LZ The Some Shephe rdess St of that seas Rs There iv somethive to Hd said the new miilinery this season had not' been possilile for many sons, afd that if that one may try on the ats without the wid of § be= coming Baht snd Bein froth the "Treshe eningap box." ay omiladi cells her makeup Rit sow. Never were mitliner tepex so becoming, afd cach model that is, vnch Pavis model socing to have bevn 'copied after some Tovely old jing or portrait, wg eracdul are the ines and wo hart we the coloring. An: sther ond aheut the new hats is that t windy he worn with g minimum of hy the tirbans eoine far down over the Toad, covering the hair and ook completely, and under many ol the i acho hats there are fotok: - fittle Tues frills Jel hoon over and Al "ant the hiatus Mad heh ein which efntantis) bomiphe als ar pels fo fron Tete dion under. 4 thi we Saited 1 Phi that dy the The Ya kolo te wap Ww FATE PL the large $1 farllon avin Nu pe vo ctapl { cert ainls | tg {this f laops i : i F111 have a Great "hue : tye amd fine mi t quality a8 if Fhe wird [awa Hoy Deing nut hatalaolot adel mn Bo yr avel other informs fesiiv ities. Ple pistes black not over white mittite forme the body of the hat, the shape "wi fuite simple, al having 0 rooming downward droop over the fab and the vrown beino very large araind ant moderately hich Wer the top of tha brim je draped flosmes of silver metallio nes, falls an toch or two bond the of the Brisa very geuson-and covered by a hin valved, On th evenig n which edlpe areart potion tgs crown is almost soft sow of hiack Edd of the brim on olivier oF tha CURE Poses whieh sppear spain on the lade hand: ole. hepeath. the nt. The charm of Chin Bat fe imi): idle felt by ell whe bebolll 5 anid wo nendel dn Paris has bepn seta mrs rnotadly than this wh the Dirban is undoubtedly fad of the watipinl Gor siveot wear with fall tailored eastures, we shall sed Pioes hats than veer very shért: hile iran surpass. i 1 3 that has 'pone are 1h war ine that (ha very AREre ewe dU nol Jook well with hath They weeded vhs don vide Ritu wo: headpenr to and wo while are Hie rated wih "poskuntes of weol and & abrernoon and we hie miedo wovelerind clea I wider snd werd 4 : : will Jt requires of the bandolet will | o KINGST ON, ONT. ARIO, Ss SATU RD: AY . An Effective Arrangemen The Chaentecler Turban. Trimmed gt the Back somewhat exaggerated, grain of truth if th in the assertion oftest, for the + big hats, used to shade be ewed to ix vet a ards and yards of sat that two tones ol the fall and the tl lity huge adorn often gether, used hefore : are { each vedi his how nigon tind ustrato ili in bows a geths r turban lavish ihore turban exvept the looks home milliner and attempt to drape shane in the - wii soon be to ti a how My with mode! use har ai Lip rangement aris any satin turbe and she indie vinced of th simple" manner Franch hint ital taffeta wil bow mide in in { ade a trifle bow covers al so that the top vaced with the i oErest many wered i EROrEOus of shame shuude and a second sl liohter in tone. This nost the entire erown, of the hat seems to be d gray satin. We shall see big hats this winter of simple, droop: ing-brisa shape, and trimmed with these bir silk or satin bows, and the fashion is one to be commended, for such a hat may be worn in all weath- ars and should not cost an exorbitant price, onless the milliner puts up the cost for the "exgusive'" style--an in- tangible something which makes all the difference in the world in tangible valbe. Few of the French hats have rotled up Brime, except in the turban models, and tn theses the brim rolls back so sharply that it 1 scarcely more than » fmmming on the crown. But the of the wide brims is exquisite. It is for the deoop that one pave when the only] hat shape one fancies is marked Away up at 310 or $2 Thow sands. aod thousands of Big "picture" hate dre thtved om each season by the hepa manniuctirers, but few have That imptale wirnee which) really minkes a picture of {he wearer, 3p is one of the [ of the session, Bate, with their wide, rth straight Brim, whieh dip just the Toast at Pont and bark are most : emits to sib women A pretty shepe] herdoss rode! In black velvet was vornt nog Ft avenue tearoom the otis afternoon, aml thoagh the woman wha not young, her big, droop in -- deducted several there { | finest, | the brim around oarown. Another illustrated, shepherdess hat being eon pretty this and | shirred black chiffon and havin pet brim of white Fenise {ae Two huge pa to { flat, placed in front, Yes, the wh | demux are Tot © positon int i round th et 3 ide brimmed fiat { their {oli anil these shops | us { but the heginn ment seems two imtrodie of new wple, the ured to-day. sely aver the | a lifted two inches at the bandean of velvet on which bow. This upsiard §ift back sends "the front of the hint the ey in un sharp downward and <6 much comanent has this model aroused that it likely prove one of the sivle inspirations for thé season amon® the folluwers of Paris, The hat referred to is a velvet ny dol in n rich prune shade with a lin ine of pak satin and a crown irim- ming of roses in pink and mauve shadines. The velvel Low on the bans dean matches the prune color of the hat. Anotlrr prune polored velvet model i in direor contrast to this tip-tilted chapeat, in that it slasts downswand and backward off the head. The shape a cross between » clothe: amd * mushroom and ie covered with shirred velvet a puflmg of the velvet forming a badoming fulpeds sroand the face. The entire srown of this hat is made of pisk snd mawepin roses | which are sewed: to a foundation of pet over wire, renderieg the kat really very fight, thovgh it looks heavy and rich. Women who own handsome fonthirs will wear them when winter comes, ng puilier what other trimmings the Pils bat wierd: way bring ont. Xa Fimmine i mors baatiint and Bon dtinetive Gn the wiliter That Thay that of rich ovinch unis, Rod toinami x dhe wav, i so econ Willow pluses; thengh pasrtieal ack evacch nf, anf stilt Jeary by we back wet velvet Hovey a slant, new mw io a | for a | the the: | lament able oxtrich feathers on an over irbans slant over the pack hair to Others tipped rakishly Lit wickedly to one side. turban may often' be worn dozen 'different wavs with sw, and it all depends an » which it adjusted becorans or the reverse. ne. enn make an modish tur All one has to do #8 to y piece of fabric over ng turban shapes which a trifie at the | put a Hand of fold. und the edge bow at the bak, Hompons back of one ear at of the r BOI Ww over are ten a same hall is ip for unter; 0 feather: orpament y front nurtest turban shapes are gated from fromt to back, ourse; modish turbans the ears in what comicriale fashion is sure--if only cold weather oil he faq { must be cold weather one fad will last until ety hers, { The turban in the photograph is de- idediy elongated and has the effect f of stretching © toward the back--the dermier ori just now, The crown of this turban is made of puffed satin, the high brim being of beaver. At the back i a conventionalized Chantecler, bis rooster head resting upon the brim against the tat] curving upwards. All sorts of so 'ealled Chantecler ornaments made of feathers are used, the funniest being a huge . caduchon of ostrich plomes, which form a sort of white ruff in the center of which is a queer head, which looks as wise as an owl for alt rooetercomb and waitles, and which, the milliner assures one, is "excersive- iv French." It takes & masterly touch to arr biz phimes on a. little turban. the comrination kas Deen accom)' the pd with much success iy many i the williners; who derive their inspiration | froen Parts. "Turban tips" are thick. fall and rather short, tusibling over hflily, with not very lomg stems, Io oF mard are miranged ot the side of the turban toward the hack. A GOW Over most nage bat | tip iw particularly becoming to the woman verging on widdle age, asd | snd a hat had np more youthful sug gestion thas the toqie ar hownet. An other Teather trimmed turban hive wil: | low shames crossed over the top of | the hat, cnr drooping st either ile: A sinoninge turban of this sort, di plaged ty Camille Roger's Sall heim fared with Black own does not how ar I eovorad hy he rick than skimpy, | of the beim | . hair and his body ani | «its | and | blark velvet torran with black ostrich | WAS TAKEN SICK FROM CATCHING COLD PE-RU-NA RELIEVED. 188 ERNESTINE BOUVARD, Duck Lake, Saskatchewan, Can, writes: "At the close of 1908 1 took sick as the result of catehing oold. -1 became very weak and could not do anything. "I consulted a doctor who had me take varions kinds of medicine, bus } did pot find any relief from my suffer ing. At the advice of a friend, I wromw to you and you advised me, "After 1 had taken two bottles of Pe runs there was noticeable improve ment. I combined the use of Peruna, Manalin and Lacupia and after taking several bottles of each I find mysell en- tirely cured. «§ can certify that If was through your medicines that | recovered my similarly afflicted to obtain Dr. Hard man's advice and be benefited." Mrs. Wilds Mooers, R. ¥, D. Ne. 1, Lents, Oregon, writes: "For the past four years I was » wretched woman, sufforing with severe backaches and other pains, leaving me #0 weak and weary that it was only with difficulty that I was able to attend to my household duties. vj used different remedies, but found no relief until I bad tried Peo. runa. "Within two weeks there was » change for the better, and in less than three mon & I was a well and happy woman. "All the praise is due to Peruna." Peruna is not s loeal remedy, but an tnterna' systemic remedy. It will re lieve catarrh in its most obstinate form, the brim over the ears at side little o odie of € ther tis a to speak of far teamed hats, but mention must Ix mude striking model of Abi wort §ust brought over from Paris by A Sef tomber uridetche, This fur bef, built of Dutch blue "velvet, had high, and a droop ing mushroom m covered with » fringe of fav coon fay, A long ill made of the fur fringe slanted hackward at side, an odd dul old ornament holding the quill ir place While paisley the rh of a coniral crown ty One effects are at their woman will have a Persian silk crown, the silk later, perhaps , with rown of velvet The wilh s usually stitched 'rather smoothly the top of the crown and fitted sitles in tiny, regular pleats, velvet or satin concealing the Persian silk at the #4 the erown. A very ' by Charlotte' has a wid ighily curled up brim dark cen leather, the upper side this brim and the conical crown being teovered with Persian sitk in tones of green, orange and dark red Long tabs of the green leather, bound at the edge with red velvet over cords. start from beneath the brim at one side and coil up over the crown af the opposite side of the hat, On these green leather tabs owed evals small buttons « Per ian silk, i A preity poke 87 | worn by a prety at the Plaza last Saturday The back of the mushroom brim was fs lashed away so that a bonnet shape uggested, the brim | danting over face in front. The terown of this hat wax covered with | Per vian silk, tightly stretched, and | the silk appeared wes as a facing { winder brim, the upper brim be ling of closely shirred green velvet. A broad band of the velvet went around the crown, coming to within wo inches of the top, and a huge, flai {bow of velvet was placed just back of the left ear, reaching from the top of the crown to the lower edge of the brim, whefe the velvet loops fell a little way over the neck. rewith canny i {fall hat with a Joavs rin {a puff d jover jat the {a band of the edge of part of etl low er smart of of are al mn oversd with the turban was took bonnet woman, who * Hea ves strangly the the -------- : Sir Wilfrid and His Tour. Chicago American. Ajove nll, the premier met and made friends with the people. He was delighted to find the American settler so loval 5 citiren that it was | impossible to distinguish him from the native Usnsdian; In some towns his audiences were composed almost entirely of homowteaders from the States; their cheers were dr hearty as any that greeted him at any iwta ws of the journey. Wherever he wend he found the folks prospirows, contented and bopelul of the future. { And his inspitin: cloguence and born. ing patriotism left the more firmly united and stronger than ever in their i alleriance to Greater Canada i sion : Puss Cafay. Saturday Evening Post. A mine 0 x western mibing camp | decided 6 open a siloon apd restanee art. He wasted a Fghtossd name Se he radu vonferene: of friends and well-wishers, They deliberated for a long time Fondly when the name was decided upon it was pained op a Hox cover and nailed over the front door. id: Caley." trie philanthropist tis 1A] sorees take the place of failure, : i bealth. 1 advise every one who is | rr COND | x eo TON : Schram Scalars Sold at STROUD'S Try Que Coffees Mist Fragrant Cofices fn the city. (rosnd Daily. Stroud Bros. 109 PRINCESS ST. It is so much better than a late rush order. Ie gives you gur best screening, hauling and de- ivering It's good for sur drivers and our horses, and you'll get the most satisfactory end of the bargkin yourself, Order erly, THE FRONTENAC LUMBER ARD COAL C0'. A. CHADWICK, Manager A Warning to the Public Dishonorable, snd dis-epatable phar. maceatical' concerns are flooding the market with cheap and wortli'ess pre. parstions designed to be imilations of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Some of these are even Inbelled Extract of Wild Strawberry," ** Wild Strawberry Compound," ete, in the Bope that the public may be deceived snd led to purchases themy thinking they are petting the genuine *' Dr. Fowler's." Yor over sixty-five yesrs ** Dn. Fow- sen's Exnaor or Wao Srrawsznay has been used in thousands of families for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, Pain in the Btomach, Summer Complaint, Cholers Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Seasick- pess, and all Looserisss of the Bowels. Ask for * Dr. Fowler's snd insist on getting what you ask for, Price 35¢. Sanatactured uly by The T. Milburn Od., Limited, Toronto, Ont. service | Don't Go Away Without a Box of Chorolates from Grimm's The best makes and always fresh. Grimm's