5 g Nothin considered uite such good form at t e impromptu meal as ATERSON = Cambridée Wafers "A dainty new biscuit made from cream of wheat. THE' DAILY BRITISH. WHIG, WEDXESDAY, JULY 13, 1910. Pe tario may live to regret it. Were they to put into the soil of the old home ; - ae for pet a a. DAILY 8H WHIO, lebe i far 4 per Year. Editions st 130 tale stead the energy and labour |!they, hambmme . clock pi put into the new they would be hand- THREE BROTH ERS MARRY SIS. f omely rewarded. What the average farmer wants is not more land, but a, better care of the land he possesses. Weddings on the Wholesale Order small plot than the Canadian or Am-, Between Bustin and Hamilton evican oan from his big farm, becuuse' Families--To Have Big Reception: 1a Year TERS IN NEW ENGLAND. 4 , price of ly §3 job Print. The H.D. Bibby Co BE WHIG, 18 pages, Bn 18 On inday an orning at To charge ad i in al 2- Bucner; $1.50 Wickfor Stoves, all sizes Se. ICE Picks [CE Chisels # " ICE cream freezers ..All the Cool Com-. FOR CONSTIPATION. A Medicine That Does Not Cost Any. "Phe active medicinal ingredients of Rexall Orderlies, which is odorless tasteless and colorless, is an entirely new discovery. Combined with othe extremely valtable ingredients, it , forms a perfect bowel regulator, intes- tinal invsgorator and strengthener. - Rexall Orderlies are eaten -like candy _ and are notable for their pes to the palate and gentleness of 'action. They do not cause griping of sny disagreeable effect or inconven- a A nlike other preparations for a like ftpone. they do not create a halst, Sut instond they overcomesthe cause of habit acquired through the use of or qi dinary laxatives, oathartios, and harih physio, and permanently 'remove the © oanee of constipation or irregular Low al Motion. ! "We will refund your money without patient if they do not do as we say will. Two sizes, and 10e, R only at our store--The Rexall tore. ti. W. Mahood. - "The Brdih Whig Pobiking Co. La. TORONTO OFFICE. Maren' 8 Forch ls JP representative. Dailo Wing. SOME DISTURBING TALK. The premier of Ontario appears to have been somewhat: "annoyed when spoken 'to with regard to. the charges, made in the Grand Orange Lodge for Onlario; "that? the education of the Protestant children in Eastern On- tario was being interfered with, He vid he had read what was printed in the papers, but he had nothing to "ay. No? The men who made. the statements publicly are generally the politieal friends and allies of Sir James Whitney, and they may con- clude that he and his minister of edu- cation should know quite as much ns they do with regard to the schools and should preserve the, harmonious dations between the olasses which [are so desirable. The' premier should realize that the talk at certain public places has aroused an interest which can only be satisfied when the educa- tion department, or the government, which is Sir James, is in a position to say something upon the subject. | STANDING ON PRINCIPLE. Some time ago a man of wealth in Toronto ammounced that he would dive, freely and cheerfully, a quarter "of a million do life Colleges. When? As soon as their union could be consummated. | The proposition has been seriously considered, and it is sxmounced that' ils acceptance. there ig no hope of great Nor should this occasion any surprise. The cofteges represent two strikingly different types of thought, % dnd those who have had frequent con-| forances, mn which to discuss the basis, ol umion; intimate that it means waste "of time to further discass the question. s Agreement - there may be on some llars towards the en, agreeable: ' dowment fund of Trinity end Wy a | The Dane can take more of he. works scientifically and successfully. The minister of agrivulture - may fever has passed away. emca-------- EDITORIAL NOTES. On the eve of the Manitoba elections it was announced that the government had the funds and the workers to get out the votes. The combination -- wp: pears to have had the usual success. * The bottom has fallen: out of the stock market. Things have been going from bad to worse. The New York iflerald demands that the leading fin- anciers tome out of their tents and 'tell what is the matter. - -- No returning officer should be able to prevent the people from expressing a preference between candidates, and the hirling in Begutiful Plains who denied the people the exercise of the franchise should: be attended to. -- Legislation was had for the pur- pose of restricting- the use of cigar- ettes, and lo the consumption last year was increased in Canada -by-- a million." Which means that the per- versity of the people asserts itself un der restrictions. -- Tn the, Sunday sermons the clergy- men all over Canada are said to have incidentially" referred to the prize fight. They seemed to know all about it. They must have read the papers press" because it gave the reports pub- Hicity. a---- Montreal will have a filtration plant at a cost of $1,500,000. The ety is going ahead under, its new ment. It has money to spend on ne COsRary improvements, not' money to or burn as formerly, Shows when the electors waste what can be. done become real busy. Mr. Monk, M.P., aided and abetted by Mr/ Bourassa and Mr. Lavergne, has undertaken to create opposition of his; Meredith, NH., July 13.--Scores of change the current of events by tume| : y ty advice, but not until the western and Melvina Hamilton, three brothers very carefully, though denouncing the | govern | people of the Deering district are plae- ning a reception to Thomas, Benjamin | Fred Bustin and Catharine, Ayres i | an | and three sisters: who triple marriage { has just leaked out. All six came here recently from the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. The idea of three sisters and brothers marrying is so novel that theig friends are never done talkin about the surprise that two of the couples sprang here when they an: younced that they had Geen wedded in Portsmouth, : Six years ago Fred Bustin Melvina Hamilton, They had been brought up on adjoining farms in Nova Scotia, so when they brought their two brothers and sisters to the big Deering farm house to live with them, little was thought of .it, The other day Thomas and Benjamin Bus- tin disappeared. So did the sisters. Whin they returned they were mar: ried, Ym Now the three married couples living in the same house. Bedouins and Water. It is not unusual to hear a Bedouin upon 'reaching a camp where water is ered him refuse .it with the remark, "I drank only yesterday." On the Bedouins" long marches across dry countries the size of the water skins is nicely caloulated to just outlast' the | journey, and they rarely allow. them !selves to break the habit of abstemi- ousness, as this would be sure to make their next water fast all the harder. They are accustomed from infancy to {regard water as a most precious com- modity and use it' with religious econ omy. They know every hollow aud nook in the mountains where water may be found, Their camels and] { goats, which they take with them ou {their marches to supply them with milk and meat, live principally on the scanty herbage and foliage of the thorny mimosa, Neither men nor ani { mals drink more than once in forty- | eight hours. No wonder 'they can sub st where invaders quickiy perish. married are He Sees Double. New York Times, His name isn't really Guzzler, iit will answer the purpose, and it descriptive, Guzzler has a habit {looking upon the wine when it is red, frequently to the extent that he can soe two bottles' where only one exisis. Now, Guzsler is married, and recently !the stork paid a visit to his abode Several days after ~ the event two of the following but fs of and | Always crisp and fresh. Sold in tins only, by.all d grocers. Their flavor 1s truly delicious. 21 Made by Paterson of Brantford i E Underwood Type: T perfect paper release. writer has the only A large number of copies can | « f * 2 : { be fed in evenly ahd quickly without disturb. ing the relation of te to another. FEE UNITED - TYPEWRITER CO., LTD. J. R. C. DOBES, KINGSTON. Hot Weather Shoes 2 specials this week Men's White Canvas' Low Shoes, $1.75 Men's Black Low [ $2.00! v | window] Sho s See them in our Johnston's Shoe Store| 70 BROCK STREET. fold THOSE SUMMER You will need many 'light summer dresses these hot days Better send along those you of discarding. | | GOOD JUDGMENT FORCES YOU TO BUY, EARING SALE ~ OF TWO-PIECE SUMMER SUITS: % 5 3 Priming ¥ . A " 4 WE HAVE ABOUT 60 TWO-PIECE SUMMER SUITS THAT ATER WE ARE ANXIOUS TO CLEAR OUTHN 'A HURRY. IT'S THE ALWAYS CLEAN UF OUR iit a TIME OF THE YEAR WHEN WE SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK. ake testee' Se io * WE DO THIS SIMPLY RY CUTTING PRICES 80 LOW THAT Fr WENTWORTH TWO-PIEGE SUITS Hand padded "shoulders and loops, side straps, trous- HAWSON'S GOLD MEDAL HOMESPUNS. TWO-PIEGE SUITS Make. lapels, belt bottoms, ers. AN thif Regular $12 and $12.50 Suits. Fashion Craft Regular $15 Suits. tuli cw, on season's goods. TO CLEAR $10.00 15820 BROMLEY eielniminlelvllel OUTING FLANNEL \, were thinking After we are through with them vou will change your mind and wear them again, R. PARKER & CO., Dyers apd Cleaners, @® Princess St, Kingston, Ont. nions | i : « 2 to the Canadian navy in the province his friends met, i : y that of Quebec. He was alarmed over the conversation ensued : be | {| "Hello, old man! I divide classes may in some degree s i i I prospective. daxation of blood and con- doings over-at Guzzler's | seription. This is hysterical talk, but | "Yes, in a way. Guzder's wife has 'Hl removed; but when great principles I y issues that affect the! 8 ; Baler | ae 81. Gtike, OF insdes Mg quite suited to the weather. resented him with twins. | * "How do you know " | roligions or the lives of tho indivi- duals, the attempt at reconciliation The Mail talks about the pet "How do 1 know ? Well, 1 ought to toile. 16 is thie thst has made the a > ty: now. Guagler told me himself." + . ,unsubstantial gseandals, that were pul ng J 3 question of church union so difbeals. : | Well, 1 wouldn't place too muc h i at lished about = the Manitoba elections. : You know Guazler Ons egrsin matters the religiomsts : U8. | dependence on it. ; bposed be fi H on! They were bigger and more substantial | generally sees double." se app Sue - rh. vl oy Ia! than much that constitutes the sodk} Be i Shey of Warp, oe yg - : of in-trade of the Ottawa apposition; and ay Paping the Doctor, | ml ep pedis, ¥r Othe government refused wo let them he | Na¥. XOF nest. doc . ib fave economy in the use of means with : . a Some American doctors are in ar } 2h tem 1 ond dvanced. Ah uncovered. in the legislature. The elec' of the contract system for medical ser- | eh y the a a ia expested] HO" does not disprove them. vice, but they are still a long way yes, A y from the Chinese scheme of stopping to become conspicuous and. to domin- the doctor's salary when the patient ate all others. But does it? oh : . {falls ill. The writer khws a ; New ay i i dll Apparently -the representatives { Yorker who saves that" il ever he _ | Ss. Anglin& Co. I "Fripity and Wyeliffe colleges regard the pow to live and sleep in the open air. j tituataned Stl AG opstation ie wil i ll quarter of a million dollars as = of g; many people shut out this ~ air. cost. Then he will hand him' the ll saall consequence compared with the ppey gre afraid of draughts. They sec | amotint at once with the assurance I success of a cause to which they 8re . lds and coughs in the currents of | that the fees goes whether the opera sacredly devoted. Tt is a side of hu { ure air in place of health and life nan affairs which is not always 80 ji.elf. - The sooner this heresy goes the tion comes off or doesn't. He reasons i that the doctor will then have no moh emphasized, and it is not with- {yt ter, out its moral value. A points; men may sink their opi on some: things; the differences TWO-PILGE SUITS in Ne Stripes asd Checks the Hear about 914 TWO-PIEGE SUITS Regular $6.00 and $6.50 Sults Regular $10 Suits WHILE THEY LAST $7.50 $3.75 NEW LOT OF LUSTRE COATS, Quality 'Lumber The best: that choice logs. "miodern machinery, careful workmen can produce. 'The manufacture, drying, Hf ng and housing of LUM- e! . BER is a science which we have + meéquired by close study and long experience. SUPERIOR QUALITY, "REASONABLE RATES. Beautifully Tailored Goods ty and! ' Li Hefeoufofeomfeseinfomfufoiuiuinininiolel $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50. | SALE OF FANCY LISLE HOSIERY, 2 i 4 " > Pp EL BN Insurance com- 1 2 PALLS FOR 25e, The Metropolitan pany is doing a great and expensive of work for the people "in teaching them i The H.D.Bibby Co The Big Store With Little Prices. = - ta I i itt ed Fiswer- Bed Border from 7c fi Fences and Gates of all kinds manu factured CRESCENT WIRE AND (RON WORKS (Partridge & Sous). 'hone 380. NELSON WILL BE OUTLET. New Location and Saving of Cost of Line. Ottawa, July 13.--The later surveys of engineers on the Hudson's Bay rail way have resalted in the location of a line where the maximum grade will be fout-tenths. This .is considerably bet! ter than what was at first propased. The new line ix to the south of Nelson river and. will obviate the crossing of | it. This, it is stated, will cause i savihg of threequartesd of a million dollars. While certain Fort possible temptation if it comes to a {toss up whether to operate or take a a 'a chance. . | PITH-OF- THE NEWS. ; | to|The Very Latest Culled From All| Over The World. : Sotete tittle atoatent 1 nT 1 ans Fane At Desert Lake. Desert: Lake, July 1J.--Haying and berry picking, are: the order of The . !day. A number from here attended the subscript: Orange celebration at Harrowsmith. Toronto | witeon Bros, are sawing lumber and i have quite a number of logs in. the subevrip: | yard. The many friends of J. -N. | Abrams are delighted to hear of his improvement in healtl. Abtam Bros., Darceyville, spent . Sunday last at home, John Williams and daughter, i Nellie, Collins Bay, are visiting at {James Wilson's. Mrs. John Sgook, { Alberta, #t Willian Shook' Wiss May Wilson and Richard 'Wilson, Glen- dower, at James Wilson's, He Reformed Poo Soon. i Newark Siar. : eminent speaker at the Con BE AMBITION FOR BIGNESS. Mr. Flavelle, in his open letter the minister of agriculture, reproaches that gentleman for his inactivity and| Lord Stratheona's further' incapwvity. Ho calls Mr. Duis atten | tion of $1,000 completes the ion to the lesson which is conve od | South African memorial fund. Nn g Lord Stratheona's further by the reports issued by his own de-|.. » ol - abd of $1,000 completes thé partment, namely that development ii | South African memorial fund. > Ontario has ceased, and ho argues | Archduts.Jobt Sulvalor ot Austrie, this is th It of tof | who - disappea about twenty - years! a) mn i, dpa of the. Breteul: ago, has been officiully- declared to be TH ef artment: i a = Elias Parks, a Falun dor, was mbr- | itis pointed out that the success | ried at Wetaskiwiii, Alberta, and got 'of Denmark is due to the intelligent 3p, the font morning and hanged him- - : ti with in his barn. . al Aha goveramin an Late Saturday night, during a se Oh rr oma vere storm, lightni - struck the Hotel alter satialying Torrance, in Muskoka, and it burned : gregational meeting in the First Con- syrer Jaws, the spree. tren, gregational chtirch, East Orange, was [Porestérs, ia" dange sly Jil at his telling, the other day. of a western jeft Denver riding! 1 3 er's opinion of the east. wome; an P athds "This man," said the speaker, "was go home his ton, and fell uncon- prominent churchman, ssd_hod oc casion. Yu visit New. York, where he at Hamilton + 'Chath fx nai for a few daysa In writing into the : - 8 a aie hie experience to his wife inthe thor, died in Buffalo, N.Y. on Taos | "Rew York is & great city, but 3 Het Hoss was oy Oyo: She do wish 1. hg come "her ore 1 was IL eo . ' rh ro hh v 5 Bell Rock Notes. liquor. re, . ds was § I 'and costs for setving three' pot Rock, Jaly 12.~The early grain ivening fast. Miss Goldie Sanborn ABERNETHY'S Bat aman nn" New Summer --Footwear- "Just Arrived New Patent Low Shoes for Women, dain- ty and dressy, $3.50. : New White 2-Eyelet Ties for Women, $2. New Sandals for Children, Boys and Girls, ---------- interests are booming Churchill minus of the line, there is little doubt | here that Nelson -will be the outlet chosen: It is understood that ° nt strongly favored in the reports of the | ns or i engineers. pown. the St. Lawrence, Company M, National Guard, of An burn, N. Y., 160 officers and men and about. 300. visitor®, will spend pext week in amp at Grindstone feland. Joe Weber has purchased. Maple Is land, located about owe mile from Al} exdria Bay; and it is waderstood that i hie will erect 5 handsome cottage i F. 0. Lowden ig lg entertain = tavge | number of celebrities al Castle Rest | this month, and they will cruise foc | some time aboard Mr. Towden's yacht, | the Venice. The party will indude JoF eph: Cannon and Congressman Sibley of Pennsylvania. "" $2. 98. Here's a bargain in Men's Low Shoes ; One lot of up-to-date Tans and Patents. Regular $3.50, 4.00 and a few 4.50. On Sale $2.98 { Vincent B. McDonald died at his son's residence on the old homestead, in the township of Escott, on Tues home or the holidays. Master Fd- day, aged eighty-two years. He is : Ti the enirance survived by three sons, William, Mi chigan, 1. J. Brockville, JR. on The homestead, and four duughters, Nr. Schrieber, Michigan," Mrs. Booth, Lym, Mrs, Heory Biglord Mallory] own, . Mrs. Joseph Buglord, Escott, | rs. Percival, Burntt's Rapids. Ile was 8 Methodist, Philip Atton, Mite of Belleville, disd at Montreal, Devensed was upwards of ty-five yeas of age. Mr. As son was for years a capable: and trustworthy engineer on the Grand Trunk railway. . ~ "Infants" food." It these at Gikson's ite, Si township, died u : idney township 4 time, SEE THEM IF OUR WINDOW. - | New Bags, Suit Cases and aye" to 7 buy 'ross drug night after being" ill for some Trunks, Deceased was in his ffty-third J ;