Nr, and Ae Thomas: "Harle, Qn ssssee 0000000000000 000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 BesesscseseseVITIIS ; : i Clearing Out the Balance of Our Children's Never in the history : Goldin H tained "it tes on Pens se Dresses, All at Reduced Prices. , of the store have we : Miss Helen O'Brien, Kingston, is shown such High-Class ©Guwilight ae peau Phillips 'at SMALL BOYS' OVERALLS, Specia! 18¢ Pair. GIRLS' OPEN WORK S TOOKINUS, sizes § to 74, worth 20¢ and Designs and lower § Mise Young, of Kingston, is on a 25¢ pair, We are clearing them out as 2 Pairs for 25¢, Toes t eta tet ttitti iri ied yiskt to Miss M. Harrington, Welling- Ladies' Long Blue Crepe Kimonas Sixes 36, 38, 10. Special Clearing Price $1.50. Ladies' day, on Wednesday, at the | Mo Cornelios Lane, Charleville, is : Yacht Club, was again a scene of inl 050" a Con in Kingston : terest to the onlookers from the [4.4 vicinity, verandahs when the third race for the | yo Sprague, Kingston, is on a Ladies' Tailoring Department Opens Sept. 1st. Until Wanted. sent. Youtly the younger set were re-| Rev. R. Gould, Trinity church, Wa- Carruthers cup took place; some of the { ig: 0 her sibter, Mrs. G. Nobles, =" presented and ex themselves as tertown, NY. spent a few days this fair sex were seen aboard the yachts, [4 Wellington. Ordered and during the afternoon great excite | Myo Clarke Taylor, Gananoque, is having had "a lovely time." Oh! if | week at "Heathfield," the guest of our youth had not such flying feet, or (Mr, Winthrop Sears. CORSOOBBOGD ' if we could occasionally fly back-| Mr. RB C. Macpherson, manager of A -------- wards. the Bank of Commerce, Paris, Ont, | will camp for a few days. ment prevailed for a few moments by lending the week-end with her moth- Now the occupant of a conoe falling into lo Mrs N. Wilmot, Clergy street. "Backward, turn backward, with Mrs Macpherson, and two child-| Mrs. Gu ( : h . rs ; v juy Gamsby and daughte S FUR HOUSE tint time in Putian lren, airived on Wednesday, and are] Miss Marjorie, Hales' Cottagny lt | Photographic 9 The croquet devotees are more en- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh to-day to stay with friends near Pie Or the water, but he was rescued, Telepone 489 thusiastic than ever, the different Macpherson, "Elmhurst," King street { (on. '» 4 save for the ducking nope the worse | Mise Reeve, orsate, a much ad Old for his hath. Among the guests was mired guest in town the last two lawns being kept busy every day, we |Wwrst. v Mrs. ow H, Tothill has retorned Supplies [1 Z . : might almost say, from sunrise until . x ¢ 9 Yel a rrOE ontreal and is again en pen- |i } 'Mid-Summer Sale 149-155 BROCK STREET sunset, seeming asx if the players want- Niss Emily Sears, Heathfield," sion at "The Bellevue," 240 Nang wa . . al to lose none of the warm weather spent last week-end at "Elmhurst," | strest. ANSCO FILMS, : the next Anonth os ill SL A RSE and could even now feel cooler [the guest of Mr and Mrs. Hugh| Mis Elizabeth Gale, Rochester, N. They give the best results. our Annual M mn Hrlesne breezes, reminding them of the chil- Macpherson. Y., is the guest of Mes. W. Sawyer, All sizes to fit any Kodak or Antique: Furaity ice] Mrs. Granville Fisher, Bound Brook, : ling blasts across the park when ice rs, Laranyy wher, Bound Brook, | Brock street. Camera. Onbte used, always A fr bot cent. off afi goods ug ius i ff and snow cover the green sward where |N.J., and three children, summering at | N,. C. Henderson Carter, Sher. nged. : Almost wvery week brings ua ne at we have. ; now theit balls roll slong and clink [West Lake, near Picton, are expected brooke, e., is the guest of his ~~ Rss cha, TR All Rian cr of "hotels Goods wo. merrily together; hut alas! all [to spend Monday with Miss M. Fer mother, Mrs. R. C. Carter, West CYKO PAPER parcels. of Diamonds far our makes clear photos. No spots fi! selection. We carefully look ! p * »" Bough end, vis, at "Willow Cottage," on their - card io an If 'you have ur in things come to an even croquet, |S, street. His many friends are de H E anrlilag was o Sell or Trade. | 8, and 'summer with its many delights. way home. RD i 2 lighted to welcome hind once more, or friction marks. All sizes. | them over to clean out defective re Porant the Place. | * + @ Prof. PP. G. Campbell is sailing from Cyko Postal Cards, 15e¢ dos. stones, weigh them, and have ¢ * : \ , C : Old © oF Br Sep- fr e. . ok. LESSES The alterations at the Country Club [the OF ountey 'on the 3nd * of Sep Mrs. Mathew Kane, Ean street, an- "Anti-Friction Developer," them properly set in 14K : a . i i her. Chnthaim Sta. d d Furniture are making rapid strides, the actual | tem! hive aL npunces the engagement of her 5 o fl building part being fmished, and the | Miss Lilliam Taylor, Ottawa, visiting | daughter, Mae Angela, to Mr. Fred be each, | tings for sale. Our Diamond | decorating soon to be commenced; all her mother, Mrs. Charles Taylor, |orick Henry Nolan, of Watertown, N. Ring values at $25, $50, and as ya the. modetn improvements have been | King street, left for ber home to |y, Films Developed Premptly, $75 are unexcelled j & |added and a large, new dining room, |day. os > o » Ey N See ea BUSINESS COLLEGE & . ATE aldo 'good 'servants' quarters, in fact | Dr, and Mrs. James Third and Mas- Jr. and Mrs. Robert Rosevear an: Gi = z Ea KINGSTON ER . the whole building has been changed |ter Reginald, are expected home on {pounce the engagement of their daugh and enlarged, giving the necessary Sunday from ther trip abroad. ter, Lola Roberta, to Charles Willi i } IES Coy, vi | SMITH BROS, (LIMITED). ¥ ; HEAD OF QUEEN STREFT ps Lk : room so long needed. The opening is * 5 9» . . |Prury, M.A, B.Sec., son of and Sih Shatin Lanes or 4 - anxiously looked for. Nr. and Mrs, Jd. Macdonald, Uni- | Mrs," William Drury, Queen street. The Jewellers, Opticians . af * + 9 versity avenge returned, on I'uesday, marriage will take place very quietly | Rimi Souress 14 . To The Royal Military College opens on [from the Old Country. They were | (he early part of September. MAHOOD Ss DRUG i 830 KING STREET, pee a Monday, «0 once more our good, old [away nine weeks and enjoyed every a STORE ihe ad Limestone City will be brightened by [minute of the time, Their = many IN MARINE CIRCLES. PRINCESS AND BAGOT sTs, {| SSS nmnnnr re = the appearance of the familiar red- [friends are delighted to see them cont looking so well, Arvivals and Departures of Vessels oan sixty ! s 8 | Aine one of of raliw J bo» * + 9» Miss Vera Carson, Brock sirent, at Thia Port, -- me ; o Miss Naomi Storm, Paris, France, is {leaves on Monday for Wakcfield, Que, 5. steamer Plummer passed down io hin Ww , : Fa B, Privoipal 2 ; the guest of Mr. and Mis. Allaire to visit (Mrs. Valleau. y ; 3 * SRR Shortt, "Owtetburn."' Mrs. F. Birkett and little daughter, ating Ferry will clear SESE PEP0 PEPE IP IME 00E : vai Captain andl Mrs. Herbert Dawson, [Vera, left for Ottawa today, "after a |i. Owego Saturday night. - } , King street, will leave for Toronto on {delightful visit with Mre. Hugh Fra-| ye steamer Alexandria was at Fol- : $5 ' Monday. (ser and Mrs. Charles Taylor, King ge's wharf, Friday nighy, from Que- OUR ROOSTER BRAND 3 NEAL Sis Mee. J. Farrand Pringle and Miss Street. vee and Montreal. ' Helen Patton, Toronto, left on Wed- | 'Once more "Rockford," Brockville, he t S schooner Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at / id nesday for Point Pleasant Cottage, |i8 closed for the season, and Mr. Her- Merrill, : held in iron Ag oqnet gant five cents & pound a 8 good / . Cressy, to be the guests of Mr. and {bert and Mr. Beverley Jones and Mr cleared fof Sharotl Friday night: =, Why pay eighty-five y wr Mrs. Herbert Horsey until to-day. Sidnéy Fisher passed up on the To-| The whooner Bertha Kalkins is af ANDREW MACLEAN, Are your windows nicely decorat-| lient. W. Mackie, "St. Andrew's [route on Thursday, en route for their | Richardson's whari, loading feldspar : ed. If not, you can' furhish them Mabbe, Cle ftrest, it for Mon- home in Jarwin. 'or Charlotte. Six carloads of felds- with New Curtaing at little cost. treal, Vvesterday, and sa to-day for + % par came in from the mines on Satur Kugland to join his regiment. Miss Mildred 8 nie, ing street,. is day morning : $1.00, rt Thee Tet] Mun. ¥. B. Woodeook, Brockville, the [now Visiting Mig. , Huston Sith, at | "Vif ™ Wot. Sicamers Toronto pair all reduced 20 per cent. ha, A Ldn and Nes. Maurier Wood: Me aint Fenwick, Ottawa, is [and North King, down and up, todays . : + t y ' A large Stock of Tapestry Cur-lon oad -" home {on pension at Miss Anderson's, Wel: tonight; Nn Jom tava, tains for the rest of the month will * +0 li street. night; yacht Aphis, in, from Ment- nN J. LAWLER, Golden | be offered at a discount of 30 per| Our column to ise Anna and Miss Marion Les. ' : . . rp a hegs ARologize for an d real. FOLLOW THE © THs cent. oversight. fas ednesday. name lie, Willian street, are the guests of | 'MT. Co's elevator: Word was re > HE CROWDS TO 'Phone 90 5 Yours, of Mr. Allen Short was an i Judge and Mrs. Reynolcs, Brockville. |ogived that the steamer Kinmount, THIS STORE. F omitted among the guests mentioned Mre. A. Sweet, Winchester, arrived, |15,ded with wheat, from Duluth, would - 1 Te Fo. Harrison Co. |at the snual picnic given by Mrs. Al. to-day, to spend a couple of days, lorrive Saturday night; alter discharg- Special value in Corsets at . : lairé Shortt, * in honer of her daugh- | the guest of Mra. J. Mamie, Farl ing, the vessel will clear for Lake G0c, 75c and $1.00 a pair i Y os . ' op | 16% Miss Elspeth, also the Erie, to load coal; tug F wil - € INA) COMMITTEE ' H names of . rie, to load coal; tug Emerson will 2 Are ou Pale, AVIC ¥ NOE: M E an il Ellis, ie. Pu Paul Scammell, and] Nr. nd Nirs. =} . Ggodman and arrive, Saturday night, from Lake Special values in Ladies' - % Howard, three children, 8 guests rs. G. | Erie, with two coal barges: t Thom: a 4 s {To Wait on' Boat! 'of Governors Re iss Dorothy IA. Robinsun, Alfred. street, left. one) NG dal Datges; lux "hem Fast Black Cotton Hose al 2 W. F. Gourdier. r: Uhve Betts son will arrive, Saturday night, from 2 Ya . ] Anaemic ? f School; , hohor i ' lle, Wednes@ay for gi Cobourg, with a dredge and scows, : ak 76.78 BROCK STREET. Fi 0 noticed Mise Lillian Taylor, of Ot- [yeeks, left, today, for her home. nra [taws. Three tables' of bridge were | Miss Fmily Sears, Heathfield, is the Repaired "kept busy and the usual delicious re-louest of Mr. and Miss Ferris, Willow : freshments served at the usual time ['otiage, King street west. Stored with the usual chatting over the tea| Mis J. Ca I, Baltimore; is the FREE cups. The dence in the evening was a louest of her ughter, Maen. A oF great success, being enjoved by all pre- igney, King street. 90000000000 0000 Brrr eT rare evs P0000 PITONOOO PBOOOIEOIRIOINOIOISITS Is de * CARPET WAREHO! »¥. 1H 000000000800000000000000000000000000080000000 4 Wrustee Macnee, chairman of the pro- pairs for 25c and 26¢ a pair {pecty. committee of the board of edu- ys Miss Loviek ; Ay on wr Yi for GAVE HIM A WATCH. & ' ne Anastnls suns colorless he secretary, Toh Bo jolly tie! Orillia, taking "with her br. Lah: te Special. values in Ladies : Diced, mens means languor, blanched f dona, last night, - met the members he Misses M. and FE. Jackion, King Man's children {0 visit = with their | Sergt.-Major O'Neil Remembered by Vests at © | lips, cheeks. You phd of the civic finance commit- |street west, leave for Toronto to-day. | inther before he leaves there for Comrades. a a ) and nervous. This c 'tee, relative to the negotiations, which | Mr. and Mrs. deventy Taylor, Eur! Edmonton, : At the sergeants' mess, at Tete de 36, Sut ata Be Sach, Ro 1 vd cannot exist If there Is{ 1... being put' forth to secure the old trent visiti > ' t Wi Mr; and Mrs. Frank Lewin, Saska Po fs Sf Sealy blocs, Dr. | }| grammar school for. school purposes. n Toredte, hl pet to no toon, Savk., are the guests of the Pate Barracks, Pride) evening. there Specini values in White. Waists 4 The city wolicitor's 'opinion in the the Ist of Septem Rev, William and Miss Lewin, Brock very jolly affair for the many who at U matter 'was taken up, and after some 5 street. ' : discussion. it was decided to have |, > se Miss Macdonald, Winnipeg, the guest ah Mtntlanes, The alr Major $1.00 Each. Mayor Couper and Ald, Elliott wait [Miss WM. C. Ross and Miss J. Rows, 'of Rev. T. W. Savary and Mrs. Sav- |g O'Neil, of the C.P.ASC., who is Special values in Men's Black {upon the chairnian _ of the board of [ Berrie, are ef Pension at the Y.W.C 'ary. St, James' Parsonage, left for leaving for Halifax. A large number : : : ae I + governors of the School of Mining, to |X. Johnson, st her home on Thursday. g Cashmore Rocks 2 n the ranching country once a in nee 'what can be dond im the matter. Mr. Shas 0 F dh of civilinns, as well as his military mere Socks at year they have a kind of sorting out | poor eplor, and loss of weight, E . and ¥. Pe, ttawa, returted home | jonde, and comeades, were on hand or stock taking, which taey call the She. fommitite Would Hie to help. the gl oda after spend. today. to say good-bye to the sergeant-major, 2c a Pair, Round Up, a General Classification which it gan do 80, and' Mrs. Crowe, Royal Mili- | summer at Snake River, Ont. returns the recipient of a fine wrist wateh, and the records and making a final ap. at an -- tary College, to the city next week. : : AN . as es F 8 NU . : «1 |at the same time, he was wished every GOODS HAVE ARRIVED. peal to the few residents who have 1 : Pay Ma BONUS: _-- JFeunk Grows" and' childcen, n- nN. H. Normatth and piss ik success in his new home. Sergt.-Major Better" Valuos: and 4 not had the gas coupled up this year | PROUSE'S DRUG STORE Bde for Large Block Falls to Get [Mri Grout, Brock street," "™ |turned from Wellington, after spend. | Soi! Made a timely reply. ; es and Larger | for cooking. 23 1 h Response. , Mrs. and Miss Kine Br i alent £m uth y that pm Several hours were spent in a social Varfety than ever before, A card or 'phone to the office of soul Andrew's Church. Montréal Herald. spent. yesterday in Kinney: oekvilie, {ing 8. 4 Te 4 4 "{way, and a programme of music, in the Works, Queen Street, will bring : Opposite St. 3 R Iphe: Foret 'was a huge cof] Miss' Annie Muckle toi, William | Mrs. Clarks Wright, Colborne street, Which nether hn of She hatimy and © necessary information, Richelien this maming; 8 just |street, returned, on Thursday, fom invited a few voung people in for o 17 "OO Part, war given -~ Fog CHEAP BAsK~-CONVERUNTY, Er he came a mg vin Ty Path. Charlie 15 cup of ten, last Wednesday afternoon, Secured Fourth Place. FETY heavy Or A 8 oe rs 8 t Adeonora Deacon, of y : The bid was not taken, and Mr. Fors Duwi ad tin ancl, Mee. Hdwani rd to mart, Miss RB oon, The official report of the efliciency ® wet did not get his. stook. Ont, 'are the gonste of So | Jee. Dr. MeRossie, and Mrs, McRos. [fompetitions for Canadian artillery Newman Kingston L i & Power 0p. B! There has been a revival of rumors ise Selby, Gore street, for & few Sie, Wellington street, Toft this after {(UP% held at the difierent camps, just about Richelion during the last day | weeks noon for. Echo Lodge, St. Law issued, shows that the 5th Field Bat- ; oe or. so which connegts . ihe Shmpany's Mrs, R Uglow and family have re (Fiver, to remmin for works. tecy, CA, Descronto, seured fourth & Shaw FOLGER, Gen, Manager, name with a plan ling small [turned to the city from their s Mr. Allen Shortt, Mr., Paul S j {Place at the Petawawa Jrsining camp bonus beside the Negular dividecd, It day. and Wr. Guy Gamsiy left this this morn- and 5th Field Battery, CLA, Kingsion, 1 was > >» iine fcr Chafley's Locks, where they | "2 given twelith place for general Ur. end Mrs. BR. V. Rogers, Barvie a efficiency, out of twenty-five batteries, ise fous tol Sunt nT m---- Great Clearing Sade. ig ter, Prevost, Broek street, has made a Jouefoftodt . have ¢ mundo Torcn- . \ t redaction in prices in the order vigit in the i» Edg ak . a To She gta clothing department, ) : . 3 int t«' furnishings, to make | for the * fall and winter importa ummer tions. . Thousand Islands--Rochester. hod Sirs: Caspian and North 'King leave : Orn IC daily at 3 am, for 1000 Island : points and at 5 p.m. for Rochester, P. Haley, agent. For that worn out. tired and run down feeling there is no ] Better tonic than a combination Beet, Iron and Wine. held at another date. Ours is delicious in taste, 3 Children's. 10e, tains fron ts enrich the blood, peapiontned (digested) beef to, feed the oo. } borrd out, if there 1 i . k . 25c. Box o is some way in a "with his parents, Mis Alice Marshall, spending the | during the evening he was made OUR NEW FALL DRESS We're right at oiirs now, looking over THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. _® KINGSTON LAUNDRY ° Cor, Princess & Sydenham Sts.