owl = 10 ARRIVE TONG. YOUNG PEOPLE'S | FELLOWSHIF IXCUREION, TORONTO. Big Crowd Is Expected to Com From the Queen City--Special Services Arranged for the Sun. day--Commnittees in Charge of the Atfaie, The Young People's Fellowship ex enrsion, from Toronto, will arrive in the city between eight and nine o'clock to-night, via the Grand Trunk. The train hae been scheduled to leave To routo at 245 pm. It is not known how many people will come on the ex cursion, but it is believed that seve ral hundred will take advantage of the cheap rate, which has been secur ed, The Alexander choir will also come, and Miss Grace Hildebrand, a famous soloist, will sing at the ser Vives. " The excursion is being conducted un der the auspices of the following com- mittless © Fellowship president; S G. King, as ant ® commitiee--R, Robinson, . Beal, vice-president; F seeretary; W, FE. Warham, secretary; W. R. Lea, trea Ladies' commitips=Miss L. Stringer, Mies A. Blackburn. Choir cominit tee-- sidhent: N. Sharpe, W. R. Lea, »ecretary; Smith, assistant secretary; treasurer, The excursion will, like last hold good until Tuesday and will give the visitors a chance to see % the city. A special programme of ser vices has been arranged for Sunday, and arrangements have also: been made for a trip down among the islands, on: Monday. Quite a number, no doubt, will be looking for boarding houses, and otizens wishing to care for visitors will be able to meet them at the YMCA. after the arrival of the train. Robert Robinson, the president of the Fellowship, is an old Kingston boy, and is wellknown in the cily He came to the city last year on this same excursion, and a month or ago wab in the city making arrange ments. for this year's excursion, The Sunday me; 9:30 a.m. Fellowship Cooke's church, Fraser and others. 4 p.m.<~Mass meeting for men, Chal mers church, assisted by Rev. J. 1, Morrow, Toronto; chairman, Mayor Cooper. 4 p.m.~Meeling in Sydenham church for the Sunday sehioots; er, Pastor Rofl, Toronto. 8:15 p.m~Mass meeting in Ryden ham street church, speaker, Rev. W. A. McTaggart, Toronto, McDonald, pre vice-president; Miss B. B. G. E. Lea, year, this 80 services arranged for gervice at led by Stafi Captain 'street speak- FOR BRIX PLAYERS. Some Timely Advice Given by an 2 Expert, The Bmart Bet, The following advice to bridge play ers is given by I, BY Van Buren. With the years against yon, never venture x weak heart declaration un- less you have diamonds, enough to pull you through. Holding a comman ints club, &n't hesitate to tell the vook it looks like vain, il the soup justifies the declara- tion, If you hold a good heart, don't dis card it. Never wate time [Attempting to finesso when your wife ix obyv ously leading up to a sew broadcloth suit. Ii you find 'an unguarded knave, kick him and run. i you are short: of honors, mind~many an obsenre man rich, With three good suits and diatnonds, it is safe to accept an vitation to a week-entl party. It your partner is a dummy, don't foplain; she probably wouldn't have rried you if she hadn't been, With the score against you, tip the waiter liberally. Do not make a practice of through the cafe door. never dies four ins leading, No Ear For Music. "How do you like the music, Judkins?" said Miss Parsons, "Um sorry, but I have no ear music," he answered, "No," put in Mr, Jasper. "He uses his for a pen rack." Mr. for Strictly Accurate. Law er--So you say the defondant pushed" you against your will? * Wit. ness--No, # said he pushed me a gainst the - -- Baltimore American, a dda and tassels for bath robes and sola. pillows, to clear out at 10e. a iss Sutherland, 90 Princess St. A Simple : "Sum" For Children (AND OTHERS) Post Toasties a delicions, wholesome, sume mes foud TE everybudy, "The Memory Lingers" hp READY FOR G AME. Weather is All That Can Be whesired. . ie baseball fans were pleased to see be fine wenthed to-day, as the Vie LC. game has aroused The tearmis -were to line Victorige--Cotman, ¢ Gilledipie, Hot Ps Meh on, I, NM arined , 2h; Pound, ss: Ihck, 1b. : Crawford, LI; Nichols mn, The ociuk peat nterest, ip oF ammon, Stokes, nf. 1 ~Trown, c.: wn, Fo, Dehaney, 24; Sang levs, Sky Wilson, rf nf; Fsford, 14, Prchrieh Lumb was chosen ne { i Ts junior game, + stwoen toras and C.L.C. was %ille at 1.30 or elock, and the big 3 o'el ch. Mathis. p.; walt Ewart, as um Vie start at the ito ame May Wax Not Yet Siarted. May Wax, W. H. Carson's paber, has not yet been started in any of the summer's races. . She may start st London on July Ist. Jt is quite probable that she will meet + Syka Dirert, her conqueror of last week, on ome of the outnide tracks this sum. mer. . Big Day at Belleville, the on Dominion track race, for a of the features, A big day s sport is on gramme for Belleville Day. A five-mile up, will be om Sporting Notes, ' T he Canadian Derby will by ort Erie on July 2nd 5 Motor eyeling is enjoying Siig all over Ontario, Hundreds of Easternors are already on their way to Reno to witness the Jefiries- Johnson fight. Tom Flanagan hai beon reli ved of the management of Jack Johnson, and George Little reinstited in that capa ety. bw wit hief Kee, a horse which has been ing things up on the Canadian 5 cuits, is named after the Fort Erie chief of police, Ross Birkeley, the star half-back 4 the Dundas Rugby team, has moved to Toronto and will turn out with the Argonauts in the fall. Longboat will not team with Shrubb in the relay race, and Alf will probably hook up with Muller New York. According to J. I... Sullivan the switching of the Jefiries-Johnson fight to Nevada is the worst blow that Cal- ffornia has received since the big earthquake, a It ig asserted that if Coffroth "pad mude a successful bid for the Jedv Johnson fight it would have been pull- ed off on the coast without interfer ence, Tom Frk wants to run four Canad- ians in a team against ans nation of combination of runers, trainer names i as the Canadian Abbie Wood, Fred. Meadows, Shrubb and Tom Longboat. The latest thing in New York a five-pound weight put. The record is 46 feet, held by a 145 pound man. The big fellows, like Sheridan and Flana- fan cannot throw it without fouling. 'bey invariably fling {t like a throwing a pebble The Toronto, Baschul club bas ask- team Alfred thy McMillan case as given out by Fre ident Powersmg The decision is re- eardec here as hany the most absurd ci the many peculiar findings 1 awed Toronto club's afiaire, To take hard won vietcry from Montreal be- cause Rochester played an ineligible man is the heighth of absurdity and to take a game from Toronto is an other piece of gross injustice. a CHILDREN. Charles T. Rogerszin the Century Oh, little ppgple from the hills of Dawn, What sed a- straying hitherward your ' feet, Still rosy from her peaks, Still dewy from her dales of asphodel, And all the lucene of God's unvexed your wanderings on morn Still shining in your confident, clear eyes? Was it some flower ther down The western slope, allured? Some nodding, glance Outvied the breathless, or Aspiiodels that, like unnoted stars, Slow ften on the windless fields : AYIA? y new-spled whose gaudy tints Kg, dusty daisy whose frank So soon the dust upon the tender feet That slow and slower trudge, the atraining eyes, The reaching hands, plucking now, Yet clasping to the end some weed, grown tired wayside The Man's Opportunity. Men will be interested in clothiig ¥die "which began to-day Livingston's, Brock street. thing's going to drop," man t, and it did. clothing took a long drop. In fact suits of the best material and finish are to-day selling at half price. Over 135 men's suits are marked down for a cash sacrifice sale. The sizes range from 3M to 42. A half price gale at Livingston's means all it says. I is the golden opportunity for the pur chase of summer suits. the at "Bome- announced the The price of ethan hsriandion An Admirable Service. Col. Samuel Hughes, . called on Po master Stewart to shank him for the efficient manner in whith he ~handad the mails at Barriefield camp. The fwork was Sapeditiousty and satisfae- torily performed Children's Straw Sailors, Anot » consighment! direct from Ergland has just reachisd us and they mcluds 'he neweet and "est in chibi ube hats. All prices, from 2%e. up at Carrvell Bros', + Kingsty's hat Ave, Procrastinate. Tusichor--Whiat is the meaning of the werd "procrastinate?" Pupd---Ta t off. T: Right. 1 fal a sentence, Pupil--i tried t, steal a ride on a street car yesterday, but was procrastinated. --Toledo Blade. ---- Not Fussy. The Missus--No; I tell you 1 object to money at the o or! Well, marm, perhaps you'll hand it out of the window. I'm not a Home Journal. from twenty pro- of | The veteran ' man | I ed the board of directors. of the East- | orn league to consider the decision in | out by Mr. Powere mn dealing with the! far- | Ktirless purity { of | ¢ tending to their men, Lor moRise ¥ THE DAILY 'Burren wHIG, SATCRBAY] SONY Tas, 1 L910. BARRIEFIELD CLEAR NOT A SOLDIER REMAINS ON THE r CAMP GROUND. Some Fights Occurred on Friday in the City--One of the Intoxicated Soldiers Pulled a Knife on a Street Car Motorman. od The village of again taken and pence, Barriefield, its robe of aller being for in hands of twenty-six hundred red coats and riflemen. To-day every soldier had departed for his home, rest up and think the pleasant two weeks spent under canvas, as guests of the Dominion goverment. {The camp grounds were left clear and clean _hiy the men, every regiméat cleaning up its own quarters and do- ing it well. Every or refusd was cleaned up and burned before the troops left camp. A far as the camp went, was about az quiet one could wish, were kept busy) but been given their into town, { hang { what, has once on quietness twelve davs the ) to over vestage of paper nt \ and peaceful long as the when they had money and got over with nothing to do but around, things changed gore and many became "illuminated" as the saying is, and naturally, a few fights resulted. One of the conductors the street car, was troubled with three of them, one of the bunch pick- ing filty cents from his pocket, and another pulling a knife on him, when he tried to get his mopey back. The conductor was going 10 have them ar- rested, but they juniped offi the car and ran into the city park. Fhree men, also under the influence of made themselves [Sper obnox- Princess street ear Friday and one of them was given a good trouncing by a civilian. Of men like this Will found in every large number of men, po matter what they are engaged in, ind the entire camp cannot be judged by them. Taken on the whole, it was a quiet, orderly camp, the fot ducted here in vears, and the in (ommand deserve credit for it was as as men or othe liquor, 10% on morning, Course be con officers the way was conduete | IN MEMORIAM. { The Late Francis is W. I On June 16th prominent farmer, an upright moar and an affectionate husband and father, was removed from our midst in the person of the tat Francs W. bell, J.P. eldest son of the late Francis Bell, Mr. Bell was born on the homestead, at Sharpton, firty-Six years ago, and, be wife, leaves a family of eight four daughte and four also three sist and three brothers, to mourn, Just one week before his death was taken to the goneral Kingston, suffermg from pernicious anemia, but sank rapidly and to wards the last slept peacefully away, His piety wae sound and character- ized by great simplicity and sincerity About two days belore he passed away he told a friend he longed to go, wanted to be nt rest with Jesus, The deceased who was a consistent mémber of the- Methodist church, at Glenvale, was twice married, his first wife being Miss Amelia Cowdy, daugh- | fer of John Uowdy, sr., ot Colebrook; his second wife Miss Jennie Wood, daughter of Thomas Wood, Brockville, Two of Mr. Bell's daughters are maw ried, Mrs, Cyrus Miller, Morven, (for merly Mabel Bell), and Mrs. Dr. Fair burn, at Brit'sh Columbia, (formerly Ona Bell). The funeral services, donducted « the Rév. Mr, Danby, of Glenvale, were held at the home, The casket was | covered with beautiful flowers sent by loving friends. In Cataraqui, the { beautiful city of the dead, his body rests, surrounded by dear friends, un® { til the resurrection morn, in sure and certain hope. PASSED RESOLUTIONS Bell. a sides a children, sons, Ss he hospital, by i Regarding Good Work of Y.M.C.A. at | Camp. meetimy held by Col. in command, and officers of difierent regiments, a resolution unanimously passed, expressing most hearty appreciation of the! splendid work of the Kingston Young | Men's Christian Association, in behalf the regiment, while in camp. It was recognized that the success of the un- | dertaking has been very largely owing to the forethought of the secretary, E F. Trimble, who deserves the thanks of the officers and men led in camp. A copy of the following resolution was received at the YMCA. : "Moved by Capt. T. E. Burke, seconded by Lieut. Kingston, that the j officers of the 56th, on behali of the f regiment, express its appreciation of the kindness of E. F. Trimble, .inc i the directors of the YM.C.A., for ex: the privileges of At a | Hughes, thew ! was | their Sam sindére assemb- their association." Two Kingston People Wed. At eight o'clock, on Monday, June 20th, St. Michael's cathedral, Toron- to, wax the scene of a pretty wedding, when the rector, Rev. Fr. Whalen, united in marriage, Margaret M. Con- goreen, to Jeremiah J. Shannahan. The ride, given away by D. J. Coola, Brantford, was prettily attivaed in uy diajed gown of cream oloria silk over taffeta, trimmed with embrosder- ed chiffon and silver knoted net and a large cream picture hat with will »v tliiwe, She carried a bouquet of §cid- al roses; Miss Winnified Consereen as For bridesmaid, wore CopenhaMen blue silk crepe de chene, with whe hat and owrried pink carnatidng, und Ameikan beauty roses. Wiss Nolie Bachley, as maid of honor, wore pele blus Japonika sitk with 13 to match awl enivied a sheaf of dark -- car nation: and ite stocks. John ecu Far, Toronto, heted as host mien, The be dai party drove to the :asidencs of the bride's sister, 43 McGill street, where they sat down to a dainty wed- ding breakfast. After the uenal toaits to te bride and groom, Mi. and Mes. Shannshan left, amid showers of con- fetti, to take the 12.15 o'clock train for Niagara Falls and Bufialo. © The bride's reing away 'gown was a smart. ly fuilored suit of taupe: grey, with tosean hat. Both youn: people were former Kingstonigns.. v, "Citrate of Magnesia" in quarter pound bottles, perfectly uh at Gib- Ts Red Cross Drug 8 4 CITY AND VICINITY. Sunday Connections for Cape Vincent. Steamer America, 7:30 a.m. 2 p.m. returning leave Cape Vine 1 a.m. and 7 p.m, s. return. and wail, Must Stop Begging. must after 8 'be all oflen The praciice of begging stopped. The police are out offenders and just' recently der was given three months in jail. On Thousand Islands--Roc hester. Stre. Caspian and North King leave deily at 10..5 a.m. for 1,000 Island points and at 5 p.m. for Rochester J. P. Hanléy, agent. Milk. Fever Cases. The milk fever in this district, Lag now passed but the velefhury surgeons thut there are still « few cases. cattle over, report scars, among S.A. Moonlight Excursion. Monday, June 27th, Folger's Whar, 7.45 p. Jiving one in Gananoque, Hefrcshments su Tickets, 35¢c. First class music « board. boat leaves hour Ae I. n Ist and 4th July Exc ursions. To Rochester per Strs. North King and Caspian. Tickets good going June 30th, July lst, 2nd or 3rd, and valid for return till July 6th, Fare $3.00. J. P. Hanley, Agent, Farmers Want Help, The hay cutting ms commenced, and farmers are in need of mon, Secretar, Trimble, of 'the Y.M.C.A that he coniii place twenty farme, if he soenre them states men on could Very Hot at Petawawa. have re report soil is Local 'military men who turned from Petawawa camp that disiriot as very hot. The very sandy. The place is gradually be- ing made into a small village, roads and walks being constructed. Besputifui Stock to Choose From. Prevost, Urock street, has a fine as- sortment of tweeds, gerges and che viots. Anyone in need of clothing will do well to call on him. Ready- made clothing and gents' furnishings never bett.. assorted, = \ ERA A FINE ARTICLE. +P On Saturday, July 2nd, the Whig will publish a fine article on "Lord Grey in Can- ada," by the celebrated Can- adian writer, Dr. Andrew Macphail. This article will be of especial interest at this time, in view of the fact tnat } Lord Grey's term of office as «| governor-general is shortly - » i to expire. | pd = oe WEAN Er wb bd bby TERM LEre On "Prohibited List." A woman, placed on the "prohibited list,"" some time ago, has been sum- moned to apperr in the police court on Tuesday morning, on a charge of being under' the influence of liquor. Two additions were made to the list on Fridiy, both. a male and female being taken on. Home From Convention. Dr. G. W. Bell has returned Hamilton, where he attended an vention of the Canadian Order of Oddfellows. Dr Bell speaks in high terms of the reecption and entertain ment given the deiegates bv the local members of the order. The meeting was one of the best ever held by the order, from con- Has Not Yet Recovered, The building boom has not begun to recover from the setback it received from the carpenters' strike of six weeks' duration. Permits for only two or three new buildings have been taken out since May lst. A large number of jobbing permits have been issued. So far this year about $75,000 worth of construction work has been done in Kingston, A Visitor to Kingston. R. Clark, formerly of the London, Eng ail, who has been spendink 4 few months in Canada, was a visitor in the city, on Friday. Mr. Clark went through the lively campaigns in Eny- land, on the suffragette movement, fou 1s paper, and can tell man, interes, - ing stories concernine the movement, He is returning to England in he L time. a Melba's Supremacy. Melba's almost miraculous sway ov- er the English public is being demon- strated in an extraordinary way this season, and her retarn to London has ovoked unequalled demonstrations of popular favor. Her voice and tech- aque which are peerless all over the world, are drawing to Covent Gare den this seaton ardent and 'overflow- ing audiences. She will be in Kings- ton in September. Field Crop Competition, The following farmers! of Kingston township, entered the 'standing field crop competitions of the department of agriculture, and réeeive banner variety mention : * Arthar C. Day, Collins Bay: Delbert Ames, Westhrooke; J. C. M. Fowler, Glenhurnie; E. K. Purdy, Cataraqui ; Chas. Redden, Westbrooke; H. J. Simpson, Cataraqut: K. Spooner, Glenburnie; Jas. I. F. Sproule, West- brooke; Wm. Sproule, Westhrooks; Ww, E. Topliff, Glenvale; PF. Truedell, Col lins Bay; A. E. Weller, Kingston Stat- ion; F. J. Yates, Westhrovke. Married at Sydenham. ~ The, marriage took place on Wed: vesday, June 22nd, of Miss Eva Belle Griffith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Griffith, of Svdenham, Ont, to William Gruchy Harrington, son of Capt. and Mrs. George E. Harrington, of East Beston, Mass. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. William Hanna at Mr. Griffith's residence. The bride's grown was of Sicrre lace over satin and chiffon, with veil and orange blossoms. She carried » Show. er bong t of lilies of the valley, groom's gift, a plain inet set wilh Bed dianons, Mgs. Harrington later left for Bs The will be spent at Sei tuate, on the Massachusetts coast, and ih a, tour the tiny. "Th Aer i i -- CHURCH SERVICES THE FILLING © oF THE PULPE'S ON SUNDAY. There Will be Interésting Themes Considered in the Pulpits--The Gospel Message to All Peoples. St. Andrews--Rev. Dr. Mackie. Holy Communion, 11 a.m. evening service, 7 pan. Miss Mona Knight will sing the evening service. First Baptist church, and Svdenham streets--Rev, Laing, pastor. Services 11 am. and 7 p.m.; Bible School, at 245 p.m. Stranzers cordially invited to all the services. St. Paul's morning prayer, Jelinsom Bouglas Cor, Healy communion, 8 a.m; 11 o'clovk, preacher, lev. W. F. Fitzgerald, M.A., B.D, Sun day school and Bible class, 3 p.m; evening prayer, 'T o'clock, preacher, Rev. W. F. Fitzgerald, M.A., vicar. Bethel Congregational church, Johnson and Barrie stroets--Services IT am. and 7 p.m. Sunday School, 8 pm Rev. J. A, Wadl: 1, will preach mu ning and evening: in the "evening he wili deliver his farewell sermon Seats are free. Strangers cordially we. comed. > First Church of or, Christ, Scientist-- Sunday service, 11 a.m.. Subject, "(Christian Science." Wednesday evens ing, testimonial meeting, eight o'clock. Free public reading room every after noon, except Sunday, 2 to 5 o'clock, All are 'cordially welcomed to the ser- vices and the reading room. St. George's cathedral--Early bration, Matins il am, preacher, the dean of Ontario. Sunday School, 3 p.m.; Bible Class, 3.16 p.m; 4.15, Baptisms, 7 p.m.; Evening and Sermon, preacher, the Dean of Ontario Alfred Harvey will sing hymn 7060, ns a solo, during the offertory, at evening service, 3 First Congregational church, corner Wellington and Johnson streets--Morn- ing worship, 11 a.m. subject, "The Divinity Of Christ;" evening, 7 p.m., subject, "Mark Twain's Philosophy Of Life; Was He Right ?' Sunday school and Bible class, 3 p.m.; mid-week Wednesday, 8 p.m. Pastor, Roy Rice; B.A. James' church, Arch streets--Ven, J. M.A, DD, rector, 50 Clergy street: Rev. T. W. Savary, B.A, vicar, the parsonage. Fifth Sunday after Trin ity--8 a.m., holy communion; 11 am. morning prayer and sermon, subject, "Scattering the Seed." 3 a.m. school and Bible classes; 7 ing prayer .and sermon, "Love's Test." Chalmers Bresbyterian, eornér Barrie and Earl streets--Rev. M. Maczilliv. ray, DD, minister. Services, patriotic, mornin? and evening. In tthe. morn &¢ ares of Coun'rv™: the "The False aid the in Ideals": special at beth services; Sunday School 3 pun: anl. the Sunda: School sd Coure- | gational picnic, Wednesday. Straugers cordially-invited to all the services. Queen street' Methodist church--Rev. S. Sellery, M.A., B.D., pastor. Flower | Sunday. 11 a.m., the whole Sunday School force will be present. "Lessons from the Flowers." Anthem, 'No Not Despairingly"; duett, Miss Hinckley and Mr." Shea. 3 p.m, programe by the school. Parents and friends in vited; 7 p.m., "special service. Miss Tinelay 's farewell solos, ome Union 0 Divine Redeemer," "Face tg Face." The church will be beautifully decorated. Sydenham Serv ices, in cele- 8 o'clock, ser vice, Rev, E. L« St. corner Union and Ker Maomorine, Sunday p.m. even- » subject, in True, muse ening, Nati nal street. Methodist church-- morning and evening will le charge of Young People's Fellow- hip and Alexander choir, of Toronto. Alexander choir will take part in the musical service in the evening. - Mornings antheba, "Christ is Risen'; sblo, "The is My Light, Misg Crace Hilde . of New York: enmity anthem, "Saviour, Agnin to Dear Name" solo, "Hold Hand," Harold Anirove, Brock Street Methodist church, cor- Montreal and Jrock streets ner Montreal and Brock sirects-- E. Bourke, B.D, pastor, wil. preach at | both services. 10 am., class meeting; | 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bible (lass Monday, § p.m., Y.P.S.; Wednes- day, 8 p.m., prayer meeting. Strangers made welcome to all the services. Music : Morning anthem, "The Lord Is My Shepherd;" evening anthem, "Come Unto Me;" "The Choir Boy," Miss F. Davies. H. C. Treneer, organist, Cooke's Presbyterian church, street--Rev. W, 8, pastor. The annual patriotic and flower services of the Sabbath school will be held in the church at 11 a.m., with addresses by J. G, Elliott, on "The. Stranger Within Our Gates," and Dr. MacTavish, on "Ow Coun try." The afternoon session of the Sabbath school will be omitted. 7 p-#i., Rev. Dr. Buchanan, India; Young People's meeting, at 5:15 p.m. Strang- ers courteously weleomed, Princess: street Methodist church Pastor. Frederic H. Sprouiec B.A. Ser vices, 11 am, and 7. p.m.; Junior Christian Endeavor, 10.15 am; Fp worth League Monday evenings: Pray. er wid Praise Service, Wednesday: Flower Service in the morning, con ducted by the Sunday School. Ad- dress by T. F. Harrison. The pastor will preach at the evening service, Musie: Anthems, "Break Forth Into Joy," and-"The Fear of the Lord", mixed quartette, "Now they Day is Over," soloist, Miss Mitchell, ehoig leader and organist, Miss Lottie Wild er. Toor Thou My Ser Ser es; solo, Jrock MacTavish, Ph.D, " Famous American Soprano. Miss Grace Hilde Brand, one of the most popular sopranos in New York, will sing at the morning service, to morrow in Sydenham street Metho § dist church. Fine Panama Hats. When you see ours you see the best. Ask to mee our special, at 85, Camp bell Bros'., Kingston's foremost lat store, Q Sheet Chuzel Flower Sunday. Special musical ser- vice in the evening. Miss Hinckley's farewell, ; ; § A wedding was . solemnized at Presbyterian thanse, Gananoque, 'the on Wednesday, when Stanley Rosomone, Athens, and and Miss Zoe Leith, Lans- 4 in marriage. i OF CANADA The Accounts of Corporations, soins Manufacturers and Individuals Solicited. Small Savings Bank Accounts receive Special Attention. RL S----------------_---- Gere us with tegard to your investments. We have the facilities for assisting in selecting the security most suitable for your individual requirements Our Quarterly list of BOND-OFFERINGS July 1st, 1910 Is compiled and ready for distribution. Copy sent on veguest. _ GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS To yield 47, to 57, RAILROAD BONDS To yield 57, to 6% CORPORATION AND PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS To yield 4347, to 6, PROVEN INDUSTRIAL BONDS To yield 5347, to 6% The legality has been approved om gll issues. Copy of our Solicitor's opinion furnished to prospective purchasers. -N Dommion Securmies CORPORATION-LIMITED TORONTO. MONTREAL .LONDON.ENG. For the Hot Days ~-- New Wash Costumes, In White, Cream, Blue, Grey, Mauve, Pink, Tan. Separate Coats and Separate Skirts In White and Oream. New Princess Dresses in White, Cream, Mauve, Pink and Blue Mull, very prettily trimmed with lace, tucks and embroidery Millinery, Millinery -- The latest Summer Hats are here. D. M. SPENCE, The Leading Millinery Store "FROM MILKMAID , TO HOUSEMAID."™: You want the BEST Ours stands the TEST So leave the REST AND ORDER OF PRICE'S, 288 Princess St. [Buttermilk Ice Cream] CREAM Phone 815. Gasoline Launches Marine and Stationary Engines A tull line of Launches in stock, from 16 feet to 35 feet, ready for quick delivery, power. Stationary attractive cash Marine Engines from 3 to 50 horse- Engines from 3 1-2 to 356 horse- power, at o prices. Apply 4 JOHN MACKAY, Liquidator. Canadian Gas Power & Launches, Limited, 145 Dufferin Street, and Lake amd York Streets, Toronto. { "No, 1 did borrow, 1 went to a pawn shop and soaked the bill for $1.50. Then as | started back here I met an old sequaintance to whom | sold the pawr ticket fon $1.50. 1 then bad 33 and he has the pawn ticket for which the $2 bill stands ss security.' FINANCE IN KANSAS. Noticed by an sider, Little Deal Out- Utlen Globe. Hore 15 sn mcident that a Chanute man tells as having occurred in a certain Kansas town. He was in the ticket office ana watched the proceed- mgs. A man came up to the window and asked for a ticket to 'Kansas City, inquiring the pce. "Two twenty-five," said the yet The man dug down into a wel worn pocketbook and fished out & hill, [i#anerd, who was dirs! mate. It was a bank note for # It wag ibe gona with the street rail: also all the money be had. Wa/ compa regarding the removal "How soon docs this train go!" he of U's: rails on the Willinmeville bra the Capt. Petersori has resigned his position as captain of the steamer Phoenix, the new host recently bought by the George Hall Coal company, and has been succeeded by Capt, Michael neh mquired, bos not yet been wigned. It will Hkalv "In fifteen, mmotes," replied be ut the next meeting of the ify agent. ~~ council, July Tih, The man hurried sway. Soon he Come to- night and select suit wut was back with threo silver dollars,{our half price sale. Ses add. Living- with which he bovght a ticket. "Pardon mv curiosity," said the ' French dresses, Jo, ticket, seller, "but how did you get children's hose supporters, 15¢., st M that money ? It ien't a loan, for I|Sutherland's; 90 Princess street. 4 see you have disposed of the $2 pn "That's sll vight," said jhe man. F. H Barlow, Lyn, was a the degree of masier of arts at to Umversity, i 9 faves on fig theangh