Items to be had at Money Saving Prices at Crumley's. SUMMER PARASOLS Plain White, Em- broidered and Colored Bilk Cove1s, Pretty Mer- § cerised Covers. stylish handles. Mounting-- Best brass frames, Greatly Reduced for Quick Clearance-- About 75 yards Figured Shantung Silks, reg. 75¢, i aud 85¢. TODAY SOc. * Summer Muslirs ard Wash Coods all redaced, All $3.00 White Waists, $2.00, Prize Wiohers--1st, Mrs. Lalonde, 8t. Cath- erines 8t.; 20d. Mrs. Kemp, Wolfe Island. RUMLEY BROS BEALED TENDERS ADDRESSE »'TO undersigned, and endorsed ° der he Brea water at Bare Point, Port Arthur, Ont." will be received at this office unitl 4.00 p.m, on Wednesday, August 31, 1910, for the construction of a Breakwater at Bare Point, in the Harbour of Port Arthur, Electoral Dia- trict of Thunder Bay and Rainy River, Ont lans, specifications and form of con- t a CAR he ween and forms of tender tained at this Pgpartment and at the offices of 5. G. Sing, Esq, District ngineer Confederation Life Building, ronto, Ont, BE. B. Temple, Esq. Dis- trict Engineer, Port Arthur, Ont, and 3 1. Michaud, Esq, District Engineer, erchants' Bank Building, St. James ot, Montreal, P.Q. . i res We + Re notified that tenders will pot be considered unless e on the ijnted forms supplied, and signed witli thelrsaatual signatures, stating thelr occupations and places of ence: In the case of firms, the t 'the nature of the oe-~ place of residence of each ber of the firm must be given. 3 tender must bé accompanied by cheque on a chartersd Pay to the order of the pnourable the Minister of Public rks, for the sum of forty-five theu- d (45,000.00) dollars, which will be ed if the person tendering de. ele to enter Into = contract when walled upon to do so, or fall to complete jhe work contracted for. If the tender ney accepted the cheque will be re- turn The Department does not bind itself the to ALOUPL Lhe lowest or any tender. By order, ' R. CC. DESROCHERS Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, August 10, 1910: Newspapers will got be paid for this advertisement If thay Insert it without authority from the Department. The kind the we Scranton Coal 8 good coal and we prompt 2 ROOTH & CO., / THE 0108 ROTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS. Sl i, are other hotels, but none the Club for homelike sur- "18 centre of city and close "stores and tre. Charges are moderate, Special rates by the week. , M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, ior 'Bim a HOME FROM BURMAH. Canadian Missionary Tells of Habits of the Kachins. Full of interest is the story of ¢ Canadian missionary's work among the Nat worshippers of Burma as told by Rev. F. J. Ingram of Brockville, Ont., who is returning to Canada by way of London, after seven years spent among. the Kachins, a warlike tribe who live near the Chinese fron: tier, says Alex. Pringle, writing fram London to The Toronto World. This race has no written language; the fecple are very poor and according to belief are afflicted by evil spirits. The reasons they give for this trinity of misfortunes are very amusing. Nat (spirit) worshiv forms the total sum of a Kachin's life and this bad luck race attribute every unfortunate happening to the baneful influence of the spirit. When a misfortune small 4] 14 t0 a Kachin it is A af the Nats are displeas- ed with him and that secri is ne- cessary to avert further disaster, immediately goes to a priest who de- des what must be done to appeass the wrathful spirit. The propitiation usually is the sacrifice of a bullock or buffalo. The animal is sacrificed and after a weird ceremony is carved remai -§ support. VICTORIAS EASILY DEFEATED THE IRISHMEN. The Score Was 7 to 2--Junior Vies feat Wolfe Island by 11 to 7-- General Notes on Sports. The Victorias outclassed the Irish- men in the city league baseball game on Saturdsy afternoon at the ericket field, wonming by a weore of 7 to 2. The Victorigs 'had a few changes in thesr line-up. Dickson replaced Derry at first base, McMahon replaced Me Cartney at the second baz, while Gil- lespie played the field in McMahon's place. Purtell, who twirled stellar ball for, the Ipshmen in the two ames, was rather weak, as his arm was very sore, but be had exceptionally good Lyttle, the contre fielder for played a dandy game, geting a couple of seemingly impos: sible flies. Nicholson, the star fielder for the Vies made a record for himsell gelting two two baggers in succession. The third time up he tried to make another, but was vaught on a fou! pall. Gillespie was put out the first three tings he went up to bat, but managed to bring in a run sn the seventh inmngs. A aveat many people thought the Victorias did not care whether they got the game or not, buti took no chances. Dickson played a good ame on fiist base, but was rather weak at the bat. Tilson and Turcotte scored the two rung for the Irishmen. Victorias ........ Trishmen Victorias--Cotman, c,; MeCammon, p.: Dickson, 1b.: McMalon, 2b.; Pound s.5.; Dick, 3b.; Crawford, rf; Nichol son, c.f; Gillespie, 11. Rshamen--Stokes, ¢.; Purtell, p.; Til- san, 1b.: Turcotte, 2b; Puncan, ss. ; Milian, 3b.; Joyee, ri; Lyttle, of. ; Ryan, Li, Frederick Lumdy, umpire. the Irishmen, w-- Game at Wolfe Island. The iwnior Vietorias trimmed the Wolle Island baseball team, Saturday afternoon, Last year, the Wolfe Island bunch, had a feather in their caps, as they defeated the Victorias, the first time thev had been beaten since they organized four years sgo. The boys jomneyed over this summer for the prucpose of evening up things, and thev did it too. The Vies say they had a 200d game and were treated well The score was 11 to 7. \ictorias-- Reid, ec.; Muckler, p.; Dun- lop, 1b.; Rae, '2b.; Brouse, s.s.; Comp er, Jb.: Walker, ri: Robinson, ef. Pestritge, Lf. Wolfe Island--Card, c.; Dovle, Pike, 1b.; Crawford, 2x; Davis, W. Cumminks, 3b; Cosgrovef Cummings, of; Seymour, 11. Baseball Gossip. There will be & meeting of the execu- tive of The Sunday School Basebal League, in the Y.M.C,A. rooms, this evening, to come to a decision regard- ing a protest which was put in hy St. George's team after the game last Fri. day evening. There is also a protest | from 'Sydenham juniors concerning the game with St. James' team last week, The captains of the senior teams and the umpire will be present to thresh the question out. Ps 8.8. rf; Sporting Notes. At lacrosye : Tecumsehs, 8; Mont real, 5, at Toronto. Capitals, 5, Shamrocks, 8, at Montreal. Houston fans have $3,000 all ready to hand to the Houston players if they cop the Texas baseball leagu pennant. "The famous motor boat racer, Dixie II, will be expressed to Huntington, L.L, for a tryout to determine her fit- ness to represent the United States in the Harmsworth cap races, Rangloed's excuse for refusing te fight Kaulnsan was that a 24 hours' lay-off would take him off edge. He was willing "however, to take a shames on a $7,500 guarantee, but was r hk Pitcher Heinrich, of the Brandon Man. baseball team of the western 'anada league, has been sold to the 'hicago Am@rican league team fo 82.000. He kas been ordered to re post at the end of the season. Manager gh Jennings, of the De troit haseball team, has boen indefinitc ly suspended by President Ban John son, ofl the American league. Jenning was ordered from Bemmett Park last Wednesday by Umpire Ketin for dis futue a decision when Coombs, of *biladelphin, struck out Ty Cobh. "On August 8th, Ira A. Kip, Jr, of | Leek Island, vice'admiiral of the Gana: nogue Yacht Club, and owner of the famous racers Omion I, Onion II and Onion III, leunched, at George Mil- ler's ship-yard, Claylon, N.Y, a filty- foot launch which was christened The Muskalonge, with appropriate cere monies, by Mr. Kip's daughter. The Modern Daughter, "What time did you get to bed last night, Matilda ?" inquired the young woman's father. TO-DAY and TUESDAY, Big, New Production, "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN' version of WUnele Tom's celebrated Vitagraph three paris. each a Part L'was shown on jaturday, and will be repeated to-day. Part IL ins ith om's meetin vith Eva, ahd ends with her death. It ill be shown Tuesday and Wednesday. OTHER PICTURES production of Uncle Tom's be accompanied by other This new tabin, by the 'ompany, is in omplete play. Each Jabin will rietures, Get the Griffin Habit AND FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO GRIFFIN'S NEW ORPHEUM THEATRE fhe Home of Polite Vaudeville and Moving Pictures, OUR PROGRAM: kugust 15, 16, I7 Hal. Morgan Latest Popular Bongs Special Attraction Dickens & Floyd in their comedy sketch en- titled 'Did Tim Make Good.' SEE OUR NEW SENSATIONAL MOVING PICTURES, "Yankeeana" "A Cowboy's Generosity" "A Torerd's Love" Str America WEDNESDAY, AUGUST i and Lake on Hountains.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 18,230 p.m. Jour of the Islands. Fare, J0c. AVGUST 198.00 nam. Rrockvilie and Ogdens- 17nd 1.30 the FRIDAY, innanosue, surg. Fare, le return. SATURDAY, AVGUST 20-230 pam, Tour of the islands. Fare, Soe, "+ Monin on all Tripa, Reali a ad Wy A New Line of Gas Fixtures just received PRICES RIGHT. W. A. SPRIGGS, Electrical . SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO he undersigned and endorsed ender or Extension to Breakwater at: Wiar- on, Ont." will be received at. this of- tee until 4.00 p.m. on Tues lay, Sep- ember 13, 1810. for the tons fuction of an Extension to the Breakwater in Jolpoy's Bay Wiarton; Bruce Jounty, Ont. > Plans, specification and form of con- ract can seen and forms of tender ibtained at this Department and at the Mfices of J. GQ. Slag, Haq District dngineer, Confederation Life Bauliding, Foronto, t.: HH x Lamb, . jo riet Engineer, Lafdon, :Ont.; apd sn \Bptication 10 the Postmister at Wiar- on, Ont. TR y Persons tendering are. notified that enders will not considered uniess nade on the printed fooms & lied, + at 2 department does not bind itself 10 accept the low ERNY der. ) Or orders 3 { 5 onder R. C. DESROCH } he | FURNISHED HOUSE TO senses essanetseretes > N R GENERAL WORK. AP: a MAN ioRS to Hub Hotel RLS. AT ONCE. APPLY TO on perial Laundry, Barrie Street. 3 THREE EXPERIENCED Az ies Apply, 8. H. Knox & Co, ee er------------------ TO TAKE CHARGE OF ICE A A parior. Apply, Box 128 ig office. 3 A CHINE OPERATOR. APPLY, C; 4 MACH ston & Bro. Tailors, Kings. ton, Ont. M- ------------------------ A GIRL TO WORK ON SKIRTS, ALSO an apprentice. Apply, son, 335 Earl Street. A DRIVER FOR DELIVERY WAGGON; must be well accustomed to care of horses. Apply, 55 Princess Street. GOOD SEWING GIRLS FOR WINISH- ing and skirt making. L. Winstlen, Tailor, 158 Wellington Street. eb eps ------ AT ROCKWOOD HOSPITAL, A SE. cond Laundress; one having some experience preferred. Apply to the Matron. THREE SMART BOYS, ABOUT 15 OR 17 years of age; steady dg good Apply, Kingston Hosiery wages. R ing Street W, Co., Ltd, USEFUL GIRL OR WOMAN FOR few weeks; one who could sleep at home preferred. Aply, in evening, 3 Sydenham Street, corner West. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly correspond for newspapers. No canvassing. Send for particulars, Press Byndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.X. AN. ENERGETIC GROCERY CLERK: ALSO a Bookkeeper acquainted with "the grocery business (male). Write or call in person, J. Gilbert, Grocer, 194 Barrie Street; residence, Centre Street. MARINE ENGINEER HOLDING SE. cond class British or Canadian certificate; location near head of lakes. Apply, stating age, qualifi- cations, experience and references, to Box 815, Whig office. CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by working men; good ssiary; per- manent position; If you are 'work. ing .for small salary behind she counter, write to-day; you ©€an double your wages and be your ow boss. Apply, Box "E. B. CC." Whaig office. WANE GENERAL ONTARIO AND S.A. VETERAN BCRIP to buy for cash. J. 8 R, McCaan, 51 Brock Street. TO RENT, A MEDIUM ventrally located. Sooty. Box 9) Whig effice. THREE ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeping; modern conveniences. Ap- | ply, Box 812, Whig office. RENT FROM ptember ist; no children. Mc- Cann, Brock, Cor. King Btreet. Miss Glee- |: People's Forum oN LOST. A BACK WALRUS PURSE AND CARD case, containing money. on Princess Street, Monday, August Sth. Re- ward if returned to Whig office SPANIEL (FEMALE), ednesday, August 10th, In vicinity of Pine Street. Finder Kandly re- turn to 28 S}dennam Stredt and re- ceive reward. RED COCKER Ww STERLING SILVE BROOCH. SET! with pearis, and one red stobhe ini centre, Sunday morn cess Street, etween Bagot Reward for Clergy Street. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. 8. KIRKPATRICK, GENERAL TN suragoe Acent and Qoean Steamenly Tichpt Agent, 42 Clarence Stree! KB to Telephone 568. GENERAL INSURANCE. --FIRE. LIFE + Accident -and Health Policies issu- od rat glass companies; standard t mn, rates A A Agent, 15% Wellington Street. return to 3 9. K. CARROLL DISTRICT AGENT Dominion Life Assurance Company so. Fire, Accident, Sickness and ¢ Glass Insurance, 14 Marke: treet, Kingston, . GEO. A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK- er. Put your Invoices in an envel- ope With a one cent Stamp oh Dy Jrop in the nearest letter box e do rest. All kinds of Fire Ajhurance placed on short notice r one 396. §7 Clgrence St, Kings- on. LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBF Fire insu On| . Available ssets RIESE al n addition to which policy ers have fo) security the nplimited liability of all the stockbolders. Farm and city property Insured at lowes! possible rates. Before renewing old or mg new business get from Strange & Strange, Agents 'Phone, 335. MUSIC. YOUNG 'LADY, WITH FIRST CLASP diploma, will take pupils in piano- forte: term of 20 lessons for four dollars. Apply, 322 University Ave MEDICAL. IBAAC WOOD, MA MD, CM, MRCS gad Surgeon otflcs Bearer 16 to 1) 2to4 363 King Bt. 'Phone 3 J. ¥. SPAR! B. M.D. and Re A100 Uffige hours: 10 to 12 am and 740 8 pm. 'Phane Sak. CIAM Lo 1to4 -- HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWICK HOTEL ONTARIO ST Oe LT.R. station, one block fh C.P.R. on str car Ane sadarats: apocial ates. by > e5 4. Wook. John Cousineau. Prop. LIMESTONE RESTAURANT, NO. & rincess Street, one door from ing Street; hot lunches, dinners, 20c; oysters in , des ¢ i soft drinks: privawe partie: sitting Your patrons for; u irs y rt amicay Props CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DROP A CARD TO w. EE REI ad kinds of dons promptly. a. GOOD EXCURSION STEAMER, CAP- acity 250 to 300 sengers. Ape ly, W, J. Best, 198; ank Street, ttawa SEPTEMBER ist, A FURNISHED house for the winter; modern im- provements: central location; Afuits, Address, "Bell" Whig of- fice. SOUTH ~ Veterans' Ser i Bonds and Debentures. i . Hutton, 18 Market St jon. Cobalt - Stocks, Apply «hinges GENTLEMEN TO SRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Pressing and repairing done on the shortes' notice. Tho! Galioway, 130 'Brock Bt. next Bibby's Livery. TEACHERS WANTED. QUAL: 1ED TEACHZR FOR No. 4, Central Schdol, Wolfe Ialand;: male teacher preferred. Apply to Father Spratt; olfe Island, stating salary «and specifications. maximum, $600; ar n X $25. Apply to the Secretary Board of Education. ABSBISTANT TBACHER: FOR TH junior department of the Ports mouth Public Behool; one hoMing a third class provincial certificate; "$275 per annum. Apply, on or Retore 1 fF Aoth jot, By 0X nice and testimonials, fo ¥ . Graham, Secretary. 5, a. WHETHER YOU WISH TO INVEST $25.00 OR $2,500 IN DIAMONDS, WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK IN KINGS- TON TO SELECT FROM. DIAMONDS ENTER CAN- ADA DUTY FREE. GOV0000 000000000000 00000000 WET 3 . CONT OIPON VOODOO 00000OP0000RPO0 AFRICAN AND ONTARIO . Bie TAL BRNEST R.. BEORWITH, CONTRACT: _ Ing Baginser and Architect, Agen' for lidery' lalities, 14 SGenham Street 'an 2 Bar feet. Tlans prepared and est! mates given for all classes of work ARCHITECTS. Y P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, BTC. 268 King ut! "Phone, $45. ARTHUR BELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE and residence, 151 sy VERANDA FOR BALE. A BOAT, CHEAP. APPLY, 203 NELSON Street. ROCKERS, IN RATTAN, 5 fdr $2.35, at Turk's. 'Phone, "m-- --- ------------------------ A BABY CARRIAGE, IN FIRST CLASS condition. Apply to 187 Princess Street, A PHAETON, IN GOOD CONDITION: rice reasonable. - Apply to 8. Ang- in & Co. TWO GOOD D-H MOWINN Machines. SECON Apply, D. J. Hay, 138 Clarence Street. SKIFFS AND GASOLINE BOATS FOR sale. Particulars at Godwlu's In- surance porium, Market Square. YR FOR LEASE, THE PREMISES No 34-38% Princess St , suitable for storage, Mvery, igbie oF garage. Cunningham & Mudie. . DOUBLE HOUSE, Nes 15108 YORK Street; he reel; m sold, as owner has left city 'and the estate must be up. cl iy, A. F. Bond 7% Clarence od y SCHO! Pr OLARSH LANY SUBJ BUT IN i i 4 oa Do Improv poten) A, Se a DE rnai Tae Mitel a2 Eaekutonawan: Boba hoor Lota an ; on; Fire. Lite Avelalut and Biden Aute: Aopiy, £9. Has Market Hirent POOL cheap for OFFICES, WITH ALL MODERN CON- venlences, in Orpheum Hall. Apply, W. J. Baker, Princess Street, FIRST-CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD: all modern improvements; nice location. Apply, 178 Clergy Street. SUMMER COTTAGE AND DWELLING urnished and unfurnished, Stores, ete. McCann', Brock, Cor. King Street. BOATHOUSE, SUITABLE FOR GASO- Hine launch: good water; splendia shelter; central location. 8; Anglin 0. FURNISHED ROOMS AT MODERATE rates to parties desiring to do light housekerning, Apply, 496 Princess Street, Kingston. FURNISHED ROOMA «ITH BOARD or without; all modern conveni- ences. Apply, 214 William Street, corner of Barrie Btreet. A COMFORTABLE BRICK DWELLING, 205 Wellington Street {next Crothers' bakery). Apply, Mr. OC. R. Webster, £1 Princess Street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry. airy rooms. absolutely meth rest, TO Tle 0 Gide Bh by 0 Ww i. 'Phone §26b. BRICK HOUSE. No. 33 DIVISION S8T.; a modern improvements, with fur nace; possession ist of September. A Ly to L. O'Brien, 67 Unjon Bt. ost. FOR SALE OR TO LET. FOR TERM OF YEARS LARGE 11- ROOM HOUSE ON LARGE LOT; location good; locality delightful; hot water heating; possession September 1st. Apply, Bex 188, Whig office. EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PRE- mises for many years occupied by Henry Skinner Co.. 6Wholesals Druggists, extending from FPrin- cess Street to Queen Street, with frontage on both, and including ex- ensive bu hin. Apply to Cun- ningham & Mudie. "ly a THE DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS DENTISTS, 230 1.2 Princess Street, Kingston. 'Phone 346. NEWLANDS & SON, ROH] 8, e Th, 258 Baer Sire RCHITEOTS, - fgot 'Phone, POWER & SON, BR chants' Bank 1 corner Be and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 21 LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & B, INT. SEE ART EWE BUSINESS CHANCES. ----- -- STAR) ee our v boss 3 7 p4 ; x ' ; how BOARD AND ROOMS. RE a aan AND Loname had at SH Univeral Avenue. con venlent 10 3 rooms Kas und modern ET ca olaTarl Ee SYNOPSIS OF CANAMIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS. PERSON WHO 18 THE SOLE ly, oF male over 1% i & gunarter on ithe homest - A Tr homestead right and DR. C. C. NABH. DENTIST: 'BR. 0 HH. Weicker, apsistant, 133 Princess St, Phone 735. PERSONALS. MOLES, warts, ete, without scar. ol RTH Ee . Dr. Bimer], fare: 1 2 Nose, Th a lst. 25% Ramot PATENTS. MR FULL INFORMATION, 0) patents, send The for booklet gy Patent magazine. Hen. BH. Pannett, Attorney, Ottawa. t OSTROPATHY. "HEALTH Ady OVE sDRHGS LR. a. luates he rest, carmel Dimon. 2 toh 8 to 8. About Swift's Goal, you can 'be absolutely certain of get- ting fresh mined coal always, SWIFT'S adarm of a2 least £8 acres aoiely owned section alongside his bi = $5.00 per acre. Duties Must rend Lp: ead or Subtion the in each of six years from date homentosd entry including the time uired to earn homestesd patent) und tivate fifty acres exira. who has exhausted his cannot obthin <i