FOROROROOO0N Ladies' Tailoring Department CTY TACT TACT IATA HORROR RRR RRR OOOO) OOOOH RORCROROROOROROROHROROROROCY We take great pleasure in Aunpipcing that we have added to our already. large store an- other department--A very lmportant Depart- ment, too-- y{)) A Ladies' Tailoring Department we are prepared to the public in gener ig ve our patrons and the very latest Parisian and New York Styles and choice of not only our own large stock but of every new Costume Cloth to be had in Canada. We Invite Your Careful Inspection. a An Acknowledged Fact That our Cakes and Pastry excel all others in Parity and Goodness. 1 Geeet ttt et tet teet tts ry THEM. : R. H. TOYE, Ro terra one 181, Best by Test! Thidds-pravess fa Wornmiii t Try Os i in Your Home o Are sweet KINGSTON'S MUSIC HOUSE. toned, and LEADING papular and classic Music in Book and Sheet Form. Orders promptly filled. WORMWITH PIANO C0 LIMITED, 282 PRINCESS STREET, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. fi CL dE FRESNO HIE sore , Or ERY fale over quar io a lable i 1and in o Ly n on nd_ tn alechew: a must Spear a at ney or Sub- ntry by proxy father, t any agency, on oertiln sacs in ther, mo or sister of Yatending STL ae fee ena 33 {coon ing may pre-empt A uarter p a En mune Jus homestead los~Must reside up- id or pre-em in cach of pix verws entry (inci earn | sal paren Ly acres ton she th t) ol tin orth | cide 302 King st. Phone 141. Makes Hair Grow. fhe Pest Driig Store has an invig- orator that will grow hair or money back, The time to take care of your hair is 'whe' you have hair to take care of: "If your hair is getting thin, gradu- lally falling out, ft can't be long before the spot appears. The greatest remedy to stop the hair from falling is SALVIA, the Great American Hair . Grower, first discovered in England. SALVIA fur. | nishes nourishment to the hair roots and acts so quickly that people are amazed. 3 And remember, it destroys the Dandruff germ, the little pest that saps the life that should go to the, hair from the roots. SALVIA is sold by The Best Drug Store under a positive guarantee to cure Dandruff. stop Falling Hair and Itching Scalp in ten days, or money back. A large bottle costs 60 cents. The word "SALVIA" (Latin for sage) Is on every bottle. 3 SEND YOUR LACE CUR. TAINS TO PARKER Whether they are to be cleaned or dyed, you'll mot be sorry. The work we do is satisfactory. R. PARKER & Co0., rote d ~ GROWING IN POPULARITY. The More People Know Newbro's Herpicide the Better They Like It. The more it becomes ¥nown the Get- ter it is liked. Ona bottle sells two and Shave two well lgest Newbro's Her- Ja: aha at we are i about. scalp of of ndruff, and Streit the cause, a little germ or parasite, prevents the return of dan- druff. As 4 hais dressing it is delight. fal, It i to De f on every toi- let table. It stops intz hair, . and] prevents baldness. It should be used aw onally as a preventive to pro- atest the om. a Bew invasion of aed | the Sed oy Teeth slumps for Co., Detroit, Nich: bottles guarapteed: G. THE DALY ARTIS we. FRIDAY, AvGUS OF UNITED STATES FARMERS TO CANADIAN WEST. New York Times Has Editorial on the "Canadian Peril."--Advertising is Cure Proposed, New. York N.Y., Aug. 12.---The Times calls on the American. vernment to do something to stop the trek of Am- erican farmers to Canada. "To begin," says the article. "The statistics now being arranged and classified by the bureau of immigra- tion and maturalization, prove that Canada has much the better of us in the matter of import and export of population, so far as the results of the movements in both directions last year are concerned. Whether this il prool | of a larger flow to the north in suc coiling years is not known. The ex: perts will not. say; probably they deo not know.' Opinions, pro. and con, by vatious experts, are then given, a commission er expressing the opinion that during 19090 not Jess than 15,000 American citizens returned from Canada to the United States. The Times, however, says that dur ing the last three years the United States has given to Canada eight far- mers--either owners or laborers--for each one she has sent the United States. On the other hand, Canada has lost a greater proportion of skill: ed laborers to the United States than she has' gained. The United States had received three for every one that has gone northward across the fron- tier. The Times concludes as follows : "A resume Of the comparison of the north- ward and southern movements of the population on this continent, it is fai to presume, lend the following answer: to the following questions : "Is there a Canadian peril ?" "There is." "Is there a safeguard against the de- pletion of our farming population by Canada ?"' "Yes. "What is it "Advertising, advertising, and ther more advertising. Carry the war across the frontier. Do what Cana- dians are doing. Spend some of the government money in setting forth to the farmer and business man of Can- ada the superior advantages of life in the United States." "Then keep on advertising." YANANOQUE 1 TIDINGS, Canoelsts Arriving fo for the A. CAS Big Meet, Gananoque, Aug. 12.--Quite a large number of canoeists have arrived for the A.C.A, moet at Sugar Island, The formal opening takes place to-day and another large contingent is expected, However, the. major portion of the gathering is not expected before the early part of 'next week. Things have been in readiness for the accommoda- tion of the entire A.C.A., if necessary since the first of this week. The, firemen were, called oul esters day morning... A blaze' was occasioned by children playing in the upstairs of a King street tenement owned by Wil liam Bryce, adjoining Thomas Baker's residence. "Cloema,"' the handsome island resi dence erected some years ago by Gi. H. Burgows, and sold to Mr, Slaughy ter, of Montreal, about two years ago, has been purchased by William B. Skinner, of Kingston, st present soc oupyimg what is known as the Hall | cottage. The price is said to have L000, Mes, (Dr) J. P. Sinclair makes an. nouncement of the engagement of her daughter, Miss Bessie Isola Halliday, to Arthur Rogers, oily son of Mr. and Mrs. C. KB Rogers, Stone street and for some time past manager of the Bank of Toronto at Dorchester, N.R The wedding will take place 'early in p! 4 LS way in Sey The steambarge Waterlily i font last evening on her trip up from treal with considerable freight. John Munden, of the Spring and Axle company's offices, is representing Court Cambria, "S.0.E. B.S., at the supreme court sessions in Ottawa this week, ® Mrs. Lingbam, managing direc i? a St. Agnes College, felon ille, Miss Driscoll, of the college staff, and guests of Principal and Mrs. R. G. Grabam at their summer cottage "Sans Souci,' > Gordon E. Hid, Charles street, ia visiting in Kingston, the guest of his brother, F. H. Hurd , and KE. Cliffe, located for the past twenty-five vears in Michigan, were renewing ac: uaintances here during the past few ays. F. M. Spaidal, superiutendent of the U.N.O. railway, and Mrs. Spais dal, have been spending some time this week with local al friends. Nr. Spai- dal was at one time located herve, D, Bullis, King street, spent a short time this week in Kingston. E. X. Belnois, he street, has loft: for Halifax, N.S, to join the Mes dames Belnois and "Schoenlecher, for a visit with relatives at (he Atlantic seaboard. Mr. and Mrs. Woods, of Brockville, are visiting in town. Mrs. W. W. Stafford has returned from a short visit in Lansdowne. W. C. Mar tin, South street, spent a short time | this week with Kingston friends. J. MN Taylor, spending the past week _ town, has returned to Shorteville, 7 0* G+ Fixtures just received PRICES RIGHT. Seesetessescessetacssstasssssensanens Lp om | gd i soe FAmusements. | Lake Ontario Park ToNight== BIG FREE SHOW POLITE VAUDEVILLE. NEW MOVING PICTURES. Get the Griffin Habit AND FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO ORPHEUM THEATRE OUR "PROGRAM: logust 11, 12; 13 Special Attraction The Pepper. Twins Song and Dance Artists. Artistic, Refined, Grateful, Presenting \ High-class Singing and Diincing Act ------ SEE OUR NEW SENSATIONAL MOVING PICTURES, "Her Private Secretary" " Jenk's Day off." "The Four Littlee Tailors." BlJOU TO-MORROW, BIG NEW PRODUCTION "UNCLE TONS CABIN" n three parts of which part I. will be hown Saturday a Monday: part IL fuesday and Wedneaday, part 111 fhursday and Friday. version is yy the celebrated Wi AL Company, nd is the biggest Unele produc~ fon ever shown in motion pictures. "The Faithless Spaniard" A drama in colors, by Pathe Frerees, howing the tragic results of flirtation .mong the Spaniards, Se TO-DAY, "COWBOY GIRL AND BANDIT" "The Jalthigys Spaniard," "vod Luck wid a Hunch Str America BULLETIN: FRIDAY, Li Sananoy " ville, and Ogdens- 'or ue, arg. be rh! aA TERDAY, HGUST Bide pan a 'Fare, 50 - four of the SUNDAY; AUGUST 1% 4.~Regular to Cape Yincent, 7.90 a.m. and i godly Fare; $e returs, Meals on all Trips. Come To-Morrow For your." Meats and Groceries NOTE THE PRICES, QUALITY THE BEST. Good Round Steak, 10c 1b, RB. Boel, Ge to 12 1-2¢ Ih Lam 2 1-301 S, to 18¢ 1b. To "10¢ to 158 Ib. Spare Ribs and Tenderioins. Fresh Pork, lbo to He. Choice Veal, Se, 10c, 1¥ 1-2¢ 195 Cooked Meats, our own, prepared Bry ou rd Engiish Fe 0c Ib. * sou Bs ith fod Soh gus, {Teles oc Groceries of all kinds. Fresh gs. Fresn gutter. Choice Potatoes. Large Bananas, 15¢ Yo to 20¢ doz. Green Corn a mato Tea and eared fo foedst.. Anderson Bros. i seecssceccscosesurecee VARIETY 'OF MAKES AND STYLES PRICED TO SUIT EVERY POCKET BOOK. ah BE ee ig rin + 1 ) a ig g _. ed 09000000000000000000000000000 re nd To- ii = People's Forum | ¥ BLACK . "COCKER SPANIEL DOG, chain collar, with owner's name on. Will finder please return to $3 Wel- lington Street, Cor. William Street. RED COCKER SPANIEL (FEMALE) Wednesday. August Jeth, in vicinity of Pine Street. r re. turn to 28 ceive rewa GENTLEMAN'S GOLD WATCH, AT- tached to Dine. abbot, name ae. taal Sydenham Street and re- A MACHINIST, APPLY, C. ston & Bre. Y FOR bo Box 108, this office. A SECOND A GIRL TO TAKE CHARGE oF IC office. i WHISK AND work. H. st 19 Jarvis Street, Toronto. AT ROCK WOOD HOBPITAL cond Laundress; one Apply to Mrs. Montgomery, George Btreet. THREE SAL T BOYS, Ty Age; ste 3 are A & 1rd. A Btreet Send for particu ym cate, 3.969 Te oN needed in every working men; ary: anent p ng for counter, ne Apply, Box "BE. B. office LIVING. GROCERY STORE. APPLY, COOK ASTRY cook Apply at HoReloh Horel creamn parior. Apply, Box 128 Wie BROOM MAKERS: W. Nelson & Co. Hy Tg §xpérionte preferred. ony to othe WOMAN FOR ORDINARY HOUSE work three or four hours each day. DUT. 18 OR: iy. Kingston > Rodery AN. R100 thly Srna for A mewepEpers. od Sanvessl CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES -- lally home, es] sd Sar per« sition. it you are work- salary behind tne to- ~day: you ean double Xout wages and PARA A YW boss. hig of case, Fd he & & oh and Serie Hh this 'GrHee. 8 REPATRICK, GENERAL IN- e Kins n hee "Street ERE AE AN GENERAL INSURANCE --FIRE, LIFE Accident and Health Policies issu. ed; first-c companies; standard rates. Sl Agent, 188 Wellington Street. gy Assurance Company * Fire. Accident : Fisle lian Sasurince 14 Hacks: TEMAN, CUSTO! . = set il our invoices og t stamp on It box Fire Kings. 4. Heir ih able lable ers hav od Habhity "or of F and which x security yo "he pain city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or rot Whfanigy new a Blinges gel rng MUSIC. FOR SALE. v ROCKERS. IN RATTAN, VERS $3.35, ERR. Phone, A BABY CARRIAGE, IN FIRST CLASS gondition, Apply to 187 Princess reet A PHAETON, IN GOOD CONDITION: rice reasonable. Apply to 8 Ang- in & Co. RTE PR Ry OR eG TT TR A BANNER TO BSOCIETY'S UNION men, a bargain to first comer. Ap- ply this A FIRSTCLASS LIVER rowsmith. APR to EE & Gu AR: Harrowsmith, OR FOR LEASE, EB PREMISES No. 34.38 Princess Street. suitable for storage, livery, stable or garage. Cunningham & Mudie. 8 FRAME Roy ania YORK STREET, Nos. 68, rent for $250 per year; PR gi ye eity and anxious to sell. Apply, 408 Barrie Street. DOU BLE HOUSE, Nos. ae 105 YORK Street; must be # sold, as owner has left city and the estste must be closed up. Apply, A. F. Bond, 79 Clarence Street. SCHOLARSHI ANY nat? Crean iN and oe young man or th pst FERRET Whig She y POOL TABLE IN GOOD CONDITI cheap for oa sale; an A Drev pom ge rn tracts of eh u Last Mo cunéain Cobar te ne YOUNG LADY, WITH FIRST CLASE diploma, will Fake Ibis in Plana. forte; term. of 2 ssons for fow dollars. Apply, a Talversity Ave MEDICAL. WANTED---GENERAL ONTARIO AND S.A. Fd to 3. our Lo jor oa cash, SCRIP ann, 51 HG Lhe centralt Whig office. FURNISHED HOUSE TO R September 1st; no children. Cann, Brock, Cor, King Street. SOUTH Totoro! Bonds ' "i Se tacton. 16 B mn x TO RENT, A MEDIUM SIZED HOUSE, lucated. Apply, Box §9, FROM Mc- Then Cova, Bioeks ariet 86 ings: "HEE A to : pity HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, BRUNBW IOK. 3a ONTARIO BST .T. Atation, one oi block EN JS Son, ou olled; oD week. Sonn opel ate Bron. to GENTLEM EEE SE Fa LIMESTONE RESTAURANT, NO. § o door from FOR IOEDIATE OCCUPATI ON, rent, iittary miles Bou, Mi sitting rooma. tive or rooms, Poly SEG 'TO 6 and a hall } three ix bed. Wolfe. Street. Ee in TEACHERS WANTED, , BECKWITH, CO! neer and oy 3 a ae ERN {og NL € Eng Rt nat lig. Schools, at least ceértifieate; intial maximam, $600; annual $000] sal v 338 TEACHER FOR THE KINGSTON PUB- ere Apply to the Secretary Board of Bavesti and an mates given Yor A ot - ARCHITECTS. OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRI Asheroft, D.O., Edm BE. D.O., Graduates under the Founder of Osteopathy, ~R. Dr. one 447... jultation and rature. hours, 10 to 18, 8 ry Stos kiheroft HE &i SEDER RCHITRCT, O is Daven aaa} AR ais, A Beil WM. NEWLA & BON, ip oop at tacts. ste Otten 268 Bigot treat i Lharge or oon- FO hanes Bani pe 2% Bi pm DROP A CARD TO AS W. KI an tider, 268 Diving EP FR Pl pn and | Bebentin Ins Apply, J. O. Hutton, Market 0 Lt. ORT ni Na ALL MODERN CON eum al Apply, i Ror Shan Btreet. FIRST. CLARS ROOMS AND ' BO. all ern mpro vements; 2ARD: Rt bl Clergy Bireet, --> SUMMER COTTAGE AND DWELLING. furnished and wn urnished, . Sigren, ate. JEcCann, rock, Cor. King ree u Street. FOR GARO- splendid 8. Anglin BOATHOUSE, SUITABLE line launch; good water; shelter; central location. Co IMMEDIATELY, GROCERY STORE and Dwelling. $53 Earl Street; sheds and stables stiached; rent moderate. Apply, 33% Brock Street w ITH BOARD FURNISHED ROOMS, fo Tan Bet, or Without, Shoes. apy} hi A COMFORTABLE BRICK DWELLING, 06 Wellington Street (next thon bakery) Apply, Mr. CQ R. Webster, 81 Princess Btreet, os oR R FURNITURE. ubsotutel, lock and a 299 Queen FTORA oath . I Storage, 'Phone 'v BRICK HOUSE, No, 33 DIVISION ST; modern improvements, Sith fur nace: Posssasion ist of Se {nly to L. O'Brien, 67 ion Bt. FOR BALE OR TO LET. THE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PRE- mises for many years occupied Henry Skinner Co,, Wholesales Srugglats..'« ~ extending from Prin. to Queen Street, with frontage on both: and including ex- 'e bu n to - ningham & Mudie. ply cnn DENTAL. LEGAL. TR rer Aas togeth either or se had at 30% U gi venient to cars; t, gas and modern conven ences. BOARD AND 1oDaING ma; versity Avenue, on rooms; CUNNINGH ¥ PATENTS. FOR FULL ts, send ne. Ben. Attorney, Ottawa, The schooner Katie Eccles Drury. for with coal. § arrived from Oswego with coal for William The "steambarge Mary Louise cleared Rideau canal ports, With general schooner Julia B. Merrill arviv- ed al the pepitentiary from Charlotte BARONESS VAUGHAN TO WED. Friend of the Late King Leopold Py 13. Baro aris, Aug. 3 V, who anny ten : ; ® Durieyx, a retired merchant living at Newuilly-Sur- Seine, It 10 SPARKS AND SPA.K DENTISTS, 338 1-2 1 incom "Breet, Kingston. DR. C. C. NABH, 'DENTIST: DR. OC. Weicker, assistant, 153 Princess "Phone 735. PERSONALS, The fact is, careful buyers all do, There's a Reason. hi. as Blanche Zelia Joseph date ol the marr a end the staff - Ps het guarding the high walled chateau de hare Shin: theis mistroge ia-8t the apne Aug. 12.~Lt. Col. Fisher has received trom the war of- J,