Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Sep 1910, p. 4

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|! want with regard io pur institutions. # Sear dg SOUNDING THE ALARM. "Mr. Taft has undecteken to scare the people on the tariff question. In the last presidential election he championed a lower tarifi. It was demanded in the Western states snd it appeared to be inevitable, The sen- ate, however, had its own idea of tariff reform, and this idea wa to give the tariff a tilt wpw > and the evidence of this lies in the fact that last year the customs revenue was increased in the United States by about twenty millions of dollars. There is a congressional election at hand, and ail the sigis point to a defeat of the republican party. In several states there have been electoral tests and they havd been against the government. The change in public sentiment has been attributed to the dissatisfaction of the people with re gard to The tariff. This dissatisfac- tion is widespread, and, taken in con- only to say that [vection with the insurgent move and would = be |ment, has alarmed the party. The of [result is evident in the later appeals of the leaders. Mr. Taft warns the people ware of the grouch that willl at the polls, give the upper house to the democrats, for all they can do is en gage in tariff agitation to the weri- ous injury of the industrial and bus- iness interests of the country. The chairman of the New York state committee admonishes the party against the agitators who are seek: ing to dertroy the peace of the mer- chant, the mauufacturer, and the labourer, by electing men who would lay violent hands on that sacred thing called the tariff. The talk is familiar. It sounds like a repetition of 'what was beard in Canada during the election of § 1896. The grits were out. " They were a bad, a wicked, a perverse lot. They had designs on the National Policy. They would wreck it if they could, and, incidentally, do mischief to the business of the people. Therefore the electors were advised to avoid them as they would a pest, and to stapd by the party which had given them the assurance of peace and' prosperity. And the people, exercising the good sense which usually possesses them, hurled the corrupt gang from power and gave way to the liberals. Their reign has been ove of the best. The country never knew what prosperity really meant until the Laurier gov: ernment took office. It may not be an ideal administration--and the ideal has never existed--but it has given the country good laws, a good tariff, and an expansive and progressive pol- 15th and 16th--Napanee News. 'Napanee, Sept: 2.~Rolsnd Hawley, Ne Road, won $25 from M. E. Mitchell, proprietor of the Paisley house, on iy. The wager was that Mr. Hawley could not walk four miles in an hour. "Rolly" showed him that be could, and won' out in forty: nine minutes and forty-nine snd a half seconds, The aonual Lennox fall fair will be held, . this year, on Thursday and ber 15th and 16th, and the years between ten or twelve and tighteen are the most critical in life, especially for the boys ani girls who grow too fast. Rapid growth and the physical changes that are taking place render them partic eularly liable to BEER at meal times. Pure, sparkling, appetizing and full of life Salvador aids digestion and nourishes the whole system. Spe- cially recommended for} family use. Brewed, ma-| tured and bottled by REINHARDTS' OF TORONTO Sold at all liquor stores ' and botels Clothes Question ! SIR JAMES® LOUD TALK. The premier of Canada has made a dignified and effective reply to the premier of Ontario, who, in England, has been talking, and once more through his het. Sir Wilirid Laorier, at Nelson, B.C., referred to the tariff, He had been interviewed by free trad- protectionists, in his trip to change the od Or. Wores's Inains Root Pils would mate ber or Towns that soaltsy and dap. freqteniy, een allowed to ran on, condemn them to a lifetime of suffering. Iris most important thar at this period of life those organs which carry off the body's waste and impurities --the bowels, i the skin -- should be FORCROH Tamworth, for $200. Mrs. Dudley Howell and Miss How- ell, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willett Vanalstine, haved returned to Peterboro. Mr. apd Mrs. I. 8. Col lier, K , were in town for a couple days'this week. Mrs. W. J, Duckworth, Miss Duckworth and Mas- . and 3. DP. , are guests of to bes | Mrs. C 's mother, Mrs. Hugh Davy.. Miss Emma Howell is a guest at the home of William Unger, Palace Road. . Isaac Amey removed, this week, to his new abode, as turnkey of the Na- nee jail. Miss , Haliday and Miss aud Anderson left, this week, for Winnipeg. Miss' Iva Horton, of Rob- lin, was the guest for a weok of Miss Pearl Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Black, South Napanee, are rejoicing gre: the arrival of a son on August st. ORCORCHORORO The Fall Outfitting Pro- position looms up again, and must receive due consideration, ers and across the country, tarifi, and he had it was not perfect amended, but not in the interest any ohe party. "It will be our a ---- EE FO ORO OS CRO RN CSCC cn HAO HHOROOROROROORCROOA eRe If you desire wearables to B¥ suit your body, your character 8 and your purse, an inspection ® of our lines becomes very im- £ portant. own," said he, "to evolve a tariff suitable to all men land calculated to benefit the whole country. One thing we have done. The Morse'; Indian Rost Pills are | cardinal feature and outstanding prin- till made from precisely the same furmula ciple is the British preference, and so #5 then obit' grandparents used them, for long ae 'we stay in office it will re nothing better has ever been devised. din." That is emphatic enough and Made by W. H. Comstock Co. , Ltd. Sic James Whitney will probably read Biro kyille, Ont., and sold by all dealers ji with some concern and snap his od 236. a box. 2 jaws in anger. The premier of Ontario was evident- \ ly playing some one's game when he gave out, in his own peculiar way, that unless something were done to harmonize the British and the Cana- We have some excel- lint Soft Lump Coal for threshing engines. t'ry it, and you will be dian fiscal systems, the empire, so far surprised to see how as Canada was concerned, would be but a recollection. Sir Wilfrid's an- quickly it will raise steam, 3. Anglin& Co. cisive, Said he: Foot Wellington Street. "Our opponents say we should ask Britiain to change herzfiscal policy. Clearing Out Summer Clothing Bow absurd ! It is not the policy of and Summer Goods the Canadian government to ask Brit- ain to change her fiscal policy ome jota. We make our own fiscal ar rangements to suit our own interests, so with Britain. Yes, more : 1 have heard it said that unless Britain Ko re of price. If you that, copied into the British papers, |. want real, live Bargains in Summer . x ga 5 ey. Cluthing, Buy now---and buy HERE. will carry conviction wherever the} might be the same with the dem faa TEN AND BOYS, ame of Laurier is known, Canada re oceats. They have k long enough oe Patterna. joices that it has a premier that cam fo ition. to lean wisd atid HATS AND SHOES, ' speak so nobly and patriotically when prudence, and they should show prodf the oceasion calls for it. of this when they got a chance. RORORCROROEDS CROSOAOROADS MEN'S FANCY WORSTED SUITS, New Browns, Greens, and Grays, $135.00 and $18.00. , MEN'S BLUE BOTANY SERGES, Hand Padded Collars and Lapels.. Something Nobby, £13.00. ROROROFORORCRORORORORG -------- HOWE'S GREAT SHOWS. No Adjectives Needed to Describe | This Production. The capacity of the big tents is al ways tested during Howe's Great Lon- don Shows' engagement, and it is best to allow the children to come to \ the afternbon exhibitions, where the new menagerie can be seen to much better advantage and more time given fo absorb the descriptive knowledge so pleasantly unfolded by the gentleman: ly lecturers. The white city is a beautiful picture on the green, and thousands of sight- seers will take advantage to inspect this monster moving caravan. The horse stables alone are worth visiting to all lovers of the gentle equine, for Howe's London ('horse show" is un- equaled; then the ponies should be seen; also the culinary department, marvel in itself. The blacksmith shops, the electric light plant and an hun- dred places will be found of interest. ion A work x ap Sbsolutely necessary 4. BR. CO. DOBRS, character is done on Sundays. If the weather is fine and the water is not KINGSTON. 2 too cold, the elephants will be given BRE Site LR : a bath, 0 CR PE Ta mr ny Every one will see the vast improve- ment and enlargement of this, the best of all the large tented aggregations. Each department is "so towplétely filled with foreign and American fea- tures as' are capable of béing trans MEN'S BLACK WORSTED SUITS, $13, $18, and $20, HE Underwood repre- Ready to try an. Finished in two hours' time, sents the first radi. MEN'S FINE DOMESTIC TWEED sos, cal improvement in prin. Cut after the same models In New Shades Brown, Green, Gray, ete, as our more expensive Suits. fhe typewriter became a y + $7.50, $8.30, $10, and $12.00. ciple and construction since factor in the commercial MEN'S FALL OVERCOATS, It has revolution. A handsome range at $8, $10, $12, $12.50 S135, $18. world, ized the typewriter busi ness, SEE OUR SPECIAL $15 BLACK AND GRAY CHEVIOTS. FOR BOYS. a ---- UNITED TYPEWRITER CO. LTD. is an insult to the Canadian people. 3 Let the world know that the loyalty in. hantisome of Canada to the British empire, of which she is proud to be a part, is not dependent on any tariff agreement. Canada is united to the motherland in heart and in life, independent of all tariff arrangements." That is the talk that counts fot something, and that is the expression g See our Bloomer Suits for Boys, 6 years to 16 years, ® Tweeds; neatly made style. : SPECIAL, $4.70. DON'T BE BALD. Empty Wooden Suit Cases For Sale: |The H.D.Bibby Co The Big Store With Little Prices. Nearly Anyone May Secure a Splen- did Growth of Hair. 1 have a remedy that has a record lported and handled in a satisfactory | of growing hair and curing baldness. 8 The show a be hefe of fin mindy Shee ut of every 100 cases NM , September 5th 3 where used according 0 erions for , a reasonable length of time. That may seem like a strong statement--it is, and I mean it to be, and no one should doubt it until they have put my claims to an actual test. I am so certain Rexall "93" Hair Toni¢ will eure dandruff, prevent bald- ness, stimulate the scalp and hair roots, stop falling hair and grow new hair, that I personally give my posi: tive guarantee to refund every penny paid me for it in every instance where it does not give entire satisfaction to the user. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is as plea sant to use as clear spring water. It tis delightfully perfumed, and does not grease or gum the hair. Two sizes, 50c. and $1. With my guarantee back of it, vou certainly take no risk. Sold only ab' my store=The Rexall Store. G. W. Mahood, Vaile coming Fermoy Greetings, vt Ang. 2. --Farmers thro! arvésting and fair vield, berries ry quite lentiful . Jin this vicinily. George Jutterill and his gang of men have completed the work on the new road. Our school is being repaired by a new floor and a coat of paint. A. Lewis is making preparations . for starting out next week with his thresh- ing machine. Mr. and Mrs. 8&. War: ren have retutned to the village 'al- ter spending a couple of weeks camping on the Rideau at "Bluff Point." CU. E. Derbyshire spent the past week in ch of his brother's store in Westport. rs. 8. Kish spent a few days, the guest of her son, J. Kish, Miss Maggie Lewis is visiting her sister in Smith's Falls. Miss Irene Derbyshire and Master Douglas, King- ston, have returned home, accompan- ied by their cousin, Abbie Derbyshire, of he Point. Mrs, J, F. Barr and children have returned to Westport ) y after visiting at P. Botting's. Sun- . ABER N ETHY'S. day visitors : Mr. and Mrs. W, Quinn, - at W, Truelove'ss Mr. and Mrs. Han- nah," of Tichborne, at P. Botting's; Mr. and Mrs. G. Butterill and Clifford, at J. Barr's, i Botting, at Fish Creek; W. the Lake gave Canada some mutual tariff ar Come in nnd see the Bargains. ns printer Bhi lll a ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET, They're All Gone! Sens, A WHO'S WHO DEPARTMENT. Students are arriving in the city dod they are realizing the drawback of not knowing where to find certain persons with whom they have to do business and get certain information. The re sult is a feoling that what Kingston wants, and very badly, is a publicity department at which a visitor may vall and get the help and advice. he needs. A publicity department need not be oxpensive, , "In some of the larger cities it has as- signed to it duties and fanctious of a very important character. The head of it wegotiates with those who contem- plate business relations or new indus. tries, and who can be enamored of a place by being shown the courtesies Sh Ro? EN ---- 2 Bissy 8 CAB STAN and attentions they appreciate. But a Phone 201 publicity department can be carried on are a very EDITORIAL NOTES. The constituencies represented by conservatives in the North-West are asking for public buildings, chiefly post offices, and the premier is promising them. Bribing the people openly. Au- dacious acts. : PIG LEAD and ANTIMONY: IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. ® % % THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED, : ® * There is an agitation fo extend the Intercolonial railway to Toronto, in the west, at a probable cost of $20,- 000,000. It is a big scheme, and one that has its opponents, though the commission now running the road fa- vouns the scheme. OFFICE: 31 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. SHEA ERLRABOR NRL ERRRRLERARARRN RANA RLIMARS. There is a mania for suicide among some people. They are sufferers from something. There is nothing quite so demoralizing as the love blight. Wit 'ness the shooting of the young woman in New York, whose literaty failures were culminated with a lover's quar rel. Kingston ought to have closer rail way connections, but. they are costly. The G.T.R., when asked some years ago, what it would expect to divert its track and plant its depot in the vity, wuggested a quarter of a million View House; Mr. and Mrs. W. Whe lan, as J. Murphy's, Sangster; E. Rish, at his father's, J. Kish's; Albert Barr and Miss M. Roberts, Burridge, at G. Builerill"s; Mr. and Mrs. F. Knapp, Newboro, also Roy Martin, School Shoes and Fall Shoes lare now ready Boys® School Boots, $1.26 $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Ask for "Cracker Jack" Solid Leather Shoes. Sizes for Boys, 11 to 13, $1.50 Sizes 1 to 5, $2.00 GIRLS' SCHOOL SHOES, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 College Shoes for High School Boys and Girls, all prices, 1.75, $2.00, 00, $3.00 and $4.00. ABERNETHY' dollars. A mere trifle, of course, for a city of our pretensions. The Emperor of Germany explains : that he did not mean, by his late * speech, that he was under the pro- : tection of the Highest and working > x under any special commission. We a : assumed that every "honest Christian' Cole Lake, the guest of Miss Hattie Botting; e Warren spent Sun- day out of town; Dame says a wedding in the village in the pear future. as securely inaccessible as though hid- iow. That surely is a con- dition that should not exist. The of- TT Scarcity of Water. Clarendon, Aug. 30.--Water is very and our villagers draw it with and rigs L. Moss" well. 'annon is i Y. GC extending his J did the same. Blessed assurance. How the world must be appeased ! ? Mr. - McBride, of British Columbia, od hint a reception. Before leaving Fe 8 i At dinwer especially wns af amy "meat meal" w= Hegal Lager proves a real help to weak digestions. It tones the stomack and does the nerves good. Yet it I» me mere wiimulant, saad ecerisin- RE ¥ The = anish fed the city of Bilbao io a sate of ges REN NTR

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