Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jul 1910, p. 1

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| » { Loa KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1940. : ' LAST EDITION EE -- i a. p ; : , - : CASE OF ABSENT MIND. J ARDENC LOVE LETTERS Pr WEATHER PROBABILITIRS, 5 " A id Hn i npn 3 3 Oo, Out, July 7, 10 am ~--Otiawa | ; Woman Mails 'Bread and Carries [Society Leader Received "Them and] Valley and Upber St Lawrence--Vari- i i : 4 i y a 1 local showers and thunder : ii : : : : Letter Home. ' © Traced Out, storms. Friday, westerly winds; fine a, : | Reports regarding the crops in On- ' Washington, July 7.--The post oifice Newport, RL, July 7.--Mrs. Herman {20d warm y - ? Hario are favorable. 2 . department reports the following in- " Oelrichs, one of the handsomest and! . A -- md : De Readerick Ly k Jorn 3 " stance of absent-mindedness : A . - best gowned women in Newport, and | 5 Said To Haye Covered)' ms = dead in New York. | The Aerial Passenger| mio tomar leit her hime ol For The Benefit Of Tele. | Xv York, and « society lader, has } ; oe y ; i day or two ago tgnil a letter and furnished Newport with its fatest sen 'Smuggled Opium Service In Europe |b oldu of bel¥iier woiting af © graphers ution: dn the role of detective, Mes : stamp in a drug store she bought the Oelrich ferreted the identity of a per vage, a retired bread. On her way home she began sistent admirer who had annoved her ed at Guelph, to think of a new gown or something by writing love letters to her and re } g - ; : 4 niety two years, ually as absorbing and opened one p vealed him as the coachman of another ~~ WOMEN CONCERNED "ioe ck BETWEEN TWO CITIES 50 css = = (ON € T. P. oes oot ya ¥ % - meat. will prohibit the "exhibition} of packages and dropped ber loaf of The eoachman is George H. Welch, a; o-- cts tefisien Brice fight picturg. bread in it. Then she continued ' on he! for Mahy Jets was in the service ' Leclimieal 'education compis@on her way home with the stamped letter | _ _- __ HR GE of Mrs, J. Busk. It appears that THEY CLAIM TO HAVE NO KNOW-|, decided 10 begin hearings ih Ythe| COMMITTEE 1S BEING FORMED util] in her Band. pe FARE WELL AT HANDS OF ARmi. (0 1% o- & Dusk It -- : LEDGE, ie maritime provinces ond. come west. TO STUDY PLANS. ° About dinner time she went to the TRATORS. Thackeray describes in his *Yellow- ward, - hr: : : sh a sell- i Todo 1 . ; i | bread box and discovered her mistake. plush," a convinced "Tady killpr doe SRE | Upvernor Jared Y. Sanders was elec. = It wae 50 late to. geb another loaf J of the backstairs whose ambitions of ¢ Oplom s in the Sugar Which Was ted | United States senator from Louis- Lady Abdy Comes 'Down With aland she hurried 0 the Georgetown | Pay as Well as Improved Conditions | this sort were bounded only by his un- iat, Siceanding Samuel Douglas Me- he. € post office, where she told the posi-| ~The Wages to be Paid in the | bounded self-esteem. 00 S Euery, a 3 Noble Contribution to t 'ause master what had happened and de Main and on Branch Lines. Welch anonymously wrote: the most Sip Cotant de Lesseps has given up the of Aviation--Post Office Boys manded the return of her loaf of ardent love letters to the beautiful AT ps a fying. fram Montreal to To-| = gnould Make Suitable Emigrants to lhyend. After the postiaster had got | Toronto, July 7.-Bettor conditions, {widow of Newport's is ai : : most exclusive ips were shipped by Chicago, July T--An . alleged effort ont bs on > Aish Canada. through laughing he told her that a [better pay and , better hours were and wealthiest social set. The letters, » ¥ y to sm i be a ¢ tiv a y | gw od rand Trunk Pacific tele Fwhil nsigned, © ined . opium, i ly. concesl . : - 5 ¥ carrier would shortly make a collec. | granted the Gra Alle unsigned, contained an address F i ar men and helpers in the London, July T=Lad Abdy, who ed in ol restilted in Mrs. car T » 3 sugar Th 2 ion the package box. The woman | graphers Dy the conciliation board, fad Mrs. Oelrichs, instead of appealing Celia: Lee, wife of one of Chinatown's Cunofdiaf Northern shops at Winnipeg, | paid $630 far the privk ege of going a and ackage ox. the he Whose report was 'made public yester to the police, undertook to aps down | wealthiest merchants, being held dn vent out on strike and now there are (up with Graham hite, the -ng ish ame tramping in with the unaddress- doy. The telegraphiers applied for a her annoyer single handed $400 bail by Magistrate Carey, pen shi} seventy men out. a aviator, in a flight at Bruditiyas, od ed loaf of bread. The incident wag | schechile similar to the one in Sores oy Then, the story states, Mes, Ol. ing another hearing. sit from Chicago, who | June 15th, and who was unhurt. when reported to the department. the Canadian Pacific and the Canad: richs, wishing to learn the letter wri . Lee, attractive, pe ia at Sueiph, A ware the EO Lahde Found, hus lan Nottliern, Hevciclore, ere, has ter's identity, asked for the name and nei id not kng at Po ron, by an Ameri- | glven $200, « p motic : beers no schedule on the G.T.P. cre that the ae in thd bas omigration official on their way jof an aerial passenger service between were 30 articles considered and there sugsk, and for the purpose of gecurig and sent back to.Guelph. London aid Paris. A committee is be- . was a disagreement in the board. over evidence, if possible, the police asked Te imayors and palies. commission: Jing formed of leading aviators to ; "| three or-four: The duties of "tie board that the ease be continued to gives many United States cities have {study the best means of utilizing the 5 were to define the regular duties and address, and the coachman sw allowed, hook, sinker and line. He was a mar ried, man, and after he had been dis charged from his position, Mrs. Oel Everybody concedes our goods to be J : t J it mean to a richs took no further action. the best. Think of the tisfaoti 3 them an opportunity to make an their intention of forbid- |gift, either by airships or aeroplanes, & y classifications of the employes and the Hh Sent n be sa Sinotion in N hid TE i io 5% of ware > nl aphers aims tas wowing 1a eh you trade here tigation. exhibition of pictures of the {or by combinations of both. : : rites of wares to be paid. telegrap! . IE hg , Yo young women, Viola Gillespl a | Sir A. Spicer suggests that suitable station agents, train despatchers and Ddididhdidh dh ah a dn am a EY Tea uy of the best qualition and : x « 3 . 3 : vias : tvies friends of Mrs. le Father Adorni, who murd. |emigrants for Canada would be post ; tients at terminal points and id EA AR VERY: styles. ; pad Siem, Le; 1 on a charge-of di rob zed an aged priest of the [office boys, 4,400 of whom wefe dis the wages ol linemen. The new schedule CURE FOR CANCER. Don't spend one dellar until you ae orderly conduct, following a fight off! yume Af Constantini in 1907, has héen | Charged durmg ythe past two years. will take cdiet as from May lst last, quaint yourself with the low prices we Race street, and after they had heel cri and sentenced to thirty | He points out the boys are of good The three main Hranches of the dis are quoting' on reliable wash goods. 3 cell few hours, Mrk. Lee, carry: ¢ isonment. character and experienced in discipline yate were these; The hours of labor, ihe os containing food and - and trained in the public service, The! Pe question of train Jespatchers line WE. ARE OFFERING . He a is tion iy deemed worthy of con- 5 i wn -ad agents at terminal points be rh at. a . . pot of coffes for them, called at tha pies Worth) men-and ag Ohta. COTTON PONGEE SUITINGS.. tion house. : 9 . a { sideration here. It is thought that J ing brought within the schedule of tat iol Lee went away ond returned | TEDDY, PICK OUT MOTE. » the post' office authorities by "consults rates, and the rates of wages of tele that look just like what they are soon with oa small paper bag filled Lo Bug, July 7 * ing with the Dominion government : graph despatchers. One of the great called after in all the wew and with lomp sugar, which she asked FY ndon, + : imight find openings for most of the ; victories won by the men was on the wanted shades, 37 inches wide. Be x Meiropolitan papers to-day + ' Regular price 38¢. SPECIAL JULY: PRICE 250. Rome, July 7.--Prof. Fich- ora has announced to the In- stitute of Experimental Hy- giene and Discovery of a cure of a cancer. The cure con- sists of injections of serum from a human embryo. 'the professor says he has cured several hopeless cases at eancer hospitals. He has also experimented successfully with the same remedy in cages of anaemia. PEPE PP EPP IPP POLS SHEP 242295 29% 2000 ede ebed 4 ----- 1 a 5 g " oe 1 RT Th state of the late Thomas Me- Noted in France for His Services to The SR RAY, acti THE WHEAT CHOP. pik, Toronto, will now pay five Edueation, mes 08 succession duties on $20,000 Paris, July 7.-Senator Adolphe De FHEPPPLPEIODBILI PERIL ESE 04 will receive $131 a month the first ie ith ' hp ious bull, Jistorday, in ' hay a aE . which a has yr as @ Expert Places the Estimate at 100, pil after the death' of McCormick | farge was killed hove, vesterday, by an : hk Agt- bin was th * EN 2 COMER RY 000,000 Bushels. i fileds papers showing the | automobile. Adolphe Etienne Marius | # OFFER OF COMPANY. Pd oe i ae. worth $8,000, Toronto, July T~That the wheat |; th 88, House Sergeant Tag®afi to hand to fF thoys over-seas, : : i. : second point, on which the chairman the omer The sorgennd, after Mrs. i taking Rt he Tearful Andrew Carnegie, learning that his 5 disagreed. But the result of that vie Lee made her departure, examined the silt of the fight in Eo United { Dunfermline solicitor had disappeared : S tory is that all three have been ; : Wan sugar and found opium pills embedded §istes and sarcastically call- and that he was a defaulter to the brought within the schedule. STRIPED LINEN SUITINGS- ; in six of the sugar lumps. Mrs. Lee 8 5 on Roosevelt to look to amount of £30,000; has offered to pro- | 3 Teleiraphers who unre agents: on Jin a great range of colorings, in- was subsequently arrested." 5 is own' country for some vide any amount necessary to relieve : : main lines will receive $50 per month, EFF EPPO I ELIE I0 000000 cluding the natural linen color The other two women were arfaiin- | wngs to right. \ the distress of his victims. 3 on branch lines $66 per month. This is with _gontrasiing stripes, 27 inches ith her yesterday and they were || a Se : a larze mecrease on what they have re A ie ER Pas, * od w i bai f i furthe he in, Ie AUTO KILLS SENATOR ived 1 former vear Relievis Fought Vicious Bull, wide. p AN NEN! - Ly col r OrMeT Vears, plioving * ~ £0 a ed - al In 0 Tung Aton th will receive $66 a month on Fulton, Mo,, July 7.-Mre. Thomas Regular price 250, on ¥e 3 both main and branch lines; Tele Douglass wis mortally injured and SPECIAL - JULY PRICE S0e, graphers who are train despatchers the animal nearly blinded in a bat INDIAN 'HEAD SUITINGS. year, $136 a4 'month the second year, woman's in 'Grey, Helio, Rose, Sky, Brown, and $148 4 month the third year. Re |80le weapon. Mrs. Douglass was at Uopenhagyn, Navy, Deer, eolso lievinz despatchers roceive $110 a [tacked by the bull while passing White, 36 inches wid, month. After one yéar's accumulative | through a field. She gouged the ani Rogular 25e. quality. The estate] llefarge was senator for Besser Alpes. ee 7 on duties eing | He was bom in Manosque April 22nd, $ Hamniiltoh, Ont, July 7.-- ; ire of that town in]® Stanley Mills & Co. want to "the opinion, instruction in 1808 for his services in |* 8-ROvel ror i aale c Jeanager | , ¥ | i» a park on top of its proposed line freigh ell vere steps | the re-organization of College de Man- {4 'big store and maintain ele- o nee" to Judge Winchester osque, the only institution in France ® vators {o run people up to it. service they will receive $131 a month, | mal Shout ihe Sys hd for a while OUR SPECIAL PRICE Linenen will receive £75 \ th. | managed to keep er teat, 4 . . Phere can be wo vhents in Uhiwe Tales] Bren after being fored tq the RENN [INGHANSn nay without 30 days' notice, ground, Mrs. Douglas kept her Theld worth 150 a ) : , on the hat pin and used it advan For ie | . wn ; two 3 the sity Jen i the decision mentioned. at which secondary education is given + FOUND MERNAID'S RENAINH, Sguausly. until Wilp arrived, Don't miss seeing terday a veeks' nspectio § > . 5 ------------------------ . § in. Mandtok Alb E gratuitously. He was instrumental in 1 Deni f the Sea : Ere rini RET TREATY or ot, 7 ween von "|FIRE ON STEAMER| _ Special Notice ) ' I for the pupils. He was elected deputy hi nr a i ' During the months July. Aug 4 Burke | considers the damage from | in 1002 and: senator in February, 1903. New York, July 7.--What is said to That g: $ Beats, ult Au: b and other causes the ] I litics h v lical-socialist lo | be the nearest approach to the mythi- GRAND REPUBL © CAUGHT ie y ar, Suh portion of the provinces of | S88 BE MADE BETWEEN B politics he was a radicaleogialist, . cal mermaid was brought here on the , i will close daily (Satwdays wx Manitoba and Alberta considerable. b! i 2 ns al gil v us IN 2 Ra American liner Philadelphia iw Georb: WHILE PASSING NARROWS. cepted) at 5 p.m, AND JAPAN. SPAIN WILL ASSERT ITSELF. "HARRY" LLOYD GUARDED SE. Vietor, of Portuguese East Africa, who a rs Sp ----_- i -------- DIES FROM MOSQUITO BITE. 1 Beli Win © 5 Oh . CRET FROM DAUGHTER. expects to exhibit it. It reposes in » [Thousands Watched Blaze---Band : Te n---- ! h Political World is eves State Tw urches ' us 4 Te IP chemical filled box with a glass top on Played While Vessel Made for h Ignored Until Her Wrist] mporal Power, the boat deck of the liner. Miro : Woman a " Sov Watching the Trend ofl sndrid; July 7,-Beligious' debates JON: Death Disclosed Secret of] "I yo well developed female of the hate and Firehunts Rushed t0 Hor (4, uli NM BL. are raging in both houses of parlia- Strange Old Woman Who Lived in| dugong, or manatee, an equatic herbi . .~ - i - Newburyport, Mass, - uly 7.=Mrs.. filly 7.--~The French political | ment. The bishop of Madrid, leading Mysterious Way. vorous mammal of the sirenia group. | New York, Jély ~The old wooden Robert Smith, of No. 20 Boardman 3 Sacionsly watching the trend [the attack in the senate, claimed that} v.40. July T.--The secret of It was captured in Delagoa Bay by | threedecker Grand Republic, a sister DIED. street, died from the effects of a mos- ian and Japanese move- [the laws of the church are the laws of old Woman who asa weraded Kaflirs. 1t got within a wire net in ship of the ill-fated excursion steamer HUTTON--At Whitmount. Pittsburg. quito bite received last Tuesday. fe far east. It is consider [the country because the constitution for at least twent five JonES a. an closure, and the natives, after a fight, | General Slocum, caught fire, yoster- on Thursday m rolog July th, Mrs. Smith dnd her husband were at. the two powers have [makes Catholicism the state religion. [ aibly for the pi fie pa of Sh during which one man was' injured, [day, while passing through the Nar- 1910, Gordon, ihe yo inser 498 the Sud signed 'a secret -tHfitret- Canalejas, in reply, declared, that the Ty been revealed only by her death a Subheyded in getting a rope about its Tes hor way to ge ork from frog Hutt a aged 11° days i rE "it the convention, cun-|invasion of state soversignty by the [iow days ago. So closely did old J tail. or lookANAy, 8nd hurried, full | Funeral private had been bitten by a mosquito, ; 3 that the string was worse than any huria,' Was-said to have [church was no longer intolerable. "If "Harry" Lloyd guard her secret that The mammal had come in search of | steam ahead, with her whistle blowing | EE , anti : i oh : ; : illed [ short, nervous blasts, and smoke trail ROBERT.J, REID, D) Sed until August for sig: [know that a conspiracy exists to ae FMiss Lloyd, aged twenty-six, who [8 Young one which had been killed | short, eevous blasts, and smoke trai » BEID, she had known hefore. She thought b fhelieved to have been a |complish my downfall," he saul. "Whe- } Lived with Lloyd, has all her life re[some nights before. The natives frigh ing behind hor, for the Crescint Ath The Lead Ng rtaker. no more of it until her wrist began {0p iifind it is further believed a'l ther it succeeds or not does not mat- p garded "him' as her father. She is|tened it into shallow water hy beat. |letie Club pier at Bay Ridge, on the | 'Phone 577. ncess Bireet. 0 swell a day or two later and blood |e RB %uwelllaid-out treaty has|ier as the time has come when Spain fgenuinely amazed and deeply eoncern- | ing the water with lon sticks. 1 Brooklyn shores. ete Sem ne poisoning set. in, A question arises wheth-| iil place herself abreast of modern fed at the disclosing of the dead wo- | smashed a boat before it was hoisted | Her 450 Passengers were all landed JA MES REID a or tHE *& (routy assures Russia of nations." man's seam ot. Boat nad 1 on hour, nud shied ody shee cap salaly, andl the fire hv xtinguished, a The (1d Fiem ot Undortakers, ' 2 hor B®, in the event of a con- Ha i Nd "Harey" Lloyd had for twenty | ture. It is eight feet long and weighs | wi $2, damage, bu hore Was Be and 356 PRINCESS & or, 3 INSULTED WOMBX, . |Hict SEW (ye United States and EIGHT SERGEANTS RESIGN, years bern a well known character a- | 1,000 pounds. great alarm in the city and on the Phone 147 for A add ------ S 2 i mul, % Young Masher Sent to Jall for 60 ; Ja -------------- i -------------- round Enfield Lock, People knew It is u strikingly fine specimen. apf [harbor until the full details wore | Ta a vei a : - Say They Will Join the Boy Scouts-- "him, ~or "her" as they are now bears great. resemiilance to a human known, ot i ANTIH . FURSITERE. . 4 y : rs y 5 { Mahogany Hook Case and Desk come Days, ED TEDDY BEAR. Treated as Childven. with difficulty learning to say--as a being, Mr. Victor grave a view Sur Everybddy remembered how a little | bined: 3iso large Hall Table, at Turks. . Windsor, duly 7. ~William Lewis, a BE ie . July 7.--Eight sergeants of small [quaint figure of over seveaty, ing the voyaMe a = every passenger fmiore than BiX years ago the Slocum | "Phone, 706 man iding here, pleaded Ming is Toy Form of Dutawa, 4 gS tor iat, handed in shabbily dressed in a blue Serge sui: had a chance to" see the monster, | caught fire in the East river, when z in_the poliee court to having in- 3 , the nd Fichl Sattar the' commandin with a reefer jacket, and ~wepring a | When captured its skin was Eight gray, jerowded with 1,500 pleasure seekarg... {nm - -- wives of Albert Lutford and dehy their yesignations to 'the o 20% soft black hat aver gray hair-th st fel] but chemicals have darkened it to the [mostly women and children=<and was v the. wives 7,=The Teddy bear has | of nd asked permission to join Tv k "He . ! - . ! Ribedy, whom he fowid sitti n SEEDS London by 'Caesar. Ofer, ait As They say they wepe nearly to t e collar. He" had small color of elephant hide. There is ,|burodd to the water's edge, with 35 nummer rim S im at Walkerville, their . om an by » {the Boy Seouts. Ninny he P hands, and a gentle vaice. prominent upper lip and a massive |drofned, crushed and baked alive ) dog. who has Jown oo treated as shitdren oc al Be: th few weeks bah this singe old | chin, Yesterday, as then, the fire started, no Cv form as * Newest {wawa, with the "no rT. reguiation, fcharacter was taken ill, but strenu- According to Mr, Viete } y knows how, in the ship's raliery, Te iin: re and shay they showld, therefore; he ously Silos] the enlling of a doeto | of the Prisons. To oe Sashe surghor ry spread quickly lng the wood LIME Juick a8' ru' v t v ry < + : : 4 , nn .. AME . fis Re plush ld ol he fe ei to i that re, wu Th Lor ay the only one of its kind Lnéwn to bave jol the superstracture, bat this time LIME JUICE GORBIAL. : Br : been caught. there was po panic. The women were CHANPAGNE CYDE Attached to his|when Col. Exiglith returned to Pete | All ofidty.of assistance from the young badly frightened, but the crew had no Diy An ud ---------- lion with the in- the militiamen left, he al- Jor woman threw Lloyd into a Tage, od : io " * : 3 GE L 3 Caesar," which king Towed ea soldiers" canteens § and only death brought to an end the E iiauble in keeping them jn sand ad LEMON SQUASH. J 4 aved on the silver be opened, but - would not allow [strange masquerade. Then Dr. Foote, the children Sees as BD : Run RASPBERRY VINPGAR. 14 apy bach to be sold To the-militiamen. [who lives near by, was eslled in, and music of - the band, which kept play- GURI'S GINGER ALE. 5 i i ing bravely during thé dash for shore, SRLS ER. Samer Je socnp took place in - the fywynp CALLED IN 10 COPE WITH 5: they never knew their Ganger. SUBD, SODA WATER Ata BAN AES chamber. > | os GURD'S CALEDONIA WATER, HAVE NO FALSE GODS |, 75 Trot mon tex tec woRK, i fom, the Hepsi CD WATER, d well by sight, had oft Ld oug vats, 8, neigh WHITE K. ------ Hod Twith ¥eohim" ah apoct: Which is Very Extensive, as Canada burin "eamars and a Srookiyy fire ye i is oui i 3 & 0 1 pier, the passengers! BUILDING UP GREATEST NATION {ing the truth. But {o his quick eye| Is Very Rapidly Opening Up--And ne to pi, passage | : the dead face aroused suspicions that Still There is Need of Men. pwvere quickly put * ashore aud the fire TAT. = it had never : wan extinguished. : S-- + alled in" The Grand Republi is bened by; the Far) Grey Gives Views in the Stand. |, wep called in to see o man. That | Otara. Ju : |New Jersey Navigation .aowsany. is too weak to even | which is operated by the Tron Sisam- To be Sworn in July 19th h in to cope with the pressing work ship company. y Rey J t is my th a country .as extensive yy Fg Thousands of people bad gathered Montreal, July 7~R. A Ee Goons . so rapidly opening up, is one of the jalong the shores to watch the blazing shields, w rig vg been appoin 3 statements made in the anneal report [vessel the beych Superior opurt, of 'the director of * the survey, ise today. overcome this dificu'(y : Baseball R 1 ? moth- {the : ol onde a 2 Eastern Salo wT Homing year when SR +: aste League--Bufialo, 16; Toron- | foll ng 3 is told 3 vd aan 3 gor [80, 2. Newark, 3; Jersey City, 1. {brother in the defence of Louis Riel at h : Ag hat, Hare Day J ! i oe Montreal, 3; Rochester, 0, Baltimore, { Regina. _ d Ta . : i 6; Providence, § : Shares lor "mon sole Indeed, ox | di too Amerienn League--Cleveland, 5: Chil To Art as Policemen, ; gage, 4, St. Lows, 7; Detroit, 4. New| poiiiimore, Md., July 7~"Women of -| York, 33; Boston, 25. Philadelphia, digeretion," who know & ' ; %. J ashington, 2. Pitts go pp {when they see it are to werve As on 3 tiohal Jengue.- Rhtabu k % AF Laistants to policemon in Baltimore gago, 2. Uincinnati, 1. 8. Lowi, U. esrby resorts, il the movement now New York, 3; Boston, 3. Brooklyn, 6; poder way by the saffcagette clubs of Philadelphia, 3, 5 Baltimore is susconcfal, ran PP a my {While returning from Montreal with | Brockville, Ont» July potion. Me {5 the popes x ing to the | (ato . risister . Sgenitate, a th imerger, George Ls Stavnton, K, i PP | Hamilton, on the fs. rol

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