2000 Yds Striped Linens and Ducks This is the clearing up of our WASH GOODS and were considered cheap at 1c, ang 20¢: a yardy Our special price for this sale is 9:c. ar ? 1 They will be on our sales table to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. ta add CRUMLEY BROS| LIMITED. Men's Tan Oxfords, $2.95, $4.00. Cut price, $2.00. " Men's Tan Calf Ox, fords, $4.50. Cut price- $3.45. 51d Men's Tan Oxfords, $6.00, Out price, $8.75 These are all high rade well made Ox- Bods, The Sawyer - Shoe Store CHARACTERISTIC A feature of the Under wood Billing Typewriter is that whey aFe coninlete correspondence as well as complete billing machines, "wee for correspondence ; purposes: ; F300 : me TYPEWRITER 0. im. 0 4 R. C. DOBBS, po £5 ' | told the, paople that Jing aver ® {climbing from the sulky a HAIR HEALTH, I Xou Have Scalp or or Hair Trouhle, ' Take Adviintage of This Offer. We eonld not afford to so strongly endorse Rexall 93" Hair Topic and continue to dell it as we do, if it did not do all we claim it will. Should our enthusiasm anrry us. away, and Rexall '93 Hair Tonic not give en- tive satisfaction to the users, they would lose faith in ms and our state ments, and in consequence our busi: ness prestile would suffer. We assure vou that if your hair beginning to amndtarally fall oat if you have any scalp trouble "gy is or Rexall Hair Tonie 'will promptly eradi- cate dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent premature baldness. Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is #0 strony tha® we ask vou to try it on our positive guarantee that vour money will be cheerfully refunded if it does not do as we daim. Two sizes, 50c. and $1.00. Sold only at eur store. ~The Rexall Store. G. W. Mahood. A' CHIVALROUS TORY in Welcoming Sir Laurier, Somerset, Man., July 18. Mr. W. D. Staples, Conseryative member of Parliament for Macdonald, is the poN- tical "David Harum" of the Manitoba prairies. His constituents call him "Bill Staples." Heretofore official Con- servatisin has held aloof from the ser: ies of enthusiastic receptions accorded Sir Wilfred Laurier. Not so Mr. Stap- les. 'When the tran pulled in hero Saturday aftérnoon, a tall, square fi- gure crowned with of wide crush straw hat, drawn down at a striking angle, under which the keen grey eyes peered over rimless glasses, was the first man to board the Proyior's car and extend a hand. When Mr. Staples learned that Sir Wilired iwas to Visit his 'constituency and thé people were debating how est to -enpértain-him, he «drove over from his farm, sightegn miles and took charge. Hé organized the re- ception, helped to censtruct a 'tempor- ary speaking stand, assisted in erect: ing non-political banners of welcome, contributed towards bingiog the hand sixteen miles at a cost of $100, apd thén proceeded "to seour the outlying portions of the riding and drive 'in six veteran lLiverals mfixious to mech their distinguished Jeader, = who could not otherwise have matle the journey. When, at the suggestion do the Pre- mier, he was called ppen fora #peech; ye wuiet tory farmer climbed out from "the back of the jatiana. "Wa can't wlways agree in Parliament," he told his people, "but it is a privilege to have a visit from so honored and distinguished a statesman. Wea 'wel: rome him hearhily, ; he will live long to seve tov. It is a rare and hat occasion for Somef- sot, and 'Sj Wilfred will come hin The Promier in spgakin paid Mr. Staples a graceful 'compl t. Hom. Mr. Graham expressed the hope that so. good a man would ses the errr of his party ways, while Mr. Pardee dow Palin Jor Aids Willrid iia mgt 'heen st King and the od be in a Sh to, the fr, platform his hat put «till - peer ih h smiled, Peo rrvmbend for the: past twinty-five years a familiar figure as owner, trainer and ) 1 ht ine hand tive: ox harness on oh tacks, dropped = dead just yous the o race, ; Heart disease '| church, away, A toed Sifton, 'the liberal CHINA UP-TO-DATE IN ITS EX. HCUTIONS. ! Esecations Will No Longer be _ |Lak le--The First Guillotine Has Ar- rived From France and Will be Set Up Inside Prison, Pekin, - July 18,--~The first guillotine to be employed in China has arrived from France. It will be set up inside the new prison, as, according 16 re cent regulations, exeputions will no longer be pudlic. Paliity BF Heath, as laid down the old code, had dix degrees : Denth by torture, immediate decapi- tution and exhibition of the head, mediat: decapitation; ' without exhibi: tiny of the head; decapitation after soma months, immediate hanging, and handing aiter some months. According to the hew code the death penalty is in four degrees : Immedinte decapitation, deferred decapitation, gr diate hanging, and deferred hang- dhe adviitoge to the' condemned person of a dMerred execulion con sivts in the fact that every year the list, of the names of those under sen- three of Heath is submitted to the emperor, and under the names of such ne wre to be executed he draws a red The others escape for that year, but must take their chaoces the next year, and every successive vear, when the same formality is gone through on dhe part of the sovereign. in lime. GANANOQUE BUDGET. What is Transpiring in the Little i River Town, Gananoque, July 18,--At Christ chur at, sight o'clock, on Saturday evening, Miss Grace Dendy, just rently arrived from London, England, wae united in 'marriage to James Stocks, a young Englishman, Joeat: Wi bere for the past four months, Gley were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Jawes Weaver, who have beens wetted here for several years. Mr. and Mrs, Stocks will reside in, Gananoque, Harmony Lodge, No. 15. Daughters of Rebe':ah, held their semi annu: al in- stallation of 'officers, on 'Ihur v evening last, they following being the staff : N. G., Nellie Murve: V. G., Florence Baker: R. 8., Mrs. H. Park er: F. 8. Mes. A, Sheridan; treasurer, Mrs. George Toner; wards, Mrs. Db, Andrew; Con, Mrs. G, Kelly: Chap, Mrs. W. Hawke; I. D., Eva Rogers: '0. G., Henry Parker; R.S.N.G., Mrs, R. Webster; L.SN.G., Ethel Rogers; RS. Vii, Tottie Henderson: 125.V.G.. Ek. Ro gers. 5 Axchdeacon Grow, of the Anglican Delhi, N.Y<, in "Christ church, vestorday. At Thousand Island Pari on Satur day afternoon, the Garnocks baseball teetn, with Ormiston apd W. Dovey as y tte y, trimmed the wings of the Pi« Nine in a good fast exhibition by 8:to 1. They will play: tier next Saturday. The steam tug Beave of Belleville, was in wort, on Satur day. The government boat, Alert, with the steamhoist Prescott, in tow was in port over Sunday. The popular Sabbath evening resort for divine worship, Hall. Moon Bay, attracted a large nomber dwt; S¥aning: Archdeacon Grout, of Delhi, +s SON dueted the service. Chief William Wheeler, of the fire brigade, has recvived an invitatiolffor himself und men to thke part in o big firemon's "demonstration at Trenton, vn August 1st. Miss C, Cairns, of Napanee, who is the guest of Mrs. Wm. Crotch, Chatles street, rendered an exellent solo in Grace chinch, yesterday, During the past week th# Spring antl Axle Co., has installed 3 heavy hydraulic hammer in its axle depart: hent. The Ontario Wheel Co. 1td., has been closed down for. annual stock taking. \ ) Fhe Gananoque Spring and Axle Co, is atlding a late stone extension to its works, pear the worner of King and Pine street. Willian, Oemiston, Victoria avenue, ill for some time, is so far recoverad a® 10 be out. "Miss Jennie McKendry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. - Kouodry, John street, was taken 'to Brackyille general hospital, on Satur: day ciening, for treatment for appen- licitis. Mesers - Charles ~~ Macdonal 1. "Pisnopnie," and Ropve Co Sa. mg street, attended Ga sol of the Historieal Soocie'?, Brockville, The Ovtario Wheel Co., is having the buildisag, on the opposite side of Mill stroel from its works, converted ' into ah upab-date office building. Mrs, Jonn 'Mooney, Charles steeot; announces the engaizement of her only daughter, Miss Evs Winifred Mooney, to J. J. Melellan, of Montreal. - The marriagé will take place in the mnear future. " Mr. and Mrs. Ludlow Ogden, . New York City, have opened up their is- land residence a short distance, west of the town. The. Ontario soprano, Mrs. Genevi: eve Clark-Wilson, late of New York and Chicago, arrived in her touring car, from Toronto, on Saturday, to nl some time in town as guest of rs. W. J. Gibson, King street west. " Eire ARS ATE Rr FOR CABINET. od Report Gives i to to John W. Dafoe, Winnipeg Free Press. | Ottaws, July 18.It is currently re- ported in Ottawa that when the cha in Sir Wilfrid's cabinet ma erin before next session of lias ment, John W. Dafoe, the well-known etlitor of the, Winnipeg Free Press, will one of the new ministers. Tt has known for some Aime that in order, to assist the Hiberal sitnation ine west,' world be brought into the cabinet. "Mr. Dafoe has probably done more Jha any othe maw, except Hom, Chi- to build up. apd sustain ree of Brit ses in going to im] |ORPHEUM THEATRE * the secret bed imvestigation with a {and Froderick Morrison had a miracu- another western man: BIG FREE SHOW POLITE VAUDEVILLE NEW MOVING PICTURES. INDIAN WAR DRAMA fhe Colonel's Fffand" ep "Fighting Red Men on the Frontier" a thrilling drama of lie among, the troops an redskins. Full of excitement BOARDING SCHOOL ROMANCE Hf. wvou want to @ea a let of pretty. fradlcsome school. girls. having Just neaps of fun, this + "I" Don't miss] this good one {4 TO-DAY. Ge! ""HOT WEATHER COMEDY" - "Ferdinand's Vacation," one of the neatest, prettiest, most laughable plays of the season. Also "The Colonel's Errvapd." GRIFFIN'S H. MORGAN, PHONE 942. Mgr. ---------- July 18, 19. 20th -- M'LLE O'DEE HAL MORGAN 'Latest Popular Songs. SPECIAL ATTRACTION | rut tories, 33.8 es |The O'KAROS The People' s Forum CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES BE i PI - a Sn Emi six, $1; ome month, $3. HELP-~WANTED. Ek. D CLERK FOR GROC Fn ar man preferred 3 Wh Apply Box 10, Whig offjte A COMPETENT MAID Ft Mt GENERAL house wi Apply to rs Rkels ton, 148 University Avenue. A GROCERY CLERK; goon WAGES to right party piv. W. H Spérive, Grocer, '308 4 LL Street ISH WwW ASHERS AND GIRLS TW or meneral work. Apuiy to M. H . Partiey, Chalfey's Locks, Ont. FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK ; references requir ss Ferguson, 19 King A MATL and cookin Apply to Burest. CHINIST LINOTYPE OPRRATOR A na once state capabilities and Namen expected Apply, Intelils gencer; Betieville AN. INTBLLIG IGENT PHRSON "MAY earn $190 monthly corresponding for newspapers. No canvassin Send for particulars, Press Syn cate, 3.468 Lockport, N.Y. WANTED--GENERA L. N SCRIP cCann, 61 AN. ONTARIO AND 8A. VETE to buy fer cash. J. 8 R, Brock Street, HORSES TO PURCHASE. . all kinds of horses. n all summer. I 7 Princess Street. 960. I WILL BUY be AFRICAN so ONTARIO Veterans' SE Cobajt Stocks, Bonds and eters 8. Apply to J. O. Hutton, 15 Market St, 4ithgs. ton. SOUTH A FEW SHARES OR FRACTIONAL shares of the new issue of stock in thé Bun Life Assarince Company of Canada Gi, A. Bateman, 67 Clarence Street, Kingston. neni eit sb ae a pt GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it miadé up inte up- to-date sults. Price and workman- Ma p guaranteed to please. Pressing Rag repairing done on the shortest notice Thhmas Galloway; 130 Broek St. next Bibby's Livery. TEACHERS WANTED. TEACHER, HOLDING THIRD CLASS certificate, wanted, for SH¥ No. 1, Township of Clarendon; may begin duties at. once. Apply, stating salary, to J. ¥. Fraser, Bec.-Treas Ardoeh, Ont. LOST, 3 CONTAINING TWO RE- s 'antl some sfiyédr, on Monday, on Montreal Street. Finder please Faney Roller Skaters. Str.America ! fA | return to Whig office J GOLD HEART-SHAPED LOCKET engraved with initials, Sunday evening Finder kindly return to Whig office and receive reward. ------------------------------------. ---- > i 9 1 3 . BULLETINS: SATU mB. AULY 16a Tour of 1000 Isinnds.' Fave, . SUNDAY, JULY 17 Regular trip to Cape V Incent, 7.30 am, 2 p.m. Fare, Soc return, THURSDAY, JULY 21-230 p.m, Tour of 1,000 Islands. Fare, Sbc. FRIDAY, JULY 22.-S00 Gananoque, Fare, 30e return. Medls on all Trips. am, for Moonlight Excursion BY PALACE STEAMER AMERICA, MONDAY, JULY 18th Boat Jeaves 7.45, Oné hour in Clayton. A. Silver Band on board. TICKETS, 35 CENTS: Come and 'enjoy a delightful trip. Removal The public are asked ta note that I have removed ty office from 151 Wel lington Street to first floor, $9 Clar- ence Street. "Phone 331 MORN. A, DTN Hol Estate BARD NEI: co. A SECRET INVESTIGATION Into Beef Trust to Indiet Officials of Packing Companies. Chicago, July 18.~The 'federal Brand jury began taking testimony to-day in view to indicting ofhcials of the pack- | ing companies. - Ralph' Crews, chief counsel for the Nitional Packing dom: pany, wha, the first witneds." Charles Dewaody, special assistant to At- ET Gener), Wyckorsham, bad been endeavoring to locate several of the witnesses, It js learned "that 'some of the wilhibsses até in Furope, snd ef forts to subpoena hi them ave been so far Aoavailing. & re SL AAA pam. { | Wrock ville and Ogdensburg. | AMETHYST BROOCH. BET WITH peuyls, heart shaped; Saturday, on Princess, King or Brock Streets, or in Lockett's Bhoe Store. . Reward for return to 71 Brock Street. EMALL YORKSHIRE TERRIER Biteh Answers 10 the name "Lassie: reward for her return or for information that will lead te her recovery Geo. Nicol, Cata- aqut GOLD CROSS raised letters, MEMBERSHIP Pin on gold crook, A, op one side, name and date on 'the other, between Whig éffice End 46 Earl Street, on Sionday morning. Finder kindly return to Whig office High Grade Diamonds DIAMONDS IN OUR LIFE INFERIOR I" HAVE NO PLACE STOCK. FINE FINE IN MOTTO." IT PAYS INTENDING PUR- CHASERS TO INVESTIGATE. Rodger & Wright Issuer of Marriage Licenses, _ 347 KING ST. KINGSTON. AND IN QUALITY "OUR PRICE - IS Ottawa, July 1. ~Hurled from an automobile travelling at the rate of fifty-five miles = au hour, Percy Harriy lous' escape from 'death at the speed tests of the Ottawa Valley Motor Cac Association held at; Rocklifie Park, Saturday Rerrific force it crashed firto othe i; tum ing over twice and throwing its occu * went up in 'the air-over fifteen feet, alighted on his back, but for a badly braised face wis unhurt. Mr. Detroit, July 18.=The Lake Carriers' | Association. has been erved with al torney adh 1 A FRESH BARREL 4 J Columbia Batterics ARRIVED THIS WZER FROM THE FACTORY. Wi A. srricas, wr Princess Bagot). "Phone. $8 "FOR SALE. A LOT WITH. 40 FT. on Collingwood FINANCE AND INSURANCE. C..8 KIREPATBICK GENERAL IN- surance Agent and Dotan Steamship Ticket Agent. $2 Clarence Street, Kingston. Yeiaghone 56%. $200 Wild, BUY A frontage; loonlity, Street A SIX-ROOM ROUGH FOR on Albert Street $1,250 dwelling cast Insurance and Real Clarence Street FENERAL INSURANCE LITRE LIFE Ageldent Ha Health Policies issa-] 4 ed; first- ae companies, standard RTS o on, Agent, 189, om pet - PF. BOND, Es tate, AN UPRIGHT PIANO, IN GOOD CON- Aition. Apply &t 189 Pine Street. J. KE. CARROI DISTRICT AGENT, = Dominton Life Assurance Company, alsp Fire, Accident, Sickness and Plate ws Inkdrance, 1% Market Street, ngston, IN RATTAN, VERANDAH ROCKERS "Phone, $3.30, for $3.35 at forks. 705 . TWO GOOD SECPNDS HAND MOWING Machines, Apply, BD. J. Hay, 12% Clarence Street. N, CUSTOMS BROK- Pat; your mvoloes in an énvel- . & one pent stamp on i in the nearest letter box. @ feet. All Rinds of Fire es placed on short hotice "Phone 336. §7 Clarence Nr. Kings tom, GEO, A. BATEM er. SKIFFS AND G NE BOATS FOR © sie. Particulars at Godwin's In. surance Emporium, Market Square. OR EXCHANG FOR. LITY * PRO- erty, Grocofy Business In: good ooality, doing a splendid business; a bargain for quick Rusehase, Ap- ply. Box 296 Whig of LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire losurance Company. Available assets $61,187,216. In addition 10 which the > 2 holders have for security t mited Mabllity - of all the rr RB dors. Gily. propefty insured at possible rates. Before remewing old " Siving A Hd got tes rom nge tra, ents 'Phone, $e8. ® PES AS Farm and lowest SCHOLARSHIP (ANY 8 SUBJECT) IN International ' Correspondence Schools of Scranton. 3 Wo make a handsome and profitable gift for anv young man of woman; will dispose of al reasonable price if taken at omee. Apply, LE Whig office. TO LEX. OFFICES, With ALL. MODERN CON- Yerisnses, in Qephewmn Hall. Apply. W. I. Baker, Princess Street. POOL TABLE, IN GOOD CONDITION, eheap for cash sale; an imprev Saskatchewan Fai chaap for quick turn; tracts land in the Last Mountain Valley Jistrice of Saskatchewan, Cabal Dentures: Houser sod ots nd part of Kingston; Fire, JAfe, Accident and Slekness, Auto- moblle and Motor Boat Tusurance. Apply, J. O. Hutton, Market Sireet, FIRST-CLAS ROOMS AND BOARD; all rn improvements: nice Jocation. Apply, 176 Clergy Street SUMMER COTTAGE AND DWELLING furnished and unfurtished, Stores, sic, MeCann's, Brook, Cor. King Street, MEDICAL. OR FOR LEASE, THE PREMISES, No 34-38 Princess Street, suitgble for storage, 'livery, stable or garage Cunningham & Mudie Ta consu Eran: office Toure 10 to 4. 363 Kipg St. B. Phone 1% 184A0 WOOD, a D., . (® Mins cM to STORAGE FOR FURNITU RE, CLEAN, ry, airy rooms, absolutely moth!J. F. SPARKA BA, MD. PHYSICIAN roof; your own. lock and ny and Surgeon, 100 Wellington St. Frost's Clty Storage, 299 Queen Office hours: 10 to 13 am, 3 to 4 "Phone b26b, and 7 to § pm. 'Phone £86. SUMMER RESI- Park, § miles St. Lawrence, Apply to J. FURMBHED at Eastview Kingston, en 00 per week Erie P.O, Ont FINE Fl HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. from for $6 Boyd, BRUNSWICK oR Eh ONTARIO BT, ation, one block from CPR. y-¥ rao oar line; hotel jarely remodelled; char, moderate; ial rates by . week. John ousinean, Prop, BUSINESS OHAGNQES. ANYWHERE, CAN STAR] all order husiness at home, Nc canvageing ookist own Bend for free Rook let ht i) how Heacock, 2,969 Loco ANYON] LIMESTONE RESTAURANT, NO. $1 Princess Street: one door from King Street; hot lunches, 18¢; dinners, 20c¢; oysters in season, ice cream; soft 'drinks; privare parties gatered for: upstairs Bling rooms. ay, Pro our - age solicited. 1 patron ARCHITECTS, P, SMITH, ARCHITECT, BTC. King street. 'Phone, 845. ARTand residence TH Datversity Ave WM. NEWLANDS .& Phon hs Office, 268 HENRY 58 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. 3 he Dr CARD I Blvisien lop xd Sullee lider, is . for riatonat able ices on kinds of jo promptly. ARCHI. work done t Freet BE RT BECKWITH, CONTRACT. in . gineer and frehitect, Agent 0 ullders' ecialit Sydenham reet und 7 Ea 3 Street. Plans prepared and art mates given for all classes of work. POWER & SO. ITECTS, MER SON, ARCHI chan ank Buildl r ad iF Dank B tree Ps one, 1 OSTEOPATHY. . PERSONALS. YHEALTH WITHOUT DRUUS"-R. G sheroft, D.O, Hdoa KE. Asheroft udtes under Dr. - Stil r of Osteopathy, 43 BAIR, Mo ES, BIRTHMARKSR Aincess a garner Division " removed perma ently 'Phone 0 charge for econ- hindu ~sonr, sultation | Vind Mepal fe, Ee! on Hose h Amer Fr Jans u Office aly hours, 10 to 1%, 2 to §, € t street. SUMMER BOARDERS. PATE COMFORTABLY FURNISHED FRONT Rooms. nice location; near the park; five minutes' wal to the water front, Apply, 144 rrie St, FOR FULL _ INFORMATION. 0 patents, send 10c for booklet an magazine. Hen, B. Punnett, Patent Attorney, Ottawa, Ont. IN A PLEASANT NEW HOUSE, wit a bo. anda, Neil uta} shed; rge, medium nd small. roam witaated on belt fine ahd neat Vie. toria Park. Apply, 187 Alfred St. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & ers and Ruts es Clarence St a" Law Orion Ti BOARD AND ROOMS, DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS DENTISTS ne 1-2 [Princess Street, Kingston one PIRBT-CLASS BOARD AND LODGING . o 3 toget te mi DR. €. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. C. 1H had a 331 ivarslcy Avenue, cons hich her, agsistant, 183 Princess Bt. ¥erient to ®; bright, airy rooms Pho 25. gas and Tooders a eniencete Oly One Price + We have always done business on this prin Order pow for this winter's very up to May 1st, 1911, ir Price . Is $7. per