Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Sep 1910, p. 2

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COO TITVOOOGOS of the store have we shown such High-Class Designs and lower prices. CAKRPPT WAREAOUSE. B9080000ssscnssssseese jo-- ° 3 Live Poultry union om om We pay highest market , and make returns day shipment is receiv- , Write ns for quotations. "THE MARIS ABATTOIR CO. Limited Bonsccours Market, Montreal. For Pickling We can supply you with strictly PURE SPICES, ground or whole also Pickling Vine- Sgr D. COUPER'S, 841.3 Princess Street. "Phone 76 Prompt Delivery. BE WISE And have your heating and cook- in arrangements in good shape before the cold wintry days set fC, Yve have a splendid lot of Ranges and Heaters in stock, as ag #8 new, al extremely low prices i it will pay You Lo see them be- For on e ¢ a Ail n ix of Household Goods bought and sald, 2 ; A tigihe Furniture a Specialty. Five us nu call I.. LESSES, Cor Princess and Chntham Sts, * Kingwton. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1863. Cartwright. Mi Director. reat tewSir Richard issued un City and ig Wa " Morigsgee ral County o gee asod. Deposit : and Intereat allowed. » Tia oe Pirst-class work guaranteed. Dro Pp 6 8 card and 1 will call promptly for ur laundry. 156 WHLLINGTON ST n Brock and Clarence Sts, TT | Carter's Hair Restorer will Bring back your hair to iis original color and kill the dandruff germs. Produces a | ~ Juxuriant head of hair. a 735¢ Bottle, Sold In Kingston by Contemplating A S | | Ed OR Now is the time 10 order. We can give you our best ser. vice. Our' Stocks of Skins, Linings, ete,, are complete. . We are here to show you. Come in to-day. 'No obligations to buy. JOHN McKAY, FUR HOUSE, 149-155 Brock St. When You Think of Carpets Curtains or Furniture You should always go to Harrison's. We have just received our New Fali Uarpets. A beautiful variety of Axmin- ster and Wilton Rugs. Color effects never before produced. A number of Axminsters Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. 'Phone 90. NON-RESIDENTS MUST GO. Kingston Will Educate Only Her Own at Collegiate, The management commitice of the Board of Education, at its meting last evening, decided that the mon. resident pupils attending thes collegi- ate institute must go. There are sixty- five of them at the institute, and, if they remain, the city will have to expend money in build ing an addition to the in- stitute. Without them, the school will be large enough for the Kingston pupils for some time. The non-resi- dents, therefore, will have to seek their education at Sydenham, New- burgh or Napanee, if those high school will take them. The board of eduea- tion is finding out that it will save money by refusing non-resident pupils. In' the public schools there are 300 move pupils than there is sufficient air | {space for, and something has to be soon done to relieve that unsatisfac- tory condition. It has heen praectical- ly decided that no money will be ex- pended in remodelling the old collegi- ate institute building. It is a new school in Ridean ward that will have 10 be built, and at the next meeting of the board of education, a report b {will likely be brought in recommend- ng that the sity council bo asked to provide | necessary funds for - her school building, An NOT PROPERLY INSTALLED. New Closets in Old Houses Not Made The hoard of health aiith i the city engineer are Ayr Ys nd who have installed ¢ old houses, without | - in the reliable wood shades. | Gold in Guwilight : * + Saturday iterss contained two mis: takes relative to croguet tournament. On Thursday it shouki have een Mrs, Cherles Taylor not Fraser, who play- ed with Mrs. BR. E. Kent, and defeat ed Mrs. Herbert Dawson: and Mrs. Vere Hooper; and on Friday Mrs. Campbell Strange and Miss Fraser, not Ella, who defeated Mrs. Noel Kent and Mrs. J. Higgink. on Saturday Mrs, Campbell Strange a Miss Helen Fraser defeated Miss Mand Betts and Miss Lily Norton-Taylor, ang Mrs, Charles Taylor and Mrs. R. E. Kent defeatetl Mrs. W. Macnee sod Miss Lilian Mowat. On Monday oaly friendly games were plaved, also the same on Tuestiay for Dame Rumor has it, that the epidemic of cold has even dared to lay hold on some of the croquet devotees and proved preong enough to hold them back from such exciting Shings ss 22 haments. | Lest Saturday afternoon the weather was ideal for the sports at the Royal Military College, both from the stand: point of the cadets, who were ducking about in the water, and that of the girls and ladies who were able to don muslin and' linen and their silk and be happy and warm and look fresh and pice at the same time. The afternoon | was very jolly, the commandant and Mrs. Crowe, all the members of the stall and their wives and the cadets joining forces in making it so. Tea made a pleasant interlude in the vapi- tal programme of sports and after it was all over there was still the de light of coming home facing a gor esous setin sun. .a, Numerous affairs have een given {or Mrs. W. Carmichael, Kingston, who is the guest of her. daughter, Mrs. Ed- ward Harris Clarke, Detroit, On Wed- nesday, Mrs. Clarke entertained at the tea hour, Mra G. C. Patterson cut ices, and Mrs. Ernest H. Bissett pour- od tes assisted by several young lad: ies. On Thursday, Mrs. Bissett enter tained ai luncheon for Mra. Carmichael when covers were laid for fifteen. Mrs. Carmichael, who is having a delight- ful time, thinks Detroit a beautifal eity. - T + 9 Again a cloudy day for Ladies' Day at the Yacht Club, Wednesday seems fated of late, but however, the hos pitable walls are ever a shelter anil a delightful placé for a cosy chat and delicidus refreshments served at the tea hour made more enjoyable by the winsome 'younz damsels who dispense them. * % 9» Mrs. R. Crawford, Barrie street, asked a few friends to drop in yester- day to have a cup of tea, and say e'" to her guest, Mrs. G. of Hartford, Conn. who leaves to-day for Coboten. Mrs. W. Harty, jr, Emily street, asked just a few young ladies, vester- day to meet her sister, Mrs. F. Osler and have a quit game of bridge. ; > Miss L. Allen, Clergy street, enter tained at the tea hour, on Monday, in honor of Mrs, G, Stevens, Hart , Connecticut. * » Mrs. Robert 0'Hara, Wellington street, will he at home on Wi ay Septem'er 2h, from Hn to 6. rs. J, 8. Shine, Royal Military College, was hostess at a very small ten, on Monday afternoon. * * A few girls dropped in for a cup of tea with the Misses Brown, Barrie street, yesterday. * ! * * 9 Humilton is the guest of Clarke Hemilton, King Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. street. Mr. R. R. F. Harvey returned home on Monday after a delightful trip to the coast. He spent ten days travel ling and, four days in Vancouver, the guest of Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Cart- wright (the latter being Mr. Harvey's sister), and one day in Victoria, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Combe, Mrs. Combe is a sister of Mrs, L. Clements, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright are building a new house and expect to move into iL next month. Mlle. de St. Remy, Portsmouth, is the guest of Miss NI r, "Fernclifi.," Miss Bessie Murray, the guest of Miss Mildred Macmorine, Clergy street, left, , for Stella, accompanied Mise Frances Wilson. They will be guests of Mr. amd Mrs. W. Mout ray, at "Fi 2 Miss Masie Storke, Belleville, is the guest of Miss Spangesberg, Johnson + i + Visiting has begun again' as street, : * 9 are anxious to ge and see their friends while yet pretty summer gowns are wearable. . nent of their © Mr. John .C. Bi m. ling will take place quietly, Septem- ser 20th. , King street, awaws, Mrs. Herbert Horsey, who came up from Ottawa, on Friday, left, on Saturday for her summer home, Point Pleasant, Cressy. Mrs. T. W. SBavifry, St. James' par- sonage received, yesterday, in honor of her guest, A. W. Savary, An- lis. r. and Mrs, A. Klugh, Wellinkzton street, are now visiting in Guelph. Chey left some time ago to attend the marriage of their son, Alfred. Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Klugh will reside for the winter with Mr. and Mrs. A. Klugh. Miss Madeline Hizgins, King street, 'eaves on the Sth of October for Tor- amto, to enter a hospital there as nirse-in-training, Miss Higging will re greatly missed by her many young 'riends in the city. Mr. Walter Macnee, jr., is expected 'mn Friday, from Petawawa. * * 0 Mrs. J. Farrand Pringle, visiting wr parents, Cenom and Mrs. A. W. Sooke, "Hazeldell," left for Cornwall yesterday. The many friends of Mrs. W. B. Jarey are delighted to welcome her mek in their midst, and to sce her ooking so well. Mrs. Carey, Arch- feacon Carey and little son Travers, we en pension yat Mrs. F. Reid's, Princess 'street. 3 Mr. Arthur Boak, Vancouver, is the guest of the Rev, Dr. and Mrs. Mackie, it. Andrew's manse, Clergy street. Mrs. RE. Kent dnd Miss Hilda, Sinz street, left, yesterday, for Que- we, to he the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Neilson. Mrs. F. Lazier and Miss Rose Lazier, of Belleville, who have been in the wouth, are staying in town, where old friends are very pleased to see them. Mrs. Edward Beaupre, Portsmouth, 's visiting her old home at Niagara, nt, * 4 9» Rev. Vivian and Mrs. Morgan, from Tast Toronto, were the guests of the Misses Muckleston, William street, for + dag last. week. Mrs. Mortimer Atkinson, Brockville, wd Mr. Ellis, arrived, on Saturday, wd were the guests of Mrs, Allaire lhortt; they came to attend the Melba" concert, on Monday, and re- urned to Brockville yesterday, ae- ompanied by Mrs, William Shortt, vho has spent the spummer at "Otter- warn." Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Marshall, Buffalo, N.Y., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, I. F. Harrison, William street. Mrs. E, J. Bidwell, King street, eaves, this week, for Lennoxville, to ake her daughter, Miss Dorothea, to wtténd Comnton Ladies' College, Mrs. Lundy Hagan, the guest of Janon and Mrs. Grout, Brock street, eft yesterday for Ottawa, Mrs. Henry Cnrre arrived on Mon- lay, and is the guest of (anon and firs. Grout, Brock street, * 4% 9 Miss Amy McGill, returned from Ot- awa, on Monday, after a delightful visit. with Mrs. Fred Birkett. Miss je Smythe, visiting in Tor- mto, is xpspied home on Saturday. Mise F. Cunningham, Earl street, eaves for Toronto, on Saturday, and ater will visit friends in Chicago. Mrs. R. W. Garrétt, Johnson stroet, ot, on Monday, for Montreal to visit Wr, and A. 8S. Forman. Miss Gughele, Guelph, is the guest of drs. Frederick 'Brownfield, Wellington treet. IteCol. T. D/R. Hemminyz, Miss race Hemming and Captain and Mrs. le Mowbray Hell are camping at leaupre Island, and enjoying beauti- al weather and splendid fishing. Mra. .J. Cappon and Miss Alice Mac- 100, Barrie street, returned from Metis m Saturday. but Professor Cappon emained in Montreal for a few days, Me& 'Alan Palmer, left, oh Monday, or Ottawa, to spend a couple of veeks with her parents, Col. and rs. Irwin, * » Captain and = Mrs, Charles W. Lea, Leaside, announce the engagement of their daughter, Estella Mary, to the Rev' Principal Morland Lamb, B.A. urale' of St. Cuthbert's church, Lea- side, son of Mrs. M. Lamb, Russell dreet, Lindsay. The marriage will take place in Bctober. * Mr. and Nrs. Frederick Augustus inapp, of Prescoit, announce the en- zagement of their daughter, Mildred Blackie K , to Mr. Walter Fleming Nafiard ke ulale, N.X. mar- Jage will t lace Wednesday, Sep- 'ember 28th, » . S * + The ma of Miss Evelyn Stan- ley-Bagg to oth of Montreal, has been arranged to take place on October 26th, at the Church of St. James the Apostle. Three-inch silk ribbons, all col: ors, 10¢. yard. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. Sanule sale of Handsags, af Best's. donnie Mabel, ph r. Huntley Ward Davis, |© POP00000000000000000000000000000 | adies' Trimmed Hats We are showing three hundred Ladies' Trimmed Hats. Prices From $2.75 Up. An Easy Way to Buy a Hat By Paying One Dollar Deposit On Any Hat You can have same put aside. The balance can be paid in small payments if desired until hat is required. TO PAY FOR CHURCH UNION, SAYS DR. MACKIE. Discussion at Belleville, and Had to Adjourn--Principal Gordon Favored Union. The presbytery of Kingston Belleville, on Tuesday. There unusually large attendance, nas the gueation of church union was up for iscussion at the evening sederunt. The remit from the general assembly approving a suggested basis of union was laid before the presbytery ior approval or disapproval. Principal Gordon moved approval, because of the needs of the country and the great advantages which would be gained, and the example that would be set to the world. He spoke of the sweet fellowship he had had in work- ing with the committees of the Meth- odist and Congregational churches, and the brotherly spirit that pervaded these meetings, making then feel near- er to each other than they imagined they were. He pointed out how union of separated churches had ever been followed by great spiritual blessings, and that the same might be expected to follow this proposed union with the Methodist and Congregational churches. Rev. Dr. Mackie moved disapproval of the remit. He said that the sweet consciousness of union was not a peculiar experience which the principal had. They all felt it whenever in com- pany with the devout, whether they were Roman Catholic or Protestant. There was a union of spirit which was real union not made by human band, among all who held the Christian faith, though belonging to different or- ganizations. He inted out that if great spiritual blessing had followed organic unions, the same might be said of great historic separations. Had not the reformation been fraught with blessing to Europe, and the world ? Had not the going or casting out of the Methodists from the Anglican church been a rich spiritual blessing to that church, and England ? Had not the various secessions from the Church of Scotland, and especially the great- est of them, called the disruption, in 1843, been a deep tide of spiritual good to Scotland ? It was not orgamic union in the abstract that was before them, how- ever, with all its supposed advantages and disadvantages, but organic union in the concrete--a specific case of or- ganie union with the Methodist and Jon ational churches, and he eon: tended that the price which the Pres- byterian church would have to pay for it was too high--prohibitive. The var. jous items of the bill were : J. The right of congregations to choose their ministers. This is to be vested in a setilement committee. 2. The abolition of Lirk seffions with the order of elder. 3. The abolition of presbytery--the very bytenanism. 4. The subjection of the ministry (o a kind of episcopacy in the form of an irresponsible settlement commitiee, making and severing ministerial ties at their pleasure. : 5. The shelving of the greai creed of the church--the Westminster confession, 6., The abolition of solemn ordina- tion vows, and subscription to any met' at was an ordination bv essence of Pres- 7. Severance from pan-P'resbyterian- ism and the Preshyterian churches Unrough the world. 8 hauling down of the true blue covenanting banner with its burning bush, and motto, "Nic Tamen Con- sumebatur," The discussion wae carried on till af ter midnight, when it grew so heated and confused that at last on motion to adjourn (ill the March meeting was al » Evidently there is strong dissatisfac. tion in the presbytery with the terms of union, and it is learned that out of the ten protests recorded at last as- sembly against the' resolution, eight were members of the Kingston preshy- tery. lh ----" A Fresh Start, fine: film, showing how a young man who gets' down in the world is given a fresh Goldsmith of GOLODLORVLADRLONDRRLOLOLS The Kingston Presbytery Had a Hot This is the title of an exoeptionally | 9 start. "Benvenuto Collin," the i Rexall Diarrhoea Compound An invaluable remedy for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and all Derangements of the HBowels. Absolutely free from opium or narcotics, Relieves Cramps and Grip- ing. Very prompt in action. One of the renowned and guaranteed Rexall Remedies, The Rexall Store MAHOOD'S 22us | STORE PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. Housekeepers Atention -------------- WE ARE READY TO SUP- PLY YOUR HOUSEHOLD WANTS AND AT SPECIALLY LOW PRICES, ' Bleached Sheetings, all widths, 2%¢ a Yard and Up. Unbleached Sheetings, special at 25¢ a Yard. Plain Pillow Cottons, all widths, Lowest Prices. Pillow Cottons, widths, Lowest Prices, White Quilts, special at $1.00, $1.25 and Up. Circular all Flannelette Blankets, Grey or White. 3 sizes. White Wool Blankets, the best values in the trade. Pretty Colored Comforters, $1.25 and Up. Lace Curtains, B30c to $6.50 a Pair. Dresser Covers, Towels, Table Linens, Table Napkins, Doylies, Tray Cloths, ete, ete. Get a line on our prices. You'll be pleased. Pillow Shams, Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. We iiseietd "No. 99" Tooth Brush An tmported Tooth Brush, made Keat Bros, Eng, the best * brush by the best house. Bristles 'warcantec not to come out. Made with & curve to get at the back teeth readily. ' \ In two sizer. Bie Bach. Sold only by Dro dP Glow, CORRIGAN'S. | | COLONIAL curt GLASS These pleces are severe in their plainness being cut out of very heavy "Rock Crystal" Blanks with the simplest thread decorations. These articles come in Claret Bottles, Dessert Sétts, Candle- sticks, ete. SMITH BROS., Jewellers. ' Opticians, 800 KING STRENT. Issuers of Marriage Licenses $ P0000 00000000000000000 Nt NAN NEN ANNAN 00 PN .FURS.. W. F. Gourdier. 76-78 BROCK STREET. Properties Bought, Sold, Rented and Exchanged. Estates Managed and Money to Loan Cholee Properties For Sale In Every Part of the (City, $6,000 ~Large, commodions Brick House on Princess Street, suitable for roomers or hoarders; 11 bed. rooms; combination heafing; gas; good cellar; large lawn and grounds, together with a good stable, Mullin, Cor. Johuson and Division Streets. 0000000000000 0000000 AL . . | en ee ET Ye oD y/ | (5 Baby Belle--1 know nuffing 'bout 8 Nam and Harry laundry. p Ballor Jack ~~ A Seminary laundry is where all the Fluffy Ruffles take thelr duds. Buster Brown ---- A CO faundry js where they bury Mike's robes Wise Minnie--A Sawitary lasn- ary is seldom---Lut mother says she found a real one at - Seosenee B000FPRIRNICOOIOOOOIOOSOO BO Kingston Laundry, Cor, Princess & Rydenbam Fas. : "Phone 22. BOSON ININNNT00000000000000000000000000000 $8000 r00000000e . secssssseseomessvose

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