KIDNEY TROUBLE ummer pinks ticuranteed Pure. Prices light, > Uet your Cash Coupons S. T. KIRK'S Cash Grocery, 251 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 417. Agent for. Asselstine's Yarn. Trunks and Traveling Gosds If you are thinking of taking a trip and would need a Trunk, Suit Case or Hand Bags see our stock. Trunks from $2.00 to $10.00 Suit Cases from $1.90 to $8.00 H. Jennings, KING STREET. EXTERIOR OR INTERIOR Piumbing It matters pot which, we do both with a "know how." You may badly need our sorvices-at any time. When that time arrives, 'phone us, and quickly as possible we'll do your work 'most satisfactorily. DAVID HALL, 66 Brock St. Store, 335: 1% Hesidonon, 856 Jenuse any - Ye Olde Irish Mill of our forefathers, with {ts slow work. doesn't sutfioe for our rapidly increas-| tation. N turn to 7.000 barrels of flour a day, ! ing our mills out §,! ow | Arve you languid, low spifited, weak and flahby? Have you a constantly drubbing ache in your back? Have | you chills and scalding pains? i so Warner's Safe Cure for the kidueys and liver should be taken immediately, oe William Wilken hind glven up all hope of recovery when she was pers sunded to use Warnee's, It vured ber, and this is the grateful letter she WroLE "Warner's Bafe Cure has done me 50 much good that | feel it my duly to tell yous, but If seems almost foolish to try Lo PXDTEEY in words the good that your wonderfal remedies have accomplished "When 1 first began. taking your medicine I had kidney and lver trouble, alst rheumatism so bad that J almost screamed when L got up in the morn Ing, ty joints and muscies were stiif and sore, and F Was 50 nervous. it seemed that the dread disease was ap- proaching a fatal end Now all is changed, i am enjoying happiness where once 1 labored under sorrow. You have saved me a great many pains, and my neives are almost steady. "1 can trithfully say that it has been a wonderful medicine for me. I have paid out a great deal of money for other remedies, but if I had bought Your p jes first and paid you $500.00 I would be/ money ahead, Nothing but Warner' oF me pow." Mrs. William Wilson, (2610 N. 8 1-2 Bt, Terre Haute Warner's. Safe Cure is put up in 56 and 3100 sixes and .sold by druggists everywhere, Warner's Safe Pills, for constipation apd billousness purely vegetable, abso- futely free (rom injurious substances, re a perfect laxative. They do not gripe or leave any bad after effects, "hb cents a package. To convince every sufferer from dis- #gse of the kidneys and liver that WARNER'S sAFE CURE will abso lutely cure, a sample bottle and uiso a sample box Warner's Safe Plils will be, sent FREE OF CHARGE, post paid to any one io will write WARNER'S BAFE CUR CO, Toronto, Ont, and mention having seen this liberal offer in the Dally British Whig. The genuine- news of this offer is fully guaranteed by the publisher won AGED PEOPLE. Old Folks Should be Careful in Their Selection of Regulative Medicine. I have a safe, dependable and alto- gether ideal remedy that is particuln- ly adapted to the requirements of aged people and parsons of weak constitu- tion who suffer sfrom constipation or other bowel disorders. 1 am so eertain that it will relieve these complaints and give absolute satisfaction in every particular that I offer it with my per- sonal guarantee that it shall cost the user nothing if it fails to substanti- ate my claims. This remedy is called Rexall Orderlics. : Rexall Orderlies have a soothing, healing, strengthening, tonic and regu- lative action upon the bowels. They remove all irritation, dryness, soreness pod weakness. They restore the bow: els and associate organs to morn vig orous and healthy activity. They are onten like oandy, may bé taken nt ng time without inconvenience, do not Rriping, nausea, dicirhoet, excessive looseness, flatulence or other disagreeable effect. Price 25c. and 10s. Sold only at my store=The Rexall Store, G. W. Mahood, i ------------ SA SRA, Turn up their toes without delay, & die! SoMa SENSE is » og naman or domestic animals ; oy Sat WIth Sagerene: and i kills them tut dries wit offense. It never fails. 152 S0c and $1, at all dealers, Sense : Killer. 2. Bedbugs and PRI ii COMMON SENSE MFG. LO. "381 Queen St. West, Toronto, Ont. LADIES FINEST WRAPS CLEANED, A delicate garment must have delicate handling. By our French Dry Cleaning pro- cess thls 8 always assured, R. PARKER & CO., Dyers sad Cicaners, 9 Princess St, Kingston, Ont. ARDEN AND LOCAL OPTION. {The Leading Citizens Say it is a Grand Thing. Arden, Aug. 17.--Britton Barker had and such flour. See aud test the fam-'one of his five horses killed by light ous QUALITY BRAND, and wonder at the presen rovements in milling. td fm QUALITY ning last week. The Free Masons are having a supper at the Pringle House {tonight This fine hotel has been filled LOUR has the poproval of thousands. to overflowing this summer with pleas not, why not? Maple Leaf Milling Co, ONTARIO 8ST, as : } H900000000000000000008 [1 | Sowards Keeps Coal ure sookers. C. W, Tovet is siding up {his house and building a kitchen. Miss Fay Hoath, has boon engaged as junior tencher in Arden schvol. David Hart rick and family and Vessie Clarke have ""ohurch, or bowl hoops on the Broad . THR DANLY POR STUDENTS EXPELLED FROM THE COLLEGE. Cambridge Men Were "Sent Down" for Disorderly Conduet--Proces. | rion Held to the Station With! Forty Cabs Containing Mourners, \ ¥ew undergraduates at Uxiora or Cambridge nd their time in burn- ing the midnight oil. The average uw . is far more interested in the lighter cide of things, and when there is an opportunity for a practi- cal joke he jumps at if. . Only a week or two ago, for in- stance, some Cambridge men were "sent down'--or temporarily €xpell- ed--for disorderly conduct. Bo ir friends promptly decided to give them 8 mock funeral. A procession took place to the railway station, with for- ty cabs of mourners, a dozen mount. ed men, and scores of under-graduates marching solemnly behind. All the mock mourners wore long crepe "weepers," and some had their faces adorned with black stripes, and led dogs in the heaviest mourning. Most of the mourted men carried cards with inscriptions, such as "He was we friend!" and "R.LP." If a don is very unpopular, {fie us- ual way the undergraduate adopts of showing his displeasure is to screw his "oak," or door, in the night. A very distinguished man, "who was once a don at Merton, has reported a funny conversation between a don in- side the screwed-up door -- perhaps Himaelf t--and a "scout," or servant, outside. "But what on earth am Ito do?" wailed the poor don. "Well, sir." the "scout" replied, "when Mr Muff is seréwed up, sir, 'e allus sends for the blacksmith.' Many years ago the dean of one of the Oxford colleges started a cru. sade against the wearing of hunting coats. His methods were tactless, and the undergraduates swore revenge One fine morning he found, on leav- ing the despery, that the building-- walls and windows--was painted ex- aetly the hue he abhorred, as high as & man covld reach. The great enemy of the frolicsome undergraduate is the "proctor'--a college dignitary, who, with his ns sistants--known as 'bulldogs' ~par- ades the streets sfter nightfall. Let him catch an undergraduate out in the evening without cap and gown, or in a hotel or publi¢ billiard-rosm, and he approaches politely with, "Are you a manber of this university, sir? raising his cap. "Yes, sir!" says the criminal, also raising his cap. He is then asked for his name and eel. lege, and requested to call on the senior proctor to-morrow at nine. There are man¥ old regulations on the books of the universities that are long since out of date. One at Oxford forbids undergraduates to play marbles on the steps of a certain Walk. Some years ago a few daring spirits bought for a lark some hoops | playing like children in the forbidden | places. and marbles, and started solemnly But was the senior proctor at a loss? No! He promptly fined them all round, just as they would have been fined a couple of hundred years ago. Rescued Dog From Mine. The story of how a miner threw a dog down the shaft of a disused pit, from which it was rescued five days later, was told at Linlithgow, when the man guilty of such an act of cruelty was fined $15. The dog had been heard whining piteously by passers-by, and two men, John Doch- erty and Walter @herry, Mbored from the Sunday afternoon to "Monday morning to effect a rescue. First of all they let down a basket containing meat in order to induce the dog into it, but a stone tied round the animal's neck prevented it from entering the basket. Eventually the young men got the dog to the surface by a hook attach to a rope. Cherry and Doch- erty were highly commended by the bench for their humane actions. A Private Coronation. Rothesay means to have a corona tiomeeremony of its own. At a re. cent meeting of the Town Council it was agreed to present HRH. the Duke of Cornwall and Rothesay with an illuminated address on his succes- sion to the title of Duke of Rothesay It was also indicated that in the near future the young duke would receive the freedomi of the roval burgh. It was mentioned a8 an in- teresting point that the duke's names include that of David, and that this is the first occasion since the foynds- tion of the title, five hundred years ago, that a Duke of Rothesay has possessed the name of the first Scot- tish prince on whom the title was conferred, Scotland Grows Sober. The amazing decrease of drunken. ness in Seotland that followed the increase of the price of whisky at the end of April, 1909, is the subject of the Prison Report just issued. The decrease in the drunkenness convie- tions in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Dundee as compared with 1908 is vividly illustrated by the fact that BRITIsH WHIG, FRIDAY, IN OLD ANNAPOLIS. | Things Wefe Primitive But Happy In | the First Settlement. Annapolis, formedy Port Royal, was a "garrison town" Jdrom the time of its founding by De Monts in 1804, until, in 1353, it ceased to be the capi- tal of the Province of Nova Scotia, and the troops were withdrawn and stationed at Halifax, and is therefor the oldest settlement in Canada. creased JEmigmtion, Of the residents, Dierville says:-- 'They feed themselves and have sur. lus to sell. Hemp and flax me use no other cloth spun. The wool is good, the inhabitants are di own woollen homespun. Fruits, and garden stuffs are excellent. visions are cheap; wheat 40 bushel, the b a pound; a pair of chickens, I eggs, five sous per dozen; and hares, four sous apiece. (A sous; it may be mentioned, about equals a cent in our y.) Game plenty. The foun- ders of Port Royal knew the country well before they selected it as their fortress. Tour, at Le Have and at about. These all belo: tw indivi. duals, and when a ing existed amongst them, which was but rarely, they used to .come to Port Royal for refreshments. But it is to be remarked that except Port Royal and Le Have, where cultivated lands and carried on the fisheries, the other posts were only kept up for trading with the savages. Port Royal | is, then, the general storesof the coun- try, and fortifying it protects Minas also, where corn is now raised, and eattle." The first Town Council of lis after its final occupation by the Eng- lish was organised in the spring 'of 1720 by Governor Phillips. mem. bers of that were ten in num- ber. The first work of this council was evidently in the line of superin- | tendence of public repairs. The town was in a bad condition according to report of Governor Phillips. en he landed in April he fo the place "in as bad a stale as was possible to describe, both within and without." The criminal courts of these earl councils were the occasions of decid. edly amusing proceedings. The Jean Picot affair and her sentence to "ducking at high water" have become familiar in history, and other sen. tences to the early offenders of jus- tice were equally strange and ridicu- lous. In Beptember, 17i6, one Robert Nicols was charged with assaulting | one ,of the officers of the garrison, and a court of four councillors found him guilty and passed the following sentence: - found guilty by H. M. Council oe this Broviice of ia etime wherew thou art A pun- ishment, therefore, otiited on thee is to sit upon a gallows three days, half an hour day, with a rope about thy neck, and a upon thy 'breast whereon shall wrote, in capital letters, "AUDACIOUS VIL- LAIN," and afterwards thou art to be whipt at a cart's tail from the prison house up to the uppermost house of the Cape, and from thence back again to prison house, receiving each hun- dred paces five stripes upon your bare back with a cat-of-nine-tails, and then thou are to be turned over for a soldier." Evidently to be a soldier was not #0 high an honor as it once had been. Another sentence given in 1732 was that the prisoner should be publicly whipped "at the cart's tail" at four places in the town, and. at each place to receive five stripes on.his bare k with a cat-o'nine fails, Piracy was rampant in Annapolis during the early years of the eigh- teenth century, and not only was ser ious damage done to the riy by these attacks, but the cnslaughts were usually accompanied with loss of life. There was thus a la element of precariway towards prosperity with malcontents on every hand spreading dissatisfaction alarm. In August, 1781, the town was at tacked by two rebel schooners carry. ing twelve guns each. The ships came up the harbor. under cover of night and I théir men, unobserved. It was a genuine f[reebooters' ex. cursion, with plans well laid and skil- fully executed. The garrison was first attacked, the sentries silenced and the fort taken, while the soldiers slept. As soon as the day broke they turned their atlention to the town, surround. ed the houses, and, capturing every man and boy, locked them in the fort. AUGUST 19, had forts at Port La | Muscoud- ¢ sf beth. $ . E i g 2 i : i ¥ F felslh grew in volume until the raised, the king of the jungle and stood facing the phono- horn in a state of wrapt con- templation thal was a tribute to the aay of tenors, all the unresponsive inhabitants of the Zoo, the goats took the prize. This experiment just put them where belong in the scale of culture. aph man hunted out a which we felt sure would t pastures. Bat it Cornet sulos j and other delicacies were tried in vain, but when a resourceful atien. dant put some grass in the mouth of the horn there was a processiofl' up the inclined post that did more credit to the goat stomach than to the goat brain. The procession of experimenters | presently visited the Scotch deer. Here, we thought, is an opportunity to test this clanishness to the utmost. fo out over the Don Flats there peal ed Harry Lauder in his best voice, singing "Stop Yer Ticklin', Joek." The so-called Scotch deer must have come from a remote fastoess, for Harry Lauder had no charms for him, and he remained at the far side of | his pen and would not be comforted. { The llama made a picturesque ef- Try turned ar be popular in | had no effect whatever. t as he came up to the phono- | graph, all alertness and curiosity. He was evidently pleased with the cor- net solo selected for his diversion | When we came to the buffalo wolves i we had real wild things to deal with. | A band selection drove them hither and thither over the pen. Then we remembered the old story of the man lost in the woods who saved his life by soothing the wolves with a vio- lin, Bo we put in a violin solo by Mischa Elman. The result was that the wolf stood on his hind legs, threw his head back and howled. So the narrative might go on. The monkeys jumped about and scolded; the peacock strutted at the sound of the band music; the brown bears tried to dance on hearing the band play; while the eagles, who were un- responsive to all other efforts, were all alive on hearing a yodel song by Ma Yaute Schumann-Heink, ~The Toronte ilobe, 4 Growth of Postoffice. The figures show that in the fen years previous to the Postmaster-Gen. eral"s report for last year, new post offices had been established at the rate of. one for every fwotking-4a. With the tremendous inrush of peo- ple into the Canadian West this rate of extension must be greatly acceler- ated. Last year, the postoffices in the provinces west of the Great Lakes numbered 2,716, as against 645 in the same territory twenty years ago. In Saskatchewan alone there were, last vear, 861 postoffices, or almost one- third more than in the whole of the West in 1889. The increase has' not been in the West alone, however, but has been general throughout the Dom. inion. Ontario last year had 3.604 postoffices, as against 3,228 ten years | the increase in postoffices means bet. ter facilities for existing population as well as new facilities for new places is proven by the fact that Prince Ed. ward Island, which has increased but tittle in lation, had, last year, and 315 in 1880. For New the figures are 1,397 for 1900 as against years ago. The number of offices in the Yukon last year was 21. Sir William Butler, Canada remembers Bir Butler as the author of "The Grea Lone Land," & book on western Can- ada before railways and migrations of peovie were features of prairie life. ir William died recently in the old country at the age of 72. He was one of the brilliant roll of soldiers whom Ireland has iven to the Empire's ser. vice. Bir William was born in Tip- erary. and started soldiering at the age ol 0. He served in many parts of the world, and saw much active service, in which he greatly distin. guished himself. After four years in the east, he went in 1870, with the Red River expedition in western Can- ada. The years 1873 and 1874 saw him in ti, and the following year he went on a special misien to Bloemfontein. In the Zulu war (1979- 80) he was staff officer at the British sea base. In 1882 he was in pt, and fought at Kassassin and Telel occasional indi ion -- chronic NA-DRU-CO requires no further aid. 50c. a box. 50c. and we will mail them. Pan-American, German ALL AT 10¢ shBBePBIBORS eR Ree | Manufacturers tion Ferrules. Write for prices and you'll feel lke 3 new person. yspepsia Tablets, restores your strength, your stomach regains its tone, and soon oe NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA LIMITED, THE T. K. TAYLOR O6, LIMITID, Chcthom, Gul "Eat and Be Merry!" Stop starving yourself--stop suffering the pangs of indigestion--stop worrying about what you dare and dare not eat. Eat hearty meals of wholesome food, take Sour stomach~-heartburn-- dyspepsia -- all yield . quickly to The properly digested food If your druggist bas not stocked them yet sond » MONTREAL. uns, Lemon Slices, Pattie PER DOZEN. . H. TOVE, "3,50 3 ETT TE 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED, isnt. ol Traps and Bends, Solder, Brass Ferrules, Iron nd Lead Combina- OFFICE: 3 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ei Dandruff is Now a Thing of thc Past. To be troubled with the pest Dand- ago, and 2,971 twenty years ago. That | préparation caled SALVIA that abso- 465 postoffices as against 400 in y rans: 1,180 ten years ago, and 1,085 twenty i William | ruff, is merely through ignorance There has lately been discoverad a Intely destroys the germ. This pre- ' paration is sold with a strict guaran- {tee to cure Dandruff and to make the hair grow or your money is refunded. ! SALVIA makes the halr grow in abundance. The hair becomes soft and fluffy A non-sticky, daintily perfumed, gua- | ranteed preparation, used and en- dorsed by ithe elite of England and Paris The Best. Drug Store has just im- ported another shipment of SALVIA A large bottle tor ble. ---------------------- og oi 2 Statistics prove ine disputably (hat the fue creased use of such a pore asd wholesome beverage as Regal Lager ensures a de crease in any com. munity's record of in tempernoee. That alone suggests fhe (ruih thet Regal is NOT an fone togieant, portion, Municipal ana nd Far be n . weatred m (erent allowed. Bepattia SC a anatfiiung Directur. Values 7 ~ To-Morrow # 2 3 g : wo RRR RF fe es RY | ARERR OR PRR ; Al Gibson Tie, $1.65. Black Gibson $1.35. Children's Lace or 8 to 104. Men's Tan Calf or Pat. Colt Oxfords, $2.95. $000000000800000000000 CeN0000000000000R0RIY QUALITY CAKES' Maple Square, Varigated Square, leed Ginger, o v : o Pounds, Lily White, Cup Cakes and Corn Dodgers. - i 2YLNERN YRS Ladies' Chocolate Kid } Ladies' Chocolate oi @ Tie, i Black Slippers, 75e., § Girls' Brown Canvas # Oxfords, 50c.,11 fo 2 §