City : eland, via Buffalo Four trains leaving Kingston City | Wt 12.26 am. 2.41 a.m, 12.25] and 8.1 p.m, i For ion, apply to Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATCU RDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1010. Forever ! WHAT : § : i . 15th, 16th, and 17th, ! to return until October 3rd. | rom... hse. $10.50 12.00 17.80 12.90 10.13 15.00 14.15 12.80 32.80 33.80 i ak wr eh rea nanan d, vis Detrolt ,.. . Rapids .. .. .. .... polis .. full particulars and berth re- 4d. P. HANLEY, Agent, i --------y No oy ron [Pe VIE N (OUPLE QUIT i Hotel Lincoln, George Primrose And' Wife Seperated | GEORGE SAYS, WIFE OF WELL-KNOWN MINS TREL LIVES IN NEW YORK. . Primrose Admits He apd His Wile Are Separated, But Says He is Not i serking Return of Property He Deeded to Her, 4 i New York, Sept. 16. ~Alihough . ad: mitting that he and his wife are liv ing apart, George I. Primrose, the veteran minstrel, declared lust night that his belief in the gospel of ** "Tis more blessed to give than to receive" had not been shaken, and that he had po intention of bringing legal = action | against Mrs. Primrose to recover the | fortune in real estate he transierred (to her. . When seen in his apartments, at the Broadway and 52nd street, Mr. Primrose said : ! "Yeu, it is true my wife and 1 ar living apart, Mre. Primrose has been living in New York and | have just returned from a month's vacation, passed along the St. lawrence river. Mrs. Primrose's lawyer did serve some papers on me some time ago, but do not remember what they were, "However," continued Mr. Primrose, "my lawyers tell me that there has heen us consultation with the attorneys for Mrs, Primrose and that there is a trong likelihood of » reconciliation.' Mr. Primrose refused to discuss the cause of the estrangement, bpt said he had not been living with his wife since the latter part of July. At that time they were plasning to depart for Port land, Ore., where Mr. Primrose has had erected a bungalow on forty-eight acres of farm land he owns there, According to - the minstrel the deeding away of real estate has be come » habit with him. He bull =» mansion at Fulton and East Lincoln | # tah, of Windsor, Ont. her astonishment she was immediately ONE WOMAN'S WORK To Relieve the Suffering of Womans Kind. : Ii there ix one woman in America whey hae dias nore than her share 10 itiidve the sulieviag of wonienkind that woman is Mrs, Francis E. Cur Mrs, Currah was obce a great sufferer from diseases peculiar 10 her sex. She had tried many remedies, but found no eure, and had almost given up hope of ever be ing well again. But one day she was persuaded by a friend to try what was then a little known remedy. Much to benefited and in 8 short time com- pletely restored to robust health.. From thal time on Mrs. Currah has devoted her life to interest women jn this remedy, now famous under the nawe of Orange Lily, and is advertised on page eleven of this publication, Mrs. Currah's sympathetic nature leads her to perform the most charitable acts, and she is now offering to send, free of charge, a 35¢c. box containing enough Orange Lily for a ten days' treatment. ubtioss, many readers will seize the opporlunky to try this wonderful remedy at no expense to themselves, \ Hist Thrown Out For Maiden Ladies, Advertiser spinster in New England is start Lordon A certain has originated a plan that fing in its novelty and may be far eaching in its results. We are in- formed by private letters (iu this case the ubiquitous pewspapers of New York have failed to run dowa their juarry) that a New England maiden of uncertain age has issued renounce: ment cards to her friends stating that he has relinquished all matrimonial lesires, purposes to live and die out of vedlock, and intimates that she ow ready to receive congratulations nd presents. Our informant tells us that this New Haven lady, who moves n the highest social circles, has been nundated with congratulatory mes- ages on her courage and rewarded with "numerous and costly gifts," _ Fhis twentieth century idea is com- wnded to the unappropriated fair of "ondon. It would be a grand innova- rion for the jewellers, the cabinet- makers and a dozen other manufactur- re of wedding presents. IL would is GLIDER FLOATS IX 23 3 illAS conl, a native of Ascoli vented a peculiar aeroplane, os r wi th is able which ped heavily to come the law of gravity' and travel » scending slowly td the 'graund. € 3 Li SLKIZOXTAY POSITION, Effective Tests Made--Glider Drop. ped From 1.000 Metres, Floated 12 Miles Before Touching the Ground. Romé;, Sept. v Bernas 3, hiss in iT Pice to float i midair, and assupied a "harizontal position automatically. The inventor has built models six feof wide, which, when drop from a height, instead of falling the ground, almost over great distance in the air before de According to recent experiments, a glider dropped from a height of "1,000 metres floated "twelve! miles before touching the ground. This scheme, | applied to aeroplanes, the invento claims, will render falls imposible, anc will inerense the speed of thé aero plane, as the motor will not he requir ed to overcome the resistance Of the air. ELECTRIO PLANTS, iby a , Striking Results From Interesting Ex. periments, London, Sept. 17.-There is a grow ing conviction among scientific agri culturists that electrical disturbances CORONATION ELAGS. At Least S2.500,000 Worth to be Flown. London, Rept. 17.~The male flags, bunting are working overiime in view will not take aml street decorats orosstion, though it place until next June, "hh i= ronservative to say that at least ¥2H00.000. worth of flags and other emblems be shown m the London »t « Ring George is crowned," said the Londen manager of a large Hem of Tag makers, who supply the wholesale houses. "And of that value," he said, "at least $1.000,000 will represent brand new flags. x Ome mills in Manchester ure ready working overtime, for the whole sale firms are placing their orders now, So that they may not be left and in seder that they may obtain the goods it normal prices, Already we have in Aor immense quantities of fags whic hy ve heen bought and paid for. There] s. every indication that the most po-| sular flag will be the naval ensign. sang 6 pe is known as the 'King Admiral. « Union Jacks are more than holding heir own, but a vast guantils of olonial flags has been ordered, Cana-| Australian, 'New Zealand, Cape Transvaal and Natal flags are being heavily ordered. It is necessary for -the wholesale houses to buy their dags early, for the number of trained lag-making hands in the country is timited. They ave pothing' like a thou quite estimate will ih day al- tian, "Uelony, of the atmosphere have a beneficial in sand in number." THE KING'S PRAYER OK Ces tm York styles, these creations. other, Over 90,000 are in use through out Canada and COMING the well-known Hair Goods Artist, will visit KINGSTON st Hotel Randolph TUESDAY, SEPT. 20ly Transformations, Fom padours, Switches, Cluster-Curls. the You ave particulatly invited to call, During this visit he will show samples of latest Parisian and New inspect and try on any of The Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Toupee For Gentlemen who are bald, is 8 head covering, far superior to any the United States, 'all and have free demonstration. REMEMBER, ONE DAY ONLY THE DORENWEND CO. of Torento, Limited, 103-105 Yonge Street. . CHOCOLATES .. ° * 'e' EE THR Wehave the best Chocolate Creams, =] late Caramels, Chocolate Ginger. : 50c. per Ib. Poe 58 A.J. REES, 166 Princess §t SEPTEMBER FURNITURE, ODD PIECES, LOWPRIGED Many pieces left over from summer selling have become of less interest than the space they occupy. To accomplish their immediate clearance we have made big reductions. provide a new and never-failing topic i conversation wherever two or three | It} | avenuos, Mount Vernon, and acquired o {other property in the exclusive Ches {ter Hill section of that cily. So ox- | tensive were his holdings That a sect % yd aq ~ {tion of the town was nam rimrose Sth 16 0 Juciusive, Aw i Park. Mr. Primrose said last night E ' 3 : . iihat he was npable to estimate the IARHAM FAIR |i As holdings in Mount Vor 22nd 23rd inon. 'He tlar a the SRETEMBER 22 a sh 2h : {property to his Wile thse years tes i : 2 {their marriage, whic 00 place Ading Jind and 23rd, re geven years a. He said he took a similar course with his property when his first wife was alive. "Il am not shouting for my wents back," said the actor. Primrose and | are both : well tected financially." When asked what his holdings Mr. Primrose referred to his TR iy eight acres nears Portland. - © sod gor yg, ho SR in, Priruosss: who it ,seid 10. no more than sixty vears old, received ao i en a ls am fortune of $35,000 from his first wife, ¥. CONWAY, who died in 'w tragic manner in lo Gen. Pass. Agent. |[troit in 1908, -- Within a few months after the AY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. denth of his first wile Mr. Primrose on, Onan married Miss Esther Nerney, his pre sent wife, then about twenty-six years old. Miss Nerney was a concert sing- Conmection With JAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. tawa Exhibition L 18th, 15th, and 10th ... 82.75 wdies were gathered together. vould settle the - disturbed mind of | vmov a forlorn woman, and then it would lend a mighty impulse to old | achelors. and widowers to try to hake the published record of an in- violate resolve, LIST¢ OF DATES Of the Agricultural Societies' Fairs 1910. sein eSept. 19 and 20 Sept. 19, 20 and 21 fn Beth, limit RENFREW FAIR ! Alexandria ...... : \imonte Arden ... t dancroft pre. Mrs. pro- This also includes our High Class Dining and Bedroom Furniture. "RR. J. REID, Ambulance Phone 577. were forty- S - Bupuy Frankville Guelph | Kemptville ...... iis Kingston Township .. LANSGOWNe .... Ly Maberly .... Madoe 2 ° ° * ® ® * * od e * . ® ® ® * ® ® ® ® ® * s * # * ® ® * * ® * * ® » . * * * » » * "FROM MILKMAID TO HOUSEMAID." er in San Francisco and exceedingly handsome. 2 Me, . Primrose had first" met- Miss Nerney at & convent in Youkers ten The above is the front cover of has presented to the Anglican church where the first Anglicam service was of the celebration of the bicentenary the Prayer Book which the king at Annapolls Royal, Nova Scotia, held in Canada, in commemoration of the establishment of the church No More Trouble We are now gteting onr MILK, CREAM, BUTTER, BUTTERMILK, and ICE CREAM from PRICE'S WHAT A COMFORT. « Phone 845 288 Princess St. P000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years hefore. Real estate men say the tile of the Primrose property in Mount er- non is between %150,000 and 5300, ol 5 in Canada. The presentation was matle by the Bishop of London on be- half of his majesty. The Hook is bound in red Niger Morocco, with leather joints, green levant Morocco doublures and fly-leavess and the whole is elaborately in- Jaid and gold tooled and set with amethysts. The dominant feature of the design on the front cover is a tlecorative representation of a cross, composed of an intricate arrangement of interlaced lines and with the monogram LHS. inlaid in the centre. The doublures are decorat- ed with a border of a similar type ofdesign and with the arms of his ma jesty on the front one and the Can-adian rams on the bak one. A ---- A---------------- Storvington Council Sunbury, Aug. 20.=Coancil met; members. all 'present. Minutes of pre- | vious meeting adopted. A. Ritchie | 00000000 OROOORROVOOYS Kingston, Eastbound, at 5.30 4S (R. BELLEVILLE" ¥ UNTIL SEPT. 18th, 8th to Oct, 2nd on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Kingston, Westbound, at 5.00 n, Eastbound, Wednes- 40 pam. +. Westbound, Sater: m. | Samuel Jamipson be appointed collee- asked to examine culvert near Wm. Gibson's, and repair if necessary. W. E. Huualey, to examine eculverts, on Forty Foot Road and repair if neces: sary. An application was read" from Samuel Jamieson for collector for 1910. By-law No. 431, for levying the riites and appointing a collector, was ivan its first reading. Om motion, Hanley-Taylor, was resolved that tor at C5. James Shepherd, to ex. amine culvert near his place; also one pear W. H. Clow's and repair, il necessary. On motion, Ritchie-Taylor, Samuel Williams, was paid $15, for work done on Huilcheson's hill, On motiot, Hanley Taylor, K 4 Hauley, pai 0 building two culverts on road divigion 32; also Jas. . McLean, 850, for work done on Opinicon road, On nption, Ritehie-Taylor, $50 grant- ed towards building side-walks + repair motion, Hanley-Taylor, 431 given ite and collector, ' ing, steadies the nerves, builds up the one of Wiarton's William Symon, respected business oldest and most men, died Thursday. WHISKEY HOLDS ITS VICTIMS Until Released! ' by Wonderful. Sa- Liquor sets up inflammation and irritation of the stomach and ns the nerves. The steady or periodical (spree) dripkér is often forced to drink even against his will by his un- natural physical condition. Samaria Prescription stops the erav- general health and makes drink actual- ly' distasteful and nauseous, It is tasteless and' odorless, and can be given with or without the knowledge of the patient. ! Thousands of Canadian homes have been saved from misery and disgrace y me. | striking lantern slides were exhibited. on plants, After a thunder certain plants show increased vitality. The subject was discussed at the Royal Horticultural' hall, West minster, by J.T. Priestley; of Bristol University, a descendant of the fam ous scientist, the discoverer of oxygen: As reported some months ago, Mr Priestley, in co-operation with Proi. Newman, has carried out a series of practical experiments' in elevtrical dis charges on plants with most encourag: ing results. 5h The method deseribed by Mr. Priest fey consists of the conveyance and dis persion of a high voltage electric cur rent gover growing produce both out doors and in greenhouses. The appar atus is 80 constructed as to-send showers of electric sprays over a por- tion of a growing wheat field, a vege- table g , and a conservatory 100 feet in. length, constiucted fur the cule tivation of cucumbers. The results have been satisfactory, and ju some re- sts surprising. Carefully tabulated, t showed in respect to the outdoor experiments that wheat gained twen- ty-nine per cent. in the process, man- golds eighteen per ceat,, and straw- berries twenty-five per 'cent. To illustrate the accelasgtion growth under - the . treatment some fluence storm of In one a boy was shown standing in front of a hawthorn hedge which had § been untouched by the eltetfic sprays. | proj MONTREAL POWER COMPANIES, Combing of Street Railway With Big Concerns Discussed. Montreal, Sept. 15.~There was great excitement on the Montreal Stock Ex- chavige, to-day, when Montreal Power stock took a leap from 136 (0 145}. Compared with yesterday the advance in the stock was over ten points. The activity was accompanied by rumors of a $75,000,000 power street railway merger, and while no doubt a merger is being discussed, it is still in the future and only time will tell how the tangled web of power street railway affairs will work omt. The concerns mentioned in the deal have the following capitalization : Stock. Bonds. Street Railway..$10,000,000 $4,420,000 Can. Power ... ... 6,000,000 4.000.000 Mdnir'l Power... 17,000,000 10,142,000 Shawinigan ... ... 7,000,000 Totals ... *Tucludes ¥3,000,000 debenture stock, The talk of a general merger has been forced by the action' of the Canadian Power crowd who are to- day practically in control of the Mon- treal street railway. 'This plan, to merge the street railway and Cana way. * 1% is much too early to figure on the basis for such a deal, but the "Street" believes that if the deal is ever con- A Man of Nerve, Binetter. & {to shop wirl}~<It"s an ont . 16 have yon railroad AL) BEER THE FAMOUS NATIONAL DRINK There's a story behind "Salvador" beer --Canada's most famous brew--that carries us back to the year 1651 The Grand Duke. Ferdinand, the Bavarian monarch of that seriod, established the now Pons cloister brewery on the Nockerberg Mountain, hear Mun: ich, and appointed-Father Sale the chief Lrewmaster. The product of the royal brew- ery was first known as "Father Sale's Beer," until the more convenient title of "Salvador" was adopted, about a century later. For over 150 * Salvador" was brewed under the patron- age Sa oe Davariee royal a da 1806 - Franz X. Zacher] cloister. brewery and chased the secret formula of Re yoyal brew. From that 'day to this the form- ula and sole European rights have been the most jealously forded inherstance of the famous : rer's family. The rich, mellow flavor of "Salvador" is only Misined b a special 1s, + the catgut of She choteti: brew of Bavaria would GEInk nc' ciber no other Mr. Lothar Reinhardt complet- ed his extensive studies of Ger- may brewing in this jomows cloister brewery, where he secured fhe secrel formule and Jhovtss for brewing " Salvador." le hus the sole right under the Camadian Government Copy- right and Letters Patent to manufacture this famous brew. Reinhardts' ** Salvador" has he- come "The National Drink by a vigovous adkerence fo ewry detail of the original process de- vised by Father Sale in 1651. Compared with all other brews, * Salvador" beer is worth a dollar a drop, yet it costs no more than Every pint of "Salvador" is matured in wood for at least six months before bottling. " Salvador" is not only a pure, sparkling and refreshing Urew | it also ws fonic qualities which make il the wer = eelience for family use. Always order "Salvador ' 'Wf you wont the best beer brewed BOTTLED AT THE BREWERY BY _ REINHARDTS OF TORONTO