™E PARLY wRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, sErTEMBER 19, x A "MOTEL DIRECTORY. DESERONTO, p the STEWART HOUSE. Leading mmercial Hotel. Rates, $1.50 per JAS. STEWART, Prop ---- ---- - : rn TR: i. Mh poy to MANITOBA AND SASKATCHEWAN, Thursday, Sept. 29rd, ., WARE, $10.00. Ansa Horse: Show P.Q., Sept. 27th to Oct, 1st, : Trip Tickets will be issued - Wednesday, Sept. 28th, at $5.80, admicsfon to the Horse Show, pr to return until Oct. 3rd. AM. 0 MEX faa nd ther points at rates in propor- ron& PEMBROKE RAILWAY CY gm Conneetion" With CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY. FARM LABORERS' EXCURSION TO CANADIAN NORTH-WEST, + EE and 23rd, re- "RENFREW FAIR Good going 20, 21, 22, 23, good to return until September 24, 1910; .. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS SEPTEMBER 20. FR for 60 Sam. lars at K. & P. and Oe Ontario Street. ral | eight nominated by the governor-ge feral, and eight elected for each of th Service DAILY UNTIL SEPT. 18th, sont 18th to Oct, 2nd on Tuesday, Thureday and Sunday. a Eastbound, at 5.30 Tonve Kingston, Westbound, at $.00 4S PR. BELLEV (LLE" a v0 Eastbound, Wednes- ny, Nasthound, Satur yd 40 pm a » HANLEY, Ticket Agent, Kingston. ; En. FOSTER CHAFFEE, . AG.PA, Toronto ISSUES INVOLVED THE NATIONALISTS WON IN SOUTH APRICAN ELECTION The Education Question' Was the Chief Issue--The Completed Gov. ernment of the New Dominion. Thursday the first general election in United South Africa was held. The existing government, of which Gen. Botha is the head, and which is sup. ported by the nationalist party, was wustai The education question was the chief issue in the election, the situation be ing somewhat similar to the situation in Canada in the election of 1896, brought about by the Manitoba school question. The extreme nationalists, comprising the majority of the Dui h inhabitants, are in faver oMhaving tle Dutch lnnguage put on an equalicy with English throughout the whoo school course. In the Orange River colony this policy is rigidly adherci to. Premier Botha is hberal-minde | and progressive enough to realize th 1 ; mich a policy is not good for t {Dutch © children themselves, as an i Fufficient. knowledge 'of English mu { handicap them in the Pace of life. Pa {he does not deem it. prudent to int fere with the policy adopted in Orange River Colony, Dr. Jameson, { lender of the unionist party, is in f.- vor of having the ucational ston: dard the same throughout the wh union, Me favors having Dutch of , [dren instructed in their own langua in the Primary stages, but thinks 1 best to have English gradually stituted for Dutch as the school cour proceeds, and taught exclusively in { higher classes. Thus the prince iple 'provincial rights" entered into 1 contest, Rt. Hon. wis Botha was call upon in May 8% Lord Gladstone, gi ernor-general of South Africa, to fou a mintstry. Speaking in Pretoria, e: ly in June, Botha made a declaratic Df poliey. He said the time for silen passed. There was no other w possiple than to form a governme from the governments alrendy exi ing. Other would have he most fatal to South Africa. Exper ence had shown that a coalition w the weakest form of government, a .i was 'only practicable when other wa: were impossible. The premier said 1» appreciated Dr. Jameson's object «| continuing in the spirit of the conv! tion. He thought the time bad cou for starting a clean sheet. He hop that the old party organizations, esp cinlly his own, would be dissolved a: amalgamated into a great party, wit broad and wide principles, named t South" African national party. The completed government of th new dominion will eonsist of the kin his representative the governor-gener: |, an éxecutive council, a senate, and legislative assembly. The parliame: | must meet before the end of the ves The senate will have forty member: #1 four provinces, The house of as bly will eogsist of 121 members, fi one from the Cape provinee, thirty-si from the Transvaal, and sevented each from Natal and Orange River. Sir Perey Fitzpatrick, defeat=1 Gen. Louis Botha, the premier, w born in King William's Town, in 18¢ He is a son of Hon. James Colem: Fitapatrick, of Nenagh, Ireland, w.s educated in England, and went fo Transvaal in 1884, He accompani. | Randolph Churchill on. his expeditii through Mashonaland in 1801. He w. honorary secretary of the reform cor - mittee and suffered impriconment. 1° was president of the Witwatersra chamber of mines in 1902, and is th author of a umber of publicatio dealing with the Transvaal and ot! putts of South Africa. He visited T.- ramto some months age, non, National Transcontinental Line, About the time the report was se i out from St. Paul. that Americas were returning from the Canadi. 1 west there went out from Chicago nn wild story to the effect that the Gravd Trunk would. build or acquire a Tie from Winnipeg to Chicago for the pu pose of diverting the traffic from the National Transcontinental line, Ths report said "there is good authori ; for the statement.' Enquiry at the Grand Trunk hon quarters brings the answer that vv» such move is contemplated or even dressed of. It. was, EE hinte | that this' was only a followup 1+ those who tried to coustrue the ex-| tension of the Central Vermont 'to mean the abandonment of Halifax. The Grand Trunk, it was stated, is eager and will be ready to operate the Transcontinental the moment it is com i a---- Byron Derbyshire, Kingston, has soll a farm in Ernesttown to Joseph Law: tar, for 36,500. % ) 1 A 3 iat NEWBORO NEWS BUDGET. Capt. Flemming > MarriedA Mira: culous Escape. » 1 5 A RCP vat d Aiding © wes ian waa hvala terest was solemnized in the Sethe church herg at an early our Taedday movnino, by Res, Mr. Hum prey: when Mise CC. M. Stwrgegn, B M., only daurhter of William Stuczoos of 'this place; wae united in matri- mony to Capt. Edward Flemming, o the steamer. Ridean (ueen. After ceremony, the hap; ple left on a extended hosevmoon (rip to Moptreal (ober pad other points east. Flemamint will 3% oo! home to friend heve after Optober 1st, - The ladies of the local branch of 1h Women's Institute met, on Tuesd evening, and decided to hold a benef concert in aid of the two Prockvill hospitals some time in October. The young people of the village will asked to take part and it is cxpected that a play will be the principal fea tare of the programme. Felix McNally is improving the appearance of "his residence by acoat of paint, The work i¢ eing done Dy Grothier, A meeting of all parties in the re-organization of § bam! was culled for Fri hat owing to the small attendance another © meeting will he held on Thursday evening of next week, Miss Wona Monshan was the hostos of 'un very eéniovable party at her home on Wednesday evening, The engagement is announced ol Mise Catharine, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs, ¥. C. Landon, Carleton street, to George M. Foley, Athess The marriage will take place on Sept, 2st. Miss Florence Leggett left Jast week for Yorktonm, -Sask., where « she: will spend the next year the guest of res latives, A seribus Notigdny tha interested pew brass evening accident was narrowly averted at the CN. R."dépot hte, on Friday. A earriage containing Miss Bertha Lockerbie, of the pmblic school stafl, Miss Agnes Grahame and Ma er Bruce' Smart, was being driven from the depot. Becoming frightened the horse reared and falling Dackward damaged the cartiage considerably, sul fortunatély all the occupants es eaped without serious injury, al though spectators consider their cape almost mirdculous, A. Coons, Ottawa, is spending » few days enjovingy the duck shooting \ salmon trout weighing twenty-four pounds eizht ounces was caught in Devil: Lake last week hy Robert Chan man. The fish was a beauty and will likely be mounted. Dr. B. McGoingle, formerly of thi place and a graduate of Queen' 8 Uni versity, but now a prominent physic ian of Loyal, Wis., and Miss Blanch Graves, were married by Rev. Father Suaze, on Aug. 29th. Miss Kathleen Hart, guest for a few weeks Miss Helen Moriarty and little niece, Miss Mollie Scanlan, ' guests of re Intives here for the past three weeks, left for their home in Rochester, N.Y. on Saturday. Master William Noonan, guest of his aunt, Mrs. Jas, Ryan. left for hidspome in Hamilton, Saturday, as far as Kingston. A number young people frome here attended the "at home" at the Narrows, on Fri day evening. Edward Landon, rowing at Chaffey's Locks for the past. seq wom, returned home on Wedpesd: evening and intends leaving for Balti more, where he has securdéd a good position, ofieorge Bilton has been offered position as shippinz clerk in a chinery warehouse in Petorboro, intends selling out his business hero and moving to that place about Jan, 1st. The Crosby Rural Telephone com pany, fs erecting poles on Drummond street ahd will * commence strinzing the wives and installing phones in a few days. & Miss Augusta Teoder, the guest of her cousins, the Misses Huson, at the Hotel Rideaw, leaves for her home at Sheatown, on Monday. Mrs. Daniel Houghton disposed of her stock of groceries to George Rawden, on Tues dav and removed to Brockville, where the family will in fature reside; 4. Miller, Lombardy, eastern orcan es Prescott, is tle of relatives, an of ma and Mrs. Ryan accompanied him' home Friends i endear waligh a kelge hore, avd erured a demive Of mem- ser Por the ange © ulvensdy ER, Family. Rennton. in Sept. Gth, Hi, a large numier id reladives and friends aihered st be home of Mr. and Mrs. Anthoty MeMallen, Uontrevlles, to celebrate the ith smivrsary of their walling » the hivthday of Me. MeMullen, would he waghty vears old twg Me old eouple "are énfoy- en! "health and were pleased wo many of their family anid vienda with them. A very senyiuous srved at one o'clock, the weaotifaliy decorated snd was in abundance. Mr. and MeMallen were presented with @ sirse of money from the family of some damm from relatives in Mich: and the well wishes of iftyfour ghests present as follows: yd Mew. Charles Stewart anil 'agnily; Nr. and Mrs. Win. uel family; Mr. and Mrs. Chas, mon aod family, of Rocoester, Xs Mr. ad Mra. Anthony MeMullen and family, of Lrnesttown, Mr. and Mrs Thos, Lewix and family, of Switzer ville, Mr, and Mrs. Leon Simpson and son; Mrs. Mabel Penderyrest ami daughter, of Rochester, N.Y., Rev FR. W. Spencer, restr of © amide East! | and son; Mrs" Leyima Mills, Wilton ; | Mug Janie McMullen, Tamworth ol Miss Magpie Aylesworth, Hinch; Mr | Lewis Fox, Mes. W. Fox, Overton's! Mr. and Mrs: E. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. | Ed. James, Centreville. "A New Specimen Developed. Post-Standard Mme. Cavalieri's 'present husband will get but Httle: sympathy. Hie ante-nuptial agreement with the fam. ous singer. shows him up as one of those characters who exist mainly the purpose of being separated Nfrom A former wife is now } from $20,000 alimony | Hniier was ables weve nrkey Mrs Sy raeuse their money, separating him every year lhe agreement Mr. Chanler made with Mme. Cavalieri represents exactly the second clash chorus girl's idea of | paras a business marriage to a rich hoshand who has ne claim on you, sa! that you can keep on with your art,' it be of Tungs 'or of legs, send | when you are tired of him, ! keep right on petting $20,000 a year as lon us he lives, and get all his income ifter he is dead, a provision which les- whéther him home - sens sweetly the pangs of final parting. ne ean sympathize of such a trade. + bargain gives Mme. appearance. She says there was tion of love between them: amd agreed with him to accept 820. vear for 'something which wae | o, that was not too much, for a town house in Paris and a try house somewhere else. » European fortune hunter in erica has developed a new specips. with the vie Cavalieri an Aw | The When Elliston went from London to] his own theatre at Birmingham he was | known to scarcely a. member of Hix! own company, «Uy reprimanding one; of them sharply the irate actor threat} pood to kick him off the stage. Ho! rushed to the stage manager and ask- who that man was, "Me. A," said the manager. 2 "A great man, a very great man," enid Filiston. "He threatened to %ick ime, the lessee of Prury Lane. Such a man as that must go to London. He | mustn't waste his epergies here" And! ehgaged the actor on the spot for! More Talk About Bread, wl ol n Herald v Monek's decision in a bread ease, qumshin: a previous decision of the police maristrate, appeals 10 us to be in harmony with common sense and the facts in the case. The jude decides that "small bread" when moulded and baked in sections, may be thus offered for amle without vinla- tion: of the law. Bread of weisht is thee moilded and baked and offered for sale, why not bread in sections of twelve ounces or less? ---------- Inspector Pew stated in evidence that Miss Leneve never mentioned Dr. pen to him. standard | Crip- | McMullen | Yam 1 oy | for] = | ous Debility, Meatal a and Brain matorrhmea, and Ffects of Abuse or Ercesses. | plain pk. | spoiled fre on i Wormers Wi Test of Greatness, $ i | "AN { if Coy Detroit, Mich. $1 bottle guaran: ihe breeding | Victc MELBA has made a serics of magnificent Gram-o-phone records, f- cluding all the selections with which she has achicved nr most notable successes.' Writing of these records eshe say: "I have tried the records and found them' really wonderful reproductions of my singing." Nellie Melba. : 'Thane Records.cag be heard only! Shavit teal the LI F (GRAM --=U--PHONF) - Any Victor-Berliner dealer will gladly play these records for you. Call to-day and hear the LIVING VOICE of this greatest Soprano of modern times in the prime of all its superb power and beauty, and you will then, and only then, realize the wonderful perfection recently attained im the art of sound recording and reproducing. Berliner Gram-o-phone Company, Limited, MONTREAL DEALERS EVERYWHERE OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at orty-five cents a pound is a good Tobacco. Why pay eighty-five? ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. GRAND UNION a HOTEL Shana LY YORK CTY Bena butams to 3°87 onide Book I Wood's Ph The Great Engi Tones and Invigual Hood 1a oo Blood ia ol Veins Cures Nero Worry, pondeney, Sexual Weakness, Fruissions, -» Rls bs -- "Sper r§3 One will ploase, six all frogeiey or mafia in in nol ie ea! pamphled Price 51 per box, & six fo will cuge, Sort Foe DRESSES CLEANED, Our New Frenclr Dry Clean ing Process has worked a re- volution in the cleaning of the finest and best made dresses. R. PARKER & CO., Dyers and Cleaners, 69 Princess St, Kingston, Ont. wh w there in practienlly ne such thing as really pure water, the adults of the family need not do without a heverage that benefits. Regal Lager's absolute purity is its maker's pride; and (hin deficious brew in alse a henlth-helper. Though HATS OFF. Facts About the American Healthy Hair. American Indian from time immemorial to go barchead- ed in all kinds of weather nevi troubled with falling hair or baldness, The close atmosphere citsed by our "civilized" headgear is condugive of infinitesimal germs, which dig into the scalp and thrive on the sap of the hair-root. This true cause of "baldness is of re cent discovery and explains the surerss of all hair-vigors which treated Baldness as a functional disorder Newhro's Herpicide j= a direct exter. minator of the germ. "I destroys the cause and permits the hair to grow as nature intended. Sold by leading draggists. Send 16c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Indian's The accustomed is 10 non teed. Jas. B, Mcleod, druggist, spe cipl agent, Kingston, Ont, & T all the international A i past ten years the Under awards for allsround type- writer efficiency. It is the mm Never before have we taken into stock sich a swell assortment of Fall Shoes the product of Canada and the United States' best shoe manufacturers. For nearly sixty years this store has stood for the best in footwear, and we can assure our patrons that our present stock is by far the best in the history of the house of Sutherland. May we not be favored with a call from those in néed of the best and snappiest | in Fall Shoes. J. H, SUTHERLAND & BRO, THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. ---------------------- a | JAMES The Leading Undertaker Phone I... CHOC - = fate Caramels, C a Visit Qur Store See the latest and best New Fall Dos signs and Finish, Filted Up comiplate, Mission Dining -room A Parlor in Mahogany A Den In Flemish Oak . Bo go through our Store, | It is as good as visiting a Fall Fair, No trouble to show goods or make exchanges At yours, REID'S, 204 and 256 Princess St, 147. cecssseve « xis CHOCOLATES . Wehaype the best Chocolate Creams, Choco- Chocolate Ginger, ¢ 50c. per 1b. A.J. REES 166 Princess St P000000000000000000004 ---- -- a ne ar S0000000R0000000000000 0000000000000 000000008R S000 ss0OBRROGOIORNY "FROM MILKMAID TO HOUSEMAID," No More Trouble We are now geting our MILK, CREAM, BUTTER, BUTTERMILK, > aad ICE CREAM from RICE'S 288 Princess St. 8 derecssnscecresecencoen