a worth, Aug. 26.--J, ------ oe ad GBA = Ws Liss Foupio As0 ¢ And What They Are Saying. * Polialdson Notes. Bogan Ost, Aug. al. Mrs, €. « {| Viooman, North Bay, is visiting jenital home here. Miss Ethel gave a pleasant birthday 6 her little girl friends on Sa- Mrs. A. McDonald, of Dalhou- , and daughter, Mrs. L. , of Elphin, sre visiting at . Jones'. Misses V. MéDongall i. Ferguson visited their friends, cKinnon, over Sunday. Flower, , 35. ~Migs Flora Craw- , Miss Ethel McConegnl, and Chif- otd Deschman have gove west. Mrs, 'Mollonegal intends going west on August 30th. Mrs. Ceorge Simp- #0h avd Cecil Burke, Folger, are visit- y friends here. Wilfrid Jackson is from Folger. The family of Rob- on, are moving to Kingston September Ist. There ' are wely any blackberries this vear Tamworth Won at Ball. A. Floyd, "and children at D. B. Floyd's. on Shields left Tuesday evening Man, W. A. Fuller, of N ¢ Sunday. in town with other. Mrs, Euler and Miss Sim- visiting at D. B. Floyd's, left reday morning for their home in a, There wis a g Roman. Catholic picnig at ! ra or. hi Band game between Erinsvi a ended 2 to 6, in fa- vor of Tamworth. i... Jive. dood Crops, Oso Station, Age. 2 Mast of the farmers are titgligh Riveting and "report OC ¢ . Much sympathy i ied vd Mrs, John F. their eldest boy, aged seventeen, cand. alvo Carrie; aged ten. Both died fide of a week, Miss Top Abbott has returned to Kingston aftér spend- es month with friends here. Mr. { od ' 4 er, Mrs. Henry Chambers, Se., spent few dave at E. Bourk's, Inst week, Hester Bourk has returned after Chesnev, 3} to stay at the home - AOnRoY. te , Aug. #.-Quite a number p attended the Oddfellows' oe at Napanee on Sanday last. G. Valleau spent a few days with ds at Trenton last week. School d on Monday last with Mrs. ® as teacher. R. Paul made a trip to Cow Hill on Monday. Mr. Mrs. Yorke, Verons, was the of Foy Atey on Monday, E. John to build a new i on Bi baby, which | we are glad to say, is nber : from here went King berviga, but report hem ¥ + Miss Th at tricks; Mr. Lochend at H. ins; T. Wood and family and Hobinson, at Mes. A. Woods', Sebati, , Mrs, C. Rooke nnd Miss Ethel Juckson, all , N.Y., ure visiting at Me. Hoselton's.. BH. Rooke and F. ry, Whitehall," N.Y., arrived, duy, on a visit 10 Mrs. G. W, fo visiting at Ohcion : M18 Vv at ur Barley"s, M8. ha in itn ids at Rideau Ferry. Miss L. B. ton and G. W, Hoselton, also C. - J. Douglas, all of Rochester, v , on Sunday last, at G. s. W. K. Gordon, mauag- nu Ceown bank, Teft ednesday, for Winnipeg, 4 Gomlay, «of Toronto, to take Mr. Gordon's Misa Blasithe Eb ngs wind at W. oplifi's, , Aug: 23.--The annual har- of the Methodist church, Grove ai ¥ hs morrow, August r ces of the Ladies' reopened, with don, Brockville, as teach- ation of ihe Roman a on , August 17th; which was a few days with A. W. wnt. The Misses M the guests of Misa Ferguson, Miss Rose Root, Rochester, NY.» a few weeks at her home, on Star Islaml. Miss Morehead, Saskatoon, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Derritt Williams. Mrs. Smythe, Ottawa, is ing a few dave with her sigter, Mrs, Arthur Debs) Tomy, far, Abuaa filled the pulpit 1 ne Fog: lish church; Sunday moruiog. Given Connections, Leo Lakd, Aug. 23 Harvesting ix completed and threshing has com- menced. The Leeds Rural Telephone company has been given connections with the Bell line at Seeley's Bay. Mrs. M. Forrester has returned, after accompanying her sister, Mrs, J. Done van, of Wionipeg, Man., on a visit with friends at Kingston, Syracuse and Montreal. Miss i. Moran has re turned to resume duties in teaching. H. Forrester, G. and W. Maxwell took in the excarsion among the islands on Friday last. Mr. and od oP Berver' spent Sunday with friends at Spafiordton. H. Forrester and PV. Tier: ney, at Mount Chesney. J. Kelly, of Taylor, at Mrs. M. Webb's. .1. E. Don- nelly, and T. Driscoll, Howe Island, at J. Rochefort's, Brewet's Misses L. Smith, of Oswego, N.Y., Miss A. Smith and Mr. Carmichael, of Otta- wa, at A. E. Donnelly's. Willetsholme Tidings. Willetsholme, Aug. 25. Threshing is the order of the day in this vicinity. Miss Ella Wilson has returned home, after spending a month with relations in Oswego, N.Y. Miss Jean Yule, Kil larney, Man. is spending the summer months with her aunt, Mrs. William Bell Herbert Carroll, New York city, spent a few days at Mrs, John Wil son's last week. Hazel Orr, at Mrs. William Cochrane's, Sunbury; Miss Emma Hylaod is spending a few days with her cousin, Ena Wilson; H. Me Neeley ix an the sick list. Joseph Spence, at T. McNeeley's; Wilfrid Wil- son spent Sunday at William Bell's; Mrs. F. Sherbino, Kingston, is spend- ing a week with her sister, Mrs. J. Wilson; Mr. Orr, New York, at Mrs. H. Orr's. Many Irom . here attended the Sunday &thoel picnic held in Mc Brooms grove, 'Friday. J. MeNeeley, Lansdowne, at J. Wilson's. Cushendall Notes, Cushendall, Aug. 2.--The threshing wachines are busy im this locality. Mr. Ahearn has had the stone crusher employed crushing slong for improving his road. W. Gordon isengaged erect- ing a corn silo. Sevesal of our local farmecs have recently had telephones placed in their homes, which will, dobibtless, prove a great convenience. Mrs. Reece and son, Utica, have re- turned home from visiting at Gander son's. Mrs, W. Henderson and daugh- ter, Hailevbury, are visiting at her mother's, Mrs. Ward; Mr. Duggan, New York, is visiting at Mt. Ahearn's; Miss M. Taylor, Aver's Cliff, Que., is shed: ing a visit with her sister, Mrs. James McFadgean, Mrs. McKane, Sr, has returned from visiting in the city, Mrs. J. Wilson, Willetsholme, has re turned home from visiting at Mrs, Hyland's, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. EF. Cas sels and daughter, Kingston, at Mrs. Ward's. Sharbot Lake Items. Sharbot Lake, Aug. 24.--The union service held in the Methodist church a. ~~ aiitided . Mr, Mitchell, the on ance representative, gave the address. Mre. A. Erwin, who has been ill, is improving. Mrs. Van Camp and little daughter, Doris, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Cornell, at their summer cottage, Oriole Park. Mr: end Mrs. H. Cannon and children, spending a few days with friends here, Mrs. Winters, Toronto. visiting Mrs. H. B. Roberts. Mrs. J. Peters, spend- ing a few days with her daughter, Mrs. James Conboy. Miss M. Kilborn and Mise E. Clark, spending a few days in Toronto. Mrs. Deline, visiting her son, Wo Deline. Mr. and Mrs. (i. Robinson Fand daughter, visiting friends at Mor- visburg. Allan Buell, Plevna, spend- ing a few days with his parents here: Mis, R. Blakely, who has been quite ill, is improving. Miss Mitchell, Kings- ton, visiting Mrs. S. Devo. Mrs, H. Black daughter; visiting Mrs, G. Robinson. There are still a large num- ber of tourists here, Denbigh Doings. Denb Avg. 23.ZAlbert Stein, Brockville, has joined his family, who have been enjoying country life in their old home among their friends and rela tives for aver a month, and is re newi old acquaintances here. * Rein- hard Fritsch, who has been residing on his homestead in Saskatchewan for some time, has arrived here and is go- ing to remain on and work his farm near the village. James Youmans, of | Cache Bay, made a short visit to his parents and other relatives here, and was irying to engage men for his lum- ber camp in New Ontario. Rev. and Mrs. J. R, Butler, who pid a plea sant visit to the latter's father, John Lane, and 'other relatives here, have bigh house, has taken a vacation and of weeks with her Mills, ! 'dinner they ever attended, and that = "dd THE BUILD A BUNGALOW. The Latest News From Village of Newboro, Newhoro, Ang. 23. <Rev, T. Conor sind s.ster; of Trovton, wie "the guesis of relatives in this locality | last week. Mrs. Coons and son, E. "A. | Coons, of Ottawa, were the gtd of 'Mr. and Mrs. W. G, Dargavel a few | "dave last week. D. D. Davidson and sipfi have completed . the erpction of the piers at the entrance ilo thé canal in Rideau Lake. The buoys have been painted white and are excellent guides for pilots entering the cut. The steam- | fer St, Louis, of Perth, in charge of Capt. Scott, of this place, too an excursion to Perth on Monday. A number from hers attended. Threshing i is the order of the day. The machines | of Henry 0. Low and William Beet, | Westport, are in the vicinity of the village. J. Smith, Seeley's Bay, spent a few days last week, the guest of friends here. A number of old people in this locality are on the sick hist. 'There appears to be an epidemic of summer cholera. H. B. Dudy, Ogdensburg, N.Y., trea: surer of the soda pulp company, was a business visitor in this locality last , week in connection with the operations { at the slab piles at Fisher's Landing. | The company expect to boat loads of slabs to Ogdensburg, , weekly, for the remainder of the sea- son. Clinton Struthers, who drove the Kingston-Newhoro stage for many years, fell downstairs in an hotel at Browaville, N.Y., last week, and was killed. Deceased is survived by son, who lives at Seeley's Bay. Mrs. E. Chamberlain was the guest of re Intives in Chantry a few days last week. E. J. Grenmon, Westport, was through this district last week on business. Stanley Tallman, teller in the Union Bank, here, is spending his vacation at his home in Merrickville, Ham Green, of Buck Lake, on Friday, landed a salmon trout which weighed twenty-five pounds, The fish was brought to town and dold to Mr. Leavitt Southworth, proprietor of the Hotel Rideau. Unfortunately the fish was too badly lacerated with a gaff in landing to be mounted. t J. F. Russ, Hunt and Fish Club, of Pittsburg, Pa., who have been en- camped at the Iron Ore Point, near here for the past two weeks, left on Monday for their homes. On Saturday evening nearly one hundred men from the village and sarrounding country visited the camp and were entertained bv the club. Fireworks display, sing- ing, dancing, etc., were the order of the evening, and all report them the best entertainers of the year. They in- tend returning to Newbofo in 1911 and will probably build a large bunga- low before 1912. Miss Maggie Moriarity was the guedi of William Carty, Narrow's Locks, on Thursday. Rev, John Lyons, Roslin, preached in the Fnglish church here on Sunday in the absence of Rev. J. (. Stanton at Jones' Falls. Mr. and Mrs. James Allen and child, of Water- town, N.Y., who have heen visiting friends here; left on Saturday to spend the remainder of their holidays in Lombardy. Miss Ella Cavanagh, Newark, N..J,, the guest of Mrs. D. °K. Rogers, of Portland, Miss Maisie Renaud, teacher of Cotto. N alleys and Messrs 8. Lock- w and J. Dargell, Portland, paid the Rideau a flying visit on Tuesday evening en route to Westport to the Catholic social. ab B. ma Po. ! a . i HARVEST DINNER. It Was a Fine Affair at Keelerviie---- A Fine Grove, Keelerville, Aug. 23. Harvesting about finished. Not a whistle of threshing machine have we heard yet, but \are anxiously waiting for one. The harvest dinner. was a great success. The day was elegant, and a large crowd of people gathered in By noon to enjoy what the people of Keelerville had in store for them. There were not disappointed by any means. At twelve o'clock sharp the ladies had the dinner ready. The tables were loaded with chicken pies, and everything else imaginable for an up-to-date dinner. After dinner, and everybody thorough- ly served, the crowd gathered around the spacious platform, where a pro: ramme of very high otder was ren- . The addresses by Rev. 0. Churchill, Mr. Dancey, C. Sleeth, reeve of township, and John A. McDonald were very interesting and listened to very attentively. The singing by the Battersea choir was very much appre- ciated; also the duet given by Miss Lily Knapp and Miss Carrie Rattan, Battersea. Miss Ethel Earl gave a few selections, and was encor time and again. Rev. Mr. Shortt made an excellent chairman. A hearty vote of thanks by Daniel Moore and J. E. Anglin was tendered to all who took part in the entertainment. Then the crowd proceeded to the canteen for an hour or more and a jollier gatheri was seldom seen, and many were hea to say that it was the best harvest the people of Keelerville knew how to jet one up, The grove on Horseshoe A © was an ideal spot for such occa i; ship two | one # DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26. 1910. aR Nowy ok a ies wind . » kerless 'Penins --ithe right range for your kitchen "When we suy that the "Peerless Peninsular" is the right range for your kitchen, we mean right in every respect. There is no range on the market which combines so many good points in > IS fe | efficiency, convenience and economy as the "Peerless". 5 It is the best type of cast-iron range. And a cast ron range wiil last longer than any other kind. At the same time, it includes all the advantages of the best steel ranges in its construction, "having a steel oven, steel drop oven door, and a /arger oven than any other range in proportion to 'size. All "Peerless" Ovens are 20 inches deep. 'And this is 20 inches actual depth of oven ficor, no account being taken of the projection. of the oven door. When opened, the oven door drops down level with the oven floor; forming a shelf on which the largest baking dishes or roasting pans cap be drawn and basting done without holding 'the pan, "Peerless Peninsular" has a damper that lets you regulate the heat just as you want it. You know the ordimary damper -- either wide open or shut tight -- which means no heat or too much heat. This adjustable damper may be set for quick baking at full draft or anything between, and regulated to ¥ inch. The oven door being made of 2 sheets of Steel with air space between, keeps the heat in the oven and saves fuel. PATTERNS OF ALL PARTS ARE KEPT FOR 20 YEARS. If accidents should happen, and any part of your range get broken, you can always duplicate Grate Bars, Fire Backs, Legs, Doors, etc., at any time. We keep patterns of all parts for 20 years «50 that your order through your dealer can be filled quickly and exactly. 'This is only one of the satisfactory features in connection 'with buying ranges made by an old and reliable Canadian Foundry. Peerless Peninsular is the range shown above. Harmony Poentnsular is similar in essential features but more elaborately decorated. CLARE BROS. & CO., LIMITED, ELLIOTT BROS., Kingston, Ont.--Agents. re A 2 x y/ 7 i a 2 | al . INE is not alone for children. Older heads take it to T heart, and rofit by it. housands of R ousewives have posed the economy of using "Beaver" our for all baking. : DEALERS--Writ efor prices on feed, Coarse Grains, and Cereals 113 ¥ $0000050000000000000000000000000000000000 The T. H. TAYLOR Q0,, Limited, Chatham, Ont. ~-- Z with the delicious flavgr that is characteristic of Cowan's. al E COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. 'No More Trouble 1900000000000000000 see Constant Peninsular is different from, the other mainly in plainer design and finish, Adanac Peninsular--plain in design with swing door for those who prefer it. 07 PRESTON, Ont. ForMenandWomen Men's $6 Oxfords, in Tan Calf, Vici Kid, Pat. Colt Skin and Velour Calf, Now $3.50. Women's $2.50, 2.756 and 3.00 Oxfords, Vici Kid, Tan and Pat. P amps, Now $1.75. REID CE & CHARLES ¥ BOOS 00000000 0000000 CININOSNNNIIINS eecepeccesoee R. H. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Summer Drinks QUALITY CAKES. Maple Square, Varigated Square, Iced Ginger, Pan-American, German Pounds, Lily White, Cup Cakes and Corn Dodgers. uns, Lemon Slices, Pattie St. 1 . Best by Test: This is proven In a Wormwith § Try One in Your Home Guaranteed Pure. Prices Right. Get your Cash Coupons ST. KIRK'S - Cash Grocery, 281 PRINUESS STREET. In sll popular Orders promptly fied. and classic § Music in Book and Sheet Form. §