A Safe Savings Accou TO BUILD FIRST CLASS ROAD TO PORCUPINE DISTRICT. ---- T LH. Timmins Says the Whitney "Fhe Bank of Toronto is a better proposition than in stocks or value of to you and h is flactu- Political Friend. Montreal Herald What be described as the first reall importans sonndnl in which the- Wii government has been involved wa void by L. H. Timmius, a Toronik [mining man, who arrived in Montrea ¥ afternoon. it Bad arisen from the pejection by the government of Ontario on the ac- vice, it is said, of the minister of mines, on the application of the Tim ming-MeMartin jcate for a charte:. for the construction of a railway fro the Temiskaming and Northern Om tario railway at mileage 222 to th 3 gold field, and the grant ing an exclusive charter to T. A | Shillington, the local member, ww i iates, for the construc tion of eh Wbetioy i ling to thik pr e Timm Mr. Timmins is indignant as we as di inted at what he calls th i action of Minster Coch rane in persuading the government tc grant a charter to ome of its sup porters in the legislature, who, it i claimed, has compromised his position as o member of the provincial go. ernment by using his influence to get the government to sanction a charlie for a syndicate in which he is pecv niarily interested. The st is that the Omtario legis. latupe authorized the extension of th Ontario government road to the Por cupine with power to exercise is discretion as to whether it chould a tually build it or not. The sabinet, after due consideration came to the conclusion that it was not advisable to build a government line into the Porcupine country. The +FTiwmins-McMartin syndicate, with which C. A. Fbater is associated, cam: forward with a proposition to build T a standard gauge Youd forty audios i ¢ length to the Poreupine, a ormin 500 feet, 8c Ib, a hnetion with the government oa 800 feet, 9¢ lb. at mileage 222. They are Piones : miners on the Porcupine field and own 650 feet, 10c Ib ers of the biggest mine, which has The most even und long- already a plant there crushing and est twine made. Every and your momey Is fo yeu whenever The Best Made--McCor- mack and Deering Sassy stamping a daily average of three hundred tons, and is now building o power plant at the Metagami river that will generate an electric -current that will enable the syndicate to treble its present output. The railway ise needed not only for the development of its own mine, but those of the oth- er companies at work on the field. But Mr. Timming is a liberal and does not see eye-to-eye with the party in power in the sister province. Mr. Shillington, with whom is associated Mr. Perland and others, come for- ward with a counter proposition for a harter for a narrow ga eatly inferior, it is claimed, to, that pro osed by the wealthy Timmins syn he | dicate, and on account of the change of grade, involving trenshipment at the junction with the government road. It is for the building of this road that the government has grant. ed an exclusive shariee, hich os Biv, the of they year . for that en rise f(o a good deal y tical ul Happily, there is little of | it talk in Ontario, Mr. Timmins says. paralysis, or cerebro spinal " have to be reported ro the ingitis, is of a contagious nature, of health. Dr. Williamson was disease, and i that 8 'of the quaran- § tions of the provincial ,of health equiv d that the pa- The Late Mrs. Regan. The 'burial office for Mes. John Re gan, who died, on Friday evening, at her home, O'Kill street, was said on Monday morning, at St, George's ca thedral, at ten o'clock, by Canon Starr. Mrs. Regan, who was a won- derful old woman, of the high stock i. ; : which is always merry and lovable, we " incited. and mouth | 2®e to this country when a girl, be receive. on cloths and burned |30d had the trying experience which ey Alter death or" recarery di bhefel 0 many immigrants of that must take place. Y OF lday, of going through the ship fever. mpi «co She nursed her mother, who with the rest of the family were down with A the fever, and der Byer er ad id her out, t she self osca pr inaers ofc for| contagion. Her tales of the olden a of a s-dwalling t the the days 'were many and most interesting Barge" Strpot, at thocor-| nd 4 chat with her, even of late, was "rent. = lays a refreshment. " Rog . About two years ago Mrs. an ~.-Customs._Imports for July. broke her hip and since has been con- L impart duties | sd a fined td bed. For the last six weeks toms office she has t 0 nourishment. of an amounted to the sum of $12,596.72. aka)» y kind, but was bright and able to s ---------------- © Ceamps and Colic. talk till within a few hours of Her complaints quickly vanish death, at the age of eighty-cight. She was a faithful attendant at Bt. : ed Co, Strawberry Ex- tract, Be, at Best's. Gi 's osthedral, till her accident, and rin bonny cheery face, framed in the white frill of her cap, was wsight much missed by the congregation w! she could no longer worship there. leaves two Haughiats, rs. City Dairy, from Toronto. Bold in x naston only at Gibson's Red Cross 1 store. Hail dnd Hahtning did great damage about London. . x [Eee ee en) QOOOOCOC Pode pre TAH bY, AUGUST 1, 1040. = ONTARIO SPOILS . {Continued from 1 Jetroit Saturday Night. ann rom: J Cus ily a loyal Casadian speaks | Father Point, ie ny Bl~Dr. # his polities with. dignity ~and sup-' Hawley H. Crippen and. Clare Le siority. He marvels tighteously at Neve, his stenographer, who fled from che awful thighs that bappen wn Am-!london after the disappearance of wican sfiawrs, smugly condemns our Belle Elmore, the doctor's wife, were arrelted, hata, So-day, shoard the La her danghiter »s married. The estumat- , velers nadian-Paci liner Montrose, at ed cost apprehending i and "Honorables" wi of Dew, of Scot 525,060, A i tonish- land. Yard, , "When I look back twelve vears (o or i The identification of the fugitives by | the days of Ethel's eariy childhood the rafters. These observations are io- the English detective the cul-|sadness of her position becomes in pired by a recent incident in Ontano, mination of one of the most sensa-|tensified. From her earlicst childhood vhich demonstrates very weil that the [tional flights in recent criminal an- [she displayed a fondness for pretty somparative purity of Canadian poli. ied by two Canadian things, and I am afraid this Jove for tics in after all 5 myth, and thet the officers, he boarded the vessel at 8.30 nice things gave her just a trace of sarty games of "Sune" and "get" are this morning, and fifteen min: | selfishness. Ethel had many little van- is well known to. the Canadian politic. "ier later both man 'and girl were ilies and hated carrying even the an as to some those w! their staterooms, Crippen [smallest parcel on the streets. ven Michigan js preparing to rid herwelf. [broken in spirit, but mentally relieved | the last time she was here she insisted The judklen porting to the resign: | hy She axa, tension; the wil. garh- | that her ie brother Sid should jon br.'A. H. Beaton, superintend- . hing, i ysteri- | bring to Hilldrop Chescent some uten- mt of the asylum for Wigte at Ovillia; cally. They were no longer Rev. John |sils I gave her. Jot. Dr. Beaton has held his position Robinson and som, as booked from| "Ethel was a most impressionable or thirty-three years; and is a re |Antwerp, on July 20th. girl and always wore her heart on her ognized authority on 'the treatment | Alter brief delay the Montrose con- (sleeve, 1 am convimeed that Crippen oA foabloamindéd pas He bought | tinued her 160-mile journey the riv- | hyprotized her. During the last year 1 the site on which the institution now f-toward Quebee, where jail awaits [haven't seen much of her. How sorry ands, supervised the erection of. » Crippen is charged with the"l mn I didn't watch her more care mildings and the laymz out of the murd an unknown woman. The fully." grounds, and a now oo patients in. grt a helgt 32 an Mewtory. They will us ng. 18 record is ly 4 back to England on tl - \ voted the iret 1m the asylum service of steamship Royal George, leaving Que: | Quebec, ag. 1.--The steamer Mont Je province of Ontario, His one crime [bee on Th ye (fose ; of the C.P.R. line, arrived in a8 that he is a liberal in poli-{ The scene enacted off this little set- port from London about 12.30 o'clock fics, though altogether inactive, while tlement this morning was dramatic. 'this morning. In spite of the late he present government, led by Sir [Inspector Dew had spent a sleepless hour there was a large crowd at the 'ames P, Whitney, is conservative night at the Marconi operator's side landing at lhe commissionef's wha Fhen Whitney first, came us pow somihnivatiog through fog with anally wasting oo he arrival T hu ive years ago number is fol -Montrose, 2 -- +B. iss Neve. ¥ owers who bad not had a chance ot! At 4.30 am. the approaching ship's prisoners were in charge of Chief Mo he bough for over thirty years was whistle was heard, It awakened thé Carthy, of the provincial force; Chief egion. e headed them off by pro | villagers and "the newspaper men, who of Police Gauvreau, Rimouski; Detec- daiming that he would not allow [dressed hastily and waited in a driz- tive Denis, of the provincial police, olitics to interfere with the public zling rain for the liner's arrival. and Inspector Dew, of Scotland Yard, ervice. He was sufficiently discreet in | 'Shortly after 7.80 o'clock the Mont- and, clossly guarded, they werd imme he passing Of the loaves and fishes rose pushed her nose through the fog diately driven to the provincial po- 0 carry a second eleétion, {and 8.15 the pilot boat Eureka set lice station at the Parliament Mouse But the pressure of the pap seekers out from shore. She cartied a host of and incarcerated there for the rest was been heavy. Frequently during newspaper men and photographers and of the night, The prisoners appeared he past five years petty investiga (as many towns'people as vould crowd haggard. Miss LeNeve, disguised ns tious of the Orilliaj institution, and aboard. But Inspector Dew was not a boy, wore a brown suit and a grey dumsy intrigues constructed py. a fay among them. He had embarked on the hat. Crippen wore clerical clothes of oan named 8, acting as inspects a's small tender, accompanied by Anglican cut, spectacles and a short or of asylums, failed to réveal any ' Chief McCarthy, of the Quebec police, beard. The two prisoners will appear 'easonable excuse for removing the und ex-Chief Denis, of the samd city. before ihe police magistrate to-mor- uperintendent; though most of the' All wore the garb & pilots aud over row morning. Dr. Crippen will pro ubordinate positions have been filled' his florid face Inspector Dew had pull- bably be rushed back to Londen to iy devotees of the party. jed a pilot's vizored cap, He did not stand his trial. The return will pro- Something had to be done, A oon- {wish Crippén to ize. him before bably be on the liner Royal George servative was clamoring for the place. 'he could approach and take advantage which leaves Quebec on Aug. 4th. 30 #ix 'or seven weeks Rodgers 'of the only avenue of escape--suicide. This would probably get the eonple peared in. Orillia jwith Dr. Beaton's (Four sailors quickly rowed the tender jn London in time for the inquest, esgnation all ready to be signed. It | alongside the Montrose and Dew and which was continued from the Fearing vas to take effect the first of August, his companions aboard to Aug. 15th. The London authori nstead of carrying several months' | Crippen' was standihg near the rail ties wish to avoid another postpone wtice. Rodgers explained to the sup- {talking with Dr. Stuart, the ship's ment, ae pa. rt ed quietly dicated or Roctive pcm and his Some New Evidence. would be all right. This meant that remark to Dr. Stuart. "There are | y don. Awe 1.--Hope of the con mmediate surrender would bring a three pilots coming aboard," he said, ' oc rin fH Crippen, on the sessonasle retiringp allowance, and nervously. "Is that not unusual *' charge of murdering his wife, was chat refusal might mean summary [The physician did not reply, but kept | seeatly strengthened, to-day, by a re: rection. The cause given was old mgze, [his eyes on the strangers, who walked and Yard. datbctiy which was manifestly ridiculous in rapidly toward them. Sy That Sentingd.. Yard. 48 actives this ease. 3 "Crippen, 1 want you," said Jape itilated and lime-eaten body found in Dr, Beaton resigned. He asked for {tor Dew quietly as he approached. The spo collar of the doctor's home was an interview with one ,-& form: | dentist; recoiled involuntarily as bere op. of his wife, This evidence, it is ar ward politician of Sarnia, now pro- I sognired the man who addressed him, [34 has been obtained within the last vincial secretary in charge of asylums, ! then. the blood left his face; his breath go days and is such: as to materially He said he wanted a little more tite came short and fast, and ho gurglod Jo oothen the prosecution. The detec- to. find 5 home for himself and fam- | incoherently. As' he was being led co Fore maintaining their usual se dy: Hanna consented to the interview away to the captains cabin, whenoe oo Jo "he nature of the new evi- but fixed no time for it, and failed to he was transferred later to his own' Go Arrangements are being made make good, and on Wednesday of this |stateraom, he said gratefully : 'for a y trial of Crippen, snd this week Dr. Beaton was notified that he { "Thank God, the suspense is over, 's lone' is eonsider proot that was expected to be out of his thirty. 'and I am glad." {the prosecution believes it will Wave third year residence by Swtarday of | Crippen's arrest accomplished, Dew | difficulty in proving the identity of the present week. ihurried to Miss Le Neve's stateroom, 'y, 3.5. ao without Rey proof there We have reciied these dotniled facts, [where he found her, still dressed, as | 00 oF po 0 0 ition, and, conse avery one of which is authentic and | 'John Robinson, Jr.," on the verge of | oo mt be ho reason for susceptible of proof, the benefit of our 'nervous breakdown. Her appearance 1 trial. American Paliticiam, he has some- { when told that she was Sader arrest t Leen the subject of eriticiam | was pitiahle. All control that she . from across the line. Other instances Tonght #0. hard to retain throughout Crippen in ours: of the utter recklessness of operating [ihe voyage left her. She cried out | Quebec, Aug 1.=Dr. Crippen appear the spoils system under the Optatio !hysierically, and became so faint that oe tea Sclack, this ra before government have heen 'appearing in restoratives were administered. Shut tolhice phate Panet for ulentifica- considera'sle numbers; but none, we |in ler room and restored to woman's Hon, He has - mitted hat he whe are bound to say, sol unnecessarily | dress, she was closely guarded: as the a rite pay Lond x Fo Ia for a brutal or so stupidly as the Orillia ' vessel continued its journey for fear ed or Bells Elo his merdent. In Ontario politics, it seems, that she would take her life or col- supposed murdty of GPR, MS one need not.be a gentleman to arire Tapes sitterly. 3 wile, and that he is perfectly willing : : ne i +. to go back to England after the ex- to, or to perbaps atfain, a knight Crippen was attired in a traveling piration of the delays fixed by "law, hood. t of blue serge and tweed overcoat. z ea . suit ol blue serge ted on his that is to say in fifteen days. He was Voyage Insie.the. Berth Goldwimnsd: eyogiusess To Ye exes an sAinaricun Citizen horn in the state ose 8 ' chi y bee: - A realization of Jules Vernels ' fa- ooked out dully. His favo was pule mitted a . a a mous story, "A Voyage to the Cen-|and drawn. having obtained a diploma from the tro. of the Barth,' "is one of the ai-| With both under arrest the Mant. medio , Ys He Be is ateused of she will come to her senses. Nothing can wake me believe had anything to do with the The father ended the. interview by: saying * : "Ibe law knows no sympathy; it is just and has to be Ta The ion of all questions with the mother seems to be as to whether pain The Prisoners Landed. ral gollege of Cleveland, "Ohio. teactions 'at the Bijou to-day and to- rose's whistle sounded hoarsel _ He was forty-eight years old. The oth- morrow, . If is a splendidly colored signal to the waiting Eureka that' o. ,risoner, Mise Lenlfve, did not ap production of fhe great Paibe firm [How's pearch was at an end. Immedi- Loar because she is sick. and gives magnificent pictures of sub-| ately! 'the pilot boat came alongside" The halls of the police court was terranenn life. "Some of the scenes and newspaper men and photographers 'crowded but the proceedings took ars: made in those great caves similar] ywarmad shoard. Crippen they found 'piace in chambers and nobody was ad- to _ the mammoth cave of Kentucky | Beindeuticed in his stateroom and Miss mitted except a fow | lawyers. and all sorts of wonderful effects are | Leneve under the care of a physician Lae dociments Songetning the arvem. i 3 + in her room. ; ; t . Crippen hiy prisoner wi inutetised, Ph sic _ ery eu tionke The news by this Time had spread now be sent to the minister of ig tites, apd wierd animals, The .pic.| Among: the passengers, Who had been fice at Ottawa. Dr. Crippen was, af ture is an unvsual ore and Will ba. of | duped throughout' the voyage by the [ter his identification, sent back to the Tt will be ne | Bogus clergyman and his vetiving of. common jail under strong guard. Heo SssompRs fentinate son. Captain Kendall had kept is of small size and looks very imsig- Betty," This is.a new; comedy (from them the identity- of the two nificant. = which will cause a general (ySieNiols passengers, nd although. aE Phar Poes Doath laugh. Betty is a pretty girl who je the recent bombardment hin London Globe determined fo have fun as all cost aroused thin suspicion he ve a8 eosia, besides Liewellyn Jones | In South America thers is a plant, On Tuesd and Wednesday. a fine a species of mi , which resorts to drama death Jeiguing, evidently for the pur. messages had ne on 08 the witeloss operator; knew that the I be produced entitled, 8 wers Dr. Crippen and his girl Crippen i |" Of Particular Consequence to the Women Who Want an Inéxpen- sive Summer Dress We have twenty all the very latest de- sign for this sununer The colorsare White, Mauve, Pink, Light Blue : and Natural Linen. ! LW - The materials are Indian Head, Ramie Linen and English Repp. Note the special prices; for to-morrow. All the $9.50 Wash Dresses for $5. $8.70 Wash Dresses for $5. $10 Wash Dresses for $6.50. You may select any of these Summer Dresses and have them placed aside until required if not quite ready to buy to-morrow, TO-MORROW We will place on sale ano$her lot of ; 100 Ladies' White Waists All-Over Embroidery fronts, tucked, yoke depth, pufi sleeve, collar and cuff t1immed with lace. These will be sold To-Morrow, all day, at a littleover half their real va- lue or 49c. Summer Corsets The HBasiest and Most Counifortable Summer Corsets are now ready for your inspection. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 » "n 1 i "The Actress and the Man, Showin | oaion: how the man narrowly escaped toils of the beautiful serpent. Nig Relief 10 GIrt's : London, July 31.--When visited in i in Nothweat London to-day, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Leucve wei found EER. fe fl g resil gl Jo eosesisssceseee Bases BNBENes sane . : A window full of ALE GUARANTEED REGULAR $4.00 AND 85.00. ) A PAIR 0000000000000 NY00000000000000000, Ww,