Our Crystal Brand Of Standard Grandiated Sugar {8 va- Suna for preserving or table use. ANDREW MN. Dropsy -- "I kd dropsy, and was told by my family physician that there w: is no chance for me. My family also gave me up. 'My limbs 2 nd body were swollen one-third larger than natural, water osllected around my heart and I 'wad to be propped up in bed to Iceep from ing. 1 took Ur. Miles' Heart Remedy | until ¥ was entirely cured. This ACLEANS, Ontario Birest WM. MURLAY, Auctioneer. J . special at- Suraiturs Sales ates of Farms kote, have "n my specialty J' farmers want oh , gd' my services. T SQUARE. ebb bets BIBBY'S GAB STAND : Phone 201 DAY OR NIGHT OUR ROOSTER BRAND | vo do sony sina of smo abe farm. « My cure was certaini Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at y ce ly forty-five cents a pound is a geod | marvelé us." Tobacco. Why pay eighty-five? : ANDREAY MACLEAN, { L. TURLEY CURD, o Wilmore, Ky. ntario Hireot. ns Fort In the etarts grape Grow-] Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy has A ha anu r ntoed 10 | Deen wonderfully svccessful in relieving heart trouble. Its tonic effect upon the heart nerves and muscles is a great factor in assisting nature to overcome I 1 re, dr da > Yer wine: ema ao (he Dusk Hapariol at heart weakness. Priee $1.00 at your druggist. He should WRIT th Sola. "gy RC J. LAWLER, Golden 1 supply you. If he does not, send price Lion BI hones 767. to us, we forward prepaid. J. E. Hutcheson AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER, ------ A gent to $17 A endereon s. Btores 3 on. x orompe en « was in 1902, and I am now able THE GLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS. There are other hotels, but none approach the Club for homelike sur- roundings, i Located In centre of city and close to principal stores and theatre. Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week. vl : . M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Ladies' Costume Tailor Ladies, you want to save your money and not having bother to fix your clothes, ; So come to L. Winstine at 159 Wal- lington Street, and be berfectly ube | of your fit. Everything you like is. @ whet you come and take your | measure. i And an extra design is made for each | Jady. S. T.KIRK Carries a Complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries Flour and Feed Why not buy where you get best value for your money? » ' ow "When you will give your order it Ra shiow you what the tallor tells L. WINSTINE, "Phone 993. . / 281 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. Piione 417. NEURALGIA TOOTHAGHE HEADACHE RHEUMATISM CURED INSTANTLY WITH NERVOL aisle choral PRICE: 25 CENTS 1 your druggist has not it, write to Lyons' Cut Rate Drug Stores 8 Bleury St, Montreal Sole Agents for Canada. ing? © 1 ean Supply Wall Plaster, Une P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. BE WISE And have your heating and cook-~ fog arrangements in good shape before the cold wintry days set i n 'We have a splendid lot of Ranges and Heaters in stock, as good as hew, at extremely low prices it will pay you to see them bes fore buying elsewhere. All kinds of Household Goods bought and sold. Antique Fursiture a Specialty, Give us a call L. LESSES, Cor Princess und Chatham Sta, [~Asaya- - THE N REMEDY FOR Consump- tion. "'AsAvA:NRURALL" feeds the nerves with Lecithin (obtain- re- WHERE CLERGY LIE BURIED. Beneath the Rodr of the Great City's Life Are to Be Found Hundreds of Tombs Where Rest the Earthly Remains of Men Who Served the Altars Above--They Range From Archbishops to Humblest Priests. Far from the roar of life, the dead sleep their long sleep behind the dust of many is beneath the streets over which modern life moves Archbishops, bishops, hundreds of priests, rest beneath the sanctuaries of the various Roman Catholic churches in Montreal. 3 A various and eager life passes over their heads, 'but "cannot break their sleep." In a past day, they were influen- tial. They filled their sacred position i ility, and with zeal. They i word. They delivered their solemn mes. sage, and now they rest from their labors beneath those altars which are served by others. One can see their graves in the darkness' of subterranean depths. By the flickering light, you can see the coffineha mounds, made of concrete, which tells of se hré be- neath; decipher the Latin inscrip- tions on the walls, which set forth the vanity of all things mortal, and the tragedy of human mutation. "Vanitas; vanitatum." The little army of priests of the Bulpicisn Order, which was founded in Paris in 1641 by Monsieur Jean Jacques Oliver, and a of which was set up in Montreal in 16567, and who labored in the young colony under hardships of the most poignant nature, sleep under the voults in the great Notre Dame Church which is shortly to be the scene of unequalled splendors in connéction with the Eucharistic Con- gress. All told, there are 135 buried under the sanctuary in Notre Dame. Their names are kept in the regis- ters of the Grand Beminary. "Come I will show you," said Cure Troie, of the ¢ parish church, in ae Seki pe, du n ong ps, down into the bowels of the earth, and one sees, by the aid of the elec- trie flash, a great stone wall, stretch. ing across the width of the church. i is he, door which "No, you are mistaken. This door ind tel ich, kp "Orn ts? Souvenirs?" te hoa a Ye their ; relics, of value from age and the associations linked with you see the vault whieh contains the dead. At least, you can- not see it actually, for you see it is up. "This vault, gwhich contains the remains of the Sulpician priests, has been sealed up since 1875. Sinee that date none have buried at Notre Dame. This chu was built in 1829. We took over from the erypt of the old parish church all the bodies that were there, and deposited them in this vault. We have gone on bury: ing in this church from that date un. til 1875, since which all the burials have taken place in the Grand Sem- inary vaults on Sherbrooke street. "Well, when the burials ceased, wa closed up the vault. We placed this marble. slab against it. nd above the slab you see this picture, which Bells ¢ of prayer in the presence of "Now, if one could break down this wall, what would one see?" "You would see a large the centre of a level space. by side, and, of course, one on top of the other; but in the shelf-like Rome." "There is nothing visible, then?" "Nothing. There i Ii i assist in getting away with a large dinner, and in order fo insure the consumption of the allotted por- tion visi Indians call professi eaters, whose to sit beside them thro away. The professional eaters are never losked upon in the light of guests, but more as traveling companions with a particular duty to perform. - These eaters receive from $1 to $2 and even $8 for each meal where they assist. It is stated that ome of the professional eaters was known to have disposed of some seven pounds of beef at a sitting. y The Unblessed Meek. Bishop 'Farthing of Montreal is a man of striking and aggressive per- sonality. In the old days, when he was rector of a church in the diocese of Huron, he showed on more than one occasion that he was not one of those ¢ who believe in Jetting sleeping lie. He never took a passive attitude for the sake of peace when he felt that he ought to take ac- tion in any matter, and on more than one occasion he displayed his dis approval of men who were inclined to be perfectly satisfied so long as Bun- day came round once every seven days and thus gave them a chance to air their eloquence. Several years , Canon Farthing was visiting in to during the meeting of the Synod, and on that occasion he took the op express his di wal of t type of man. e described ho gave the whole chu a reputation which did not fit with its claim to be- ing militant, and told a story to illus. trate his point. He said a certain Anglican rector discovered that the district in which he labored contained a man who de- served to be brought to book for a set- ies of offences the community. He was a bold ly in the locality, because there had been no one to bring him to book, so the clergyman sterted things moving. When the man went to his lawyer, the legal gentle. man asked how the prosecutions were started, and the man told him. "I am surprised to hear that," said the Jawyer, x inays, bad a great . or ican clergymen, as thought aAaglican took the trouble to interfere with anything." Canada on the Water. Retaining its position of tenth place in the aggregaie of the world's ship. ing, the Dominion of Canada had on ts register books at the epd of last year, 7,768 vessels measuring 718,333 tons, an increase of 166 vessels and Joa a as Sampared with ghe wr Pes year. e number of steamers on the register books on the J was 3,229, with a gross ton- of 513,963. ing the average ue Lie rates 8d. Ref ilies x i { become the source of sufferi | Certainly and us positively on all female troubles 84 aNti-toxin does on 2c. a Box at your druggist's. will make life comfortable for you again, They relieve the worst headache m 30 minutes or less. National Drug und Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, - « . Monuments pr manship Guaranteed at Lowest Poss. ible Prices. i A Call of Inspection Solicited. JAS, MULLEN 8 Doors Above Barrie Street, op 0000000000000 00QC0D OAC OCOD 0T000000 00000000, Householders Attention! Have your furnace attended to before the cold weather begins. All orders given special attention. Elliott Bros., Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. COO000000000 00 00000000000000000000 An Object of Pit call the emotional is much merg highly des They are more sensitive, more tends) more sym- @ to the ax. tremes of pleasure and pain; and these refined mental qualities, no less than beaut That part of eur nature which we veloped tn women than in men pathetic, more pronounced in their likes and dislikeg, more susceptl of form and feature, make up the always surrounds true womaniiness The continued existence of these atmosphere of attractiveness and charm which winning, engaging womanly characteristics : depends {0 a very large extent on the regulacity of the womanly functions and the | condition of the womanly organs; and when these functions and organs become din. ordered or diseased the same mantal qualities which are the glory of a well woman ig and torture almost indescribable. Her cheery h - fulness is changed to a feeling of despogdency, aimost of despair, and she is haunted with forebodings of worse evils to come Instead of being entertaiiing and come panionable, she becomes moody and irritable, being unabls to keep her mind from dwelling on her troubles. She becomes morbidly sensitive, imagining that she is being slighted or foresaken by her relatives and friends and she has 8 most humili- ating sense of her miserable condition and of her loss of her worganly attributes, It she is religlhusly inclined she is very Mable to be oppressed with doubts and fears in regard to her spiriiual condition, or te think that she is eternally lost. In ad- dition to this, she has alse (0 endure the most distressing aches and pains. What makes the case still more pitinble, especially with married women, Is the fact that few men understand or appreciate the extent of their suffering. or the seriousness of the troubles causing it Many doctors evon spesk of theses disorders as subjects for ridicule, and the poor sufferer often gets a repufiition for being a crank or a acold when she more nearly approaches betng a martyr, As these disorders are due 10 a disordered condition of the womanly organs, it is evident that to effect a eure these Organs must be restored to normal condition; or, in other words, the circulation, which has become congested and stagnant in these {| parts, must be improved so that the waste matter will be expelled, and the nourish- | ment so badly needed be brought to these suffering organs. " . sor {thet esuses most of the suffering by oppressing t It is the waste matter, broken down tissue, which fis held in the stagnant blood vessels fn these parts, ie nerves located in these parts. a remedy' known as ORANGE LILY will positively relieve this congestion and restore norma culation in the disordered | organs. It is an applied or local treatment, and acts wholly on these parts. It is absorbed into the blood vessels in these organs. and as if has erful antiseptic properties, it diately acts on the waste mat- | ter held there, and causes it to be As this dead matter is the verves are relieved, vessels become sf LILY thus proves §h x tunl, visible results It acts as Aiph the hth, 1900. change it has suid nmi April 1 am very grateful to ORANGE LILY for the be When | commenced its use it soont 1 befors the year un rnded Tha P iI Sieced oh BA HOTEL DIRECTORY, DESERONTO, G6 te the STEWART HOUSE Leading Commercial Hotel. Rates, §1.50 per 4s JAS, STEWART, Prop. TRAVELLING, rp NL DRE LL Annual Horse Show Montreal, P.Q., Sept. 27th to Oct. 1st. Round Trip Tickets will be Issued Wednesday. Sept. 28th, at $3.80. Including one admission to the Horse Show, good to return until Oct. 3rd. Low Colonist Rates Pacific Coast DAILY, SEPT. 15th to OCT. 15th, Vv. ; FANgRYER BO SEATTLE sir, o PORTLAND, OREGON DAILY, OOT. 1st to 13th. N 1 CAL. LEE | $47.05 MEXICO CITY, MEX. . And other points at rates in propor. tion. For full information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Streets, ar- arrive RAILWAY Connection With LOW COLONIST RATES PACIFIC COAST Vancouver, B.C, Victoria, B.C. $45 10 Portiand Oreg. » Daily, Oct. 1st to 15th, Los Angeles "al San Die Cal, and other points at rates in propor- tion. Leave Kingston 12.01 pm, rive Ottawa § p.m. Kingston 3.56 p.m. Full particulars at K. & P. and KincsTong PEMBROK In CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY. Daily, Sept. 15th to Oct. 15th, Seattle, Wash. San Francisco. ("al 1 $47 05 Mexico City, Mex. | . Kingston-Ottawa Leave Ottawa 10.45 am. C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Taplin leaves Union Station, Ontario street, 4 p.m. dally .(SBunday Sxoppted) 'or Tweed, Sydenha Napanee, - yuto, Bannockburn and all nts north, Fo secure quick despatch jo Bajnook, urn, Maynooth, and pint on Centra Bane Fou a our opments via uinte Rallway. For 1 or - wlars, ry R. W. DIC . KAeent. one, No. Ph Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Str.North King 1000 Islands~Rochester Commencing Sept. 4th, steamer leave Kingston Sundays at 10.15 a.m. for Alexandria Bay, Gananoque, and Rockport, Returning, teave at 5 p.m, for Rochester, N.Y., calling at Bay of Quinte ports. Str. Aletha Leaves Kingston daily except Sundays at 3 p.m. for Picton and Intermediate Bay of Quinte ports. Full information from James Bwift & Co., J. P, Hanley, Freight Agenis. Ticket Agent 200000 00000080046000004 Sowards Keeps Coal AND Coal Keeps Sowards. HAVE YOU TRIED HIM? Phone 155. SOME TIMES IT 15 ABSOLUTELY NEGESSARY......... That people be reminded continually that you are ready to sell them the things they want. This Is a busy world with lots of people in #, and some of us are apt to be forgotten if we don't keep digging. That's our business. digging, and wo are still at §t. Digging at you once in a while also lest you forget to have the pipes pul In your house and enjoy the many benefits derived by the use of gas for cooking. CHEAP, CLEAN & CONVENIENT. gto. 1 & Pow 0. PRR TPAC SR SRR :E COAL! | "me kind sou are looking for 8 Scranton Coal 1 S008 com) And yar NAR BOOTH & CO, $5