Why Leave Money Lie idle ? - F' You dan pet interest at' The § Bank of Toronto, and get your money whenever required. Sums of $1 and upwards re "ceived in our Savings Departs ment, No Delay in depositing or withdrawing funds. KINGSTON BRANCH: 107 PRINCESS STREET, George B. McKay, No 'matter what kind of a Plough you have and you have a poor share YOU CAN'T DO GOOD WORK. We have genuine Shars for all "kinds Of Ploughs, and number for the "FLEURY'S, 5 + » . SYLVESTER. Ede PERCIVAL, CONNOLLY'S, | General Agent for International Harvesting Co. WILKINSON'S, PERRIN, it is a perfeqt blend of wheat and i [COMPANY GETSRIGHT 1 fh ---- 170 RUN OVER CNM IN OITY . J other Latin-American countries com- ! WINNIPEG t---- Health on Their Hudson Bay Trip. Ottawa, Sept. 2~The dominion rail! way ission today issued tinental railway running rights the Canadian Northern rdilway in the' city 'of Winnipeg for one year. The' NTR. is com on each side of Winnipeg between Fort William and Edmonton, but has no cross cily fine. The railway commission's or der enables it to carry a large shave of this season's grain crop of the Canadian west. A wireless essage was Tr the government to-day reporting safe journey of Earl Grey, gover nor-general, to Hudson Day, and out into the Atlantic on his far northern: tour. The message was from the' ernment steamer Grey, now off the coast of Labrador, and due at Pictou, N.8., Sept. 14th. His «- cellency reached Port Nelson after un overland trip on Aug, 13th and sailed | from there Aug, 20th. The party | are all well. -------- Jumped to Save Lives. Sandwich, Ont., Sept, 2.~Two young men had s dangerous experience, last night, near the Pittsburg Coal com} pany's dock, when their gasoline | launch became igoited from an at into the river to save themselves from the burning gasoline, One young man's neck was slightly burned. The boat is | £200, The men refused to give their names. Call and see our ins in cor sels, best value in Kingston, 50c., with 209 Princess street. Labor leaders will occupy pulpits in a number of churches in Chicago, Sun- day, to preach' the dostrine of trade unionism, "Fresh Huyler's," at Gibson's, More mediemal preparations are manufactured in Brazil than in all the bined, Join our English boot cub, De it 10e. and upwards, four per nt. interest, Duiton's Shoe Store, 200 Princess street, "Huyler's delicions sweets' fresh on Thursday, at Gibson's Red Cross drug Store. Peaches and plums, Crawford. Monuments . 5° Latest in Design and Best Work- manship Guaranteed at Lowest Poss. an or- § der giving the new National Transeen- hold the railways ) over burden of proof where cattle are killed company, was, this morning, sent vw FARMERS URGE OX LAURIER Removal of Tariff Walls and Change in Railway Act, -- Medicine Has, Alta, Sept. 2-Sic Wilfrid Laurier was with a new series of appeals fox free trade at the Dominion Conpeil Agricul ture and the United Farmers of Al berta waited upon him to urge removal of the tariff walls, and t of the rail wt, ble for For the Space of One Year--Earl Lethbridge, yesterda Grey and Party Reported in Good from 10 the on the tracks. The latter matter, the premier said, the minister of railways would consider. Concerning the fiscal problem, he reiterated his own free trade convictions, calling attention to the fact that Canada was « of diversified interests, and the govern: ment would aim at a solution which would discriminate against no class and the greatest benefit to the test number. The task of gather- ing data would be committed to a commission, which would travel about the country getting im touch with the cequirements of all interests. It was, | however, the aim of the government to } progress towards a better policy. make IN TORONTO POLICE COURT. Bagley Remanded--A Dishonest Manager. Toronto, t. alias Charles nightle , who turn out to be . Lancelot Middle- ton, the famous Woodstock forger and | to-day, in the police | _-- court, remanded for a week without |' , ®%" electing or plosion and they were forced to jump |i, B bigamist, was, pleadi His supposed appeared. The man is charged with Mttoting a forged draft ard on a Newburg bank, For stealing provisions, meat a total wreck and the loss is shout fei from his employers, Arthur Tay- lor, r of the Bathurst and Col- lege ron store of the W, M. Davies by Col. Denison to jail for forty days at hard labor, "This man took enough hose supporters, 3 kinds. Dutton's,'during the past six weeks to keep his family in food," said the crown #t- torney, TWO NO Man Drowned While Conveying News of Friend's Death. Cobalt, Sept. 2.~While taking the news of the death of & friend down to Elk Lake City, Allred Easy hinp- self was drowned in the Montreal river. William Payne, caretaker at No, 2 of J. R. Booth's lumber camps, fell dead in a fit. How long 'it was be- fore the body was found is not known for Alfred saearetaker at. No.3 camp, first discovered the fact. He set out in his canoe to take the news to the depot camp, near Elk Lake, and was drowned. It was not until bis upturned ¢ralt was found and af- ter examination had been made at an inquest that these tragedies of the bush were made known. SEEK TO ANNUL FRANCHISE. CRN TRAGEDIES. Winnipeg to Enter Action Against Street Railway, ing held 6 the churéh on 2 --John Bagley, | may ible Prices. A Call of Inspection Solicited, Winnipeg, Sept. 2.--The city is about to take legal action against the street railway for a forfeiture of the Winni- peg Kleetrio Street Railway - com- ny's franchise on account of a Py of contract in respect to con- struction of new lines. The action is being brought under the section of the street railway company's charter in regard to the laying of mew tracks. The city solicitor contends that the street railway have been consistently breaking faith with the city in the matter of laying tracks which have heen ordered by the city council. FORCED TO ABANDON Ie His Attempt to Swim the English Channel. Dover, Eng., Bept. 2.--After sixteen hours of struggling with the treacher- ous currents in the English channel, Heaton, the crack swimmer, was forced to abandon his England-to-France awim, to-day, He was taken out ex- hausted. "I'l never try again," he said. He required medical attention. i ---- A -------- Viaduct for Toronto, Toronto; Sept. 2.--The committee on works, this morning, decided to send on to the city council a recommenda- tion that a by-law be submitted to the ratepayers to raise ¥769,000 for the construetion of the Bloor mittee by the council at its last sion Steamer Calls for Help. Eureka, Cal, Sept. 2.---A wireless call for hélp was received by short stations at 2 a.m, to-day, from the steamer Watson, ashore on Waddah 'Is- land, Neah Bay. The tug Godath, a revenue cutter; and another vessel has been exceptionally good. A well- OF THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH BEING HELD, Delegates Present From Twenty-six Churches -- Bishop Sellew, of Jamestown, N.Y., is Presiding. The annual conference of ihe Free Methodist church of this district isbe- Colborne street. The conference has been in ses- sion since Wednesday and will 'com: plete itd business by Saturday. Dele gates are present from twenty-six churches and are being addressed by Rev. H. B. Luck, pastor in charge ; Bishop W. W. Sellew, of Jamestown, N.Y., president of the conference; Rev, | A. Simms, formerly of Kingston, but now of Toronto; Rev, A. Ball, Ux- a BISHOP SELLEW, Of Jamestown, N.Y. wha ls visting Kingston. bridge, Rev. J, W, Potter, Picton, and Rev. I. A. Sagar, Niagara Falls, N, Y. Rev. C. A, Appleton, a returned missionary from China, will address a meeting on Sunday afternoon, The business in connection with the con- ference is being transacted in the morning, and the afternoon is given over to religious meetings. The elec- ting of the misters to the different charges will in all probability be fin- ished Saturday morning. FINISH OF THE SEASON. The City Baseball League Had a Good Summer. The officers 'of the « Kingston tour Baseball association wish thank the people of Kingston for generous support ~iven them in past season. While the collections have not been as large us the officers could have wished for, they have been consid. erably larger than last year. A large part of this is due no doubt to the tag system which was adopted during the latter part of the season. The ex- penses for runing each team for the season is in the neighborhood of $190 | and 'after the expenses wére taken cut a check for 884.16 was issued to each team. While this ina measure is very good, "it hardly pays" the --Hoys to play ball 'at all if it were not for the sport of the thing. The class of ball played this year by the local teams Ama- to the known citizen who witnessed a fow games in Montreal and Toronto said he saw the short<stop muff a rounder and the outfield Jet several slide through his mitt that he felt sure that neither ""Boug" Pound vor * Nickie" would let by. So the pecole of Kingston are witnessing vomes for ten cents of a quarter that would cost filty and seventy-five cents to ses in either of the aforesaid places. While the boys one and all are indeed yrute- ful for the support this year they are looking forward to nest year as heing the recordbreaker. ~ Kilties at "The Bi on" ~The Bijou top-liner for to-day and Saturday in entitled "Twa Hieland Laddies" and deals with a pair of young farmers of the lonb and short variety who join & Highland 'regi- ment and meet with all kinds of funny experiences. Among other things they push the geseral and colonel into'the swimming tank by mistake. They are then chased by soldiers and finally captured and court martialed, At last, however, they are pardoned and subsequently become "The I'ride of the Regiment." This picture is * accompapied to-day by "Mrs. Barrington's House Party," an excellent comedy drama, and to-mor- Jom by a comedy 'Max Makes a train, from Montreal -- Reid to-day at, noon. hy conducted by Rev. T. at the station James" church, Jf visitin® in the city, {eister, Mrs. the | % any certain the patient did not have m3 wee qi Fite te, Si Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. . Miss Madge Hepburn, of Picton, is John Leach; is k i sfigdsty il t his residence, Charles street. "Nr, and Mrs G. B. MeMullen, Picton, are visitors in the city. Version Oiedn, Broek strest, left to- day to vie his ts in Toromsto. 4. B. Cooke and Kinfear Reid ¢ of the Rideau. A Miss Ethel Prior, Howe Iiland, is the guest of Mrs. M, L. Muchmore, Pagot street. Misses M. and E. Jackson have re- towed from Toronto from attending millinery Openings, Miss "Ruby Quail, Johnsen street, as returned home, after a two weeks visit in Latimer. Villian: O'Gorman, Montreal streel, has returned home after spending a iow days at Cape Viscent. | J G. Bastow and family, summer- vg at East View Park, returned to {their home on Queen stieet to-day. : Mr. and Mrs. Henry Urimley, sum. {mering at "The Cedars" will ret wn to thir home on Union sirort today. Mrs. W. Peters, er, 186 Rideau street, who has besa ill for some days, has been removed to the Hotel Dieu. Master Alexander Thompson has re turned to Toronto after visiting his Heary March, Division street. William Rochefort, Bagol street, has returned home after spending a few weeks, with Mrs. Thomas Prior, "Corner View," Howe Island. Mrs. J.T. White and Mrs, T, KE. Ruscorla and her little dawihter, Elva, Jenve on Saturday for a (wo wedks visiz in Watertown and Syracuse, N.Y. Dr, Thonus D. Macgilliveay, who has been spending the past month here with his parents, Rev. Dr, and Mrs, Macgillivray, leaves to-morrow for Fort William. Missess Florence and Mary Porter, of this city were called to their home, in Cataraqui, Thursday norning, ow- ing to the serious illness of their father, John Porter. Ex-Ald. J. T. White returned last evening from a weeks' trip to Syratuse, N.Y. He had a fine time fishing at Oneida Lake. The party consisted of Pr. A. N. White, of Denver and his sons, Curtit, Dourlas, Harry and N. Clark, one of Syracuse's hest citizens, TO APPOINT DR. HARRIMAN. To Assist Jokeph Downey at Ovillia Asylam, {| Toronto News, | An important move on the part of the government in regard to the . ad- {ministration of Orillia asylum is about to be taken. Some months previous to the appointment of Joseph Downey, WM. PP, to the position of superinten- | dent, following the resignation of Dr. | Beaton, it is understood. the govern- | ment had planned to alter the execu j tive powers of the superintendent hy {creating the office of a medical direc tor, At this junclure Dr. Beaton re- igigned, and Mr, Downey succeeded ap- parently to the same office. The gov. ernment, it is understood, is about to appoint Dr. Harriman, pecintendent of the Toronto and formerly of Roekwood Kingston, 10 the new position. RIOTING WAS RESUMED -------- At Bilbao and Other Northern Points in Spain. Madrid, Sept. 2~--Rioting was re- sunnd today at Bilbao and other points in the 'north, as the troops on hand vainly struggled to quiet the strikers. Reinforcements were ordered to stratezie points to enforce martial law, following the suspension of the constitution, A eral strike at Bar- celona and el re in Caledonia was threatened to-day, 'and mahy trades yuit work at various points, Scores of factories have shut down, lockirky out thousands of employees, and add- ing to the unrest. . Not a mewspaper was printed at Saragossa to-day, and nearly every businéss was wt a stand- still as the result of the strike de clared by twenty-two unions. GOOD WORK OF THE POLICE In Round-up of Drunks Last Week Clean Sheét This Week. The round-up the pokes made last week, on drunks, 'evidently did a great deal of good, as this week, not one drunk fell into the police nets. No doubt the drunks have Been reading the papers, and got wise to the fact that the police were after them. Last week, the constables arrested no less than nivetéen drunks, but so far this week, and it is now practical ly the week-vnd, not on: arrest has been made of au intos ated person. Bangston is doing good all right, spells, at any rate. asylum, asylom, Lusitaiiia Allowed to Land. New York, Sept. 2.--The Cunarder Lusitania, held up at quarantine last night because a case of illness on board could not | wly diagnosed, the health pT a it might be cholera, was itted fo i "Ther dock id ei Officer Doty that while h¢; was réason- ; tds he could nor alord to take Minto Cup Games. Sept. 2.--September 17th and 2th have been named as the dates for the Minta Cap lacrosse Ramey between New Westminster Nationals. "Joe" Lally, of Creal {Hiss be obe of the referees. Tle will be on the ccast at the time snd hes name is sugested. Easteen sage Rovhes is d alo, 4: ontreal, 3: Tor6ato, 1b Yervey 4; Providence, 6. turned home yesterday from a trip vn j assistant su- '® Women's al . : Stylish New . Suits he manner in which our " showing of New Fall Suits has already taken with popular ap- proval speaks well for their quality and worth. Our New Suits have the SNAPand STYLE about them 4 Which is the natural outcome of good material and high class workmanship. ¥ We ask that you come and see them. Just a bint as to prices, we mention a few of the most popular : i New Fall Suits, $15.75, 18.75. New Fall Suits. $21.95, 22.50, and up. Remember When we ask you to come and see this col- lection of New Fall Suits you will not be urged to buy, but will be most welcome to come and look and examine--compare; and should you see just the one that you wish, have it placed aside if not quite ready to buy. Monday, Labor Day, Being a Holiday, you will have to plan to do your shopping TO-MORROW. - a Children's 'Hosiery, All sizes, many makes to ahidone from. Children's Early Fall Underwear. Children's Hair Ribbons, all the pepular shades and correct makes and widths. New Kid Gloves, Ladies' Early Fall Gloves, $1.00, 1.25, in Tans, Greys, Modes, Black. Children's Kid Gloves, 60¢ and 75c. RAO . * Butterick's Patterns For September now ready, Fashion Books FREE CHILDREN SA 2FOOTWEARY, 3 Try oir School Boots; you will be satisfied. Bought from the Largest and Best Manufac- Sloe Store _ Every pair solid.