3 : : . -le BosssscessessreUTsssee Never in the history of the store have we shown such High-Class Designs and lower j Rugs, Curtains, Draperies, : Linoleums. J ---- R. McFAUL, CARPET WAREHOUSE. Mid-Summer Sale For the next month we will Bold our Annual Midsu: 'mer Sale of Antigue Furnituts firic-a- an ty per cent. off ail goods . during the Sale ¥ a Come in and sce what we have. All kinds of J1ousehold Goods Bought ana Sold. Dh pa 'card to us if you have anything good to Sell or Trade. Don't Forget the Place. L. LESSES, Cor Princess and Chatham Sts, Kingston, PPPPOPTITITITYY ied TeTyYyw KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (LIMITED), HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenty-Sixth year. Fall Term 1 Ae a Soursss in as. Within: & short red positions es time over aatp secu with one of t corporations in Call write f Hime L% MeTCALYE, REE ELEREREAP ERR OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at forty-five cents a pound is a good Tobacco. Why pay eighty-five? ANDREW MACLEAN, 2 Athrio Street. Enter any informa- Principal. CANADA'S BEST invalid Port te the v- Ey pore a . equal to the befit fm at dy AS a A Soe peeesesesesssssscsssee 0000000000000 000000000 esessossscsssenscees | Said d Furs Ordered Now Or Old Furs Repaired, . Stored FREE Until Wanted. JOHN-McKAY; FUR HOUSE, Telepone, 489. 149-155 BROCK STREET AUGUSTSALE Carpets Furniture, [EB | This week's specials iu addition to our regular sale discounts. Here are a few extra inducements:-- We have a large Stock of Buffets and Sideboards, and we want to clear some. Buffet, Buffet, Buffet, 1-4 cut oak, polished 1-4 cut dak, polished, $45-- 1-4 cut oak, polished, $40-- Buffet, 1-4 cut oak, polished, $20 1 - 5 y=. 8. 1 y Complexion _ First of all you need plenty of blood--the red kind. Have 'it pure or otherwise blotches and pimples will render your natural charms unavailing. No- thing can equal Dr. Blair's Tonic Tablets either as a former of rich blood or as a gin beautifier. By driving ot humors Dr. Blair's Tonic | Tablets cleanses inside just as writer does outside. Because of ft » nourishment and building ' operties they contain Dr. air's Tonic Tablets brings the syrtem to a high point. of vigor fr m which shines vim, ambi- th a, good spirits. 25c. Box PROVSE'S DRUG STORE, Op rosite Bt. Andrew's Church. ei . ol Buffet,' 1-4 cut oak, polished, $25--- "Buffet, 1:4. cut ak, polished, $25- | Buffet, 1-4 cut oak, polished, $28 4 Goods held free 'of i Suds r of charge until 'Phone $0 Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. POULTRY ASSOCIATION. Will Hold Show With Horticultural Society. A meeting of the Kingston Pet Stock and Poultry Association was held on Thursday evening, when it was de- cided to hold the usual show, in con- junction with the Horticultural So- ciety. This will be held the middle of September, in the armouries. Arvangements were made for a num- ber of special prizes, which will add materially to the prise list. Last year the show was a great success, and this year it promises to even still be greater. Bicycle: Hits Automobile. There is one man in this town who will not ride his wheel for some time, | He ix Charles W. Hood, expressman on the suburban train. Mr. Hood was riding up Queen street, yesterday af- ternoon, about five o'clock, and when near the corner of Division street met a rig. He turned out for the rig and in doing so got right in he at of an approaching automobile. Mr. Hood did not wee the auto and consequently could not get out of the ar es leaped injury, but his wheel was badly damaged. Ald, Kent, chairman of parks, will likely arrange with the Kiltiés' band to give one of theit two concerts in Victoria The R.€. Macdonald b | A. band will again play in Bark, nent Thursd y t next Tuesday evening. |O The Folger y wall {ise $1,500 through the little WON 'SCHOLARSHIPS THE SUCCESSFUL ONES AT QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY. Four Kingston Girls Won Some Fine Scholarships--The Pass List of Those Writing for Queen's, Quecn's University to-day made the following announcements as a result of the recent departmental examina- tipns: " Junior Matriculation Scholarships. Nicholls Fonndation No. 2, General Proficiency, $135--Marzaret H. Smith, Williamstown. : McDowel, General Proficiency, $125 --(ieo. E. Johnston, Brockville. Maclennan Glengarry Foundation, General Proficiency, tenable by candi dates from County of Glengarry, $400 ~Ressi¢ Mackay, Williamstown, with honour of (Nicholls Foundation Neo. 2) Wilson, General Proficiency, tenable by candidates from Covnties of Fen- nox and Addington, $125--W. B. Denyes Napanee, Senior Matriculation Scholarships. McLaughlin, English, Latin, French, $225 Margaret L. Barbour, Markham, with honor of Registrar. - Chancellor, mathematics, $200--H. Philp, Lindsay. Registrar, Latin, English, history, mathematics and option, $200---P. C Caverhill, London, with honor of Chaneellor. Governor-general, classics, $176-- Alice Marshall; Kingston. Mackerras Memorial, classics, $170 Mabel Mackenzie, Kingston, 2 Williamson, No. 1, English and his- tory, $165-N. Parlane Merry, Strat- ford, with honor of Nicholls founda- tion, No, 1, Prince of Wales, mathematics, phy- sics, chemistry, $160--W. H. Adamson, Peterboro, Williamson, No. 2, French and Ger- man, $160---C. Helen Dawson, Ottawa. Leitch Memorial, No. 1, English, che- mistry, physics or botany, $160--R. 0. Earl, Brockville, ai Nicholls: Foundation, No. ifngiish, French and German, $150--Muriel T. Hicks, Simcoe. Mowat, mathemation, 8150-0. L. French and German, Griffin, Aylmer. Mayor, Latin, $150-Mary W. Hubbs, Picton. Forbes - McHardy, mathematics, French, German, $125--Eleanor Minnes, Kingston. Watkins, general proficiency, tenable by student from Kingston Collegiate Institute, $160--Myra F. Dyde, King- ston, with honor of Williamson, No. 2. Senior Matriculation Scholarships Pass. Latip, Class 1, Margaret L. Barber; class 11, E, K, Robinson; Alicg Mar- shall; Eva E. Nelson; Mary W. Hubbs; P. C. Caverhill; class Ill, P. 8, Ken- nedy; Myra F. Dyde; Morpa Mac- Arthur; G. B. Burwell; Frederika R. Stothers; Mabel E. Mackenzie; H. Philip; Flora E. Abernethy, Greek--Class 11, P. C. . Caverhill; Margaret L. Barber; class III, Alice Marshall; Eva E. Nelson; Mabel M. M chonsls; pass , R. Macgillivray, . ass I, Myra Dyde; Helen B. Dawson; Eleanor A. Minnes; . Parlane Merry; Alice Marshall; Fred- erika R. Stothers; class If, Mary W. Hubbs; Margaret L. Barber; Mabel M. Mackenzie; A. Morna MacArthur; clasg 11, Mildred A. Wormwith; pass, P. C. Prench-- Class I, Myra F. Dyde, Mar- aret I. Barber, Helen .B. Dawson, E. . Robinson, N. Parlane M , Alice Marshall, W. H. Adamson. Class II, Mary W. Hubbs, Mildred A. Wormwith, Eva E. Nelson, Eleanor A. Minnes, Mabel M. Mackenzie, Frederika R. Stothers, Muriel T. Hicks, Percy C. Caverhill, P, S. Kennedy. Class IlI, H. Philp, A. Morna MacArthur, C. J. Kendall. Fh Euglish--Class I, N. Parlane Merry, Muriel T. Hicks, R. O. Earl, H. Philp, W..H. Millar, P. S. Kennedy. Class 11, BR. Macgillivray, Alice Marshall, Myra F. Dyde, Mildred A. Wormwith, Eleanor A. Minnes, C. H. Donnelly. Class 111, E. K. Robinson, A. E. Hilt P. CO. Caverhill, W, H. Hadge A. S. Nelson, Mary W. Hubbs, C glen B. Dawson, Erma Dafoe, Margaret L. Barber, Flora E. Aber- nethy, A. Morna MacArthur, Mabel M. Mackenzie, C. J. Kendall, J. C. Low- Hass I, P. S. Kennedy, _Hubbs, N. Parlane Merry. Class 11J Margaret L. Barber, P. C. Caverhill. Clasé III, M A 8. Nelson, G. B. Burwell, Erma Daioe. Physics~Class I, G.y 0. Morrison; dase, 11, W. H. Adamson, A. E. Hill, G. L. Griffin; .class 111, Margaret kL. Barber, C. J. Kendall. Chemistry--Class 1, R. 0. Earl, W. H. Adamson; class IL, A. E. Hill, Margaret 1. Barber, P. C. Caverhill; class 111, C. H. Donnelly, Gi. 0. Mor- vison, G. L. Griffin, C. J. Kendall, W. H. Millar. €. Caverhill; Zoology Clan LPB lass 11H, L. Barber. § a 1, Mega 0. Earl, Mathematics--Class 1, T. C. Caver- hill, Mar t 1. Barber, H. Philp; class 11. W. H. Adamson, G. L. Griffin, A. E. Hill, W. H. Niller; class HI, 6. . Morrison, E. H. Robinson, G. B. H istory--( Mary W. A Big Financial Loss, probably accident « Adamson, { ho teamer America, of m cylindent . FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1910. Miss 8. Purlong, has returned from New York. Norman Derry, Collingwood street, left to-day for {harlotte, N.Y. Chief Armstrong, of the fire depart- ment, has returned from Toronto. i Mrs. B. Edwards i§ visiting her brooke. {daughier, Mrs. N. Ames, West Williams McCann and Patrick Duffy, Bufialo, N.¥., are visiting if the city. | Miss Daisy Swaliridge, Earl street, | expects to leave fiext week for Toron- to. ; Mrs. Sidney Psingle and children, of Stella, are spending a few days in the oty. " FR iss Duly, Ordnance street, left this afternpon for Toronto to visit friends. Miss Willis David, Toronto, is visit- ing Miss Birdie Vanalstyne, Queen street. . Miss Gertrude Sangster, Montreal, is visiting Mre. Frances Robinson, Queen street, Miss Mabel Weir, Winnipeg, who has been visiting friends in Picton, is back in the city. . Frank Chown and wife, of Publow, Oregon, are with the Misses Chown, Clergy street, Miss Amilea Brunette has returned from Watertown, N.Y., after a two weeks' visit. : Miss Hadel Dunlop, Nelson street, is C.'going down among the islands, Mon- day, for a visit. Mrs. D. Murphy and Miss Murphy, of Kingston; ave visiting Mrs. Neil Arm- strong, Port Hope. Dr. Mooney and party arrived from Rochester and went out to Bob's Lake on a fishing trip. Miss Stiaine, who has been visiting friends in Buffalo, has returned to her home on Amherst Island. Capt. Booth and granddaughter Jeave on the steamer Toronto to visit friends in St. Catharines. Bert McKelligan, High Park, Boston, Mass., in in the city visiting William Hamilton, Princess street. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Best and chil dren, Union street, have gone to Peter- boro to enjoy a holiday. 'Miss N. Kearns, Chesterville, is spending ber holidays at St. Macy's on-the-Lake, King street west. Mrs. James cllroy, York street, was taken to the Hotel Dieu, yester- day to undergo an operation. . The friends of Mrs: H. Leslie, Step- hen street, will be glad to hear she is improvinz after a sudden sickness. James A. Faton and John Viant, of Consecon, were in the city on their return home from a trip down the river. Capt. A. H. Beeson, publisher of Bees son's Marine Directory, Chicago, and Mrs. Becson, are in Kingston on a visit, Miss Hilda Cherry, York street, and Niss Georgia Medley, Barrieficld, leave to-morrow for Montreal and the Sag- uenay. Mrs. Flynn, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ellen Mooney, Stuart street, leaves to-morrow for her home in Syracuse. _ Mrs. Wareham, who has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. E. Kennedy, John- son street, left on a; visit to friends in } David Reid, Toronto, is visiting his parents at Elginburg. He leaves, on Tuesday for Edmonton, where he ex- pects to, locate. D. M. McIntyre, Kingston and G. F. Ruttan, Napanee, are among those nominated for the 1.0.0. grand was- denshin for next year. R. Meek, grand patriarch of 1.0.0.F. Grand Encampment, will be home op Saturday night. He went on to Wind- sor, Ont., on a visit. Harold McGrath, the noted fiction author, of Syracuse, N.Y., is at the Randolph. He and his party have been fishing at Battersea. George Fralick returned home from Picton last evening, where he attend- ed the funeral of his brother, Thomas Fralick, - who passed away in. this city. _Mre. 8. Conroy, Carthage, N.Y. who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Somerville, Albert street, for the past two weeks, has returned _ Father Spratt, Wolfe Island, was in Lindsay on Wednesday, visit ing R. P. Spratt. The reverend gen: tleman has just returned, from the Pa- cific coast. hs Mre. J. MeJ. Eliott and children left to visit relatives in Toronto for Saturday Closes vad i--OPR-+ Half Price Sale me, Rev. These Ging Em _ _--_---- S00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000 SALE OF DRESS GINGHAMS Saturday and Monday at . 8c yard. hams are worth 12!5¢c yard. *; * ° ® . . * * Ld ° * ° a * " ° * * ° . » o . ® * * . . ® . ® * * ® a few days, and will visit Mrs. A. T, Smith, at her summer home at Roach's Point," for the balance of the summer, Miss L. E. Dafoe, daughter of Dr. Dafoe, Madoc, has returned home, af- ter completing three years' work as nurse at the general hospital. She was a member of the graduatimg class in the spring. W. ¥. Winter, of Langdon, N.D., went to Brockville for a few days. He visits Yarker over Sunday and will again be in the city next week. He is thoroughly enjoying himself among old schoolmates. To Frederick K. Burnham, of New York, owner of the world-famous Dixie 11, which recently won the noted gold challenge cup, the directors of 'the Frontenac Yacht Club will tender a complimentary dinner to-day. Read Saturday's Whig. Saturday's Whig will contain articles regarding St. Mpeg cathedral and the consecratio® he new altar. With these articlgf will be cute of the archbishops who/fpre to take part in the proceedings. 20 penkbing butter and blue berries, J. Crawford, Summer Goods Mercerized Linens, Ind See1suckers, ett., all the 30c goods. yard. 300 yards of Merce To Clear at Another lot of Ladie rade at $1 each. Man .75 and 2.00. All sizes, o> " 'AN pecial Prices, Children's Fancy Va sizes, 81, 9, 91, 10, Special in Children' Hose. All sizes. SLLLL2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000bbnbbbhibpibiity Out Regardless of 500 yards of Wash Dress Goods, including Saturday Morning One Price, 7c Yard. 1,000 yards of Kmbroideries and Insertions various widths, best" patterns, priced up to 25¢ & Saturday Morning Your Choice 10c a Yard, colors and dainty designs. 25¢ and 30c¢ lines, Dresses, newest styles in all sizes At About Half Price Only $2.50. Still selling the nobbiest White Waists in the A few only Ladies' Fancy Parasols to clear at 49¢ and Up. 19¢ and Up. 50 Dozen Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose. All Saturday, 2 Pairs, 25c¢. Two Pairs for 25¢c. CORRIGAN'S. BLACKBERRY - CORDIAL This preparation will' stop the pain promptly and it also re moves the cause. It is an anti- septic to the bowels, soothes, heals and restores natural econ- ditions, 25c a Bottle. We will refund the price if, it does not give satisfaction. DRUG MAHOOD STORE ll PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS ae re ee EELEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLFIIIIIIIIINIIINIIIIIIY Saturday Sweep mma will Must Be Closed Price. ian Heads, Repps, P.K., newest shades in 25¢ and rized Foulards, popular 15¢ a Yard. 8 Wash Suits and Wash g < y lines in the Jot "worth 31 to 40. See them. Sd 4 ruscls all reduced, 8 Heavy Ribbed Cotton 2 ® ¢ = wo » Come quickly if you want a Sum- mer Hats at Half Price. The $5.00 Panamas now $2.50 Hh now $1.00 now §1.25 i 1 now 13¢. TWO LADS ARRESTED. In Connection With Theft of Fare Box. Early on+ Thursday evening, Con- siable Mullinger placed under arrest two boys, both about fifteen years of age, in connection with the theft of a fare box from the street railway, on Tuesday night. The two lads came belare the magis- trate at a session of the juvenile court this morning. Aftér the taking of evi- dence, one of the lads was discharged and the other was remanded, pending further investigation which will be made. : The dlolen box has not yet been re: covered. It ix believed to have heen hidden somewhere, by the guilty party or parties, Bargains in Hammocks. Now is the time to secure a large bagdsome hammock, t half-price. R. |e wnd Co wi tea of thew sock at exactly "price, to-morrow, sind ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Pe oP w k 5 E FER EVIRERGRERR RRR RAL AAMAS PISS IECIIVOIVIIIIS IIE Hefedefofooos [ofedojorfofmfofofofefeioler || A Summer Tonic For that worn out, tired and run down feeling there is no better tonic than a combination of Beef, Iron and Wine. Ours is delicious in taste, con- tains fron to enrich the blood, peptonized (digested) beef to feed the tissues, and cholce wine as av appetizer. In a re cent Government analysis a bottle taken from our stock of Beef, Iron and Wine proved to be a superior article ranking as first class. ' TRY A BOTTLE 50c. AY LL00L0084040040800000008FFFPPIIIVIRIIIIFIIIEE Tea Kettles on Stands, with Ebony Handles, Fern Dishes of odd Dutch de. sign. Trays and Servers with porce- laine and glass linings, These goods are all new in eof- fect, ahd have been much ap.' preciated, SMITH BROS., Jewellers. Opticians. 0990 * ¢00090000 ct AA FURS. A AA i W. F. Gourdier. 76-78 BROCK STREET. Doctor Crippen has by his actions led people to be- Heve that his married life was not a happy ons. It may be possible that they were one of the few families who did not Cook with Gas Yon will never know what-n great injustice you have been doing your wife all these until range to have the pipes coupled up years you ar 80 that she can use the gas for all pilTposes CHEAP~CLEAN--CONVENIENT. Kingston. 1. & Powe Co. C, ©, FOLGER, Gen. Manager, Half Done Is a palpable weak- kneed. . dirty-faced mischief maker. He's not tolerated in this laundry; we wash him out. \ Everything is fully and perfectly done. Spotless lace curtains, Exquisite shirtwaists, Smooth-edged collars, Snow-white shirts, Beautiful linens,