Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Aug 1910, p. 5

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a ho DERE R ES ARR RR RRR MS Tuesday, August 9th To considerably reduce a $9,000 Stock, we will reopen on the ul # oq i io 5 above date for a three weeks' Sale 27thy With the exception of Magazines, Newspapers, efc., all goods in stock will be reduced from 40 This stock is practically new, in the last six months, acknowledged it to be one of the WATCH FOR FURTHER DETAILS. { f 5 PHONE 919. A ERE RETR ---------- WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US, " Tho Tidings From Various Points in Mrstern Ontario----What People Are "woing And What They Are Saying. A Fishing Party, Harlington, Aug. 3.-We are pleased to greet the bride of new pastor, Rev. J. A. Waddell, at the church service last Sinday evens ing. Sincere wishes ave extended for a long and hay voyage through life. Rev, Mr. Mcllroy will preach here next Sabbath afternoon in the interests of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Miss Tompking, Costi cooke, Que., who is the guest of Miss Vottie Campsall, rendered a solo in s sweet voice at the evening service lnpt Sunday. A fishing party was held at Silver Lake on Monday affer- noon, Miss Hill is the guest of H, Campsall, Miss MeQuade, Kingston, 'who has been the guest of Mrs. Closk- ey for the past week, returned home Jttanday. James Wallace is seriously ill, much our : Doings at Denbigh. Denbigh, Aug. 2.--Nearly all ow farmexg ave now done haying for this your dnd most of them have = com- meneed harvesting their spring grain. Miss Genevieve Lane, of Toronto, and her wister, Mrs. (Rev) J. R. Butler; are enjoying a visit with their father, John Lane, and other relatives here Master Joseph Adams, Kingston, is spending a vacation with his parents, Dr. and Mis. J. Adams. Rev, and Mrs. William Kupfer, Arnprior, are the guests of Rev. and Mrs. J. Rehle. Mr. Kupler conducted, divine service in the Lutheran church here last Sunday, while Mr. HReble attended fo the spiritual needs of his congregation at Plevna. Next Sunday both gentlemen intend to conduct a series of mission: ary services at Admaston." Miss Annie Marguardt;: of Ottawa; is enjoying a good vidit at her old home. Thomas Pringle and his sons, Bruce and Mar tin, who have been engaged for some time at Temiskaming, Que., have ar rived home. The municipal council held a meeting at the Chatsan House on Saturday, 'the 30th ult. Invita- tions are out for another wedding, which is to come off on the 18th inst, Frank Chatson, jr., of Brockville, who spent a week at his old home here, has returned to his post in town. A Death at Elgin, in, Aug, 2~Harvesting is in full swing, Corn is making splendid headway «ince the frequent showers, and potatoes are very promising. Mr. and Mes. H: Coon are rejoicing gover the arrival of a son. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson leave on Thursday for British Columbia. The former is a delegate to the Methodist general con- ference. in Victoria. Sacramental ser- vico was held in the Methodist church on Sunday last. Nr. and Mrs. Frank Hillman, Chapleau, are visiting Mrs, flillman's parents, Mr. aid Mrs. M.S. Robeson. {harfes Smith is recovering} from a severu ilness. Archibald Mus: tard is gaining slowly. The death - occurred on Sunday ev: ening, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Miles Murphy, of Mrs. O'Brien, Toronto and Montreal bidders for the stock ERS. g 2 THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, i i Phillipsville. Thousand 'CLIMBED INTO TOWER AND FOUND "SMOKE" WAS ONLY SWARM OF FLIES. i Firemen Thought St. Mary's Cathe edral Tower Was Afire--~8Smoke Appeared to be Coming From It A Swarm of Black Flies Caused the Hiusion, Chief Armstrong, Elmer and the men of No. 2 fire istation would have swom that St. [Mary's cathedral tower was afire last evening. About 6.45 o'clock, as" he i : . 260 SESS STRE 5 was starting - for home, the assistant PRING REET. 5' hiel's attention was draw to the EEA EPEPRRRCIRDETE top of sale closing Saturday, August per cent. to G0 per cent. having all been purchased with. best in Canada Assistant Chel NO GOODS SOLD TO DEAL- RItRRERREIRNRRRE the 'tower from which smoke to be issuing from around one 'of the stome pillars and one of the to-day oat the Roman Catholic arms of the big brass cross. It der ut tainly looked like a fire, and the | chief immediately ordered two of the Cephas Brown still continues very men to accompany the assistant chief Jow with slight hopes of recovery. and himself with Babcocks. Miss Mary Sheldon, Lyndhurst, is| Entrance to the tower was effected, i a few weeks, the guest of and the fire fighters commenced their her wumele, Wright Sheldon, Miss long climb with the extipguishing ap: igginshaw, Athens, visiting Miss paratus. No fire could be seen, how- Howard, has returned home. ever, as they reached the top of the 'The Rural Telephone company is ex- tower, but os looking out Chief Arm- tending its lines in every direction. The «trong saw what caused the illusion. A monthly W.M.S. meeting will be hdd swarm of black flies was hovering at Delta Park on the 4th. {around the top of the tower, and teem eee et enusing us perfect an imitation of SHOUTING AT MYERS CAVE i § 'smoke as could be imagined. = Irsmeme | The fire fighters did not relish their Over the Abundant Harvest--An Aged Collie Dog. long and tedious olimb on such a sultry evening, but they a reciated Myers' Cave, Aug. 2.--Farmers are! the way they had been fooled by the almost through haying and are jubli- flies. They had, in the meantime, been ant over the vield which is ever 50 joined by Rev. Father Hanley, the much better than at first anticipated, young rector of the cathedral, who Grain, potatoes, oats and corn. are looking well despite the long continu- afterwards sent them a box of cigars, which they greatly appreciated. ed dry weather. Raspberries were also Er a fairly good crop, and blackberries THE YACHT DOLPHIN. promise to be an abundant crop. Mrs. Robert Wilson, of Carthage, ; visiting in and around the cave for Race. the last two weeks, returned to her] A Napanee yachtsman writes: Con- home, on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. | apicuous amoung the yachts at the John Dellyea left for' Arden, on Mon: | Kingston regatta was M. B. Milly' day last, and intend to reside there |cruising yacht, Dolphin, of Napanee, permanently, as Mr. Dellyea will have 'entered for the purpose of demonstrat- the care of the farm owned hy G. E.!ing that a yacht to have speed does Thomson, near that village. Mr. and [not necessarily have to be as thin as Mrs, Dellyea's many friends in this!a wedge or have her decks flush with place regret their departure as their [the water. The Dolphin is purely and kind and obliging manner won the | simply a genuine cruiser, with high hearts of all with whom they were sides, great beam, and a cabin house acquainted. with six feet head room, with best ac- W. B. McAlister, of Ottawa, who |commodat,ions for eight persons. Her owned and operated a mine, in this [sail area is very small, comparatively, vicinity some years ago, is the guest [with the racers she had to compete of Mr, and Mrs. C. MeGregor, Hill |with, having only a little over 1,000 Crest. Miss Hannah Clritchley amd square" feet, while boats of her size Mrs. T. PD. Pty made an informal | usually have from 1,200 to 1,400 call at Lake View, on Tuesday last. square feet. Obviously such a hoat Me. and Mrs. Joseph Perry. 'spent |will not make her best showing in Sunday last at the Cave the guest of |light weather. Therefore, her success Mrs. Perry's parents Mr. and Mrs. ('. at Kingston - was not marked (oot | McGregor, Miss Florence Benny, was |even on the bulleting), as the races the quest of Mrs. Thomas Delbvea, onlstarted in very light airs and the Sunday last, Mrs. Robert Wilson and racers slipped awsy to good leads be- Mrs. T. I Perry were the guests of {fore the breeze freshened and the Mrs. Perry's daughter, Mrs. E. Wood, | Dolphin, though overtaking several, Harlowe, on Friday last. Alexander [could mot catch the leaders before the Dellyea and Mrs. T. D. Perry made ailing was crossed. However; in the business trip to Arden, on Mon ay, | cruising race from Prinyer's Cove to Henry Benny, had the masforiine to | Picton, a distance of seventeen miles, cut an ugly ssanh Jn his right leg «Je {all windward work, the latter half in cuttin} hay with the mowiriy vr acline. | very heavy weather, she proved her Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neale were recent | superiority by overtaking hall a doz visitors the Cive the gueils of fen competitors and finishing in second Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Perry. Mr. and place, and at Picton, on Tuesday, in Mrs Albert Marshall, Harlowe, werefhalf a gale, she made the best show- the guests of the lafler"s parents, on ling of the bunch, doing her work with Sunday last. Mrs, Timble Dellven wa jease while many of the other yachts the guest of her parents, Mr. and [were unable to stand up under the Mrs. D. Spicer, Perry Road, on Tues- | heavy puffs. The Dolphin was design- day of last week, J. C'. Mitchell, Lake {ed and built by her owner, and raced View, iu the owner of a collie dow [by himself, his two sons and Wilbur who has just completed his fourteenth Card, a dol of sixteen years of aye, year, and with the exception of being [all of whom are justly proud of ber a rifle deal, Ge still quite active. recent performances. held church and interment was made she Did Well in a Recent Crusing At the Kingston regatta, the Dol- phin was not officially measured, and, therefore, was allowed to enter the races merely out of courtesy. Some of the yachtsmen . stated that she could not. be sailed in amateur races, as she took out cruising parties for pay, awd that her owner was not, therefore, an amateur sailor. This, however, doe not lessen the Dolphin's sailing prow- os, Thousand Islands--Rochester. Stra. Caspian and North King leave daily at 10..5 a.m, for 1,000 Island points and at 5 p.m. for Rochester. J. P. Hagley, agent. The annual ball to be given at the Island house, Alexandria yv, has been announced for August 10th. * "It cools the blood during this hot weather" Citrate of magnesia, in 25¢c. bottles, at Uibson's Red Cross Drug Are on Display. The silver cups presented by James at an advanced age. "The funeral was "A Satistying F Appetite is Nature's signal for fuel and repaifs. Healthy appetite calls for t supply the natural requirements. Healthy appetite is satisfied when the proper kind and amount of food is taken into But the wiles of the modern ¢ in most of us a false and often unmatural appetite which leads into all the different degrees of indigestion, dys- _ pepsia, ete.--food insanity. | + Grape Swift & Co. as prizes for the ten: mile Marathan race at the labor day picnic were designed by Rodger & Wright agd are now on display in their windowy 347 King street. IN MARINE CIRCLES, Store. Phone ' 230, Movements of Vessels Along the Harbor Front. Tug Meteor and tug Edwards are here with a dredge from the Soo for Montreal. At Folger's wharf: Steamer erica is running an excursion Picton to-day to Cape Vincent and Watertown; schooner Cornelius with coal from Sodus, for 1,000 Island Steamboat Co. Swift & Co's wharf: Steamer Belleville down last night; steamer Dundurn up last night; steamers King: ston Caspian down and up; x steamser Rideau King cleared Tor Ot- Nuts he simple food elements that Am- from the body at stated intervals. hef and eaterer have created M. T. Co's wharf: Steamer Kins 'mount arrived this morning with 70, 000 bushels of wheat from Fort Wil liam; tug Emerson cleared for Mon- troal with one in barge; tug Bron. son cleared for ih. TO DECIDE ON AMOUNT THE bAILT BRYTIAR WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1910. CITY AND VICINITY. 23c--Butter, Batter---25c, Prints, butter, extra choice, 2c. J. Crawford. Goes to Montreal. Rev. James Potter, Peterboro, son of James Potter, Kingstod, has ac cepted a call 10 MacVicar Memorial church, Presbyterian, Montreal. To Paint Small Dok The contract for the painting of the two small domes on the city build- ings has been awarded to W. J. Sav- age, whose tender was $17.75. These domies nave long required painting. ------------------ Guards Want More Pay. The penitentiary guards have a petition 10 present to Inspector UG. W. Dawson, They ask for imcressed pay in view of lof hours and increas- ed duties. The guards should get more money. h Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has made a great reduction ia pice in the order and readymade thing department, also in the gents' furnishings, to make room for his fall and winter importa- tions. Plans for Smelter Buildings. In a few days, tenders will be asked by the Notth American Smelting com- puny, of Kingston, for the orection of the uocessary binildings on their pro- perty, The plans and specifications are nearly ready. be Lake Ontario Park Thronged. The crowd of people at Lake Ontar- jo Park last night was the largest so far this season. All reached the city, except the last car, before the storm broke. A new programme is promised for to-night. peat for the rest of the week. No Trace of the Thief. No trace of the thief who broke in- to Prouse's drug store bas yet been found. The fellow made a clean joo, and got clean away, The proprietor is consoling himsell with the thought that the thief picked 'out his store in order to get the choicest of articles. Big Day on Street Cars. Wednesday was. one of the biggest days of the summer for the street rail- way company. It was children's one cent day, many of the stores were closed and there were a lot of excur- gionists in town. Extra cars had to be run in the afternoon to handle the crowds. Heavy Rain Last Night. At a 'quarter after ten o'clock last night, a heavy rain storm broke ov- er the city, and the streets were quickly The: lightning was quite livid. A large ntumber of people wore caught in the, downpour, and there was great hurrying and scurry- ing to shelter, 3 rofn came in spells, and" lasted the night. " The $60 Has Departed. The young man who reported to the police that he had lost $60 from his sock, has not recoversd the' money. Accompani ¢ 'Police Consta- ble' Craig, he revisited the store where he thought he had been "'touch- ed," but the employees there indig- nantly denied having seen the moncy. The young man did not care to lay a charge, as he had no proof of theft. Funeral of a Child, The funeral of Phoebe, the three month-old daughter of Mr. and Mow Ovila Cornell, Bagot street took place, on Tuesiay afternoon from the house Rev. W, F. Fitegorald conducted the services. Handsome wreaths were ve: ceived from the motormen and ccn- ductors of the street railway and Moi son MeUleverty, Gananogwe, and a cross from Mr. Day, Gananoque. Appointed District Manager. H. C. Pearson, brother-in-law ol David Murray, manager of the North- ern Crown bank, has been appointed district manager of the Travellers' ln- surance Company, of Canada. His ter- ritory includes Gananoque, and coun- ties of Frontenac, lennox and Adding- ton and Hastings. Agencies will be established at once at ail the chet points in the district. Mr. Pearson a good business man and is popular among the citizens, Band in the Park. By kind permission of Col. Burstall and officers, the band of the Royal ( a- nadian Horse Artillery will give a con- cert in Macdonald Park this evening, from eight to ten o'clock. Pro- gramme : March, "Liberty Bell," Sousa; overture, "Martha," Floton; ade, "My Gin," Eilenberg; selcc- 1" seren. tion, "Il Trovatore," Verdi; incidental music to "Merchant of Venice," Rosse: song (cornet solo), 'The Lost Chord," Sullivan; idyll (chimes), * Water," Watson; selecti New York," Ei "God Save the King." bandmaster, RCH.A. Worked the Same Game. "The Brockville Recorder says that on July 2nd « strénger giving the name visi the stores of Schiller trio will ap] FOR THREE . MONTHS FOR NE- GLFCTING HER CHILDREN. 'It is Though That Mrs, Kane is Not Responsible-~She Will Receive Medical Examination, and if Found Incapable She Will be Otherwise Cared For. Mrs. Rebecca Kane, street young woman day pig on a charge of neglecting her children and keeping compamy with men, was committed to three months in jail, by the police magistrate this morning. It is learned that the young woman is not' wholly responsible her actions, and the magistrate said that she would be medically examined Ontaria , on Tues- the not a fit subject for a jail sebtemce, she would be otherwise cared for. Three months, however, he said, was a small sentence for what she had done. he had arrested the young woman, on Tuesday night. A compimint had been her children. He put her three-months infant in the Infants' Home four-year-old child a the Home. He found the grandmother of the children hall thank. Mrs. Kane, in regard to her of her little ones. A woman who lives the infant lying on an old coat on the floor of a verandah upstairs. It was ho had found the infant in the came hom? with a young man, who wag under the influence of liquor. Her smother, Mrs, Greer, ordered her out of the house. The'young man took Mrs. Greer by the throat, The latter hot a hoard and chased both of them out of the place. Mrs. Greer, the witness testified, declared that if she got hold of her daughter's youngster, she would smother it. The magistrate said that for several weeks he had received complaints con- cerning Mrs. Kane's neglect of her childpen. He asked the prisoner what | conld give no satisfactory explanation of 'her conduct. She said that mother refused to let her in the house, but the magistrate remarked that this had nothing to do with her habitual neglect of her little ones, IN THE PRISONER'S DOCK. Revolver Found in Pocket of Drunken Man. police' magistrate = The had three drunks before him this morning. Oue |*. | Wis a young man named Joseph Cole- man, who was found helpless on Prin- | GBdn street, and brought to the cells {for the night. A revolver and cart- ridges were found' on his person. He fest give no explanation as to why he required to carry a firearm, or ds to why he shoul: have imbibed so much fire water. Five dollars and oosts or a month in jail was the sen- Andrew Byron, a member of the pro- hibited liquor squad, acknowledged that he had been drunk when he had no legal right to get intoxicated, or even to gaze on the "bug juice." When put on his oath, he said that a iman named George Holt had given him the intoxicating drink, though he ' ont the prohibited list. Andrew was remanded until Saturday, in order to get further evidence in the case. William Symons was the third to admit that when the police arrested him he was drunk. Three dollars and costs or 'one month in jail was his fine, i The Western Tax Rate. Edmonton. Bulletin Lethbridge people have the promise of a thirteen mill tax rate and some prospect of it being only twelve and a | half, Equally remarkable, this rate will be lower than has been levied for several years. This surely upsets oll the traditions and defies all the auth- orities of municipal finance. That a tax rate should be only twelve mills "is unusual, and that it should be al lowed to drop to thirteen mills afte: having soared above that point for a | term of years is equally so. It is not (Without * precedent; however. Edmon- {ton's tax rate used to hover about the lower levels a few years ago, but it Thas got over that and now holds its place about the altitude of seventeen or seventeen and a half. Edmonton I brought its rate down temporarily by changing the rate of assessment from two-thirds to full value. Lethbridge his probably accomplished the - same end by levying on improvements as well as on land, by making the enter: prising pay part of the taxes of the sloggard, and the resident or householder bear some of the bur- den 'of the gheentee speculator. i Sn Quarrel in a Nutshell. {Montreal Herald 3 The present government has demaml- led 4 revision of the concordat, a con- vention Between the vatican and the Spanish government of 1851, and over- tures for that purpose were made to Rome. The vatican complains that be- <{fore the negotiations were fairly be a, the government violated the con- t by forbidding the entrance of oy a ting religious for {+ to determine her condition. If she was | Police Constable Arniel testified that roceived that she was sadly veglecting | and her { Orphans' Two neighbors gave testimony agninst | neglect | in the mext block said that she found. in a sick condition. Another neighbor}. told how on the afternoon in question]. ad same |. condition. In the evening, Mrs. Kano. she had to say, but the voung woman : ber | had told his: companion that he wasii is a satisfying food--it is composed of the natural elements to satisfy the natural appetite and restore order in the di- gestive machinery which may have been thrown out of gear by improper though often "fashionable -foods.--| crisp, "nutty" granules of Grape-Nuts mak cessary. Its 'wholesome flavour , and the albumens, earbohydrates, ite from the whole wheat and bar- food--both to the sense of taste 7% PAGE FIVE TROHS Bohemian BEER Served Wherever Quality Counts 2 ay mine 3159 Alcohol GRO. THOMPSON, Jr. Distributor, 292 PRINCESS STREET, } "Phone 304 for a case delivered to your home 4 Bargaing 35c. } Broken lots, not all sizes in each tine, but all sizes from IB to 30 iu the lots,, in dove color and white. They comprise the best, though not the lat est styles, in D. & As, ET. B. & 1, B. & C. and Crompton Corsets, all at OBE PRICE .cvoinns sirirnins Kpinsersnes SH each New Mull Princess Dresses In Mauve, Pink, White, Cream and Sky, the prettiest Dresses shown this BEASON co. sons mene se BLO0 to $9.50 New Two-Piece Wash Costumes, in Pink, Mauve, Grey, Tan, White and Cream. D. M. SPENCE, dn The Leading Millivery Store THE OANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. Manufacturers of Traps and Beads, Solder, Brass Ferrules, Iron nd Lead Combina< tion Ferrules. Write for prices. OFFICE: 8 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. [8 EE ------------ --- All In Readiness for the BIG SATURDAY SALE 830 A.M. AND ALL DAY. nt Of an exceptionally fine lot of manufac- turer's samples of LADIES' COATS AND SUITS in Cotton Poplins, Indian Head, Linen and Striped Repps, white and all other fash- ionable colors, some strictly tailored, others trimmed with insertion. COATS Geod value at $7, $5, etc. Must clear at $1.98 SUITS .. Good value at $11, $10, etc. Must clear at $1.98. Also a number of very PRETTY DRESSES 'Wash Materials, Cotton Voiles, ete., good value at §ii, $10, etc. Must clear at $1.98. 20 Per Cent. of all White Maslin Underwear i ----------" merchant | ) Tailored Linen and Fancy Lawn and Mall : Bloases at Reduced Prices SEE WINDOW DISPLAY.

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