A Treatment of My Catarrh Cure Free Catarrh, Neo hat St NTIRELY AT NSE, That it Can Be ¥. Te 3 iy Caarrh has been my busi ness for, .y Ia and during thiz time Gaver one millien people have come to me from atl rer the dand for treat- My method is i I pd he disease by first! cur ring the caupe. Thus my combined reatinent ures where all eise falls. 1 demon: o you In just a few my meth quick, gomplete, because it rides the of the poisonous Bérms that ane Bend your name and oF once to C, Gauss, and he send you the treatment referred Fill out the coupon below. in VRER. This coupon. > good for & pack age of AUSS « TOMBINED CATARRH &t RE sent free by mal. Simply Till in name and ads dress Lin dotted lines below, and mail to CF GAUSS, 5872 Main St, Marshall, Mich. COAL ui WOOD Everything in Fuel for the Kitchen Range, the Furnace, or; the Open' Fire Place carefully delivered. 'Phone 66, Fall Goods here and or Over vo Cold weather will goon you will need that naw sont, Same hers, #2 gurks view in nd cam You 0: that: r we oY ng from us. for Fall wear. © { Underwear, Socks, Hats, Cupe, Bweater Coats. 2, if Wyecything al readonable pricks; ; ISAAC ZACKS Or J Ve ! ; o Salaries at and TEE best Job Print. proved prisses heb i rd RRR ey Daily Whig. 7A REVIVAL IMMINENT. There is a revival imminent in the teacking profession. It has been ogca- sioned by the sudden and unprecedented demand for teachers. There never was such a scarcity of qualified persons, and far two reasons, One is that in refent yogrs "the school did not pretent the sftraction it formerly was for occupation. The did not invite' the men and { women to, become teachers. They went [into the industrial and commercial pursuits in which the rewards for la«. bour were higher. The second reason was that the schools -in thd newer - provinces of Al- berta and Saskatchewan had to be erected as the population flowed in and the demand for education be came urgent. The only way to secure teachers (quickly was to raise the sal- { aries, and the exodus from Ontario at onee set in, The result Has been the increase of stipends all around, and for the pres- perhaps permanently, the teaching * profession will have its vo- taries because it pays, The sign ofa revival is evident in -the high school where there is a rush for teachers' cer tifications, and (of those in attendance thirty-eight, in the second and third forms, are from the county, Thus in time-presuming that the ex- perience in Kingston. is , the experience of every educational ecentre--there will be a supply of teachers at least equal to the demand, but this demand will always be good as this young country grows and expands. ent, and THE CROAKERS AT WORK. Again, antl true to a prejudice which they must exhibit with little caube, the opponents ol the Ross rifle have re- sumed their attacks.' They: have new ground on which to work in 'the com- plaint of a 'corréspondent, that the 'rifled have pot stood: the usage to | which they have heen submited in the manosuvres of the Queen's Own at. Al dershot, 'The usage in question is ex- hibited by the map shots which an Al: "dershot paper has published. The troops have to undergo dn ex- perierice 'such as they would have in actual war, and among other things they have to climb walls, armed, and drag their rifles through places thut are very rough. The rifles get many a * burp, and they are damaged in conse- quence, Because they show 'the els fects of hard treatment they aré called toys, and the conservative press, with undnimou: voice, lankents that Canada "has 50,000 of them ik stock. Would not any rifle be damaged ing campaign in which it would he sub- ject to hard treatment ? militia. officer has «rifle which. picked up in South Africa, a rifle that was carried by a Canadign of some distinction before his death, and it bears the marks of the siege theough which it 'passed, Would any rifig escape injury 'which received the kndcks of the Ross rifle in the Alder' shot manoeuvres ? i It looks as if some people have seized, upan an experience that is very trying in order to. cofiderthn hastily, and it may be without reason, a rifle whose chi defect is. that it has been adopt- ed hnd manufactured under the direc tem of the government. OUR WANT-CHEAP POWER. if The Hydro-Electric Commission pro- poves to supply Motrisburg and Pres- "oott (Which have asked for it) electric from the : Niagara Falls, at and $2213 per horsepower. |. in cheap, or it looks cheap, and a special concession which may not Srailable by . other municipalities Eastern Ontario. The towns nam- have asked for an aptiow, and the commission has given it, 'with the A Kingston | he THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSPAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1910. of waste, or coal, and it is a cheaper power thay steam under any ecircum- stances, (Cheap power is the great desideratum everywhere, It is a remarkable circum- stance, that the towns and cities that show the greater growth in a given time are those which have this cheap power, and it is for the men who are interested in the city's progress to en- quire into this producer-gas question and get sll the light possible upon it. EDITORIAL NOTES. Commander Roper says he spoke in a Don- "political way upon the Cana dian navy. Nevertheless he hammered the conservative party, apd for that offence there is no forgiveness. Is the city assessment conducted ac cording to a given plan, or is it the outcome of the assessor's judgment without regard to any rule? That is what is troubling some people guile a bit, » Saturday Night makes light of the scandal which an inspector of asylums o an asylum to be cleaned at It's a petty affair, of the Jess a official course, but it is none scandal of which a public should not be guilty. The assessment of real estate and in- come is troubling some people. Why ? The assessor has been preparing the basis for higher taxation," and the average man hates tages. He wants the modern improvements, and some luxuries, and does not liketo pay for them, The court is reaching for some of the fellows who are high up in the sugar trust. The secretary-treasurer being convicted of fraud gets eight months in jail and pays a fine of £5,000. And he feels terribly cut wp. His dignity has been hurt in several places. The Eucharistic Congress had a sig- nificance for the premier. The Bouras- sa element meant to use it, if they could as an engine against Sic Wil frid. And they failed, signally so. There is only one Laurier in Canada, and he lives in the affections of the! people. The republican machine--the regular machine--has triumphed = over Roose- velt, though the president is said to be behind the bolter. Surely things | are being awfully mixed, and the greater the row among the party lead- ers the more certain the defeat of the party when the people become busy. abandoned .. the conservative conven suit the west, nor the "qualified pro- fection" whatever that means. There will be. no fixed platform for the party. Every candidatey in every con: stituency, will go as he pleases, All at Sixes and Sevens. Hamilton Yerald, One 'of the most peculiar of recent political developments in Canada is tariff question that has been made by a humber of conservative journals. ! From advocacy of high protection they | have suddenly taken a position favor of cutting down the duties on many imports. The motive for this is not olear. It may be their realization of the fact; made plain by the pre- nier's western tour, that' the whole west between Luke Superior and the Rockies is strongly in favor of tariff reduction. It may be due to the dearth of party issues and the neces sity of finding Something definite to fight for. It may be the olitcome of resentment against the manufacturers who, in spite of the lui® of Mr. Bor- den's "adequate protection," have con- tinued to be an very friendly terms with the t administration and shown themselves to be fairly well sat- isfied with existing tariff conditions. Whatever the motive, the opposition is now as much divided on the tarifi uiestion as the government supporters are, and the line of cleavage is not be- tween the two parties, but cuts through both of them. Great Rotk-Ong Expected. Montreal Gazet eR "mill owners threaten to fot out 150,000 workers on eta: Fis eT I i | sa582 unched when be sent his dirty linen | r the | It. is now apparent why Mr. Borden | tion. The adequate tariff idea will not ! the sudden change of position on the, in| ra | MOORE, THE NEWS OF WORLD occu RRENCES REC RECOUNTED BRIEF FORM. Maiters.That Interest Everybody Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re- membgred, A naval military tournament tour Canada in 1912. The C.P.R. estimates the north week vield wt 94,700,000 bushels. Mayor Gaynor will 'resume hus duties as mayor of New York city on Oc tober 3rd, The nine Q.O0.K. officers who are suf- feringrirom typhoid are making satis- factory prozress. Ontario grown hes on sale in London, "Eng., re Tetoling the hikh- est prices of the market, James F, McEvoy, a retired lumber merchant and miller, is dead, at Tor: onto, aged seventy-six years, William J. Bryan has announced he cannot support the democratic nomi- nee for governor of Newaidia. Seven persons were killed and twen- ty-pine injured hw a ecllision between ess train: wear Rotterdam. fon. Blaise Letellier nay be ap- pointed jurige of the Quebec superior conrt ty sueceed the late Judge i Gagne. ale Prince of Wales and Prince Al bert, probably, will tour the world next autumn visting the principal dominions. Deidrich Tierhert, a thirteen -yvear- old »e¥, has heen committed for trial at Gretna, Man., on the charge of murdering his cousin, Japanese socialists are accused of plotting to assassinate the emperor. { The plotters have been arrested and will certainly be put to death. It is reported the Old Guard rgpub- licans, in New York, may propose Senator Root for temporary one of the convention at Saratoga. The provindial police have been noti- fied of the arrest, at Toledo, of Frank Jackson, a nerro, wanted at Chatham on 'a charge' of murder. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy has con- tributed $5,000 to the Montreal Notre Dame hospital fund, which brine the total contributions up to $204,073. Bernath Glick, Kansas City, gave $20,000 to J. H,"Rust to keep him at £125 nn month as long as he lived. He {Be lived 'Wis months. Rust gets $18. Charles Lewis and Andrew Tuttle, { Toronto restaurant. koopers, have heen found guilty of receiving supplies stolen from the R. & 0. steamer Tor- onto, Alexander Meolver, St. Yéhn, N.B., | fifty years of age, fell from the top of a seventy foot. acid tower at Miram- fichi Pulp Works and was killed in: stantly. Nixteen of the most prominent so- ciety leaders in Newport are now in hospital for treatment. Their illness is f due to the strenuousnery of an excep- tionally gay season. Dr. Hawley P. Crippen, charized with i the murder of his 'wife, Belle Ellmore, and. Ethel Clara Leneve charged with being an gocessory uiter the facts have been committed for trial,' A Maltese eat 'and three voung kit- | tens were found in an ice car that ar- irived in Montelair, N..J., They were lying on a large eke of ice and seem: od little the worse for, their cold lodg- ing. | The new . president of the Can- { ndinn Manufacturers' Assodation to {succeed . John Hendry, it is' under- stood], will he W. H. Rowley, Ottawa, general manager of the E. B. Eddy company, Hull, THE WHIG'S PUZZLE. IN will 6x ! } | What famous ball player? Yesterday's puzzle--Cylinder. Somethi Wrong Surely. Toronto Mail and Empire. is something wrong with a legal system which allows a man to remain three months in jail although innocent. of the offence charged against him. In the recent ease of this kind, the judge expressed his regret for the situntion in which the victim had Aen heen placed, and gave hith an honor 'able acquittal. Bat there was no real } imprisonment jury of the per print ery eI a "1 sufficient no the a of time the accused had ex- {| perienged. ov pd Settlenseita of Terim: conl ial cases ought to be provided for. At Belmont Park aviation tourna- the meet. the managers ashounce an ad- » 'ditional prige of $5,000 to the aviator |g who will reach. a height of 10,000 feet re £2 fi EA YOR TTT 3 m8 Bab LA] LTTE liv [lie IS No doubt about an enamelled bed's mere sucface 'Warrants real satist action to the buyer Its snowy enamel will stay white; its parts will not work loose. Euow why "Ideal " Metal Beds are Ask for ~The ON Installment Plan Ten cases of New Fall Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, just received. These include the latest and best styles in Overcodts and Suits, Men's, Ladies' and Children's Underwear, Sweater Coats and Dress Goods of New York design; Girls' and Children's Coats, Flannelette Blankets, largest sizes made; Woollen Blankets, $3.50 to $6.50; Table Cloths and Table Linen, Towels and Towelling at low prices. Tapestry Curtains; also large "assortment of Lockets, Bracelets, Rings, Watches at LOWEST PRICES. Easy Payment Plan, Weekly. Come and examine stock and com- pare prices, Jos. B. Abramson, 4 COLBORNE STREET. I LU Your Liver is Clogged up That's Why Yeu're Tired--Owt of Borte---Havrs Ne Appetite. Monit OF BUTTE. MISS ROSA McAHAN How After Twd Years She Found a Remedy for Dandruff. MissRosa McAhan, of 211 West Qartz street, Butte, Mont., says : '"Herpicide has thoroughly cleansed my scalp of dandruff, with which if was entirely covered; and it hax stopped my falling hair. 1 hae tried many different pre parations, fm the past two years, but none took effect except Newhro's Her: pitide." Dandruff is a germ disease and Herpicide is an infallible destroyer of the germ. 'Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Kill the dandrufi germ. Ask your druggist for Herpi- cide. It is a delightful dressing: allays itching; makes the hair soft as silk Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c in stamps for sample to The Herpicide o.. Detroit, Mich. $1 bottle guaran- teed. James B. McLeod, druggist, spe- cial agent, Kingston, Ont. ery Woman satisfaction in his, Now would the | >ok se og | The H.D. Bibby Co. | New Collars, 2 for 25c. Latest Collars, 2 for 23c. OU are invited to our Over coat Feast, Sir ? We'll show § you the best efforts of the coun- § try lest overcoat makers. They're handsome, indeed ! Call at your convenience. Fall Overcoats In Grey Vicunas, $8, $10, $12.50, $15. Black Cheviots, $10, $12.50, $15. Fancy Cravenettes, $8.50, $10, $12.50, $15. Winter Overcoots $ in the very newest and smartest models, $8. $10, $12, $15, $18, $20. Don't miss seein} our $15 Stanford Overcoats New Fall Suits Wean place a hat dsome Fall Suit on you that will ogi to pay, and with the style of which you will be pleased. SUITS, $10, $12, $13, $18. HRCEOECEOROSORCH ERMOMONON PRGRORORCH New Gloves § Fownd's and Dent's English make, $1,'$1.25, $1.50. New Hats See our Christy Derby at hn. yn mmr a |The H.D.Bibby Co The Big Store With Little Prices. Householders Attention! Have your furnace attended to cost you any more than you'll be willing § ERE "hl 7 BR Hey before the Voll weather begins. All | orders given special attention. Elliott Bros, Telephone 35. "$4.50 The Best Shoe in the world for women with tender feet. The Restshit is a high grade shoe, full of style and full of solid comfo t. We bave them in two stylee--high heels and narrow toe, medium heels and medium toes--cariied ne D. i E. E. & F. widths. PRICE, $4.50 BUT WORTH IT. - ne ssp pr S--