plan by whieh Johnson { i : i s 2 p feat the one known man entl d his trainers and mee i ring, s | hopes to del ly wearing to send his train a. certain eminence in the ring, are his | wha now stands between himself ~ and mp -- a === | undisputed world's championship has | IMEGGLING A PROFESSION. |the contrary, it is ondidorsi an hen i been thought out and will be adhered lorable and legitimate profession--al j to during the struggle. : Legitimate in Tiny Mountain Re- | most an art--and one that, in its } "1 will stay away from Jefiries for ablic of Andorr higher branches, requires many apti the first tem rounds," said Johnson, puiie ol: Pa. tudes--buginess capacity astuleness, "and hope he will tire himself out. : . de Lara, the /riv al of} dip lomacy, a tho h knowlodg ze of! ; For ten rounds I will let Jellries do Andorra Yila, 1s the great trade Ithe art of bubery and a mintary | Tile Sewer Pine and Fittin fa ;s Consta f the work and then, when my strength | aud smuggling centre. 1t/has about method * for ¥ irs L sta nt y will bo 4s fresh and ready as ever, 1]000 inhabitints only, but can boast On Hand. vil earry the fight to Jeff and hope | SCV! ol large shops add warchouses|ictance. a wealthy Andorean goes o.unt hun away" full of triband . ommedities, op for or the border into 'Spain and buys! OOOO HON y MOO BOOOD Ihe right uppercut in the breakaway nly haph : As a matte of fa hid | up beaply thousands of sheep, whict f a ¢linch, the blow that put Ketchel the whole: I 1s mare om E the paves for ju Spanish money; th miggler--on principle, hey are driven home to his mountain pas- away and that made Tommy Burns |" A {ave t r t i : - srret ster pping g into the ring with the eit ue a or £xpoft. dul ar ures, where they are marked with hie a e MONUMENTS negro, is the chief stock in trade -of |2CITSS they v I £ ciphér. Then, aw company with his Fu eo i . t OOOOOO0 G OCR OOOO OOOO OOO OOVOODO IN Elliott Bros., Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. ee tA Ss lA a ts st A OOOO Q ost -B-O-00000000000 OOOCOO0 Give us acall when you require Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Refrigerators, Gas Stoves, Coal Qil - Stoves, etc. We carry a full line of the above goods at the lowest prices. pO FOODICOOCOOVO00C OOH oC OOOO OOOO O00 Oo direciing one's forces and >O 000 commanding one s subordinates, Fox y % QO 3 : fits. of free trade for every 3 fighter. In his daily bouts 3 i$ & bod i head m tolls casnally Across ody makes commodities | the af tier 7 with bis trainers Johnson works stead- - ated Ih ith: Spain br titeal be + K ' : J ania DPD: Spain grows articles h je d his underlings k f EM . ab this punch, and Keeps the others | 20000 SEC Y : whith he and his underlings knew. b oo : Granite and Marble : hit themseligs the effects of a |i ted ¥R and ARaorrs heart--and ops wmto the hut of the a : Serre : a lise g . blow. TH R alee' acti these two nat commancant of the doum®rs' for n 3 4 J 3 ® § 5 2 = B3trous a. € Ris0. practioes i, .taral, therefore, than that 1 Ya uvin Mo. 2 oa Re Ba ciding the shifty uppercut, Jefiries oi i { chat Be leaving, the eommand vk 4 ' on hee bi, | *hould give aid to both ber neighbors! unt natu oiiis hima petit verre ye rite blow that has won the big for a conswderation, of courses? But! sted' ba Hotes. oF renter: or Jas a nha NiO vhite man's battles for him. | emuggling in Andorra is not looked (alie gre | ying on the table } , |. : The change of location ay Se match upon ag a fraudulent business. | On| Nothing nite is said; . nobody's ee ; y v mo equipment for from Eaxetviille, Cal, to San Fran- -- ' i ' : ee 4 ia Modest : x : aneriehee itv is compromised. , . i Hany I saything io Granile cisco was finally effected some time A ear OU i % i % LAous i or mi ii ago, and thopsands of fight fans will Phi Boe pmb Betvnp Gone Doin? : welcome the chance to witness the bat- ance: and:paid tor in. Fra a ) Jars altos sucobts 35 He 16 far } fre F the without, travelling out of the city. B | He ow did X . |e t ¢very inch of between Latest Designs and ssighest Class of they get them across the R ne 3 ha ral the wed of superviscrs of San mtier ¥ h, that's just Abe point ! : ¢igco has extended the time and num The mere fact of buying with Span' oo) $ J; pr PATRICK 8 00. Ser of rounds in which the fight 4 h 'money and sxlling for French -- : : " vi He hild from twenty to forty-five, has 'Iheans from twenfy too thirts per v granted permission for the fight to cent. profit. without counting the dif- | |% i! : Cor. Cle fake plate and the sito has been de ference in the prices of the animals. | - cided upon a¢ the old sife of the Cen - in addition to sheep,' hides, tobacio, ral Park. The chief stumbling block matehes, olive oil, superior qualities of | -- EE ---- wid one which threatened at times to wines; salt, sugar and ultra marine are knock Gut the contest, the choice of o v o principal commoditie smuggled 2404200000044 » a wlesse, was settled with the selection : od yg The srt les 'tha: Te 5 oy Sete rdte ALEALAMAAASAE0400044 f Tex Rickard, one of the promoters 3 140 Spain are mostly glass and chip | "f the fight and among the best-known 'ancy articles, bric-abrit, paper % of western fight promoters snd spdrt- . be wtlery, "alad a large nuniber of mu ing pee Tex Rickard was chosen The latter are bought in a wel Jirom Eddie Graney, Eddie Smith, dack 3 state for almost a song 'in Vran: Welch and a dadesi others at a time § | : : urnedt out to grass on the eplendid whea the clwice seemed well nigh im : Amdorran pastures for a few months, | possible, : : and mal in Ehud 2t the end of the J ; 2 season for a Bagh figure July Wide No ( "hance of Departing. re $6 : ] World, . y The rural editor looked out of his - office 'wimlow. Tn a nearby locust 3 ; ir : A Slight Jolt. He Ftroe Was nn ae ne, twisted and " ) i = y : oh1 nevah mawry tangled in a way that would, require a : Fong " woman, a eyclone, to extricate it. ' | J : "chuckled the rural editor, sar: pS 4 Mize Cavstiqie--~"T can readily = he monly SI Torrid olf « Btdeartistet x 2 ) i . lieve thatc®n fact 1 don't Heliove the at Phe" Abropl Hus 3 : " bho | the cy and Pinions Streets. Kingston, Oat, --- sg bates: