An Extraordinary. Achievement In Fiction . RALPH CONNOR'S 'F amous Rocky Mountain Tales-- Over Two TAillion Already Sold GLENGARRY SCHOOL PAYS "Gels a swing of inci dent and danger that keeps you tearing away at the pages till the book is done." N.Y. Mail. THE DOCTOR. "The best thing Ralph Connor has done since "The Sky Pilot, and perhaps the best that he has ever done NY. Times. THE PROSPECTOR. "A novel so intense that the reader grinds his teeth lest his sinew should snap ere the strain Is released." Chicago Tribune. MAN FROM GARRY, "A legitimate sueccegsor 'Black Rock," which se Liter. that THE SKY PILOT. "Black good, but Rock' was 'The Bky Pilot' is better--real life; virile, true, tender, humorons.'™ Outlook. THE GLEN- BLACK ROCK, "*A picture of life in the to cured swift fame." - ary Digest. ol surpassing merit." --8t. Louis Globe Democrat. ~ PRICE, 80c PER COPY. MAIL ORDERS 10c EXTRA. COLLEGE BOOK STORE lumber and mining camps ! THE DAILY BRITISH wie, 1 TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 6, 1910. THE RUGBY OUTLOOK HOWE'S FINE CIRCUS Ar Qu PENS SAID TO TO BE DECIDED- DREW BIG CROWDS | DS DESPITE THE LY PROMISING, RAINY DAY. Manager Platt "Expects to Bring the The Show Was the Best One-Ring Intercollegiate Senior Champion- | ship Here--Moran to Captain | Queen's. : Fhildhoo¥ days spent in chasing the | When. Howe's big London shows pig skin on the vacant lots of the !wected their huge water-proof tes, Limestone city, whereof it is said foot- { yesterday morning, peuple said tha at iball was first thought of, produced : they would have no crowd, that they {last season's intereolieginte sensation, |yoiid be able to put all the people in in the person of one Patrick Méran!, good-sized room. Their suspicions ard bis famous drop kick. None less jwere confirmed when at eleven o'clock than the same "Paddy" will this fall | the parade marched through the town pilot the fortunes of the Presbyterians | i, the niidst of a rain that did not in the eapacity of captain of Queen's | take time to come down, but fell in senior rughy football squad. torrents. The performers did not seen Garfield Platt, manager of the team, [4s mad the rain, for they all wore returnid to the city yesterday, and in smiling faces. Well, the people said, conversation with a Whig ropresenta- the parade looks good, guess we'll go itive, stated that he did not consider {.4., the eirens; and go they did. They himself overly optimistic when he sai were not disappointed, for the circus that there wus every prospect of the was the best ope-ring performance ever senior rugby championship coming to |eean in the city of Kingston, and that Queen's this season, is saying quite a lot, for in the last Two of the stalwarts who stood on! few vears this eify has been visited by the Queen's line in' "08, big George |, large number of circuses, and the Thompson and Louis Bruce, again an-| {lant one which was here made. the peo- ticipute returning to college. Both of! (ple a little suspicious, as they did not these men will aid materially in filling ! do all they advertised to do; conse: the gaps created' by last season's lquently, the populace were afraid that graduates. Several of the lads who | they would not get their money's played with the K.C.I. will try for 8 orth. But those. who were fortunate place, ad it is quite possible * that | ¢, be nt both performances were wall more than one of these boys may be | catishied with the way their money was seen in senior company before the 8ei~ | anent on Monday. Y gon ends. Howe's show in itself was of a very Norman Crothers and George Rich- cledf and *efined ehhracter, and from ¢ The Morning Parade Took Place ia a Pouring Rain. Fay a Fair Price And Cet the Hest The grocer who gives the greatest number of pounds of granulated sugar for a dollar, naturally won't give "the best Montreal granulated." The only way you can- be sure of getting the best, is to insist ou having The analysis of Prof. Hersey, Government Analyst, shows that gy, Lawrence Granulated" contains 99--99/100 10 100 per cent. of pure cane sugar with no impurities whatever, The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Sompany Limited, Montreal. 19 ARE CORRECT FOR FALL WEAR : WE HAVE, THEM. CRAWFORD & WALSH Princess & Bagot Sts. AIIIIIIIIIIIIIISIIIS III IIIIIIIIII III S00 Leading Tailors" gl ardson will conch the team this Fear, | the ctart, at two o'tlock, until the fin and have called the first practice for ish, at four o'vlock, there was not a Monday, the 22nd, to take place oi | dull moment. Every minute was slled the lower campus. of the university; with something that was interesting, however, as soon as the full squad ar- and the majority of the acts had nev- vives the team will he immediately er heen seen here before. The seven transferred to the athletic grounds. marvelous Eddys, in their death-daring « Queen's play their first two games acts, brought forth the hearty ap- away from home. They return to do |; plause of, the entire Audience. The fea- battle with Qtawa College on the lo- | art of three of ' these acrobats is cal gridiron, 'Saturday afternoon, Oe- worthy of special mention. Suspended tober 22nd. high up in the dome of the great tent, they are swung in a circle while hang- ing by their teeth, While performing this daring act, they play on musical instruments. Master Phillip Eddy per- formed the only tight wirg act seen in this city without the aid of a balane- ing pole or umbrellat. The six Uenos, in their fearless tumbling and foot balancing act, were repeatedly - ap- plauded, .and deserved all the applause they got. William Wallett is best de- scribed as England's most fearless and daring rider, as well as the best. The other acts were too numerous to men- tion, bet they were watched with the keenest interest. After the big show many remained to see the concert, while the rest went out to view the really ex¢ellént menagerie that this show carties. Among the notable features was the baby camel. This little beast of the desert was born last February, and has been raised by hand ever #ince, as its mother died when it was only a month old. An- other was the tigress with three cubs only a few months old, The tigress is the mother of seventeen enbs and they are all lieing but one, and that one was Killed by. the father, In the evening the hage tent fas taxed to its capacity. © "Interprovincial Rugby. | At the semi-annual meeting of the Interprovineial Rughy Union at Ct tawa these dates were arranged : Oct. Sth-+Argonants at Montreal and Ottawas 4t Hamilton. Oct. End-Montreal at Argonauts and Hamilton at Ottawa, Oct. 20th--Hamilton at Montreal and Oftawa at Argonauts. Nov. Oth--Montreal at and Argonauts at Ottawa. Nov, Bth-Ottawa at Montreal and Hamilton at Argonauts, The meeting adopled a suggestion that the two big football * unions should agree to open the rugby sea son each veag on the second Saturday in October, 4 h a view to providing clysses of dates for play between In: tercolleziate and Interprovincial teams. There was no decision regarding the JAoplication to reinstate "Jack" Ryan, «hough the delegates expressed them- solves in favor of reinstating him. They thought it wise to leave it to the lioard of governors of the Interpro- vineisl rughy football league, It is likely, however, that he will be given amateur standing, Ham#lton CITY SCHOLARSHIPS = . ' AT THE POLICE COURT. As Result of Matriculation Examina- tions, The following students of the Kings- ton Collegiate Institute obtained fall matricnlation standing at the July examinations : Kenneth Drebner (min- ing matriculation), Allan Brooks, Ruth Buchanan, Collamer C. Calvin, Franklin G, Daly, Christina W. Dyde, Garfield Reilly William V. Sargent, Paul Seammiell, Florence Shannon, Eric Wilson, Father G. Wood. Owing to the want of certain infor- mation it was impossible to publish this list earlier. All of these students, except the first two named, are eligi- ble for one of the four city scholar- shine at Queen's. Those who wish to Holiday. police eourt, Tuesday morning, Patrick Lennan was up on a charge of being drunk, "He told the magistrate that he was not very drunk. "I went down to get a pail of wa ter," he explained, "4nd a gentleman hit me in the eve." "What is the name of the gentle man?' gaked the court. "1 could not say." The magistrate then nan that there was another charge against him, that of using profane language. In reply to this, he stated that boys had been ieasing him, and In informed Len "Let good digestion wait on appetite, on both!" They will if yo | Jake © Suaxesreane a 8 NTE DYSPEPSIA oe " They correct stomach disorders, assist digestion, 'and make fife worth Hving again for the victim of dyspepsia. 50c. a box. not stocked them yet, send us 50c. and we will mail them. Notional at Drug and Chemical Gomptog of Canada. Limited, i Sas ----m-- -- Montreal. Sed 0 0000000000000000000000000800000000000000800 PIG LEAD and ANTIMONY IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. THE CANADA] ME AL SOMPANY, TORONTO. LIMITED. Sshccesseccscsesessncntrcsnccceneccecesnene aBLETS If your druggist has 35 throwing stones. He was not ready to go on with the care, 50 the magistrate adiowrned it for a day. Daniel Byron, on the 'prohibited list," and arrested for being drunk a few days ago, was given a further re mand, for a few days. Two young men made their first ap- pearance in the court. They were ar vested for being disorderly on a boat. One was fined 85 and costs, and the other #3 and costs. The first-appear- ance drunks were given their liberty another was told to report in a week's tiie, and another fined $1 and costs. obtain one of these scholarships must make application to John Maedonald, secretary of the board of education. GREATEST RAIN OF YEAR Fell in Torrents on Monday and Tuesday Morning, The greatest rain of the year fell here on Monday and Tuesday morn- ing. The roads received a splendid washing, and property owners who wished to Kiow exactly how tight their roof tops were had an excellent opportunity to discover the number of leaks in them, On Monday morning, after nine o'clock, the rain came down in torrents, and continued till about two o'clock in. the afternoon, when it ceased. At midnight, the rain again ----------p en Ask to see Huyler's special box of sweets "made every hour," in Kingston only at Gibson's Cross Drug Store, ' Affsir That Has Appeared Here-- THE DEATH RECORD JOHN LEACH, AUCTIONEER, DIED SUNDAY NIGHT. Deceased Came Here From England Four Years Ago--Mrs, H. 8. Smith, 8 Well-Known Lady, Passed to Rest, Kingston lost an uptight and honor- able business man, at 10.30 o'clock on Sunday wight, when John Leach pass- ed away at his residence, 66 'Charles street, after an iHness of about wix month duration, from cancer of the ach. He had been confined to his we only about a month, but had been in poor health for nearly a year. The Iate John Leach was born in Devon- Ashire, England, Bfty years ago, and lived there until about four years ago, when he caine to this comntry with his family, He loeated in Kingston, and for the last two years ¢onducted an auctioneering business on Broek street, betwesy King and Wellington streets, His business prosperad, as in ilis deal- ings' he was always regarded as a strictly honorable man. He leaves to monrn his loss, his bereaved wife, two danghters and three sons, Fthel, Wil- da, Wilfrid, Sidney and Herbert. De ceased was an Anglican in eligion, but attended Calvary Congregational church most of the time. His remains were interred in Cataraqui cemetery Tueeday morning, at ten o'clock. The burial services were conducted by Rev, H. D. Whitmore, of Calvary church. -- The Late Mrs. H. 8. Smith, A very beautiful life, which was filled with 'many good deeds for her fellow men, came to an abrupt close when, on Sunday 'morning, Mrs. Hewmy Stellerifie Smith passed into the great beyond. General debility was the cause of death. The late Mrs. Smith was born in Cambridge, England, fifty seven years ago, and at an early age was married to Henry Stellerifie Smith. They came to this country many years ago, and for a number of years conducted a book-binding shop in the city. Her husband predeceased her many years ago. Deceased was for years an earnest, and faithful worker in St, George's cathedral, having play- ed the organ in the Sunday school for a number of years. She was a musici- an of more than the average ability, having more than once sung before the royal family. She was also a splendid elocutionist, and in her latter years she would sit for hours and entertain her listeners with selections which she had 'learned when a girl. Her only surviving relative is one brother, Daniel Roothan, honorary director of the Bristol Madrigal Society, Clifton, England. The funeral services were conducted from the residence of Mrs. Peters, 571 Princess street, on Monday afternoon, to St. Luke's churo bh, where the funeral sermon was preached by Canon Cooke, a personal friend of the deceased. The remains were interred at Cataragui cemetery, Among those present at the funeral &ire the churchwardens of St. George's cathedral. Among beautiful flowers sent to pay their last tribute to the memory of one beloved was a magni- fice nt cross, the gift of the members of St. George's cathedral, where the good work done by this gifted woman in years gone by will never be forgotten. | Many were the tributes of respect paid The Docket Before Magistrate After | ta the work done by Mrs. Smith in her younger days. One person said that she kept a flower garden for the benefit of the patients in the gene ral hospital, and every Friday, as regular as the day came round, she wended her way to the hospital om her mission ofi love, Drury-Rosevear. C. W. Drury, superintendent of the Electro Steel company, Welland, Ont., and Miss Lola R. Rosevear, of Kiug- ston, were married at 6185 Cooper siveet, Ottawa, on Sept. 5th. The ceremony was performed 'he Rev. H. L- Allen, uncle, of the bride. The couple were unattended, a-------------------- Matriculation Supplementals. The supplemental matriculation aminations at Uueen's university will begin on the 13th with Prof. Mac donald in charge. These examinations are now controlled by the department tl education for Ontario. ox- Hand Bag Sale. Cheap sale of solid leather hand Lags &t wholesale prices at Best's, The average woman would rather 35. Sold Rel | hand over a $2 bill to a dry-goods clerk than a ffty-cent piece to the grocer, came down and lasted until about Ep eight o'clock Tuesday morning. The downpour spoiled the holiday, and kept people © within doors. Monday was the bleakest day since last fall. Tike'n man; if you don't some one Ba man's sine are slow out, 10 Vout my y well: thle mediciie ir aoa. will Rho cannot serub, she cannot bake, RTO tong and make you swallow fd his neighbors get basy and [She Melba's Reception in Halifax. Mme. Melba opened her Canadian American concert tour under the di- rection of F. Shipman, at Halifax, ; Thursday, Sept. 1st, to largest audience Yever drawn by anv artist in that city, +The erowd started to gather in front (of the theatre at noon. Every seat in the house was occupied, two, hun- dred being placed on the stage, and every ite of available standing room soll at two 'and three dollars. The wildest boing ree iffalo News, ihe cannot cook, she cannot sew, She rannot even knead the dough; Or make the plainest pastry cake; She cannot dust, she cannot sweep, {Or maket led that's St sa steers £erv s, Health First-- "Pleasure Follows! For bailding stardy, every-day health thay e wlures, no other food equals GRAPE-NUTS "There's a Reason"s : Grap » Nuts is crisp and delic'oas and contains the viaaliz ng food clements which Nature grows n wheat and barley for rebuilding brain and "The Rod to Wellville." in packages, will in- | terest every thoaghtful reader. Jrince the scheme of the C.F.R JUMPED OFF A BOAT BUT WAS RESCUED BY MEMBERS OF THE CREW, { Frank Tweddle, of Picton, Caused Great Excitement on Steamer Alex. andria~Made Two Jumps Into the Water----Arrested for Drunkenness and Remanded, Frank Tweddle, aged about thirty years, of Picton, caused a great deal of excitement on board the stsamer Alexandria, on which he has been working as deck hand, while the ves: sel was near Bath, Monday night, on the way to Kingston. He jomped into the water twive, and no doubt would have been drowned had not some of the members of the crew palled him out. As a result of his behaviour, the boat was delayed, quite a while, and when the "vessel reached Kingston, Tweedle was handed over to the po- lice, when a charge of heing drunk was lodged against him, Tweddle is a hig, strong fellow, and appeared to be dazed, when he was arraigoed before Magistrate Farrell in police comxt, Tuesday morning, and asked to answer to a charge of being drunk. "4 was never put in in this town be: fore," he stated, when the magistente asked him for an explanation, for his conduc t. Constable: James Pateson, who was called to the wharf to arrest Tweddle, told the magistrate that he had boen called to Folger's wharf to the steam- er Alexandria. The captain and the purser wanted Tweddle placed under arrest, stating that he had twice jumped off the vessel. Tweddle was then" taken to the lock: up. "What is the matter ** ma istrate of Tweddle, vothing is the matter that 1 know ol,") was the reply. The magistrate decided the accused for a week. He has been drinking very heavily, so it is alleged, and it is feared that his mind has been affected. Tweddle jumping overboard caused a great commotion on hoard the Some of the men on deck noticed him in the water and at once threw out a rope to give him aid, but it is stated that Tweddle did not want the aid, and it appedred as if it was a case of suicide. Tweddle is a good swim: mer, however, and if he at first had an idea of doing away with himsel he changed his mind, to swim around asked the ¥ to remand vessel. as he commenced in great wiyle, A couple of men went into the water after him, but he gol away again, and took another dip into the water, When he was again captured and taken in charge until the boat reached King ston, when he was handed over (0 the police, IN MARINE CIRCLES, Arrivals and Departures of Vessels at This Port. The steamer Rosedale passed down iuesday morning. The steamers Haddington, Glenellah and Tagona passed ap. The schooner Ford River is Ru *hardson' s wharf loading feldspar, The sc':ooner Julia RB. Merrill od for Sodus with a cargo of spar. Sicamer Turret Court ix unloading 70,000 bushels of wheat from Chicago at thé Cereal Works. The steamer Torret Court arrived from Fort William witn grain for the Kingston Forwarders' Co.'s elevator, The steamer Alexundria passed down last night on her way to Montreal and Quebec, calling at Folger's wharf, Four government boats spent - the week end in Kingston, the Bayfield, the Scout, the Reserve and the Loret- ta. The steamer Neepuwa arrived from Fort William and is disc hargng 70, 000 bushels of wheat at Richardson's elevator, The steamer Litile from Chausmont Bay Parsons, loaded Island. At Swilt & Co.'s whar : Kingston and Aletha down and up to-day; steamer Rideau King clearsd for Ottawa yesterday. Capt. John Tuttle, of the steambarge Mary Louise, which plies the Rideau, has completed a record week. His lit: tle vessel, during the six days of last week, did more loading and unloading between Bath, Kingston, Portland and Dog's Lake, than any other freight vessel hereabouts, At MT. Qo."s elevator : ers Nevada and Regina, from Feri William with grain for the go and cleared for Montreal; steamer Westmount is due this afternoon from Fort Willian, with 70,000 bushels of wheat; steamer Stormeunt is due to- night, from Duluth, with grain; tug Emerson, from Montreal, with two light barges, cleared with one barge to load coal at Charlotte, and anoth- «r, which will be loaded with coal at Ashtabula. The Value of the Rideau. Captain Dan Noonan, manager of the Rideau [akes Navigation com- pany, who was in Ottawa last Thurs day 'when's sand barge tirned turtle in D he Ottawa locks of the * Rideau canal, and tied up navigation for twenty four hours, saves this accident should give the Canadian Pacific railway officials an idea of what uss the Ottawa section of the Nidean canal is to navigation. AL the upper ond were lumber Jaden barges en route to Montreal and New York, while at the lower end were freighters from Momtreal and Ottawa river ports, the scene making it look like old times on the canal before the CPR. was thought of and giving Ottawa people an ides of the traffie ing on in the portion of the canal the C.P.R. suggested: should be dried off and trains slloved to run on the peanal bed. The captain remarked came to view the people gewerally have out that the Rideau canal is one of Canada's best assets, either from a marine or war standpoint. in "Bland's Iron Tomie Pills" The genuine are sold at Gibson's Red Cross Pou Store, for 25e. Anes, at clear fold Mack with the with coal for arrived barge Wolle Steamers The steam grain-laden; An Early Orde It Is s0 much betier than a rush order. It gives you our } service in sereening, hauling and Hvering. It's goed for our dr and our horses, and you'll get most satisfactory end of the ba yourself. Oider early, r THE FRONTENAC LU AND GOAL 60°). A. CRABWICK, - Try Our Special 40c. Coffee, 30c. for this week only. Pickling Spices a specialty, S. T. KIRK'S Cash Grocery, BNL PRINCESS STRENT. 'Phone 417. Agent for Asselstine's Yarn. ment, You cannot afford to grow oll. In these. da» of strenuous competi. thon dt ary to maintain, long ad possible ones youthiul appesrs wos It is impossible to do this without retaining a luxurious growth of hair The prasemce of . Dandruff indicates the prosence Of a burrowing germ which liven and thrives on the roots 5 hooes of the hair unal it causes totsl bald: neas, Newboro's Hetpiciile is the only known destroyer of this pest, and is" an effective as it is uelightful- to use. Herpicide makes an elogant - hale dressing gs well as Dandruff cure, Accept 10 substitute--there - os: Bold by leading druggists. Send § m stamps for sample to The Hervicla Co., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottle suran: toed. Jas. B. Mcleod, druigist, einl agent, Kingston, Out. Furniture Finishing Charles Hebert & Fred Camic Have opened up business at 128 to 132 Ontario Street, and are prepared to do all kinds of Vinishing, including Hardwood Floors, Show Cases and sit. Interior Woodwork. Furniture sud Planos scraped off and refinished I new. Mission wax finish. Beds ameled All work will be given prompt attention, Mid-Summer Sale e For the next hold our Antiual Ol od Antique Furniture. Brie-a- Twos r cent. off all goods during he Bare and see what ATL Kings of Honsehotd® Grd Irrep a curd 1% i" ® eard to us hd aaything guod to Sell "¥ rag? Don't Forget the # Place, L. LESSES, Cor Princess nnd. Cinta i Ya, Nd we Midsummer Farr d We are prepared to do Up ing and all kinds of Furniture paired and Cabinet Work. Pianos Tuned and Repaired. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, Apply to : CONNOR & SLE 128.132 ONTARIO STREET.