Silk Finish ulls and Muslins Summer Dres inish Mull, 45 inches' very fine and sheer, e, sky, mauve, pink, green, wh and! $e. i | : { \ ial Price 35¢ Per Yard ty Summer Mus ins, | led designs, mercoriz- fipes, ete, 15c, 18¢, r yard, Muslins, Dimity, Linen, Fine Chambry, 18¢, 20¢,25¢,35¢,45¢ new and suitable for €8s€s BROS Furnitur- Rockers, 2.00, 6.50, etc. Chairs, $1, 1.50 and up. Settees, $1.50, 4.50 and 6.50. Camp Cots and Chairs. Motor Chairs. R. J. REID Leading Under- taker. Phone, 577 Boat RANCE CO. fquarede al and a simplicity itself, pmpany you are Market St. d see the range howing in both on Sstaimunt plan, gent. off. case of Clothing, low prices. 'Come and all Kinde hicit. $150 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JULY 7. 19810. DOWN IN GANANOQUE THEY ARE HAVING HALF HOLI- PAY ON WEDNESDAYS, Chinese ° Laundrymen Pay Licence Fee--The Tax Rate for the Year Fixed at Twenty-seven Mills. Gananoque, July 7.~The merchamts of the town celebrated Wednesday . af- tergoon the first uf the citizens' bal | holidays, which will be continued ev-] Wednesday afternoon during. July and August, At ite session, last evening, for the first time during the past four years, the town enroll was asked for its donation of $100 toward the Dominion day celebration. For the past theee venrs this donation bas not been ask. ed for, |' The sum' of 211,250 was the amount estimated by the Board of Education for its needs this year, aod that -amotnt was granted by the town eontieil af He session Tudsday even- ing. : 2 'the old rate of "ry twenty seven mills war agnin strdek by the com 'mittee of the council, as requisite for the needs of the town for general and edites tional purposes this year The thiree Chidese lanndrymen, whom & tax of twenty dollars per an- rin was placed by the council; some time ago, have Desn ARATE to a little scare. None of them having paid, and piving as svensons that they hadn't the money, tax too high, ete, summonses were issued for the three and then there was almost a foot race to see which could get to the town treasi er's offen first to settle bill, Ending sufficient to straighten him up for the year. The against them were consequently dismissed. : The treasurer's report of the Domin- jon day celebration shows a small de This will be made up by priv ate subse Or pt .. The Citizens' band went down, last evening, to fill an engagement for the Thousand Islands Yacht Club, at its club house near Alexandria Bay. < The commitiee on aquatic sports in conection with the holiday re atta, have completed arrangements, wherelyy the "Dixie" will be one af the teractions here, August 3rd A. Jackson, Ste street, spent the post few in Oxdensburg, N.Y A. W Taylor, ' , in spending a few days in Montreal. Mrs, Gilbert and scns, of Montreal, have arcived, wd are spending the season, Tre mont Park. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sheridan, St Theresa, Que, spent a short time this week with local relatives. Mrs. M Birmingham, First street, is spending some timé with her daughter, Mrs: {Dr.) Murphy, North Augusta. Miss La Rose, Toronto, is holidayin® with hes parents, Mr. and Mrs. John La Rose, River street. Miss Flora Schoenleher and Miss Etta Mayer, Bufiale, N.Y. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. X. Bel nois, King street. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Elgin, spent a few days ip town duting the week, guests of My and Mrs, «Jno, E. Cook, Crardem street Mrs. J. FP. Douglas and som and Miss 1.. Douglas, New York City, and Mise Cross, Plainfield, .N.J.. have taken Mr. Pateh's cottage, Tremont Park. for the season, Mrs, A. D. Howe Oak street, is spendin? a few weeks in Athens, with relatives, 65. BE. Ewd tfiarles treet, is spending" a short holiday with friends in Carthage, MN X. John May, Oshawd, is spending- » fow weeks with his davshter, Mrs James A Thomson, First stroet, David Moors, Montreal, spending the past week with local relatives has ro turne! Home. Miss Bessie Turner, nurse-in-traininy, at Royal Victoria hospital, Montreal, is spending a foe lovzh, with her pavents, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Turner, King street, Mrs, R. Gillette and family, of Montreal. have arrived to spend the season among the Telande. Mr. and Mrs. John Parke, Philadelphia, N.Y., are spending a short time with local re lativer; Charles Bryant, John street, soent "a short time this weet with Kinyston friends, Mrs. J. A. Jackson, and family, Stone street, spending the past six weeks with relatives in Perth, has returned home. finance on the each cases ave on IH t streot on Systemastic Town Boosting. Watertown Standard Circulars, advertising in distant newspapers, photograph souvenirs, all are good to spread fair fame of our city. But after all, the thing that makes a town grow is the enthusiaser of its people. Most people come in contact during a year, with hundreds, or even thou: sands of people from distant places. If each one of us would take the pains when meeting these distant friends, to say something about the business ad- vantages, the social pleasures, the public spirit of this city, a wide sprend impression would go out, reaching all over the United States that Watertown ix on the map and a good place to call home. Some of these distant friends, hear: ing of people who are thinking of changes of location, would speak of the imps . thus gained. This is the way that most moves are 'made, through some one's personal recom- mendation. If we spread abroad the fame of this city, the returns will in time come in an hundred fold. This is the way western people work it to make their towns grow, Corn in Egypt. Boston Herald. * The heeratank of agriculiurs, | in address at Washington, suid of farm: loves his it fulevests proved an ri raid the squire, rh ove een to church, wir)! "ht was he sermon 'about, Bt to Ver: Or 4 -. k wl Pacormme HAmusements. Lake Ontario Park To-Nights BIG FREE SHOW POLITE VAUDEVILLE NEW MOVING PICTURES. GRIFFIN'S ORPHEUM 1 THEATRE H. H MORGAN, Mgr. PHONE $42. and every Night at 8.30 -- July Tth, 8th, 9th Novelty Cartoonist, Hal. Morgan Latest Popular Songs. a------ EXTRA SPEGIAL John and Eva Brady In their New Sketch, "COHEN, THE CoP." The Da 's Forum 1 {CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES -------- Firet insertion io & werd, Each com secutive insertion thereafter half cont ® word. Misimum charge for ene in sertion, 30ec.; three insertions, Foe six, $1; one month, $2. : HELP--WANTED. TWO MAIDS ALSO TWO MEN. AP- ply at General Hospital APPLY, Haotel, DINING-ROOM GIRL AT once; Anglo-American tario Street PB OR GIRL FR CLERK IN BMA Re fe Bp ply in yn handwrit- ing. te Hox MM Whig etfice. DE een mn GOOD MAN FOR RAIN WORK. able of taking out rocks. Ap- Phy G. Downey, 9).2 Barrie Street. INTELLIGENT: PERSON MAY earn $100 momhly corresponding for newspapers. No canvassing. Send for particuiars, Press Synd cate, 3,968 Lockport, NX. [A AN. 'EW YOUNG LADIES TO WORK IN knitting mill, finishing kaitted underwear; experienced and Inex- perienced; good wages while tearning; steady work. Apply to Kingstoh Hosiery Co, King Street West WANTED--GENERAL. ONTARIO AND SA VETERAN SCRIP to buy for cash. J. 8. R, McCann, 51 Brock Street A. Jen! ~ Pelophone Ne. £8 TO PURCHASE. . 1 WI alt kinds of horses, Will Kingston all summer, 687 Princess Street. 960. SOUTH AFRICAN AND ONTARIO Veterans' Scripts, Sohant Stocks, Bonds and "Debentures. J. O. Hatton, 18 Market St, ton. ANplY oY 5c WONDERLAND 5c T. J. O'CONNOR, Mgr. Refined Vandeviile, Tharsday, Saturday, FRICE and MILDRED, The real fun makers, in thelr comedy singing, dancing and comedy act FRANK WOODS, Latest Songs. ROY HARRISON, Musical Selections. Pletures: Io=A Western Romance. =A Vein of Geld, The above are two excellent pictures sure to please Vaudeville Every Afternoon at 3.30 ps. Always a good show at Wonderland Bring the ladies Friday, Str. America FRIDAY. 8.00 a.m. for Brockville nud Ogdensburg. return; SATURDAY 2.50 p.m., Tour of 1,000 Insiands. Fare, Soc. SUNDAY s=Reguinr Trip to Cape Vin- cent, 7.90 am, and 2 pom. Fare, 50¢ re turn, TUESDAY, JULY 127.30. Orangemen's celebration at Brevkvilie nd to Ogdensburg. Ste return. Meals on all Trips. G Fare, soe A Missing Chief og Police, Welland, Ont. Telegraph Last week the town of Thorold gaged a new. official yolept for con- venience, "chief of police." He re mained under the strain for two days and finding his reason tottering, he fled in the darkness of the night. The sole memoento of his visit is a little serap of paper now in possession of the mayor. "If 1 had been born triplets," the missive says, "or even twins, I would have stuck her out to the end of the month, bat being only one, I guess I'll have to give up. J have been here only two days and consequently I have not vet discovered all the duties asvigned to my = un happy lot, but so far I havé been able to memorize these--chief of police, nightwatch, caretaker of the town hall, bell ringer, sanitary officer, snow shoveller, aldermanic page, dog catcher, street foreman, inspector for the board of health, pound-keeper, burglar alarm, collector of back taxes, aide for the clerk, inspector of noxious weeds and orphan children, ete., ete. Keep your gold; I'm going to work at something where I'll know what 1 am doing." en- Dr. Bronson for Dalhousie. Halifax, N.S., July T.-Dv.- Howard Li Bronson, assistant professor of physies in- McGill University, nas been appointed to the chair of physics in Dalhousie University, vacated by the fesignation of Prof. MacKenzie. Dr. Bronson is a graduate of Yale, gra- duating in arts in 1900 aad taking de gree of doctor of philosophy in 1904, Bruiser Has His Day. Londen Advertiser. The bruiser kins his day, but is a brief ane. ashitirton Booker, the negro of ---- will De "remembered Jack J the Hegro of : at Montreal. It is gest excursion party ever taken out of Canada to Tross the Atlantic. The of the pig fight on Mon- day were L000, tie 5 t in the history of pugilism. and Glea- Tl ne % The Canadi Fou onto, has Deen awa for the superstructy the over the Saskat he big Bay railwify. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have It made up into up- to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock St, next Bibby's Livery. TEACHERS WANTED. TEACHER FOR GLENBURNIE PUB. lic School. Apply. stating salary and qualifications, to W. J. Black- lock, Bec.-Treas, Glenburnie, Ont TEACHER, HOLDING THIRD CLASS certificate, wan , for 8.8. No, 1, Township of Clarendon; may begin duties at once, Apply, stating salary, to J. E. Fraser, Bec.-Treas,, Ardoch, Ont, SUMMER BOARDERS. IN A PLEASANT NEW HOUSE, WITH broad verandahs, well furnished; large, medium, and small rooms; situated on belt line and near Vie- tora Park. Apply. 187 Alfred St PERSONALS. MOLES, BIRTH 258 ot street. SUMMER BOARDERS. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED Rooms; nice loeation: near the park: five minutes" walk to the water front. Apply, 144 Barrie St. FRONT On- | BUX. Eis FINANCE AND INSURANCE. FOR BALE. KIRKPATRICK. GENERAL IN- "surance Agent and Ocean Steamship Ticket Agent, 4 Claremse Btrest Kingston, Telephone 588. «XK "CARROLL, DISTRICT AGENT 'Dominios Life Assurance Company, alse Fire, Accident, Sickness and Pilate Glpss Insurance, m4 Market Street, ngston. A BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK- er. Put your invoices in an eunvel- ope with & one cent stamp on It apd drop in the nearest letler box We do the rest. All kinds of Fire JaiqSance placed on Kinde notice Phone 388 67 Clarence St, Kings ton: GEO, FERPOOT, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Avallable assets $91,157 015 in addition to which the poltcyhaidars have for socurity the unlimited lability of all the stockholders F city roperty insured at possible rates. fore renewing old or giving new business ge! rates from Strange & Strange, Agents 'Phove, 325. TO Lee. USE OF LAUNCH HOUSE FOR JULY and August, at the Yacht Club. In- quire of the Caretaker. OFFICES, WITH ALL MODERN CON- venlences, in Orpheum Hall Aprils. AV. J. Baker, Princess Street. pei. - HOUSE. NO. 1% STREET brick veneered; € for cooking. Apply at at 0) "Ean FIRST-CLASS ROOMS AND all modern Im location. Apply, BOARD rovements; nice 78 Clergy Street SUMMER COTTAGE AND DWELLING furnished and unfurnished, Stores -- McCann's, i Street FOR THE SUM- modern Improvements Apply, Geo, A. Bate. Clarence Street, Kingston FURNISHED HOUSE mer months; ulee location man, 87 STORE, DOING LARGE, RETAIL grocery business, over twenty years established, in good location; owner retiving. "Address, Box 0 Whig office, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, alry rooms, absolutely moth proof; your own leck and ke 'rost's City Storage, 99 Queen St "Phone 5260, A ET -------- BOARD AND ROOMS. COMFORTABLE ROOMS, board, or table board at YW.CA For terms, etc, apply to the Secre- tary at the Home, 186 Johnson St WITH . FIRST-CLASS BOARD ANI LODGING either together or separate may d¢ had at 351 University Avenus, con- venient to cars; bright, airy rooms gas and modern conveniences. BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYWHERRE, CAN STAR) a mall order business at home. Ni Nt fond tor for free oy RA how L989 Lockport, HENRY &i BMITH, AR Co ng street, ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE and residence, 181 University* Ave. NEWLANDS & ARCHI: tects oe Office, 2584 Bg street one, POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, M LOSY, BUNCH OF KEYS. ATTACHED TO silver chain, on Thursday morning. on King Street. Finder please re- turn to Whig office. After Dinner Coffee Sets Shipped to Us Direct from Europe A. NOVELTY. THAT. HAS NEVER BEEN SHOWN IN KINGSTON BEFORE: PRICES RANGE FROM FOURTEEN DOLLAKS TO TWENIY-THREE. MOST SUITABLE AS WED- DING GIFTS, Rodger & Wright ( Formerly Spangenberg's), Licenses, A FRESH BARREL ©! . Columbia Batteries ARRIVED THIS WERK chance Bank Bullding, corner B Wellington streets. 'Phone, PATENTS. POR FULL INFORMATION. ON patents, send 10¢ for booklet and magazine. Ben. B. Pannett, Patent Attorney, Ottawa, Ont. OSTEOPATHY, "HEALTH OUT DRUGS --R. G Asheroft, na E. Ashcroft D.O., ruguires aR Dr, Still the Founder of Osteopathy, 437 Princess Street, corner Division "Phone . No charge for oon. sultation and literature. Office hours, 10 to 12, 2to 6, § to 8. LEGAL. . CUNNINGHAM & MUDI BARR! ers and Soliettofs, Mew Otfics. oi ngston. Clarence DENTAL. DR C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. C H Weicker, assistant, 133 Princess St "Phone 735. SPARKS AND "SPARKS 2330 1-2 sia inoens Street, DENTISTS, : Kingston. Phone Brock, Cor King) A 12-F0O0T MAST 2 BOOMS AND RAIL: almost new, tor $5.00, at Turks 'Phone 105 : MOTOR BOAT, 30 X i: 3 HP. ENGINE: $150. Apply, J. Phillips, Davis Dry Dock, City TWO GOOD EO HAND MOWING achines. Apply, D. J. Hay, 136 Clarence Street. : SKIFFS AND GASOLINE BOATS FoR sale. Particulars at Sedwins 1 surance Emporium, Mar Square. NEARLY e for Whig GRAND PIANO, #9, sell or exchan Apply, Bex 71, CABINET new; cost building office. A DRIVING HORSE WELL speady and very showwe Geo. A. Bateman, $7 Aangsion BRED: Apriv, STAR THEATRE, GANANOQUE, RUN« ning and in first. class shape; a snap for Sash buyer reasons for selling. Apply, Box 113, Ganan- vgue; Oni TWO MEDIUM both. on one stable. Apply, Sidney Brown, FRAME Tot; Rew 14% Ra A.blon SIOUSER an Road, or Hotel. NEW FRAME HOUSE ON QURBEC Street; seven rooms; modern; ready for occupation July 'fat. Farticulara from T. J. Boon, 158 Wellington Street, MOTOR BOAT, 20 X 4 FEET 2 HP St. Lawrence engine: spe § 1-3 miles per hour: will bo past cheap. Apply, K. Cameron, care Canadian, Lor "Works: 5 OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PRO. - erty, Grocery Business in good fa ty, doing a splendid business; a bargain for quick purchase. Ap- ply, Hox 256 Whig office. BUILDING LOTS, 6 17. AND § DIVI- sion Street, south-east corner of Russell Street; water and drain yo the iota; also t 547 Al treet. Apply to 184 Frontenac, or Macdonpell & Farrell, Clarence Strest. SCHOLARSHIP (ANY SUBJECT) nternationsa! Correapond hools of Si, Rdstattot Fd ft for any A OUNE. -- Si kt spose of a reasonab 3 ol IN B at onoe. Apply, POOL TABLE. IN GOOD: CONDITION eap for cash sale; an Jmpraved Banat aa Farm, Ship fulch turn} traits ot land In fis t Mountain Valley district Saskatchewan; Cobalt Seocke Funds and Debentures: Sonate Lots any part of Kingston; Fire, Life, Accident and Sickness, Autos mobile and Motor Boat gautence. Apply, 3. O, Hutton, Market FOR BALE OR T0 LET. NE Al AND Bar awe at Beet aan the Lawrence, Kingston; all 'furnls nd a i 5 to 8 rooms; JSenm 5. ie severa ne lots foi Ly Hey J. D. Boyd, 108 h aoe a CO ait ine Stree! MEDICAL. i BAAC WOOD, M.A. MD. Sm. MR (Eng.), F.O8. hain. gars 18 ts nd sur; soni office to 4 ing St I. ¥. BPARKS, B.A. and Byrgeon, Office hours: and 7 to 9 Ry ob einen 0 to 12 am 'Puoiie 384. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, BRUNSWICK HOTEL, week. - John Cousinean, LIMESTONE RESTAURANT, NO. Si Princess Street, tf Street; hot , 20¢; oysters in season, lve cream: soft drinks: privave parties catered for: upstairs sitting rooms. C., & D. May, Props. Your patron- sge solicited, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DROP A CARD TO CHAA W. se for raasonabie kinds of J a Work done Seay. Job LOST. A BACK COMB, WITH GOLD BANDS and: pearls. between 7th and 18th of June. Finder kindly return to Whig office. ERNEST BR. BECKWITH, CONTRACT- ing BEagineer and Archit Agent for wiiders Special Bydenham Street 193 end Street. Plans prepa and este mates given for all classes of work