ssi, HE TRIED TO ANDRES HAMBERG JUMPED gi ne A SERIOUS ACCIDENT NAR- OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BARONESS VAUGHAN FAILED TO While it Wag in the Lachine Canal--' ROWLY AVERTED. Sparks Set Fire to Some Waste in, BACKED FIRE THE ---- Matters That Interest Everybody-- oem BRIEF FORM. Notes From AN Over--Little of Pair Target -{ KEEP SECRET. for Cameras--Photo- graphers lay in Ambush and the Yacht of F. W. Bliss, of New York While at Yacht Club Wharf Time--Had 150 Gallons of Gaso- dong Bank of Toronto. Experienced ate What might have turned out to be a vi i oceurred at : from = ! and gourteous officers will give anal, » cowl, What es received in the Jashit club, about 3 o'clock, whose name ip Friday » Se Sw i The handsome vacht Emerald, with Ne bw lie, of the Mur. {nal Life, New York, Mes. Bliss and Dr. '1. O'Rielly, of Toromto, on board, fires at the wharf, and was about to on a SirEEs 3 {islands, when el fire, and spars set fire to some naste and ange, lying on the floor of the yacht. : 8% 2 caused a quick ex- jon. Mre. Bliss noticed the fire first, and with in less time than i takes to tell it, the men on Heard hot 'out one of their small fire extinguish- ers, used it to zood advantage, the blaze was put out hefose very ser- " {ious damnge was deme. It was handled Princess Street Methodist church-- #0 well, however, that there Was no Rev. F. H. ule, BA., pastor. Bup- |vasic whatever, and it was jot even day school, 10 a.m, morning service, necessary, to send in an alarm to the 11 o'clock; evening service, 7 o'clock; Seinen. inicldes Hostinate that the mis > League onda i was indeed a d b on Soutey weesing/ | a it did, as had i iy: on't cut, we can than you one We have eft we are seiling below cost the balance of the season. in. Mower 12 EE 14 In. Mow. .. .. $4.10 A. Mitshel's Hardvare, ; . k og Aine gi ad Felock, Every: |occutred after the yacht had left the one welcome to_all services. iwhatf, and whils it was on the way St. George's cathedral--Thirteenth (to the islands, the result, no doubt, Sunday after Trinity. Holy commus: ould have ban far le i i s celebrati i ® Wal . ad Te at rion, his | aackine; and had this capaht re, Canon Starr. Evensong, of one hour' | there 2 Naud have caused very ser- 1 'o y 3 ous ro ie. Surhtio, ? o'vlodk, preaches, Carian As 4 result of the accident, the trip -------------------- had to be cancelled, and the party is To Visit Kingston. {vow staying over in Kingston until + y : Salva. (the necessary repairs are made. Lieut, Col, Pugmire, of the Salva- | The Emerald, which is owned by tion Atmy: Men's Soeial Department; op "ni i 6h ve toot over: afl, will visit Kingston in connection with mee in rin with Torty-five b his work at the oRSientiary next (® Hon. William Harty and Ju 0'. Tuesday, August rd, At night he Rielly, of C all, were oni the whart will conduct a meeting in the 8. A. | "p] yng of the accident, and" had citadel. The colonel is a good speak: ys own. Ao ot dhye or and singer, and all who attend will oes ¥ enjoy the service, ng thi Fizht. wo - 1 Great clearing sale women's white | Rallway Construction Men. gre 8 wt is Boo 38, Ao OPN White clover honey, in sections, 15q:; labour in the rajlway a Shatpuction pebersi rind ' Craw. camps, and the new regulation' woul hu on, in: pails, 31.3. J, Cray | mean 'hat contractors in the Prairie Bison Nashinton show tht rout Sud on Ue Puce cnet awyers 7 in one Mh | Lo natlinavians and other: geod en i a hront cure, 20¢. bottle, struction men, whe, files the amin. . ' Ct gration lations hitherto prevailich acid 8% dilbeon's Red Crom Aug ae be out owing to the lack Sloe: 'of the nesessary $35. The importance of the relaxation to railways with 'construction work on hand could not he over-estimated, ind 1 _ likely go Ch over 'are usnal- ary Bax lal spenking labourer beeomes asaorh- Equilibrists and Comedy Juggling week at Lake Ontario Park. The pro- gramme includes Charles Shatter and rompany, upto-date novelty equili- Hisrista, demonstrating? the lamit of physical endurance. and performing "wonderful balancing feats, using the finest wardrobe. and stage settings in fraadonii, Gallon, a cooedy and TONIGHT, 7.30 0/0LOOK. New Fall Dre Goods Regular 70c, 5c, 80c, 90, $1 yard, novelty juggler, who promises to fjthe audience in roars of ep Three thousand feet of new moving pictures ad illustrated songs will com a first-class ob latest traction . that should please all who enjoy clean amusement. -------- The Evidence of a Deal. "The, Stans that' the departmin ne th tre jected has been made head of the cor- ner, A fow weoks ago Hon. Mr. Hanna denied a rumor that Mr. Stone was to supplant License Inspector Smyth, who was enforcing the law to trouble some Fahex. Now the Gazette i --Blaze Was Put Out In Nick of | fy & ' yesterday, in the second Ss mol , to , day or Leopold leave for a trip among the Thousand ve : Khe Tavtoc naive buck 1,2 < Susan Spencer, n I found dead with a bullet hole in fwiled. and | of | Pointment of to the y. both rendered able assist {Rac They miles . Iwas killed instantly, but a wire {Warren's fall. He sustained fractures lof both legs and internal injuries, Charch Was Packed With Curious Spectators. Paris, Ang. 20.--The marriage of Baroness Vaughan, widow of King Emmanuel Darieux, took place, Thursday morning, at Arron membered. The Dixie II defeated the Restless over the Huntington Harbor course, boat elimi race, { The Everett cotton mills, Lawrence, ville, near Balincourt, the residence of Mass., were closed, to-day, and will re- the , The early hour did not open September 6th. About 1,200 save the couple fromthe pho! aph- operatives are affected. .. jers, who were ambushed in the ire, Esther Quinn, in her $50,000 where the civil ceremony {ook place, ] Prof. Harry Thurston and who nearly filled the church where » proposed marriage to the religious function immédiatel- fol- ly t September 15th, MOS, lowed. . Auburn tt, superintendent of | The baroness wore a black dress, publi hools of Sy N.Y., purple hat and a thick veil. She and died on Friday, after an operation for *M. Durieux tried to balk the cameras } itis. He was fifty-nine years by holding handkerchiels to their faces. They were intensely amuoyed to Poughkeepsie, N.Y., find that their attempts at secrecy had Both ceremonies were cut as her head at the home of her nephew, short us possible and were completed Enoch' Tompkins. Tompkins is miss- in fifteen minutes, ing. M. Durieux donated $100. 10 the i EK Stillwell declares the United poor. States cannot prosper unless the rail- roads prosper, and declares that an advance in rates is necessary to insure this. A' special correspondent in Pekin They Are Saying And Doing. (says that. the reinstatement in power | J. D. Thompson, of Cobalt, is in jof Teng-Shao-Yi indicates the Chinese the city. ' ropes commitment to the policy of | 2 3 Corbett has been spending sev- ro J eral days at Collin's Lake. The Canadas Gazette notes the ap-| Miss Flossie Overbaugh, . Stephen Harold Clarke, Toronto, 'street, has returned from Pieton. {to be assistant apeator of gas and| Miss L. Lytle, Main street, has re ielectrigity in the gas and eleptricity of turned home, after visiting friends in fice at Toronto. Bath. At Long Branch rifle ranges, August | Miss Irene Burnett, Watertown, N.Y, 119th, Lieut. L. C. Forrester, 3rd' js visiting Miss Kathleen Smith, Brock Canadian Engineers, on the. alte street. raspy with 102. Maj. McCrimmon, R. | ww, Gibson, druggist, is in the C.R., second, 101, ; general hospital, suffering from an at- | Found guilty of two serious charges fack of rheumatism. jof indecency, Gordon Vaughan, Major and Mrs. Wolff, Royal Military eighteen, of Wellesley, Ont,, was 'sen- College, have taken Mrs. George Sears' tenced to one year in the Central house, on Earl street. i prison with twelve lashes. : L. T. Best, druggist, returned home, | One of the worst forest fires' ever yesterday afternoon, after spending a {known in this section, is porning ten vacation in Peterboro. iles east of Grass Valley, California, |. Mr. and Mrs. William Christley, in the Quaker Hill region. A portion [Queen street, have returned from a of ; the Tahoe national forest is in visit in Watertown, N.Y. danger. ; Major C. H. Gray, 47th Regiment, is | The Sandwich, Ont., ratepayers, by improving nicely. He is now at his an almost unanimous vote, supported home, 66 Nelson street. the - proposal to grant special induce- | Rev. Father A. J. Hanley, rector of ments to the Canadian Salt company St. Mary's cathedral, has gone on a 'in order to wmecure a big chemical trip to Louisville, Kentucky. plant. iss Kathleen Smith, Brock 'street, | According to a special cable despatch has returned home, after spending most from San Sebastian, seven Spanish of the summer down the river, strikers were wounded and seventeen ! George Wilde, with wife and family, comer eecesn, PERSONAL MENTIOA. Movements Of The People---What 1 arrested when a band of two hundred have been spending a pleasant week, | armed with cudgels, attacked twenty camping, at Loughboro Lake. men at work on.a railway.' I Miss Katie Clarke returned to her Dr. Carman is likely to be re-elected home, in Kingston, to-day, after a general superintendent of the Meth- pleasant visit spent on Howe Island. odist church for another eight years, Miss K. Dunphy has returned home, (with an associate superintendent, also 'sfter visiting her grandmother, Mrs. appointed. The Iatter position will Hennessy, Wolfe Island, for some time. to either Rev. Dr. 8. D.| Mrs, Robert Cranston and Master 2 Rev. Dr. Sparling, Mont- Walter Oxford, Deseronto, are visiting real. . her brother, J. A, Williams, Nelson News wan received in Ottawa of the gine ble fatal injury at Vancouver of | Wiss Ruth Williams, Gananoque, vis: artin Warren. was gaged 8% iting lately in Ottawa, has come up the top of a four storey building when 4, Kingston to spend a few days be- the seaffold gave way. A companion fore returning home. broke | Miss Maud Luteman, Lanark, visit- ing Joseph Redmond and other friends in the city for a lew weeks, returned home, yesterday, after a most delight- ful visit. "Bert" Menzies, clerk in Hoag's drew store, is leaving, to-morrow, to spel a few weeks at his home, in Carleton J. Place, and will afterwards attend the Ontario School of Pharmacy, at To- Thurs. ronto. Mr. and Mrs. their INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Re-| porters on Their Rounds, White honey, in sections, 3c. Crawford. > . » i Tx. Dan on W. D. Carmichael have After dinner mints, pestectly fresh [rented lovely home, "Tinturs at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. | Place," Mack street, and have takew - The Portsmouth school board has one of the new houses on Albert street not engaged any teacher as yet. jbeing built by J. M. Litton, Fronten- William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders ac street. i . received at McAuley's. Phones 778. Policeman . Reynolds and wile, a When your corn hurts say Blue Jay (Mrs. Hill, of Hamilton, visiting Stafl- and remember Gibson's Red Cross Sergt. and Mrs. Pateman, 99 Bay drug store. Phone 230. street, for a couple of weeks, returned William Boyd, Colborne street, has {home on Tuesday, highly pleased with pucshased a "fine grey team from an | their visit in the old Limestone City. mberst Island man for his cab, 3 ------ H.. © piano tuner f MAP. Je. Main Reason, Chickering's. Leave orders at Lopdon. Normanton used to. bs A Auley's baakstore, or of the Bachelors' Club, and A: man named Murphy, whose term, he tells the wollowing story of a wed- ut the penitentiary hes expired, WAS: | dingy breakfast at which all his fellow hortlay, removed. to the Hamilton asy-| 0, ho were present. were, awl wit od to Live a reason for theiy or- Blukerte,fn pall, : Conond, [hoa "1 sm ke the fog in the < * fable," id one, "wi on 7h e., be, for 19; baby's silk bon- Javed the water, wonld not jump into . v the well because he knew he could not jump out again." '1 am too selfish" an asother; "and 1am hpbest enough to admit it." "7 prefer," said a third, "liberty, refrediing sleep, the ors, midnight suppers, quiet sexu. sion, dreams cigars a bank account, and club to cold meat babv-linen. soo- thing arp, rocking horses, . ed nudding, empty pockets, } ve a twin brother." said the last, 'we have never had, a sécret from ther. He is married." © | sickness. N of the medicine bottles ' nor surkical supplies of #00800 sssccsnene S000 cssstovcecestose em 7.30 to 10 O'clock We will place the following specials on sale To-Night, 7.30 to 10 o'clock. * Children's Tan Sox 125 pairs Children's Plain Tan Cotton Box, fast colors, sizes 4 to 6} inches. Sold regular at 10c. TO-NIGHT 6c. Children's Tan Lace Sox 75¢ pair Children's Tan Lace Sox, sizes 5} inches to 7}. Good value at 12}{¢ and 15¢. TO-NIGHT 9c PAIR. Women's Knitted Drawers | 8 Dozen Only White Cotton Drawers, made good and wide, with lace frill. Regular 26c qualtty. TO-NIGHT 18c. White Knitted Vests 10 dozen Women's White Knitted Vests, short or no sleeves, finished at neck with lace. Regular 20c. TO-NIGHT 12}c, To-Night and Monday 75 WHITE DAMASK TABLE COVERS IN A GOOD CHOICE OF FLORAL DESIGNS, SOME WITH DRAWN BORDERS, SIZE " X 86. SPLENDID WEARING QUALITY. REGULAR $1.35. ( To-Night 98¢. To-Night COME TO US FOR THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES, AS YOU WILL FIND FULL ASSORTMENT OF THE VERY NEWEST IN EACH LINE. RIBBON FOR HAIR. NEW FRILLINGS. DUTCH COLARS. NEW JABOTS, GLOVES IN SILK AND LISLE THREAD, BOYS LEATHER KNIT STOCKINGS. GIRLS' COTTON STOCKINGS, In Tan, Pink, Light Blue, Black, White. 0000000000000 00000000 00000000000 0000000000F¢ GIRLS. Patent and Tan Calf Pumps, good soles, leather bows. Regular $2, for $1.25, Size 11 to 2. ; Children's Canvas Low Shoes, leather tips, good leather soles, 8, 9, 10, 2 : For 35¢. Ladies' $2 Patent Oxfords, 3 Now $1.68. Ladies" $2.50 Patent Oxfords, tii ; ' 1.88, Ladies' $3 Patent Pumps, i BRR 00000000000000000000000000000000000006