'SALE OF Wash Goods AND... Remnants Now that the season is drawing to a close we find a great sumber of Remnants of Wash Goods * Ranging from 2.to 10 and 11 Yards. The Patterns are some of the best selling ones of the season, and are L Sxeomtionally fast colors. They will be sold at ridiciously Wash Goods Some 15¢ and 18¢ of every description greatly reduced in ioieet, k «9 1-2¢ Hines now ... «.. +1 +: LAST WEEa'S WINNERS WERE: ist, Mrs. J. Burns, Oates P.O. 2nd, Mrs. Sherbino, University Avenue, CRUMLEY BROS. REID & CHARLES ROYAL SHOES se MEN Hand-in-hand with style goes wearing quality. This, together with the choic¢st leather apd superb workmanship, places these gcods in fegnt rank of shoe perfection. SOLD ONLY AT THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. ; Manufacturers of Traps and Bends, Solder, Brass Ferrules, Iron nd Lead Combina- tion Ferrules. Write for prices. OFFICE: 8 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. Highest Grades GASOLINE, COAL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL. . FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. W.F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Building. SPECIAL No Ne of Waggons. : Wh te a takes. the Bling as in Sood o condition. Factory Sa Agen. Oxford Sale §| {Emp ma : ang Resist, Any Also ne oro every description. Tires ¥e to' put by Carriage New aso Men' 8 Tan Oxfords, Mothers, we are a 82.95, $4.00. Cut price, Rubber Tires on your on shortest n $2.00. ouRens your carr jo Slums E 0 Ringe Men's Taf, Caif Ox, §| Give ua a can. fords, $4.50. Cut price- JAMES LATURNEY $3.45. ~ The Maker, Men's Tan Oxfords, $5.00. _ Cut price, $3.75 Sowards Keeps Coal AND These are all - high Coal Keeps Sowards. HAVE YOU TRIED HIM? ffumory of 3 ---- 3 AGAINST A GANANOQUE YOUNG MAN IN COURT. Spring and Axle Co, Suffers Break- ing of Shaft--Bell Telephone Company is Painting Poles on Streets. Gananoque, Aug. l--James Cowan was arcaigned in the police court, Sat- urday afternoon, on a charge of Steal ing cighteen dollars from Wilbur Gray, liveryman, Charles street, The case is peculiar, binging in the main on. cir: cumstantial evidence. Cowan bad a rig out and returned it rather late, and was afterwards seen going back to the stable. The next morning he told a friend that Gray had been rob- bed of eighteen dollars the night be. fore.; The friend repeated it to an em- ployee of Gray's, who asked Gray ii there was any truth in it. Me owned that there was, but stated he had told no one. Chief Ryan investigated the cage and placed Cowan under arrest. The latter deiied all knowledge of the affair. In 'the meantime a brother oi accused went to Gray, and, on his pro- mise to drop the prosecution, was paid the sem taken from him while he was asleep in his office, After hearing the evidence, the case was adjourned until Friday next, and Cowan allowed oui on his own recoguizance of $200. The Ganapoque Spring and © Axle company had the misfortune to sufie a break of its main shalt, en Friday morning, compelling the closing down of the works until - the shaft is re paired, In. the und, shoot at Seeley 's Bay, Messrs, W. A. Lewis, E. P. Wright, BR. Tullock; A. D. Brown, F. J. Willis and 8. Meggs won the prige for the Thou sand Islands Gan Club, of this town, by a score of 108 to 103. The Bell Telephone compeay, follow jug un request from the town couneil, has a gang of men here engaged in painting the poles along the main streets of the town. The Messrs. Commor, Hall and Can nem, who have for the past two weeks been enjoying an outing on Hay Is land, at N.R.A.D. camp, broke ecamg the latter part of the week and return ed in the Inumch Togo to their homes in Kingston. Miss 'Madeline Davey, of Brampton, spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cotton, Hickory street, rendered two excellent solos in Grace church yesterday. Miss Davey is only fourteen years of age, bul possesses a remarkable voice, James Roberts, who moved here from near Huntingdon, Que., some time ago, to accept work 'in the loca quarries operated by D. J, Gordon, sold out his household effects by pub- lic auction, on Saturday, and returns to his former home early this week, Rev. Benjamin H. Spence, secretary of the Domision Alliance, conducted the Alliance's field day at Gananoque yesterday, - preaching in St. Andrew's church in the morning and in Grace church in the evening. Rev. J. T, Pitcher, pastor af Grace church, conducted the evening serviec in St. Andrew's churgh, yesterday, dealing to a large extent with the pro- posed union of the sister churches. The hig steel freighter Dunelm, of Sunderland, Montreal to Fort Wil liam, up, unloaded a big consignment of shovel steel for the D. F. Jones Rolling Mills, yesterday afternoon. The big steel freighter, Corunna, of the In- land Lakes line, was in port yester: day afternoon, and - took on a large consignment of bolts from the Canada Bolt and Nut company, billed for Win- nipeg Ro A. Webster made another big shipment of some 750 boxes-of cheese, billed for Montreal, on the Brittannie, on Saturday. The news of the death of Rev. James 8S. Evans, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, Athens, Tenn., which pecurred at Brockville general hos 'pital, recently, was learned with deep regret. Deceased was born in Flize- bethtown, and was a brother of Mrs. William Clow, John street, with whom he visited only a few weeks ago. PLACED BOY IN A CAGE' To Keep Him From Undesirable Play- mates. Frankford, Ind. Aug. L-Charged with keeping their son in a cage and otherwise neglecting him Ora Lewis and wife are im jail. Probation offi cers also state they found the boy nearly starved. The defence is that the father wanted to keep the boy away from wadesirable childeen. Piotecting the Ears of Gunners, Beientific American The ears of guaners are often seri ously 'imjured the * detonation of great guns, the tympanum of the ear has invented a simple device. Mariotti being frequently ruptured. Mariotti prevents 1 injurious 'effects with- out diviinishing the ~sharpuiess hearing. The protector consists. of a solid mass of glass of such form as to Bit accurately the extertial ear. into which it is inserted. It is traversed horizontally by a perforation, the in-. ner end of which almost touches the tympannm. The outer 'end Of ' this horizontal passage does wot quite reach the outer end of the mass of glass, Dut connects with a vertical pas sagé which communicates froely with the atmosphere above and below. The > violent disturhinee of the air cansed by the artillery discharge Dro duces an aspiration in the horizontal and conseruently a earefaction be | passage of the smail mass of air cosfined tween the tympanum snd the lass of this rarelustion' 4 In onsen uence 1 the force of the aerial vibration fans mitted to the tympanum only violent ry by joi the 4 the stmauphers, so that the sensi: of the ear for ordinery Be {some is mot. diab as At the Hindu demonstration in mie- d, seated on either side oF he wire of Cour for over | fonject to the sale of a paying 2006 _ Amusements. ToNight BIG FREE SHOW POLITE VAUDEVILLE NEW MOVING PICTURES, BLJOU The Actress and the Man. drama of great interest, show w the man escaped the tolls of the autiful serpent. Voyage Inside the Earth. A realization * in notion pletures of Tules Ver, wierd tale. A splendidly wiored 1 Im howing magnificently wlored caverns, flery eruptions, violent sxplosions, and wierd animals beneath he earth's crust. #] gt " Rebellious Betty A new Comed character who will make 1 laug oung fady who believes in fun at: all costs: TO-DAY. 'GRIFFIN'S A societ ORPHEUM 1 THEATRE H, H. MORGAN, PHONE 942. August 1, 2, 3. Hal. Morgan LATEST POPULAR SONGS. Special Attraction Mgr. Messrs. Jack Morris and Lew Clayton America's Greatest' Dancing Trio, Direct from Hammerstein's Roof Garden. BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, AUGEST 3-230 p.m, our of the Islands, Fare, He. FRIDAY, AVGEST Ju8 am. for i tile and Ogd fare, (be return, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6-230 pm, Cour of the Islands. Fare, S0e. SUNDAY, AUGUST Ti Trips to Cape Vincent, 730 am. and 2 pam. Fare, 30e return. Meals on nil Trips: BAILIFF SALE TUESDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1910, at the EXCHANGE HOTEL, BROCK ST. The contents, comprising Bedroom, Dining-room, snd Parlor Furniture, jquare Plano, Kitchen Utensils, Steel Range, Refrigerator, Bar Fixtures, md Liquors, ihree Quebec Heaters, and many other articles. Sale at 10 a.m. 2 Gh CLARK By aire. WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. - DON'T GET Your House : Wired for Electric Light | A Before you get our Prices, WwW. A. SPRIGGS, Eleetrieal C tor, 4 167 Princess St, Bagot). Tr wt we Wants the Intéreoloninl. Hamilton Spectator. Wim. McKenzie, of the C. N. R. say» that he wants the Intercolonisl road to complete his transcontinental line to the eastern seshosrd. He is frapk in stating the case and sess to have an idea that he will be able to get what he wants when he is ready for the 'Intorcolonial government owned it, 10 it should bh that Hon. Graham» railway poliny and cont road becomes a paving institution, Mr, MeKenzie will have trouble." The would seriously public service 10 'a private ation, Per- haps the Canadian Nao magnate will have to content himself with a working arrpagement over the old . A Fair Railway Duel. Hamilton Times. in afly velueed. This effect % pro cises Miss Lillian Wright Str America| CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES ROOM GIRL. Apply. British. NG- INL NG rican Hotel office; K ngston AT ONCE, A FIRST CLASS BAVBAGE maker and Pork Curer. only Lo Anderso u Bros, Division Street APPLY TO MRS D. Robertson, Foner Byden- art ent Streets, ham and ROCKWOOD "HOSPITAL. A SE- cond Laundress; one having some rience preferred. Apply to the Matron, CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by working ens & good salary. ork manent posi Xe you are work- ing for smal aa bebind write Jed you hi ¢ YOUr OWL E. B.C," Whig office, WANTED--GENERAL DRESSMAKER, 20 Gar- FIRST-CLASS sewing by the day. "Apply, 2 rett Street. ONTARIO AND S.A. YETERAN SCRIP to buy for cash, J. 8 R, McCann, 51 Brock Street. A PURNIBHED HOUSE, CENTRALLY located, moderate sige from Oct 1st 1810, to June 1st, 1911, or longer. Apply to Box 726, whig office, BY HORSES Io PURCHASE... 1 i! BUY nds of horses. in 3 pic all summer. yg enking, 3 rinceds Street. Torephone No. souzH AFRICAN AND - ONTA ARIO Bonds tn Soripte, Cobalt Btocks, and Debentures. Apply to 2 "Hiutton, 18 Market St, Kings- GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up Into up~ to-date suits. Price and workman~ ahi guaranteed to please. Pressin repairing done on the shortes potice. Thomas Galloway, 13) Brock Bt. next Bibhy's Livery. TEACHERS WANTED. A BECOND-HAND MANDOLIN. ply to 98 Princess Street. QUALIFIED Beparate S88, Apply to John Qui ral Post Office, A TEACHER FOR No. 7, Wolfe Island ley, Bec, Cent- oie island. TEACHER, HOLDING, THIRD CLASS certificate, wanted, for 8.8 No. 1, Towuship of Clarendon: ay sifas duties ce, Apply. y, Sjat ns FOR FULL INFORMATI oe ON patents, send Soe for bool RB. Pannett, Patent ttorney, Ottawn, Ont. *. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, ens end. Solleitors. La w Ottion 19 BUSINESS CHANCES. "IES SIE. WLI ig ah Ck PERSONALS. HAIR, M 8 LES, SIRTHM. warts, WAthout mest ARKS eo aE A . Nosy, The 58 "Bagot OSTROPATHY. hi HRA WIRHOUT, DRUGS, RG D.O. Ashoroft, D.O., Grad uates, , under 4 at ler eopathy, treet, cormer Division. ne vs efor con- sultation and literature Office hours, 10 to 12, 2to 5, 6 te 8. IF YOUR WATCH OR JEWELLERY REQUIRES RE- PAIRING BRING IT TO US. WE HAVE EVERY FACIL- ITY FOR REPAIRING AND REMODELING. The Peopl LOST. BOSTON MAKE GOLD PEN, barrell, on Tuesday, th een oriamo . Lr. near Sydenham or on rock car Suitable reward at this office. pt PU OLLOWED Sulveraity Avenue esday, 27th: valued Kindly returns to rewan LA ABE A \ BRINDLE BULL young "Sonar 530, as childs _ Stuart Street and receive POX TERRIER PUP, WITH BLACK t on forehead answers to name "Spi hursday morning Finder kindly retirn to 288 Un versity Avenue and receive Feward. FOUND, SKIFF, ADRIFT IN KINGSTON HAR- bor, Sunday night, duly 21st. Owner may have same by identifying pro: and paying for advertisement, Apply. Box 18, this bifice. FINANCE AND INSURANOR. Cc AL. IN- O 8 JORKPATRCK OEMERAL I Ti igket Anon 4 Stree X Kingston. appt 3 p po BE LIF GENE RN IRB RE. 3 ates. Wellington Bireet. I RAR ROL DISTRICT ec AGENY: ' ton uranee 18 MAceident, Sickness and Plate dis Insurance, Market Btreet, gston. GEO. A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK- - Put Ug invoices in an envel- nd a pon ihe the negrest let ot Dos. $l fon Al of Fire pp rance Fired on Rint of orice. one 396. §7 Clarence St, Kings- won, LIVERPQOL, LONDON. Fire Insurance Com assets $61,187,216. In addl the have - for w op olders security (be | te un mited Dability of all olders. Farm AND GLOB pany. avaiable, city un "ingured at es rates. Bgtore renewing old ivi new business get rates fro "Sifange Biinome ¥ Agents. MEDICAL. BAS rou tha fd et £3 EY J. r SPARKS. BA. Sorgeon, O ice hours: 10 to 13 a. and 7 10 § pm. GAS ANGE, I HE eamalp oven ahd te= b tion to" e's Forum a 'FOR BALE. -- 7 Re a | CATR ea "water heat $1,000 -- Vicg ori Tsireets § ROOMS; frame. . ------ VICTORIA STREET, 6 ROOMS: frame: stable RR o A PF. BOND, 1% CLARENCE STREET. VERANDAH ROCKE I for $2.25, at a RR a HER Ri rT Beuare pn SET f Pac Rie Pa) % " ET King Sines. "ing ton, hic IN RATTAN, urk"s. Phone, * BOT ORDER; with double Dirge! n Apply to 214 Sydenha Sr-- ro-- $1, a BUYS TWO SMALL DETACHED hounts (one stone and one frame) and deep rot on Clergy Street West; a bargain. Particulars at Mullin's Groeery. $690 Jas WILL. BUY A FIVE-ROOM- ed, ong- storey frame house, with good sheds: also extra bulldiag lot, at Lower of. py particulars, enquire at this office A GROCERY STORE IN. THE THRIV- ing villa e of Wollé Island, In run- nin or doing good business; £00 outbutidin i Shh be bought at once at a low Particulars at Mullin's Groce SCHOLARSHIP oa) (ANY , SUBJIBOT! pandense nat mn Schools ranton, a hey Ome nd profital ie ARY ung man of WOIAD; fr oho by a " POOL. TABLE, IN GOOD CONDITIO ess for cash sale; an Roy skatchewan Farm, ohea) np & ol land guick turn; tracts ire fia Bengt oka ou a part of ingston; Life, Ace Accident and Sickness, Autos bile Sng 1] Notor Boat Insurance. APply utton. Market Street. 0 LE. Sk, Ril ADplY, ker, , Princess St Street. pT, T ROOMS AND ARD; Mprovemen 8: niles 76 Clergy Btreet. emi Wi ven Bak b PIRSE-CLARS T lgoation, RE , UMMER COTTAGE D Vag Hi furnished and u ---- ne. Sie. M ecann's, Brogk, Cor, King reet, OR FOR wn storage gl Fost, sola le Tor oO & Your patron- PRs 4 Suter and Butler, 3 Ta ERNEST R. BECKWITH, CONTRACT ing Engineer and Architect Agent for ailders' = Specialities, 14 Jrdenbam SE and in reel lans pared an mates given for 14 Bases ol) work ARCHITECTS. ITRCT, ITO. YP. , ARCH 268 Ring otra "Phone, 34h. ARTHUR B TRCT, OF FT Rn el AR avery Te WM. NEWLANDS ARCHI. te Getioa: 268 Be Bagot street POWER & Heed rdf reels Pion We fresh MODERATE CHARGES. EXPERT WORKMEN. Haat 205. filvghies SYNOPSIS or. CANADIAN NORTH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS. head br Tami te wa is THE SOLE cof oun" nomsstend Folion. of Baska tehewan or icant must appear in person at by, prozy or Ton rain rer or sister of A tending rk wr ra wiibin Hh wih mime =. a ot hk oon sien on on ES fas 15 pra spt a duarier CoN. corner o he ir own Ss BRICK HOUSE. No. 33 DIVISION 87T.; modern improvements, with furs Ki LSet, tr TAB A , 87 Un A DENTAL Bl RT Ly PRE: one 346. DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST: DR. ! Weicker, 2 a ant, 183 Princess a Phone 7 BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST.CLASS ARD AND LODQING er or te may Bad a £7 Univerafiy Avenue, yn re; bright, 3 £85 and modern oa ohces i SUMMER BOARDERS. COMFORTABLY. FURNISHED FRONT Rooms; nice location; . near park; five migutes walk to water front. Apply, M4 Barrie Mined Coal carry over no old stock, Our bins are filled with bright. mined Coal. Ask your neighbor about our Coal, SWIFT'S try (ifciuding the time of hamest ead en ¥ ulred to earn crus. wire: | ui) and uhtiyate f Series wha ban xia homestead Ser fare his . $3.00 ain digiriels Price pre-om pion mevtead in Sorin T aore. months in Sach of three years, va fife sere 6 nd ésrect & hopse worth W. WwW. CORY, Deputy of the M) Minister of the N.B~Unauth: pubis this advertisement will oe not be paid tor Our Crystal Brand Of Standard Granglsted Sugar fs un- ANDREW | omar Breet. aa shan pathird x The to u fal faring dows: throngs Copan: y tonople. EER