the first installment of the New Fall Skirts, which at prices considerably below their actual val FINE QUALITY BLACK iF With ihe pew plaited floance, a ve % fashionble skirt, well worth its pr VENETIAN CLOTH SKIRTS, Front panel and two sets of side pleats. very stylish and durable, ia * $4.50 only. . NEW BLACK VOILE SKIRTS, Extra fine quality, beautiful jet black, side plalted skirts, a hand- ii some skirt for any occasion g& Misses' Skirts, now styles OUT SIZES. ' We pay particular attention to large sizes, and always stock 24, 25, Very pleasing makes . 26, 28, 19, 30 in. waist measure. I CRUMLEY BROS Mo botties -- liquide -- ry handsome and an tremely ice, only ge a Fectived ARORA we will offer BA a, 0 PANAMA SKIRTS, BOR RORRRORORORANRR DROR0 ORCAS . $4.50 up, ROAR HOHOHD ALL DEALERS, Wo. ™ae ep BALAY $6. METAR, Sati Shi. and Sufhule, 8.7. JAMES The Leading Undertaker, ¥ 5 Binh Afe Unwisely 2 DINING-ROOM FURNITURE See our window display of Dining- Fursi Combination Buffets, room ture, the latest and best, Pedestal Extension Tables, sather, Panel Seat and Buck Dining Chairs "coucHts. t[ombination. Bed Couches, with steel truction, in Fanoy Shades of Vo Touts and D'S on sale at REID'S, 254 and 256 Privcess 8t. Phone 147. Sometimes people do. and suffer, because fhe stomach ach balks. Tablets at hand. veliove the discomfort at once, and help digest the overload. The lover of good A-DRU-CO how: mail jaitmaate with 4 bas. of M a box, if your druggist has not stocked them yet send 50c. and we WALEED TENDERS ADDRESSED tothe undersigned and marked on the velope "Tender for Ralls" and ender for Rail Fastenings" as th be. will be received at the the Commissioners of the ental aliwa at rE o y euber. 1! rete t for 1 enue cass | mn hy i. Fat PE rane, it, on 'Petore RE kd be made on the titinatO EEE Ne sande: : oe this from he Com: PL ¥ the "Deval ¥ Fisher, feet § nohes, and speed 12 knots per hour, tht - Plans and specifications of steamer can be seen at the Department of Marine nd Fisheties, Ottawa, at the offices of the Collector of Customs, To Soiting wood and Midland, and i holes oo re nt of arine . uebee, Victoria, per Halifax, a ge iticati b ans and specifications can be cured hy application from the Pare chasing an Sontraet gent, Depart- ment of Marine and Fisheries. Ottawa, and from the Agen of oe Department at Victoria, aptach ch tender must be accompanied » Kk. cheque In favor wo indster of Marine and to 10 pe. of the whole the tender, which Sheque 'eited if the successful ten- ines to enter into a contract with ment or fails to come hich|piete the s . Cheques accompany - ng Ls ul tenders will be re- e Department does pot Bind Jtonlt cept the io Bwdh or any tend Ne ely. Hom nis advertise- ¥ he De- m not be paid" Deputy oy ae and ish riment tine and Fishe tawa, Can 22nd August, Te Nid Summer Sl | anoath we will knit Sn: S10 Sale ture, off all goods THOMAS FAIR WAS NINETY-FOUR YEARS OF AGE, Traveller Lost a Gold Pin--Ganan- oque Public Schools Have Re-open- ed---Water Power Again Shut Off. an ue, Sept. 2.--Another of the a of Leeds township pase to rest, yesterday, m the son of Thomas Fair, aged ninety years, at the home of his 'son Willian Fair, a fow miles east of the town Deceased was widely known and high. Iv esteemed throughout the township where in his earlier days he took sn active part in everythin® thet tended to advance the condition of this see tion. He was predecensad Hy his wily some years ago, Hut lemves one som William, snd three daughters, Miss Aggie Fair, at the homentead; Mrs, Freeman Shipman, of Ivy lea, Mes. Green, of Lyndhurst. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoom, to Gananoque cenptery. A pretty wedding was solemnized og Wednesday evening, at the howe of Mr. and Mrs. George Dowsley, Arthetr street, when his sister, Miss Myrtle Harriet 'Dowsley, daughter, of * David Dowsley, late of Dowsley's Corners, was united in marriage to Robert Gal loway, of Sweet's Corners. The cere: mony was performed Ly Rev, Heary Gracey. The bride was the pient of numerous, handsome and costly tokens of esteem, amon them being checks for $200. Mc. and Mrs, Galloway will reside at Sweet's Corners. Another case of theft has been re- ported to the police by a commercial traveller, who had a valuable zold pin taken from the Provincial semble rooms, where he was displaying wares, The. Sun Life Aents in convention here this week, enjoyed a fine day's fishing on the St. Lawrence, yesterday some {wenty oarsmen being secured to row those who had a taste for a ood fish dinner. Gananoque Inn ig ing taxed to its utmost eapacity in entertaining the large gathering nov present, The public schools re-opened for th. fali ng yesterday morning with an attendance well up to the average. As reported previously there is a shortaze of one teacher, hut it is expected that this vacancy will soon be filled, Mrs. Thomas White, Wellington street has been confined to her home serious- ly ill for the past week, but at latest reports. has taken a turn for the bet: at the top of Ganan- ter. « The railing tower is being replaced oque's clock by a new one, The bookstores which have been closing at 6.30 p.m., had to keep open last evening to meet the requirements of the school trade. The Water Power Co. has been cons pelled to shut off the allowance for the factories for to-day, but will sup ply for Saturday and shut off again Saturday evening until Tuesday morn- ing. In the meantime, several factor- ies are installing auxiliary power as business is at present quite brisk. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nutall, of South Lake, Aftoblice She eAgageisent of their d na Nuttall rm Eden Grove, the marriage Etrpis during the fore part of A this month. John R. Thomson and Miss Lola Thomson, King street, have return. ed from a visit in Susiph and Hamil. ton. Miss Mabel Carpenter, spending her vacation with tives in MeKel lar, Muskoka district, has returned home. Mes. John W. Scott and dough: ter Kertha and Fern, of Haileybury, are visitinh with Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Orser. George Bennett, superintendent of the Boyce Carriage. Co's works, in Winai , 38 visits at his home, Syd street. Mise Josephine Bid: ard, spent a short. time this week with Kingston friends, Miss Dien spending the past few weeks with - and Mrs. W. S. Bowden, has returned to Montreal. Miss Rhen H spent the past few days in aa: Miss Irene McCormick, Kingston, spent the past fow days in town. Mrs. Agnes elsay, John street, left yesterday to spend a few weeks at Pownal, Vi. guest of Dr, and Mrs. B. 0. Barber. Mrs. Nolan and daughter Mise Irene of Kingston, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Boyle, Leeds townsh ownship. ---------- Budget From Westbrook. Westbrook, hog. 30.~ Farmers who have threshed report a good yield, Nrs. J. B. il and little son, of Bissett Creek, after spending a week here, left: on 'Monday to visit her pa- vents, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. M at Marysville, Mrs. D. MeDoy N here, panied home by her parents, Mry, and Hea, Ges Gates, on Sa- r. rs, 8. MeG unlay : s, arvey, 3 i i ® £ BF a Lake Ontario Park To-Night === MATINEE WEDNESDAY at 3.30. Or "Two Hieland Laddies A medy ghowin how two fron. lads join & hi régiment. and meet with all hifhia of funny experiences. "MAX MAKES A TOUCH" h f those cofeédies tu which iy Lander noted French actor, takes a Mer ihe pare. Se TO-DAY. Se "The Two Kilties," "Mrs. Barrington' 3 House Party. Get the Griffin Habit AKD POLLOW THE CROWDS TO Griffin's Opera House F. DAILEY, Manager. ProNE 942. HOME OF POLITE VAUDEVILLE AND MOVING PICTURES. P---- September... 1st, 2nd, 3rd PROGRAM Arthur Lynn Latest Popular Songs SPECIAL ATTRACTION DOROTHEA READ & 00, Queen of Scottish Dancers. See our Splendid New Pictures, "IN THE BLACK HILLS." "A DAINTY POLITICIAN." "JANE HAIRE."' Our Prices Never Change 8¢. and 10¢. DAILY AT 2.30 and 7 pom. Str. America URDAY, SEPT. 3-240 p.m. Tour or the isinnds, Fare y She, MONDAY, SEPT. 5, LABOR DAY. 2,00, Trip to Onpe Vincent. 0c return. Meals on all Trips. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For City Property & Grocery Busi- ness, ong of the best stands in the city, doing a splendid busi Bar. gain for a quick purchase. Address, Bok 822, Whig office. ~" YOOAL PIANO AND ORGAN, PROF. JAMES SMALL, : Sees eRssesesess Tess Organist and Cheirmaster Bidenham Street Methodist Charch, Pupils prepared for . the examing- tions. i 1 4 HAmusements. | | The Poon Ss Forum HELP--WANTED. Y, C. LIVING- ALF ng WING GL a ston & ., Brock HOUSEMAID, AT ROCEWOOD HOS- pital. Apply to the Matron GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP- x ply, Mrs. Minnes, 109 Gore Street. -------------------------------- A GOOD, STRONG x Plumbing. Apply, David Hall, Brock» Street, -- TO LEARN 6% MAID FOR Wr RERAL HOUSE- i must 4 yd at PYo¢ Hat 0 oB0 A GIRL R GENERAL H SEE Ago Craig, 128 Eaton Eirest We West. SEVERAL SKILLED MEN FOR TEST rtment. Apply, Canadian Seheral Electric Te. Peterboro, Lt. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. Mt sr 00f A ures: good wages to right party. Address, Box 19, Whig office. A GENERAL SERVANT, TO GO OUT of town, for a family of two. Ap- Pir, 193 Lower Union Street, be- tween one and three o'clock. JrRLLIa ENT PERSON MAY for " newspy ad cn Sina fo Prcuiae, oress A GOOD, SMART MAN TO. DO GENE- ral work around mill; steady work; good wages. ap at offs be- tween 7 a.m. an Koss. ton Hosiery Co. Lt Mine West, A FEW YOUNG LADIES TO OPER- ate sewing machines, making kait- ted jndet wears RL and pleasant Smployment work. and i Bias Lad, Anpiy te" Rivgeto vost, CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES needed in every bome, especially by working men; good Sry per- manent position; if you are work. ing for small salar ehind counter, write fuble our Ww 44 opr om dons. Xoo ly, ser B an WANTED----GENERAL. ATS A iF casi Pd TR bana 5 FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FROM . September 1st: no children, Me- Cann, Broek, Cor. King Street. I so O. Hutton, 1¥ Market St. Anite AN, PU PILS WANTED PRIVATE LES- sons given to backward students or those desiring tuition in special subjects, For particulars, apply, § Vieloria. Terrace, Montreal Street, or at Whig office, GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have ft made up inte up- to-date suits. and workman- repairing ob Se The ah ron] 8 a os! notice. Thomas Galioway, 18 St. next Bibby's Livery, i x LOST CPR. TICKET FROM SUDBURY TO Port Arinupadn 3 Finder ality. Dlcass » Teta hte is ce and re- oe BUSINESS CHANOES. ocAN STARE gun. bose STR ov EE gona for PE palis ARCHITECTS. HINRY SMITE. ARCHITROL, BIC. A eR one, s0eseseasessesssssscee * Bhd tay Wher fo. tenenes i C a od < <, g WHERE 3 B Rr LAR diy A HON ! AWAITS YOUR INSPECTION EA mrs ees POWER and Welllugton st res I OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH ot Da URE DRUGE---R oO osc, ager 4 Sopathy. "438 CE Sy ler of $y vg WAS sultat] n and Office on Wr Bours. 16 to 13, 3.10 8 8 tat. bo DENTARG SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS AR 1+ 13 Epticess reet, Kingston t 0 Found Eeincess NASH, DEN To 188 Priston it 7 fos DR. A. BE. KNAPP, DENTIST, 19 MONT- real Street, near Princess Street. 'Phone 852. BOARD AND ROOMS. i $| ECAR RGD 4 AND a DaING h it elit to cata! Arn os: gas oniences rooms: of Gas Fixtures just Seized PRICES RIGHT. a: Jahave Baget). ow. er FINANCE AND INSURANCE. Ca XIREPATRIC t an 42 Clarence lephone 568. GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE Accident and Health Policies issu- od; first-niaae companies; Sanders rates. . J. Boon, Agen Wellington Street, 3K © ROLL, DISTRICT AGENT, Doren ¢ Assurance Company, also Fire, Accident, Sickness and Pinte Insurance, 14 Market Street, agston. ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT --3$ per cent. Debentures--I have been L IN- eamshi; Stree nted local agent for the Dominion. Permanent Loan Co, Toronto, and will be pleased to five further information concern- DE these debentures. R. Richard- son, 251 Victoria Street. GEO. A. BATEMAN, BRO or. Put your veto in an envel- ops with a one cen: stamp on HM and drop the nearest letter box We do the hy All kinds of Fire hiatance. ok on short notice. me 396. oa Clarence St, Kings- AND Gi y the 3 ted Mabl a he stocuibiders city sured lo possible Tales, fore renewing old & Evin new papel Ket races 'Phone, 5 jos a MuUBIC, Mss MURIEL KING, FUPIL oF Miss osher, New York (Leschetis Mas od), and certified roanoher a the synfhetie method, s her plano cl September th Pupils prepare or éxaminations. Ad dress, Alice Street. 'Phone 962. MISS FLORENCE ¢.. WEESE WILL open her class Sept. 6th. in Plano, eory, ete, at her Studio, 131 Princess Street, MISS LETTIE WALKER TEACHER Fl on og 1 OTH Pp dress, '230 Queen' Street. YOUNG LADY, WITH FIRST CLA Tomer tar & pupils in plano. ssons. for four dolar. Apply, 222 University Ave. MiSs BESTE SHARMA N, TEACHER of Planofort dT ery, reopens her class pd 5 er 1st; pupiie pre- pared. for examinations: Address. 5 Queen Street. 'Phone, 250. SHALE. F F.T.CM, PUPIL OF DR atone her piano and theory c ember 1; pupils Prepared for es Conservatory Sxamination Address, 333 John- son Street, ngston MISS FLORENCE LOSEE, Bay, of Toronto COLLINE Lonservato of Music, 'Normal Class (teachers course), will resume her class in plano and theory in w.ngston be- or terms write Above address, or 495 Princess Street. MEDIOAL. Fareton "1 JER and 7 to oS A ug Bun AND RESTAURANTS. I.» 8, 20c; oyate ason, ice cream: soft dr ake: | peivaie parties sitting rooms gen D. May Brae Your patron A --------.---------- CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DROP A CARD TO JOHN R. MAYELL Carpenter and Joiner, 262 Syden- ham Street ort for reasonable prices on all kinds of Jobbing. AlN work done promptly and neatly. DROP A CARD S08 Tai arpanter an: los " on i kinds of jobbing. work done promptly. Sr ------------------------------ BRNEST R, BECKWITH, CONTRACT ing Engineer and Architect. Agent r ullders lalitien, 14 denham Sireet 292 nt AS Street. Plans anes oF wom > FOR BALE. D SECOND-HAND MOWING ines. LAppiy, D. . J. Hay, 10 Clarence St SKIES Cig dedvie . Tn Emporium, adle. Patios GEM JARS PICKLE a AND Catsup Potties at Fopiohable, Fleas Mts they last at Turk's. "hone ™™! a ----------i------ OR FOR LEASE. THE PREMISES Ne. 34-38 Princess Street, suitable for forage | lxery, sta stable or garage. IBCOND<MAND FURNITURE -- AN person havin Second-han Stoves and. Furniture before dis- posing let me Know. f you want to buy good Cook Stoves or Heaters now Ye the time. We sell cheap, J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. SCHOLARSHIP ternational ne PA would make a Janasorne® 2 Drofitable or any ol or a resonable BG i cake St once. ' APDIY RETIRING FROM BUSINESS ---OLD- extablished General Stere Business apd Block for Sale; stock about $4.- 500. fresh and up-to-date; business balng done and prospects are good; It will pay you to investi gate this chance; satisfactoly rea- sons for selling. Apply to Dickson & Som, Camden Rast, Ont, POOL TABLE, IN GOOD CONDITIO cheap for an ; an improved t § - acts of land In FIN Vayer ¢ district Bonds and Bent Houses Socks (ANY BURJ pendence. Buk Saskatc ewan; mo an otor t Insurance, Apply, J. O. Hutton. Market Street. ND OF 100 ACRES, SIrUATED ON 8 ideay River, about 12 miles from other minerals. The sandstone is now in Han houses of Kingston; tation for mping {est fishi hull 5 4 Rocins ull particulars apply - bart Cuddy, Sunbur Post Office. " y TO LEN. OFFICES, WITH ALL MODE veniences, in Orpheum Hall. W. J. Baker, Princess Street. i ADpIY, BRICK HOUSE: W.C. $5.50 per month, includ. Apply, 233 Brock St 3IX-ROOMED and yard; ing water. UPRIGHT PIANO (MASON & RIBCH), till May ist. For terms and partis culars, address, A. B, Whig office. STORE, 68 BROCK STREET, FORMER- ly occupied by W. A. Bowen. Ap- ply to David Flall, 6 Brock Street A FURNISHED HOUSE LIGHT AND sunny, with modern Improvements and furnace; rent moderate, at 311 Queen Street. SUMMER COTTAGE i biorke Dt McCann's, Brock, Cor. ing GOOD LOCA. tion, with dwelling. drive-houss and stable Apply to reet. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE, MoDER: DERN ne provements. corn or Boyd, 108 Pine Hiren A COMFORTABLE BRICK DWELLING, offers). 'Anghy. Crothers' bakery). R. Webster, §1 Princess rooms; modern improvements; gas in for Saoking: J tknanion at ND DW furnished and "unfurnished FROCERY BTORE, IN storehoune, J. 8. R. McCann, 81 Brock Hviston Streets. Roly, J Rev. >» ng ity. 208 Weill a next BRICK HOUSE No. 97 YORK STREET: 7 onoe Apply, nderyou, $3 York Street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLE... da ay rooms, abso tery mo fo BBY own Jock an ba kia. FROM OCTOBER 1ST, SHOP AND RE- sidence at predent occupied as a fretiery store hy W, McCandless, 3 Princess Street. Apply on pre- m FURNIINED HOUSE, located. 'seven improvements; furnace, gas for socking, ele; fine brick oj donee, Apply, Box 820, Whig Ph VERY CENT- ally bedrooms; - arn FOR SALE OR 70 LET, mates given Tor Re cla PAINTERS AND GRAINERS. WHEN YOU HAVE SOME HOUSE Ainting that you want done ries sen for. Bushey, . 471 Division Street, painter and graitner. Work done by the day or job. An esti. mate for the asking. PATENTS. Seng "loc lor Sonkisi a8 a orney, Ottutra a Gu hett, Fadthd MOLES, oto, FOR HAIR, ¥ THE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS FRE- misea for many years occupied by Henry Skinner Wholesale Druggiats, exten ne "trom - Prin- cess Street to Queen Street, with frontage on both, and includ} ex tensive bufidings. Apis to Dune ningham & SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, ETC; ------------------------------ THE NEWEST RULES, REGULATIONS and Forms pertaining to Station Agent and legrap; Operator's work are incorpora in the new courses of Tra, So on the Central Telegraph Hehoo 1 Gerrard Street, East F orouto. "articulars free. Write T. J. Johnston, Princi- pa We Je gustantes uniformity in all sizes. system insures it, ell Screened. wi us, Clean, Bright