ARLBOABARLALLALLAREASS INSECT STINCS CHAFED SKIN SORE FEET HEAT SORES SUL SIOIR & ALL SKIN DISEASES HAVE YOU SEEN OUR Pianos THEY ARE DPurably constructed, Artistie Designed, Sweet Tone, and REASONABLE PRICES. We Please dur Customers. TRY US. All Popular Music direct from publishers. PIP iH sessesetnsssee THE VIVVIIIIIIII PIII PIII IIR Limited. 232 Princess Btreet, Kingston, FERRER PER R ERG eee Fray Bentos (COANED BEEY.) In 1 1b. Cans ib, Cans or Sliced, 20c per 1b, wet it ab... D. COUPER"S, 841-83 Princess Street. "Phone 76. Prompt Delivery Highest Grades GASOLINE, COAL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR O1L. GREASE, ETO, PROMPT DELIVERY. W.F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Building. Building? 1 can Supply In 2 Dee-licious! You never tasted a finer lager than this new brew Exquisite ma Iw. Sharine any dealer or from AGENT, McPARLAND, anh 339-341 King St. B., Ki mnton, P. WALSH, A REMARKABLE INCIDENT 55-57 Barrack St. THE JAMES ROBERTSON C0. LIMITED BabbittMetals Characters of County. Pieton Gazette. Among the passengers on the steam. er Caspian on July 25th, from Ro chester, N.Y., for Picton, Ont., was one in every respect worthy of honor. able mention in the! person of Mrs, Janet (Demorest) oxoty in her mihety-eighth Year of inc, dine: Ap, Brd, widow of the late Isaac D. Nox on, native of the county, and so long and favorably known among its inter ested citizens. 3 2 Mrs. Noxon's widowhood #t 'Avoca, N.X.. sinoe July 1906 has been spent mostly with her youngest and only survivin son of four, George R. Nox: on, of the same town. The last hve years she is living with her now wid: owed daughter, Mrs. Isabel Bradeur, Warwick, N.Y,, She expressed an ar: f dent wish to visit once more Canada, atl hor Jduughters in her native land, and socompanied by an old friend made the journey to Pictum, the home of her youngest daughter, Mrs, Ger trade Fraser, Mrs. Noxon has aver heen "a wo- man of fine personality; ravky amony the muny heroic and yenerous chur acters of Prince Edward County pione history. Their home was sn open door cof hospitality, radiating a gem- ul, ul influence and now she still lives in peace and plety amid the way-farers of toil along thé hyghway and dust of life, sunning! like a benuti- ful ripened fruit, ready for gatherin. to the diviher vales and everlasting Alps of God's upper province of crea: tion, \ Mrs, Noxon hotoushiy enjoyed an aut ri Wednesday, to Solinesville, "the of ber oldest daughter, Mes Lambert, who is already beyond the Biole limit age, sharing I am sure the favor of being the t daurhter of many counties with -a. mother =paved as a wed presence 0 + her All kinds for all purposes. Full stock with eur Agents, McKelvey & Birch CLEANLY WOMAN . Erroneously Thinks by Scouring Her Scalp That She Cures Dandruff. Cleably woman has a Stross ide t hy seouri scalp, whic) Hoa, gn Tod dans scales, she is curing the dandroff. She may wash her scalp every day; und you have dan- dealt hor life fnibeg hair, too. to ure, dandrull is to Kill by only. way in the the New 3 , Herpicide by kill- free to grow as healthy Nature intend: od, Des! "the cause you remove the amo! of : wernt with Sok by Jeding Joagite, Send 30 fii. Nee: Nosow's gevaiet in ttamps for » the Herpicide | failing ja io mle et We ne Kutt, SH os guaranteed. G. W. Mahood, Spe cial Agent. . I uli Lg wie mild and $i with robbing a» Ted disease. On his death-bed in Of One of Heroic and Gederous AND OTHERS WHO SHOULD NOT BE SENT TO PRISON. Two Incidents Concerning Prisoners 'Who Served in the Penitentiary Here--One Was Innocent snd the Other Should Have Beem Given a Chasice. That there ure innocent en ia the ig prison at Portsmouth today is a Big Prine admitted fact. It is also the view of a ood many people that thure are prisoners in the penitentiary here who should not have been sent to prison, but given a chance to redeem themselves, as they were not criminal, althoagh they may bave committed a breach of the maw, ; tall A Whig representative had a ta with ove who is in close touch with penitentiary moitgrs, and who is in terested in prisoners. It way remarked that Judge Price was one of the fit: test men on the bench to deal with the 'ordifuiry law-breaker. Out of all the cases in recent years that he had tried, apd in which he Saud have sent the guilty party to prison for. a term of Rn there 'was scarcely oné who hail violated the trust veposed in him or her when "illowed liberty on su sen vA term in prison would thus "Have been ties. Al judges, however, are not like the loca ioe. and he atiomaa with whom the Whig talked, told these incidents: A comparatively. short time ago, there left the penitentiary here, a your; man who had received a sens tence lor forgery. The trial judge in Ontatio was begged by a [riend of his own to give the voung lelow, whose parents stood high in the community, a chance, but he could not see his way clear to do so. The letter of the law with him had to be carried out, and so the. young men came down to thi city and: bégan a term in the peniten tiary. The shock killed his mother. His fathér 'was seized later with apo plexy and passed away. In pricon, the young man: developed disease. He went forth - after his term, worked till he had paid every dollar he had wromnch secured, apd { he followed his fath- er and mother- to the grave. The youray "mans had 'wade n-mistake and repenteil before lig was tried. He was not & criminal, hut: the judge; .in sen- tencing "him, had the law. behind him. The other .case cited, and with which the pénitentiary here is connected, was this =Up 'west, a clerk was charge ¢ompany of pay money ; whith he carried from a hanj sto' the company's offite. The evidence wis Fathdr' dircimitantial, 'bat he wa found guilty," and 'sentenced to peni: tent:ary, Me wis efgaiéd to a yuan lady of his_hostio, town, and she would have nothis:' more to do with him--a criminal. jb young . man protested his innocence. He entered upon. his prison term, but he, 'too, contract: the wivon hospital, he again asserted his ipuodence, He died, Hut his parents re 'used to bury him, and his body lio in Kingston cemetery soil. Within 4 year aller his death, a tramp lay dying far 'away, and, in the presence of witnesses, he, confessed that he had stoléu "thes money, snd-that the maf sentenced to'the penitentiary at King: ionocent, These incidents have never before heen written. They were told wn the way of illustration that there are men in penitentiary who have been sent there when they are innocent, and others who might not have been sent there, even though guilty, but given a chance" to redeem themselves, and 'zo and sin no more." ------------ A quiet wedding was celebrated bn Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. John W. Moore, Carleton Place, when her youngest daughter, Margaret L., was united in marriage to Algey A. Bur- rough, Ramsay. "Camphor ice" for sunburnt faces. Sold at Gibson's Red - Cross Drug Store. Bloomfield baseball club is at "the top of the Prince Edward league this season as usual. During the four sea- sons since this, league was organized Bloomfield has won : out three times| and Demorestville once. "Camphor ice, English make." Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, CAN'T RUN FOR GOVERNOR. Hiegal to Nominate Mrs. Ricker, Says Attorney-General. 3 MRS. MARILLA M. RICKER. Concord, . N.H., Aug. 3.--Attorney General Fdwin G. Eastman has advis- ed Secretary of State Edward 1. Pear- son that the latter has. no legal right to place the name of Mrs. Marilla M. Ricker, of Dover' and Washington, D.C., upon the official ballot to be used as. the primary election in this state on September 6th, as a candidate ior the republican vomination for gov- SNOT, The attorney general says : "It is . conceded that the declarant @ a women, and such being the fact, she is not a qualified voter in the city f Dover for the purpose of the elec- tion." Henry Robinson, of this city, eoun- sel for Mrs. Ricker, says that he will at once apply to the superior court for a writ of mandamus; directing the hecretary of state to place . her naibe test the legal questions involved. rhb dps TO TRY AEROPLANE. Gibbons, New York, Almost Complet- ed Machine. Pr. Gibbons, New York, who is sam- meting among the Thousand Iands, ps a new aeroplane nearly completed antl ih aeranging tof give ita trial some day this: wesk, 'The first will pe given in the large fields near Redwood. Should the 'machine 'wil be urought' to the river. 'and flights' will ao made at St, Lawrence Parl and Thotsand - Island York, Sevoral hive made application (0° accompatly the" dector * 'upon hip Aidhts. Van Buren's Marble Bath Tub. Joston Tranweript The. debate over: the . propriety waving, a professional - 'masseur em- doyed at. public, expevse «in the sen ite bathroom . was happily. yerminate ww rekart to the expedient of calling him' au "attendant." Ascient history was invoked in the bourse' of -debate, and' J ohn Qinos', Adams' © method of bathing in the Potomac was cited ~ as an illustration of the simpler: times. The record of Martin Van uw might bave been: cited, #00. He. wae fierecely atouped by. the Whigs of "apinz Ro. man 'luxury,' the specification © being that he lind. sit up a "marble bsth tub' in the White House. The demo- corals. defended 'him, ut. the picture the Whigs drew of a Chiel Mimistrate who before asin gold spoons to con- vey "rich food" to his mouth disports ed himself in a marble Sathtub hat an effect' on the plain people. Made a» Fine Record. C.F. Ahlstrom has proven the re- cord fisherman at the Frontenae Ho- tel, Round Jelafid Purk, N.Y. seeson. His latest wuteh was vesterday when he brought .5 several pickerel, one woighing ten and a half pounds and cue seven pout ly. -------------- He May, He May. Ottawa Free Press. What's the use of thinking of hgv- ing Theodore Roosevelt arbitrate the strike trouble. Hasn't our own - Col: Sam Hughes just as good a knowledge "of the ceitre of the spot light? That's happily J CALIFORNIA spon the ballot, and will thoroughly trial , it be datisfactory ! of, this | WOMAN CR.UED BY HER LONELINESS, Offspring: Ranging From Five Months to Four Years, are Placed in Wash Tub abd Drowned Sheriff, Who ' Was Passing Home, is Called by Her Sou and Takes Woman Prisoner. San Francisvo, Aug. 3.~Mrs. Joseph M. Nelio, wife of a wealthy rancher near Bretitwood, Centra Costa coun- ty, killed her five children. The wom- an had evidently been driven insane on acount of the loneliness of the country. She lived ina big farm house with her husband aod six chil- dren, the oldest being Chester, a boy of M years. After writing letters her relatives, tell them she was desperate through loneliness, she took five her into 'the kitchen and deliberately about ili ana, her two-year-old daughter, came next. She enatehed the latter from the arms of ber son Chester and killed the child like =the others. 'Then she Iseized the twin babies five mouths old jand plunged them mito the tub." Ches- ter, who had vainly tried to stop his {mother's dreadful work, rushed out in- te the vard and screaming for help. Sheriff Veale happened to - be passing 'in his autem: and responded. He n tried to resuscitate the twins but 'vain. Then he took the mother to | Martinez 'and placed her in the coun- ty hospital. The Soman pwisted Po taking bographs rg ildren 'and k fos their hair with her. She cried 'constantly. To Sheriff Veale, Mrs. Nelio told the story of her lonely blank existence :n the country--an existehoe shadowed with constant horror of impending in satiity, which she confessed © had car- riod off her mother, her sister and her bt "I've lived all alone on the ranch for six long years," Mrs. Nelio said. « "My; husband and 1 own 500 acres of land worth $500 an acre. Our wealth meant nothing to me. 1 was miser- able all'of the time. | knew no pleas ure, I went 40 no theatre. All 1 did was to work, work, work. Even.if | had pot inhevited, the strain in my family, my desolate life would have driven me crazy." Vacation Dangers. Dr, Neff, Philadelphia's director of health, has set out to reduce, if pos: sible, the number of. eases of typhoid fever brought back to the city annu: ally persons returnmg from vaca tions. The doctor says that - twenty: five pec cent. of the typhoid cases in Philadelphia can be traced directly to infection at 'suthmer outing places. He 'Selieves - that many people would be beter off if thay stayed at home thtough' their vacation time, declar- ing that they "return to the city after a short vagation. weakened aud run down front dissipation, late hours and the strenuous life lod dur: their outing, instead of returning - refreshad and stre a Drl Nell gives the following advice to those w do go away: "Avoid eating fruit that is Mreen or overripe; tipe (fruit is not injurious. Do not fre quent places where flies are numerous, especially in the ltfhen where 'food supplies are kept." COMPANIUNED. fx . Montgomery. in Canadian Magasg- ne. I walked to-day, but not alone, ; "= Adown & windy, sea-girt lea, For methory, spendthrift of her charm Peopled tne silent lands for me | The faces of old comradeship it In golden youth were round my way, And in the keening wind i: heard The songs of many ab orient day And to me called, from out the pines And woven grasses, voices dear, As if from eifin lips should fall t The mimicked tones of yesteryear Old laughter echoed o'er the leas, And love-lipped dreams the past had ept, From wayside bloom# like honeyed bees To company my wanderings crept : bi #0 1 walked, but not alone, i Right gigd companionship had 1 ! On hat Fray meadow waste between Dim-litten sea apd winnowed sky Buried Money in the South. Bank Notes : | The South has = spevial preference j for the siver dollar 'over the dollar havk 'note. A carious reason is alleoad in explanation of it. The large number of colored people' apd uneducated whites inhabiting the South have nof yet learned to trust their savings to I, bapke and to a large extent keep their trensure buried in the zround. The silver dollar, in, of course. likely: to i withstand this subterranean exper ence longer than paper ourréboy, and for this reason is in greater dentand. Zi Doing a Grest Work. wins favor with k, "solves " what fo 3 that settlers were i r Canadian west to the United States may have been true, but the tide northiard signs of - STANDS THE WEATHER® I], 'GOOD FOR LEATHER pai WE CALL Robin Hood Fiour "The Flour that is Different" We must stand ready to prove it and also prove that the differ ence is so marked, so worth while, that you will feel this is the flour you 'ugh to use. That is exactly where we do stand. We ask you to. take no risk. Buy a bag of ROBIN HOOD and give it two fair trials. If it does not prove perfectly satisfac- tory, so satisfactory that you, too, say, "It is really the flour that is different," You may take. it to your grocer. and he will give you back 'your. money. Will-you make the trial on your next flour order? THE SASKATCHEWAN FLOUR MILLS CO. MOOSE JAW, SASK. LIMITED Our Big Summer Sale Is a Huge Success Big delivery for city and county. Everything reduced. - BEDDING, the Latest and Best, at Sale Prices, JAMES REID, the Leading Undertaker. x ICE CREAM... La THE BEST IN THE CITY 2 Nothing better than our lee Cream . Sodas -with : Fruit Syrups PINEAPPLE, STRAWBERRY, CHERRY ORANGE, LEMON and CHOCOLATE. M5 AJ. REES, 165 Pivces § rT -------------- ' Reminds their patrons that thelr Bighth Prize Contest closes the last day of August. A large number of collectors are trying to secite that Pirst Prize of SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS CASH. Keep busy collecting and GEY your friends to help. Orange Meat and Milk isa Perfect Food. P00000000000000000000800000000000000000088 Ice Cream : Ifyou once try our Ice Cream you % #ill be convinced that it is the Purest and Best. Seesssssesaansseessesseserieresatsnset ¥ { 1$900600ccnscscnes ¥ £ ee000000scesessne f : -- tp t-------------- --- id RANGE MEAT 4