Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jun 1910, p. 14

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Assured by the Use of Soap and Ointment All who delight in a clear skin: soft, white hands; a clean, wholesome scalp and live, glossy hair will find. - that these pure, sweet and gentle emollients realize everys expectation in pro- _moting skin and hair health - and bodily purity. ; B68 throughout ¢ mein nh A Peer FA Ave Citicurs Baak; Jeee, x Cimide lie Bent Care and Treatment of $kin Nid Sealp. JG Th : gi ULL DH] | RA it you will fing th * bof KSnin HOOD is : aher . gger loa! is ane differs tweeter flavor isa third | How One Adve op to seo if the full {per head, v- ; ACROSS RUSSIAN BORDERS SAID TO BE EASILY EXPLOITED. » fa s.ldb turer "Graft" Was King In Northern Empire, Literary Digest. Although Dr. Louis Smirnow had his American passport and was free to enter Russisn unmolested, he want- «dl the experience of "stealing the frontier." So he got into communica tion with one of the "irontier brokers" who make a business of smuggling people into or out of Russia for fixed sums. As he was travelling in the land of the Cossack under an assumed name, Dr. Smirnow leaves blank some oi the dates and names, "for obvious reasons." In his account of his cross ing the frontier, in the Great South- west Magazine (Kansas City), - he gives us a glimpse of "graft" in Rus- #.a, an empire whose foundations, he gays, "are of solid bribery, and the superstructurs of incompeten.s; and jsresponsibility cemented with vodka and ehampauskoe (champagne.)" We yead 1. it was a beautiful . autumn morning promised & bright clear day when we started, 1 and my fellow "frontier purloiners,"' the driver and the broker, toward the frontier. We were in a long, uncomioriable, oY the Great that springless waggon, with piles of straw for. sents how a trying journey shead us. Yellow and gold fields, ax far as could be seen, spread out in all the glory of a full harvest of waving wheat and corn, where these had not yet hoer cut down, There was vigor in the morning air and three hours of rapid driving brought us to tie last station, a mere hamlet, the German side. The end of German territory was in sight, We approached it at a rather slow pace, halted on the line, looked back for a moment thoughtfully, then pulled across, We were in Russia! And yet > were hot, for not a very great dix | tance away was a sentry box painted with alternate black and white stripes, a sign of the Russian government, and two wooden posts about twenty feet apart, similarly painted, ~were con nectar by heavy iron chaing, | Straight for this chain--(WFpate of Russin--the driver was making. Our hearts beat high with suspicion, fear, excitement. We thought surely the frontier broker had betrayed us and was bringing us straighi into the jaws of the lion to give us up to his mercy. | Ax for myself, 1 would most likely | come in, if vaught, for a few months lor a couple of years in a loathsome dungeon before my case would go through all the great mass of Rus- sian red tape and finally reach the ears of the American consul at St. Petersburg, or 1 might at once be given my walking papérs and banish- ed from | Russia, never again to enfer it--under official knowledge--which would be a great pity. Wo stopped in front of the drawn 'chain, - 'the black-and-white striped | i posts, emblems of Russian authority, | being "on 'either side of us. | Our broker alighted and went into | | the guardhouse, walking boldly and! with head erect, like a man who was iat homéy here mud in his proper ele- ment. | We held our breath, except when some of my companions uttered curses | and imprecations, and even this was' jdone im a whisper. Some cowered | down #0 as to become as diminu- | (tive a® possible, with the instinc- {tive animal desire in the presence' of a natural enethy to escape no- tice, Shortly our broker came back with an officer at his side. It loo as if our immediate arrest was a cer: tainty. But the other smiled as he came up to our vehicle, and I notic- ed that the two bottles of the fine Bordeaux which 1 had seen sticking out of the broker's pockets were now bulging from the pockets of the offi- cer's great grey coat. "Zdrastoitye I' wag the officer's greeting, but those who understood hin dared nov reply. "This is the Italian duke," broker: as he pointed to me; "the noble lady at her side is her highness, his wife, and the gehtleman on the left is their som.' : "Prevdo, .pravdo, ya ponimaiyu." \ I blushed searlet with both indigna- tion and shame. The Czech peasant woman and the real Russian were many years my seniors | § His Exoel- "Count von Heller and lency der Ilerdog von Strogserhaus," said our cheerful broker, introducing the German to the officer. "Bite, bitte," ono of the Germans said ms ho handed the officer a handful of the best cigars ever he he pocketed readily, "hese pocketed readily, and in- quired as he pointed to a case of smuggled merchandise ill concealed 'by 'the straw in the wagon. The Germans and stuttered with embarra t, but the ever of i ' b on | i we | i i ! of ours replied : basket of lunch for the picnic that their hi , ave going on." lzveneetye passbalus- yo" (pardon, please par- parting, as the bro he puimed a sealed ¥nvelope over to mm, The. chain was lef down and we were allowed to go through unhinder- ed. I looked back cautiously and saw the officer hastily tear opem the envéls amount, so much recall fost | who isn't bad, but i ! well and play well. | indigestion, | Whiting, { San Pedro was devalaped by the "smile that makes the smile," and hence all their hopes must be blasted; their last pennies wasted, their lives ruined, ji Later in Vilna 1 saw a «owl of prisoners pass my window boual gether by long' chains. They could rearoely wali nuder "hy krav® burden, but as if this were not emongh, a very long chain secured each prisoner to the other py means of a buckls around the waist, and it seemed that unwillingly they had to d one abgther on, to the last point of their destination. They could not even fall in their tracks, for the neighbors chained to them front and rear prevented it. They went on below my window, dragging each other wearily, while the heavy escort of Cossacks, many of them reeling drunk, whipped them up with thelr knouts and goaded them on to renewed efforts, occasionally hitting one with a carbine or pricking = one with the point of the baycn:t because of apparent fatigue and readiness to drop from exhanstion, . Ties was the etapu, the process of returning vagrants, _ non-passporters to their homes, however remole these may be, and much of the jury must be dope on foot, a process which 4p takes many months to accomo'isa, fir tha gove pment, owning the railroads, is not going to provide any one with free rides, and those havingt money can not purchase thefe trip either. for they ave criminals in the eyes of the Russian law and are under penal jur- isdiction; hence their home can only be reached through the prison door. Her Fault, Philadelphia Times The teacher in charge of the primary 'department at a school in West Phil- adelphin, was talking the other day | about her work and her pupils. "They are dear youngster she | said, "but they sometimes make ecuri- remarks. Several times | have had occasion to. reprove a little ous boy who is very mis and annoying! He is al ways getting into trouble and making a disturbance, "Une day he had been more than usually uproarious, and 1 was very tied, Instead of grolding or punishing him 1 began in rather an exasperated tone to talk to him. " "Pom," 1 sad, 'I'm afraid I'm never going to. meet vou in heaven. "He looked gp with the most s ed face. "Why, teavher,' he said, that just 100 bad ? What haye done 7" chievious ock "1an't you Bright Tittle OHORE Babies that are well, sleep will, oat They sleep na- turally and wake np good "natured, The child that is not rosy-cheeked and playful needs prompt atténtion for ft 1s not well. A sickly child can. be res tored to health with a few doges of Baby's Own Tablets, which cure colic, constipation, tepthing troubles and the other disorders from which young children suffer. Mrs. Thos. Waterford, Ont., sa;w: "I Lave used Baby's Own Tablets muy home for some years sal would not ba without them. 1 finl thea just the right medigine for Tittle anes." Sold hy medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, - Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Long Serpentine Wharf. One of the longest wharves in the world, almost & mile in length, or, $ be exact, 4,700 feet, is at. Port Angeles, Cal. It extends into Pacific in a long serpentine curve. The reason for this construction is that it offers better resistance to the strong eurrents and the bufietings of the waves than if it were perfectly straipht. Until the near-by harbour of Fed- eral Jovernment, the big wharf at Port' Los Angeles wad a very busy place, but of late it is comparatively sellom used except hy the Japanese fishermen, who have formed a colony alon® the adjacent beach. Good Tip. Miss Highchin--No plebeians for me. The wan I pick out for a husband must be familiar with the "upper erust."' Miss Tabaseo--Ah, my dear, there goes your affinity now. Miss Highohin--Newport man, I de- thioe ? Miss Tabasco--No, pastry eook. OF DOUBLE INTEREST [5 THIS LETTER It Reports a Remarkable Cure of Kidney and Bladder Disease From Belleville, Ont. Also Recalls Los the Mr. Di M. Waters' First Purchase of Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills and Ointment a Quarter of a Cen tury Ago. When you read this letter you will reaslily umderstansl why it is of special interest to us, for the druggist who sold the pills ia this case gave his first order in 1885, For twenty-five years Mr. has the growth in popularity of Dr. Chase's Kitney-Liver Pills and other medicines and ¢am now point to hundreds of sures in Belleville and vicinity resulting from his recommentd- ations of these well-known medicines. If you are titel of experimenting why not use a medicine which has ven its ungotbted control over isenses of the kidneys amd liver? let this letter convince you or send 0 us for records of hundreds of other . o@ Mr. Mark Otfrey, Bay Side, Ont., writes ville, the amount of satis faction my wife obtained from their use has led me to ask my deaggist to and You Abie Tabtags Mrs. Ottrey kidrey end bladder trouble, great pain at times. The uring was THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURD Lg on Waters suffereit considerably with _ gausing * | society a wt ask { 3 i i - NEWBORO WONDERS TF i THUNDER DID IT. A Bad Fire Was Narrowly Averted-- i Bucket Brigade Worked Success. | fally--1 Wedding Scheduled for the Leth. TOMBSTONES" UPSET fire Fri Newboro, June 21.--A serious lwas narrowly averted here last 'day afternoon. Shavings were {burnt in the forge in the shop of Ma vty and Paul, and sparks flew out and settled on the roof. When dis covered the roof was on fire in three places, and owing to the dryness of Ithe shingles had 'made considerable headway. A' volunteer bucket brigade was formed and after a hard fight the fire was got under control. The LTO. 0L.F. hall is over this shop and for a [time it was feared that the valuable regalia would be destroyed, bat for tunately it escaped without any dam- age. Early visitors to St. Marys Angli- cemetery on Sunday morning found that seven monuments had been !thrown over some time during the ipast week, At first it was thought (that some demented person had per Ipetrated the deed, as no reason could be given for such an act. Many peo ple, however, believe thai the stones were in some way thrown over by the {thunderstorm on Satarday morning, {although flower pots and other loose larticles in the cemetery were not tetirred. It is expected that local an {thorities will make an investigation. | © Misses 2Jrances Lewis aud. Helen J. fleggett were Muesduy visitors in Brockville, Misses Mud and Weed, of New York, came evening in their private ear and spending this week in this locality, en- joying the fishibg in Newhoro Lake. {Porn on Thursday, 16th inst, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray, a son. Miss Lena Grothier, attending Ottuwa No mal School, - returned home on Satu tday evening. Mrs, T. P. Kelley "and 'eon, T. P., Jx., of the Shamrock Con- cert company, are . spending a few days at their home, Erin Clifle, near here, before rejoining the company on dts final tour of Quebec and the mari {time provinces, | Rev. G. C. Wood preached his fare (well sermon on Sunday last in the { Methodist: church here to an unusually {large congregation. Mr. Wood and [Tamily teft on Monday for theic new thome at Knowlton, Que. | John Cawley. Westport, hae a large {staff engaged building the mew grano- lithic sidowalks. It is expected "that | they will be completed this week. Dr. I'reston §& in Mrockville attending county council. Mrs. J. J. Nolan {and Mrs, Felix MeNally were among the visitors from here to Brockville on Tuesday. Eighteen local -olrsmen have taken out guides' licenses for this season al- ipeady, and the largest number of fish- | ing permits on record for this time fof veur have been issued by the local fish and game warden, J. R. Wright, Mr. Mehenzie, Westport, has moved mto Miss R. Hazett's house on By strect, Mrs. J. W.' Foster and little daughter, Miss Catharine, and Miss Agnes Walsh, ot Geneva, N.Y., are spending a<few' weeks here, the guests of Nr. and Mrs. Thomas Foster, Dr. Rov K. Lillie, attending Chicago umversity for the past year, gradua- Ad last week and has returned home. J. J. Gallagher was called to Brock- ville Tuesday on business. Invitations are owt for the mar riage of Miss Franees, sivond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Sydney Lewis, to William Maedonnell, manager of. the Bank of Montreal, Moosejaw, which {will take place iu St. Mary's -church {here on Wednesday 29th inst. A number of men are engaged get- ting out slab wood at the Fisher's Landing wharves, near Bedford Mills, for the Ogdengbmg Soda Pulp com- pany. Miss Marv Joyoe, Kingston, Mise Joyce, Ottawa, M. Hamilton Joyce, Phillipsville, were the gucsts of friends here Saturday evening, B. F. Bolton has recovered from his vecent severe attack of browchitis. Miss Agatha Cox returned on Saturday from 'a visit with relatives at Charlerton. Mrs, Johanna Bell continues very ill. FEe- nest T. Foster, Lansdowne, was visitor here over the week-end. { here on Saturday are TOO MUCH WORK. Many Gave This as Reason---Resign- ing From Police Force, Policemen really have to work. There we is not one vound of pleasant ev- enigs and merry days, not an un- interrupted ecarcer of flirting with pretty nursemiids and catching naps m shadowy doorways. Hf anyone doubts this statement, verification of it can be obtawed from Col. Frank. I'n lores Morgan, raconteur, the prive heau of Washington, and the crony of statesmen for more than a wencration, - The colonel was walking! up Pennsylvama avenue one afters noon when be exclaimed to his éom- panion : "See that fellow leaning against the lamp-post on that corner *"' The fellow was very visible, and ex- ceedingly forlorn-lcoking, "Well, »ir;'" said the colonel waving his oratorical hand, 'that fellow bothered met to death a couple of ears ago asking me to get him a job on the police foree. For three weeks, whether | went home at nine o'clock at might or two im the morn- ang, there he wag sitting on my front doars te ask me to get him that job. Finally, in a peration or something thereunto,' 1 suceeded in putting him on. He was delighted. e bought the most gorgeous uniform ever seen on Any member of 'the force, and he went forth 'lo protect io. pr v and life. Vive days ey ing on a corner and expressed my sue prise that he was not om duty. "Oh, I resigned," he explained con- tamptuonsly. uo much work. didn't know a men had to work to be a policeman I" "Popular Mags nme. 'eatamount Why He Was Cruel. that the Humane d the THE | being | len in the open country, thers al ft of dos! put Condnough he- 1010. -- : MEXICAN CHURCHES i i Ave Ruilt in Slirprising 'and Beantiful Locations, } that Mexio with churches, and 3 work i set up mn { "Ii 'wns a mary lous me of origin: | h al and beautifnl covered} Ld all the remote and almost inaccessible | Fvilluges towers and' domes that match and recall she | wrate | | { harles Dudley "Warner, who was .an | art fhe best work of Raly : t scumphs of Moorish art," n erthusiastic adagirer of Mexica { and architecture,' i the picturesque and beautiful cannot | fnil to be ilipressed with the of design and grandeur of consti tion of thi churches that are so lav scattered over Mexico. Most of : i { i hly { them date hack hundreds of voars, anl | were built in a time when the Span- | ish patricians lorded over the humble | people of the land, and compelled them | no { to RIT: : : { to do their bidding with little or jreward. While "the churches were ; sigmed by Spanish architects it is {also very evident that the work was : - . * { done by native Indians. On the | corations in any other epuntry. | & at many of these carvings are | translatable and have more com tian edifices, much of them bearing striking resemblance to Egyptian and Persian art. The artists who designed these chur ches seemed to have had free play express their love of beauty and rinality in tower, facade, dome, and exiept in a peneral there is nowhere any similarity tween them. Often, as one poe zing through some small town form | whiz or ey can be seen above the gveen tops tives the marvelous domes and tow ers that recall pictures of the pear ug splendid tower that recalls graceful minaret. The beauty " terior, however. Nearly all ol with their vivid outline, whole, imposing towers, domes facades, the falling colors and inz decorations, are distinct, hut gaudy modern interiors are strikingly similar and almost universally manplace, One interesting thing com- about the and often surprising locations. In the exact counterpart of the other, here they ave built in all kinds. of un usual form and interesting places, At Santa Fe there iv a grand, weather beaten old structure that seems to hang vrecipitated gver a deep in the country one can see domes and towers, of churches arising from the midst of 4 timitless expanse of max onty, or standing boldly out in the open plain, with every outline clearly defined. 'he Holy Metropolitan church of Mexico, upgversally known as the cathedral, of the largest and most ambitious churches in the western hemisphere, It is built on the very foundation of the 'ancient pa- gan temple of the Aztecs, the cormer- stone of the present building having been laid in 1573, and the first service was had in 1573, but it was not till 1626 that it was formally One may get some idea of the size of this church from the fact that are fourteen different chapels building. San-Cosme is one of the churches in the city, having been és. tablished about the year 153%. This monastery became a military post in 1855, and it was in the tower of this church that Lieut. U. S. Grant placed the howitzer that was used to such advantage in the battle of September 13, 1847, Guadulupe is the most beautiful church and the holiest shrine in Mex ico city. Before railroads were built over the country, Indians walked hun- dreds of miles ovér the mountains to worship there, - The railing around the altar contains twenty-six tons of pure silver, and the floor is laid with dia- mond slabs of white and black Carra ra marble. About three miles west of the city's boundary §s the hill Totolepee, on the top of which is the sanctuary of Our Lady of Succor, called the church Nuestra Senora de les Remedies. There is gq beautiful and interesting legend 8 one in the oldest ed from the fact that the virgin ir ed to have saved the: lives of thousands of Spanish soldiers, Another well known church is San west of Alameda, and contains some 'Wl - the most noted pictures in the re- ftablic, among them being Prayer "the Garden znd The Last Supper. of Say Francisco were' once the great fest in all Mexico, and its closely identified with the great vents of the country from Cortez to Juarez, The ground covered three squares, in what is now the heart of the city, Corte heard masses from its altars, here his bones were futerred aud hore was sung the first Te Deum {of Mexican independence. If one does not come tg Mexico any other reason, it is well worth the time to visit and study ancient chur | sont chapels. and cathedrals that are «Mexican Herald. Ships Made of Concrete, lini, has invented a process for the ibailding of ships in artificial "ston, and a vessel of this type is working with so much Success on the Main Frankfort that several wore are in course of construction in Italy ad Germany. The great advantage of the compared with ordinary ships, matic iatalion annoancers, chr of it and ' Every student of art and admirer of" variety | de- | fa- | catles, towers and portals are designs | and figures unlikg any architectaral de- | They ave often difficult to interpret, | and we come to the conclusion that in { them are many Indian traditions of a! | prehistoric art and ormamentation. Al r not | mon with the earvings on prehistoric | témples than with that on any Chris | ag to roof y and | of ancient | tombs | of sheiks and caliphs, ghundant insall | Moslem countries; then, again, will ap- | aml or- | igtnality i# almost entirely in the ex: | them, { picturesque and | decay- | the | churches of Mexico is their diversified | United States the church in the small | town is found in the centre of the vil- | lage green, and each one is almost an | but | gorge; | and the temple of Guadalupe is built | on the side of a rock-covered hill, And | dedivated. | there | about this building, which is sg nam- | whose honor it was built was suppos- | many | Diergs, which was founded in 1621 by | Fraocisean monks. This church is just | in | The original chareh and monastery | name is | 1 far staitered so gemerously over the land. An Halian engineer, Simmor Gabel | Gérman railrosders are Wryingy auto i 8 : d 3 Tooth and Toilet Preparations are manufactured from the Best and Purest ingred- ients found in the world's markets. Are put up under the supervision of expert Analytical Chemists who have made their preparation a life-work. 'The choice of Toilet Preparations is a matter of vital import- ance--it concerns your health: Their absolute Purity is as essential to you as Pure Food or Pure 'Water. is pure white--CONTAINS NO COLORING MATTER --not only cleanses the teeth and keeps gold fillings bright, but permanently destroys the germs of decay. For those who prefer a powder there is no_substitute for STL ens [Es It acts differently from others. Tts antiseptic properties tone up the entire mouth and gums, as well as clean and whiten the teeth and preserve them from decay. Same act (ai £5° is pure white. Does not choke the pores. Contains no grease and is instantly absorbed. * Invigorates and tones up the tissues of 'the skin. Removes all impurities and restores it to its natural healthy bloem. In' choosing a Face Cream the purity of SANITOL is essential. TEN CENTS A PACKAGE "THE SWEETHEART OF THE + CORN" The other well-known SANITOL Preparations are: _Sanitol Children's Tooth Brush, 25c | Sanitol Tooth Brush, 25¢ Sanitol Toilet (Tale.; Powder, 25¢ Sanitol Hygienic Toilet Soap, 25c Sanitol Hair Tonic, 50¢ Sanitol Bath Powder, Sanitol Face Powder, 25¢ Sanitol Shaving Stick, 25¢ Our Specialty is Tooth and Toilet P Our standard is High-grade Quality. Sanitol Chemical Laboratory Co., Toronto, Ontario | A breakfast in itself. Try it tomorrow morning with a baked apple. Smother them in cream, and sugar to your taste. The right food for the start of the day. Kellogg's contains substance of the sort for building bone and making muscle. | Nothing will convince you so quickly as the gualify wrapped in | the Kellogg package--but be sure it's the Kellogg package. Sanitol Antiseptic Liquid, 28¢ and Sle Sanitol Toilet Water, 50c Sanitol Liquid Shampoo, 58c Sanitol Violet-Elite Toilet Soap, 25¢ repar- ations. We manufacture nothing o ; TOASTED CORN 15 of | - MEN-WE CAN CURE YOU FINEST MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN ARKERICA OWNED AND OCCUPIED BY DRS. K. & K. YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED MEN who peed the services of expert specialists why waste Jour money in Uesting with doctors you kuoew nothing of, why waste your money with worthless elecirie bells or drug stare nostrums, when you can get uaranteed, reliable, sogsessful trestment ror these or i Drs. K.& K. have treated patienis ghout Canach for over 20 yours and nro responsible fines. cially. They accept anly curble cases and should your case hrs incurable it peed wot cost you scent. M you are usable to call at our office for a pe rvons] exunsination we willdend a Question List for you to bil up from which we cao diagnose your cass and toll you whether you are curable or nok. en we With prescribe specie. remedies for your individual case which yoo ean take at home. We Lawe pocure-all remed, that we send to everybody siite as specialists do, bul we proserine ths rem- eles required for sech jndivitunl case to complete a cure. Thai's oneof the of A yondetiul suposss when Ser our Free on Mia Ummateatedly es 98 Dlvastes CURES OR NO PA Wa Guarastes to Cure - So ---------------------------- us| at aystom in that ships built of reinfore- | '{ ed concrete ary free from barnacles. As the | -Eweeighs of a vessel is Jest by a fourth. | OTICE AT tatters from Castes mest be & Uressed . + to our 'Canadian mdene : Depart: ; nee-------- ent in Windsor, Ost. MH yo desire os Jrssomaily call at ous Medical Institute in Detroit as wi o «gud t; no pa in our Windsor offices which arg for Correspondence. and Laboratory for Camadisn business only, Address all jetters ws follows:

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