New Designs, Genuine Furs, Guaranteed. No ub igat'on to buy, John McKay, BROCK STREET, + PRIC DURABILITY es 4 ME IN to-day and sec the largest stock in $ Kingston twice over. people, in raritary workrooms, E, QUALITY Made by Kingston | Write for Catalog. KINGSTON | Sn---- Never in the history of the «tore have we show suvh tligh-Class Desig «nv and lower 00000000000000008000000000000000000000000000¢ Mid-Summer Sale For the next month we will hald our Annual Midsummer Sale Antique Furniture, Bric-a- rae. wenty per cent. off all goods during the Bale Come in and see what we have. All kinds of Household Goods Bought and Sold. Drop A card to us If you have anything good to Bell or Trade, . Don't Forget the Place. L. LESSES, Cor Princess and Chatham Kingston. Wah Long's Laundry prompt! Par First class work guaranteed me a card and 1 will eall 165 WELLINGTON ST. % fon laundry. tween Brock and Clarence Sts. i y Carter's Hair Restorer will bring back your original. color and kill the dandruff germs. Produces a | luxuriant head of hair. T0¢ Bottle. Sold In Kingston by Prouse, - Duggist Opp. St. Andrew's Charch. hair to its | of Carpets Curtains or Furniture You should always go to Harrison's. We have just received our New Fall Carpets. A beautiful variety of Axmin- ster and Wilton Rugs. Color effects never before produced. A number of Axminsters in the reliable wood shades. + Yours, : T. F. Harrison Co. 'Phone 90. ? THOMAS COPLEY, FHONE 987. Drop a card to 19 Mae Street when wanting anything done in ihe Carpen- ter line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new or also. Hardwood Floors of all kinds All orders will recelve prompt attention. Shop, 60 Queen Street. YMCA, LADIES' AUXILIARY. + Will Hold a Tea and Sale on October 27th. | The September meeting of the Y.M. C.A. Auxiliary was held in the build: ing, Friday afternoon, there being a fair attendance of ladies. The ir was occupied hy Mrs. Oliver Chowan, president. The devotional exercises were condu od by Mrs. W, G. Ander- son, after which the president spoke fow words of welcome to Mrs. MeCal Jum, whose advice and wise counsels have been missing for so long from the meetings. It wax decided to hold a sale and ten at the Y.M.CA. building 'on. Thurs day, October 27th. The laglies ox to havc a fine lot of homemade arti- cles for sale Both in the line of good things antable, and also nautal, and dabity things to wear, ete. A good tea, which these ladies well know how to brew, and a friendly chat will not be the least interesting fea- B | tare of the: good time, whichis to he looked forward to with ure. It is hoped the ladies of the city will be as kindly in their patronage this time as they have been in past years. THERE WILL BE TROUBLE )} For Yankee Vessels Not Reporting to Consul, Abert .. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1910. . h . . ; p b , p ; , > * 9 Wednesday being ladies" day st' the Yacht Club, the croquet tournament was not until Thursday, when Mrs. St. Pierre Hughes and Miss Lil- lie Fraser defeated Mrs. Ramsay Duff and Mrs. Herbert Rob- jnson, and Mrs. Charles Fraser and Mrs. R. E. Kent defeated Mrs. Her- Dawson and Mrs. Vere Hooper. On Friday, Mrs. Campbell Strange and Miss Flla Fraser defeated Mrs. Noel Kent and Mrs, J. Higgins, while Mrs. Walter Macnee and Miss Lilian Mowat defeated Miss Ells Fraser and Miss Blanche Deacon. + » A charming Scemtion was beld at the Methodist rsonage, Harrow- smith, on Septem 6th, by Mrs. J. A Waddell. Miss Myrtle Gallagher and Miss Maud Patterson helped Mrs. Waddell receive in the drawing-room, which was lovely with pink and white asters and ferns, and these rt de- corations were all about house. In the dining-room Mrs. Lockbart did the honors of the tes table, assisted by Miss Mabel Robinson and Miss Lillian Trousdale. Muny visitors call- ed during the afternoon and evening and the i was given a warm welcome by Yn. Mrs. Rcbert Fraser, West street, asked a few people to meet Miss Ely Brown, of Syracuse, N.Y., last night and play a game of bridge. * % of tea Royal the There will he the usual cu dispensed To friends by the Military College colony after sports this alisrndon, * » Mrs. Fred. Pound will hold her post- nuptial reception Th ay, Septem- ber 22nd, at 1756 Clergy street. 'voy Mrs. H. V. Finnie will receive with her wother, Mrs. W. H. Wormwith, Earl street, on Tuesday next. + + . Miss Hilda Jordan, Barrie street,, has returned from Toronto, where she was visiting. Miss Florence Eliott, Barrie street, is home from Renfrew and Ottawa. Mrs. James Sherman, "Earlscourt," Jobnson street, after a week's pleas aunt visit with her daughter, Mrs. H. E. Atwater, Ottawa, returned to the city on Friday. Prof. A. P. Knight and Mrs. Knight, Alice street, returned, on Friday from Algonquin Park, where they spent the summer. Mise Holt, William street, is home from a visit of sixteen months in England. > oS Mr. and Mrs. H. Bickford Wilson, Smith's Falls, annpunte the engage- ment of their daughter, Annie Mar. guerite (Rita), to Mr. Ernest Hum- phreys, of Winnipeg, son of the late Mr. James ilvmphieys. Cannington Manor, Sask., ly of n, ug. We. and Mes. Avthur Elliott, Port Granby, Ont., supounce the engage: ment of their daughter, Roma Blanche, to Mr! N. L. Turner, M.A., pravincial assayer, of Belleville, Ont. The marriage will take place quietly on September 28th. Mrs. W. B, Carey has returned from the North-West. * + @ Miss Bessie Murray, of Niagara-on- the-Lake, has been the guest of honor at several pleasant little teas and picnics lately. * Mrs. R. E. Kent, "Somersby House," and her two daughters, went down, vesterday, to Quebec. Miss Mocanlay, King street, is home from the east. Mirs Anita Fenwick, who is very nearly herself again, loft, yesterday, for Ottawa. Miss Kate Smellie, William street, is home irom a delightful holiday. Mrs. E. Loutks, Barrie street, has been in Montreal for a brief visit. * > ~ Mrs. James Allan, Balderson, is visiting her daughter Mrs. (Rev.) Jas. Stuart, Sunbury. Miss M. BE. Stevens, narse-indrain- ing at the Kingston general hospital, ix the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stevens, Napanee. Mrs. (Dr.) J. J. Robertson and chil- dren, of Tweed are spending ten days with Kingston friends. Mr. Arthur Neish and wile, who have been visiting Mr. J. I, Haoley, have returned to New York. * % 9 Miss Claire Robinson, Alired street, returned homes on Tuesday, from Us: hawa. Mrs. Lowe, visiting her danghter, Mrs. Allaire Shortt, "Otterburn," loft, on Wednesday, for Boston. Mrs. William Shortt, the guest of Mrs. Allaire Shortt, "Otterburn," will from (Mtawa, after spending ful weok with He. &; 2 Emery, Mrs. John Webster and little son, Mrs. A. Cooke, "Hazeldell." Mra. K. N. Fenwick has left for Ot fies £ tr oh Lf by 4 turned home after a delightful visit at the seaside. versity avenue, and Mr. and Charles Livingston, Barrie street, re turped last night after a delightful automobile trip to Toronto, going up on Wednesday last. . Mrs. Charles Spalding and daughter, Belleville, have cquue down to visit Mr. and Mrs. 5. Roughton, King street. $ 4 9 turned from visiting their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mooney, Detroit, Mich., at their summer home, ite Belle Isle, Nr. F. MacCullough, of Stanley bar- racks, Toronto, is leaving shortly for Kingston. Misses Conway, visiting their par ents, on Union street, during the sum- mer vacation, have returned to the convent at Montreal, Mrs. Samuel Birch, Bagot street, and her family, are howe from their summer cottage down the river. Miss Edly Brown, of Syracuse is at pres ent theic Suest, on her way to her home. + ¢ @ Mr. Bert. McCready, Wabash avenue, Chicaga, HI, is visiting his uncle, Mr. H. Paul, Earl street. Mes. (Dr.) Rankin, of Brooklyn, N.Y., visiting at Collins Bay, returns home on Monday, accompanied by Miss Edith Lambert Kirke. Mrs. Clarke Taylor and Miss May Byers, Gananoque, were here for a few days with Mrs. N. Wilmot, Clagy street. Dr. and Mrs. J. J, Hill have return- ed to Far Rockaway, N.Y., after visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. George Darragh, King street. w 9 The engagement is anvounced in Vancouver, B.C., of Miss Anna Rig- ney, the youngest daughter of the late William Rigney, Kingston, Ont,, to Mr. Arthur Flay Macnee, of Vancou- ver. The marriage will take place in Vancouver, on the 26th October. Tee Cream "Bricks," at Gibson's. The Advent Of Our Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Department A Great Success New SENSATIONAL VALUES IN HIGH-CLASS STRICTLY TAIL- ORED SUITS, COATS, AND DRESSES CONTINUE TO DRAW THE CROWDS TO OUR NEW STORE. ONE OF THE MANY SUR. FPRISES 18 A LINE OF CHEVIOT SUITS AT Twelve Dollars BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED, AND MADE UP IN FASHION'S LATEST VOGUE. Most Popular of All ARE THE SUITS MADE -<OF DIAGONALS, SERGES, AND BASKET WEAVES at $13.50, $13.00, $16.50, and $18.00. © MUST BE SEEN TO BE AP. PRECIATED, AS NO WRITTEN DESCRIPTION COULD DO THEM JUSTICE. , WHEN IT COMES TO STILL Higher Priced Suits From $20.00" to $37.50, WE PROTECT OUR CUNTOM- ERS BY CARRYING ONLY [One Suit of a Kind AS IN OUR FUR DEPART- 3 * * » Mr. and Mrs. Colin McPherson, 1 bi Mas, | Miss Mooney and Miss Mabel have re! |. |. 'o } EE -- a -- 0000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '9 [.adies' Trimmed Hats We are showing three hundred Ladies' Trimmcd Hats, Prices Fro --_-- EE -- m $2.75 Up. t An Easy Way to Buy a Hat By Paying One Dollar Deposit On Any Hat You can bave same put aside. The balance can be paid in small payments if desired until hat is required. LETTER OF NOMINATION To be Transmitted te Archbishop Gauthier. A cable despatch from Rome says: "The pope has ordered a consistorial conlregation to tramsmit to Mgr, Gauthier, Kingston, his letter of nom ination as Archbishop of Ottawa. Archbishop Gauthier was appointed archbishop of Ottawa on Sept. 6th." It is Not Confirmed. Bpelal to the Whig. Ottawa, Sept. 17.--""We have no official word yet," said an official, at the office of the apostolic delegate, here, when asked this morning if there was any definite ammouncement vet to confirm the rumored appointment of Archbishop Gauthier, Kingston, 1, succeed the late archbishop of Otta wa as head of the Ottawa Jiocose. Your representative read to him the cable from Rome. He said that there was no word there yet. He acknowl edged that the first formal notice would be sent there Lut said that, at present, Mgr. Sbarretti, the apostolic delegate, was away. Asked if 'he would return to Canada he replied that "he could not say whether he would re turn or when." : WAS HEAVILY FINED For Securing Liquor for Member "Prohibited List." Never secure liquor for a member of the "prohibited list." It does not pay--that is if you get into the po- lice court over it, "On Satprdayx. Ma- gistrate Farrell imposed a fine "oT $25 and costs upon Napoleon "Newell, for supplying liquor to Daniel Newell, whe has been on the list for some little time. "I am guilty of securing the li guor,"" remarked Newell, "but I was under the influence of liquor myself and did not' think of what 1 was do- ing. Iknow that it isa very serious offence. 11 T had been sober I woul! not have got the liquor for him." The magistrate did not take the plea of drunkenness as an excuse, how. ever, and imposed a fine of $25 and costs or one month in jail. Time may be given to pay the fine. ; Daniel Byron, who was charged with being under the influence of liquor, when a member of the list, was reo manded for sentence until called up- | on. HUSBAND AND WIFE, Bodies of Both Came Over on Cape Boat, The boat from Cape Vincent, on Fri day afternoon, had on Yoard two dead bodies, that «of a hushand and wile, the late D. C. Markey, of Syvra cuge, and his wife, Mary M. Markey, daughter of the late Thomas Me Garry, Belleville. The remains were botng taken to Belleville, for inter went. Mrs. Mackey died suddenly Thuesdsy, in Syracuse, N.Y., of on PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS, (|| Emma, CORRIGAN'S. 0000000000000 VROENO00000000000000000000E0RRONRANN00S 2000 NGS Rexall in: Diarrhoea Diamonds Compound remedy for and all Bowels. - An invaluable Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Derangementsd of the Absolutely free from opium or narcotics. : Relieves Cramps and Grip- ing Very prompt in action. One of the renowned and Hi guaragieed Rexall Remedies. | The Rexall Store MAHOOD'S src: | STORE Q CSO0000000000000 0000000000000 00000 0 0f Worth Almost every week brings. cs parcels of Diamonds for our selection. We carefully look them aver to clean out defective stones, weigh them, and have them properly set in 14K set- tings for sale. Our Diamond Ring values at $25, $50, and $75 are unexcelled. SMITH BROS., Jewellers. Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. $ + 3 3 heart failure. Mr. Markey died some few months ago, so the remains were brought over, to be interred beside those of his wile, Wonderland. Large crowds patronized Wonderland last night and it was surprising to see the people massed around the tic bet office waiting to gain entrance to the Kingston pioneer theatre. The 1ill «n ne was exceplionally good. T. J. Connor's resignation been accepted. St Lawrence Apples, St. Lawrence apples, the finest table apples. J. Crawford. The 14th Regiment Bandmaster Webb, iv making marked progress. It may give some promen ade concerts in the armouries during | the fall. | Last few pairs men's and women's | Oxfords, great bargain, Dutton's Shoe | Store, 2% Princess slrent Table apples. J. Crawiord. The CPR. will hold another (arm laborers' excursion to the west on Sep tember ed. It is expected quite a Inige number will go from this di tet. Eyes tested free and rimless glasses supplied for $1.50 41 Best's A chivalrous man will peer make light of an old flame. All day Sunda¥ service, Giwon's, The man with & pile generally has a heap of acquaintances. Next Saturday will be Pests souvenir day. ) Promises are oftentimes made sim ply to break at will topples, table and cooking, J, Craw- The idle rich are a benefit when they ray good wages, Sale children's stockings, 10¢. pair, Dotton's, 208 Princess sireet. The man with just conceptions Juite sure to be just. Fresh "Huvier's." at Gibson's. Beatls Short Stop will cure au &. just the promise of to-day has band, under hag i Will be a good time to pick i out your new CUAT, i We Mave shown in this city, the swellost --ange ever Every garment new this sea son and cannot be bad in any other store, See at Sion, A winner at the price. our leader ANP. ANNAN FURS. W. F. Gourdier. 76-78 BROCK STREET. Ask to See Our specisds in CASHMERE a pair HOSIERY al 2c Also our line of MEDIUM WEMH1 WEAR in Ladies' a garment UNDER- at We, « 120%, Also our line of CORSETS oie, Tx $1.00 5 pair at Fhe best values in the trade THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. he back teeth readily eidli z Powders, in tim Hoses "No. 99" Tooth Brush An imported Tooth Brush, made by Keat Rros., Eng, the best brush by the best house BB 8 8 Bristles warranted to come out. not Beddadetat ot st 8 8 & Made with a curve to get at In two sizes. 5c Bach. Sold only bye 2 TREE Sp Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist, Optician, lel teste tele tedatedol $0 8 5 5 5 & TR ETRY A Solid Brick House Properties Bought, Sold, Rented and Exchanged. Estates Managed and : Money to Loan 'holes Properties Por Sale Is Every Fart of the City, on Frontenac ? Street, 8 rooms, good barn, drive shed, furnace, b. & ¢.; size of ot, 06 x 132; for $2.1400, Mullin, Cor, Johnson and Division Streets. WHAT WE AMO We do. everything other high-grade laundries do and do many thing oiher Tauhdiies cannot do, The many things we do ox clusively E US Our re- ROWE ~~ our unqgaestionoed leadership. i We cleanse every article of wearing apparel thoroughly LACE CURTAINS we do per fertly -- COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFFS, SHIRTWAISTS WAISTCOATS -- well, try us Kingston Laundry pston _yaundry BOON0000000000000000000000000000000000000000