Of Heavy quality, soft black Taffeta Silk 36 inches wide Regularly sold at $1.25 yard New Chanticleer Waists only $L73 Exquisite designs, beautifully em- colors. broidered in -CHILDREN'S WASH 'SUITINGS, Wash Galatia ..... Wash Repp, Wash Ducks 12 1.2e¢, Wash Linens Wash Prints . . Se, in great variety. 200 J! ane 13¢, 1%¢ . » 1De¢, 25¢ 10c, 12 1-2 Yard Yard Yard Yard Yard 36 in. . And a grat many others at reason- able prices, Ask for Time Cards, CRUMLEY BROS LIMITED. HE To see a bargain eyes. Keep one on on the price ticket. FAIR you must use both quality, the other Big Basket Bargains At Manutacturers' Cost Price. Seco them in MeclIntosh's Window. Mcintosh Bros. 10 CONTRACICRS. BRALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- celved at the Office of oS undersigned up till noon on Thursday, June 30th, for the collestion and removal of Garb- age. Collections to be made tri-weekly during the months of July and August. All other information can be obtain- ed at my office. The lowest or any tender not neces- rily accepte any W. W. BANDS, City Clerk. . Kingston, June 21st, 1910, Tenders will be received at the office of the undersigned ) {Where plans and specifications may be seen up to.8 o'clock p.m., on Thursday, the 80th inst, for the several trades works required in the erection and completion of an addition to the 's Home Building, Union Street, in this city Lowest or any tender not neces. sarily accepted. 'WM. NEWLANDS & SON, Architects. NL EE -------- ON STANDING COMMITTEES, 5 AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE, 25 ONTARIO ST. NEAR WEST ST, WEDNESDAY June 10 ASL Cabinet, Grand Ser ht 1 Plano, nearly new; > Parlor Suite, Even Tables, Music and entle- inglioh, Bleycles, handsome Machine, Sideboard, Din- shing achine, Mav. Range, Iron a other Springs, Jlarire 2 Cameras, Rowing Skiff, 1-3 hp fotor Boat, Lingieitm. bi Pl Cupboa man's ALLEN, Tha Aw 224 Johnson Street, Telephone 252. 1 is a a ob a. TENDERS WANTED. Separate or Bulk Tenders for the various works additions to the Belia¥ille General Hospital will be re- b the undersigned until noon, n 1910, Finns, specifications. 18 ma soe Ca tt hel' Nn at the of. K.C, Belleville, The lowest or any tender not necessarily nocepted. LEWIS, MRS LOUISA H President, Me Beltevitte. or Sale. BUY - onseasion Dwell Eas gu good col reel iin CQL Thi i a iS pro- . He Fam con" mutA y is 4 ge ay snap as a ne Real Estate. Estate Agents 1 Hh 1.3 BE etington. on or before the 3 sare discount Oollees Appointed at Presby« terian Assembly. The following Kingstonians are on standing committees of the Presbyter- ian church, sppuirted by the general assembly, at Halfax : Young Peoples societiesiDr. W, 8S. MacTavish, frot. McClement, D. A. Shaw. Moral Reform---Prof. M. Kingstoni and Sceial Skelton. Hymuoal Mae- g iflivray. Queen's Cotlege Bursary and Schol- arship--Johu Mch tyre, K.C., (conven: er), Principal Cordon, Dr. Jehn Wat: son, Dr. M. Macgillivray, Dr. J Hacks, Dr. PD. Ross, Rev. J. D. Bo Protection of church property--W, F. Nickle, K.C,, M.P.P,, G. M. Macdon- nell, K.C, Publie*. worship-- Principal Dr. Mackie, lr. Poss. Committee ob cqprespondence with other churches- I, Jordan. Committee on emergencies-- Principal Gordon. Sunday School League. In the senfor game, in the Sunday school league, on Friday nf ht, Cooke's was defeated by St. Lukes and Princess street (amalgamated) by a score of 8 to 6, in a good game. Stanley Trotter was the wmpire, ---- i -------- wor ttee--Dr, Gordon, A motion to dism Principal Quance, of the Collins Institute, | PA waa defeated by the St. Thomas board of educati » the largest is planned for ome of of Prince. Radon of ziwill a { Russia, py Dorothy Deacon, of | ° Boston, has teen pos Ferdinand and Queen Fleanor of Bul were received 'with wii tary kh in Pars. "Make yourself and others realize you are im the work because vou are a man, An il, painting of AM. Dunn BY THE Pp! PUPILS OF OF THE LEGIATE INSTITUTE. COL~ To W. §. Hilis, the Retiring Principal ~--A Gold-headed Cane and a Silk * Umbrella Were Presented on Fri- day. EX-PRINCIPAL ELLIS A pleasant affair took place at the Collegiate Institute, on Friday after- noon, whin the retiring principal, W. 8. Ellis, M.A., now dean of the fa- walty of education, at Queen's, was waited on by the pupils and presented with a handsome gold-headed cane, suitable engraved and a beautiful sil ver-handled silk umbrella, also en- graved. The presentation was made on behalf of the scholars by W. Hartley Robinson. In his address Mr, Robin- son stated how sorry every student was to hear of Mr. Ellis leaving the institution with which he had been connected so long, but it was pleasant to know that be would nat be leaving the city. Dean Ellis was visibly moved by | th kind gift of the pupils, and made a feeling speech in reply, referring to the long time spent in the collegiate and how much he had enjoyed his work, the pupils always trying (o make things as easy for him as possible; Education in Building a Home. In the building of a house'half f the. pleasure lies in the planning. La- ter there is somewhat of a chronic warfare with builders, worry ovér the increased estimaves and only in antic i- pation is the joy unalloyéd. This joy is brightened if the planning is start ed long before there money isin hand to plan systematically for the house that is to. be. Let it be the object of many excursions by trolley or on foot, Whenever you see g house that appeals to 'you or even one feature of that house jot down 'the. detesls in a note- book, If it is possible, find the architect's name and the approximate cost. It is foolish to s#t the heart on styles ~ be- yond one's means. Soon you will be reading books on architecture, so as not to be "taken in" when you "do come to build." Next will come the magazine devoted - tor beautiful houses md their fittings. Fven though the new home remains in the end a house of dreams, you will have pleasure, ed- ucation and happiness in its planning, Numerous Uses for Calcium, Caleium js by no means a new met- al, It is asundant in nature, being the metalke base of all so-called lime compounds, and thereafter forming an important part of all animal skele- tons, the shells of shellfikh, ete. Until recently, however, no use had been made of it. In the pure metallic form it has been wmply a laboratory curiosity-- a metal with the . sheen of silver and the hardness of aluminum, very malleable and a good conductor of heat, but rusting so fast in moist air as to be practically impossible to preserve, Numerous USO are now proposed for it, most of them .as an element of various alloys, and scientists are look- ing forward to it as having a use ve- ry similay $6 that of aluminum. Its greatest probable use will be as a re ducing dgent in metallurgy and in re- fining other metals. A Ladies' Defence. Utiea Globe. t In the Ragged Mountains, of Vir ginia, dwell a primitive folk who, it is said, live mostly on wild berries and philanthropic old ladies. A northern man who visited this section was greatly shocked one day to see two of these mountain women busily engaged in pulling each othet's hair and tear- ing each other's clothes. It was only by sheer dint of muscle that he final ly snceeeded in getting the two ecom- batants apart, "Aren't you two ashamed of vour- selves to fight like that?" he demand. el. "What were you fighting about, anyway?' Dusty, dishevelled, perspiring, they paused a moment, and 'then one of them, pushing the straggling locks back from her eyes, replied, "Well, mister, what's er lady ter do when an- other lady cusses her?' v Didn't Have to Laugh, A. P., London. It is a well-known fact that theatri- cal managers have no pity, Herve is a story--probably an untrue one, for he is one of the kindest of men-- which is going the rounds about M. Jules (la- retie, manager of the Theatre Fran cais. The actor, who was playing the part of Nathan in Atbalie, had the misfortune to lose his father, and sent a"message to M. Charetie fo say that be could not play that evening. There was tio understudy in the theatre. "Oh! surely he can be persuaded," said NM. Claretie fo the stage manager, "we can't return the money. Go and get him to play. Point out to him Sad Nathan is quite a sad part." ¥ M The Americar Dattleshipe Indiana, Massachusetts and lowa have arrived ymonth, Eng, with 300 naval cadets. They wil be entertained - by the lord mayor of London. Nick Merange and Frank Chicarine Morristown, Fa. Thursday, made of an. aged cobbler GIFTS WERE GIVEN C a Amusements. Lake Ontario Park ToN ight === Night at 8.30. BIG. EE SHOW TE VAUDEVILLE. oN PEO PRVTIRE CHANGE PLE AND ACTS, To-day, Children 1 Cent on Cars. 'S ORPHEUM THEATRE H.H. Morgan, Mgr. - Phone 942 "THE Special Attraction AT THE ORPHEUM June 23, 24, 25th Harry Dailey Songs and Stories. ~ Skeritt & Elliot Comedy Singers and Danvers. H. Morgan Latest Popujar Songs. Special Attraction Dixon and Nelson Gymnasts, oF THE Mighty Haag Shows ™e HEE Ware: The Areo Plane The Big Free Street Parade EXCURSION TO TORONTO Undér Ladies' Ald of Queen St. Metho- dist' Church, on FRIDAY, July 8th via GT.R. Special train. leaves Kingston, 8 am. tare : aneé, S56 am, fare 2.804 1 Betleviile, 9.40 am, fare $2.35. Kingston tickets good to return on all trains except No. 4 to July 11th: Fopante and Bellevilie tickets good to uly tl Garden Party THE WOMAN'S AID OF THE Kingston - General Hospital Will hold a Garden Party ON THE HOSPITAL GROUNDS, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 28th. ADMISSION, 10¢, Rodger & Wright ARE OFFERING EXCEP- TIONAL VALUES IN SINGLE STONE DIAMOND RINGS AT $23.00. $350.00, $75.00. $100.00. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEB THEM. ee As Atl (Formerly Spangenberg's), Marriage Licenses Issued. ' 847 KING ST., KINGSTON. ! QUALIFIED CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion ie a werd, ¢ Insertion ter half cent a word, Minimum charge for ene tw sertion, 30eq three Indertions; B0e.; six, $1; one month, $3. HELP---WANTED. A NURSE GIRL. APPLY, Street. KING E33 GIRL Cron GENERAL HOUSE WORK pip, 348 King Street West. KITCHEN WOMAN. APPLY, Yukon A Restaurant, 343 King Street. AND ASSISTANT PORTER . British American NIGHT Cler Apply, Hotel oftice. PIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WANT- ed. Apply, atl once, an@ state salary, Box 523, Smith's Falls, Ont MEN FOR ba PURDAY ; salary $104 per year; Apply at store Lads TWO YOUNG store service steady egnployment. of Willidm Davies Co, $100 MONTHLY AND EXPENSES TO travel and distribute samples for big manufacturer; steady work. 8 Sheffer, Treasurer, C366, Chicago. A COUK FOR JULY AND AUGNST ON houseboat "Duchess"; references Jedquired Apply, in the evening, to Mrs: Neish, 6 Earl Street BRASS FINISHERS; Apply, Canadian Co, Petarboro, FIRST-CLASS steady work General. Electric ont, A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. MUST have references. Apply, dt once, ta Mrs. Clarke W, Wright, 26 Col- borne Street $26 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES TO trustworthy people to travel and distribute sampien for big whole- sale house, ¥ Emery B46d; Chicago. WOMAN WHO IS ABLE 3 willing to go five miles port, for twe months; Apply, 113 King St A CAPABLE to couk past kK good wages West AN, INTELLIGENT PERBON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding fOr newspapers No Sankassing. Send for Particulars, Press Synd cate, 2.960 Lockport, N.Y. EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS terview largest and best trade; good positions for active wn . Warkworth Co., Ont.,"Can TO IN- class of bright Specialty AGENTS TO SELL NEW AND USEFUL article for women one hundred to two hundred per cent. on every sale; write now for terms and ex- clusive territory, Triplex Bag Mfg. Co. Toronto. $80 MONTHLY AND EXPENSES TO advertise and distribute samples for wholesale house; steadv work H. Monroe, President, . R566, Chi- cago. YOUNG LADIES TO ENTER TRAIN- Ing School for Nurses; thorough training in surgery, medicine, ma- ternity, dietetics. Apply, Buperin- tendent, General Hospital, Moose Jaw, Sask., Canada A CAPABLE WOMAN OR MAID, is able tg cook and make herself generally useful: must be willing to £0 to Bostwick Island, near Ganan- oque, for the summer; good wages Apply to Mrs. F. G Sockets. 23 Stuart Street 5 WHO \ 'TEACHERS WANTED. BADY ° TEACHER Public School 8.8. No. §, Pittsburg Apply, stating salary and qualiri- cations to G. F. Ashley, Sec, Pitts- ferry, Ont. FOR QUALIFIED TEACHER school section No. 10, Township o Hinchinbrook, at salary of 300. Apply to Allen Wagar, Wagarville, Ont Fe R FOR UB BEC. §, 080, AND 9 OLDEN. Protestant teacher, with second class certificate; salary, $350 per annum. Apply to Daniel Attewell, Oconto, Ont. A QUALIFIED TEAC HER FOR MOUN- tain Grove 88. No. Township of Olden; Protestant ea Apply to Damon Youmans, BSéc.-Treas., Mountain Grove, Ont. The People, s Fo WANTED----GENERAL, ONTARIO AND 8.A. VETERAN SCRLP to buy fer cash. J. § R, McCaan, 51 Brock Street. , FROM OCTOBET, nee nm West End t . MeCann, 51 Broek Wreet HORSES TO PURCHASE. inds of horses Will be in ston all summer. I. A. Jenkins "rincess Street. Telephone No te 4 Wills BUY SOUTH AFRICAN AND ONTARIO Veterans' Scripts, Cobalt Stocks Bonds and Diteniures Apply 4.0 Hutton n, 1s Market St, hings- ton ----r- ~ GE INTL EMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up Into up to-date suits, Price and workman ship guaranteed to pisase. Pressing and repairing done on the shortest jotice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock St. next Bibby's Livery FINANCE AND INSURANCE. C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, HRAL IN- surance Agent apd Ocean Steamship Ticket Agent. 42 Clarence Street, Kingston. Telephone 568 J. K. CARROLL, DISTRICT AGENT Dominion Lifs Assurahee Company also Fire, Accident, Fickness and Plate Glass Insurance, 14 Market Street, ngston. GEO- A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK- er. Put your invoices in an snvel- ope with a one cent stamp on It and drop in the nearest letter box We do the rest. All kinds of Fire Insurance placed on short notice 'Phoue 896. €7 Clarence St, Kings- ton. LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE "ire Insurance Company: Available assets $61,187,215. In addition which the pelicyholders have security the unlimited Mability all the stockholders Farm and cliy roperty Insured at lowest possible rages Pelote renewing old or giving n business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents "Phone, 326 : FARM LANDS. JE-SUPPORTING HOMES IN THE glorious fruit district of Southern British Columbia for $10 cash and $10 monthly, without Intéresi: an nual profits, $500 to $1,000 per acre orchard, garden, poultry; scepery hunting, fishing boating, delight ful warm climate; church. school post Office stare big saw mill; daily trains, close to markets, unlimited demand for products Write guick for maps, photos, free information West Kootenay Fraft Lands Com- pany, Dept. C.ID, Nelson, B.C, T0 LET. BOY'S BICYCLE FOR SUMMER months Apply, 209 King St. West A PARLOR FLOOR, modern, with board King Street, et ---------------------------------- OFFICES, WITH ALL MODERN CON. veniences, in Orpheum Hall. Apply, W. J. Baker, Princess Btreet ---------------------- HOUSE, NO. 230 BARL STREET; brick veneered: § rooms, w.e, Eas for cooking. Apply at 224 Barl St FURNISHE Apply, ted ese FIR oh CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD: all modern Improvements: niece 100 ation. Apply; 176 Clergy Street SUMMER COTTAGE AND DWELLING, furnished and unfurnished, Stores. ete. McCann's, Brock, Cor, King Street. TWO ¢ HARMING ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR. a sitting room and & bed with private entrance 44 William Street roam, Ap- ply, rei et rs si COMFORTABL E BRICK DWELLING 208 We mkion Street, next Croth- ér's Apply, Mr. C. R Webster, 8 Princevs Street, BTORAGE FOR FURNITURE, dry, airy rooms, absolutely moth proof: your own lock and key 'rost's City Storage, 299 Queen St 'Phone 526b, BOARD AND ROOMS. CLEAN, COMFORTABLE ROOMS, bosrd, or table board "at Y.W.( For terms, ete, &pply to the Sec A tary at thé Home, 196 Johnson Bt wi QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 88. No. 1, Barrie, County Frontenac; $325; duties to commence 16th. Apply to Wm. A ries, Secv.-Treas., Cloyne, August Humph- Ont. A QUALIFIED nlon 8.8. No. 1, commence: after summer Apply, stating salary, Donaghue, Sec.-Troas., Ont. TEACHER Bedford; FOR duties to vacation. to Jerry Westport, QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8.8 No. 2. Township Storrington; duties to commence after summer vacation. Apply, stating salary and aualifie a- tions, 'te Jas. EB. Dixon, Sec. Inver. ary, Ont. FOR S88 No. 18, TOWNSHIP OF Portland, quajified tea er, to com- mence duties in August at end of summer holidays Applie ations to be sent to Frank Storms, Sec., Ver- ona, Ont, TEACHER FOR 8.8. No. 12, REAR OF Leeds and Lansdowne: duties to commence after summer holidays Apply, fora. Muivon and gualifica- tions, te A uiten, Bec.-Treas., Seeley" s Bay P. POSITION WANTED. POSITION AS COOK ON BOAT, IN oy Baten, or will take care of couse for summer month 236 Princess Street. | Ppl, . LOST, A BLACK AND WHI Eg COCKER DOG, answering to name of * "Sonny." He- ward for return to Geo. Bawden, ev -------- ---- WILL THE PERBON WHO FOUND A brilliant rhinestone back comb Sun- day evening kindly return at once to Whig office and receive reward? G EN LEMA N'S GOLD- FILLED WATCH Rockford movement. a RA Anon detwaen Northern Crown Bank and American Hotel, return to this office. Reward for PARCEL. W WRAPPED... IN.. BROW. Ree x rm ale person on prada on the fn ot by mist 'communicate ith LT Pe Bent Kindly gist, . Dr were Fo hae. #allown, bt LET US DO YOUR Electric Wiring aod Repairs Dur. work 8 positively guaran- = i SUMMER BOARDERS. IN A PLEASANT NEW HOU BE Ww jload verandahs, ns it Tvnished; Be medi rooms situnted on aie fi 'pe a on Vie- toria Park. Apply, IST Alfred St LEGAL. : salary.' FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND LODGING éither tugether of separate may be had at 321 University Avenue, con- venient to cars; bright, airy rooms; gas and modern conveniences BOAT LIVERY. A. & KNAPP, © BOAT BUILDER. Cataragul Bridge, Kingston; a first class boat livery; fittings of all kindle furnished; gasoline and motor supplies for sale; tents for hire. 'Phone 767 DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 230 1-2 Princess Street, P hone 346. DENTISTS, Kingston DR. C. €. NASH. DENTIS ¥ Gibson, assistant, 3 Street. 'Phone 735 PATE NTS. FOR FULL - patents, send magasine. Attorney, DH. M 183 Princess INFORMATION ON 10¢c for booklet and Ben. B. Pannett, Patent Ottawa, Ont. BUSINESS CHANCES, ANYONE, A WHE a mall order rte 4 Lot Bt 3.969 Lockport, hose house ft was left] ARCHITECTS, BCT, BTC. one, 345. RTHUR ELLIS, A and residence, FH) Parola RICE WM. NEWLANDS & , ARCHI- Lr gOTTice, 268 Bagor street POWER & BON. ARCHIT! RY. P. 250 Rigg strest. ohants' Bank ECTS. MER. and Wellington st Fae Brock a. 'Phone, 212 rum FOR SALE.' r D IND-HAND. MOWING Tw nian Ce wpiy, D. J. Hay, 136 \ Clarence Street VERANDAH ROCKER, clear at $2.50; a few Turk's. "Phone 708, ! A RATTAN worth § in stock, 50, at IFFS AND GASOLINE BOATS FOR = re. Particulars at Godwin's In- surance Emporium, Market GAre, MINROWS APPLY TO LEWIS ORR, Simcoe Island. next house above Channel Grove, in the Battean Channel 126 MONTREAL 8T. IN good yard and Box 58 Whig of- STONE HOUSE, excel stable ent rej ir Apply, IUM FRAME HOUSES, one lot; new barn and Apply, 14% Raglan Road, or Brown, Albion Hotel } MEL both on stable Sidney NEW FRAME HOUSE ON ANUEBEC Street; seven roomy: modern; ready for becupation July ist, Particulars from T. J 15% Wellington Street Boon, ---------------------------------- NEW WINDOW FARTENER OR BURG- tar trap supplied and put on for only 1b¢; sure 10 hold window se. cure in any position Apply, Robert Watt, § Johnsen Street SUMMER RESIDENCE ON BAY oF Quinte: fine location; eight rooms verandah and barn; on main road Kingston to Bath, Apply, John A. , Gardiner, 151, Wellington Street, Kington, $ LOC AL AG TS AND Travellers wanted to soll the best fountain pen on the market. good rofit; sample, 236c. Address, Mr Murray, Hoom 27, La Patrle Build- ing, Montreal, GOOD INVESTMENT, Hosiery Company, five shares guaranteed § three shares, common, cent; price, $500 land Gibson, M.D, Florida. - KINGSTON preferred per cent. paying § per Address, Cope- Jacksonville, RUILDING LOTS, 6 7, AND 8 DIVI- sion Street, south-east corner of Russell Street; water and drains pass the lots; also Lot 547 Alfred Street Apply to 164 Frontenaeo, or Macdonnell & Farrell, Clarence Btreet SCHOLARSHIP (ANY SUBJECT) IN International Correspondence Schgols of Scranton, Pa.; would make a handsome and profitable gift for any young man or woman: will dispose of at reasonable price If taken at once. Apply, Box 43 Whig office. 1 POOL TABLE, IN GOOD CONDITION, cheap for cash sale; an tmprove Saskatchewan Farm, chaap for + quick turn; tracts of land in the Last Mountain Valley district of Saskatchewan; Cobalt Stocks Bonds and Debentures; Houses 'and Lots any part of Kingston; Fire, Life. Accident and Sickness, Auto- mobile and Motor Boat Insurance. Apply, J. O. Hutton, Market Street. FOR BALE OR TO LET. NEW SUMMER COTTAGES AND Bungalows at East View Park, on the St. Lawrence, 5 miles from Kingston; all furnished and from § to 8 rooms: terms easy; also several fing lots for sale. Apply, Rév. J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine Street. PERSONALS, FRER. LOV i, HEALTH, . AND wealth foretold: send three two- cent stamps and birth date; will surprise you, Mme. KE. La Belle, Liana, O. 1 CAN AND WILL | will "ROVE THAT $100 bring you §10.000 a year in a safe, mound, honest investment; latest, best opportunity on earth: Write quick for particulars, J R. Ryan, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, HAIR MOLES, warts, ete, ES nOves Fermanomtly Bertone. soar. Ot Elmar J. fake 4 in a . eo tai 258 Bagot street. YOUR FORT NE TOLD.- ALL MAT- ters of love marriage, bisiness, elec, carefully treated; send birth date and 6c in stamps. Alfred Dumas Box 67. 8t Laurent, Jacques-Cartier Co, P. Que MEDICAL. IBAAC oS ML MD, CM (Eng.). Apa and Smear AL ce Figure tod 203 K toe Bt, B, 5 P. SPARKS, BA, MD and Burgeon, 100 edie Utfics hours: 10 to 12 an and 7 to 9 pm. 'Phone sonmultant 10 to 1h "Phone en HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTA oT, opposite G.T R. station, AR] Onines from C.P.R. on street car line; hotel . lately remodelled; fharges moderate; special rates The week. John Cousineau, Pron' LIMESTONE RESTAU RANT, NO. 51 Princess Btreet, one door from King Street; hot lune hes, 16¢; dinners, 2c; oysters in season; ice cream; soft dr nks; private parties catered for; upstairs sitting rooms. C. & D. May, Props. Your patron- age solicited. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, DROP A CARD TO CHAS. ELLAR, Carperter and Bullder, to Pivisi Bt, for rpasonable kivas of of , Jobb ing. Se work done ERNEST R. BECKWITH, Ing Engineer and Architect, Agent for ullders' Bpecialities, 14 Sydenham Street and 292 Rarl Btreet Plans prepared and esti- mates given for all classes of work, OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH JYITHOUT DRUGS Asheroft. DO. D.O, Laan fhe Founder of 'rincess Street, corner Divisio 'Phone 447.. No charge for eon- sultation and Iftersture. Office hours, 10 to 12. 210 6, 6 to 8. CONTRACT- RG. tdns BE. he on under Dr. Still - Osteopathy, 438 Employees' Picnic Our employees hoid their first A n- nual Outing on Monday Afternoon, Every June 27th, in consequence we will not be open for business on that date. 4