ERLE We have some excel- lent Soft Lump Coal for threshing engines. Try it, and you will ba sirprised to see how | quickly it will Sleam. aki p ree i vention, which was 'to have been held jithis sumper. some time ago to reprefent Saskatche- | HAPPY RESULTS OBTAIN ED. By the Use of the New Scalp Anti- It wouldd't take long to number the hairs in the heads of some pegple, the youson heibg they havén't many to 'number, In most instances, how- pve, the [anlt is their own. A germ ut the root soon plays havoc with the most Jaxuriant growth and causes it to fade und fall out. A remedy for Hix has recently been discovered, enlled Newbro's Merpicide, that acts by déstroving the germ. that does the < damn, shesidles removing all im- Jrusition from: the sealp. In addition Permits new Hie and vigor to euter | the weulp, and happy results are sure {0 be obtiined from its we. Try it. Sold by leading druggists. Send Ye. ih stamps for sample to the Horpivide Co, Detroit, Mich. ¥] bot- thet unrantend, "James Mcleod, spe cial hggent. PUBLIC NOTICE Te WINSTIN BEGS: TO 3 inform the inhabitants of Kings- ton and didtrict that he has open- ed business at 168 Wellington street, in the rooms over Care PB noveky's, as a Ladies' Custom raflor with a cholee selection of the Latest Materials and Styles. and wishes the people to call bee 5 fore the rush, Every attention y ven. Style and fit £ "Kade up. . fa owns materials ade up. Pieuwe call and glve me a trial, and I guarantees satisfaction. L. WINSTIN. We recommend our work to be first class. Send a card and | we will call for and deliver yolir laundry. We replace blittons fred of charge. gat half-cock. ern men would be very apt to repudi- platform, and that Ro iets. on Monday' Sad Hay at §1 a year. arge for making price Of i year. hed is one of best Job . in Canada; Mylish, cheap AD Work: nine improv wi Suite 19 and | Benalipotes, 3. Tt 2 BE raise Baile Wibig. CONVENTION CALLED OFF. The Regina leader pokes fun at those who were eledied to reflect west- ern sentiment at the conservative con- "The delegates chosen wan conservatism at the proposed con- vention," says the Leader, "should feel grateful to Mr. Borden for having saved them the tiresome jourpey around the north shore of Lake Su- perior to the federal capital to adopt a platform. Much money and equally valuable time is thus saved, and Mr, Borden, at all events, is satisfied that the product of his own brain is quite as good, if not superior, to any plat form which the combined wisdom of Canadian conservatism, including the Saskatchewan delegation, »" eminent | tive party is to be congratulated on having such an exceptionally able and far-seeing leader." Mr, Borden may i justified in his action, and it is pro 'hable that he acted with the concur- rence of his parliamentary associates. It 'costs less for one to go across the country and confer with the party at convenient points, and in the quiet of the gloaming information can be pick: confidentially and quietly. Tn men are liable to go off For instance, the west- ed up conventions ate the Halifax ¥ would he an exceedingly awkward pao- pb eveding. THE LORDS WILL LISTEN. The Technical Commission is calling out evidence from the people of a very practical matare, Remember that it is designed to demonstrate what are the crying needs of the country. Education i# under the direction of the province; and has been since confede- ration. It would be manifestly" impro- if per on aby actount to relieve the pro- vince of the responsibility though it expresses its willingness that ' this should be the case. "The commission, composed of most ll 'competent persons, under the predic i BE Cia sem fehl ent Po scat. AhLETO, 01 (Femerly BIBBY'S CAB STAN 'DAY OR NIGHT. *Forale Cheap + 'denéy of Dr. Robertson, até principal of the Macdonald College, is now down by the sea, and he has been heafing from manufacturers and business men want has been said 'by teachers. in Ontatio, and to the effect that the trend of education, especially in the "secondary 'schools, Has been towards a college rather thin a practical career. The complaint in this city, which has eT -- al meetings of the man- agement committee, and in Toronto at 'meetings of the Educational Associa tion, was that the dirticulum was not fitted for the equipment of studenis for the battle of life outside of the professions. It is_gratifying to see that the Technical Commission, is accumulating evidence along the same lines, and it may, as a result, make representations which ®aniiot be ignored by our Edu- cation Department. This 'department is not in as close touch with the peo: ple as it should be.. Its inspectors, of high schools ' particularly, are men who know absolutely nothing about practical ov business life... All their in: fluence and advice go into recommend- ations which affect the professions, and Tires Stone Houses In row, Nos. (he people Are on the verge of rebel- 114, 116, 118 Ordnance Street; No. 204 King Street; 12 rooms; modern; lion. No. 218 King Street, No. 32 Ontario The committee from the Fiducational aa. 124 rooms; all modern; brick; Society will probably make a strong 'statément 'on the subject, and i this 3 + be hecompanied or backéd by a state GEC " © tarence i Be Besse sssnssssens 00 . . fo : o! ; i - a + ment Of ithe commission; bitsed on the | reprodentations of the people, = the | theorists who build the educational in- 'tersats of our province in an imperi- 'onk or arbitrary way, will perhaps wndescend to lisuin "and ings their i np---- "earch OF FRIENDS. mn by the Taft administrh- ' 88 La ihe "tridls Wis he Pebding Ce., To. Li. new . election eannot be, faced -- @, 77th YEAR. but_bhe did not reckon upon the rE trusts and the peeversity" FAT "their 'representatives. ' He beld np the amended tarifi. He cajoled and threatened, and to no purpose. There were" 'some modifications, but the tariff revised things upwards, and . the paver of 1 effects were an increase last year of mang many millions in the revenue. A with broken promises and the party makes some atonement by the abandonment ol Aldrich and Hale, The Ballinger case is a serious one. The president accepted his secretary's side and defended him as long as he could, He realizes, however, that Bal- linger must go. The west will not believe him innocent of dealing with land and miners] and power grabbers, und the people will not receive a ver- dict to that effect. _J¢ has been ready for some time but held back. Mean- while public opinion has been assert- ing itself, and reluctantly the presi- dent lets his secretary Go--shows him the door indeed--and that act may appease the ingurgents and help to unite the party. . Finally old man Cannon appears as a heroic figure. He has admirable fighting qualities. He likes a scrap, and despite his seventy odd years can staid vp or stand pat and deliver blow for blow. He has not taken the notice to quit seriously." He will again be a candidate for EE ection, {could possibly produce. The conserva- i e be kelifidod, ito personal relations, when a | tion {that letters Lat onee- go for days yailed for Porto Rico. and if he is successful he will attend caucus, and he will take the | apenkership if it is tendered to him. contingency there is little some of his that however, since supporters hitherto have pledged them- selves to close his account. To drop all these friends may deeply affect the president. He is not doing it cheerfully. Tt is a contingency of party polities which shows heartless men must be, how indifjerent how crisis makes it imperative. EDITORIAL NOTES. What is the matter with the educa- department ? The complaint is that should be answered without replies. The business end of the department wants reorgagizing, Sir James Whitney is a strong man, and boasts that he never backs down on anything. No? Well, he backed down on the entrance examination question, and he did not do it in a very graceful way. The republican papers expect a re- conciliation between the parties as a result. of Aldrich, Hale, Cannon and Ballinger being offered as a sacrifice. But when factions start to fight it is hard to, get them calmed. The Halifax platiorm, built by Mr. Borden before the last election, néeds repairing. The Toronto. News must not overlopk this fact, and must not inagine that 1903 ds the only one that is out of shape. ' The conservative convention which was to have been held this year has been abandoned. What is the infer- enge ¥ Are the party leaders, outside of Borden and Doherty, not to havea hand in platform building ? Are these the only men who can use an axe? And now in England there are the girl scouts, and they put the boys in the shade. Some people do not like the idea of girls going into camp. Why fot ¥ Cannot they be benefitted by | the "distiplind, * the out-door exercise, and the fresh air? Castro Family Expelled, Washington, Aug. 23.-The entige Castro family uppswnily has been ousted from Venezuela. A despatch to the #tate department from the legation at Caravas states that forty-six rela tives of former President Castro have been expelled from Venezuela and have Late in 1908, President Castro left Venezuna, for. Europe. When he tried to return he was not allowed to land in Venezuela and has been kept out of that country eer since. What was the occasion for the lalest outburst against the Castro family was not explained in the brief «de spatch to the department. Child Burned to Death. 8¢, John, N.B., Aug. 23.--Word was received of a distressing tragedy at the liberal platform of THE The Penman company will establish a a at' Brantford to employ 500 girls s E. H. Halpenny, was re-elected Bors at Winona summer school, for teacher training. Cheese sales : St. Hyacinthe, 0c. Watertow, N.Y., Mic. to 4c; po 1je.; London, 10§e. Chief Game Warden Tinsley says all danger from rabies is over and dogs should be unmuzzied. Penny postage within the Australian commonwealth, probably, will be in- troduced ut the new year. William G Gles up lo the Teronto police had shot and seriously man. The reported fall of Managud, without resistance, following the entry of the insurgent forces; on Monday, is con- firmed. ® An unknown men was found with his throat cnt near Fdmonton, and with 'every sign of a desperate struggle about the spot. A find of gas is reported from Ver- cheres, Que. Four wells have been Lor- ed and a company is being formed to pipe the gas +o Montreal. speculator, said to be an Ameri- ean, is buying up all possible window space; in. Montreal, slong the route of the eucharistic congress procession. Frederick © Smith; an Indian, was shot dead at Black Bear, a fishing camp on Lake Winnipeg, while trying to stop a fight between two other nn. Forty-nine Japanese scalers are prisoners at Unalaska, Alaska, having been seized by the United States au thorities on the charge of unlawfully sealing. Wilton C. Paull, of the University of Pennsylvania, ran a mile in a strong wind at Celtic Park in 4m. 22 1-3. cutting two sesonds from the track record. A tablet has been birthplace of Goldwin Smith, on Griar street, Reading, Eng., which possesses a valuable collection of his works, Capt. Kendall, of the Montrose, has been offered a huge salary by a Lon- don music hall to do a turn "With Crippen to Canada." He has refused the offer. Henrietta Lobail, aged seventeen months, daughter 'of Louis Lobail, Montreal, fell into a tub containing three inches of water, while playing about at her home, and was drowned. HIS REQUEST. gave himeeli and said he wounded a placed at the J Miss Dixan--No, Mr. Hixon, I do not loveiyou, but 1 respect you, and 1 am sure you will make some woman a most excellent husband. Hr. Hixon--Well, won't you pléase give me a letter of recommendation to the woman? arrose spec LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Prices. Paid at ® jw Centres, Montreal, Aug. 22.--About 150 head of butchers' cattle, 250 calves, 1,- 825 shéep and lambs and 1,000 hogs were offered for sale at the Point 5t Charles stockyards this forenoon. The offerings of live steck at this market during 'the week were 2,380 cattle, 560 calves, 2475 sheep and lambs, and 1. 650 hogs. There were fourteen loads of North-West range cattle on the mar ket, which helped to, depress the prices of pretly good stock, while mutton critters were a shade easier. Prime beeves sold ai ¥rom Gc. to Ge. per 1h.; the general prices of range cattle were from Beto Ble. per. lh; a few of the beat steers ringing ble. and some of ie cows less n 43¢. per ib. Onlvesiold ai from 4¢. to 6c. per Ih Sheep sold at from 4c. to $c. per Ih Lambs at 6c. to 7c. per Ib. Good lots of hogs sold at about 9c. pet Ih. The Various 'Chicago Cattle Prices. Chicago, Aug. 22.-Cattle receipls 2 2 epee Left Halt His Money to Owner of {written in odd ways, bat few last tes Mo ™ bookkeeping is done with the _Aypewriter ---- the 'Undér. wood Typewriter. cures compactness, abso- lute legibility, and multi- plicity of copies when- ever required, : It se- UNITED TYPEWRITER C0. LTD. 4. R. CO. DOBRS, KINGSTON. WE ARE NOT Laggards NOT MUCH! Early in business life we dis- covered the fact that to do things at the time required meant success. PLUMBING PROMPTLY DONE. is, #4" rule we strictly adhere to, Our customers already know this, but--do you? DAVID HALL, 66 Brock St. "hories, Store, 335 : : : Residence, 8506 JOS. B. ABRAMSON $+ COLBORNE STREET, KINGSTON, Dealer in all kinds of Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats, also Ladies' Suits, Offering special reductions In Lin- oleums and Oflcloths for one week | only All gizes of Rugs, Lace Curtains, "henille, and Tapestry Goods ©Oil- cloths, Carpets, Jewellery, Blankefs Art Squares, etc, sold on Weekly, Fortnightly and Monthly Instal- ments. Easy payments. } All kinds of Boots and Shoes, Ladies', Men's, Children's. «Call at my residence and examine my stock. COME, SEE. COMPARE. Highest Grades GASOLINE, COAL: OIL. LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets, Toye's Building. As one grows Old the bowels grow less active, Some then take harsh cathartics, and their bowels harden. Then they | multiply the dose. Some! take candy Casgcarets, They act in natural "Ways, and one tablet a day is sof- ficient. Vest- -pocket drug stores. tion" boxes moathly. box, 10 cents--at People pow uss a mil- 861 DAINTY LACE CLEANED, Somethifig that cannot be done by many. But you ean rest easy on the why we clean the finest lace, R. PARKER & CO., 'Dyers and Cleamers, "89 Princess St, Kingston, Ont. WiLL ON BUTCHER'S BILL. ¥ Ship Toronto, Aug. 2WiHlls have been I GLUE GOOD APPEARANCE ARE STRONGLY IS ANY SPECIAL STRAIN ARE DOUBLY STRENGTHENED. 3 FOR BOYS, * & fF BOYS' SWEATERS, 23¢ 16 $2.50. BOYS' CAPS, 10¢ to 73e¢. ; BOYS' BLOOMER PANTS, $1.00; $1.25, $1.50. TT IS WITH A CF IORI ORR ORC 'Clothes, like good looks and good company, have a lasting effect on a | boy" 's life. Clothe the school boy well. 2 OUR SCHOOL CLOTHES ARE MADE FOR US oY A SPECIAL ¥ MAKER IN / ACCORDANCE WITH OUR DICTATION, | THE FABRICSANE VERY CAREFULLY SELECTED FOR ) DURABILITY. THE SEAMS POINTS WHERE THERE AND FOR SEWED, AND ALL SUITS $2.50 to $10. OUR GOOP SUITS ARE VERY MUCH CHEAPER IN THE END THAN THE "BARGAIN SALE JOB LOT" OFFERING OF SCHOOL SUITS, WHICH IN NEARLY EVERY CASE PROVE TO BE VERY DISAPPOINTING. See Our Special $4.50 Bloomer Suits FOR BOYS, 7 YEARS TO 14 YEARS. See Our Special $5.00 Suits FOR BOYS, 10 TO 16 YEARS. See Our Special $6.50 High School 12 TO 46 YEARS, STRAIGHT OR BLOOMER PANTS. ORONO MADE FROM CHOICE FABRICS, < * BOYS HOSIERY, 13¢, 28¢, 400, BOC. BOYS SHIRTS, 23¢ to 70¢, BOYS' COLLARS, BOYS' KNICKERS, 2tor 2c. ot By The, £1.00, BOYS' UNDERWEAR, 15¢, 28¢, B8¢, S0¢, 8c, EOEORCRO re f § The H. oman Co The Big Store With Little Prices. $0600099494400040644066 496483380044 99400000000 THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. : Manufacturers of . Traps and Bends, Solder, Brass Ferrules, Iron nd Lead Combina-@ tion Ferrules. Write for prices. S OFFICE: 38 WIJ LIAN STREET, TORONTO. Suit Cases Specials at $2.00; 3.00, 5.00, $6.00 We carry Slso everything in Travel ling Goods.