pulse in the missionary cause, and also Mr. Leech for the high ideal of patient sacrifice and faithful service that he set before my eyes whilst I had the privilege of serving under him. : The Late King and Old Hundredth, The first public act of the late King, when AMISSIONARY INHASTINGS yy * REV. ALLAN P. SHATFORD TELLS OF f HIS EXPERIENCES THERE. There Is As Much Self-Denial, Isolation and Hardship Endured by M ssionariss at Home as There Is by Those in Far Distant Lands [Extract from an address missionary gathering Kingston Ailan P. Shatiord.] It may be interesting to you to hear that 1 was, at ome time, a real, live, active mis- sionary, and that the sphere of my operations was North Hastings in the diocese of On tario, For séven months I worked: in the mission of Bancroft under the wise, capable and self-sacrificing leadership of Rev. Thos Leech. Let me tell you briefly of my ex- perience, because I think we need to keep in mind the fact that there is as much self denial, isolation and hardship endured by missionaries at home as by those in far dis-] tant lands. i We left Halifax in July and travelled in a train toll of emigrants for the Northwes After a wearisome journey of two days 1 landed at the town of Madoc, the nea'est railway point to my destination. It was about the tea hour and my engagement for the 100th Prince of Wales's Royal Cafladian Regt., at Shornclific Camp on January 10th, 1859, its first set of colors As an expression of loyalty and love for the mother country, this regiment was formed fn Canada in 1 at the time of the Indian Mutiny: While stationed at Aldershot in 1872 the regiment iad the honor of being called up to London to take part in the national thanksgiving ceremony for the Prince's recovery. No less nieresting is it to know that the "Old Hun- 'dredth" ds, no other than the Ist Prince of Wales' Leinster Regt. (Royal Canadians), which is at preset Raglan Barracks, De as part of its badge, adian emblem, ---- The Departed Friend. Robert Louis Stevenson. Though he that ever kind and true Kept stoutly step by stép with you Your whole long gusty lifetime through, Be gone a while before-- Be now a moment gone before, Yet doubt not; anon the seasons shall restore Your friend to you. before the synod by Rev. vonport, and which has, a maple leaf, the Can- He has but turned a corner shill He pushes on with right good will A Through mire and marsh, by heugh and hill, That seli-same arduous wiy-- That self-same upland hopeful way, That you and, he through many a doubtful day "Attempted still; He is not dead, this friend--not dead, But in the path we mortals tread Got some few trifling steps ahead And nearer to the end, had the reputation of being Prince of Wales, was that of presenting to] iPigou's acquaintance had, in ignorance, sol- stationed at the North | vo. ---- PARISH. pat; "His litter, ; 2 ¥ preserved for many centuries in A Lot Cathedral, ~was believed to cure rs. . y a rationalizing ysicidn contended -that these "cures" were X , because, apart from the clement of < truth that .dnderlies "faith-heal- ing." the change to- the highest ground and Jiedlth-giving breeses "around 'St. Paal's Ca- 'tnedrsl would. be a natural' remedy for the imalirial fevers contracted among the marsh. ta. of Essex. Pilgrim-street, on Ludgate-hill, Dr. Pigou, the Déan' of» Bristol, has for long J¥ one of the bright est humorists in 'the Church. * One of his stories turns upon the deceased wife's sister, It appears that a vicar of Dr. emnized such a marriage, and he interviewed the old verger, whose business it-was to: look after such things "Yes, yes," extldimed the old man, "I knowed the parties . I knowed. them." "Then, why in the world didn't you tell me?" exlaimed the vicar. "Well, vicar, it was this way, you see," re- plied the old fellow. "One of 'em parties was 83 aud t'other was 86, Says I to mesell, 'It can't last Jong; bother the laws and tet 'em two wed." ed still to mark the route taken by he fever-stritkén pilgrims from the landing Ree, near the confluence of the vanished iver Fleet with the Thames, to the shrine of 5t.-Erkenwald in St. Paul's Cathedral. His Peculiar Problem. FThe Interior. . "The country clergyman has his peculiar personal problem. "He is not apt to come into close touch with many brethren in the ministry. If he succeeds, there is the strong tehdenty to pride without the balanee of knowing men more successful than he. If he'is not always holding his own (and what man is?) there comes the horrid spectre of etivy. An address-to young clerics contained theSe words: "Envy is the sin of the pteach- . The best man I ever knew was a coun y parfon who, in the presence of men out. At the Royal Agricultural 'Show, Liverpool, the school children were invited to write es- says on domestic animals. "Among 'the "howlers" were; "Animals, as well as divided into sects" ¥ "The pig is a native of China, and it can go into business and sit down like a Chris tian." : human beings, are M even greater necessity of having in your office an Underwood Billing Type- writer, UNITED TYPEWRITER (0., LD. ORE orders are enters ed and bills render ed than there are letters written. Hence there is 4. BR. C. DOBBS, KINGSTON. AUGUST Sth, Sth, 10th, and 11th, good to return until August 30th. H ) ' B . CANADIAN NORTH-WEST, August th and 23rd. Tickets geod to return within 69 days. For full information and Pullman re ' | {servations, apply lo & J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontdrio Streets KI NCSTONS i°t MBROKI RAILWAY In Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, "A pig is not pretty, nor is 'be pered, but he is like some of us." "The pig Has been the goose that lays the golden eggs to wany people. Many. Ameri cans would not be milliongires" without the false-blamed pig" | $ Felon i "The baby horse is called a Gillett." « "Cow's teeth are made #ito violin strings." good-tem- ig RY fa : bit he had fought his fight against it." ie country minister must be in many ways dependent upon himself; there are not many | whom he can say, "Do this," and they do . "*He must 'often be Sunday school super: inteydent and choir leader. Nearly always Hie. 'must initiste every new advance 'move: ment, He may train pp assistants, bai usual: «they are trained for other fields. The country clergyman must also know how to preach to a few with the same fervor he would ; give 'to hundreds. Religious Growth in States, ¥ Religious growth in the United States has been greater than the increase in population betwden the years 1900 and 1906, according to bier r more successful than he, kew no An English 'preacher, discoursing - upon Bunyan and his works, caused a titter among, his hearers by "exclaimiig, "ln. these days, my btethren, we want more -Buniyans!" Another clergyman, pleading eartestly with his parishioners for the construction of a cemetery 'for their parish, asked them to ¢on- sider "the _deplorible "condition of 30,000 bre the possession a y lack of vi $3.50 Recipe Cures Weak Men --- Fro Sead Name and Address Today-- You Can Have It Free and Be Strong and Vigorous. aise, Sig le 2 on by excesses, ufinstural drains, or llies of youth, that bas sured so many rescri Teateved hack HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To Canadian North-West. August Oth and 23rd. GOOD FOR $8 Dais KIN GSTON OTTAWA. Leave Kingston 13.01 pam, arrive Oba. awa § p.m. Leave Ottawa 10.48 am. arrive Kingston 3.68 p.m. Full information at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F.. CONWAY, Christian' Englishmen living without Chris- tian burial" > Still mare curious was this clerical slip. A { So that you, too, once past this bend, ; Shall meet again, as face to face, this. friend You fancy dead. worn and Bervous men right in their own Gen. Pass. Agent. hompe--without any additional help or medi. She tush I think every man who wishes to in his wer snd virility, anlchly ° the spécial census report ou the census of religions bodies for 1906, now in press. In the principal cities 'of the country the growth, manly should bave a BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. rain leaves } Push gaily on, strong heart! The while Yo travel forward mile by mile He loiters with a backward smile, Till you can overtake, And strains his eyes to search his wake, i Or, whistling, as he $ces you through the i | brake, Waits on a stile. Ireland's Beautiful English, By Thomas O'Hagan. | A recent writer in fhe London Times dis forward, for this was Saturday night. So ar-| cussing the English spolent in Ireland, says that rangements were made with a local livery. | it might be regarded as "a fabric built by Irish nian to drive me through--a distauce of over architects with English bricks. Yés, but the bricks sixty miles. It was my first experience with Were fashioned and formed ifi the days of Shake a bugkboard. We had not proceeded far) speare and the Stuart Kings. There is 10 more when a terrible rain began 'brogue" to it than there 1s in the Doric verna ard lakes and cats and dogs. The darkness] cular of Burns, Portia's speech in the "Merchant was so thick that it (gould almost be fer! of Venice" beginning with "The quality of mercy Up tremendous hills and down into deep ra-i 15 Dot strained" if read with the Elizabethan ac- vines: until 1 thought we were descending | cont 1s almost precisely the English accent which into the Inferno, And down there the horse Obtains in Ireland to-day, 4 balked. Abuse, entreaty, wallopings failed to In fact the writer in the Times testifies to this move him, so we climbed the hill and sought W the following words: "When at its fichest a shelter in: the farmhouse on the top. It it the mouths of the vider peasants the English wis nearly midnight and we were refused | poken in Ireland to-day owes most to Shake- generously allowed to, Spearean England. dot in Amount but in quality, sleep in the hayloft. My first bed in Ontario! These old quiet people fading now from. us tike was in the sweet-smelling hay--it was by afl twilight with their hearts full of - vadisturbed accounts better than many | endured after-| impressions and their memories clear and wath Eatly next morning we started off. | like mellowed engravings: still use some of the mission in! English that came to Ireland with § er, with time to conduct morning service. That was Raleigh, with the Cromwellians, the 'men who a unique day in my lite. Over corduroy | spoke the speech of Jolin ; who came as voads in a two-wheeled gig, preaching three| Macaulay has said, with the praise of God in times and mecting the simple, honest, God-| their mouths and & two'edged sword in their Rev. A, P. Suarronn. services at Bancroft necessitated my pushing It poured rivers admission but were wards I reached the first station of the fearing people in their crude, primitive e . homes. Sunday night 1 was the guest of a In the centuries that followed the Restoration, most kind, dear little woman in a lJog-cabin | the "Plantations" and the "Settlements" from Fhe boys of the family took the floor and England ceased and Iréland slowly assimilated kipdly gave thie bed to the "parson" It was | all Gentlemen. and' peasants began to speak the a home-made structure with just three slits Same -Janguage borrowing one from the other; it. 1 was not alone that night and the the talk of the men of Giility tired in the classic heat was insufferable. I pined for the hay-|!radition enriched the vocabulary of the peasants, Foft! while the country gentlemen themselves [Irish The mission of Bancroit had fourteen sta-| Speakers, absorbed into Emglish speech some tions tbe served. 1 am glad to hear that | $ang of "the vigor and passion, the profuse your "diocese has made such progress that) nage.y and wilful exaggeration that are inherent there are now three missions, each having| 0 the Gaels. ------------ its own priest. 2 How shall '1 tell you of the drives over Has No Gloss For Evil. those roads? One particular spot was a The Bi h : ishop of London - three-mile stretch of bare logs with 'scarcely ing of the London ps 3 the util meet a hatful of earth in the whole distance. After] ontive Rescue and Penitentiary Work at the Church House, "Westminster, said when he i Fboth in, the munber of religious organizations and communicants, was greater in the years mentioned - thn the increase in' population, while in' the atea outside the principal cities H€ rure of incPeast if the number of new thtrclies established wdsd approximately the Same. .as the 'rate of population increase, al- though in the number of communicants the ificrease. in the outside areas as in the cities, {Was in excess of that in population. Out of overy 1.000 persons in the 160 principal cities of 'thé coumry--<that is," those which had a population of over 25000--thete were 469 -p-pl : " © af ehurch members, while for the area ottshié Squire (after laud and prolonged laughter) Fthoae cities there were 363, and for the entire --"Ha, Ha! That's good; and | suppose theifetiuntey thére were 391. As compared with wll the tise" 41890, the report shows a gaih of pinety com mMunicants in each 1,000 of population for the little devil had done Freedom of the will is 4 doctrine which petiscipal cities and a gain of fifty-one out children can understand and appreciate. The "pide of them. ' little girl in this story was pot willing to. -; ° have all her naughty ingenuity ascribed 10 supernatural sources. gentleman said to a minister: "When da you expect to see Deacon S. again?" ) "Never," said the reverend gentleman, sol: "The deacon is in heaven' " emaly. Travelling Inspector of Schools (alter sev- nh erely ¢ross-questioning the terrified class)-- "And now, boys, whe wrote Hamlet?" Timid Boy--"P-p-please, sir, it was-n't me." Travelling Inspector (the same evening to his host, the squire of the village)--""Most amusing thing happened to.day. I was questioning the ¢lass dnd asked a boy who wrote Hamlet and he answered tearfully, | an 'P-p-please, sir, It was mer" The Need of a Creed "It was Satan," "said a Moller "to" one 'of: There: are ddviitages of having a creed her 'children, "who put it into your Head to} If gives' cledriieys; definitentss and shape wu pit Elsie's hair." : : LL Bes ideas and 'cohvictiods. Loosed 'fron "Perhaps it - was," replied vie Kithe Girma lord. adhesions. they stand out is their cor "but kicking her shins sas my own idea" © 4 Feet be rtions and rélations. JE, peeved: oe FEE She from deilung, At drives a stake fast 1 An English clergymat, talking one day e eins thal are settled. It acts like + with a Scottish brother of the cloth: remark. titchet {hat préveiits the wheel from turning ed facetiously, "Well, David, | belleye, after Bache. It gives'one a foothsld char enable: all has been said, that my head could ligldy Rim to move forward. <It puts bne in position two of yours" i touleave things that are behind and reac! "Mon," returned the 'Other. with ready wit; fotth tito those 'that are before. It gives "I' sever tocht before that your head was sae) fefson' charicter, strength, standing. Me: etitpry." A ka : what he is, and where to find Him : : They are sure of his color, he is no chame Some years: ago we remember mectiug at- Jean The mask. is torn off. when a person the door of a secondhand bookshop an 'ex. jdieglares his. belief. citéd Itishman.' He had just bought the" 'A creed helps 2 man in making converts "Irish Melodies!' for « shilling whén he turn-; He 'presents to those whom he would infly ed round on the bookseller and burst out; ence a definite proposition. = The first: thing "But 1 could kill ye for selling these immor- - a political convention does in lagnching ou tal gems so cheap!" , 'upon a 'campaign is to frame its creed--to formulate its platform, They look for sup port in an ejéction from all those who are of the same mind. | A man whom you would win ,Pver to your cause has a right to 'ask, and should ask, "Just what is it you would -have ------ Lord Gorell, chairman of the British Royal Commission of the Divorce Laws, examin- ing the Bishop of Birmingham, asked: "Deo. you think it is a satisfactory témedy to FE a Summer la to any nus wha I. CT vo Bs made 3 tion for tLe sarc of t failure ; TP Ehink 1 owe If 10 uo them a copy in confid . droggi act stop druggin, medicines: fecure what ywhere who is wes ures may te t 'Robinson, ich., and I win send id recipe in a plain of &h quietly, determined 'to send a oopy ow of charge, in a " who y am convinced ft is the surest-actin, . deficien ether 0 my fellow man to send once so that any man in will sopy. 1 of the preseri| ordinary sea en- write me for it, from a ph study of men and | t he. A great man: 00 to $5.00 for merely like this -- but Drinks Armer's Pure Grape Wine, Turner's Pure Blackberry Wine Blackcherry Turner's Wine, Pure Turner's Pure Port Wine. Lime Juice, Lemon Squash. Raspberry Vinegar, Cop's Ale, Lemonade Powder, 8S. T. KIRK, 281 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 417. Get your Cash Coupons you ordindry on Stat) Ont = ies Rep 4a This ace ui ints no re qu X despatch fo Bapsoc ints on ooth, and Ae i onts via yricien PE, FE ICs cas ro, Soe gudra Spoly now. Di , Agent one, NO. ood and i & copy of one dootsre writ send §hsthound, leaves Kingsto WEEK-END TRIPK, The following are rates for week- end trips from Kingston / Toronto .. .. A Charlotte, N.Y. .. 1,000 Islands' Ports Brockville . . . ( . Prescott .. . 2 MODBLPORE .. sons. s ia. yo JOO STEAMER "BELLEVILLE." Waestbouna, Saturday-.. ...10.30 p.m. Bastbound, Wedfiesda /.. 6.30 p.m. For fui particulars, berths, ete. apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Streels. Lake Ontaric and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. Str. Caspianand North King 1000 Islands~-Rochester Commencing June 26th, steamars leave Kingston dally at 10.15 a.m. for Alexandria Bay, Gananoque, and Rockport. Returning, leave at § p.m, for Rochester, N.Y., calling at Bay of Quinte ports. Str. Aletha Leaves Kingston Mondays at § p.n., for Picton and intermediate Bay me acéept?" If you canhot answer definitely you have lost your opportunity. Mate than that, '2 creed insures harmony and co-operation. It brings together kin ! dred spirits and combines their influence and energy for concerted action. They are yoke fellows in service. "How can two walk to separate two people and still keep thém 'tied together?" ; A : "Mamma, when | say my prayer: to-night, may I pray for rain?" "Of cotirse, dear. But don't you. think we'- ve had enough rain?" 4 you bumped over that for an hour you won: dered where your vertebrate cohimn had : ] : : : ~ read in attractive-looki gone to! It was not an uncommon thing to only an eaten bodks til vil way drop off a shelf about as high-as a chair and dered what they made of this articalar evil then climb over rocks that scraped the axle How. in-the name 'of all that _ good could] an evil that was destroying the happiness of + Our average drive per week wis one hundred "Not quite. "Jentdie Jomes is going i fiave! gether except they be agreed?" a picnic to-morrow: and I ain't invited." ' The Wind and Our Nerves. The east winds hag the earth more ¢ osely #nd-gather more moisture, dust and bacteria He --""What kind, of 'stone would you like in the ring, darling?" of Quinte ports. Full information from James Swift & Co., 4. P. Havley, Fright Agents. Ticket Agent, Thousand Island and St. Lawrcaes River Stcambeat Companies. in Coancetion WiHk the New Tork Central snd Hudson River miles, One enchanting spot was Peever's Settle- ment, I spent a night at Mr. John's, and my, ~ recollection of that night is an outstanding memory, Nothing like it has ever come to me since, © No words 'can ever convey the rugged simplicity, the almost primeval crude: fiess of my surroundings. The little church there was built by the people. - The seats were slabs resting upon blocks of wood 1 preached against fearful odds that day There were four babies--all exercising their lungs. The louder I preached the more de: termined was itheir opposition. It was a «+ royal battle, but, with the kind efforts of the mothers, 1 avon out. You can 'undérstand now where 1 got the exercise that gave me my present lung power. But the simple faith of those child-people has always been an inspiration "to me. When the cross was raised un the gable of the church, John Peever did it irr the name of the Trinity, "As Jesus was nailed on the Cross, so we nail this Cross on the Church, in the name of the Father, ete" "Drive her home, John," called his companions. Mr. Leech and I shared a bed-one October night in another part of the mission. was awakened during the night to find my head ina small snowdrift--the chinks between the thousands of homes and burning out the hearts of thousands of young people bé call- d merely an undeveloped good? h teach. ing was delusive heresy, Then there were the false glamor, the infectiousness, and the universality of the evil. In this work they were by no means patronizing the lower classes. He vee a say the morality of Bethnal Green would. put to shame over and over again the morality of the richer districts of London. He had burned under a sense of shame when he read parts of the evidences given before the Divorce Commission. Ewi- dence had been given befdre that Conimis- sion which, if applied to the working classes, would be nothing Jess than a libel upon them. The Bishop has no gloss for evil - in high aces, * The Khan's Toronto Star. 1 think the foneral secmon fails sometimes because it never points out that, though now and then a sinner comes to a swift and sud- den end, every day thousands and thousands of Shem just as bad, quite of reckless, Sqully as ngerous, escape without a scrate through God's mercy. Did the man Who was killed get his last chance? Had he been for- She.--"Oh, Jack, 'dedr, I've heard so wo] about Bisebdll diamonds. - Do yon suppose they are" very expensive?" "Why did you quit coming school, James?" . "Aw, 1 had to--] was Joss' me. standin' wid de gang." 7 Sunday 3 tu As To Work. Ottawa Journal. ! "You séem to have beén a hard worker all your life. - Because! of this fact 1 shall you the benefit of fhe doubt and are case, J These 'words, pronounded by one of Ot- rob Hn PEP s to widely ade afd : After all, eh es wiys of differ: entiating between the men who are of use the world and the mer who afe of nd asi i8 the test, "Does he work?, No matie unworthy a'man may ot resp 3 matter how many other laws ong tid a rude dignity attaches to the man who helps year after year. The test, "Are you a steady worker? is being 'more and 'more applied in 5 Gigiributing centres. yitahty, J inte witich fs always present with the east do the work of the world, day after day and | long They are cold to human and animal life and reader it susceptible to the discase germ Which the winds carey and disseminate. The cool, pure northwest winds come from 4 region of dry, highly electrified air where Oz0ne exists in comparatively large quanti ties. They are invigorating." The framework erves in the human being is like a delic: t« cal apparitus, the nerves being the wires and the brain the ganglia receiving and very one knows that a telephone work: tier on a clear, dry day than on a wet, gky ohe The moist atmosphere lessens The. nerve 'wires grow flaceid ane The "messages become confused ee low sph melanichotls, distorted ta] outlook, ok, faulty as tion, and dis day 0 of any wind if on the human WELLINGTON ST., ncir PRINCES . There are othér "proach the Club for Ee ny TH Oe A -- Sota rd i THE CLUB HOTEL hotels, but mone homelike sur i in centre of city and close principal stores and theatre. Charges are moderate. Bpecial rates the week P.M. THOMPSON, Propeisior. Al continued 4 has = or WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. Sales given special ate day, York Btate, Through sleeper Cape «nt to to Watertown, 8.8. fitted RR. NR Ce. Commencing Sunday, Juse 18, except Bun~ Mm. ay, 7.50 am, po. Pract connections at od from all points in Leave Kingston dally, 5.00 am. and 200 ave Kingston, Sun 2.00 in New York Week-end ound trip re. Kitna olng yarn foe Mondgy. 3 86. ne Th heat ~ the 0 's Bulletin." day, return Summer Cruises Ia Cool Latitudes. "Cascapedia" 1.990 tons. recently out on the Ci 1a service, With ail modern Somrorta MONTREAL ON MON. 29th ist, 16th, and Sth and 36th Jentembee ~ ; merside. PEI. Ei. Sails Fro G following &t noon. logs offering frec admission to the snow One drive that I shall always remember was rom Faraday 'to Bancroft in 3 sleetstorm The snow had buried the stumps; so I could aot altogether avoid them, It seems to me I struck thousands that dey, and I was pitch forked out of the gig 4 dozen times until the "horse lost patience and ki ked off the dash-|! 'board. When. I reached Bancroft 1 looked like a miniature ice-palace, for I was sheeted spackling icicles. Was Be taken ing. Po ii by him as a police courts the world over. The man who 5 of accom. plished work may wd pect record to stand ield if a day of troyble should A ! | WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, at 6 am. For YTON : FRIDA - and* BAT- For OTTAWA ¥ lL every RIDEAU LAKES NAVIGATION CO. MONDAY, XY; TUESDAY A and | thereafter Wed- co,