Never in thephistory of 'the store have we Carpets, Rugs, : Curtains, Draperies, Ee ee Linoleums. ESSERE * % R. McFAUL, | CARPET WAREHOUSE, A RARE CHANCE fo secures some very choice pleces of Old Antic Jue Furniture at Bar- gain Prices afore the Americans cons ovr ot get the cream of my ®tock As my stock is tee heavy, 1 have decided 'h reduce ft 50 per caut., and some very tempting Bargalus for my stomers. an kinds of Household Furni- ture Bogght and Bold, Old-fashioned Furniture faity Spsets ri alled for and delivered to ail paris of the city or shipped to any part of the world, L. LESSES, Cir. Princess and Chatham Sis, : Kingston. W------ a A -------------- JUST RECEIVED A Big Shipment of Table Linens and Table Cloths Size, 234 yards x 3 yards. Regular mee, 84 to 35 each. Now reduced to 3 and ¥3.50 each, on instalment plan. For cash, 10 per cent. off. * Also received new cmse of Clothing, which 1 will sell at low prices. Come and inspect it. New Ladies' Underwear and all kinds of Stockings, at low prices. JOS. B. ABRAMSON, 4 COLBORNE STREET, OUR SALT IS ALL SALT. " ro want that kind, Son or bars - pels, fine or coarse call at ASDREW | MACLRAN'S, wutario Htreet. . CANADA'S BEST y ugh atxkio G Grow-~ ing and Wine aulactur ne fompany & wf 8t. Catharines. nteed 10 years vid, and is a Be, Syar wv per- Wh Lonestair the price. Bold only by R. J. LAWLER, Golden don Block. ne 1h ei ngoares It Isn't Enough for a toilet soap to cut the dirt. With the advance: there have been made In the manu- facture of this line a Toilet Soap & must give delight to the user.}' It must be so tempting that you look forward to washing '2 our hands with it, when you 3 t "home at night. TRY OUR PARMA VIOLET SOAP. - » Makes a rich, creamy lather ¥ 'h a lasting perfume. 4 »! Shlar 40c Box. Our pride, ROSES DOG STORE _ Oinpalte St. Andrew's Churel. i "Wa give you Just what you ask : -- riot 1, e#qoal to the best imported at | 423¢ 3. Division A, start 1 10.30 a. From Trapper to © Wearer, Registered. jTourists and Visitors 'Should See Our collection of FINE CANADIAN FURS No obligation to buy FUR HOUSE ¥en Midsummer Furniture, Carpet, And Curtain Sale. Intending hansekeeners find thie sale a money saver. If you don't need the goods at once we will store thera at our risk and deliver as you order, || A \ IRON and DRAsSS BEDS, 40 styles, all in this big sale Four styles at $2.00 each, Two giles at $3.00 each Sus $6.50 line at $6 RY $13.60 redu 5 es $9.00. These wie values that are mot found Isewhere Brass Beds, $17.00, 335.00, $22.00 up. JerTRienr, raul RACKS' AND HALL SEATS, Oak, Early Ynglish, Brussels, off, made HALL all the newest. Mahogany. Some great to $12. . CARPETS. Tapestries, ete, and laid. RUGS. ~All grades and sizes, ed, LINOLEUMS 20 per cent. off. CURTAINS. 18 te 15 per cont. same at cost, 'Phone 90. Yours, T. F.Hurrison Co. YACHT RACE PROGRAMME For the Kingston Club's Regatta Neéxt Week. Challenge race for George cup--Tues- day, Wednesday and Friday, July 19th, 20th, 20d, Start, at 10.30 a.m. Lake Yacht Raci g Association-- Thursday and Sstugiay, July 21st and Assy M. and over, Division B., classes Divi: valles at - Axminster, 10 per cent. reduc- off P., start/at i040 am. Ls Start at 10.50 a.m. Division D . classes R. and 8. start at 11 a.m. Triangular course; Divisions A. and B,, twice around. Divisions C. N. an and D., once ground. or. Boat Races--Friday, July Pnd--One design elass of the 1,000 J ® {land Yacht Club, start «t= 377 twice around the course, Prize, « Jing silver oi Open ator t Raey, start at, 3 Bh .; three times around the course. ee, 'Sterling silver cup. ' Tandy, Clergy street, - 6G light * Mra. B. W. Folger, King street, "will Reorive on + Thursday afternoon, for ests, Mise Mary and Miss Har- riet ret Falger, Hudson, N.Y. > >» Thete was a luncheon at the Coun-| try Club, on. Monday, given for | Carrie Jones, of Philadelphia. o There was a small high tea at Country (lub, for Mrs, Austin Gillies, on Monday. » + . Mr. BR Dobbs, Bank of Mon treal, Sault Ste. Marie, is expec home by the midnight, on Saturday, He will spend his holidays with. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dobbs, Barrie street. ; Mr. Clive Betts, Bank of Montreal, Bowmanville, is ted, on Saturday to spend his Botiays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Betts, Al- bert. street. ; Miss Kate Elwell, Toronto, is visit- ing Mis. Herbert Saunders, Alice street Mr. A. Nortos-Taylor, New York, is the guest of his mothér, Mrs. D. Nor- ton-Tavlor, Wellington stregt. Mrs. Hazen Hansard and little son, Ottawa, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bett Carruthers, at tlieir suiimer resi- denee, Oak Point. Mr. and Mes. W. D. Hinds, and Master Newman Hinds, are the ®pests 3 Dr. and Mrs. BR. W. Garrett, at their simmer cottage, down the river, Mrs. T. D. R. Hemminy and little Miss Margaret left, to-day, for Metis, to visit Prof. and He, Capi pon. 3 + Mr. and Mra. J Almon, Montreal, are expected in town early next week, Mizz A, Gilmour, Toronto, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jere! my Taylor, Earl street, left for her home, on Saturday. Mr. Horace Ferguson, out-of-town. visitor. Mrs. J. W. Aiuslee, Earl street, a small family picnic, on Tuesday ternoon, in honor of her guest, Ruth Smith, of Watertown, N.Y. Miss Crocker, Toronto, arrived Monday svimine, and is the guest Mrs. Kearney Jones, King street. Mr. and Mrs. W. Randolph Sweanv, Toronto, have left town, after a de- lightful visit with Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Rigney, King street, Mrs. F. Birkett and little daughter, Vera, Ottawa, have left' for Kenne- bunk Beach. Miss' Lillian. Taylor, Ottawa, has left for Fort William, near Ottawa. + + » Mr. and Mrs. J. Farrand Pringle paid 'a flving visit to Ottawa, only re maining for a day. : Migs Julia Horsey, the guest of Mrs. 2. J. B. Pense, at "Onvrwa-na-da," re turned, on Monday, to Rochester. Mies Mary Campbell, the guest of Mrs. Ramsay Duff, Princess street, leaves for her home in Toronto, on Friday. - Mrs. 8. Croft, Peterboro, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. McNeil, at Rock- wood hospital, Mrs. George Richardson and family, University avenue, left, on Monday, for | their summer cottage up the Rideau. Mrs, D. A. Shaw, returned, on Tues- day, from Toronto, where she was visiting her sister, Mrs. R. C. Mcleod. Miss Mabel Percy, Arch strpet, is vigiting in Toronto. . * Cuba, is an fad af- Miss on of Mrs, Harry from Thomas Tandy and Mr. «returned Montreal, yesterday. Captain and Mrs. C. are expected to-morrow guests of Mrs, AT. street. Miss Mary and Miss Harriet Folger, Hudson, N.Y., arrived, to-dayr and are the guests of Mrs. B. W. Folger, King street. Later, the Misses Folger will visit Mrs. W. Nickle, Earl street. Miss Etta Ward, Johnson street, left to-day for 84 Anne's to spend the Russell-Brown to be the Tandy, Clergy Miss Kathleen ing her sister, Mrs. F. Orillia. * * 9» Mrs. Walter . Bartlett, J.B, Walkem, is en pension Y.W.CA. Miss C. A. Dupuy. has arrived at Pincher Orcels : Alta., after a pleasant joyrney. Mis. Trevor Grout, Arnprior, is the guest of Canon and Mrs. Grout, Brofk street, and today they go down 6 Sialmpoque to visit Archdeacon and Mrs. Grout, of Delhi, NY., at their summer cottage. Miss Kinney and little Wiss Helen Grout, visiting Canon and Mrs. Grout, Brock street, returned to Brockville, Yesterday. + ¢ Mrs. Fo. 8; Sills, Napanee, visiting Dr. re Mrs. W. Nicholl, Clarence street, returned to-day. Kirkpatrick is visit- McGachen, of sister of Mr. at' safely very * Mrs. W. A. Brown, Clergy street, has gone to Clayton "to attend the wedding of Miss Lizzie Walroth. Her little Angier. "Emma, will be the i The bride is a cousin ol the 4+ J. | Strathcona Howse, . the |} Clergy streét, have returned] o lsaesesnssnessacsessnsesesnassanses LADIES' In pale blue and red, Cotton Crepon, t trimmed with Persian Special at ne Sabi Allen, Toronto, is the of Dr. 'und Meer W. Nicholl, b Claretice Street. Mr, Allen was here, | $ yesterday, but feft 1o-aay for Torom- | to; Mes: Allen will remain 'some time. | 5 . 4-0 Miss Torothy Cookson is coming wp. from Montreal on Saturday to visit Mrs. Robert Fraser, West street. Mr. Ewait Oldrieve, who has home with his mother, Mrs. G. 5.| Oldrieve, West street, went off again jto day. Master Philip Macarow is up trom) : avon college, Montreal, and 'is with | {he will join the campers a Simcoe 1s] atl Mr. and Mrs. Kennéth Toland: Wil: liam street, and their baby, will leave shortly for Wolfe lsland. | Master Bert. Folger, Upper Ca nada tol Toronto, is visiting nother, irs, George King, atl He will pay a: visit ~10 H. Gilbert, . Tremont Park. Street. Mrs. P. Mr. H. CaaS Hales' Cottages, King FY "west, wis at Stella, Am- | herst Island, last week, for a couple {of days, going on Monday and return- ing on Wednesdayy be Siaited Me. NW. Moutray and Rev. . Dizon. All the cottages on fi ah are occu- pied and every one seems. delighted with 'the island as a summer resort. Major Frank Cartwright leaves in a few days for Winnipeg, where he has 'been appointed to a captaincy in the ri. Cartwright will remain here for "the summer and will 'occupt Captain Blair's house ay Barriefiel * » » Harvey Hewton, ( is the guest of her aunt, Toronto. Mrs. R. H. Tothill is again en pen- sion at Mrs. Paris', 35% Dorchester street west, Montreal, after a pleasant visit with her son, Mr: Frank Tot- hill, at Shawinigan Falls, Que. Kural Dean Dobbs, Brockville, spent Saturday in town, the guest of Mrs. B. Walkem 'and Miss Maud' Betts. hen Panet is en pension at 595 Denis street, Montreal, ly leave for Riviere du Loup, Miss Bessie Wilder, Magot street, is visiting Miss Agatha Geddes at her summer home, Long Branch, near To- ronto. Mrs. street, Lovell, Collingwood Mrs. TT + Mr. and Miss Molena, New are expected shorily to visit J, Beard and Miss Carrie Beard, Kill street. Miss Jane Hentig is the guest of her cousins, the Misses Hentig, Prin- cess street, and will remain for a few wecks. Miss Hentig is lady su perintendent at St. Luke's Home, Detroit, Mich., which i= a delightiul wstitution, Miss Marjorie Gamsbi, tages, King street, west, to Ottawa to-day. panied by little Miss Elspeth Shortt (daughter of Mrs. Allaire Shortt, of Otterburn), as far as Brockville, where she will be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Mortimer Atkinson. Miss Cams by will be away for two or three weeks. : oe» Mr. William Ellis and wife, of Men- ston, Yorkshire. Eng, are the guests of their son, Mv. Arthur Ellis, Univer- sity avenues They will spend the sum- mer in Canada. Miss Pessie Mackiam came down on Thursday from Brigh'on and is the guest of ~ Miss Jennie Bates, Princess street. Miss Ruth Martin, Division street, is spending the week with Mrs, L. IL. Henderson, Theasand Island Park. Miss Mabel Henderson is coming from Thousand Island Park, -on turday, to visit Mrs, T. G. fore gp Dr. J. his ie) J. Beall, days. * Mrs. Wetherall, of Lyndhurst, and | Miss Clara Mopre, of Lansdowne, are visiting Mrs. J. F, Singleton, Alfred street. ® Mrs. Bidwell and her children, have gone -- to Cap a 'Aigle, for the summer. Mr. J.P. Laxon, New York, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Jenkin; Princess dtreet. * ¢ @ The "marriage of Miss Luli Boyes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs... Albert Boyce, of Syiigalsam, to Mr. Richard Boyd Davidson barrister, .of Watrous, Sask., will take place on Wednesday, August dred, at Sydenham. : +. % % The marriage of Miss Eleanor Mar- garet. Macdonnell, elder daughter of the late Rev. Bb. J. Macdonnell, 'of St. Andrew's chwreh; Toronto, to the Rev. W. L. Findlay, of Selkirk, Man, is arranged to take place at "Kick- hall,' Fergus, on July 26th. York, Mrs. 0'- Hales' went Cot- down up Sa- Smith, & . Bache, of New York, with is visiting his sister, Mrs. William street, for a. few <I, McCarthy had an exeiting pass age across in a motor beal from Wolfe Island last night in" the storm, after attending a patient. In our passage hence we can never take our debts with ws. Therdore, let us pay before that time comes. Wg' Faas Fur This store made famous by the superior quality of Re fury. Yarries 'beyond parison, and be So Ea Pent and Fur Garments in Cen- Stal Canada. Webuyskins| | y the raw direct from the nters 2nd trappersand fucka Shem up in our own ata great saving Iu asessessanens: She was accom-| x 1 Miss |My. gad Mrs. Kenneth 'Ireland. Later | i ONG KINONAS.. cesssescescsesssscstomecsiencttce \ Satin. LADIES' STRUCK BY A TRAIN AT THE CATARAQUI CROSSING PEERING THE STORM. Barrett, Painter, Was Thrown Out of Rig, But Escaped Unhurt --His Horse Was Killed--tiot Confused Over the Passing of Freight Trains. " At the Cataraqui crossing of the Grand Trunk railway about eleven o clock Tuesday night, D. Barrett, a painter, of Cataraqui, bad a navrpw escape from being killed. His esc is, indeed, wonderful. He was return ing home during the heavy rain storm, and as he neared the railway crossing, a freight train was about to pass. He waited on the south side, and as the van of tae freight, which was going passed, he started across the tracks, Just then a westbound freight emerged from the other side of the eastbound van, Mr. Barrett was caught in a trap. 'When the down train was passing it was impossible to sec or hear the one approaching on the north side. The horse and buggy were struck, and the animal was toss- od about twenty-five feet, and was ap parently instantly Killed, The bugoey was demolished, n1 Yr. Barrett was tossed to the side the tracks, bat beyond receiving a few scratches, he escaped injury, and was able to pro- ceed to his home in the village LEAVING LINDSAY. D. cast, 0 Popular Curate Has Been Called to Kingston, Lindsay Post. Rev. Father Keeley's host of friends among all classes of the citizens will regret. to learn that he has been called by Archbishop Gauchier. Kingston, to that diocese and he will leave for his new field of labor on Friday next. The reverend gentleman since his temporary appointment as curate of St. Mary's chmvh has shown to be 'an earnest and zealous and as a resalt had won the and affection of the members « angregation, C ats C wused Trouble, Ever troubled at night by fights 7 According to the story ing the rounds a Stuart strect wae awakened from his slumbers other night when a couple of cats were engaged in a lively battle just below his bed-room window. He stood it as long as he could and tien got mad; very mad, A couple of boots were handy and he let fiy at the mid night prowlers, He was not troubled any more with the cate that night but in the morning he could not find his new pair of boois and was think- g-about going. to the police station to get out a search warrant ' when he thought of the ¢its. Going out on the lawn he picked up the misging boots. Luekily no person had carried them off, : priest, esteem of that cat go- man the Labor Day Sports. There was a meeting," on Tuesday evening; of the sports committee, in charge of the Labor Day sports, when it was -decided to endeavor to get the final game in ' the commertial league played on the holiday a special, attraction. It thought possible that _this game can be cured and as they play gome this league it should "provide fine sport. as = 80 sone Baseball Record. Eastern league-- Montreal, 2; Taron- to, 0. Newark, 2; Providence, 1. Bal- timore, 9; Jersey City, 6, American league-- Philadelphia, 6; De troit, 4. Boston, 17; Cleveland, 5. Washington, 4; Nt. Lodis, 4. New York, 4; Chicago, 2. National league---Cincinnadi, 1; Brooklyn, 0. Boston; 7; St. Lowis; 5. Woman Taken in Charge. On Tavnday, a middie -aged woman was sent to the city, to' enter the Honse of Providence. Wheat 'she "arriv- ed here, she refused to go into the home, and wandered out to Ports. mouth, where she was taken in charge by a constable, and handed over to the eity police. It is likely that she will be got back to Kemptville. ee ---- A Few Small Fires. The Kingston and Pembroke railway has been very fortunate this season, along the line, ax only been a few. Last year, | Drig compgny iatends himself | Hit 1 | badt inf the 1. LONG KIMONAS, i $2.98, $3.50. CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES, at 50c, 65¢c, 75c, $1.00 and up. NAVY BLUE LUSTRE, suitable for Bathing Suits, special 25¢ yard. ! n Figured ¥ + 4 CORRIG Mosquitos will not bother you ir yom use Mosquito Talcum It ia in reguldr mize shaker ting, is pleasant to use, and will certainly drive off all flies and mosquitos. 25¢ Tin DRUG 2, MAHOOD'S ovore PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. = . and Yards of Summer Materials, including White Muslins, Colored Mus lins, Crepes, Seersuckers, etc, priced from 13¢ to 25¢ a yard. THURSDAY MORNING YOUR CHOICE, 1,000 Dress 10c A YARD. 500. Yards of Embrolderics Insertions to clear half price, THURSDAY MORNING YARD. Se A - « 800 Yards Victoria Lawn, good quality, 30 inches wide, THURSDAY MORNING ONLY "7 Ge A YARD. SPECIAL PRICES ON LADIES WASH SUITS. THE ALWAYS Wosy STORE. Bathing Caps New stylé¢ Bathing Caps, with broad elastic band, which tho- roughly protects the hatr from the water and keeps the cap _- firm on the head, in two colors, Navy and Scarlet. Cotton ga Be seesscscsscsssssssesss sha Renscsineis © $1.98: at $198, Crepon We can supply you with an "Eight-day" Genuine Mahogany Clock that we can guarantee to be a first-class House Time- Piece and an ornament to any room, for . i $0.50 or $7.50 Each, according to decoration of case. SMI TH "H BROS. Jewellers, Opticians. | o 830 KING STREKT. Iusuers of Marriage Liceases. Ostrich and Marabean Boas In BLACK, GREY, WHITE, BROWN, W. F. Gourdier. 77-78-80, BROCK STREET. Even So! And it came to pass, that after they had installed a GAS STOVE to do their cooking, there came unto them great multitudes from all the regions round about and did gaze with wonder. And when these multitudes saw the gas burning they marvelled among themselves. saying: How be it that loafs idly by, and yet done? And' the wise them, saying: It is. easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a woman to get along without using GAS FOR COOKING, ag Kingston L. H. & Power Co. C. C, FOLGER, Gen. Manager. Wah Long's Laundry First-c a1 cuff eal prom a 1 3 a oo ca LIRATON 81 or Br 1% WiLL this man's wife hér work is unto man spake phn rats aA pot Mereury ninety --huinidity everywhere. Hard time for COLL fe when they are not "launder. 3 ed right, Try this Laundry--defy humid days and avoid hurt 10 your pride and pocket. rn Ta