. ACCOUNT 15 often the Xer that opens when Opportunity knocks a The lack of a few hundred aollars in cash. has caused a golden chance to pass . snd upwards opens an Interest-bearing Account. of Torontp Reserve Punds .. $4,818.00 PROSECUTION NOT WILLING TO PRESS CHARGES, The Case of Paul Waggoner and Joseph Clapper Was Finally Dis- posed of by the Magistrate--No Evidence for Court to Substantiate the Charges. Paul Waggoner and Joseph Clapper, held hy She. police for a week, in cou- [nection with the case already referred to in the Whig, were given their liberty, by Magistrate Farrell, nt a special session of the police court, held at noon, on Friday. : Tt will be remembered that Waggon- er was arrested at the request of Clapper, just as he was about to leave for Cape Vincent. Poth were an Sonar, ot Toro Lows C company, oronito. is Floxgold, one of the representatives of the company, charged Waggoner with securing the vam of $20 and a trunk of samples from him, under false pre- tences. The case was given an airing in the police court .on Saturday last. "I have decided not to hold you men ' aed The Best Made--McCor- mick and Deering Semen feet, )0 feet, Hc 1b. 650 feet, 10¢ Ib ~The most even and long- est twine made. Every ball teed. all guaran Sold only at W. A. Mish's Roowar, 85 and 87 Princess St. this | case, made quick work sda, | him up. The pom, on for _the constiuel on ' Rare Fject rh D fH 'ana, Rainy River, u t riet hve order of the inister of Public of 1 Lag thou- lars. which will be the tendering de- a (aT i ies pe al complete pits ted or. if the er eo chegue will be re- T ment does not bind itself he lowest or any tender. R. C. DESROCHERS dg ah ns Secretary. t Public Works, any longer," the gistrate, "on the charges which have been made against you." The istrate «nid that the peo- ple behind the prosecution were not willing to put up funds to secure evi- dence: which would be . Both | | men had themselves to thank for the position they had been placed in. They alone were i for all the trouble. Waggoner had come to the city, registered under an assumed name, and also registered Clapper, his partner, under an assumed name. Then Waggoner attempted to gel away to the States and leave his companion behind. Tt was not for the court ta say just what the scheme was, but he would say that there was enough to create Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Re- porters on Their Rounds. 20¢. cookinz butter and blue berries. J. Crawlord, Come and see the horse races at the IGrocers' picnic, Wednésday afternoon. "Brazil Nut Meats," chocolate coat- ed. Sold at Gibsonjs Red Dross Drug Cooking butter, 20c, J. Crawford. Bowling by electric light will Se en- joyed at Queen's University green, to- fhe siting band from Thon, N.Y. is to give convicts of the peniten- tiary a concert to-morrow. "Lemonade Powder." Buy it at Gib aos Red Cross Drag Store. "Phope i 'Ihe annual Frontenac ball, the social event of the entire Thousand Islands region, will be held some time daring the week of August 22nd, bal ! Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wood, of Ri- dean Ferry, announce the engagement of their daugliter, Ella May, 4 James L. Smith, of Smith's Falls. The mar fisge will take place early in Septem- The baseball fans will have a chance to-morrow afterngon of once more seeing a championship game at the cricket field. usnal collection wil) be 'Jdifted," and the spectators asked to fill the hat with coins. A fair sized crowd attended the social held on the lawn of George Johnson, Sand Hill, on Thursday even- ing. It was a beautiful evening, and the people enjoyed the happy hours in dancing. Quite a number from Gan- are attended. Cataraqui 1.0.0.F. lodge is highly honored this year, with Joseph - fey, one of its members as grand master and Robert Meek, another grand patriarch of the 1.0.0. F. Encampment. Both men are srdent Oddi # and everywhere esteemed. Cooking butter, 200. J, Crawford. The anmual veport of the Canadian Forestry Association for (1910) js now a suspicion. However, there was not sufficient evidence to substantiate charge of obtaining mone under false prefences, and Waggoner on this charge. He also. suspend sentence on the vagrancy charge. -------- IN KINGSTON TWO HOURS. Arrested on Charge of Begging on thé Street. It did not take John McGrath, aged about forty-seven, very lonz to get acquainted with the police. He came to the city, from Smith's Falls, on Friday morning, and inside of two hours was locked up in the cells. Beg- ging on the street ia the charge. He was gathered in on University avenue, by Constable James Downey. McGrath's speedy acquaintance with the officers of the law, in Kingston, led him to believe that the comiables had been watching him come into the city. Complaints were received about the man Ywgring on AMred street, and Constable Downey, who was given the in rounding adcuséd is a veal "knight of the road," ax when he was search. ed, it was found that he had in lis n ptadia_ aid thread and a package All the regular knights of the road carry these goods, McGrath will be ziven a chance to on Saturday morn- i Pe a es LADY DOUGLAS A VAGRANT. . | Arrested in Raid on Cheap Lodging House Spokane, Wash., Aug. 12.--With her hands calloused and scorched from working over a cook stove of a Jum: ber camp, Lady Sholto Douglas was sentenced for vagrancy in the police court here terday. She was arrest- ed in a raid on a cheap g house, jon, William - tin, being charged with disorderly con- duet. Lady Douglas ht with the offi- cers, and scratched the face of Police Captain Miles. She was sent to jail for thirty days. "I want to my hus to back band," she said, in. ail to-day. "I am wot oo 1 retur Fa" Be ie 1 format ved he would release | convention wald tell his story hofore the magistrate in {sympatl is- | the police court, lx 'wing mailed to . In addition 8 to 4 report of the business meeting of | the association a full report of the held in Fredericton, N.B., m February last 1s contained in the volume, ALEXANDER CARR DEAD, Passed Away at Home on Ridean ¥ Street. v Death came to Alexander Carr, § Redan street, at three o'clock, on Fri- day moming, after a lingering illness extetiding over the past two years. Mr. Carr had been suffering from February he was very pear death's door, but rallied. About four ago he began to grow worse and the end came as morning broke, to-day. The late Mr. Carr was born in Scot: land, seventy-three years ago and came to Canada about fifty years ago, He settled in Kingston. His first wife died a number of years ago and be was married the second time nine years ago. Deorased was a machinist and was an employee of the (Canadian Locomo- tive company. He was well-known in Kiagaton, Where ho was sagarded os. a quiet, industrious workman, Besi his bereaved wife, deceased leaves three song and two daughters. No other re- lativen are in this countrys - Much ' is expressed for Mrs. Carr, who is y a stranger in this country, having no relatives here. New Variety Produced by British Columbia Grower. Victoria, Aug. 12.-Quite a sensa- tion was 'cdused among the flower- ow of 'a new variety of sweet pea, produced by J. A. Bland, secretary of the Victoria Horticultural Society. This flower is white with a deep pink Sige; and is an improvement on the $ Herbert," which was formerly looked upon the best in these shades. The flowers are very large and bold, one bloom measuring two and a half inches across. ---------- Barrietield News. Barriefield, Aug. 11.~Mrs. John Smythe has returned to Glenburnie af- ter visiting in Barriefield. R. Smythe spent Sunday ut his uncle's, R. = Con- nell, Miss Nettie 0'Rielly, Buffalo, is the gaest of her cousin, Miss Irene Stanton. Mr. Walker has returned home after a visit at the Gove. The Woodside Sunday school had its pie- nic and & mast enjoy time was spent. Mrs. C. Cunningham, Bufialo, has returned home after visiting her sister, Mrs. Stanton. T. Comnell, who ville, Ont., Aug. 12. sentenced terms in HF E Fels LE i iE LE i 4 i sii Bright's disease and dropsy and last! wers by the exhibit at the flower | : Mii NOR MATRICULATION EXAMI- NATION RESULTS. The results of the examination honor junior matriculation are given below. The standing obiained in each subject is indicated after a can- didate's name, 1. indicating first-class honors, 11. second-class honors, and 111. third-class honors respectively. Frontenac--G. W. Beall, Hist, Il. Eng. 111, French #1]; D. M. Chown, , 1, Chem. ITI; M. A. Clow, Eng. 1H., French 111; F. NM. Elliott, Fng. 1, French 11; W. i Enz. 111; W. E. Goodearle, Fang. II, i HT. Chem. HT. French IL; V, er, Hist, IIL, Eng. 'F. M. Johnson, Eng. INT; French 111; A. Litton, Eng. Ti French Il; W. BH. Robinson, Eng. I1., French IIl.; E. K. Robinson, Chem. 11.; C. M, Sellery, His. 1., Eng. 11, Latin I1l.,, German Hi, Greek Ti I. H. Smith, Hist. IIL, Eng. I11., French 1I., German IIL; A. M. Tovell, Hist. I11., Eng. H., Math, I11., French 111; E. L. Truscott, Eng. HI, Math. HI, French III, leeds and Gremville--(', M. Leigh- ton, Eng. IL, French, 11; C.G. Wal- ton, Eng. LIL 3 READY TO FIGHT. Toronto, August 12--Judge Barron, chairman of the board of conciliation in the street railway men's grievances, is trying hard to get the men and the company to agree, but he fs not hopeful of the re- sults. General Manager Flem- ing has his back up, and a fight seems invitable. i PEEP PP RPE BEEP EPS4 000800 TO WIND UP COMPANY. Interested in Liquidation of Port Hope Company. Teronfo, Aug. 12~The Ontario bapk is interested to the extent of S45.) in the liguidation of the Port { Hope Brewing and Malting company, for which it petitioned before. Justice Middleton. The order was granted, E. R. C. Clarkson being appointed inter- im leuidator and a reference being directed to the mastet-m-ordinary. nth The Ontario bank held first mort- g Honds to the extent of $43,000, and was vecently given' a floating charge on all the assets of the bank | not covered by the mortgage. There was a default under the mortgage, and J. F. Johnston, matingér of the Bank of Montreal at Port Hope, was named receiver. The company wis incorporated in 1889, with a nominal capital stock of $100,000, which was Iter raised to $150,000. The stock subscribed amounts to $20,300. The assets are placed at $71,539. A DEADLY MARKSMAN. a-- i C Shot Three People of Household and Then Himself. Chicago, Aug. 12-W. J. Meyers, ki of a shooting gallery, wee his with a revolver with tragic... pur: 'pose, yesterday, shooting three mem- tbers of his household through the head and then taking his own life. Just four shots were fired, and four lives were snuffed out by Meters' un- {erring aim. The are W. J. Meyers, aged forty, 2034 Cottage Grove avenue; Mrs. Grace Meyers, | aged twenty-five, wife of above; Ralph Meyers, aged seven, their son; ¥. 8. Bouton, aged fifty-five, father of Mrs. Meyers, ------------ MAY LOSE EYESIGHT. vial of Acid Thrown Injures Motor. man. Columbus, O., Aug. 12H. R. Deal, a motorman on the Oak street line, it is feared by physicians, will lose his seni t as a result of acid thrown on him last night in the eastern part of the city. A small vial, contaimng the acid, crashed against the vestibule and the contents were thrown over the motorman. William F. Pendleton, TIEEEEL i id i ed Hold- strangled to death, | The Hambyrg-American linér Sparta | 4 is sinking in where Word is received that Archbishop Me- Evay is slowly recovering. An Italian was committed for taal at Toronto, on the charge of alleged shooting at his sweetheart's father. The next hjennial session of the Natiogal Grand Lodge of Canada, I. 0.G.T,, will be held at Moncton, NB. The Koufiman fight did not take place at Philadéphia Thurs. dak the colored man backing out. yor Gaynor passed a very good night. He slept seven hours and his getienal condition, this morning, is ex- ts Cheese gales: Brockville, 10fc.; Belle ville, 104¢. to 10 9-16¢c.; Vankleck Hill, 10 9-18c. to 10fc.; Russell, 108c.; Alex- andeia, 10 9-16c. 3 At Louisville, Ky., while 'sweeping, Wiss Lillie Kuntz accidentally dislodg- od her false teeth, They became lody- wm her windpipe and she was Portland Roads, Eng., she was towed after a wireless had brought her aid. All the passen- gers have been taken off. The Canadian Military Rifle League has decided to divide all its maiches into two classes, one for riflemen using the extension sight and the other for those using the ordinary sight. Lord Brassey, on hoard the yacht Sunbeam, has arrived at Quebec. In Lord Brassey's party arc Hon, Spenc- er Lyttelton, Mr. Heratio GG. Hautchin- son,; Wm, Follet, and Dr. Richardson. William Bouchere, a conductor on the Hull electric railway, appeared in wurt; charged with robbin fare boxes and was remanded until Mow- day. His arrest followed an extensive investigation. Convicted of keeping a disorderly house to wit, an opium joint, at S80 (Connor street, Ottawa, the Chinese proprietor, was fined $75. Fifteen other Chinamen ¢uptured in the raid were dismissed. Argument in the Fisheries dispute be- fore the Hague tribunal is expected to B. Aylesworth, minister of justice, and Mrs. Aylesworth, will probably pro- ceed upon a holiday trip on the con: tinent. The Toronto board of control, in view of the many accidents in Toron- to Bay, will hold a conference of those more largely interested in the safe navigation of the bay. The law, foreed. A big fire is raging in the gas and oil regions near Sisterville, W.Va. Several oil and gasoline tanks explod- ed and one of them blew Brakeman Booth, of Parkeburg, from a Balti- more and Ohio train, seriously injur- ing him. » Py an unanimous vote the CM. B.A, convention decided to amend the eon- stitution so that no one in future will be admitted to membership who gains his livelihood from the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquor, Three men were injured, twelve oth- ers narrowly escaped death, and fifty spectators were thrown into a panie, on Friday, when a huge steel tank, weighing 20,000 pounds, fell from the thirteenth story of the new Hotel Sherman, in course of construction in Miss Virginia Wardlaw, ore of the mysterious sisters © under indictment for the murder of Mrs. Ocey W. M. Snead, the East Orange hathtub vie- on TRursday. Death was opinion of physicians, to tim, died at Newark, due, in the starvation. Judge Barron, in his efforts to se cure a peaceful settlement of all mat- ters in dispute between the Toronto railway. employees and thus avoid a strike, had an interview, this morning, with W. L. Mackenzie, president of the road. So far no results have arisen from the meeting. o The forest service has called on the war department for aid to fight = the forest fires in Montana. General Leonard Wood, chief of staff of the army, has directed that a battalion of the 14th Infantry, in manoeuvres at American Lake camp, Oregon, be or- dered immediately to Missouala, Mont., for the work. A Good Place to Go. Every ill has its antidote, rheuma- tism, sciatica, and nervous troubles have as natures' antidote the waters of the "St. Catharines Well." Visit St. Jatharines on main line of Grand Trunk railway and take a course of baths and you will find your youth * Jrenewed. Connected with the springs is "The Welland," 3 modern oossi wit! sverything needed for comfort and com- te rest. A booklet with full information will be sent free on applicat on. Work Has Commenced. This morning, R. J. Free took out - § permits at the city engineer's office for work to be done at Central and Syden- bam 'schools in connection wing sani- y installations, Work starts im Off to the West. Twenty-five people left for the west, at noon, to-day, on the farm laborers' seursion, over the C.P.R. Theré will be another excursion on the 16th. if You are Fat and | HotRead ThisArticle {mom necessity of fat people ney do Most fat ering as th Me 50 Hoad natured HM ser sone Hum Kim, | 2 concluded, on Friddy, and Hom. A. | as it is at present, will be rigidly en- | in the House of Detention, |, 2 \: : i Special To-Morrow 35 Women's Wash Suits 2 Linen Dresses, Light Hloe and Mauve, Trimmed with Baby Irish Lace, $11.25. To-morrow $6.95 3 Repp Dresses, Pink, Blue and Panama, sewi-fitting, trimmed with Lace and Braid, $7.50. To-morrow $3.95 3 Repp Dressed, semi-fitting, with braid- ed Yoke and Flounce, Blue and Mauve, Only $8.95. Tomorrow $4.50 11 Sample Dresses, semi-fitting, trimmed with braid, Pink, Blue, White. $7.90, 8.50, 9.50. Saturday $2.49 12 Sample Wash Suits 12 Only Wash Suits, Grey Linen, White with Black Stripe, White with Blue Stripe, $5, 6.50, 7.50. Saturday $2.49 ¥ 00 Pair Serpls Hosiery For Ladies in Plain Cotton, Cotton and --~ Lisle Thread, Lace and 8ilk,inmany of the popular summer colors, also in Black and ite -- To-morrow One Third Off 100 Pair Ohildren's Plain Cotton and Lace, in Pink, Light Blue, Black and White To=morrow One-third Off September Delineator Now Ready C0000000000000000000000000000000000000000008W {LOOKAT THESE FOR ~ SATURDAY 60 Pairs Ladies' $1.00 White . Shoes. 2} to 5} 80 Pairs Ladies' $2.50 Patent Colt Tie 25 § ) 50c a pair * - Shoe. 2} to 6. Reduced to © $1.88 Ox- ord. "Light. aresey ahoon, reduced to $1.68 30 Pairs Children's Patent Oxford Shoes 8 to 10} i an 75¢c + . ei aha Lockett Shoe Store 060000000608000000000000000000 0000000 000000000000000000000000000 SPN000000000000000000070000000000000