-- vings Accounts, Household and Business "Ac- counts are all invited at The Bank of Toronto. Experienced courteous officers will give your business careful attention. arko! Toor BRANCH: 107 PRINCESS STREET. ls getting tired and won't cut, we can you a new one cheaper than you | the old We have PRESIDENT WALSH OF TORONTO SUBMITTED HIS REPORT. a -- rove " , : a a i tgomeral and Had (he amurauos of thas! A 0 H CONVENTION :=<::. thai all objectionable matter i» W Jo ' ' : be barred from the mails. : 1 The ident suggested thet the l Dr Ee i at visionn be taken up. He extended i. to all bis colleagues 'on the board for the able assistance given him during his § Strong Plea That Irish History be term of office. Taught the Children, and Special Attention be Given to It--Refer- ence to Caricaturing of Irish Race ~The Delegites Who Have Regis- tered. At the Tuesday afternoon session of the provincial board of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, a report = was submitted the president, H. . Walsh, of Toronto, who referred to many matters of interest to the mem- bers of the order. ; In the report Mr. Walsh pointed out that since the last convention had At the Wednesday session, the time was given over 10 the receiving of re ports, all of which were most encour- aging, Showing: a good inesenwe. ju his work, | Following is a list of the delegates in attendance : Carleton county--Div. No.l, Galpin, James (Brien, L. ¥. des i . "iv. No, 2, GP. Holan. Div. No. 3,"J. E. Pender. Div. ! No. 4, George O/Conner, 0. J.D. Cun- i : Carleton county-- County board of Cantwell, W. J. Kane, H. X.| RAE WR _pATLY RTRSY wwe. 10. WEDNESDAY. ATGUST 34. 1910. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From Al Over the World. William Minor, Yarmouth, was found dead in his AGAINST GRANTING USE OF srm------ | Edmund' Bristol, M.P., Toronto, is To the Board of Education for recovering from ibe effects of an EF : In - iden 'mittee "From the t presidents" match, at the 'and Report to Board of DRA, Ottawa, Lieut.-Col. Cunning< 3 ham won $5 with a score of twenty be Mackenzie and Mann have closed an opin- option for the purchase of over 4. 000 acres of iron land at Grand Ra- pids, on Mattagami. v At Wingham, Out., Jobn Wallon Nicholson, the twelve-year-old sou 'of . William Nicholson, contractor, was arson, drowned in the Maitland river. The boy had been playi at. the mill dam and it is as he slipped in- i to the water, : been held, many things had transpired, a. : which were of utmost interest to the \ poh countvaDiv. No. 2. D. W members of the organization. He paid | * Brien, M. = McDermott, = County a warm tribute to the work of the | boatd, D. J. Sullivan, : Gaelic League. While the work has | pererboro comnty--Div. No. 1, J. J. only been carried on successfully in a Hickey, Joseph: Kelley. few places in America, it had taken | Janark county=Div. No. 1, G. J. hold of the Irish people. Ome great !Mgher, J, J. Smith, C. J. Kehoe. Div. opportunity before the organization IN, 3 J. O'Hare, J. Fitzgerald. Coun- was that of having Trish history fag board, J. T. Connolly, E. J. taught to the children. This could be (Gorman. : done, to a certain extent, in the home, | York eounty--Div. No. 1, John but the most effective method would 'Groves. Div. No. 2, Charles Devine, be to teach it in the schools. In the [A T, Harman. Div. No. 3, D. Mad- past this part of the work had been tion, John Hurst, iv. No. 4, J. somewhat neglected. The speaker Casey. Div. No. 5, H. McCafiray, H. hoped that in the near future, some Keeley, N. J. K. . County board, hod would be adopted, which P. W. Falvey. Id bring this dream of many years | Wentworth county-Div. No. 1, J. B, to a reality. { Traynor, B. n,' J. Nelligan. Div. The president referred to the "most No. 2, G, & I. County -F. disgusting method" of caricaturing of {J. Phillips. 3. the Irish race, with the picture post-! Elgin eounty~Div. No. 1, cards. He said that he had been in o communication with the postmaster: | leeds county-<Div. No. 1, Byron. PUBLIC NOTICE, i= ~-%:.v. : Brien. s | Provincial hoard. ' J. "Walsh, pre- News for Ladies silent, Toronto; James Mélaughtin, first vi ident, Ottawa; *W. E. gin Jou, FALL to have wee Of Your (Mears, UMAWG; A. F. Tobin, insur: {hg pice clothes age, mede perfectly by ance saretutydrensarer, Ottawa; A attor. Your friends jy MeQuaid, treasurer, Kingston; Dr. d ¥ il like it, a ' . 3 2 i will Tike Jt stil better Ever aH ention A, W. Dwyre, Perth, chief « médical iven 10: the latest styles Prease call examiner; C. J." Poy, solicitor, Perth; Eye Srders 40 you can ses ny Rev. Fr. Harkins, chaplain, Almonte. | « Frontenac county--Div. No. 1, Pr. L. WINSTIN. % W. A. MeCarthy, J. J. Lackie, Wil 590 WELLINGTON STREET, liam James. County board, Dr. C. (Over Carnovsky's). A. Morrison, T. J. O'Connor, Dr. E. PRICES REASONABLE, Ryan, 1. J. Leahy. | The following are the lay delegates SEPP PPP0ATRTe to the auxiliary : WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. ¢ | Provincial board, chair lady, Miss Purniture Bales given 1 ate MN. E. Mallon, Toronto; secrétary, Miss tention. Country Sales nt Farma ete, have am laity E. Chambers, Ottawa; secretary-trea- ' 3. Spec surer, Miss EK. Cassidy, Ottawa; io- 'the high Joiiar, -- services. 3 'surance treasurer, Miss 'A. King, St. MARKET SQUARR Thomas; ident, Miss &. 0'Comnor, Ottawa; Miss R, 3. Rachelly, Toron. to; Mrs, 'M. Monaghan, Sault Ste. g i P Li PRICES RANGING * very latest materials and styles. FROM $15 to $33. Marie; Mrs. R, Reath, St. Thomas; delegates from Div, No, 1, Ottawa, Mise L.A, McBride, Migs 8. Donough, C, Gallagher, B, Cassidy and A. Pad- TT VATICAN's REPLY. 4 Rome, Aug. 24.-<In' reply to 'the. Spanish government's a 8 protests "the eler + 'violent sermons," the vati- + can idetlares that the Span- % ish clergy are behaving &dmir- + ably, and are' simply 'calling + "the attention of the faithful & to the'attempts by the Span- # ish government -against the + 'tights 'and libedties "of the * H k = 4 A > + > + Fae we Movements OF The © --- What ae ALSO ~ New Fall Skirts in Voilles, ~ - Panamas and Serges AT VERY LOW PRICES. Midstd Rose' find" Frere Niehivtson are [visiting in Toronto {and Rochester. , Miss Gertie Craig, Olarenive' street, is spending 4 visiting friends - n N A * Miss Ethel Gibwon, nurse, New Yuik, in i af, ia : theiey at ACA. camp, Sugar ls- Misses Delphina and Miss Martina 125: Bagot street, left on Sa: turday, dor arweek to visit feiemds in Moscow Capt. and Mrs. Sedgewick are in the Prices S0c, 60c, 5c, cy fl CC aa$1%ayem. + quarters formerly jod- by Maj. LHR. oY de: Bury -at the: Royal 'Mili eed * * 3 + & + | baked. 'he city solicitor wrote a \ letter to the committee, pointing out the facts of the case, and as a result the committee had no ether course to rdeertn Prange t was sta t the opi of 'some other oficial ight be - we- cured. 'A joint meeting the com- mittee 'and the board of education may be called Jater on in the week to talk over 'matters. | "The ety solicitor holds that as the school was given over to the gover nors of the School of Mining the vor- poration has 'pow no right to hand it over to. the: board of, education, even though the building may not be oe 1 "hie convevance was made by deed, in the usual form, on June 15th, 1894. ' ' SHEFF PFPFFIPFPVVI INE PIE MNS TO MAKE AMENDS. Blueffelds, Nicaragua, Aug. 24 General Estrada cabled Secretary of State Knox. at Washington, an assurance to the 'American people of - his warm regard and of going to make smends for the execu- tion of the Americans, Can- non apd Groce, and ' other unfriendly acts toward the United States by Presidents Zelaya and 'Madriz. Gene- ral Chamorro, acting as dele- gate for General Estrada, is now provisional president of the republic. and is awaiting the arrival of Estrada at Managua. FEEL B EPRI ESRI $4202 4 EPS 4000040004 LOOKING POR HIS MAIL. Prof. Patchett ©annot Get Religious Ceremony * Performed. By a curious German law, with Prince Bismark as its formulator, an interval must elapse between a civil marriage and the religious service, in the' kaiser's dominions. Also the no- tice of the 'civil dontract must be pub- lisled in German in the country in which either party intends living. | Thus, before Prof. Patchett can married by a clergyman, and bring his bride to Cima; he to wait till his ¢ivil marriage, reach Germany. This marciags. was performed some Ww Ss ago, and the iikaaent is rather anxiously looking Canadian maid these days. i Excursion From the West. | The Citivens' band, of Cobourg, ran an excursion. in over the Grand Trunk, this morning, arriving in the "city about 10:30 o'clock. They were transferred to the steamer Caspian rand will spend the day down among the islands. They will return to Co- bourg this afternoon by special train at 5:30 p.m. About 200 people took advantage of the low rates to see Kingston 'and the Thousand Islands. A Nasty Wound. Paul 'Schetagne, Wellington street, a lineman in the employ of the Bell Tele- company; had the 'misfortune to day this week. While falling his hand came in contact with a barbed wire fence and a piece of flesh was torn off the palm, causing a nasty wound. After a Fast Runner. Hutchinson, 'a fast ' runper, from Clayton, N.Y., may be secured for the Labor day Marathon. The committee is in commumication with him, and it may be that he will come. has made vome fast time in races held re: cently. LOF, Take the tmp to Picton Thursday to hear the supreme chief ranger. Turnkey Wilson, Woodstock jail, has bean. dismissed because of liquor that was brought in to. the prisoners. The turnkey says he was not to blame. The genuine Turkish- delight, twice Sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. "Phone 230. >| prisoners, fall out of a tree near Collins Bay one | i 88. Virginian, inward, 190 miles east of Belle isle; SS. Mongolian, inward, at St. John's, Nfld; SS. Hesperian, inward, 135 miles east of Relle Isle; 88. Sicilian cleared from: Havre for { Quebec; 88. Manchester Spinner, in. ward, at Father Point. Figures showing the work done by the railway commission, durin, the last fiscal year, have been ---- Ap- plications totalled, $6,125; orders is- ixued, 3.810; filings received, 33,337. The applications increased by 2,646 and orders by 1,061 over the previous year, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Re | * porters on Their Rounds. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders . received at McAuley's. Phone 778. | The police wish to extend thanks to Mrs. George Cliff for a donation of magazines, May Wax will race N.Y., on Thursday, in and 2.16 trot. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. leave orders at Mo Auley's bookstore. LO.F, excursion day, with R.C.H.A. band, Hon. E. G. Stevenson, S.C.R. Perfectly fresh, in different size bot- tles, sodium phosphate, cures sick headache and biliousness, Sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Residents of Upper Colborne street were awakened the other might by the sound of breaking wood in the street. One resident took the trouble to look out of the window and observed a person pulling planks off the old hoardwalk. He quietly remarked that ihe wished a few left for his own use, whereupon: the midnight raider took his departure, WORK OF SALVATION ARMY. at Courtland, a 2.13 pacing to meet Officers Interviewed Prisoners at the Penitentiary. Lieut.-Uol. Pugmore and Stafi-Capt. Sims, of the Salvation Army's prison and social operations, accompanied Adjutant Smith to the penitentiary, | Tuesday, and interviewed a number of ascertaining their needs, iwith a view to helping them on their discharge. The colonel stated, yester- # copies of the Whig, containing the an- day, that over 600 men had been per- + nouncement of manently helped this past year, and jaye every promise of living a better ife. The colonel spoke and sang to a Jarge audience in the citadel, last | night. Both the colonel and the staff Ieaptain left on the midnight train, for Montreal, to visit the prisons and so- |eial institutions in the east, i Brigadier Hargrave will conduct the meeting at the citadel on Sunday, and will also solemnize the marriage cere- mony of one of the local bandsmen, |sHOULD FIMST CONSIDER COST. Ald. Toye's View on MucheTalked of Pavement Question. A Whig representative mel Ald. Toye {after a prominent citizen had been talking permanent pavements, to-day, {and asked him for his opinion on the situation, as it now stood, "In my opinion, the question which now has to be considered is that of thow the money is to be raised," said {Ald. Toye. "This is the first thing | that should be settled. It is not a matter as to how much it will cost, say if it would cost about $20,000 or $25,000, but it is a matter of how the money will be raised. When this has been settled then the council can go on and decide upon the kind of paving that will be carried on. reine FULLY DEVELOPED. Was the Child Born to a Young Wo- man, Toronto, Aug. 24.--As the result of a birth of a folly developed child, i he doeter » view, the Ewers first got four years but was reduced later to two years, The girl swore the offence took place Feb- ruary 6th last, The birth of a child, 'a few days ago, has given the lawyers another tunity to demand an. other revision of the sentence. ---------------- Baseball Record. Eastern Laague antral, 33; Pro 2.4, 23. oh 4 A 3; B 14% .. 2. Bufialo, 3-4; Jersey City, 25. To ronto, 5; Newark, 4. American League- Boston, 13; St, Louis, TI. Chicage, 1; Washington, 0. New York, 3: Reisoit, 2. Philadelphia, 1; Clevel " National League--8t, Louis, 4; + New sd, Boston, 2. Cine cinnati, 5 » 1. Philadelphia, 6; Pittsburg, 2 Show at Lake Ontario Park. to Picton, Thurs] S80E000s00sssstintancsssssssssssssstoce SPECIAL SALE | TO-MORROW, ALL DAY We have secured some particularly good things duting the past ten days and will "To-morrow place them on sale. 2,000 Yards Summer Wash Goods Consisting of Scetch Ginghams, White Muslin, Colored Suitings, Duck Suitings, Galateas. The prices range from 10c, 12}c, 15e, 26¢, 36c¢. Your Choice To-morrow 143 Off NPR sl at 11000 Yards White Victoria Lawn This was a special purchase at a price much below its real worth, and To-mor- row, coinmenciag at 9 a.m. aud continuing while the lot lasts, at 7c yard Children's White Dresses Children's Print Dresses, Children's Gingham Dresses, To-morrow 13 Off. NN, L CORSETS French Model Corsets, $1.50, 1.00, 1.75, 1.25, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00. Crompton 'Corsets, 50¢, 75¢, $1, 1.26, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, Obildren's Corset Waists, in a great va- riety of makes, 25¢, 49c, 3Yc. Butterick Autumn Fashions The Large Book. FREE PATTERN in each book. BORPROLLONOLRBORIVODINIRLNANLREBILORLUNILENY i " { g Suit Case for $5 A great Bargain, Soli Leather, 2 Straps all round. Linen Lined. ~~ Sizes 24 inch, The Lockett Shoe Store 2000000000000 OGS / * -- or Ll P8000 esReRcRROsR ORNS IO