Pain i mn Heart "For two years I had pam in my heart, back and left side. Could met draw a deep breath or lie on left side, and any little exertion would cause palpita- tion. Under advice I took Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy and Nervine. 1 took about thirteen bottles, am in better health than I ever was, and have gained 14 pounds." His Girl In Detroit By STACY KE. BAKER. The marriage vi Marie Norfield and - Anthony Morton, scheduled for early June, was suddenly broken off by the girl without a word of explanation. As for Anthony, be was too proud to ask for one. The two drifted & Morton consoled © himself with the yellow-haired Dotty Hemingway (Mar- ie 8 well-cared-for tresses were black). amd the dark-eyed maid who had been his fiagoee showed a decided partiali- ty for Wayne Haskell, a vouth who had occupied a niche in thy voung woman's glfections some time hofore Anthony hud gained her consent for part, ! down so suddenly. 1 think 1 have a right to kbow." "As Hf you didn't" came scorafully from the irl. "Well, { don't." angrily, cliniuar You re about it." tL will" agreed the girl freevingly. i Now--what aout the 'girl in be trot, "What about the ------who?" "The girl in Detroit,' snapped i Marw Norfield. "Ts it possible that vou think I don't know?" "You talk foolishly," retaliated An- thony, the angry red rashing to his cheeks, "There never was any girl in Detroit--for me," "The one," continued Marie calmly, "of whom your friend had the sub- i Lue nerve to write aout on a postal to you which yon lost on the next to i the last evenirer that vou called on fmwe. Wt said, if 1 remember rightly : The youth spoke "And before vou leave that zomg to, tel me all | | i : | i | a In the frozen regions of the North or in the hot countries of the South, a pure high grade Coffee like Seal Brand Coffee is the friend of mankind, bringing comfort and cheer wherever used. Sold in 1 and 2 Ib. Cans only. fn early marriage. | "She is back here again with paint gn The curious of Drakeville--and there her an § xis CHASE & SANBOEFEN, MONTREAL. inch thick. Waiting. When : | were many of them--dound little to iy em gossip about in the attitudeol either, ih you Rome to town dps Fach was cordial to the other, ond | iradually the anger faded from the at the little parties given weekly hy fats of the youth. He grinned, and their set, danced occasionally wget. |e Susaenly woke into a loud or. Ra er Wayne Haskell was & brilliant youth ' Funny, wn't it 7" asked the brirl, with an enviable future before him. _crushingly, : He was a young M. D., just from col- | "Awful funny," confessed Anthony. lege, but popular. { "You see 'my friend,' as you eall Anthony Morton was un architect, + hwy, is the owner of a bi%; garage. and 'while Drakeville's need of archi- | It was my runabout to which he re- tects was limited, the sandy-haired | fe rved on the postal, | had, it there young fellow with the determined take for repairs, and then suddenly decided lite wriously air, managed to make to have it enameled. 1 wrote him to more than a comfortable living. attend to this. When it eame hack Of the two, however, Haskell was fom the enameler's he wont me the MRS. LILLIE THOMAS, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. For many years Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy has been very successful in the treatment of heart troubles, because of its tonic effect upon the heart nerves and muscles. Even in severe cases of long standing it has frequently prolonged life for many years after doctors had given up all hope, as proven by thousands of letters we have re- ceived from grateful people, Price $1.00 at your druggist. He should supply you. If he does not, send price to us, we forward prepaid. DR. MILES MEDICAL €O., Torente, 3 FICHU DRAPERIES MAKE EVENING BODICES GRACEFUL The new winter evening dresses, = net-the oceasionat models which appearing, (fresh from Paris, at cummef festivities in fashionable colonies this month, have straight, scanty skirts and quaint little bodices, draped in fichu effect over the bust... This graceful dinner down is all in tones of gray and steel color, the tunic of black chiffon embroidered with steel beads being dropped over a gunmetal satin gown. The steel beaded chif- fon on the bodice is laid in folds over a transverse arrangement of fold ed satin in a lighter gray tone, White Mechlin lace Is set in the decollet- ave and forms the short sleeve. The long gloves are of embroidered gray silk. FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE, ors, Saving Juffalo, was going to walk come three the not Funeral Wreaths in France. Our Big married ! 1 the Allisonville Budget. Aug. 12.--Quarterly ser- held at Burr's appointment Sunday. The trustees of Bower- jman's school have engaged Miss Elva Locklin as teacher. School opens Mon- AHisonville, | Vices were tof u compatriot at Nice. They took -- Still on {with them a wreath to which a rib- i bon bearing am inscription was at The Critic's Motto, A big range of solid Oak Leathers Seated Dining Chairs in setts of & tached and at the frontier they were Globe small chairs and one arm chair. informed that the duty on this gene Walter, the noted play amounted to nearly £5. One of the wright, said at a theatrical supper BUFFETS AND SIDEBOARDS, The Latest and Best. mourners pointed out that the flowers J that he gave at the Ansonia in New were not artificial and therefore no | York: a9, gt " ; duty was pavable on them. "The critics have J rd ad. ov vive home "But," replied the custom house offi- | kind to all my plays, ax in Belleville. Mra . Ho ro - ny cer, "silk is subject to a neavy tariff | praise for them. 1 can "Share the view { Spencer Hulman Ake gle rd rob and this we are entitled to charge on | of my friend Blink, the vaudeville man week fh Trenton. Mrs. g men, Tn EXTENSION TABLES, in Pedestal. Will extend 6, 8, 10 feet. AT SALE PRICES AT the Leading Undertaker. 'Phone 147 for Ambulance. on ton kpew this, Hence, many a sleep "Antony, 1-1 wish you would get less vigil theough long restless pights. oat of this," said the coin, hes Marie Nostield and Dotty Hemming wl face nvertel Loon - Lake, some twelve miles from brakeville, om the gecasion of the | Rich Gypsies, y . annual outing of the Drakeville Hook ; Washington Post os . TRY company in a town the size of in waggons and tenis because they \ : : : > ae : = bs He | Drakeville is an institution ol. _sociul fare (oo. poor. jo have homes: they ars H t WwW tl S . The connoisseur both prominest in the organization, of St. Louis, at the National hotel. 0 ea er naps mn and both were on the arrangements! "Most of the wandering tribes own a on . the two young ladies was given over ourse, some of them are poor, but | to others, the chiefs and under-chiefs usually are x ' % . rail. Vehicles and horses of all stages | goods. In Vanderburg county, down Are selling like the proverbial " Hot Cakes" Just and ages were pressd into commission [in the southernmost part of Indiana, now at our It was late in the afternoon when One family owns hundred of 18 { : SELF. } b Mord ! y HUSBAND KILLS HIMSELF. = 1 1 BEER drew away from the ating acres of the best land in the oh} : ! ummer earance e OF p Cruise abou the axe, ane i . ones, too, and some of this land is x : + . Anthony Morton, the duties of thé rented Ra : Deck. Woodburn, Aug. 13.--A number of . . i ' . iY : . to small | 8. h J . . A day done, was sitting tete-a-tete with py --_-- ar ary, The E¥puies N.Y. Aug. 12. he {the voung people went on the excur Buy now if you beliey Cin rav ng money for centuries R the deck for sion to Ogdensburg on Friday. Miss ---- tree. Both watched the athletic maid |; is rs : just the same. OFFS. } I a Q . K , | in the boat draw away. 'Clever girl- "In the winter thes ia man, of 33 Prank street, Rochester, jhas seen visiting at S. Armstrong's, Money cannot buy a better, uric." ventured Dotty, her red lips back to thelr farms oe gypa i Jeit his wife in their staté room on j left on Saturday. for the west. Hugh . the steamer City of Buffalo, and "did [Donaldson has disposed of his farm 2 r in Morton's hearin mentioned 'the |" AS Soon as spring opens near the rail of the cabin deck. Ihe Haey's fine new brick house is nearing THE HOME OF GOOD SHOFS. vador teases the s Fon RATE i . . . jname of his ex-fiancee, steamer was searched upon its arrival [ompletion, Visitors : "J. Mclean, aids digestion and tones up "Really, Tony, T never quite under but Yost was found. He had | Sr, and Mise Jean Yule at W. Bell's; : 4s : A y OR A : rt Mr, and Mrs. CO, Clendenning, at i i "1 didn't," eame gloomily from Funeral wreaths cost even more than { of his father's illness, it was said. | k 2 . families always use Salvador 1... "It's a curious situation, and | Mmmies to impori into France, as |The couple were last Febru | MeNeal, a Mrs. and Miss Blake and ; 7 » I don't mind telling you about it." [two Italians recently discovered when {ary Mrs. Yost said her husband had | Ms. T. Trotter, of Kingston, at Mrs < 'matured by ! At the completion of his stor: irl eyed him scornfully. R | | T ?' "You mean !" she exclaimed, and jthere was a world of meaning in the | phrase. "She expected you to OF I ORONTO, an explanation of her. She hop- ed in her heart that you eould explain the something that has come between Sold Everywhere § unusually I have only the better match for Marie--and Mor card." way were of the erowd congregated at She referred to the sandbar. mn ht = gpd ladder company. A hook and "If anyone thinks that gypsies live importance. Haskell and Morton' were ' much mistaken," said 0. M. Parsons, . always insists " ; committee. Therefore the esquiring of considerable amount of property. (Hf mp -Sh : a ti ett Loon Lake is not to be reachiad by pretty well supplied with the world's on the day of this event. there are some wealthy gvpsy taxpmny Valley. They raise horses, and good Told Wi ras Goi 'alk { rn N Ye ) ses, ife He Was Going to Walk Woodburn Notes) : 3 . was gn excellent onrswoman. | » The best shoes in Canada at the lowest prices. The favorite drink Dotty Hemingway under a shading | i... i eam ran romika n selves, but they collect the revenue, while, Morris 12, Yost, a paint sales. | Ethel Young, of Lacombe, Alta, who 141 forming to a perfect smile. pe : . i 1 , s months. Then they start off } ? purer or more nutritious beer. This was the first time she hud ever 3 lar. oq on not 'return. His overcont was found {and will remove to Rrockville. F, + : aid London Chronicle b ool Rochester, beenuse | Mre. Hugh, Donaldson, at F. Wilson's the entire system. Healthy stood why you fell out with her' andon Chronicle. een summoned to Rochester, been ; ! An- . ' a x in the home. . Brewed and hereupon he explained. they journeyed to attend the funeral | talked of suicide. I. Bell's. de Ri ---------- tat ; wen you; and she was waiting to give you the opportunity. Yom have ealmly al- Local Agent owed her to pass out of your life. | y a drop of red idon't believe there is : : ye 2 E. BEAUPRE, Kingston. blood in your veins-~I honestly don't." the gross weight of the wreath, rib- rT k's bill Jus k i 1 and two children, of Chicago, arrived bon and flowers being lumped to- nit' uit. ast week , was hans | {home on Sunday, to attend Mrs. Clay- gether for customs purposes." The | Very severely wy the critics. 1 drop {ton Morden's "funeral whick took mourners then decided to * detach the | ved in on-him Tuesday morning as he | place at her home in Wellin, gton, on tibbon from the wreath and to do | Vas Heading hie Foutie. On my en [Sunday afternoon. She just hod in i ' ~ trance he look r a theatrical ||} 2 5 this they were compelled to return to a u adked upfrom a theatrical time for the serviees. Mrs. Grant will Italy. They missed their train and jPaze and said: at her father's, David were too late for the funeral, Mr and ' 'Nineteen roasts out of a possible 19--Walter, my boy, the average New bt . Bryant spent Thursday in D. Ainsworth's, Miss York critic'ss. motto evidently is Foronto, spent last Leave no turn unstoned.™ j week at * Grant Valleaw's. Miss Ida {Boyd and sister, Mrs. Royal Hicks, 1 3 i {went on the excursion, Tuesday, from mocratic banquet in Jacksonville, said j Carrying Place to Glen Island and Pic of optimism : - i {ton. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Harns and "Let us cultivate optimism and hope- | ¢ spent Sunday at Grant Valleau's filness. There is nothing like it, The Eurastus Marvine, of the village, spent optimistic man ean see a bright side | Monday in Belleville, making ar rees bloc e of everything--everything, jrangements to pack apples. Mrs. Em sits in a chair in a cosy room with § "A missionary in a sham ones Inid erson MeFaul's friends are glad to all the windows open. But, much to [his hand on a man's = shoulder and {know there is a slight improvement in the spectators' amusement, snow con- !g her gondition." She has been confined tinued to fall not only outside the | to her bed the last ten weeks, with room, but inside it. The actor who ticking of that clock ? Tick-tack, tick-- heart trouble. Corn and buckwheat played the old soldier noticed the au ltack. 'And oh, friend, do vou know | are looking fine in thes¢ parts since the dience's amusement, and, to account what day it inexorably and relentlessly | late 'rain. for the snow, he gagged, "Pay no at- brings nearer 7" | tention to the snow," he said to his | * Yag pay day," the other; an stage wife. "It's a hubit it contracted honest, optimistic working man, re in Russia." Tel, $13. "It is too late now," came from the pessimist. 'She is completely infatu- tated with Baskell." 2 "She isn't," declared the giel, an- grily. "You don't understand women at ally She is just rusning around with him to show you that--well, slangily, that 'there are others'--and you are taking me about for the same purpose." : nthony had the grace to blush. "J ' . ee Make the Liver Do'its Duty Ning tines Jn tep whem the iver J ight the {stay a month { Morden, of Christian street. { Mrs. Carl | Wellington, at + | Clara Porter, of Stage Snow, A. P., London Here is a theatrical story of a play now running in London. In a play called "1812," in which Napo leon's crossing of a frozen river is shown, with snow falling, the last act shows an old soldiers return lome. It is spring time, there are roses climb- ing up the cottage walls, the frait trees are in bloom and the bld hero Cheerful Optimist, Mavor William. 8. Jordan, at a ok "Are you angry with me?' asked the shame-faced Anthony. not," she answered. *| don't mind confessing to you; since vou have been so truthful with me, that 1, too, had an object in view in allowing this intimacy." Anthony stared. | "To-day my differences with--witly another have been adjusted, and | would like to see the broken threads of your own romance joined togeth- "Of course PERFECTION - COCOA (MAPLE LEAF LABEL) aid : ""Friend, do vou hear the solemn has rare food value, children. Wholesome, nourishing and O! so good for breakfast, dinner. and supper. Economical, too, The COWAN CO., Limited, TORONTO. Splendid for Many a man. who pretemls Heve things winde up by them. to be ph believing "There isn't any 'but' about it. 1 am a woman, and it would be strange, indeed, if 1 didn't know my own sex. There is a boat." She pointed to a punt tied to a nearby stake. "Jump wm and hunt down your capricious lady "" Anthony's trowded eyes roamed the space abort them, A fellow was Wall Plaster Lime {striding hastily toward their clos. ' {tered spot. It was Haskell. Anthony rightly interpreted the swirl's words as an. Prtnd Cement 25.2 bisconsolately, he arose 4 Wadle i Slipping the P. WALSH, i hia way to the boat. : the 55-57 Barrack St. Building? I ean, Supply ICE CREAM... THE BEST IN THE CITY Nothing better than our lee Cream Sodas with Fruit Syrups PINEAPPLE, STRAWBERRY, OVERRY, ORANGE, LEMON and CHOUOLATE. Pcs A.J. REES, 166 Pincess 1 w hr, SUP AST oars into thar locks, he pushed fat sottomed affair from ws moor: mg and splashed disnally oat onto the water. This was an idle mission; he knew it: Maurie Norfield wns not in sight, Toon Lake is a bending body of wa ter, with wooded harors all about, anil a ry little ivland near its inlet. Tow this island Anthony t his way. She was there! Further- more, without profiered = assistance, she bade fair to romain there. He ieaw her as a turn vought the islands into vidw. She was standing grect in the boat, and using an oar as a pole in a series of frod efforts to move § the craft from a clinging samdbar. Anthony, Smobstrad. Lept an - preclative ave: on 4 ture, youi want help *" he fr the girl Ao $ A ned her efforts and sank wedrily to a seal, A proud little bead raiend jteell 10 stare at the apnroaching Anthony. "No, indeed" came the "sarcastic {puswer. "1 am just exercising, you PUBLIC NOTI fa WINSTIN BEGS TO Inform the inhabitauis Kings. "an that he has opan- of business at 158 Wellington i reas aa hot' Custom Tailor with a cholee selection of & the Latest ® a Y «badd wishes the people to cal Tore the rush. Kverny att ven. Stvie and fit ire gh gl gl » an Ne Sand T guarantee satisfaction. 'L. WINSTIN. § bad breath--these are some of the effects way x is i the bowsis without the slightest discomfort and without dis: of the system. Constantly increased doses are not necessary. or sh ha and we will mall them. 28