| Queenie Corboy, and the 2' [thie home of the bride's parents. Hyery woman 'who values her complexion # parasol these sgltry ota Puch tues in White and Coloréd" ols 2 800 in the city. TEA aap 5 - We Invite You seb our stock. - We have really great'values § 1.50, $1.78, $2.00 and ups # ¢ ¢ 'Parasols and Umbrellas 75, 85,08, '$1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 'to 7:50, and ¥ ryone tie very est to be had for the price. § Big Sale of Summer Furniture ' Rockers, $i 50 2.00; 6.50, etc. WL Chairs, $1, 1.50 and up. - Settees, $1.50, 4.50 and 6.50, Camp- Cots and Chairs, Motor Bo Chairs, R. J. 'REID Leading! Under- taker. Phone, 577 « Monument'and Cemetery i Work Noted for keeping the best stock--do- ) ing the best Nerk=pricts the Flowest; DON'T GET 'Your - House § Wired for Electric Light! \ +i Helos you get our Prices." §. p Ww. A. SPR ; Biovtrient Contractor, § ed to note t TE HE WE | Yehurch, foslebrated by Rev, S$. A. Kilpatrick & Coli of | ask their husbands if Ul : me APPOINTED. BY THE GANANOQUE TOWN COUNCIL. Winnipeg Man Gets the Position . Wedding in St John's Church Snedk Thieves at Work in the West Wards. id Gananoque, ' Aug: 4.--A very ty wedding was at St, John's at nine o'dock, yesterday morning, when Miss Elizabeth Lorboy, daughter of Mr. and Mri. William Corboy, Stone street, and William Wing, Sydenham street, were joined in matrimony. The nuptial masswas Father Kehoe. The bride wae attended by her sister, Miss groom by John Parish, Columbus, Ohio, a 'for- mer resident. Afier the ceremony the customary good cheer was provided at The bide way attired in dn slover lace creation with white hat, trimmed with white lace and feathers. Many hand some presénts attest to the bride's popularity, Me, and Mr«. Wing left by instneh Inter in the day to spend their honeymoon among the islands in this viclnity, The funeral of te late Miss (Pally) Wilson, who 'died in Kingston, took place from the residence of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Wilson, First street, 10 Willow Bank ceme- tery, to-day. The dead calm: yesterday afternoon prevented the third of the series of dinghy + zades; The : ladies, however, were not prevented from serving their five o'clock tea for the 'club members and their ' guests, - while a: visiting band diseoursed sweet music, The combination excursion of . the Now Island Wanderer and America, yesterday, afternoon, for complete tout of the islands, being a novelty, at tracted a fairly good crowd. Constable Champagwe, of Brockville, was'in town: T y evening and took charge of the prisoner, Nrs, Bryan, who, under her maiden name of Hattie Flynn, had rented 'a bicycle in Brockville, from F. R. Havdendorf, Perth street, and failed to veturn it. Chief Burke telephoned * Chief = Ryan the particulars and she was nabbed here Tuesday noon with the bicycle in her jon. The Remington Typewriter com- pany's band, touring the country in the interests of thau firm, are spend. ing the week at Gananoque Tun, where | Ga: they are giving concerts every even- ing, and also daily, A special' gession of 'the town coun- cil was held at the new town hall last evening for the purpose of considering the 'applications for the. position of night policeman, There were seven applications 'comsidered. The 'appomnt- ment was awarded to Charles Sweet, late of 'Winnipeg, at 'a salary. of $550 per annum, Mr. and" Mrs, William Wooton and sons, John and+George, Schenectady, N.Y., are guests of Mrs, Wooton's sister; Mrs. William Pratt, King street, Mv. and Mrs. William Wilson dnd son, Ottawa, are guestd of Mrs, Wilson's Stats Mrs. A. D. Howe, Ogk [J street. Jokin' Lando, Montreal, is fen vacation herd with in e, Mr. and Mws. Edwin' Landon, King street. Mr. and Nrs, Naftel, Perth, speriding the ' past "week ol the latter's sister, Mrs. J. A. Bull Church street, have 'left for 'a visit to Goderich Sneak thieves are reported to be plving their nefarious work in the West ward. During the past week chickens hve: been stolen, + as well as other proj . Bey Water Power company 'were com- polled to shut off the water at 3.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon until Fri- day morning, there being 'insufficient for" the" needs of "the local mavufuc- turers, And Freddy Grinned. Pearson's. "I.dop't have no 'opinion of these new-fan, women's notions,". said Mr, Hyde when his wife timidly .ex- pressed. her desire to join the Wome ans Sell Improvement Society. "But we learn so much there,' tured Mrs, Hyde. "Pon't believe it!" snapped Mr. Hyde. "Women don't know much, that's a fact; but let 'em «stick: to thelr - domestic duties and learn them. That's my opinion. Let 'em follow Bt. Paul's Snpimations say at home and they want to Miyens i "ve" gottled it, and that's enough, Jane." "But, John, that's what women have: been doing all this: time, and thar 'the reason they. don't threw his boot xed Freddy's ears of |2 YOUNG GIRL ' MA GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. FOR LIGHT HOUSE work: Apply to §2 riace D'Armes. AP. Iy to Mrs. MeFaul 196° Barrie treet. PHONE 942, Moga |, 2 3. - Hal Morgan LATEST POPULAR SONGS. Spocial: Attraction: Dunlady & Williams Comedy Act Minnie Fisher " Aerial. Act. Str America BULLETIN: al IDAY, AUGUST Su8 Brockville and Fare, Teton, SATURDAY, AUGUST "dca sh pm, Tour of the Islands. Fare, 00, WUDAY Avouss J Regular Trips 730 sam. and 2 p.m. HA X ineent, TURSDAY, AUGUST 8.230" pin; he talnnds,. Fare, 006. " AUGUST | 107.00 am. for . A H: H: MORGAN, Mgr. AT FIVE SALESLADY, WITH YOUNG KADY STENOGRAPHER AND Book kee . INTELLIOENT P! PERSON MAY AN earn § menthly _corrceponding CLERKS A 'FURNISHED HOUSE, CENTRALLY HO! Ly ™ MN Dx: fover aot, corner Sydén- Stewart on Vest Streets. ham and' ROCKWOOD HOSPITAL 'A SRE. cond Laundress: one having Some experience preferred. Apply 10 the Matron. : PD WAITRESSES, Rin, twe Sramen Tor} hi dighes, . Apply, ately, to the Ganinogue Yui A KNOWLEDGE of thé Jewellery A usiness rrefer- red: must have references. Apply, ry fetter, to Rodger & Wright. rp for Hest ¢ class Jota tore, F rite stating experi- a ence and salicry wkted. pox" 100, rn Whig office. fur newspapers. No an nds cate, 3,969 port, N.XY. SELL Ce MUCH neal n every h hy or working men; dary; Rt posltionT ir on are works ing for 'ama sal behind the counter, writ to-day; you can double your w and OUT OWL boss. Apply, Bex "E. B. C." Whig office, ------ WANTED-GENERAL. ONTARIO AND B.A VETERAN SCRE § 8.x or cash. J. 8 R, n, 51 Broce . located, moderate size from Oets ist 810, to June 1st, 1911, or longer. Apply to Box 725, whig office, REES TO PURCHASE. 1 SiLLE BUY all kinds 'of horses. an in Kin ton all summer. I. A. Fen 8, incesy Street. Telephone Tour WrDNERD AY, hoe a, or Ganauogns,, Broek Meals on all Trips. : Auction: Honsehold: Furniture MONDAY AUGUSY Sth, 10 'A.W, SOUTH AFRICAN AND ONTARIO Veéterans' Scripts,' Cobalt Stocks, Bonds and Debentures. O. Hutton, 18 Market SE, on 32 Ellerbeek oebuts 3 : EN TO BB G THEIR 2nd have it uP "Lo up oma Gelow BE Gxt Binbss Livery, <1 t Jars, Croc ete, ALLEN, The Auctioneer. Telephone 252. : POSITION WANTED, AEE oe LOS: JAYS BLACK SATIN COAT, WEI- Street, Btw we o-and City P VERSA, ROCK RA RATTAN, 'Phone, Finder please eturn to 118 Gore Street an reward. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. Bh ARS, wT nap Mow J4.. Hay, + 5. a IRKPATRICK. GENERAL IN id Ocean Steamsh SKTFPS AND GASOLINE iculars a. ae et Square. i cs Ticker A L 0 st Ticker Adal ore GENERAL INSURANCE. --FIPE, WER. ent 4nd Health Policies A BARGAIN, A 28 hull new last Sep upped with & 10 hp. engine: "a t Hight or ten persons. Address, Box . H. AL Whig Office. a irat-class panies; Scandard LP v n, Agen t, 9. Wellington Street. J. X SARROLL. DISTRICT AGENT, oe Company. Er LARSHIP 4 om, A 8 iy BAY, Com n an Fe SHE 5 AE VE: IR 396." 7 aced on Short Kin LIVERPOOL, LONDON, Sei x bl In ry ta] pd = ve © tb 1 POOL TABLE IN OFFICES. WITH ALL MODE IN GOOD DITION, ghee for i. sash sale; a impre ulek toon ny of yhdup fan Mpuniai™y An Firat BAAR Apply, J. O. 70 wt. CON- venien in Orpheum Ww. Baker, Princess Ha Apply, the Hor le airs from Sifange & FBirange A Rents: FIRST-CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD: : mice modern impes Beating Apply, es Street, RCOTTAGR AND DWE hed and And unfurnished, ne McCann's, Brock, Lores, furnis ete Cor, King IBAA WOOD MAM. s. 8 SERRE J TLEATRS Ray yi sa 7 lo 4h 110 8 13 Cy Th to 4 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWT oFeL ORFARIO. BY. Ered HR sision. eae one. best FURNISH STORAGE FOR JURNITURR. I BRICK HOUSE, No. 33 DIVISION ST: DP ROOMS, wi BOARD or without; all m convenis« ences. Ap ly, nd William Street, corner of rrie Street. CLEAN, y moth own jock and ey. TL Storage, 299 Queen dry, atry roo roof; your Tost's Cit 'Phone 626 * modern improvements, nace; possession 1st of yd to I. O'Brien, with Pure September. 87 Unlon Bt, eR A ® RESTAURANT, NO. St from Xing Streets ot lunches, ibe; season, LIM cream; pot Severed tor: om. ATL Te some FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ON. RROCK Street; modern improvements, gas. for cooking purposes; Yoh Broarots. Anply = 162 Frontehac een - son Streets; roth And Jun FOR SALE OR 70 LET, age a: cantmrzas AND BUILDERS. ER HARROWSMITH HAPPENINGS. A Boy Fell Off a Horse' and Broke His Arm. Harrowsmith, Aug. 3.-Farmers are about through haying and report a good crop. .and - excellent ust, George Lakine has about complied» new implement house for J Shib- ley. Wood, who has been working in Kingston Yor som¥~Lime, is home again. W. Simonett has moved to the villa from Verona. A. Young, son of Edmond Pix _ met with a painful accident a few days ago. He fell off a horse and frac tured his arm." J. 8. Gallagher has his new cement barn complet .. Ansen Jigen is building a house for" Archi Hamilton, Colebrook. AS HOUSEKEEPER. A QUALIFIED APPLY, MRS, Skeggn Fowler, 28 Quebec-Street, TRACHERS WANTED. vy por h be See, Cent to n Qu e., Cent ANP ort Office, Waits' island. nae, on] ERNEST BECKWITH, 1 SONTRACT oe uli Sitios: ™R EXTENSIVE BUSINESS gd hdd #mith hair wile : Actories near; ood fruit orchard. g avy, Sydenham. Apply, C. N. PRR mises for many years oc Hoy Skinner y Co, Wholesale arungists, extending trom . Prins $ treet. to Queen Sirest, with Camaive BuO nny bE, ex ningham & Mode. PRY Yap fn HEE TA ARCHITEOTS. 2. how ne Fonidonge, 19 Daiversity are ] C.'8, Stewart, stopping in Toronto, for some time, was called suddenly home 16 the bedside of his father, who is seriously Hl. Mrs. J.-S. Gallagher, visiting friehdd of Portland, Out. has returned. John Jadkson and fraily, DENTAL, SPARKS AND SPARKS DENTISTS, 230 1-2 Phos 35 Ae inceas Street, Kingston. Riad Satie oa ho DR. $i oii ASH, DENTIST; SV etoi kor assistant, 183 Prints a" & BON, ARCH 168 Bagot street "ee Phone son' ARD AND LODGIN RST-C thnar top peer or or ae a to cars; bi alr. oan: as and medern Eh airy eR SET of © Syracuse, N.Y., visiting 'friends here, have returned. ' A "Jack- son and family have left the village or the summer, Mr. Jackson havisg]* secured a position 'in_Syrathed. hy were accompanied by Misy Carrie Miss Ruby Duff, of Utica, N.X., is at T. F. Stewart's. Miss Anitis Eyons," whiv' hn ome for some time, has pc ingston, H. LA®KE "a Kingston, at W. J, Ee a ~ days, * have teimened. Murl*Witd and Mise Toots Gallagher iv ot. Porcioed. Miss Lucek is at P :] of Watertown Willis handle OSTEOPATHY. EALTH sheroft, D. LO., Grad 2 Fou ] Bere. corner v uliati Sharge fo or ota: ue ours, 1018 8.00 Bt tas, Office Pine 1} buy ¥ing Cott from us is we PRICE and only the best quality. In Us. ER fifty mere tan nd * who ar exhausted | is ot a W. W. CORY, i Deputy of the Minister of the publication > paid 1 N.B-Unauthorix this advertisement will not be