PALE TWO, Never in the history the store have we o hown such High-Class esigns and lower rices. PEs = 0 ; 5 S0U0 OOOO BIRNOOOOBORITR OSS . soesBseocsovesenve S80000000000000000000 vd oo A 7 " is 4 very Important part of our business: : Whatever your requirements in this line, consult us. We know you'll giadly en- dorse our claim of being ex- who do thelr work just right. DAVID HALL, 66 Brock St. "Phones, Store, 385 : : : Residence, 856 B00 000000000000000000000000000000000S For Pickling We can supply you with strictly PURE SPICES, ground also Pickling Vine- LAY D. COUPER, HR FRONTENAC BSTADLISHED 1863. ? Mon: nterest allowed. 8. ©. MoGuid: Nasaging, Direct H PARKS& SON, SRE Florists | Day 'Phone #39. Night "Phone 235. ; { Qut Flowers and Plants in ands Weddin and Funeral De- ol a specialty shipped to all patsr, kde treet. A Cough Is a Foe | Rut tan be easily overcome by 'using Dr. t1all's Cough Balsam. | A tow doses give immediate re- | Het. Try a bottle to-day and you will pever be without this valuable remedy. Large Bottles, 25c. "0, Hold in Kingston by... & tir Richard WEEE ved } {day a consignment juét as large came | to the city, Now is the time to order. We can give you our best ser- vice. Our Stocks of Skins, Linings, ete., are complete. We are here to show you. Come in to-day. : No obligations to] buy. ' JOHN MeKAY, FUR HOUSE, 4 149-135 Brock St. Curtains or Furniture You should always go to Harrison's. : We have "Just received our New Fall Oarpets. A beautiful variety of Axmin- ster and Wilton Rugs. Color effects never before produced. A number of Axminsters in the reliable wood shades. Yours, T. FoHarrison Co. "Phone 90. FRUIT RUSH IS ON BIG CONSIGNMENTS RECEIVED BY LOCAL MERCHANTS, Plentiful Crop of Peaches, Pears and Grapes--A Busy Time for the Housewives the Next Few Days Quite a Scarcity in Plums This Season. The fruit rush is now on, and the local merchafits, engaged in this busi- ness, are very busy." The other day a shipment of about 1,700 baskets of fruit arrived in the city, and yester When these shipments ave on, it means extra work . for the railways, and the express companies, and these officials are certainly having their hands full these days. One of Kingston's leading fruit merchants was asked yesterday after- noon. by a Whig representative, about the fruit crop this year and he said that, on the whole, it was very good. "There are plenty of peaches and pears," he said, "and there i= also an abundance of grapes, and 1 must say, that the gi ty is much better than last your." ' This should be encouraging news to Lhe housyives of Ringuioe, who will sv for the next days, putting esto fruit down the fruit, Yestorday, all 'packed with fruit, nad the i "drop. Al the fruit fo comes v that Ki from and HRY "| lovely with pink Gold in > % 4 Mrs. A. K. Kirkpatrick, Johnston street gave a tes, yesterday afternoon in honor of Miss Kathleen O'Hara the bride-elect of Tuesday next. Mrs. Hir am Calvin poured tea and Mrs, Cap- pon, coffee. The ice cream, etc, was by a bevy of young ladies, sting Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Dur- the afternoon Mr. Geoffrey 0'- Hara, Bound Brook, N.J., delighted his many listeners by singing several songs most beautifully, We are pleas ed to hear Me. O'Hara is to sing 'a solo at his sister's wedding, next Tues- day, in St. Cethges esthedral, Mrs. W. Lesslie, George street, enter tained at dinner, last Tuesday even- ing, in honor of Miss Eva Rogers and Prof. P. G. C. Campbell, when covers were laid for ten. Besides the guests of honor were Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Marion Lesslie and the hostess herself, and Mr. Arthur Dalton, Mr. H. F. Rich- ardson, Mr. E. ¥. 8. Dawson and Mr. i The floral decorations were pink asters and feathery green artistically arranged and hanging from the chandeliers + F. Pound, 175 Clergy street, held her post-ouptial reception, on Thursday afternoon, and was assisted by her gistef, Mrs, Percy Chown. They received in the pretty drawing-room, which was radiant with rich crimson dahlias, while in the tearoom pink and white asters were the floral decor- ations. Here Mrs. Harry Wilkins pre sided, 'assisted by Miss Hattie Chown, Miss Lettie Walker, and the bride's two sisters, Miss Evelyn and Miss Pdna Norris, The visitors were too numerous to igntion. Mrs. J. Craig, Princess street, gave a girls' tea, this oon, in honor of the bride-clect, Miss Kathleen 0'- Hara. Bliss O'Hara received with Mrs, Craig in the drawing-room, which was and white asters. The same decorations were in the ten room, where Mrs. R. H. Mackerras cut joes and Mrs. Hugo Craig poured cof- fee, and assisting were Mrs. J. D. Craig, Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Grace and Miss Eva Martin, Miss Nan Paterson and Wise Leta Carson. * + 9 Mrs. RT. Walkem, Vancouver, en- tertained at a very smart luncheon on Wednesday, at her mew home, at Shaughnessy Heights, in honor of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Hugh Walkem, of Montreal, who is visiting ber. The nests included Mrs. D. G. Macdonell, re. C. G. Henshaw, Mrs. J. B. Mills, Mrs. J. W. Kerr, Mrs. W. A. Macdon- ald, Mrs. W. BE. Burns, Mus. Stanley Henderson and Mis. Arthur Jones, The luncheon was followed by a few rub- » = LIN There wos a fair attendance at the they look. " {Iva Martin, Taylor, Miss M. Hora and Miss Eleanor Mac. donell, a * + 9% Mrs. W. Lesslie, George street, is giving a tea, on Monday, ns a fare well to hér old home. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Lesslie will greatly miss their hospitality, which has been widely extended within the walls of the George street home for so many years, but are glad that their old friends have decided to remain en pension in Kingston. * 0 There has been no croquet tourna. ment, this week, only friendly games being in, but to-day (had the weather permitted) the tournament could have been resumed and excite ment would hate again prevailed, v Mrs. W. Kirkpatrick, Barrie street, save a tea, on Thursday, in honor of rs.. A. W. Savary, of Annapolis, wha is the t of Rev. T. W. and Mrs. Savary, St. James' parsonage. * wv There will be a dance at the Yacht Club, on Wednesday next, and every body, chaperones, girls and men, will work con amore to make it a great success. * +» ' The many. friends of Mre. Bowen Van Straubenzie, "Kirkleatham," regret to learn that she and her daughters have decided to remain in England for the coming winter. Mis. C.° Kirkpatrick, Frontenac street, returned home on Thursday from Halifax. Her father, Bishop Wor- rell accompanied her as far as Mon- treal, where they spent a few days to- gether. Mise Rita and Miss Edna Cosby, of Toronto, are expected to arrive on Monday for the Craig-0'Hara wedding and will be the guests of Mrs. KI. O'Hara, Wellington street. * > » Mr. H. M. Tandy, Clergy street, who has spent the summer in Kingston, left yesterday for Toronto. Dr. C. Cartwright and Mrs. Cant- wright, visiting Sir Richard and Lady Cariwright at "The Maples," left, yes- terday, for Vancouver. Mr. H. C. Bates, Hales' Cottage, has returned from Deseronto after a very pleasant visit with Mr. J. Howard. * %* 9 Mrs. J. Fisher, Bound Brook, N.J, arrived, yesterday, and is the guest of her wneclo and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dobbs, Barrie street. Mr, Geofirey O'Hara, Bound Brook, N.J., arrived on Friday, and is the guest of his mother, Mes, R. O'Hara, Wellington street. Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Adams, Ottawa, arrived, yesterday, and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. Craig, Princess street. Miss E. Kelloxg is the guest of Rev. J. 0. and Mrs. Crisp, the parsonage, i has - been | Every Section in Our ; New Portsmouth, vipting in Toronto for some time, Ladies' Ready-to Wear Department is now replete with fashion's very latest requirements, and You Are Invited to see just what they ate and how NEW MILLINERY at Moderate Prices and No Two room, and the newest creations and New York. and $2.50 up. In Patent Leather, Flastic, and pew buckle designs. and Fou The motto adopted in this department, "Modern Millingy Hats Alike," has already bem productive of splendid results, By all means come and see whal we are offering in Millinery, the products of our own work- of the master minds of Paris ---- NEW CORSETS In the most approved models, 50c., 5c., $1.00, $1.50, $2.09 NEW BELTS Gold Cloth, in various widths NEW NECKWEAR Raw Styles and colors in Jabots, Collars, Bows NEW WAIS BD00000000000000.0000000008000000000000 * | her household are returning + | friends are Er required. BLACK Ed / AND WHITE CRECK We are selllng at 15¢ YARD. POSEN C0CNN000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Ladies' Trimmed Hats We are showing over 200 Ladies' Trimmed fats at $2.75 and up. By paying ONE DOLLAR you can have any HAT laid aside until Ladies' Fall Underwear White and Grey. The best line in the city at 25c. Come and get some of the DRESS GCODS rr ------ -- and is on her way tome to Halifax. Mrs. J. J. Teliord, Kentucky, the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. J. Mathe- sop, "Rose Lea," is now visiting in Rochester. Miss Mattie Wilkins, Trenton, is ex: pected on Monday evening, to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig, Prin- cess street. ' Mrs. S. F, Stewart and daughter, Miss Flora, Harrowsmith, are expect- ed, on Tuesday, to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig, Princess street, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Everett Shaw, who have been residing for the past two months at "Earlscourt," returned his week to their home in Brooklyn, N.Y. . * & Miss Charlotte Howison has left, torday, for the Convent de Notre Dame, Point Aux Tremble, Montreal, Que, Miss Grace Chalmers visiting her brother-in-law, Mr. yes, Na- panes, returned, yesterday, to Mrs. W, Allison's, Adolphustown, where she has spent the summer. Miss B. Hurse, Victorian nurse, ex- pects to leave for New York on the rd of October, for a two weeks' vaca- tion, Miss Bessie Smythe, West street, ar- rived home, to-day, at noon, after a delightful visit in Toronto. Mr. Clive Betts is expected home on Monday for the Craig-0'Hara wedding on Tuewday. Mrs. W. F. Jackson, and little daughter, Athol, accompanied by her cousin, Mrs, Armbrister, of Nassau, spent a few days this week with Mrs, A. K. Kirkpatrick, Johnson street. Dr. R. W. Garrett, Johnson street, took his daughter, Miss Mamic and son, Willie, and Miss Lassie Kirkpat- rick on a delightful motoring trip for a few days this week. \ Allaive Shortt, "Otterburn," will not receive on Tuesday, and her many friends regret to hear she and ta New York on Thursday to be absent from Kingston for a longer period than usual. Mise Mabel Brownfield, Wellington street, is leaving next week for New York. Miss Elspy Moore and Nr. Arthur Moore, New York, are expected in town for the Craig-0'Hara wedding next week, + % 9 Lieutenant-Colonel D. T. R. Tm- ming, Miss Grace Hemming and Cap- tain and Mrs, A. de Mowbray Bell re- turned on Thursday from their camp- ing; they were away eleven days and never had a spot of rain. Prof. and Mrs. Kalmas are now com- fortably settled in Mr. R. Easton Burns' house, on Frontenac street. Dr. and Mrs, A. H. Singleton, of PRouleau, Sask., are in town, and old very pleased to see them oS. both. Mr: and Mrs, Ronald McKee, who have been visiting Mrs. W. A, Sawyer, University avenue, have gone to Have lock for a few days, and after that will return to their home in Peterboro. ¢ + + Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Stewart, Tren- ton, are expected in on Tuesday, to bp muesis at the Craig-O'Hara wedding. Mrs. J. D. Craig, Ottawa, who has been visiting at Cape Vincent, all summer, arrived, on Thursday, and is the guest of Mrs. Hugo Craig, Urion street. Captain and Mrs. James Hamilton, and Miss Lenore, are home again and are in their houke. 167 King street, Mrs. E. 1. Forit, returned from Tor. onto, on Wednesday, alter a delight- ful visit. ; * * 4 The marriage has been announced, for October 5th, of Miss May Light- bound, daughter of Mrs. Geosge Light- bound, to Mr, Norman Edgar Hill, son of the Rev. J. Edgar Jhil and Mrs. Hill, to take place at Bt. Andrew's Church of Scotland, Montreal. A Coming Recital. Towards the end of October the music-loving here will have a will be that t of musical satisfaction 10 all who hear then is to say what all know. iss Muriel King, sod to say x hese two will bring an evening |3 | Chips | ASTHMA CUBE Will give quick relief and ulti- mately cure any case of Asthma, Bronchial Asthma, Bronchitis and any deep-seated cough. This remedy, !f taken in time, will prevent those dreadful attacks of suffocation to which asthmatic sufferers are subject. It will ward off futhre attacks, strengthen the bronchial tubes and establish easy, natural breathing. Large bottle, (0c, guaran- teed. The Rexall Store 'Q@ DRUG STORE | | i i CORRIGAN'S. COLONIAL cut "GLASS These pleces are severe in their plainness being cut out of very heavy "Rock Crystal" Blanks with the simplest thread decorations, These articles come in Claret Bottles, Dessert Setts, Candle- sticks, ete. SMITH BROS., Jewellers. ians, Optic 850 KING STREET. POCO TOOPNOOOEPOIO00000000COOOSIIOINIGS Issuers of Marriage Licenses. X 50 Dozen Ladies' Elastic Ribbed Underwear, Vests and Drawers, White or Grey. Vesta are butoned in front, trimmed with lace and ribbon, "have long sleeves with elastic cuffs, Drawers are angle length, Regular value, 36¢ each To-night 25¢ a Garment. Silk Ribbons. ; All the best colors. 15¢ a Yard. Extra. value in Wide ASK TO SEE OUR RANGE OF DOLLAR CORSETS. SIX STYLES TO SHOW. Newman, & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. FURS. 76.78 BROCK STREKT. W. F. Gourdier. Bargain A Real Estate $1200.00 BUYS Double Dwelling on Gore Street, near King; 5 rooms éach, Rent brings in $156.00 per year, lected. Mullin, H ouses to let and rent col- Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. Broken Spectacles : and Eye Classes We can supply New Frames for your Old Lens or New Lens for Oid Frames or give you New Leas and Frames, properly testing the eyes. We repair or replace all broken or lost parts of spect. S$, acles or eye glasses. 3 Our charges are reasonable and satisfaction is assured al Dr. A. P.Choun, Druggist, Optician, ssoo0esvocsadencovenee S000 0000000QGORIOROOSOGS Waar yy, @ sania nr W " i der) RL Sh AL Baby Belle--1 Kiow nuffisg 'bout a Sam and Harry laundry. Sailor Jack ----- A laundry is where all Fluffy Ruffles take duds. Buster Brown ~- A Cemetery laundry is where they bury Mike's robes. Wise Minnlo<-A Sanitary laun- Gry Is seldom---but mother says she found a real one at Kingston Laundry Cor, Princess & Sydesham Sts. soe \ Seminary the their geo ose BO000000000000000000000000000000000000000000