Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Aug 1910, p. 4

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' THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1910. CC C0 IIS THE Office Cabinets Store Fixtures Panelwork Bank Fittings Made to Order. EET EEE S. Anzlin& Co. Foot Wellington Street. Tived-Out of decided division of Jrcrews and be offers himself for a y i sacrifice; brio his party. Gifford Pin- vhot is gelting his revenge. « Mayor Gaynor is willing to forgive his murderous assailant now that it is made clear that he is insane.. But a crazy man's place is in the asylum, not at large. The mayqe will prob- ably agree with this. J TORONTO OFFIOB. Now it is at Ogdensburg that a coffin 15 snd 20 City ng 1 is forced open in order that certain in- PG TF. urna surance societies might satisfy their D il Wii p curiosity as to its contents. The no- tions of some people, or their courte SOME ONE SHOULD QUIT. gies towards the dead, are showing themselves in most remarkable ways. A Kingston gentleman just returned from a Visit 1a fe west, thus ad: imperial parliament in favour of home Y "Dn She Whig : nT rule for Scotland. Why not? Local a Torta any ol he. a ia 1 bo Bt legislatures in all the great divisions » v, » large American city, who is at the (of the United . Kingdom must even- head of an industry. The object' of |thally relieve the one parliament of his visit to Canada was 10 locate a {the burden of work which now de- branch of his business. From Toronto volves 4 it he communicated with several towns pom 15. and cities, euquiring about locations, | Xo icy Gdfith, M.P., for Wedres- a England, is touring through taxes , and r things. Kingston 4 came first in his thoughts, and hefPWry, Bi : ' wrote the industrial committee of the |Ganada in the interest of the Imperial League. Judging the man by some of A petition has been presented in the a y city coungil. At the end of two wedks ft .orbett S jhe received a reply. In the meantime |p yiterances he is not calculated to western cities sent representatives to do any good in Canada and should be Hardware. : CoC COLD De) oid he had practically decided to nedrest route. This country has no . ---- go elsewhere. In the course of con-luse for troublers. meet and give him ail information he invited to go home st once hy the desired.' Before Kingston's reply was Fisesation this man told of one who was looking for a smelting site. © He mentioned his native city, knowing of its admirable shipping facilities. Hix friend wrote the president of the board of trade and up to the present he has not received an answer," : | Here iv a statement that is surpris- | ing. Kingston wants industries, and its business men in the council, and k : 5 ? 4 ing Canadian, trade with Britam in bond of trade, gre understood to boli omatoes. Three boxes of the fruit, on the lookout for them. Yet corres; pocked in peat and sawdust, are to poudence that might lead to results {be shipped to Covent Garden Market, | is tamely and tacdily answered in one oft Thirsihy: a Royal ward : + vs I xX ir 1 case, and ignored in another. King keep well and find a ready market. ston may not be able lo pay for a [Mr. Wilson remarked that the morth- publicity department, as it exists in [west is now a good customer for Bia other cities, but it surely can afford tarip. fruit, but supposing any falling . 2 ff in the demand from there should to have at least one live man in its ing, it would be well to have the employment. The complaint being well | English market cultivated, and, "in If founded (and the Whig is not disposed ony case a brisk drade could, he il 10 question it), the men who presume ong, be developed the old tp represent the indistrial interests in |= That F That this would be to the alvant- the city should know enough to re lage of Ontario growers is evident from sign. TOMA FOR BRITAIN iw -------- Would Command Higher Price Than Paid Here. Toronto, Aug. 17.--The time to look for. markets is" before the crop is coady, said J. Lockie Wilson, superin- tendent of agricultural societies, in speaking of the prospects of develop- with the fact that whereas the Prince Ed- ward county farmers gt twentv-five to AEE RRA A ES (thirty cents per bushel (sixty pounds), : THE TEMPTATION ro KILL. {the price in London is from five to ten The American papers contain learned |eents a pound. disqquisitions upon what should be done demand in England for Can with the criminals, or what should be] dian fruit generally, be says, is zood. done. & ke lif : Th : | The peaches, for example, coming to one to mate Hie safer. There 18 & Covent Garden from the continent are public opinion. | vellow, thick-skinned, and juiceless, be There are those who think thgt the [ins grown in hot, dry countries, like sutiishment of the guilty must be the southern California apples. which ut guy se sive punky and inicalens, sspacinily those a ed, i S00 [gown Lon irrigated . jurey, In England, it is pointed out, there fwell- flavored Canadian fruits should, is no trifling with the great offenders. "therefore, command a ready sale at Conviction being secured there is im- ond prices... 2 rench. tH . ied at our tomatoes would reac 0 mediately A [gunvincing evidence of the British market in good condition Mr. majesty of the law, Justice is' admin: [Wilson thinks is certain, as there iced without fear, favour or affec- \were shipped lagt vear nearly a i. tiod. In Germapy the criminal is | lion dollars" worth of tomatoes from . one of the Camarv Islands. It takes made to feel that society has no wot ven days: by steams for their for him. H he escapes from the toils! fruit to reach Liverpool, while 'a box be makes sure he will not on any ag [of Kent county tomatoes came from count be apprehended and imprisoned | Fondon to Toronto last in six awain snd three-quarter days. eo expects ath ih . 2 the Canadian vrodact to do fully as Only in Amerien, and in Canada oc | goll as the Canary Island ship- casionally in recent years, is there any | ments. IN GANANOQUE TOWN JPATERSON'S Cambridge Wafers YANKEE BARBER WEDS A . . - CHARMING CANADIAN GIRL, |B A toothione . isu R = Thi ~ O } Neatly ked in tins -- inagues $ wi otidny-- 0 always fresh and erisp. High School Results ors MB Just the thing for dessert, and Oust, uf Youn, } afternoon teas, social func- Gananoque, Aug. 17.--A pretty wed [li] - tions, etc. We've made, the ding was solemnized at six o'clock last | flavor so delicious that we evening at the home of Mr. and Mes. op know you'll want more. w Henry Parker, Charles street, when | y ; their daughter, Miss Muriel -J. Parker) Sold By ai Sood grocers. 4 was united yn marriage to William S. iki iit Fag ghar mony Was , by aly " 5 - Serson, a part of Christ church, before JOS. B. ABRAMSON, a gathering of immediate friends and | Dealer in all kinds of , relatives of the participants add wider | panty aug Boys' Suits and Overcoats, the draped folds of "Union Jack' and | also Ladies' Suits, "Stars and Stripes." After the cere- | Offering special reductions In Lin- mony a dainty wedding feast wus en- | gleums and Ollcloths for one week joved. Both bride and groom were un- | only. attended. Miss Parker was one of | All mizes of Rugs, Lace Curtains, Gananoque's popular young ladies, who | Chenille, and Tapestry Goods Oil- will be much missed by a large circle | cloths, Carpets, Jewellery, Blankets of friends, as they will immediately | Art Squares, etc, sold on Weekly, jocate in Clayton; N.Y., where Mr. { Fortnightly and Monthly Instal- Seymour is engaged in the barber | ments. Easy payments. business. I~ All kinds of Boots and Shoes, The stéhmer New Island Wanderer | Ladies', Men's, Children's. took out a fairly Ihrge searchlight ex- an a my residence and examine cursion party to Thousand Island | ack. ia J Park pe» Clayton. last evening. | OME. SEE. COMPARE. On account of the all-day | Deosratiune| st mii of atic sports t AUSPIC 1g | § of the G.Y.C. today (dvi holiday), | the canoe races were postponed until | Tuesday evening next, after which the | series will be completed on Labor Dav. | Mrs. John Shiels, Charles street has | shi her household effects to Fort | William, where Mr. Shiels has been lo- | cated for some time past, and she and | the children will follow shortly. i Albert Dixon, Sydenham street, has! purchased the property. on Willian | street, recently acoupied Hy E. IB. Keating from Alfred Baker. Mr. Dix. | on takes possession at once. | Gananogue high school has made an | excellent showing this year at the ex- | aminations for entrance to normai school, and for matriculation, as the | . ! following list will show. In the form- ||| if not you have never ! or examination one pupil, Miss | otitiy eaten toast. London took honors, Miss Jennie! Moore made a pass and Miss Jean | Let us send you one. Donevan completed her pass standin: Janus Fitsdmmons pass, while the! Misses Lilian I. Cochrane and | Prices reduced on and TOASTERS By the way have you | every tried toast made | Latimer made a pass, and also pass ed in the extrag for complete matricu- lation class A, Miss Jennie E. Mo we, | 845 KING STREET. class. A, Miss Jennie Maitland, class | ! A, Clare H. Phillips, class B, and Air |}! Longest Established Electric | Firm in the City. | bert 'Hinton, elass B. iH Mr. aod Mrs, John E. Cook, Garlen | strect; left yesterday for a short vist | in Iroquois, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 0 ad Bates, Btone street, are spending 2ouple of weeks with relatives im Kin: ston, "Nattersea and Jones" * Falls, Messrs. "A. Gilmer und B. Clement, of | Toronto, spending the past few weeks with Mr, and Mrs, F, Gratton, Charles treet, have returned hpme Miss Ada Splaa, Stone street, is spendin®™ a short vacation at her home in Broce ville. Mrs, J. oF, Stoliker, Torento, spent the past few days with friends iy town 'Me: and Mrs, Richard Wells, Ring stroot, fate. Hendy; a week with relatives in ockville. Ernest Waldie, Ea Syracuse, N.X., is visiting relatives ij; 1 IF you use &'sypewritie town. Orel Pennock, located for some time t in New Liskeard, has so: tur to town and taken a situation as clerk with D. Darling. Mise Wab- ster, Chinelos street, left vestordny for | 4 week's witit with Toronto friends, Miss Bolger, Lansdowue, is the gues, | of her ster, Mrs. F. Keyes, at Orch ard View. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Baker, nding the past woek with relatives in Rome, N.Y., have returned home. Mrs. Gilbert, of Montreal, in camp at Fremont Park, was in Kingston . ves. terday visiting her father, Justios use the best. It is economy of time, of money, of labor. The Underwood is the best typewriter, - UNITED TYPEWRITER C0, LTD. 4. BR. O. DuBhs, | ELECTRIC IRONS | on an Electric Toaster, ||| oly ect oy | ili |OUR SUITS TALK | ONE OF OUR HANDSOME FALL & SUITS WILL TELL THE WORLD § SUST WHAT YOU WANT IT TO 8 KENOW ABOUT YOU. IF YOU HAVE YOUR APPEARANCE YOU SHOULD § FORM THE HABIT OF COMING } HERE FOR YOUR CLOTHES. WE AVOID THE VERY CHEAP SORT OF CLOTHING BECAUSE ITs § BAD FOR YOU AND IT'S BAD FOR OUR STORE. WE HAVE CHOICE FALL SUITS ¥ THE SORT THAT TOWERS HEAD § AND SHOULDERS ABOVE MED OCRITY, AT PRICES RANGING © FROM $7.50, 8.50 $10, 12 to $18 SEE OUR SPECIAL $13.00 SUITS. And, The Fall Styles are conservative and atiractive are neat mixtures of new colorings in stripes and checks, roats fit- ting easy to the form and of m dium length. Collars and lapels of medium "width and length. ' Trousers casy, shapely and graceful We're always pleased to sow. Buy at your pleasure 'Boys' School Suits| We've made great provision in Scheel Suits. We've been there # ovr tyes, and we know exacty what school boys require in clothes. {Boys' Suits, $2.50, $3, $4, $4.50 to $10 SEE OUR GREAT 235.00 SCHOOL SUITS. AAA AA NANI PA, SAIN The H.D.Bibby Co PRIDE ABOUT © The fabrics J Britton, who is undergoing treatment | in Kingston hospital. Harold MoKeil, | Kingston, grrived yesterday, for "a visit with his mother, Mrs. Getirge Me. | Keil, at Tremont Park. i wg A sijirenmishness ot of place, any fal- The extent to which intensive farm- P C NOTICE 1. ing is developed in Britain is seen in EL... WINS BEGS a os ar . taform the inhabitants of Kings 2 pring with justice, any failure to make the fact tioned hv * Mr. Wilson 3 ed busiiess ai 159 Wellington & the common and unconscionable crim-| that there are more than 25,000,000 square feet of glass insured bv vege: KINGSTON. The Big Store With Little Prices. 3B Taller with a choice selection of § 48 the Latest Materials and Styles. © i$ rush, ven, Bivie and Tit gua; ' awn materials made u §. Streat in tho rooms over Car- & inal fool the hurtful influence of the 2 table and fruit growers, which is OVSky's, as a Ladies' Custom i Naw, AM course, for the insane man there hiohably ably. hal x He actual is always a sympathy. But the ques-| gc. .¢ 60,000.00 square fret, covering tion of insanity should be considered | 1 100 sores. Tn other words; the hot- after the conviction of the individual, houses Fu extimel os pein it fil: : ten feet wide, The value of ¢ agri- wot. befuate. it. cultural industry is indicated Mw the In other' words, the contention of a statement that the total product last well-known alienist holds good; The] vear in five crops--wheat, oats; bar and especially the juries, dos potatoes and hay---was $374,000, should not be harassed by the argu- . ments of learned men as to the insan- {ity of some offender. The modification of a seutence should depend upon evi-| Vessel Has Been Purchased by dence that a commission of experts can Collingwood Parties. Analyze. The steamer Bothnia, of the M. '| In the Gaynor case"it is suggested that Gallagher, the assailant of the mayor, may have been a madman for some ime. He wrote disturbing or Se iid, STEAMER BOTHNIA SOLD. is rumored that about $10,000 w the sale re. ! The Bothnia has been in use for Wai Donevan, Victoria avenve, is} spendin 5 week with friends, in Toe | uk PIRES AVY. onfo. Miss Agnes Belfie, Prescott, is RIVER TRAFPI HEAVY holidaying here with her parents, Mr. |, ; ' ; and Mrs: Gitbert. Belfie, Marko. sthoet. i All the Vessels Ropers a Very Good Mrs. William Byers, of Montreal, is} Season. the quest of the Misses Wallace, at! This has been a good season for the camp Iropuois, The steamer America boats on the river route. The trip to brought. in. a civer excursion party at nine o'clock last evening. > on the down GAVE HIM AWAY. |sengers from Kingston | trip, almost. all the summer. The Bay of Quinte Steamboat pany report a good season, alvo the {Thousand Island Steamboat company. The weather taken altogether has been fine, and there has been little to com- plain of. A New Civic Commission. Under a new charter, Port Huron, Mich., will abolish the office of alder: men, and the government of the city is given over to four commissioners, 5 mayor and thee others. The Mayor will receive $2000 god the commis sioners $1,200 each. The water, fire, park, police and all other boards ex- cept the Board of Education and the Public Library Commission are abol ished, The Board of Eduention is re dwed from fourteen to four members. The offices of the Water Board and that of the City Treasurer are to be idated, effecting a saving in sal: COME Mistress of the House--Bridgettx, if my eg ever attempts to kiss. i F ' , mum, he's felt of this is that everything re ore than | quired by. the city' shall be bought f. cash, an advantage may be taken 'discount, which i is believed will a {Quebec is just as popular as ever, and | revidence of this fact is that the steam- 'or Alexandria hax had to peluse pas | mount to thousands of dollars every At A Loss If you don't get a pair of them YOU louse. " 1f we sell them WE loose, and if 'we don't sell them WE loose, We will loose anyway --but they must go. $1.98 . Another window full of Women's High- Grade LOW SHOES Tavs, Patents, Gun Metals--regular $3.00 and $3.50. "All got to go this week . Strap Pumps and Laced Styles. a fis oe

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