summer's experience will be inegely wasted, however, unless the commun- ity puts into practice the lessons it is learning, by plaaning now to extend and | iis work throughout the city and to do for 100 per cent. of its children next year what it is doing this year'for a Tah | YOEY 2" Some lessons are learned owly, but - learned never to be for- gotten. THE CRISIS IN SPAIN. The Spanish trouble, involving a clash of the government and the Ca- tholic church, has evidently been brew- ing for some time. The premier may be the i diate cause of the jar, but long before his time there was a move President Taft has undertaken to|ment on foot to restrain or restrict sample public opinion, but not person: | the religions orders. This restriction ally, One extended trip he did make,{'.. , fo with the economic side of last year, and it will be recalled that | the question, for Spain has all along he ran into . several kinds of trouble. {been a liberal supporter of religion. At many points he learned that the [The desire was originally to limit the people were dissatisfied, and ' usually Joost of the church, and when the with regard to the tariff which had [Canalejas government came into pow- been raised upward, and in the interfer it sought a reduction of the religi- of the privileged few, The presi: {ous orders, and in vain. dent is mot going out again. Hemay| The government appears to have re nov'have the time, or he may not{sented the dictatorial spirit of the have the inclination, but he wants to |churéh, and When its requests were get at the facts. Hence his commis- {evaded or ignored proceeded:to decree sion to Senator Crane, of Massachu: [that the order should register angd that the dissidents, or Protestants, should be allowed to exhibit their Aymhols and. worship freddy. The vais. The cold storage and warehousing can asked for a suspension of all plant of Winnipeg Irish company, at dicress, and for a continuance of the Selkirk, Man., was destroyed by dive. negotiations, and the government de- | Loss £92, 000, lined. v Sergt. Greet, a member of the Cana The result of this break in "the rela- {dian® Bisley team, who had been in the hospital with typhoid fever, Lon tions between the church and the vati-{don. died on Tuesday. can cannot he accurately measured, A coroner's jury at Victoria, 1'.C, 'There is 8aid to be an active anti- [brought in a "verdict accusing Gunnar clerical party in Spain, but there is Allenpol the murder of Captain Ellig also an active clerical party, and it ton, at Work Point barracks. remains to 'be seen which is in the ma- jority. Cardinal Merry Del Val, the Christianity grew atrong and lusty - $2.50 pr Suit vatican secretary of should |. » Tr ul . , . in the open air in the early days of i know public feeling in Spain, as he fj. history, Its great Founder pireach-|[P"OPe" functions and requires certain of Sizes 24, 20, 0 27, 28, 30, 31, 32 hs rs Ay was educated there and spent many {ed on the hillsides, and many of His std aid. fd ii i Y : vears in the church's service. The lib- [early followers imitated Hix good ex am so vonficent | have the an in ERE REE TEES a ample with good results, Methodism essential for restoring strength, ae- | eral newspapers applaud the govern- found most marvelous Seiuons that | Yivity and health to weak or distress: | ment, and demand that it stand by | oe ever heard out on the open air od hicneya that 1 am willing, id hr its decree, while the Universe, speak- healthful, both in the earlier and lat- 14 ok it : the pusitive understanding v . sia 0s ¥ al 4 ing the sentiment of "the clerical par- #r days of her history, but somehow hat it. shall cost the user. nothing ® taba whatever, if for any reason it fails to "the. pope is not a foreign she is shut up within four walls. It tive nb tisknctic Oi. x : might. be worth while to try how it rf ry a AGLI. i sovereign in Spain, but is would do to get out in the sunlight, | ° rer ol 3 otal J Xp ince with the | and Spanish in the temporal sphere as {out in the open meadow on the sea|™"" fied th rg Rene i : am satis a wdioy. Ra the' king or the cartes." shore, or eves on the city square, or | 74 "THES propa ton th oh . ty ~ » © sparatic A ome It would, therefore, appear that the Stren satiate The Spear Sure might braces all those qualities so necessary temporal power of the pope in Spain and permanent re is in question, and in the demonstra- tion of it the Carlists are busy. Don and listless and sweaty and shut-in 1 ur Sunday services. We cannot try the and unin Jaime is willing to head .a Carlist up- rising, but it may be questioned experiment everywhere, but where it can be tried it might easily be worth whether he has not some purpose to than to assist the vati- ade + Cream will be far better relished with these duinty cesfections. PATTERSON'S Cambridge Wafers A delicious new biscuit made from | | ercem of wheat and sold by all gro- improved in' | cers. In tins only, always freshand western erisp. You'll like their flavor, Made by Paterson of Brastford. JUST RECEIVED A few Dozen Nightdresses at Bar- | gain Prices, Regular price, $1.25 to $2.50. Will sell at 25 per cent. off on the instalment plan. Men's and Ladies' Summer Under- wear. A large Stock of Ladies' Lisle Thread Stockings and Men's Cash- mere Socks at very low prive. Come and see my stock. You will find my prices 20 per cent. lower than elsew here, Ten per cent. off for cash. JOS. B. ABRAMSON, 4 COLBRORNE STREET. N. Bibby's | cox. The Big Store with Little Prices, 2 for ' The Latest Collars 2 Tor 25¢ 2 wes fries : > C cheap work: nine Ti kW l,i uteg 18 as, 0, vg Pe iE oo Bails Whig. SAMPLING PUBLIC OPINION. a ey Sir Wilfrid is much health since beginning the tour, James Haggerty died at Chatham rs a result of the excessive "use of liguor. Three by the fal Brookly An exploring party reports great finds of asphalt and salt in the Vesce River district. The Grand Trunk strike has lwen setfled, and the men ordered to rept for duty at once. "It is fully expected that Ottawa's ulation next Juve will be 90,000. is" 86,000 already. ra letter cacriers are now car- rying stamps for sale. A trial will be given this innovation. 'y the upsetting of a vitriol wag: gon, in Philadelphia, ta. childrén |im------ were burned, two fatally. DON'T FORGET The House of Lords has passed the TO TRY accession declaration bill altering the M. NOLAN form of the k-ng's oath. FOR YOUR GROCERIES, At Ditawa sixty plasterers have gong 338 PRINESS ST. on strike, demanding forty to. forty- five cents an hour and a nine-hour Our Coffee at 26c and 35e cannot be beaten. » Cad = } Corbett's 9 YOUR FACE, ®2D<D<2)D s were crushed to death of a sand embankment in "King Cutter" $1.50 You can always be sure of complete shaving and satis- faction with a ning Cutter =i deel iil iriirieiegi, iii What is it? "To enquire diligently mio te politica) conditions as he in. the various states thou he will pass." And the wim js what? "To ascertain just where the people stand upon certain "questions and to plan and legislate accordingly." There is the Laurier ex: pedition in Canada duplicated, but in | 4 Jess imposing way, for no one. éan represent the president fully, and there is no on e¢ who can talk for the pre- mier of Canada and so clearly discuss . public questions. It has heen said of the LantierYour that one idea has been presented in tiresome reiteration, namely, the need of a lowered tariff on agricultural ma- i chinery. But that is the need of the individual and he must be excused if ll he revives it again and again. In (he | United States the same thought is dominant, and the men who fight it are the men who have been interested ll in serving rings and trusts without | ragird to the wants of the people. Boys' Two - Piece Suits; -SPECIAL $2.50 We intend clearing out all our Boys' Two Piece Summer Suits. We have about 150 suits in nobby Grey Homespuns and Halifax Tweeds that - were made to sell at $3.50, $1.00, $1.50, $5.00, but - as we do not care to carry them from one season : to another we have marked them down to BEST FOR AGED PEOPLE. Heve's a Kidney Treatment | Want You to Try at My Risk. With advanced age comes derange | wient of the kidneys and asseciate or gang, Nature is unable to perform her | The Open-Air Cure. Christian Guardian. state, Sblid Mabogany and Solid Quartered Oak We make hanffsome and ornamental articles for Library and Dining-room. Boys' Outing Shirts and Shirt Waists $2 Bibby's Price | » hd ! today, on | 50 Vue we? 5 Ble. } ; - m) ruarantee? Two izes, Be. and : A aN C e LS $1.00. Sold only ait wy store--The Rexall Store, GG, W. Mahood. Ly, says | national S. Anglin& Co. for giving prompt lief in all classes of kidney ary ailments, Inasmuch as a trial of Rexall ney Remedy can be had risk, there is no reason hesitating to put it to a WHERE THE LOSS OCCURS. | The Chicago civic commission has begun work with the idea that cities lose more through poor methods of doing business than through graft and knavery of various kinds. And there is some truth: in that. Take our bunch of besuties--the men who fight for places in the council me -------- only to find excuse for a neglect of EDITORIAL NOTES. civie duly. This is the season when| General Weyler has been deputed to > the public works \ or improvements Put down insurrection in Spain, The from fo fi. Are supposed to be in progress, and | contract will not be a large one or he fnas manu. strangely enough this is the time! will be a failure. He could not put an Sons). when the aldermen do mot want to! end to the Cuban revolt, though dis- work. The warm weather depresses cribed as a tempest in a tea pot. ther, They must have a vacation] ., ... Aa ai and: during it: the city business. van Public opinion has at last roused Sir . James Whitney oh the education issue, take one of twit. and probably something will be done for A prominent man, * and versed in| aitiadl mates a discunsing this the public schools, but not until there ipa ¥ was ciscussing 'hi%1is a new head for the department. Dr. and other phaws of the council, yas; Fyne had béen an awful faflire terday, and he suggested that one] ° -- i good man, who is willing to serve] It is said that Mr. Roosevelt is go- the people, who is resourceful, would|ing to reconstruct things and so save Ont io worth a dozen that do not want|New York state into the republican work and give as little attention as party. Can he save it by anything he possible to thy demands of the hour. [may do? It is doubtful. The only In some of the American cities there! thing the democrats lack to win is a is a trial of the commigsioners, Two!popular leader. Jor three. men, who are experts, or "strong and aggressive men, can do the vw. best service when they are (adopting the parlance of the day), "always on the job." A business manager would do effective work if he had the ability and confidence of the people, but : if he lacked judgment and experience he Records aL SON would be an "awful affliction!" ; ta Wilas |, "Even 80," said our prominent citi- Kid while, A Sunday school out in a grove! A prayer meeting under {he trees ! A fellowship meeting that might include the birds and the fo ers and all the beautiful things out in the world that, God has made ! Verily, it might be worth while. Story Without a Moral. Ottawy Citlzen. story from Wall street, that one Dr. Pearson, attempted to capture a Transcontinental line, and that his operations cauged the recent heavy slumps in all United States blocks, from Amalgamated Copper to Union Pacific, sounds like =a fine large brokerial barney. 'In the first place, Dr. Pearson could not capture a Transoontinental back concession road and in the second place the attempt to capture a few tin pot railways would not ¢ause the whole of the Northern American industrial and rail: way stocks to drop thirty or forty points. There is some reason, but that is not the reason. He Knew Him. New York Herald. One of Chauncey Depew's best stor- jos ois against himself. He attracted the attention, at a friend's house, of a small boy of eight. Alter he had left the boy's father said to his son, '"I'hat was Chauncey Depew, the world's greatesi story-teller." A day or two later the senator happened to be at the same house, and the boy, ranning wp to him said: "1 know you." "Really, my little man, and who am 177 "Why," replied the fad, "my poppa says youre the biggest serve other can. Johnston's Shoe Store Boys' Shirt Waists in neat stripes and checks or plain Chambry in blue, purple, ete. Boys' Outing Shirts, same style as men's, . made with soft collars, in plain, tan, brown, purple cream, green, blue and ete, very popular with ; boys 6 to 14 years. Sold in other stores 75c, BIBBY'S PRICE 50 The H.D. Bibby Co The Big Store With Little Prices. Bibby's Linen Collars, 2 for 25¢. See Bibby's Linen Collars, 2 for 25¢ Broken size clearing sale starts Saturday. Watch advertisement and see window. JOHNSTON'S 70 BROCK STREET. Purity There's no beter way to de- scribe the dainty fabrics that have been through our French Dry Cleaning Process, The finest goods are successfully treated, R. PARKER & €0,, Dyers and a, I the education department did its work inipartially there would be less attention given io secondary educa- tion and more {o public education. The department seems to be manipu- lated by the high school men to the serious disadvantage of the 'public | schools. FEIN a iI | |INEW GOODS Cook's Cotton root Compound liar on earth." To erat Uterine TJogie, and ------ effoctual M The Cost of Living. Everybody's Marazine. A young lady who taught-a class of small boys in the Sunday school de- In a western paper reference ia made to a picnie at which the people 'began to enjoy themselves when the speeches ,- "it would not be quite as difficult to ao rid of the twenty-one who now constitute our city government." i meen SAVING OF THE BABIES. were at an end. What mosshack now believes that the people, in. picnic ired (o impress on them the meaning of returning thanks before a meal. class, whose Turning to one of the fie ae a deacon in the church, rhe asked h "oWillinm, what is the fast. thing yotir father says when his sits Cown to un the table?" LOG "He says, Go slow with the botler, gr kids: at's forty cents yu pound," re the plied the youngster. dr isi---- A Rabelais Hoax. Rabelais, being out of money, once picked the ex. into taking him from Marseilles to Paris on = charge treason. He made up some pac BE Ta mt - i an; ok 700 miles only plicees took Rebel ise that it was April Ist snd the come en --- wat ah hoax. Of course, as Jno Sweet the axes of 20 nal 27 seats. For. privileged wit of the royal |. oh cases are beitig fronted, fama. aT forgiven. Moe toile ia maligna disease' w used to he _ Matrimonial bt; which has rarely "Well, how do Tike married (heard of $n recent years, life 77 enquired the : So 3851 a 3 Mmita outhwenk ocearred "Not at all," replied the man who vd and was a it. "I'm a cave of matrimon ial ; i inl dyspepsia." ] y "Yes. She never agrees with . me; me m. . she's Woo rich." ) timed "nr NEW YACHTING SHOES, TENNIS SHOES RxD 2 SHOES, INCLUDING BAREFOOT BAND. MANY BARGAINS wn TOW SHOES IN BYERY ers OF OUR STORE. : ABERNETHY'S _ mood, veally desire to hear political speeches ? The picnic orator should be ducked in lake or pond, The exports of food-stafis from the |YO"r United States show a serious falling off, The grainery of the new world will not soon be "America," but Cane ada. The United States will ere long be able only to feed ifs own popula tignd. © Even now it is very glad to {get some of Pasade's'} hard wheat. Ii the remarks . of 1 the premier af Lanigan, Sask., mean anything they mean that there is to be another tariff [officers commission, another collection of evi- Infant mortality is a serious matter in the larger cities, and thoughtful AUGUST Just arrived this week. Auctioneer, 1 at WM. MURRAY, fture Sales given 8) on. Counts Hales of MARKET SQUARE. AAAS ASA SS Ass Asn asobas $3.00 BLACK MEASLES IN IRELAND. Wnm------ WOMEN'S PATENT TIE OXFORDS, Seven Fatal Cases County Kerry. Dublin, Aug. 3A serious outbreak of black measles bag ocewred in the lemore, County Kee: ths are already re, Plain Toes, also with Toe Caps A swell Bhoe Tor ... Also a nice Patent Strap Pump, at form : ¥ wile | JB Matting Suit Cases, $2, $2.50 & 87 Fibre Suit Cases . Special Leather Cases. . 85 dl 86. Our $6.00 Case is a beauty. CAMPING